2011 Nosler Catalog

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  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    The pnrnary benef it of Lubalox isreduced bar re l fouling.Thepro cesscreates asurface onthe bul let jacket, which increases the ernount ot.shots possib le between cteenrncsUnlike moly-coated bul lets.Lubalox-coated bul lets leave the berrer resrcue- r-ee eno oonot require bar re l"seasoning".Addit ionally~unlikeuncbated bul lets that tarnish overt ime.Lubaloxprotect>thesurfaceofthebullet ja .. fk~t .keepingit looking l ike new.Will Lubalox harm the gun barrel?u 1Lubaloxdoes not harm thebar re l. Infact . testing shows that the coating often reducesbarrel foulingLubaloxcoatingis~aMolycoating

    1600Ff'S -- 18()OFPS -- 2()()OFPS ---30()OFPS

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    J600FPS-- !800FPS-- 2000FPS,---3000 FPS

    L ong-Range Ball isti cS, Structural Int egri ty, andExp los ive Expans ion

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    Flies like a Ballistic T ipHits like a Ba llis ticM iss ile

    The Ballis tic Ti p Lead -Fr ee '? ( BTLF) is ev er yth in g th at v armin t an d p re da to rhuntersexpectfromaBallisticTip~iinalead-freedesign.Theflat-based,lead-l ess bul le t f ea tu res Nos ie r' s exc lusive F ragmen ting Coppe r ( or e Technology" "( pa te nt pe ndi ng ) w hi ch ex hi bi ts immedi at e a nd ra pi d e xp an si on , i ni ti at ed b yi tsme ta ll ic -c ol oredpo lyme rt ip ,a tp ra ct ic al va rm in tshoot in9 vel oc it ie s of1600fpsandabove' .

    The BTLF can safely be used in all leatl-fre~~~ones or shooting ranges thatreqUirenon-magneticbullets_UserscanbecQnfidenl,ofthesameperformanceandqualitythattheBallisticTipha~madefamousformorethan25years.

    Bal li st icTip Lead-Fr ee bul le ts a re o ff er ed a t t he same MSRPas s ta nda rdBallistic Tlp" bullets in SOn. and 100ct. boxes~ ~ ~ ,

    - ,- -~

    orourBalhstICTIP~ 1 ~F re e B u ll et s L oa de d I n ! @NrsOwn IGradev'Llne I ~ -_jl 'T _,

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    L E A D - F R E E

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    Always Have a PH Back Up When Taking Dangerous GameTheNoslerSolids'~featureaflat-nosedesignandhomogenous,1ead-freealloycore that reduces deflection offof bone and muscle, forlethal penet rationandan impressively straight wound charmel.Apreclsron-cut band allowsfor tightcrimping to ensure each bullet isproperly seated and prevent bulletsetbackduring firing. Nosier Scllds'" provide '~p$imal load versatility with minimalfouling,andareuniquelyengineeredtoniatch_~heball,isticperformanceofthelegendaryNoslerPartition~bulietsinthesamecaliberandweight; resulting innear identical points ofimpact forboth bullets at typical huntingrangesand velocities.

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 Nil'" )IA1'(~D S'I 'AN ) )JU l) )' I') 1 ~ . .. .. .._Nos te r- has b lended the accur acy o f i ts Cus tom compeuncn " bul le t jacke ts w it h i tsown u ltr a. pr ec is e. le ad .~l Io yco res io (le al el hep erf orma n(e sta nd ard fo r ma tch ri fl ea nd p is to l bu ll et s. T he h ol lo w p oi nt p ro vi de s, a sma ll m epl at f or re du ce d dr ag an dinc reased aer odynam ic e ff ic iency whi le t he p ronounced boa tt ai l des ign p rovidesefficientflightcharacteristicsoverawiderallgeofvelocitiesWOIHNH 1101l(~ONSISTllN(~Y?

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    Whether you punch paper, shoot steel,or useyour handgun forhunting, Nosier" ensures you have the very finest in accuracy,consist-ency andoverall quality. Eachbullet isproduced on the most advanced,fully automated machinery and,like our premium rifle bullets, Nesler"hand inspects and then polishesal l Spcrt inq Handqun" bul lets to abright finish

    800FPS--llOOFPS--- 1250FPS-- 1350FPS

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    NaslerCustomTrophy Grade;" AmmunitionManufa ct ured t o Nos ie r' , s tnct es tqua ll ty s tandar ds .T rophy Grade "Ammunition uses Nosterrustom"Bra ss -a nd Nos le . .. .Bu ll et s t o a tt ai nopt imum per fo rmance , no mat te rwh er e y our h un ti ng t ri p t ak es y ouWhe ther you wan t you r ammun it ionloadedwithA(cuBond~,PartitioneBallisticTip~or,E-Tip0.NoslerCustom0Trophy Grade Ammuni ti on wil l havethe rightloadforthe right game

    ~Nosler.(:;om 800.Z85.3701

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    Nosier-CustomNoslerCustom Ammunit ionA t N es ler ", we 'v e b ee n cus tom-l oading ammun it ion for yea rs ; notf or s af e. bu t f or o ur own p er son alh unt s an d d ai ly p ro du ct io n t es ti ng .For over 60 years, our team has knowwhat it t akes to make ammun it iont ha t i s n ot o nl y a cc ura tebut consistent.

    Nosler.com 800.285.3701

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    Individually Serial NumberedRif le ,ScopeandCaseThe NoslerCustom" nne isofferedcomplete with a Leupold Custom Shopr ff lescope f ined with a special ly designedreticle calibrated to provide 200-S00 yardzeroes with AccuBondo NoslerCustom"Ammunition,Thescope,mountedinLeupold QR-rings, bears the same ser ia lnumberastherifle


  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog



    ~Nos.ler.com 800.285.3701

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    91o)e/+8CustomVARMINT ~De/48CustomVARMINT

    Model 48VarmintAtribute toJohn Noslerand the yearhebegon sel ling his innovat ive andlegendary Partition~ bullets -1948-theN o sl er Cu s to m & M o de l 4 8 r if le e m bo di esthe performance and qualitythatJohnNoslerandhiscompanyhavelivedbyforover 60 y ea rs , D es ig ne d a nd b ui lt f or t hehunterwhoappreciatesahigherlevelofper formance on the bench.yet etsodemandshuntabilityinthelield.TheModel 48 break, the myth that accuraterifles must be heavy: they ollweighjustunder 7 .5 pounds a nd del iver gua ra nt ee dsub-M.OAgroups

    Extreme-Conditions StockE ng in ee r" ,d a s m u

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog



    Nosler.com 800.285"3701

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    c = - a z

    "It is flawless in nt , finish, andfunction."DavePetzal,Ri f les Ed i to r

    Accuracy GuaranteeEachTrophy Grade-r if ie has beenaccuracy-tested with Noslerf 'ustom"ammunit ion and isguaranteed to del iverM .O .A . 3 -s ho l g ro up a cc ur ac y a ft erbreak-in per iod of 20-40 rounds."All metill surfaces, internal and external,havea thin coa ting to keepyour r if leprotected dur ing any hunting situat ionExternal surfaces arecoated withCerakote' , a ceramic-based coatingt ha t p ro tect s t he f ir ea rm f rom even theharshest hunting conditions withoutincreasing weight or adversely affectingp er fo rm an ce . I nt er na l s ur fa ce s a recoatedwithMicroSlick~.adry-filmlubrtcenr that iscornmonly used oni nt er na l e l1 g in e p a rt s t o r ed u ce f rf ct to na nd w ea r.

    Nosler.com 800.285.3701

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    Ready To Load!E ac h p ie ce o f b ra ss b ea rs t he " No si er "headstompand ismanufactured underthe company's str ict phi losophy of"qualityfirst."Withuncompromisinga tt en tion todetai l, each r ound o fNoslerCustom car tr idge brass;smade toprecise dimensional standards andtolerances using top-grade mater ia ls tom ax im iz e a cc ur ac y, c on si st en cy a nde nh an ce c as e l if e. F la sh h ol es a redebur red.necks are debur red andc hamt er ec .f ol lowed by r be samer igorous quali ty controls that Nosierb ulle ts ha ve e xp er ie nc ed f or 6 3 y ear sFor brass, that m eans every piece ishand- io spec te d,we ight -sol te d a rt d t he npackaged inboxes of 25or 50!ul lyp repped and r eady to load


  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    A Great Read and Informative ReferenceToolEachcart ridge ~ection begins with an Introduct ion by ad i ff er en t wel l- known wri te r o rindus tr y name. Nes le r" con tinues to incor po ra te "Comments F rom the Lab fo r manycar tr idges, a h ighly inf orma ti ve sec tion tha t helps r el oa de r s save t ime and money a tthe reloading bench, ThesepageSafewfittenbytheNosle~ballisticsteamandpfovidevaluable insight and advice for working up accurate, effective Icads.Newand Expanded Cartridge Load DataLoadda ta for each car tr idge isp resented ina g raph ic f orma t g iv ingt he r eade r aqukkcompa rison o f load veloc it ie s f or each bul le t weigh t. Nos ie r' s sys tem uses s imple,easy- to-read bar graphs to show velocity var iation between powders, making powderselection faster and simpler than relying on data alone. Eachcart ridge's data entryshows information for start ing, intermediate and maximum loads for each powder l isted

    G U l i T ! ! l ~TomGresham,entirelifeh."preparedhimtobetheho>lofGUnTali

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    Trophy Grade'" Ammunition Newfor2011.Newfor2011andBes!oftheBestAwardWinner. NoslerCustom Ammunition Paqe

    B.C j " ' " J 100 00 300 '003615 3,77 27712'0120611751 8% 682 III ,77 ll1 ISO 0.00 -1.9/ -16. " -.1.09-4-96

    - - - ~ - ~ ~ - - - - = ~ - - - ~ -ac o 21612>632000167> 1393 677 496 ,S; 2.g 17 ISQ 0-00 -3'0 _ , > - < . _0.67";-4f ' " "

    j!lOOll\ 2~,'90'" '\0O _l ~l > .750 l 2" V4 2 .. )1 S 1 . " 'sa'0 >21 3 700 '. " 2 ,84 2 00 2 030 '.69"

    33301879247020911760)465301516312270194016421385314019192S14218118S91S70,S50 )376 2951 ~5 " 09 18&031>003421209'250122421915l ~OO 2958 2n~ l 51 1 l Jr )4 . 10 7

    769572 4 S 29'9 213 ISO 0.00 -3.56 -13.92 -31.61-M.ll9 46 71 3 S 28 3 (1 4 1 14 l 50 0. 00 -l .6 1 10 .6 1- 26 .1 1 51 .711 26 5 9 67 n~ 5",,,," 15(1 O.GO - '-57 _ , , ' S 8. 07 6 .8129]993751 558407 1S0000-1A9-;.89-1746- l50l1746"S8 nee 10,;1 as' '.,00.00 .15 -9) 2'.9 41.6

    0-2::0 3,750 1.lS~ 2"::0 l,27 2.1710.531 3, 075 U95 27" 2.5572.39' 2.24 '.3>9 '.977 2 ,6 34 2 ."0.531 3,225 '.OJ9 2-"61 2.600 2,5152.366 '.6953,,"",_ 2.57 1,265 ',989OA35 3,025 2. 09 2.603 2.7 l,97 1l7065 VO, . 641059"116'5130 2 ."

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    NoslerCustom(") Ammunition NoslerCustom Ammunition


    100 200 " " _SlIO loo 100 " " """ SlIO18SC1167615< ll l IlA111191>044 2811' 1 S42179S517(1\1'08S

    JlOCI lO9O 1890 269B l Sl S 1 33 8 Has 29681_61'_1100llOC lO9C >890 269B 'SIS 2n8 33& 19682S96116] ' _ , ) { J O311S 19S11 11 S, 2 S, . l 16S 1 18 HS7 19l5 1 717 1548 >3116 2129 33~9 Nl' 2 6. l1 1 30 ' 1 01 2 1 16 13011 18" 161. 24110 nn 1140 ]3,9 2928 1S4< 1101 189 ' '~l 'll40 3"8 > l 211 9 10111748llO,l76414S,1,6719'O

    .00 loG lOC OOOSllO 100 00 lOC .... SlIO------ ------ ------- - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - -60Il 1380 2171 '97) '78 1613 2102 2164 '883 '~S6 '216'01 l.sc 0.00 -4.61 16.11 'l'_71 ~.6~l.66,O.o.-2l.17"".62'.12-'0.3I-21-5'''l.13 1.0 6' &18- ,8. .. - 35 11-azr "0.16 13.14 -41.451.31 ~.06 -10,86 -1S.52,.6l'0.:IO2).77-44.611,91-'1.01-l518-46.50'3,7 IH" ll.07 57 3.3, 61 - 13 ,' 6 - l9 ,5~ - ; .0 63,7 M3l l19'9S 21~' ,S68 lln 1195 202l 441, Jlj23 3294 1814 >408 ,0411850 l6S' , 46 9 129 11 , " '916 ." " 1914 H " '911 24931"S~ 18~ 16192'W234 11901 .... 3990 1532111921.120812BOO 1600l 2.. 1 2,0161071 '9" 43;2 In_ 32;9 28012396:10)92 850 1 09 2253 92 39 1' '' "2 11 1 ' 50 11 M5- -41 l6 1

    1900 l 103 151 62 ll 511 63, _ H" 19 11 111 11 1' 79 UI 69 119 Sa e o o . ( 0 0 4 >. s 13'91"":101' 3 10 52 '6 4 2 4S 1 1 16 7 9, 0280 0 16 11 , 019 2 155 2C6S '930 W 31)16 26.>1 "58 , 917 1~5)1\171 11091.361111 2111 3'37 .1062'19l371 1060 ,7S11900 11162S402J7U2l0721151 l36 '1 948257B214S '' I46 16S13471 3W lOCI1 1 7831515 2376 "" '' 34~ lOCI lSoo 2109 188l 150 30 06 In, 2554 ll" 2145 3870 '3'0 ''''9 , 39 0 , 01 3 , ...6ll71 >" lon. '""144 1275 4019 l54al116l7 8lijOl068lO$O 28081695151' ,366 W 3718 l'57 1901 1552 1117 1914

    l.101' .s 01'.lS-S0.413,13ll.061755"17 l. 70 ' )_ 3' ,9 .6 > 5 ,6 '

    .1'1.863'_.-64492.60,10.0]-23.1,",,0,2.91,0.872 ... 9-44.56).oS".lS2s.a'''''.593... 1l.S92S.3BI'-912.86 IO .6 l 2l .W - .0 3. 68

    2.80 1! 1. S4 .. < 11 " _I ~. l. 1l .1 J S 9 - 30 ,1 8 -56."

    l.l6-'l.ll3-11_18"9_78l.48,1.5A,1.91_>O.oI23.6','3..19_.75.811.98I1,0'25o1-4S-743,21".83'"-"14&"1.81'-51-1',73_13.17,,36".14 1'.46.499Il 1802630 2417 ... '" 4017 l ,9 2 3 11 ' no, 2"2

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    54519.19,'3,'9'9.73.101'.51'26,08-'783lA61l.IOlO.56S7"l_97 . " . 4 & '31,~1 -),6 '

    I ' I I i I I I _" " ~ " , . ~

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Nosler Catalog


    C.libe, Item I I R H I L I

    NoslerCustom Rifles enbe pe r- I k m t 11Sto,k M."I I


    ~~: ~~th~~:2d

    , I " I , , , , , , c o , , " , 1~ :~ I ~ ; ;; : : " '" '1 * : : : :

    .. AabbEAllnfiewe'ght,orew,thoutthe"ope.nd"ngs/bo ..,Actu.lweightsofwood-stockedrifle,mayvary,lightlyduetowoodden'ity


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    Rifle C o m p a ns o n C h a rt pre I lorn l tv

    RIFLEM48 Trophy Grade'





    Nos ie r Cus tom R ii le (NCR) ,419S ,QO Timney

    Chrome 7_2SS.2SlbsMoly

    Ai+ -"'~"w'