INTRODUCTION · 2020. 1. 12. · tribute a deeper biblical understanding of the wide spectrum of mental health and counseling needs within our Chinese churches. Each of our speakers

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Page 1: INTRODUCTION · 2020. 1. 12. · tribute a deeper biblical understanding of the wide spectrum of mental health and counseling needs within our Chinese churches. Each of our speakers
Page 2: INTRODUCTION · 2020. 1. 12. · tribute a deeper biblical understanding of the wide spectrum of mental health and counseling needs within our Chinese churches. Each of our speakers


How do we understand mental health from a biblical perspective?How does the Bible speak into the wide range of struggles that our church members face?How can we grow in understanding the need for a biblical approach to mental health and counseling issues within our Chinese churches? It is our privilege to present to you our one day conference, “Meeting Counseling and Mental Health Needs in the Church.” We hope to con-tribute a deeper biblical understanding of the wide spectrum of mental health and counseling needs within our Chinese churches. Each of our speakers have unique and valuable ministry insight into how the Chi-nese/Chinese-American church can be more involved in understanding and addressing the mental health needs of its members. Our conference is for pastors, church leaders, and interested laypeople.We hope you can join us!

我們如何從聖經的角度來認識和理解心理問題?聖經是如何對教會中基督徒經歷的各種掙扎來說話的?我們如何學習並加深理解華人教會中對用聖經來做輔導和心理諮詢的需要? 我們很榮幸可以介紹我們只為期一天的會議,“面對教會輔導與心裡健康的需要。”我們旨在為加深華人教會對於如何使用聖經來理解和面對各種心裡健康問題和輔導的需要,而做出一點綿薄之力。我們的每一個講員都有着寶貴並獨特的事工經驗和視角,以幫助華人/美國華人教會加深對其會眾中心裡健康問題需要的理解,並學習如何應對。


Page 3: INTRODUCTION · 2020. 1. 12. · tribute a deeper biblical understanding of the wide spectrum of mental health and counseling needs within our Chinese churches. Each of our speakers


John Applegate, M.D. (安浩然)

Dr. Applegate is a board certified psychiatrist practicing in Philadelphia. He has been in private practice in addition to working at the local univer-sity and hospital since graduating in 2005. John is a ruling elder at his local urban church where he and his family are thankful to live in gospel community. He is the director of the Philadelphia Renewal Network.

Peter Chow, M.Div., Ph.D. (周功和牧師)

上海出生;香港長大;費城是住得最長的地方。學歷: B.S., University of Pennsylvania; M.Div., Th.M., Westminster Theo-logical Seminary; Ph.D., Temple University工作經歷: 牧會: 中華基督教會暨服務中心 (1982-92)三一華人基督教會(2005-11;2014-)神學教育:中華福音神學院 (1975-79): 道生神學院(1993-95);中華福音神學院 (1995-2005), 曾任教務主任、研發部主任、系統神學教授;院長(2011-14)著作: 《基督教科學觀》;《信、望、愛:聖經倫理學導論》;《榮耀光中活水泉: 論救恩與靈恩》; 《正反不合:現代、後現代、聖靈的時代》主編:《聖經真的沒錯嗎:聖經底本無誤論的再思》家庭: 周牧師與周一心師母有三個孩子: 贊怡, 贊新與贊穎;兩個外孫女 Vera & Madeleine.

Peter was born in Shanghai, grew up in Hong Kong, and Philadelphia is the place that he calls home.EDUCATION: B. S., University of Pennsylvania; M. Div., Th. M., West-minster Theological Seminary; Ph. D., Temple UniversityWORK EXPERIENCE: Pastoral ministry: Chinese Christian Church & Center (1982-92); Trinity Christian Church of Greater Philadelphia (2005-2011, 2014- ) Theological Education: China Evangelical Seminary (1975-79, 1995-2005, 2011-14), served at various times as academic dean, professor of systematic theology and president; Tao Sheng Seminary (1993-95)PUBLICATIONS (Books in Chinese): Christian View of Science; Faith, Hope, Love:Introduction to Biblical Ethics; Fountain of Living Water in Glorious Splendor: Soteriology & Pneumatology; Disunion of Opposites: Modernism, Postmodernism & Age of the Spirit; (ed.) Is the Bible Really without Errors?: Further Thoughts on Inerrancy of Autographs. FAMILY: Peter & Esther have three children - Irene, Luke & Caleb, as well as two granddaughters Vera & Madeleine

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Easter Gau, MS, MA, M.Div., L.P.C. (高金铃),

現職:費城華人三一基督教會輔導傳道, 心理冶療師/輔導私人診所學歷: Chestnut Hill College 臨床心理輔導碩士, 西敏神學院, 聖經輔導道學碩士, 西敏神學院, 聖經輔導碩士, 加州柏克萊大學, 心理系學士在輔導事工之前她從事於十年的金融行業有一兒一女己成人Easter has Mdiv, MS, and MA in biblical counseling and clinical psy-chology and counseling degrees. She is a counselor at Trinity Christian Church of Greater Philadelphia, and a professional mental health coun-selor with her own practice. She provides biblical counseling education and training, works with clients and family members with mental health issues such as depression, bi-polar, anxiety, OCD, psychosis, schizo-phrenia, grief counseling, ADHD, marriage/relationships, bi-cultural issues, and spiritual growth in living fuller God centered lives. Easter Gau counsels in Greater Philadelphia and via teleconference long distance/overseas.

Monica Kim, M.A.R.

Monica is a Counselor and Associate Faculty at CCEF. She has a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Toronto, Canada, a M.A.R. from West-minster Theological Seminary, and a M.Ed. from Lehigh University. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at Lehigh Univer-sity. Monica has worked in church ministry for twenty years and is cur-rently a part of the pastoral staff at her local Asian American church. As a part of the staff she speaks, teaches Bible studies, leads women’s groups and counsels youth and families. She is married to Danny, an ordained Pastor, and they have three boys.

Helen Liang, M.S.E.E., M.C.S.(何蕙青)

信主后80年代開始服事学生学者,与丈夫和其他几位同工建立中华基督教会暨服务中心的普通話堂,曾任教会關怀執事,团契執事。2004年与丈夫一起被母堂差遣在大学城植堂,成為全職傳道。神学院装备主修輔導。全職傳道前曾在一公司任电子工程師近20年。After accepting Jesus Christ as her Savior, Helen started to minister to students and scholars in the 80’s. Along with her husband and several other co-workers Helen helped established the Mandarin Speaking Min-istry at the Chinese Christian Church and Center. She also served as the deacon in CCC&C’s in the ministries of caring and fellowship. In 2004, Helen and her husband were sent by CCC&C to University City area to plant a church, where she serves as a full-time minister until now. Helen was seminary trained, majored in counseling. She worked as an electrical engineer for about 20 years prior to being a full-time minister.

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8:00-9:00 AM Registration9:00-9:45 AM Introductory Remarks9:45-11:00 AM Keynote #1 -- Monica Kim 11:00-11:15 AM Break11:15-12:15 PM Workshop #112:15-01:15 PM Lunch01:15-02:15 PM Keynote #2 -- Sam Ng 02:15-02:30PM Break02:30-03:30PM Workshop #203:30-05:00PM Panel Q&A

Sam Ng, L.C.S.W. (吳子良)

吳子良弟兄是一位專業的心理治療師, 現任角聲家庭中心恩泉輔導事工主任, 專門從事各項心理治療,家庭婚姻及青年問題的輔導及教導工作, 常被邀請在教會及社區團體作專題演講和教導, 並於中華福音神學院及正道福音神學院兼任輔導課程講師. 他是羅省第一華人浸信會會員, 為並主日學教師.Sam is a California Licensed Psychotherapist (LCSW). He is currently the Clinical Director of the CCHC Herald Family Center – Living Grace Counseling Services, providing direct counseling services, as well as ed-ucational workshops and training seminars to local churches and com-munity groups. He is also a part-time teacher at the China Evangelical Seminary, and Logos Evangelical Seminary, teaching family and youth counseling courses. Sam Ng is a member and Sunday school teacher of the First Chinese Baptist Church – Los Angeles.

Philip Siu, M.D.( 蕭道生)

蕭道生醫生出生並成長於香港。獲得哥倫比亞大學學士,賓大醫學院醫學博士。在費城兒童醫院完成駐院醫師訓練。曾在傑佛遜醫學院兒科部任教。現任 GPHA華恩診所的副醫療總監,服務費城華裔移民。 他的專業興趣集中在兒童行為學。現在是大學城中基督教會的長老,和他太太安雅服事大學城的學生學者。Dr. Philip Siu was born and raised in Hong Kong. He received his BA degree from Columbia University, his M.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and completed his pediatric residency at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He taught at Jefferson Pedi-atric Department. He currently serves as the Associate Medical Director of Chinatown Medical Services, GPHA, serving the Chinese immigrants of Philadelphia. He has special interest in behavioral pediatrics. He is the Founding Elder of the University City Chinese Christian Church, and together with his wife Anya serve the Chinese students and scholars of Philadelphia.

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Page 7: INTRODUCTION · 2020. 1. 12. · tribute a deeper biblical understanding of the wide spectrum of mental health and counseling needs within our Chinese churches. Each of our speakers


Speaker: Monica Kim, M.A.R. Location: Sanctuary Title: Stigmatized and Medicalized Perspectives of Counseling in Chinese/Asian Cultures: How Does Scripture View Counseling?Description: Medicalized and stigmatized perspectives of counseling are very common. However, these perspectives often become barriers to understanding the deeper, richer, and practical perspectives of Biblical counseling. This plenary session addresses the impact of these perspec-tives on God’s people and introduces a profound Biblical perspective of counseling.


Speaker: Sam Ng, LCSW (吳子良)Location: Sanctuary Title: Christian Counseling- A Comprehensive Problem Solving Approach


Speaker: Sam Ng, LCSW (吳子良), Location: Sanctuary Title: Prayers and Process to Build a Christian Counseling Ministry in your town. 如何在你的社區成立和堅立一個基督徒輔導事工?Description: Based on the experience of the Living Grace Counseling Ministry in Los Angeles, from its inception, formation, and growth, Sam Ng will point out the important components (Mission, Personnel, Organization, Finance) and the process needed to build and sustain a counseling ministry that can last and bless people in your town.

講員將會分享他在洛杉磯如何成立和堅立一個基督徒輔導事工(由成立時的 恩泉輔導中心, 到成為基督教角聲佈道 團-南加州分會, 角聲家庭中心恩泉輔 導事工)的經驗,並從異象、人才、組織、財務四方面去闡述一個基督徒輔 導事工的成長過程。

Speaker: John Applegate MD, Location: Room 103Title: PRN - a model of responsible shepherding of mental health needs in the church

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Description: God has charged the elders of His church to care for His sheep. When those sheep have mental health or counseling needs, what is the most responsible way to offer care? Should the elders of the church be expected to equip themselves to deal with any and every situation? If they refer to a professional outside the church, will there be spiritu-al accountability for the counseling they are receiving? What if people cannot afford professional help? Hear one elder’s journey from both his perspective as a shepherd and as a psychiatrist to create a structure that seeks to address these issues thereby empowering the local church to offer gospel hope to those in desperate need.

Speaker: Peter Chow, MDiv, PhD (周功和牧師); Easter Gau, MDiv, LPC (高金铃) Location: Room 100Title: 教會的教導與輔導Description: 教會除了要使萬民做主的門徒,給他們施洗以外,還要遵行主所說,「凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守。」(太二十八18-20) 保羅去世前交待提摩太說:「你在許多見證人面前聽見我所教訓的,也要交托那忠心能教導別人的人。」(提後二2)牧師、長老的職責, 包含真理的教導與傳承(弗四11-16;提前五17)。教導的目的是叫信徒能用愛心說誠實話,連於基督,各按各職,彼此相助,在愛中彼此建立。聖經對「教導」的看法,不只是宣告一套規則,乃是要藉言教與身教、懇切的禱告與勸勉, 使眾信徒能夠滿有良善,能彼此勸戒、一起成長(羅十五14)。單單告訴會友他應如何行、不應如何行,是不夠的,因聽道的人往往沒有能力行道。有些會友在神面前還是心地剛硬,沒有把主權交給主。有些會友養成壞習慣,無法勝過。有些夫妻性格上有衝突,或價值觀有衝突,彼此之間有無法化解的矛盾。教會需要把真理的傳講、聖靈的感動與能力、主內的團契與關懷、誠懇謙卑的勸戒等統合在一起,才算是聖經所謂的「教導」。三一教會所推行的「聖經輔導」事工,六年來一直在實踐聖經所講的「教導」。本workshop的目的,是介紹與聖經輔導的性質,這些年來神藉聖經輔導在教會裏所成就的事,以及未來的展望,使榮耀歸給神。 WORKSHOP #2,

Speaker: Phlip Siu, MD, Location: Room 103Title: Mental Health in Children and Adolescents「兒童與青少年的心理健康」(in English, with bilingual Power point)Description: Perhaps a surprise to many, adolescents and even chil-dren experience mental health crisis. Some arises as biological propen-sities, some as reaction to their environment and family dysfunctions. In any given year, 20% of American children will be diagnosed with a mental illness. The Chinese family is more likely to minimize these until the children become dysfunctional, and the diagnosis of mental health in children differs from that of the adults in many ways.

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This workshop seeks to introduce current understanding of mental health conditions common among children and adolescents such as Anxiety Dis-order, ADHD, Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disor-der, Eating Disorder, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia. Familiarity and sensitivities to these mental health conditions and knowl-edge and resources to help them are crucial to church leaders. Proper recognition and acceptance by family, children, adolescents, and church body will facilitate early initiation of needed therapy, counseling, and appropriate pharmacotherapy.

Speaker: Helen Liang, MSEE, MCC (何蕙青), Location: Room 100Title: 以圣经為原則的教会關怀与輔導 Biblical Counseling and Caring Ministry in ChurchesDescription: 關怀与輔導的相同和不同处案列分析:家庭關系問題,婚戀問題Similarities and differences between Caring Ministry and CounselingCase Study: cases of Family, Marriage and dating counseling

Speaker: Monica Kim, MAR Location: Sanctuary Title: Our Perspectives of Weaknesses and Problems: Our Need for a Biblical Perspective and Approach Description: In this seminar we will explore and discuss some of the common approaches to weaknesses and problems in the Asian context that can be limiting and detrimental, deterring us from seeking counsel-ing help. This seminar will address how scripture gives a different per-spective while highlighting the importance and the practice of receiving wise counsel.

Counseling 心理咨詢Aliece Chen, Psy. D 洪奕蕾Pennsylvania Counseling Services,6079 Main Street, East Petersburg, PA [email protected](717) 560-1908(Mandarin & Cantonese)Greater Philadelphia Health Action Inc.Fourth Street Behavioral Healthcare1401 S. 4th Street,Philadelphia, PA 19147(215) 339-1070

Easter Gau, LPC 高金鈴860 1st Ave/625 Clark Ave #17AKing of Prussia, PA 19406(276) [email protected] (Mandarin)Hall Mercer Community Mental Health/Mental Retardation CenterSoutheast Asian Program245 South 8th Street, Philadelphia, PA 191071-866-301-4727(215) 829-5523 (Child & Family)(215) 829-5203 (Adult)

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Philadelphia Renewal Network 4633 Cedar Ave, Philadelphia PA 19143(267)-225-4037http://philadelphiarenewalnetwork.org/[email protected]

Joel Bassett, M.Div. West Philadelphia Phil King, counseling fellow W PhiladelphiaBonnie Currie, M.A.Robert Dalberth, M.Div.Kathleen Donaldson, M.A.Penny Freeman, Ed.D., LPCEaster Gau, LPC, M.S, Mdiv. (Mandarin)Michael Gembola, M.A.Yin Hu, M.A.Esther Lee, M.A., LPCKristin Maguire, M.A.Karen Schoch, M.A., LPCJeffrey D. Stark, M.Div.Esther Liu, M.A.

Siu-Kuen Azor Hui, PhD, MSPH The Joseph J. Peters Institute100 S. Broad Street, 17th Floor,Philadelphia, PA 19110 (215) 701-1560

Kelly Counseling & Consulting305 Valleybrook Road Chester Heights,Call Dr. Patricia M Kelly(888) 571-0464 (Mandarin & Filipinos)

Yan Huo, MA, LPC Art of Wellness, LLC1930 S Broad Street, Unit 16Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19145 (267) [email protected](Mandarin & Cantonese)

Intercultural Family Services4225 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104(215) 386-1298Or 2317 South 23rd Street,Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215) 468-4673

Dr. Annie Lam, Psy.DEquilibria Psychological and Consultation Services 525 South 4th Street, Suite 471Philadelphia, PA 19147 (267) 687-0070

May Lee, LPCAbington Behavior Health Consultants, LLC321 York Road, Suite 214 Jenkintown,(267) 436-0009 (Mandarin & Filipinos)

Leonard Educational Evaluations, LLC.Warrington, Call Chad W. Leonard(609) 910-2549 (Mandarin)

Dr. Pamela W. Poff301 Oxford Valley Rd, Suite 603AYardley, PA 19067(215) 266-0463 (Mandarin & Taiwanese)

Wedge Medical Center1939 South Juniper Street Philadelphia, PA 19148(215) 271-5822 (Cantonese, Mandarin & Taiwanese)

Wedge Medical Center4913 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19141(215) 329-3200 (Cantonese, Mandarin & Taiwanese)

Rebecca Young, MA12 Penns Trail, Newtown, PA 18940(609) 631-3147 (Mandarin)

Dr. Naijian Zhang,101 Manor Ave, Downingtown, PA 19335(484) 883-1116 (Mandarin)

Dr. Lin Zhu, Ph.D133 Ivy Ln, King of Prussia, PA 19406(610) 878-9330 (office) Or1601 Walnut Street, Suite 901 Philadelphia, PA 19017(856) 655-1695 (cell) (Mandarin)

Psychiatrist精神科Dr. John Applegate, MD Philadelphia Renewal Network 309 S. 43rd Street Philadelphia PA 19104215 222-0310

Hall Mercer Community Mental Health/Mental Retardation CenterSoutheast Asian Program245 South 8th Street, Philadelphia, PA 191071-866-301-4727(215) 829-5523 (Child & Family)(215) 829-5203 (Adult)

Dr. Mitchell R. Kho, M.D.Kelly Counseling and Consultation305 Valleybrook Road, P.O. Box 534Chester Heights, PA 19017(610) 358-2250 x301 [email protected]@kellycounseling.comDr. Yong-Tong Li, M.D (215) 898-7021

Page 11: INTRODUCTION · 2020. 1. 12. · tribute a deeper biblical understanding of the wide spectrum of mental health and counseling needs within our Chinese churches. Each of our speakers

Leonard Educational Evaluations, LLC.Warrington, Call Chad W. Leonard(609) 910-2549 (Mandarin)

Dr. Pamela W. Poff301 Oxford Valley Rd, Suite 603AYardley, PA 19067(215) 266-0463 (Mandarin & Taiwanese)

Wedge Medical Center1939 South Juniper Street Philadelphia, PA 19148(215) 271-5822 (Cantonese, Mandarin & Taiwanese)

Wedge Medical Center4913 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19141(215) 329-3200 (Cantonese, Mandarin & Taiwanese)

Rebecca Young, MA12 Penns Trail, Newtown, PA 18940(609) 631-3147 (Mandarin)

Dr. Naijian Zhang,101 Manor Ave, Downingtown, PA 19335(484) 883-1116 (Mandarin)

Dr. Lin Zhu, Ph.D133 Ivy Ln, King of Prussia, PA 19406(610) 878-9330 (office) Or1601 Walnut Street, Suite 901 Philadelphia, PA 19017(856) 655-1695 (cell) (Mandarin)

Psychiatrist精神科Dr. John Applegate, MD Philadelphia Renewal Network 309 S. 43rd Street Philadelphia PA 19104215 222-0310

Hall Mercer Community Mental Health/Mental Retardation CenterSoutheast Asian Program245 South 8th Street, Philadelphia, PA 191071-866-301-4727(215) 829-5523 (Child & Family)(215) 829-5203 (Adult)

Dr. Mitchell R. Kho, M.D.Kelly Counseling and Consultation305 Valleybrook Road, P.O. Box 534Chester Heights, PA 19017(610) 358-2250 x301 [email protected]@kellycounseling.comDr. Yong-Tong Li, M.D (215) 898-7021

Wedge Medical Center1939 South Juniper StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19148(215) 271-58224913 North Broad Street,Philadelphia, PA 19141(215) 329-3200(Cantonese, Mandarin & Taiwanese)

Dr. Shan Yang, M.D.756 Adams Ave.Philadelphia, PA 19124(215) 533-3660

Dr. Jingduan Yang, M.D. 925 Chestnut Street, Suite 120Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107(866) 437-3826

Dr. Sheeri Zhang, MD5 Christy Dr. Suite 102Chadds Ford, PA 193172010 W Chester Pike Suite 407Havertown, PA 19083484 574-3843 /866 251-8101 (Fax)

School PsychologistMs. Audrey Lam,School District of Philadelphia,427 Monroe Street,Philadelphia, PA 19147(215) [email protected]

Ms. Pei-Liang ChangWarren County School DistrictNorthwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit252 Waterford Street,Edinboro, PA 16412(814) 734-5610

Abuse家暴Lutheran Settlement House1340 Frankford Ave,Philadelphia, PA 19125(215) 426-86101-800-723-3014Women Organized Against Rape1233 Locust Street, Suite 202Philadelphia, PA 19107(215) 985-3315(215) 985-3333 (24 hour Hotline)

www.WOAR.orgSocial Services Organization社會服務機構CBH Asian Language Liaison801 Market Street, Suite 7000Philadelphia, PA 19107(215) 413-3100

Chinatown Medical Center930 Washington Ave,Philadelphia, PA 19147

Pennsylvania Mentor625 West Ridge Pike, Bldg B Ste 102Conshohocken, PA 19428(610) 834-2971http://www.pa-mentor.com/welcome.aspx

Philadelphia Senior Center Asian Pacific Senior Resource Center247 S 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 627-8048www.philaseniorcenter.org [email protected]

Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Association Coalition4601 Market Street, 2nd FloorPhiladelphia, PA 19139(215) 476-9640www.seamaac.org

Thomas Jefferson University HospitalChinese Health Information Line中文健康資訊專線(215) 955-8282111 S. 11th Street, Suite 1830Philadelphia, PA 19107Intercultural Family Services4225 Chestnut Street,Philadelphia, PA 19104(215) 386-1298

Crisis24 hour National Suicide Prevention Hotline1-800-273-825524 hour Asian LifeNet Hotline1-877-990-8585(Cantonese, Mandarin, Fujianese)

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If you would like to speak with someone about any serious questions or concerns, please send an email to [email protected]. You may send an email in English and/or Mandarin Chinese. For any emergencies, please call 911.

如果你需要進一步的帮助或者咨询,請发邮件至: [email protected]。 中英文都可以。任何緊急情况,請撥打911。

Thank You!There are many people, churches, and organizations that made this con-ference possible! We would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to

Sincerely,The Planning Committee

Dr. John ApplegateYiyun GaoEaster GauYin HuEsther LiuDr. Philip Siu

***Li Liu for diligently designing our program booklet.***Xuegao An for very graciously creating and updating our website.***Greater Philadelphia Health Action (GPHA) for generously sponsor-ing the printing costs of our program booklet.***The volunteers from TCCGP who helped with many logistics to make our conference run smoothly.***The AFC book table for coming to allow us to have access to great resources.***TCCGP who graciously allowed us to use their facilities***Our sponsors who generously supported our conference: UCCCC, TCCGP, and Philadelphia Renewal Network.