Gleeson College 40-60 Surrey Farm Dve, Golden Grove South Australia 5125 T: 8282 6600 [email protected] www.gleeson.sa.edu.au 24Hr Absentee Line T: 8289 0438 Student Services T: 8282 6634 2016 RELAY FOR LIFE: ‘CELEBRATE - REMEMBER - FIGHT BACK!’ Issue 11 / Friday 6 May 2016 The Globe Newsletter of Gleeson College Aſter about a month of preparaon, 69 students from Years 11 and 12 arrived at Wayville Showgrounds for the 2016 Relay for Life. The official walk began at 2pm, where our students started their 19-hour trek to raise awareness and much needed funds to fight cancer. The aſternoon venture was greeted with exceponal weather and high spirits as each member from our teams began tallying their laps around the track. As part of the event challenge, the 106 teams relaying were expected to have at least one member of their team on the track at all mes, but there were plenty of other events occurring throughout the day and night to keep our walkers fresh and enthusiasc. Mr Baker’s cameo appearance for a quick 40kms inspired many to push their limits and add quickly to their total, while hours of live music and the evening barbeque, generously supplied by Semaphore Meat, provided some much-needed energy to connue well into the night. The evening saw the weather turn for the worse, with sporadic downpours and occasional flashes of lightning in the distant sky reminding us that the fight against cancer is rarely an easy bale. The rain did not dampen the spirits of our teams, as they connued to march on despite the changing condions. The wind, on the other hand, provided some greater challenges into the early hours, with the marquees from some of the other teams failing in the inclement condions. But, like those fighng cancer, we too were not willing to concede when the weather became harsh. The candlelight ceremony was the only me that all teams stopped to honour those impacted by cancer, and many were moved by Emma Hughes’ hearelt story of her husband’s recent fight and beauful singing to mark the vigil by Gleeson Old Scholar Sophie Guidolin (Class of 2014). As we approached the 9am mark, our exhausted parcipants felt sasfied and proud of their efforts and valued contribuons to this highly important event. As a College, our community’s efforts provided $10,300 for the Cancer Council, which brings our total funds raised to over $100,000 since becoming involved - this a truly amazing effort! We would like to thank all who supported this event, whether this be through donaons, food and drink, contribuons on the day, or anything else. Without your support, an event like this one would not run so smoothly. Mr Josh Boden, Mrs Kirsty Jeffree, Ms Rachel Staffin, Ms Bel Emanuele & Mr Daniel Coscia, 2016 GLEESON RELAY FOR LIFE TEAMS

2016 RELAY FOR LIFE: ‘CELEBRATE - REMEMBER - FIGHT BACK!’s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/wh1.thewebconsole.com/wh/... · 2016-05-06 · 2016 RELAY FOR LIFE: ‘CELEBRATE - REMEMBER

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Page 1: 2016 RELAY FOR LIFE: ‘CELEBRATE - REMEMBER - FIGHT BACK!’s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/wh1.thewebconsole.com/wh/... · 2016-05-06 · 2016 RELAY FOR LIFE: ‘CELEBRATE - REMEMBER

Gleeson College40-60 Surrey Farm Dve, Golden GroveSouth Australia 5125 T: 8282 [email protected]

www.gleeson.sa.edu.au24Hr Absentee Line T: 8289 0438

Student Services T: 8282 6634


Issue 11 / Friday 6 May 2016

The Globe Newsletter of Gleeson College

After about a month of preparation, 69 students from Years 11 and 12 arrived at Wayville Showgrounds for the 2016 Relay for Life. The official walk began at 2pm, where our students started their 19-hour trek to raise awareness and much needed funds to fight cancer.

The afternoon venture was greeted with exceptional weather and high spirits as each member from our teams began tallying their laps around the track. As part of the event challenge, the 106 teams relaying were expected to have at least one member of their team on the track at all times, but there were plenty of other events occurring throughout the day and night to keep our walkers fresh and enthusiastic. Mr Baker’s cameo appearance for a quick 40kms inspired many to push their limits and add quickly to their total, while hours of live music and the evening barbeque, generously supplied by Semaphore Meat,

provided some much-needed energy to continue well into the night.

The evening saw the weather turn for the worse, with sporadic downpours and occasional flashes of lightning in the distant sky reminding us that the fight against cancer is rarely an easy battle. The rain did not dampen the spirits of our teams, as they continued to march on despite the changing conditions. The wind, on the other hand, provided some greater challenges into the early hours, with the marquees from some of the other teams failing in the inclement conditions. But, like those fighting cancer, we too were not willing to concede when the weather became harsh. The candlelight ceremony was the only time that all teams stopped to honour those impacted by cancer, and many were moved by Emma Hughes’ heartfelt story of her husband’s recent fight and beautiful singing to mark the vigil by Gleeson Old Scholar Sophie Guidolin (Class of 2014).

As we approached the 9am mark, our exhausted participants felt satisfied and proud of their efforts and valued contributions to this highly important event. As a College, our community’s efforts provided $10,300 for the Cancer Council, which brings our total funds raised to over $100,000 since becoming involved - this a truly amazing effort!

We would like to thank all who supported this event, whether this be through donations, food and drink, contributions on the day, or anything else. Without your support, an event like this one would not run so smoothly.

Mr Josh Boden, Mrs Kirsty Jeffree,Ms Rachel Staffin, Ms Bel Emanuele


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May I begin by welcoming all members of our College community back from what I trust was a fantastic holiday. A particularly warm welcome to students and families that are new to our school this term. One of the common themes that our new parents often comment on is the warm welcome afforded to their children by our school community. The term has started extremely well and I thank the students for their outstanding attitude thus far.

Relay for LifeI was delighted to attend the Relay for Life at Wayville last Saturday. Once again Gleeson College was strongly represented with over 60 students involved. This level of participation for this event speaks volumes of the commitment and servant leadership that exists within the Gleeson Community and this event has become one of the highlights of our College calendar. Once again our students shone, were a great credit to themselves and their families, and were superb ambassadors for our College. My thanks go to all staff involved, both with the organisation of our Gleeson Teams and for their attendance over the weekend. The weather became quite unpredictable late on Saturday evening, yet our staff and students stuck it out to complete the event.

I am thrilled to report that the Gleeson College community has now raised over $100,000 for the Cancer Council of SA through our support of the Relay for Life over the past six years. This is a staggering

effort from our school and one that we are justifiably proud of!

The Relay for Life made me think of the importance of leadership. Each member of our College community has been given an opportunity to lead, to teach, to learn and to contribute to our school and wider community. I see examples of this from your children every day at Gleeson College. We should never underestimate the importance of good leadership and we should all strive to ensure that the example we set is a positive one. Leadership can be demonstrated in a small way by wearing the College uniform with pride. Above all, I often make the reflection that it is important to remember that leadership is earned and not assumed. I urge all of our school community to work hard on providing positive leadership and an appropriate example to all.

NAPLANNext week all Year 9 students will be completing the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy testing here at school. Students have their skills assessed in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) as well as numeracy. As you would be aware these National test results provide information on how students are progressing and they support improvements in teaching and learning.

As a Year 9 parent you can best assist your child by making them feel comfortable about the nature and purpose of the tests. It is important to note, and I outlined

to the Year 9 cohort this week that the results of these NAPLAN tests are used to support students and teachers; they are not used to label students.

ANZAC Day AssemblyMany thanks to Mrs Kate Pill and all students involved for their organisation of a wonderful ANZAC Day commemoration assembly on our Trinity Lawns on Wednesday. Thank you also to the staff and students who participated so respectfully. It was again one of those events that occur often at Gleeson where I was so proud to be a part of this community.

Happy Mother’s DayFinally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our wonderful Mum’s a happy Mother’s Day on Sunday. In this month of May, that the Catholic Church devotes to a celebration of the Blessed Virgin mother of Jesus, we pray for all of our Mum’s and we celebrate and acknowledge the crucial role that they undertake in nurturing the children in their care. I hope that all Mums are thoroughly spoilt on Sunday and that our families can enjoy some quality time together.

Mr Andrew Baker,Principal

Gleeson College held an ANZAC Day Commemoration Assembly on the Trinity Lawns, directly opposite the

College’s War Memorial, on Wednesday 4 May.Despite the overcast conditions, and a light drizzle at one point during the

service, we were blessed with conditions that allowed us to remember those whom have served Australia in the past and, those whom are currently

serving for Australia. The entire College community joined in saying a ‘Prayer of Remembrance’. Once again, the students were impressive with their

respect and reverence during this important event on Australia's historical and cultural calendar.

I would like to thank the following people: Mrs Carly Meakin; Mr Andrew Crosby; Mr Ben Dwiar; Ms Lina Russo; Mr Andrew Baker; Mr Shannon Bertram

and Mrs Amanda Price. I would also like to thank the following students for their participation in the service: Rachael Crompton; Maddison McHugh;

Maria Nevares Aste; Lucas Rinaldo; Emily D’Occhio; Natalie Gerardis; Joshua Edmonds and Erica Greet.

After the service each class made their own commemorative wreath and, in small groups researched the different war and peacekeeping operations that Australia has been involved in over the course of our history. These wreaths were laid alongside the college wreath and were later returned to be placed

in a prominent position in their respective Care Groups.

Mrs Kate Pill,Humanities & Social Sciences Learning Area Coordinator

Congratulations to Mrs Kate Morgante, Gleeson College Science Learning Area Coordinator (and Gleeson Old Scholar!) who was recently presented with a

Credit Union SA/SASTA Outstanding Science Teacher Award for 2015.

The SASTA (South Australian Science Teachers Association) Outstanding Teacher Awards recognise teachers' contributions to the education of students in the area

of Science and is presented annually.

Well done to Mrs Morgante on this wonderful achievement!

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Flexible Learning Centre Holiday WorkshopYear 12 and Year 11 students came in to school during the first week of the holidays to work on Integrated Learning, Religion Studies, Research Project and Workplace Practices during our Flexible Learning Centre Holiday Workshop. With the support of Mrs Deptula, Mr Daw and Ms Russo, students worked independently on assignments to catch up, improve drafts, ask questions, receive feedback or just to get ahead in their studies.

Do you know any Year 11 or 12 students? Have you asked them about their Research Project?Research Project is a compulsory SACE subject completed by every student who undertakes the South Australian Certificate of Education. We currently have two Year 11 classes that are half way through their Research Projects, with the rest of the Year 11 cohort due to begin the subject in Semester 2. Year 12 students completed the Research Project in 2015.

Advice to Year 10 studentsIt’s never too early to start thinking about the Research Project, so if you are in Year 10 now, start to consider what you would like to spend a semester researching. Virtually any topic can be selected for the project and students will learn about the research process as well as the actual topic selected.

Advice to Year 11 students starting Research Project in Semester 2It’s best to start the semester knowing what you plan to research and having done some exploration of your topic through brainstorming and mind-mapping activities. It’s also important to work out very early on if you know anyone who you could interview as a primary source or if there is anyone in your network of family, friends and acquaintances who could share their expertise with you.

Once a topic is selected, students develop a question that becomes the focus of the research.

Some of the questions students are currently researching and finding answers to are:• What are the long and short term

effects of substance abuse?• How does bipolar disorder affect a

person’s everyday life?• How does social media affect the

lives of teenagers?• How does diet affect the behaviour

of someone with ADHD?• Do images in the media cause eating

disorders?• How can the city of Adelaide improve

its carbon footprint?• What are the effects of cosmetics

testing on animals?• What are the benefits of a nutritious

diet for a teenage boy?• What are strategies to assist dyslexic

students learn?• How would the world be different if

Germany had won World War II?• What are the effects of domestic

violence on children who witness it?

These are just a few of the many questions students are researching with a wide variety of other questions being

asked, data being collected and analysed as this article goes to print.

Progress of Year 11 students currently doing Research ProjectMost students have completed the Folio of research, with the Research Outcome draft due in Week 1 of Term 2. Several students set their alarms and came to school early on Thursday of Holiday Week 1 to catch up, get ahead or continue to make progress on their Research Projects. It was a successful workshop with many students asking important questions, identifying challenges, drafting Research Outcomes and identifying the positive and negative aspects of their research that will be documented in their final Evaluations. The aim is to have the Research Project complete before the end of semester revision and exam cycle begins.

Ms Lina Russo,Flexible Learning Area Coordinator

Year 12 students in Flexible Learning Centre on Workshop Day completing tasks for Religion Studies, Integrated Learning, Workplace Practices and Research Project.

Year 11 students in SD1-1 working independently on Research Project Outcomesand Folios on FLC Holiday Workshop Day.

At the end of Term 1 the Year 10 Outdoor Education Class embarked on a full day of Rock Climbing and Abseiling at Morialta Conservation Park. We spent our day amongst the beautiful wilderness undertaking several climbs of varying difficulties with qualified instructors from ‘OutGrow Outdoor Adventure Experiences’.

We were blessed with ideal weather and the group enjoyed views of the Adelaide Hills from the tops of their climbs. By the end of the day everyone had gained a lot of confidence and had vastly improved their technical skills. Students not only developed their rope and climbing skills, but also learnt a lot about working as a team, and a lot about pushing themselves outside of their comfort zones, which was great preparation for their Bushwalking Expedition to Deep Creek Conservation Park taking place next week!

Ms Josephine Imbrogno,Year 10 Outdoor Education Teacher

ANZAC Day Dawn Service 2016As ANZAC Day fell in the holiday break, the Gleeson College

Leaders felt it would be important to be present at a local RSL to acknowledge the legacy of our fallen soldiers.

Liaising with the Tea Tree Gully RSL we were able to arrange for our Student Leaders’ Jake Wallace, Erica Greet and Sarah and

Melissa Roden to be attendance and lay a wreath in memory of the fallen soldiers and all who have served for Australia and New

Zealand in times of war, conflict and peace-keeping missions. It was great to see our Leaders bright and early and representing the

College with pride. As a community, Gleeson College conducted a commemoration service to acknowledge and pray for the many

men and women who have served our country through its history on Wednesday 4 May.

To all service men and women who are linked to members of our College community,we remember you with pride and compassion.

Mr Shannon Bertram,Assistant Principal - Student Development

HAVE QUESTIONS?Come and see Ms Russo in the

Flexible Learning Centre!!

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Gleeson Creative Arts Department presents...


YEAR 8 HOME EC: DESIGN & CREATE BOXER SHORTSOur Year 8 Home Economics Class is very excited to learn how to use the sewing machine and overlocker this

term. Students have been creative with their boxer short designs, with some students swapping fabrics to create a mix-and-match look, while others are

adding fringing embellishments to their hem. We look forward to revealing the

finished products later this term!

Miss Lisa Feleppa,Year 8 Home Economics Teacher

Photos: Students trace and cut out their pattern pieces for their boxer shorts.

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TERM 2 201610 - 12 May NAPLAN Testing18 Parents & Friends Committee Meeting25 STUDENT FREE DAY: MODERATION DAY FOR STAFF College Board Meeting31 Principal’s Information Session (7-8pm)3 Jun Year 12 Formal, Sfera’s Function Centre8 - 9 Creative Arts Concerts: ‘Best of Broadway’ (7pm)13 PUBLIC HOLIDAY - QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY14 & 16 Adelaide Eisteddfod15 Parents & Friends Committee Meeting20 - 24 Year 11 Exams + Year 10 Exams (in class)22 College Board Meeting27 SEMESTER 2 COMMENCES28 MSP COLLEGE PHOTOGRAPHS - ALL STUDENTS1 Jul Year 8 Immunisations8 - 10 Melbourne Arts Trip8 LAST DAY OF TERM 225 FIRST DAY OF TERM 33 Aug Parents & Friends Committee Meeting5 Balaklava Eisteddfod10 College Board Meeting

2016 Gleeson Diary Dates


Cameron Forshaw (12 DSSAL)Do you have any pets?A dog named Mia

Who is the most influential person in your life?: My Dad

What is your favourite subject/s?:Furniture Construction

What are your hobbies?:Motorbike riding and fishing

Do you play any sports?: Basketball

What do you like most about school:Being with friends

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:Working for my Dad

What is your definition of happiness?:Being able to do what you want and be happy

What do you love at Gleeson College?:Being able to strengthen relationships with staff and students

Erica Greet (12 DSVAU)Do you have any pets?A budgie named Chase

Who is the most influential person in your life?: My Dad

What is your favourite subject/s?: Physics

What are your hobbies?:Playing sport and drawing

Do you play any sports?: Basketball and Softball

What do you like most about school:Spending time with like-minded people who are interested in similar subjects

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:Having a successful career in Science

What is your definition of happiness?:Feeling confident with yourself

What do you love at Gleeson College?:The community feel and atmosphere, and the teachersare awesome

This year we will be publishing biographies in The Globe to allow our College community to get to know our2016 Student Leaders a little better! This week we feature Damiani House Captains Erica and Cameron!


Gleeson College Specialist Football Coach

Travis Dodd features in this issue! See page 15!http://www.thesouthern-



The 2016 Adelaide Careers & Employment Expo is happening on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 May at the Jubilee Pavilion, Adelaide Showgrounds.

Friday is the day dedicated for students to attend with their schools, however if you’d like to attend with your child/children on the Saturday, they’ll have the opportunity

to speak with leading training and education providers, receive guidance from professional Career Advisors, and figure out what they might be interested in doing

once they leave school.

Grab a coffee and relax and/or chat with other parents regarding the best way to guide your children through what can be an overwhelming and confusing time.


STUDENTSHomework Club has started for

Term 2. Due to changes in sporting and after school commitments,

some students will need to update their booked attendance days for

Homework Club.Please email Ms Grotto ASAP to

update your booking via email at: [email protected]

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SESSIONSDiscover what Gleeson College can offer your child in their academic, personal and

spiritual development.

Learn about our ethos, pastoral care, broad curriculum,

specialist programs and the numerous academic, sporting and leadership opportunities

available to our students.

Bookings EssentialReserve your place/s today by either phoning Gleeson College on 8282 6600 or emailing Mrs Rebecca Sinclair at:[email protected] Focus

These informative sessions will be led by our Leadership Team and is aimed at parents and caregivers wishing to find out more about Gleeson College. Refreshments will also be available.

www.gleeson.sa.edu.auGLEESON COLLEGE | 40-60 SURREY FARM DVE GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125 | P: 08 8282 6600 F: 08 8282 6699

Gleeson College

Tuesday 31 May 2016, 7-8pmTuesday 23 August 2016, 7-8pm

Tuesday 20 September 2016, 7-8pmMonday 31 October 2016, 7-8pm




Saturday 20 August 20166.30pm for a 7pm start

Dame Roma Mitchell Centre, Adey Place



[email protected]

Gleeson College P&F Committee presents...

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Gleeson College40-60 Surrey Farm Dve, Golden GroveSouth Australia 5125 T: 8282 [email protected]

www.gleeson.sa.edu.au24Hr Absentee Line T: 8289 0438

Student Services T: 8282 6634

GG CAMPUS UNIFORM SHOP TERM TRADING TIMES:Monday: 1.00pm - 2.30pmTuesday & Wednesday: 8.15am - 9.15am 1.00pm - 4.15pmThursday: 1.00pm - 2.45pmFirst Saturday of Month: 9.00am - 12.00pm


GG CAMPUS UNIFORM SHOPDevon Clothing | P: 8289 5564

MODBURY NORTH DEVON CLOTHING UNIFORM SHOP:OPEN 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday + 9am-12pm Saturday

P: 8396 6465 / Shop 24 Clovercrest Plaza429 Montague Rd, Modbury North

Our Lady of Hope School Principal’s Tour

Wednesday 18th May 2016 at 9.30am

A journey in faith and learning To book your place on the tour please phone 82898344 or send an email to the address below. *Tour concludes at 11am. Golden Grove Road (cnr The Golden Way) Greenwith SA 5125 (Enter via the front entrance off Golden Grove Road and proceed to the OLOH front office) W: www.oloh.catholic.edu.au E: [email protected]

*Catholic Primary School Reception to Yr 7 *Quality learning program *Professional, committed & caring staff *Welcoming & supportive community *You do not need to be catholic to enrol *Fee options & discounts may apply *Excellent Out of School Hours & Vacation Care *Christian Education in the Catholic Tradition *Up to date Information Communications Technology *Contemporary facilities *Positive learning environment




4 Carignane Street, Wynn Vale

Tuesday 17th May

9.30am - 10.30am

How do I register my attendance?Bookings can be made via the school’s website, or by telephoning our School Secretary, Sonya:

www.sfx.catholic.edu.au • 8251 9555

2016 Tour Dates

Monday 15th August9.30am - 10.30am

Thursday 30th June

9.30am - 10.30am

Thursday 22nd September9.30am - 10.30am

Friday 11th November 9.30am - 10.30am

Followed by Remembrance Day Service

commencing at 10.45am

02.18.2016 12:07 News Corp Australia Proof ©


ENTERTAINMENT BOOK:www.entbook.com.


ST JOSEPH'S OLD SCHOLARS CENTENARY LUNCHEONWednesday 1 June 2016 - Hampstead Hotel11.45am, for 12pm start - seating will not be allocated

BOOKINGS with JOSIE (8295 3667) or CHRIS (8263 1948)Invitation for all former students/teachers (male and female) from

ANY Josephite School/College here or interstate to attend.