THE DAILY JBEfc : MONDAY FEBRUAKY 12 The Daily Bee.- OMAHA. . . Monday Morning , Fob. 12 , Weather Report. (The following observations are taken the same moment of time at all the statlo nentlonfd. ) WAR DEP'T U , S. SIONAL SRBVICB , OMAHA , February 11 , Ib83, ( (1:45 : p. m. ) on. ITAtlOXS Ki- nd.Freoh Dunvcr- Chetenne. 30 10 Clear . . , 30 14 Fresh Clear Wathakle. . PUtt i 30 20- SO Light . 'ill- Kilr Omaha. . . .. . VO- SO rtfh IS- ao llrtnk- Krtih Dear DCS Jlolncn- .Dairnjxjit. . IBf Fair . FrehI- LIxbt Clear Ft. I'aul . W Jli.ir- Clou 8k. Loul*. . 3002 Itn-k if lluortiu U. . 3007- H Ilil'k- Llkht Vincent . . . Jlear- Oear Bttnmrck . . 6 3003- Id I car Btl'l'e ' * . i.lht- Mght Fair 1(1 ( icar Anlnabplne. The west bound passenger train on tl Omaha & Kepubllcan Valley rallroa- came very near mcotlne with an accide- ilat Sunday , that would have proved s- rlous had It not been for the presence mind of the engineer ru- clnflit tt usu&l ratflof speed, when tl- catiiKclIng rod between thej two drive broke. The broken cmU flsw around In very carelei manner , and wan uslne i the louder and c b of the ecj-Ino In a ma ' tier that w a not ploatant to the ni n w- lheldthe triroltio.- , But he sbuUff steo and applied the nlf brakp , notwltbstaadli his perilous position , nod sivod the trat- Tbe balance of thevtrip to Lincoln w made without any connecting rods to tl drive wheels , and tbo pMsengers dlscuis ( the nature of the climate they would bai- Ifttidod In had the eaglno been throw from the track. It was a cloio sail , an that engineer has "the thanks end we withes and thanks of all on board. Wi boo Times. Theodore Thomas and 'bin orchostri ' assisted by several dlstbgulMhed vocallil and ahrRo choruc , intend to nlvejnuilci- estivals In thsTeadlng cltlesof the Unite States this year. Among the wester cities that have taken hold of the cntei- prlte arc Kansas City and Denver , an- Onuhft has bfen favored with an oppo- ituulty to have the lOitlval provided tha our cltVens will give n guarantee of $1,00 for two evening pcrfcrmalicea and a mat nee , July 2 and 3- .A . navel and quite n pleasant antl.Ipc- toryl raovomcnt , wo undcrxtani ] , is on foa- In North Omaha to herald the time Jionoi- ed Anniversary of St. Valentino' .! day. I- 1'eoney & Connolly' * lull u soled macquei ode ball will Lo given on Tuesday nluhl the eve of the festival , at which an en change of tbo pretty and suggestive "bll let dleux" wllltRko , place. The fdci 1 1- unlquejindjiuro to bo appreciated byjh many patrons of this popular plica o amusement.- Mr. . . Copp , an old and respected cltl zen of Wah.oo , aud father of Captain C- 'M. . Copp , of the State Militia , while en- gaged in seme work about bin premises o ITilday , tbe Oth Instant , tuptured a bloo- ivttnel , which caused his death about thre hours laUr. lie waa 71 yeais of ago , an- of delicate health for years past. Th funeral occurred yeiterday. Borne weeks ace a call was extende- ito Rev. Wlllard Scott, ot New Yoik , t become patter of St. Mary's Avecue Con- gregational church of this city , which cal he haa now formally accepted , and Mi Scott Is expected to reach Omaha In a fov days , when he will at once enter upon hi duties as pastor. ' John Thomas , the plaint If ! in the re- cent divorce case , , clalmi to have foum some papers which would thow that hi- wlfo'a recond husband , Frlco , was llvln when nho married him. Baldwin , one c the count el for Thomas , proporu to ream reel Price before the no tt trial of the ( (- 1vorto suit , The fire department meeting on Fr day nlubt was devoted to a dUcurilon the best means to Increase the eillclenoy the active membership , end a committee i two fntn each company was appointed report recommendations at the next mee- f. . H The B. AM. Athletic association hi elected directors as follows ! 0. D. Do f man, F. 8. En.tU , W. Ilandall , A. Mon gomery and M. Taylor. The dlrecto nest this week to elect officers. Dean Hart , of St. John' * cathedr * Denver, lacturts at the Baptist church i morrow evening , on tha "Memories ar Teaching * of the Cathedrals and Abbe ; of Bngland. " A musk melon sociable will b gtv- In < the parlors of the First M. E. churc' 09 Tbunday evening next. A cordl welcome v ill be extended to all. The Hock bland and Wabash wo both an hcur and twenty minutes late ye- terday morning , and the U. P. did not g away until nearly 1 o'clock. Singing clati every Monday aud Ft day evening at tbe Y, M. 0. A. hall. Fi- teenth and Farnom ; $1 for fifteen lenso : lor gentlemen and ladles. The Enoch Arden case Is nearly i- icated in the divorce tult of Keeshen T- Xeeihen , begun In tbe district court i Saturday.- Enoa . Sorensen , a Wishiogton conn farmer, blew off his head on Tbundi while out hunting. Ho was burled Sati- A three ye r old son ol Thomas K- llan , of WaLoo , broke his arm by falll from his hobby hone on Tuesday last.- W . L.Viucber , well knnwn In Omal 1 will lecture In David City to-morn i night on BcmethloK funny, ' McCuno and Gay nor will contest the amateur cbamplonthlp and the EUI gold medal , The snow blockade , has given way the cow blockade on the Denver Short H- iTbe Llnlnger & Metcalt compa have started a branch houre at York.- BOAHD . or THADI. Important me leg thli evening , at 7:30 o'clock , the rooms , Redlck's Block. All membi * * e requested to be pioseat to dloouso m ten of public interest. Thomas Qlbio- Secretary. . C. P. Goodman , President.- A . big carload of Australian mail we through Omaha yesterday. The criminal calendar li to be Uki- op a week from to-day. Capital lodge worki on tbe third c- lfjree to-night. Omaha Olee Club concert tomorroe- vening. . City council meeting again tomomn- ight. . Board of Trade again to-night. The Omaha Glee Club concett reservi seats can be procured to-day at 0- m. . at Boyd's opera home. , Tbe Grand Jury was In sesaii all week but M yet hai made no repoi They adjourned until Monday. The CMS of Rouse v . Wiigbfy whl- waa given to the jury In the district con Friday , was decided in favor of the C- ondnnt. . Judge Boneke I* improving rapid rom tbe injuries received from hii rece all.vlie expects to bo on deck It- moiniog. . * LlKhlford' * roller skating rlnlcdooon open on Monday a * stated but on Wedni day , February 14th. St. Valentine' * day- .No . dtareputablo persona will be allow at the Swedish Library Astoclatlon'g mi- querade , February ICth , nt Masonic Ha The gentleman who exchanged ovi- contn at the Mrcnnorchor mntrjuoradc h better return it Immediately ta ave Ire bleWde'xqe'nie' , v " , J 4 HI § Exdellenoy , Gor. Dawef.'harf i copied the Invitation of theK. If. A. to among those who will do honor to t memory of Robert Emmet , .Ireland's I loved martyr patriot , on the 6th of Marc at Bojd's oi > ( rhotuo . - The county commissioners are recel- ing bid t from the physicians desirous ot I tending to the county's sick for the com ! rear. The bidi will be opened on tlio 20- nst. . A special meeting of Capital Led No. til A. F. and A. M. will be held Monday evening , February 12b ( , for wo- n the third degree. VIsltln Brethren cordially Invited , by order of the Masti- MUj Marie Wllian , an elocutionist w i highly spoken of by eastern papers , topping at the Faxton houte , and li op- or engagements from churches and B- Otlea in this city. . The demand for fine cards U constat- y Increasing * and to keep pace with tl- cmand Kuhn & Co , , Crelghton Bloc hive received ths very finest Valentin- vor shown In Cniaho , nnd wh.ich they f tiling rapidly.- Miss . - - .Tcnnlo Dutton nml MI Emr- labella , tbo tno lady singers who.vt- Bslst the Omaha Glco Club In their co ort next TueaJny , , will arrive todi- vcnlug nnd will etopnt the Paxton , whe hero will be, plonked to incot their Inc rlondji of thla oity. Wean Hart , the talented clergyman Jenver , who dollvcrs the lecture 'on JEn- ish Cntbedrala and Abbeys uexll'uetda- ho inth , at tbe Baptist church , won" for1 lumber of years a master of the renown chool of Harrow, England , and no Ic ban an educator is Rifted aa a lecturer , On Tuesday evening last.Unity chnr lad a most delightful sociable at the re- lenco of Mr. 0. B. Moore , 1814 Oed treet , at which some eighty persona e eyed themselves with dancing and otb- muiements. . The sociables of Unl- huroh have become yery popular. Ti ext will bo on Friday night at Mr. 8. ] ohnson' *, lodge street. Senators Can6eld and Walker ai- lepresettatlves Field, Lee , Cox, Wat- nd McGavock , of the joint committee a- olnted to visit and Inspect the deaf ai- umb institute near this city, came up 10 Lincoln train to-day Hand drove o- vlth Superintendent Gllleiplo. They w- nd things in apple pie order out tnero i oubt.Dr. . M. Parr , the popular and genl- Oth street drucgut , celebrated his 4- 1Irthday anniversary Friday , In t- venlng his friends aisembled at his sto- nd presented him with a massive go leaded ebony cane. 'Dr. Hose made t- ireeentatlon speech and it was respond o in the usual pleasant way. The next attraction at Boyd's will .he German dialect comodlenj Chae. . Gardner , In "Karl" next Friday and Sa- unlay , supported by the bright little n- obrette , Miss Pattl Rosa , and a capat- company. . This troupe carry an excailc uniformed military band and a oompU orchestra and present an excellent eat * lnmtat. Among the cash transfer* of valual property last week waa the purchase Mr. E. B. Chapman , of the firm of M- gan & Chapman , of Mr. John T , Be residence on Davenport and 24th stree For $7,000, and the sale of the handsom residence corner of Park avenue and 8h man street , owned by Mr. Geqrge II greaves of Denver , for 81,600 to Mr. Bi Both sales were made by Ames * real eat agency. Last Monday evening was the oocasi- of e pleasant party at the reildenco of M Rosa , on Capitol avenue , given by t guests of the house. The hostess turt over everything to the party and they tc possession , and the light fantastic tripped until a seasonable hour. Afte bountiful repast was served the compi had the pleasure of hearing some I muilo by William R. llodd , and also Foot' * band. Those prctentwere : 1 and Mrs. Curry, Mr. aud Mn. Arbuthi- Mrs. . Kellerstrous , Mrs. O'Mara, N Ross , Mrs. Ilftll , Miises Carrie Forem Nellie Leach , Lolo Resd , IdaKtllerstr ; M. Dlmond , Saffelder , Tnlbot , Bra Donnelly ; Messrs , J. A. Tuttle , G. Jackson , J , Hobb * , R. llodd , II. Ho | II. llced , W. Foreman , S. Wllcox , Grol- Groovey and others Onion Poclllo Baao Ball Olub. The olootlon of offijsra of the TJn Pacific bsso ball club for tlio onsu year , resulted M fallows : President-W. P. Berrtel- .VicoProaldeut . W. 8. Wing. Treasurer John'3 , Taylor- .Sacrotary . E. Buckingham. Manager 0. M. Lord- .It . ia proposed to organize a atron nine than baa over boon known Omaha , and aomo fine gamoa way expeciad , Reliable goods at living profits.- HBNBY . FTJWDT, The Qroaer A X.OST BOY.- Ho . Is Awaiting n Claimant at tt City Jail. Friday afternoon a conplo avonllos marched up to the office ho oity marshal , having in tow a lltt- ollow eight years of ago vrhom the lad picked up on the street and wl aid ho waa lost. The child gave his name as Fn- Prondelmon and sold ho had como )maha with hia paronta the day b- ore , Thursday. Bo stated that the got onfho train at Council Illufh ar- oamo in there from the country. Thi- lept nil night In a bur room eom whore In Omaha and day morning his fath went to the depot to gat tholr goo out. Ho was sent to the same plai shortly after by hla mother, bt- ound that hla father had already gi oat hla gooda and loft. Ho the tartcd back to the placO ho can : rom , but ooon got lost , nnd w; eventually picked up as stated abov- lo wna glvon lodgings in the city jal- whiro ho got a good sloop Fr Ida ; and Bccmn to ba Icpllng well. Ho. very bright nnd Int'olligont.'and qui k good looking young follow. . a possible there may have boc method in hla losing , but it la to 1 loped not , and if not , Una item wi 10 do < bt bo a noutca of great relief t iaparnnts. [ Ho tmicl thnt-hla moth iron tying to Ilvo in Omahnv bat'thl- ia f Atliojj , WAS ageing * bivck. to , tl arm ! ' JIo h ycry staalj finh Bjag- ia 'hoary brown linif , Bnd"MBpdal plainly nnd Intelligently- .LILLIE'S . RACKET.- A . Good Looking Girl Kicks up- OoodStzucl Row.- A . apbrilng glflJlrch 06uSoil'Bl n iy the name of Lilllo Wooda goton- jrand drunk Friday and wo ute the establishment kept by Ml- 3oomb3 on Capitol nvonue , botwei- Deuth and E avenUi , and got to smaa- ng * furnitnro.Oa' being rome stratod wit1 ! ehu 'Idckod a HghTi amp off the table , which oxplodi and sot fire to htho place , which , hoi avor. waa put out 'without aunding an alarm. She then wont to Barney Shannoc saloon nnd made an attempt to doi out the plaoo , but was cleaned out he- eolf. . She then went back to Ml- Coombs' plnco nnd commenced anoth- diaturbanco , wheu tlio opportm arrival of Oflicers Slgwortnnd Ruan- jrovontcd any farther trouble.- Thu . oflicors had quito a time in gc- Ing Lilllo to jail , nnd her foul la- nago ; and ecrcoma drew n largo crow which fpllowtd the ofliocra all the wi- o the jail. SOCIETIES.- ndopenaent . Order aboil Tonaplars Installation of Officers. * The following mombora of thoabo order wore last evening installed f- ho ensuing terra : Ohaa. T. Bunco , W. 0. T. John Boxiou , P. W. 0. T. Jennie Moore , W. V. T. George J. Sternsdorf , W. R. S. May Crawford , W. A. II. B. Joshua Davriea , W. F. B- .Mrs. . . 0. T. Bunco , W. T. John BnxtoD , P. W. 0 T- .W . , T. McAllister , W. 0.- J. . . D. Jones. W. M- .Llllle . Willis , W. D. M.- H. . . B. Weaver , W. O O- .Jonnlo . Howard , W. I. G , Noala Daniels , R H. 8. May Gould , L. H. 8- .Thcro . ia great Interest manifest n the temperance wotk by the moi > ers of this order , and the lodge naking Its influence felt for the goi- n the city. A considerable acceasl- o cho already largo membership is e- icctcd during the coming quarter.- A . New Firm.- Wo . are glad to inform our roadc that the firm of Gaff, Flolschmaun- Co. . , ono of the largest dlstlllll houses In the Uulted States and ma- ufaotarers of oomprossod yenst ha established a branch honso in Omari- as they have had for years in all the principal cities of the oast. T- yaast made by this firm b the MI- hlch was used in the Vienna moc- akpry > on the Centennial groan during ; the exposition in 1876 m Ph- adelpljla. . The elegant rolls and bre which the visitors obtained at this i sort are well remembered by evoi- ono. . The ladlfs of Omaha will bo picas to know that they may now bo sc piled with this superior quality yeast at any of the groaerlea of t city , bat moro especially at Hen Pundts1 , the well-known dealer at N 1218 Fnrnham Army urdera Under the provisions of paragra 27) army regulations , a board of o- oera to consist of Lieutenant Coloi Edwin 0. Mason , Fourth' infant ! Major Isaac D. DoRnssy , Fourth fantry ; Captains Robert n. Moi- gomory , Fifth cavalry ; Horace Neii Fourth infantry , and Charles R. B- nett , A, Q M. , U. 8. A. , and Fl- nontenant Dan , 0. Klngman , 00- 1of engineers , will assemble at thi headquarters February 1C , 1883 , as soon thereafter as prastlcable , make a preliminary examination it the claims and qualifications for p motion of such non-commlsslened u cora as may bo ordered before it. First Sergeant Hampton M. Roai troop F, Fifth cavnlry , will report person , on February 1C , 1883 , to I recorder of the board ot dlioers ci- vonod by 1 , apodal orders No. 1C, o rent series from these headqnartu for examination. Upon belug notIC that hla prcsonco. will be longer quired before the board ho will roll to his station. . The quartermaster's department T furnish the necessary transportstli and the subsistence department OD mutation of rations , it being Impr Doable to carry cooked rations , Upon recommendation of hia co- pany and peat commanders , ao mi- of the nnexplred portion of the BI on co In. the case of Prlvato Jot J. Ln k , company B , Ninth Infantr published in general court mart ! ordeta No. 34 , series of 1R82 , fro 'heno headquarters , aa relates to oo- fiocmont , la remitted , Leave cf absence for ono mont w ! h permission to apply f it an oxte- sion ( f thrco months , ia granted 8c- nnd L'ontenant ' Charles R. Noj Ninth infantry. GRAND CONCERT. The I3IB Musical Event of the Beaa Next Woefe. The next attraction at the ops- ionso is the annual grand concert 30 gtvon by the Omaha Oleo clnb , TV e * lay evening next. It will dri out a largo audience , and wll 1 bo o- of the finnst ontortalumcnts cf : i season of 1882 3 The sale of tlckc- alrnady is most flittering , and numt orders are comirg in from Oouhi- B.nifd aud other iieighborlng cltic- Fho programmo la aa tollowe : 1. Strlne Qiartetto Monnott. Vocchcr- I'ld ( iiiiatheiin Clnb Q lartette. 2. Chorus Vonng Mielctanj..Kuck Glee OJuX 3. Aria Bolero ( SlclllnnVe'perB.Ve ) Mlas Jennlo Dutton. 4. Ba a Solo , Ubllgato and Chorus - BereninV . Mil 11. D Kitabrook imd Glco Club. 5. Brlndlsl II Sigreto fLucrrzIn ) . . . . ... ' Miss EmoA M bella.- to. . . Quartette and' Cho'rns-t Summer1- ft , 'Bong . . ' .. . . . . .. ' . Mendebuc 7. Song Flor.dl Margh'erlt.AK , Mltjj Jennie pulton. ; ff * 8. String QaartetteXdcgto in.Bflat' . v , . i . ' ..4Sp- Phllomnthoo < Ciub Quartette.- D. . . Ballad-Sweet" deilovl-ve . Tucl Mini Emma Msbella. 10. Ohorus-NIht ( SongrKuT. . . , . . x GleeOlub.v4 11. Qiartette-Oh , My Love'n LlJc'e the U<vl , Red tyc>Me . Garr Misses Dutton aud Mahclla , Mestre- Northrup and Smith.- Mr. . . F. S. Smith , Mudcal Director. . Miss Mattle L. Brookner, Accompanl- t ounty oommiBBlonera * SATDKDAY , Ftbrnary JO. Boa mot pursuant to adjournment. Pr- ent , Oommisslonen Corllssy Enlg and O'Keefo. The following resolution w < adopted : Resolved , That the county troi- nror bo and ho is hereby instructed cancel tax on west half of l"t 3, bio 21 , Omaba , for the year 1831 , on i count of being churoh property. Resolved , That the county trci- nrer bo nnd ho is Ii9roby directed draw from the cjjnoral4und $0 , n apply the aamo to the payment of t- dolicquont tux of H. 0. Jnhnaon 1 the year 1881 , for work on the "r " rip. Petition for the ndoption of BSD Albortio , an infant , by John und Lu- L Plnney , was eigucfi by the bosid. The following accnonte were lowed frcm the general fund : II W. Curtis , tales juror .I..T. . . . $ 4- J. . M. Town , witnts * fee 25 Valentine Greif , grand juror 5- Geo. . Snii'h , county surveyor. 8) lied field Bron. , blanks 13 Little & lllUm * , kindling 13 Morgan & Chapman , coffee 14- J. . M. Woolworth , brief ft r ounty 32- O. . J. Mandertoo , commis'loner of insanity 411- M. . Rovers k Son , goods for county 11- O. . M. Liuoyer. road appraiser. .. . 8- O, Turner, road appraiser 3- J. . H. Gue , road appraiser , with team 6 Adjourned to the 14th inst. JOHN BAUMEE , County Clerk OLD ABE.- A . Letter From Lincoln Written 1850.- A . BBS reporter while located Lincoln during the present session ho legislature , came across n histo cal letter , which is of such an interc- ing nature that ho felt convinced wouldbe , read with considerable iu tor- by the general public. The letter question was presented lo Ma- Klue'sah , nn old nnd respected vote ; residing in the capiUl city. The 1 ter which runs as follows speaks itoell : SI-RINGFIELD , 111. , April 20.1859- T. . J Pitkotts , Eiq : "Mv DEAR SIB : Yours of the It- Is just rtoaived. My engagtme are such that I cannot at any very ea day vislf Rock Island to deliver a 1 tare or any other object. Aa to I other matter you kindly mention must , In candor say , I do not thi myself fit for the presidency. I c- tainly am flattered and gratified tl some partial friends think of m4 that conneotlon , but I really thlnl best for our oauao that no ooncorl effort , such aa you suggest , ahould- made. . Let this bo considered confident ! Yours very truly , A. JJUCOLN. ' Major Kluotsoh sets a very hi value upon this interesting eouvet and would not part with it for i consideration.i * Boaid of Education.- At . an'fladjourned meeting of Omaha board of education , held S- urday ovonlng , the committee teachers and text books fixed sovi salaries as follows : Miss Hattie McKoon , principal the West school , | 85 per month.- Mlsa . MoOarty , principal of the C- ter atreet aohool , f85.- Mlsa . Molntyro , principal of- achool , 90. The committee on buildings s property fixed the salary of the . .- ator of the Center street school at S a month during the winter mont the salary of the janitor of the Ha man school , ? 50 during the win months , aud janitor of the West sch ? 55 durinc the winter months.- Mr. . . MoShano oflorod a reeolat ; that the president and secretary authorized to draw a warrrnt In fa- cf Dennis Fltzpatrlok ? 550 on&cooi- of steam boating apparatus. The board voted $30 per moi extra salary to Miss Hill while sh acting principal of the high school. The board moved to reconsider warrant foe | 137 f r vaccine poll and that the committee on bulldii- nnd property bo authorlrsd tolnvei gate and ascertain by whom the pos were ordered and uaed. SUNDAY WORK A Sermon at tbe Booth Omaba M , : Church. Before the sermon In the Sou Omaha M. , church yesterday , t- lnstor , Rav. J. W. Stewart , annonn- od that Gin. O. 0. Howard would a- drosa the Sabbath school In the aftc- noon. . Ho also announced that the would bo a mooting during the wei- of an association within the churc which had for'lts object the asmtan of the poor , and also the Invitation those who attend no ohuroh , to atcoi- worship. . "But , " aaid the paator , ' would expel any member of my chnn who would do any proselyting"- Wo will not enter Into detail , b will glvo a general vlow cf the ma divisions of the sermon. . Mark IV. 14. The Sewer Sowo the word. 1. The sower. 2. Tl- seed. . 3. The ground. While this in general refers to i- Ohlstlans , It refers particularly to ml- sters whoso duty as well as privile | t is to preach the gospel of Chris And this man should bo a oonverti- rasn''Kavlnu In-hid heart the true lo- at it Is in Christ , and hiv.ng as h strength , the Holy Spirit- .In . this person thtrd must bo a lei For the work nnd for Its author , that it will not bo difficult to cause tl- lito of eloquence , to bum. The must bo Intelligence , and that into ! gonco must bo continually Btfou- thunod by research , so that nil thin must bo brought before the nltar of c- cfed learning-amTinado subservient it , so that in every rninuto'dopartnie there may bo found n support for t gospel of Christ. Hero wo find t sewer fathering the prain which shall ccattor. _ _ before the minister'commdhc this work of dlesemlnatlig 'the trut- of that bible"ho should lasoorhi- he is called of God or not to preac- Ho should bo f ally persuaded in 1 own mind that it Is his duty , and should still not decide until thechur calls him tot.enter the field , B thereby "being supported by their t- oision. . s * r_ a 2. The seed. What should t- pr ? achtr preach ! , The true preset will preach the word JHo should r preach "on Thomas Carlyle or H other man ; ho should nut lecture any scientific subject as an excuse I a sermon , while it is his duty to km whore to place each man and en theory, when he takes the sword t Spirit to enter the battle field for t- Lord' . There are some who , while th- tiavo no hope bejond the grave , th will pay liberally to hear a Icotu which is delivered by one , "who ce- tetnptuoualy lights his well fUvor- cigaro by the dying embers of chr- tiauity , and then presume thty ha- begn scieutificilly bonofittcd. B when mou us Moody it Harrison p sent the gnapul they are not popul from a.worldly , eland point , yet i- popuar ) among oarnest'Ohrlstians , Bio thofsosrer earnestly eowlnS t- Keed , and wo see the poor fed by"t harvests which are gathered. 3. The ground , A yonug man m have attended ono of the latest open he may anticipate a coming event the near future , and many of t words which ere spoken are to tl mind cast on the Wayside. Son durlntr. times of revivals , while th hear the singbg cf the glorlo- sf rmona of eternal day , and hear the eternal sorrow of those who die their sins , are willing to grasp any thing that is offered to the and they are willing to unite with t- chnrch when they have no reason believe they have a true living fail The Spirit then has never chang their hearts , therefore th'iy i scorched by the sun when It shit upon the flinty rock. The fifo a the drum caused many to enlist in t army , but it did not originate patri- it in in their hearts There are some who hear the goaf and they admit tbo claims as ju but they also caress the many pie arcs and cares of the world , whi will finally ohoko all their good inti- tions. . Bat the Christian of whatever s- tion'in life who fulfills his obligatic- as a Ohrintlan , showing that he kno what the power of the Holy bplrlt- Is the pereon who is compared to i good ground.- Who. . . is responsible ? It is truly r the sewer , for he sows to all. And the different influences which are war with the truths cf the Bible i permitted to exist , they will have th respective Influences upon the) mil of men ; whether it be that which religious bodies would repudiate whether It IB a form of religion falai- so called. SAINT The Origin and Universal Obaervar of the Day. Wednesday next is the festival Saint Valentine or "Valentino's da ; aa it ia more commonly called , and aomo days paat the shop wlnda have boon bright with the mlssi' common to that date , of charact both common and sentimental. Saint Valentino was a bishop presbyter , who was decapitated in I year A. D. 270 , during the Claud ! persecution at Romo. The custom sending valentines la a very ancii- one. . Some toll us that on tl day birds select their mat others trace the custom to the Rom Lnporcalla , February 15 , when sit lar practices 'wero observed. Trai- of the custom have boon detect amone the observances of the Norl- ern Pagans of Ancient Euro ] Hence it ia probable that thotradlti that ascribes Its origin to n comme oration of the loving and ohurhal disposition of St. Valentino , la a co paratlvely late invention. The business in Valentines Increai- ovcry yoar. Thia is said to be duo the greater artistic finish of the hlgt priced valentines , and the express ! from year to year in the coinlc on- To the cisnal observer , however , v- entlncs look pretty mnch the sai from ono anniversary to auothi This year a now Interest has be given to thorn by the taste bestow on the valentine catds. These oai are a variation on those used I ChrlatmaaNew Year'a and Easter pi poses , and are sent.to iweethearta a 'rionda in the same way as the erthc- dox valentine.- An . ewtcrn mannfacturer , who , wll- iila father , has boon in the Valontit business since 1834aaya that the uroi- Ing traffic In valentines li largely dt- to the taato displayed in their desk ind manufacture. The aalo of cost box valentines la necessarily Hmitoi but the cheaper ones , and especial the cameo and comlo valentines , a in greater demand than' ' over bofor- Ho haa sold- over 3,000,000 com valentines , and a very largo nombi- of cameo valdntlncs , Thcro wore n many imperial valentines In thla con try , for although high-priced Enelli- valentlnes'had a greater sale In En laud than those of a costly , doelf- on this side cf th6 water, their aty did not seem to salt the Amorici- taste. . festival of this saint Is anythti but a festival for the postciiHoo ct- ployes throughout the country , who labor is trebled by the flied of "dn- letters" common to the day.- PBBSONAZj. . . Clem Chaeo and wife wore among I names registered nt the Motropollt- hotel.Saturday. . .If this h our you townsman it Is somewhat cf a si- prise , but our congratulations ure not t lets cordial.- Mr. . . Jaf. Connolly , of Jha firm of Ften & Conuolly , left yesterday for St. Lou Chicago and Boston to'buy a stock boots and ebocB for their spring and uu inor trade.- Charlca . Hollwlg , the handsome clerk Wo'fe'n place in North Ouittha , went ' Wahoo yeiterday on buane ! E- .Huns. . ' ' ' * ' . itf'Oibbonu , nni Ed Calkin's , of Ksarui are at tbe Paxton. 0 M. L-kwler , general superintendent the80. % $ tMPTft R. , h atth'e Pwtt- iJ * , V, Benson'and wife , ef fo'ifolk , at the Metropolitan yesterday, E. L Sweezy nnd wife , of 'Wn- Snxlnge , are nt tbe Paxton. , Ifon. W. II. Mlchaelr.of Grind Mai- laa " gueit of thei'axtpn. iHepry Meyer and' wife , of San Fri cfico are at the Paxton. | Her ) . E. F. Warren , of Nebraska Ci- ia ot tha Paxton , ' 0. S. Paterson , ' f St ! Liuis , is at Metropolitan- jFred W. drew , of St. Paul , ia at Metropolitan. . * 0. A. Keith , of Lincoln , la registered the Millatd.- J. . . E. Francis , of Spencer , Is nt the M ropolilati.- Miss" . Gates , of Brownsville , is at MitUtd , t , E D. Gould , ofFnllerton , Is at Mlllard.- A. . . B. Persiugor , of Colorado , h at Poxtou.- J. . . > . Boyd , of Chicago , u the S ! lard. , Mrs ? 11. K. Strahora , of Denver Is in city. - * "Roub on Sate. " Clears out rats , mice , roaches , fll ante , bed bugs , okuuka , chipmnnl- gophers. . 15o. Druggists. .- DIED- .NEBER . ChnrleiNebfr. ion of EUzab and Charldi Ntber , February 8th , ai 4 month' . Funeral took place from Tenth i Capitol aveaue , Sunday, February llth 1:30 p. rn. THfe GREAT GERM , REMEDY FOR PAIN ItaUtres and care- tRHEUMATISJ Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbjfl- iBACKACHE , HI1DKEI, lOOIHiCn SORE THROAT , QU1NSV , BWELLl.- SO8PIIAINS , Screneu , Cult, Bnuiti- FROSTBITES. . ill other txxtllj tt- in ! pal- m.nm . CHITS i BOTH Soli ! til DratititiD- caleri. . Olriotloul U UngnafM- .Tbi . Chulll A.7ogel r- BaMMWrtUA ( T l tA- BalUMW *, Mi, C. S SPECIAL HOTICE ® , tl-SPECIAL 8 will POSITIVELY not b sorted unless paid In advance. 10 LOAN MONfcY- T f ONKY TO LOAN-Call at Law office of D- 1VJ _ Thoiras room BOrelghton Bloc- k.T" . LOAN $3,000 T LOAN On chattel mortgage MOSEY . A. B. Tutton. Na. 1010 JJouj- itreot front room up utaire. _ 4351- TO IOAN At 8 per cent terestmsumsof J-.OOOand wards , for gto C J oars , on flret class city and f : propcrt ) , Bioai Umi EHIATH and LOAH Aou- IBth and DouglaaBt- a.MONBYTO . LOAN At 8 per cent. Hhtlv and Loan Agency , oppo- poatodlce. . 707.1 LOANED On Chattel MorlRaie MONEY . Room No. 1 , over Merchants . 977ln- YMNIEO ( Wanted male nr female. In v AGENTS town In the Urlted States $1- 1to 115.10 parday etelly ante. G , E. KlDEO & O J. , 10 Itercl y Street , New Yoik City.- J . _ 18 Imo mor- .WANTED . A lady agent to csnvas for a i Addiesi U. M. , thli otnlce. Girl for general houte * ork. 1 WANTED , SjUtb avenue , 2d house toitl- St 0761 ANT I'D A iccond girl. Apply 1310 T- lerpirtbtrcet V79- 1lfANTEO Ti'o o Interdlnz to learn the c( V > t rrcrfoc' diesscuttlni lokrow tint agents will reruOn for one week at 111H lei etiect. IMterns a tpeclally. OSO-I1 Ten active , p iMtig men to and Intieducu a well knovn article to tt lei In ihlacltr. Kugajcment jeroiateat If w- to travel 81,60per day aud Coinmlttloq. A Hone an 1 waon wanted , ! per diy. Ap Monday , at 0JOcf Mr. Brady , Crelghton Ilou C7JH1- H7ANIED A good b rber. Jobbytteji W Apply to II. F. OUMPKKT- .MIIO . ! Fremont , Net housekeeper , a mlddle-ai Vy woman , without children In fuullr of- Addrtu thli week "J. P. Amc'TUnter1 lie Oaiaba , afler which at Blair. 85810- YY wtller, llth itreet. 9721- 27TIRL WANTED For general honi worlT2- JT DaTtnpoit 81. 930-1 DINlNd-Hcom girl wanted atfiuifleld BIMI honr* . Four nnt elt s Mllcltora , t Igraj WANTED ( men. Mar.led menpreferrM Ad- dretk - B. If. B < office. 639-15 ANTED. . ROOM-A refined gentleman of quiet habits dcslrei to ecgate a pennmerl oem lth strictly private fimlly feb lt21- ORSE W NTRD-Abu9ne i man likes to hire a hone for fcur or Urn half ajiptr week , to ca'l at hla customers round town , llai got ha-nesi and very light nagon of hlj own. feb lo 2- 1WANTEDPIea i t furnlufced room or inlt * traveling mm anil wife w th- biard Addretn until Febru > rv I5th , "f.- cate . Hllhrd Hotel. ._ y Olt KENT rlOUOtO ANU- F TOK KENT A doilranle cott ge of lU to m- c.nvenl'nt dUtireofnm dip , Irqulraof- Uri. . J. A. Parsons , cor. 17th anj ilarcy ttreetf.- IpOK . RiJNT Ilrun of four rooms ard kltc- hJ - ? en. Apply A. Murphy , 4Ws.uth 14th 8tret. 929-lit FOR RENT Furnished ruoin at 1C93 Farnara "t. C81-13 _ HlOJt hEVI ilxroomhou e , with barn , 18th 1 avcnpnt. Five room cr lr iir < . ner. 10th and Hkkory. Inquire of J I Hll'pg HI E ' 8 'H 15US. 5th. _ FOR RKNT r o Urrc norrs , furnl hfd ol , 8ui south 18 h street OC3 U- JE OK bt. Inquire nex dcor 8C9 12- ITIOil 0,1 RlNr-Fu-nhhel r-otiwllh board , Ka. 1 bath room. Also table board , i718- ro' i5j- OlV.f KENT-4-acr s limlvthinlj m Ids of L; IVttoIllcc , with hoinooftwa rooms , Und in throe larcd , onao1 2lncro > , one of 18 acres aid one.of t acres , and all nlf f nce .t 1. BJM Aye-t , 15th nnd rcU- .elUK . IU.NT Ijoublg oitlcolu Jacobs' Mock. - 810.1WUSNT lp-3lalts ) Fatnam at. JOHN O. JACOBS.- A . UAH CHANCE FOR UHnT Tt.eZnd storr jtnd txsomotit ot bulldln No.llll harnam Inquire next dooreu . J18 Irm- On R"KT-One orran , .00 per m-nth , at- A. _ . IIoipj's iluslc Hall 777im- 7UKM8IIEU ll'iOMS AND 11 IAUUM"ort7rn- i cos 1810 Oodga St. 573lm- y house % 2 to 10 rooms , at $3 to- er roc-nth Shrlver'g llont Lureaii , op- .ooat . office. Q768tf- t,70K 11ENT era! sma 1 houses , B rooms DR. 0. U. PAUL.- L1OH . 1UN1 One Ut e nliy furmshed room X! with board for two at 1808 California St- .707ltuo. . . T >iKMIS'New Map of Omaha , Juit oomp- UJ and - ready for delh ery at 93 each. Is 4 feet wide by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map ot Omaha ever published. Official map ot th- cltv. . Bee column. SALR 83 EO per thru and , delivered ea B- .&M . track , a Omiha All orders ilicctod- to Belle uollrick y.ril , Sarpy ( , will is- ce - vo proii ps a'.trnt'on. QIilOJ SALi OH tXOHA llE-Forty atrcs of rOK , 4 rullta ouhint M BLUr. Wll tell them or cxcli.tipc lor gocd pilr o1 hoi see. Ap- .ly . Hrns i an liro'ri , gid ueis , , or ui- "BooBle. - . " 92-12 POK SALK-Uo ol furn'ture , I'dudlrrbur bar fixturewtha lanaof t obulldlre.I- ii4U . re ot Il'eljar O'Kecio r V Kuccra , No. Jal- so th 3ihetro t , Oiishi , Nob. 8T-ls : SALK-Furnlturo nn I Inside nt'ln ' s at EOH Itc Hou eonlOtU strctt , b.t. Da > onjort- apdCapI Oltfnu- . feSilO Kb toil SALE CIIKAl'-CinilUs westof HOI .%, on the Union Paclllu railroad. Brick barn , two story hotel and furniture , threa lose 1x132 , Kood stand , go d business. Goad reason * for eelllng. Inqulru of subscriber.- AL . NOHUIS , 713-lm-mc Noith I'end , Neb , fj > OR JSALS Threa mules ni two horn ; . Jt? OUEiSTODDARD , JeOur Hia tquuro table , fC23t 16th an 1 CM ; . . SAL' TVa n ot limes , uarocai and wajro-at817 l.-m n rr'h Hie t 9G13t LK ijpanof injlos , hnrn- Inqu'ro ' Jamut Kal.on rOpcrahotue vauta. 818lm- oWK otti r far ftilo t a bareatii thn cnjloo ar d new In moat ur works. Th * ccin.l t outfit ' 'sai iofil i-s ne * , nd coui l tt of- "n lie(40 ( h'rspo c ) B'ilf , HeaterSteam- P mp , Htnoke bti. K, B cam nnd Water uauzo' , Wottr'Jark Hp > , tc. Itwllbetikeu out nliMit thi Ornt of nsxt M y Pirtlo inter , tcilarnltivl ul oca'lnii'ls ' n 't Inoro-atlon dny and nijjlt ( Hund-ja rxrcpter ) at thn W dm an Linseed Oil < , comerfceva tointh and Klch- clan frtito 917im- YnOlt AlK-Ilou c and 13t for ale on S 13th- JL 'nJ Iorcs8 ) stitcti. Call on the prtmlaca- .8S812tt . 17)0 U AIli-l' C"Cts maps of Neiraska *0- cJ; rach. For btrgaiiiH In o aha Citj Improved and un mpr cd property , call on Wm. V, Shri- ver - , neil Estate A cnt , oppos to po tolllce. 7R1H- I.1OII SAl.E tifx room cottage with barn nd- Jj half lot on Chicago street , near High School Only *2300. JIcCAQUE , COO del 27-t Opp. Pos office.- J . ,1Olt BALK A Jrnt clntu cecood Band prjaeton- 'I' Call at 1319 TTarntySt _ 897U- BKICK FOR SALEt9.00 per l tb'U'and , Yard 15th street , two blocks louth tt Bn'levuo road dfc 23-3mt _ LORENZO DIBBLE , E1IIS New Map of Omaha , Just completed am. B ready for dclU ery at $3 each. Is 4 feet wide by 7 feet long. Largest anj mot complete map of Omaha ever published. Official map of the dty. Sea column. A Watch Cra'ro , attached wl'h bucklt LOST a black silk ribbon. Finder will be re- warded hy returning It to W. A. Rcdlck- .T . OST Yette-day altcrnrxn.an Otter Muff con- I - f talnlng v. ) Itafandkeichlef with bluaborder- in Quiring or Uards'ne * , between 18th and SO h. Finder ca I lor nward at Hobbn Hr- 80910th - . ' , sUtet 060.KJ- MAQ'STEH OF PALS1YSTKHY AND COND' TIllNALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam and Harnoy. Will , with i he aid of guardian SDlrlta , obtain for any one a glance of the paal and present , and on pertain conditions In tt r ru- turo. - . Boots and Shoos made to order. Pitted satisfaction (ruaronteod. Absolutely Pure. This powder necr varies. A marvel of purity ttrengtb and wholceomenesa. More economical than the orplnary kinds and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low teat , short weliiht , alum or ph r5h t po *ler. Sold only In- cans. . RoTii. BAIUCO Pownia Co. , Wall 8t , w Mew York.

nebnewspapers.unl.edunebnewspapers.unl.edu/lccn/sn99021999/1883-02-12/e… ·  · 2008-07-28THE DAILY JBEfc: MONDAY FEBRUAKY 12 The Daily Bee.-OMAHA... Monday Morning , Fob. 12,

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The Daily Bee.-




Monday Morning , Fob. 12 ,

Weather Report.(The following observations are taken

the same moment of time at all the statlonentlonfd. )


OMAHA , February 11 , Ib83 , ((1:45: p. m. )




30 10 Clear. . , 30 14 Fresh Clear

Wathakle. .PUtt i 30 20-

SOLight . 'ill-

KilrOmaha. . . . . . VO-




DearDCS Jlolncn-.Dairnjxjit.

. IBfFair

. FrehI-LIxbt

ClearFt. I'aul . W Jli.ir-

Clou8k. Loul*. . 3002 Itn-k iflluortiu U. . 3007-


Ilil'k-LlkhtVincent . . . Jlear-

OearBttnmrck . . 63003-


I carBtl'l'e' * . i.lht-


1(1( icarAnlnabplne.

The west bound passenger train on tlOmaha & Kepubllcan Valley rallroa-

came very near mcotlne with an accide-

ilat Sunday , that would have proved s-

rlous had It not been for the presencemind of the engineer ru-

clnflit tt usu&l ratflof speed, when tl-

catiiKclIng rod between thej two drivebroke. The broken cmU flsw around In

very carelei manner , and wan uslne i

the louder and c b of the ecj-Ino In a ma' tier that w a not ploatant to the ni n w-

lheldthe triroltio.- , But he sbuUff steoand applied the nlf brakp , notwltbstaadlihis perilous position , nod sivod the trat-

Tbe balance of thevtrip to Lincoln wmade without any connecting rods to tl

drive wheels , and tbo pMsengers dlscuis (

the nature of the climate they would bai-

Ifttidod In had the eaglno been throwfrom the track. It was a cloio sail , an

that engineer has "the thanks end we

withes and thanks of all on board. Wiboo Times.

Theodore Thomas and 'bin orchostri' assisted by several dlstbgulMhed vocalliland ahrRo choruc , intend to nlvejnuilci-estivals In thsTeadlng cltlesof the UniteStates this year. Among the westercities that have taken hold of the cntei-

prlte arc Kansas City and Denver , an-

Onuhft has bfen favored with an oppo-

ituulty to have the lOitlval provided thaour cltVens will give n guarantee of $1,00

for two evening pcrfcrmalicea and a matnee , July 2 and 3-



navel and quite n pleasant antl.Ipc-toryl raovomcnt , wo undcrxtani ] , is on foa-

In North Omaha to herald the time Jionoi-ed Anniversary of St. Valentino'.! day. I-

1'eoney & Connolly' * lull u soled macqueiode ball will Lo given on Tuesday nluhlthe eve of the festival , at which an en

change of tbo pretty and suggestive "blllet dleux" wllltRko, place. The fdci 11-

unlquejindjiuro to bo appreciated byjhmany patrons of this popular plica o




. Copp , an old and respected cltlzen of Wah.oo , aud father of Captain C-

'M. . Copp , of the State Militia , while en-

gaged in seme work about bin premises o

ITilday , tbe Oth Instant, tuptured a bloo-

ivttnel , which caused his death about threhours laUr. lie waa 71 yeais of ago , an-

of delicate health for years past. Thfuneral occurred yeiterday.

Borne weeks ace a call was extende-ito Rev. Wlllard Scott, ot New Yoik , tbecome patter of St. Mary's Avecue Con-

gregational church of this city , which cal

he haa now formally accepted , and MiScott Is expected to reach Omaha In a fov

days , when he will at once enter upon hiduties as pastor.

' John Thomas , the plaint If! in the re-

cent divorce case , , clalmi to have foum

some papers which would thow that hi-

wlfo'a recond husband , Frlco , was llvlnwhen nho married him. Baldwin , one c

the count el for Thomas , proporu to ream

reel Price before the no tt trial of the ((-

1vorto suit ,

The fire department meeting on Frday nlubt was devoted to a dUcurilonthe best means to Increase the eillclenoythe active membership , end a committee i

two fntn each company was appointedreport recommendations at the next mee-


H The B. AM. Athletic association hi

elected directors as follows ! 0. D. Dof man, F. 8. En.tU , W. Ilandall , A. Mongomery and M. Taylor. The dlrectonest this week to elect officers.

Dean Hart , of St. John' * cathedr*

Denver, lacturts at the Baptist church imorrow evening , on tha "Memories arTeaching * of the Cathedrals and Abbe ;

of Bngland. "

A musk melon sociable will b gtv-


the parlors of the First M. E. churc'

09 Tbunday evening next. A cordlwelcome v ill be extended to all.

The Hock bland and Wabash wo

both an hcur and twenty minutes late ye-

terday morning , and the U. P. did not gaway until nearly 1 o'clock.

Singing clati every Monday aud Ftday evening at tbe Y, M. 0. A. hall. Fi-

teenth and Farnom ; $1 for fifteen lenso :

lor gentlemen and ladles.

The Enoch Arden case Is nearly i-

icated in the divorce tult of Keeshen T-

Xeeihen , begun In tbe district court i




Sorensen , a Wishiogton connfarmer, blew off his head on Tbundiwhile out hunting. Ho was burled Sati-

A three ye r old son ol Thomas K-

llan , of WaLoo , broke his arm by falllfrom his hobby hone on Tuesday last.-



L.Viucber , well knnwn In Omal

1 will lecture In David City to-morni night on BcmethloK funny, '

McCuno and Gay nor will contestthe amateur cbamplonthlp and the EUI

gold medal ,

The snow blockade , has given waythe cow blockade on the Denver Short H-

iTbe Llnlnger & Metcalt compahave started a branch houre at York.-



or THADI. Important meleg thli evening , at 7:30 o'clock ,

the rooms , Redlck's Block. All membi**e requested to be pioseat to dloouso m

ten of public interest. Thomas Qlbio-

Secretary. . C. P. Goodman , President.-



big carload of Australian mail we

through Omaha yesterday.

The criminal calendar li to be Uki-

op a week from to-day.

Capital lodge worki on tbe third c-

lfjree to-night.Omaha Olee Club concert tomorroe-

vening. .

City council meeting again tomomn-


Board of Trade again to-night.

The Omaha Glee Club concett reserviseats can be procured to-day at 0-

m. . at Boyd's opera home. ,

Tbe Grand Jury was In sesaii

all week but M yet hai made no repoiThey adjourned until Monday.

The CMS of Rouse v . Wiigbfy whl-

waa given to the jury In the district con

Friday , was decided in favor of the C-

ondnnt. .

Judge Boneke I* improving rapidrom tbe injuries received from hii rece

all.vlie expects to bo on deck It-

moiniog. . *

LlKhlford' * roller skating rlnlcdooonopen on Monday a* stated but on Wedniday , February 14th. St. Valentine' * day-



dtareputablo persona will be allowat the Swedish Library Astoclatlon'g mi-

querade , February ICth , nt Masonic Ha

The gentleman who exchanged ovi-

contn at the Mrcnnorchor mntrjuoradc hbetter return it Immediately ta ave IrebleWde'xqe'nie' , v

", J

4 HI § Exdellenoy , Gor. Dawef.'harf i

copied the Invitation of theK. If. A. toamong those who will do honor to t

memory of Robert Emmet , .Ireland's I

loved martyr patriot , on the 6th of Marcat Bojd's oi > ( rhotuo .


The county commissioners are recel-

ing bid t from the physicians desirous ot I

tending to the county's sick for the com !

rear. The bidi will be opened on tlio 20-

nst. .

A special meeting of Capital LedNo. til A. F. and A. M. will be heldMonday evening , February 12b( , for wo-

n the third degree. VIsltln Brethrencordially Invited , by order of the Masti-

MUj Marie Wllian , an elocutionist w

i highly spoken of by eastern papers ,

topping at the Faxton houte , and li op-

or engagements from churches and B-Otlea in this city. .

The demand for fine cards U constat-y Increasing * and to keep pace with tl-

cmand Kuhn & Co , , Crelghton Blochive received ths very finest Valentin-

vor shown In Cniaho , nnd wh.ich they ftiling rapidly.-


.- - .Tcnnlo Dutton nml MI Emr-

labella , tbo tno lady singers who.vt-Bslst the Omaha Glco Club In their coort next TueaJny , , will arrive todi-vcnlug nnd will etopnt the Paxton , whehero will be, plonked to incot their Inc

rlondji of thla oity.

Wean Hart , the talented clergymanJenver , who dollvcrs the lecture 'on JEn-

ish Cntbedrala and Abbeys uexll'uetda-ho inth , at tbe Baptist church , won" for1

lumber of years a master of the renownchool of Harrow , England , and no Ic

ban an educator is Rifted aa a lecturer,

On Tuesday evening last.Unity chnrlad a most delightful sociable at the re-

lenco of Mr. 0. B. Moore , 1814 Oedtreet , at which some eighty persona e

eyed themselves with dancing and otb-

muiements. . The sociables of Unl-

huroh have become yery popular. Ti

ext will bo on Friday night at Mr. 8. ]

ohnson' *, lodge street.Senators Can6eld and Walker ai-

lepresettatlves Field, Lee , Cox, Wat-

nd McGavock , of the joint committee a-

olnted to visit and Inspect the deaf ai-

umb institute near this city, came up10 Lincoln train to-day Hand drove o-

vlth Superintendent Gllleiplo. They w-

nd things in apple pie order out tnero i

oubt.Dr.. M. Parr , the popular and genl-

Oth street drucgut , celebrated his 4-1Irthday anniversary Friday , In t-

venlng his friends aisembled at his sto-

nd presented him with a massive goleaded ebony cane. 'Dr. Hose made t-

ireeentatlon speech and it was respondo in the usual pleasant way.

The next attraction at Boyd's will.he German dialect comodlenj Chae. .

Gardner , In "Karl" next Friday and Sa-

unlay , supported by the bright little n-obrette , Miss Pattl Rosa , and a capat-company.. This troupe carry an excailcuniformed military band and a oompUorchestra and present an excellent eat*lnmtat.

Among the cash transfer* of valualproperty last week waa the purchaseMr. E. B. Chapman , of the firm of M-

gan & Chapman , of Mr. John T , Beresidence on Davenport and 24th streeFor $7,000 , and the sale of the handsomresidence corner of Park avenue and 8hman street , owned by Mr. Geqrge IIgreaves of Denver , for 81,600 to Mr. Bi

Both sales were made by Ames * real eatagency.

Last Monday evening was the oocasi-

of e pleasant party at the reildenco of M

Rosa , on Capitol avenue , given by t

guests of the house. The hostess turtover everything to the party and they tc

possession , and the light fantastictripped until a seasonable hour. Aftebountiful repast was served the compihad the pleasure of hearing some I

muilo by William R. llodd , and alsoFoot'* band. Those prctentwere : 1

and Mrs. Curry, Mr. aud Mn. Arbuthi-Mrs. . Kellerstrous , Mrs. O'Mara, NRoss , Mrs. Ilftll , Miises Carrie ForemNellie Leach , Lolo Resd , IdaKtllerstr ;

M. Dlmond , Saffelder , Tnlbot , BraDonnelly ; Messrs , J. A. Tuttle , G.Jackson , J , Hobb * , R. llodd , II. Ho |

II. llced , W. Foreman , S. Wllcox , Grol-Groovey and others

Onion Poclllo Baao Ball Olub.The olootlon of offijsra of the TJn

Pacific bsso ball club for tlio onsuyear , resulted M fallows :

President-W. P. Berrtel-.VicoProaldeut

.W. 8. Wing.

Treasurer John'3 , Taylor-.Sacrotary

.E. Buckingham.

Manager 0. M. Lord-.It

.ia proposed to organize a atron

nine than baa over boon knownOmaha , and aomo fine gamoa wayexpeciad ,

Reliable goods at living profits.-HBNBY

.FTJWDT, The Qroaer




Is Awaiting n Claimant at ttCity Jail.

Friday afternoon a conploavonllos marched up to the office

ho oity marshal , having in tow a lltt-

ollow eight years of ago vrhom the

lad picked up on the street and wl

aid ho waa lost.The child gave his name as Fn-

Prondelmon and sold ho had como)maha with hia paronta the day b-

ore , Thursday. Bo stated that thegot onfho train at Council Illufh ar-

oamo in there from the country. Thi-

lept nil night In a bur room eomwhore In Omaha andday morning his fathwent to the depot to gat tholr gooout. Ho was sent to the same plaishortly after by hla mother, bt-

ound that hla father had already gi

oat hla gooda and loft. Ho thetartcd back to the placO ho can :

rom , but ooon got lost , nnd w ;

eventually picked up as stated abov-lo wna glvon lodgings in the city jal-

whiro ho got a good sloop Fr Ida ;

and Bccmn to ba Icpllng well. Ho.very bright nnd Int'olligont.'and quik good looking young follow. .

a possible there may have bocmethod in hla losing , but it la to 1

loped not , and if not , Una item wi

10 do < bt bo a noutca of great relief t

iaparnnts.[ Ho tmicl thnt-hla mothiron tying to Ilvo in Omahnv bat'thl-ia fAtliojj , WAS ageing * bivck. to, tlarm ! ' JIo h ycry staalj finh Bjag-ia 'hoary brown linif , Bnd"MBpdal

plainly nnd Intelligently-






Good Looking Girl Kicks up-

OoodStzucl Row.-



apbrilng glflJlrch 06uSoil'Bl n

iy the name of Lilllo Wooda goton-jrand drunk Friday and wo

ute the establishment kept by Ml-

3oomb3 on Capitol nvonue , botwei-

Deuth and E avenUi , and got to smaa-

ng*furnitnro.Oa' being rome

stratod wit1 ! ehu 'Idckod a HghTi

amp off the table , which oxplodiand sot fire to htho place , which , hoiavor. waa put out 'without aundingan alarm.

She then wont to Barney Shannocsaloon nnd made an attempt to doiout the plaoo , but was cleaned out he-

eolf. . She then went back to Ml-Coombs' plnco nnd commenced anoth-

diaturbanco , wheu tlio opportmarrival of Oflicers Slgwortnnd Ruan-jrovontcd any farther trouble.-


oflicors had quito a time in gc-

Ing Lilllo to jail , nnd her foul la-

nago; and ecrcoma drew n largo crowwhich fpllowtd the ofliocra all the wi-

o the jail.




Order aboil TonaplarsInstallation of Officers. *

The following mombora of thoaboorder wore last evening installed f-

ho ensuing terra :

Ohaa. T. Bunco , W. 0. T.John Boxiou , P. W. 0. T.Jennie Moore , W. V. T.George J. Sternsdorf , W. R. S.May Crawford , W. A. II. B.Joshua Davriea , W. F. B-


. 0. T. Bunco , W. T.John BnxtoD , P. W. 0 T-


, T. McAllister , W. 0.-


. D. Jones. W. M-.Llllle


Willis , W. D. M.-


. B. Weaver , W. O O-


Howard , W. I. G ,

Noala Daniels , R H. 8.May Gould , L. H. 8-


ia great Interest manifestn the temperance wotk by the moi> ers of this order , and the lodgenaking Its influence felt for the goi-n the city. A considerable acceasl-o cho already largo membership is e-

icctcd during the coming quarter.-



New Firm.-


are glad to inform our roadc

that the firm of Gaff, Flolschmaun-Co. . , ono of the largest dlstlllllhouses In the Uulted States and ma-

ufaotarers of oomprossod yenst haestablished a branch honso in Omari-

as they have had for years in allthe principal cities of the oast. T-

yaast made by this firm b the MI-

hlch was used in the Vienna moc-

akpry> on the Centennial groanduring ; the exposition in 1876 m Ph-adelpljla. . The elegant rolls and brewhich the visitors obtained at this i

sort are well remembered by evoi-ono. .

The ladlfs of Omaha will bo picasto know that they may now bo scpiled with this superior qualityyeast at any of the groaerlea of tcity , bat moro especially at HenPundts1 , the well-known dealer at N

1218 FnrnhamArmy urdera

Under the provisions of paragra27) army regulations , a board of o-

oera to consist of Lieutenant Coloi

Edwin 0. Mason , Fourth' infant !

Major Isaac D. DoRnssy , Fourthfantry ; Captains Robert n. Moi-

gomory , Fifth cavalry ; Horace NeiiFourth infantry , and Charles R. B-

nett , A , Q M. , U. 8. A. , and Fl-

nontenant Dan , 0. Klngman , 00-

1of engineers , will assemble at thiheadquarters February 1C , 1883 ,

as soon thereafter as prastlcable ,

make a preliminary examination itthe claims and qualifications for pmotion of such non-commlsslened ucora as may bo ordered before it.

First Sergeant Hampton M. Roaitroop F, Fifth cavnlry , will reportperson , on February 1C , 1883 , to I

recorder of the board ot dlioers ci-

vonod by 1 , apodal orders No. 1C, orent series from these headqnartufor examination. Upon belug notICthat hla prcsonco. will be longerquired before the board ho will rollto his station.

. The quartermaster's department T

furnish the necessary transportstliand the subsistence department OD

mutation of rations , it being ImprDoable to carry cooked rations ,

Upon recommendation of hia co-

pany and peat commanders , ao mi-of the nnexplred portion of the BI

on co In. the case of Prlvato JotJ. Ln k , company B , Ninth Infantrpublished in general court mart !

ordeta No. 34 , series of 1R82 , fro'heno headquarters , aa relates to oo-

fiocmont , la remitted ,

Leave cf absence for ono montw ! h permission to apply f it an oxte-

sion ( f thrco months , ia granted 8c-

nnd L'ontenant' Charles R. NojNinth infantry.


The I3IB Musical Event of the BeaaNext Woefe.

The next attraction at the ops-

ionso is the annual grand concert

30 gtvon by the Omaha Oleo clnb ,

TV e* lay evening next. It will dri

out a largo audience , and wll 1 bo o-

of the finnst ontortalumcnts cf : i

season of 1882 3 The sale of tlckc-

alrnady is most flittering , and numtorders are comirg in from Oouhi-

B.nifd aud other iieighborlng cltic-

Fho programmo la aa tollowe :

1. Strlne Qiartetto Monnott. Vocchcr-I'ld ( iiiiatheiin Clnb Q lartette.

2. Chorus Vonng Mielctanj..KuckGlee OJuX

3. Aria Bolero (SlclllnnVe'perB.Ve)Mlas Jennlo Dutton.

4. Ba a Solo , Ubllgato and Chorus -BereninV. Mil11. D Kitabrook imd Glco Club.

5. Brlndlsl II Sigreto fLucrrzIn )

. ... . . .' Miss EmoA M bella.-



. Quartette and' Cho'rns-t Summer1-

ft, 'Bong. . '. . .. . . . .' . Mendebuc

7. Song Flor.dl Margh'erlt.AK, Mltjj Jennie pulton. ; ff* 8. String QaartetteXdcgto in.Bflat'. v ,. i. '..4Sp-


Ciub Quartette.-D.


. Ballad-Sweet" deilovl-ve .TuclMini Emma Msbella.

10. Ohorus-NIht( SongrKuT. . . , . .x GleeOlub.v411. Qiartette-Oh , My Love'n LlJc'e

the U <vl , Red tyc>Me.GarrMisses Dutton aud Mahclla , Mestre-

Northrup and Smith.-



. F. S. Smith , Mudcal Director. .

Miss Mattle L. Brookner, Accompanl-

t ounty oommiBBlonera *SATDKDAY , Ftbrnary JO. Boa

mot pursuant to adjournment. Pr-

ent , Oommisslonen Corllssy Enlgand O'Keefo.

The following resolution w <

adopted :

Resolved , That the county troi-

nror bo and ho is hereby instructedcancel tax on west half of l"t 3, bio21 , Omaba , for the year 1831 , on i

count of being churoh property.Resolved , That the county trci-

nrer bo nnd ho is Ii9roby directeddraw from the cjjnoral4und $0 , napply the aamo to the payment of t-

dolicquont tux of H. 0. Jnhnaon 1

the year 1881 , for work on the "r"rip.

Petition for the ndoption of BSD

Albortio , an infant , by John und Lu-

L Plnney , was eigucfi by the bosid.The following accnonte were

lowed frcm the general fund :

II W. Curtis , tales juror .I..T. . . . $ 4-

J. . M. Town , witnts * fee 25Valentine Greif , grand juror 5-

Geo. . Snii'h , county surveyor. 8)lied field Bron. , blanks 13Little & lllUm * , kindling 13Morgan & Chapman , coffee 14-

J. . M. Woolworth , brief ft r ounty 32-

O. . J. Mandertoo , commis'loner ofinsanity 411-

M. . Rovers k Son , goods for county 11-

O. . M. Liuoyer. road appraiser. . . . 8-

O , Turner, road appraiser 3-

J. . H. Gue , road appraiser , withteam 6

Adjourned to the 14th inst.JOHN BAUMEE ,

County Clerk




Letter From Lincoln Written1850.-



BBS reporter while locatedLincoln during the present sessionho legislature , came across n histo

cal letter , which is of such an interc-

ing nature that ho felt convincedwouldbe, read with considerable iu tor-

by the general public. The letterquestion was presented lo Ma-

Klue'sah , nn old nnd respected vote ;

residing in the capiUl city. The 1

ter which runs as follows speaksitoell :

SI-RINGFIELD , 111. , April 20.1859-T. . J Pitkotts , Eiq :

"Mv DEAR SIB : Yours of the It-Is just rtoaived. My engagtmeare such that I cannot at any very eaday vislf Rock Island to deliver a 1

tare or any other object. Aa to I

other matter you kindly mentionmust , In candor say , I do not thimyself fit for the presidency. I c-

tainly am flattered and gratified tlsome partial friends think of m4that conneotlon , but I really thlnlbest for our oauao that no ooncorleffort , such aa you suggest , ahould-made. .

Let this bo considered confident !

Yours very truly ,A. JJUCOLN. '

Major Kluotsoh sets a very hi

value upon this interesting eouvetand would not part with it for i

consideration.i *Boaid of Education.-



an'fladjourned meeting of

Omaha board of education , held S-

urday ovonlng , the committee

teachers and text books fixed sovisalaries as follows :

Miss Hattie McKoon , principalthe West school , |85 per month.-


MoOarty , principal of the C-

ter atreet aohool , f85.-


Molntyro , principal of-

achool , 90.The committee on buildings s

property fixed the salary of the . .-

ator of the Center street school at S

a month during the winter montthe salary of the janitor of the Haman school , ? 50 during the win

months , aud janitor of the West sch?55 durinc the winter months.-



. MoShano oflorod a reeolat ;

that the president and secretaryauthorized to draw a warrrnt In fa-

cf Dennis Fltzpatrlok ?550 on&cooi-

of steam boating apparatus.The board voted $30 per moi

extra salary to Miss Hill while shacting principal of the high school.

The board moved to reconsiderwarrant foe |137 f r vaccine polland that the committee on bulldii-

nnd property bo authorlrsd tolnveigate and ascertain by whom the poswere ordered and uaed.


A Sermon at tbe Booth Omaba M, :


Before the sermon In the SouOmaha M. , church yesterday , t-

lnstor , Rav. J. W. Stewart , annonn-od that Gin. O. 0. Howard would a-

drosa the Sabbath school In the aftc-

noon. . Ho also announced that thewould bo a mooting during the wei-

of an association within the churcwhich had for'lts object the asmtanof the poor , and also the Invitationthose who attend no ohuroh , to atcoi-

worship. . "But , " aaid the paator , '

would expel any member of my chnnwho would do any proselyting"-

Wo will not enter Into detail , bwill glvo a general vlow cf the madivisions of the sermon. .

Mark IV. 14. The Sewer Sowothe word. 1. The sower. 2. Tl-

seed. . 3. The ground.While this in general refers to i-

Ohlstlans , It refers particularly to ml-

sters whoso duty as well as privile |t is to preach the gospel of Chris

And this man should bo a oonverti-rasn''Kavlnu In-hid heart the true lo-

at it Is in Christ , and hiv.ng as hstrength , the Holy Spirit-


this person thtrd must bo a leiFor the work nnd for Its author ,that it will not bo difficult to cause tl-

lito of eloquence , to bum. Themust bo Intelligence , and that into !

gonco must bo continually Btfou-thunod by research , so that nil thinmust bo brought before the nltar of c-

cfed learning-amTinado subservientit , so that in every rninuto'dopartniethere may bo found n support for tgospel of Christ. Hero wo find tsewer fathering the prain whichshall ccattor.

_ _ before the minister'commdhcthis work of dlesemlnatlig 'the trut-of thatbible"ho should lasoorhi-he is called of God or not to preac-Ho should bo fally persuaded in 1

own mind that it Is his duty , andshould still not decide until thechurcalls him tot.enter the field , Bthereby "being supported by their t-

oision. . s* r_ a2. The seed. What should t-

pr ?achtr preach ! , The true presetwill preach the word JHo should rpreach "on Thomas Carlyle or H

other man ; ho should nut lectureany scientific subject as an excuse I

a sermon , while it is his duty to kmwhore to place each man and entheory, when he takes the sword tSpirit to enter the battle field for t-

Lord'.There are some who , while th-

tiavo no hope bejond the grave , thwill pay liberally to hear a Icotuwhich is delivered by one , "who ce-

tetnptuoualy lights his well fUvor-cigaro by the dying embers of chr-tiauity , and then presume thty ha-

begn scieutificilly bonofittcd. Bwhen mou us Moody it Harrison psent the gnapul they are not populfrom a.worldly , eland point , yet i-

popuar) among oarnest'Ohrlstians ,Bio thofsosrer earnestly eowlnS t-

Keed , and wo see the poor fed by"tharvests which are gathered.

3. The ground , A yonug man mhave attended ono of the latest openhe may anticipate a coming eventthe near future, and many of twords which ere spoken are to tlmind cast on the Wayside. Sondurlntr. times of revivals , while thhear the singbg cf the glorlo-sf rmona of eternal day , and hearthe eternal sorrow of those who dietheir sins , are willing to graspany thing that is offered to theand they are willing to unite with t-

chnrch when they have no reasonbelieve they have a true living failThe Spirit then has never changtheir hearts , therefore th'iy i

scorched by the sun when It shitupon the flinty rock. The fifo athe drum caused many to enlist in tarmy , but it did not originate patri-it in in their hearts

There are some who hear the goafand they admit tbo claims as jubut they also caress the many piearcs and cares of the world , whiwill finally ohoko all their good inti-tions. .

Bat the Christian of whatever s-

tion'in life who fulfills his obligatic-as a Ohrintlan , showing that he knowhat the power of the Holy bplrlt-Is the pereon who is compared to igood ground.-


. is responsible ? It is truly rthe sewer , for he sows to all. Andthe different influences which arewar with the truths cf the Bible i

permitted to exist , they will have threspective Influences upon the) milof men ; whether it be that whichreligious bodies would repudiatewhether It IB a form of religion falai-so called.


The Origin and Universal Obaervarof the Day.

Wednesday next is the festivalSaint Valentine or "Valentino's da ;

aa it ia more commonly called , andaomo days paat the shop wlndahave boon bright with the mlssi'common to that date , of charactboth common and sentimental.

Saint Valentino was a bishoppresbyter , who was decapitated in I

year A. D. 270 , during the Claud !

persecution at Romo. The customsending valentines la a very ancii-

one. . Some toll us that on tlday birds select their matothers trace the custom to the RomLnporcalla , February 15 , when sitlar practices 'wero observed. Trai-

of the custom have boon detectamone the observances of the Norl-

ern Pagans of Ancient Euro ]

Hence it ia probable that thotradltithat ascribes Its origin to n commeoration of the loving and ohurhaldisposition of St. Valentino , la a coparatlvely late invention.

The business in Valentines Increai-ovcry yoar. Thia is said to be duothe greater artistic finish of the hlgtpriced valentines , and the express !

from year to year in the coinlc on-

To the cisnal observer , however , v-

entlncs look pretty mnch the saifrom ono anniversary to auothiThis year a now Interest has begiven to thorn by the taste bestowon the valentine catds. These oaiare a variation on those used I

ChrlatmaaNew Year'a and Easter piposes , and are sent.to iweethearta a

'rionda in the same way as the erthc-dox valentine.-


ewtcrn mannfacturer , who , wll-

iila father , has boon in the Valontitbusiness since 1834aaya that the uroi-Ing traffic In valentines li largely dt-

to the taato displayed in their deskind manufacture. The aalo of costbox valentines la necessarily Hmitoibut the cheaper ones , and especialthe cameo and comlo valentines , ain greater demand than'' over bofor-Ho haa sold- over 3,000,000 comvalentines , and a very largo nombi-of cameo valdntlncs , Thcro wore nmany imperial valentines In thla contry , for although high-priced Enelli-valentlnes'had a greater sale In Enlaud than those of a costly , doelf-on this side cf th6 water, their atydid not seem to salt the Amorici-taste. .

festival of this saint Is anythtibut a festival for the postciiHoo ct-

ployes throughout the country , wholabor is trebled by the flied of "dn-letters" common to the day.-




Clem Chaeo and wife wore among I

names registered nt the Motropollt-hotel.Saturday. . .If this h our youtownsman it Is somewhat cf a si-

prise , but our congratulations ure not tlets cordial.-


. Jaf. Connolly , of Jha firm of Ften& Conuolly , left yesterday for St. LouChicago and Boston to'buy a stockboots and ebocB for their spring and uu

inor trade.-



Hollwlg , the handsome clerkWo'fe'n place in North Ouittha , went

'Wahoo yeiterday on buane! E-


. '' ' * '

.itf'Oibbonu , nni Ed Calkin's , of Ksaruiare at tbe Paxton.

0 M. L-kwler , general superintendentthe80.% $ tMPTft R. , h atth'e Pwtt-

iJ *, V , Benson'and wife , ef fo'ifolk,

at the Metropolitan yesterday,

E. L Sweezy nnd wife , of 'Wn-

Snxlnge , are nt tbe Paxton. ,

Ifon. W. II. Mlchaelr.of Grind Mai-


gueit of thei'axtpn.iHepry Meyer and' wife , of San Fri

cfico are at the Paxton.

|Her) . E. F. Warren , of Nebraska Ci-

ia ot tha Paxton , '

0. S. Paterson , ' f St! Liuis , is atMetropolitan-

jFred W. drew , of St. Paul , ia atMetropolitan. . *

0. A. Keith , of Lincoln , la registeredthe Millatd.-



. E. Francis , of Spencer , Is nt the Mropolilati.-



Gates , of Brownsville , is atMitUtd , t


E D. Gould , ofFnllerton , Is atMlllard.-



. B. Persiugor , of Colorado , h atPoxtou.-



. > . Boyd , of Chicago , u the S!

lard. ,

Mrs ? 11. K. Strahora , of Denver Is incity. - *

"Roub on Sate. "Clears out rats , mice , roaches , fll

ante , bed bugs , okuuka , chipmnnl-gophers. . 15o. Druggists. . -




ChnrleiNebfr. ion of EUzaband Charldi Ntber , February 8th , ai4 month' .

Funeral took place from Tenth iCapitol aveaue , Sunday, February llth1:30 p. rn.



ItaUtres and care-

tRHEUMATISJNeuralgia ,

Sciatica , Lumbjfl-




Screneu , Cult, Bnuiti-


ill other txxtllj tt-in ! pal-




Soli ! til DratititiD-caleri. . Olriotloul UUngnafM-


Chulll A.7ogel r-

BaMMWrtUA( T l tA-

BalUMW *, Mi, C. S


tl-SPECIAL 8 will POSITIVELY not bsorted unless paid In advance.


T f ONKY TO LOAN-Call at Law office of D-

1VJ_ Thoiras room BOrelghton Bloc-



LOAN $3,000T LOAN On chattel mortgage

MOSEY . A. B. Tutton. Na. 1010 JJouj-itreot front room up utaire._4351-

TO IOAN At 8 per centterestmsumsof J-.OOOand

wards , for gto C J oars , on flret class city and f :propcrt ) , Bioai Umi EHIATH and LOAH Aou-IBth and DouglaaBt-



LOAN At 8 per cent. Hhtlvand Loan Agency , oppo-

poatodlce. . 707.1

LOANED On Chattel MorlRaieMONEY . Room No. 1 , over Merchants

. 977ln-


Wanted male nr female. In vAGENTS town In the Urlted States $1-1to 115.10 parday etelly ante. G , E. KlDEO& O J. , 10 Itercl y Street , New Yoik City.-


_ 18 Imo mor-



A lady agent to csnvas for a iAddiesi U. M. , thli otnlce.

Girl for general houte* ork. 1WANTED , SjUtb avenue , 2d house toitl-St 0761

ANT I'D A iccond girl. Apply 1310 T-

lerpirtbtrcet V79-

1lfANTEO Ti'o o Interdlnz to learn the c (

V > t rrcrfoc' diesscuttlni lokrow tintagents will reruOn for one week at 111H leietiect. IMterns a tpeclally. OSO-I1

Ten active , p iMtig men toand Intieducu a well knovn article to tt

lei In ihlacltr. Kugajcment jeroiateat If w-

to travel 81,60per day aud Coinmlttloq. A

Hone an 1 waon wanted , ! per diy. ApMonday , at 0JOcf Mr. Brady , Crelghton Ilou


H7ANIED A good b rber. JobbyttejiW Apply to II. F. OUMPKKT-


! Fremont , Net

housekeeper , a mlddle-aiVy woman , without children In fuullr of-

Addrtu thli week "J. P. Amc'TUnter1 lieOaiaba , afler which at Blair. 85810-

YY wtller, llth itreet. 9721-

27TIRL WANTED For general honi worlT2-

JT DaTtnpoit 81. 930-1

DINlNd-Hcom girl wanted atfiuifleldBIMI


Four nnt elt s Mllcltora , t IgrajWANTED( men. Mar.led menpreferrM Ad-dretk

-B. If. B < office. 639-15

ANTED. . ROOM-A refined gentleman ofquiet habits dcslrei to ecgate a pennmerl

oem lth strictly private fimlly feb lt21-

ORSE W NTRD-Abu9ne i man likes tohire a hone for fcur or Urn half ajiptr

week , to ca'l at hla customers round town , llaigot ha-nesi and very light nagon of hlj own.

feb lo 2-

1WANTEDPIea i t furnlufced room or inlt *traveling mm anil wife w th-

biard Addretn until Febru > rv I5th , "f.-cate

.Hllhrd Hotel. ._y Olt KENT rlOUOtO ANU-

FTOK KENT A doilranle cott ge of lU to m-

c.nvenl'nt dUtireofnm dip , Irqulraof-Uri. . J. A. Parsons , cor. 17th anj ilarcy ttreetf.-



RiJNT Ilrun of four rooms ard kltc-hJ

-? en. Apply A. Murphy , 4Ws.uth 14th 8tret.929-lit

FOR RENT Furnished ruoin at 1C93 Farnara"t. C81-13_

HlOJt hEVI ilxroomhou e , with barn , 18th1 avcnpnt. Five room cr lr iir < . ner.

10th and Hkkory. Inquire of J I Hll'pg HI E '8 'H 15US. 5th._FOR RKNT r o Urrc norrs , furnl hfd ol

, 8ui south 18 h street OC3 U-

JE OK bt.Inquire nex dcor 8C9 12-


0,1 RlNr-Fu-nhhel r-otiwllh board , Ka.1 bath room. Also table board , i718-ro' i5j-


KENT-4-acr s limlvthinlj m Ids ofL; IVttoIllcc , with hoinooftwa rooms , Undin throe larcd , onao1 2lncro >, one of 18 acresaid one.of t acres , and all nlf f nce


BJM Aye-t ,15th nnd rcU-



IU.NT Ijoublg oitlcolu Jacobs' Mock.-

810.1WUSNT lp-3lalts) Fatnam at.JOHN O. JACOBS.-



UAH CHANCE FOR UHnT Tt.eZnd storrjtnd txsomotit ot bulldln No.llll harnamInquire next dooreu . J18 Irm-

On R"KT-One orran , .00 per m-nth , at-A.

_. IIoipj's iluslc Hall 777im-

7UKM8IIEU ll'iOMS AND 11 IAUUM"ort7rn-ii cos 1810 Oodga St. 573lm-

y house % 2 to 10 rooms , at $3 to-er roc-nth Shrlver'g llont Lureaii , op-


office. Q768tf-

t,70K 11ENT era! sma 1 houses , B roomsDR. 0. U. PAUL.-



1UN1 One Ut e nliy furmshed roomX! with board for two at 1808 California St-



T>iKMIS'New Map of Omaha , Juit oomp-UJ

and- ready for delh ery at 93 each. Is 4 feet wide

by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete mapot Omaha ever published. Official map ot th-cltv. . Bee column.


83 EO per thru and , delivered ea B-


track , a Omiha All orders ilicctod-to Belle uollrick y.ril , Sarpy ( , will is-ce


vo proii ps a'.trnt'on. QIilOJ

SALi OH tXOHA llE-Forty atrcs ofrOK , 4 rullta ouhint M BLUr. Wll tellthem or cxcli.tipc lor gocd pilr o1 hoi see. Ap-


Hrns i an liro'ri , gid ueis , , or ui-"BooBle.

-. " 92-12

POK SALK-Uo ol furn'ture , I'dudlrrburbar fixturewtha lanaof t obulldlre.I-


re ot Il'eljar O'Kecio r V Kuccra , No. Jal-so th 3ihetro t , Oiishi , Nob. 8T-ls :

SALK-Furnlturo nn I Inside nt'ln' s atEOH Itc Hou eonlOtU strctt , b.t. Da > onjort-apdCapI Oltfnu- . feSilO

Kb toil SALE CIIKAl'-CinilUs westofHOI . % , on the Union Paclllu railroad.Brick barn , two story hotel and furniture , threalose 1x132 , Kood stand , go d business. Goadreason * for eelllng. Inqulru of subscriber.-


NOHUIS ,713-lm-mc Noith I'end , Neb ,

fj>OR JSALS Threa mules ni two horn ;.Jt? OUEiSTODDARD ,

JeOur Hia tquuro table ,fC23t 16th an 1 CM ; . .

SAL' TVa n ot limes , uarocai andwajro-at817 l.-m n rr'h Hie t 9G13t

LK ijpanof injlos , hnrn-Inqu'ro' Jamut Kal.on rOpcrahotue vauta.


oWK otti r far ftilo t a bareatii thn cnjloo ar dnew In moat ur works. Th *

ccin.l t outfit ''sai iofil i-s ne * , nd coui l tt of-

"n lie(40( h'rspo c ) B'ilf , HeaterSteam-P mp , Htnoke bti. K , B cam nnd Water uauzo' ,Wottr'Jark Hp > , tc. Itwllbetikeuout nliMit thi Ornt of nsxt M y Pirtlo inter ,

tcilarnltivl ul oca'lnii'ls' n 't Inoro-atlon dnyand nijjlt (Hund-ja rxrcpter ) at thn W dm anLinseed Oil < , comerfceva tointh and Klch-clan frtito 917im-YnOlt AlK-Ilou c and 13t for ale on S 13th-JL 'nJ Iorcs8) stitcti. Call on the prtmlaca-


17)0 U AIli-l' C"Cts maps of Neiraska *0-cJ; rach. For btrgaiiiH In o aha Citj Improvedand un mpr cd property , call on Wm. V , Shri-ver


, neil Estate A cnt , oppos to po tolllce.7R1H-

I.1OII SAl.E tifx room cottage with barn nd-

Jj half lot on Chicago street , near High SchoolOnly *2300. JIcCAQUE ,

COO del 27-t Opp. Pos office.-



,1Olt BALK A Jrnt clntu cecood Band prjaeton-'I' Call at 1319 TTarntySt_897U-

BKICK FOR SALEt9.00 perl tb'U'and , Yard 15th street , two blocks

louth tt Bn'levuo roaddfc 23-3mt_LORENZO DIBBLE ,

E1IIS New Map of Omaha , Just completed am.B ready for dclU ery at $3 each. Is 4 feet wideby 7 feet long. Largest anj mot complete mapof Omaha ever published. Official map of thedty. Sea column.

A Watch Cra'ro , attached wl'h buckltLOSTa black silk ribbon. Finder will be re-

warded hy returning It to W. A. Rcdlck-



OST Yette-day altcrnrxn.an Otter Muff con-


f talnlng v. ) Itafandkeichlef with bluaborder-in Quiring or Uards'ne * , between 18th andSO h. Finder ca I lor nward at Hobbn Hr-


- . ',sUtet 060.KJ-

MAQ'STEH OF PALS1YSTKHY AND COND'TIllNALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnamand Harnoy. Will , with i he aid of guardianSDlrlta , obtain for any one a glance of the paaland present , and on pertain conditions In tt r ru-turo.


. Boots and Shoos made to order. Pittedsatisfaction (ruaronteod.

Absolutely Pure.This powder necr varies. A marvel of purity

ttrengtb and wholceomenesa. More economicalthan the orplnary kinds and cannot be sold Incompetition with the multitude of low teat , shortweliiht , alum or ph r5h t po *ler. Sold only In-cans. . RoTii. BAIUCO Pownia Co. , Wall 8t , wMew York.