H * THE OMAHA DAILY J THUESDAY. 'MARCH 22. ' 1838. A PLUNGE INTO THE PLATTE Unpleasant Experience of Suporln- tondont - O'Brien and His Son.- i . COMPLAINTS OF LINCOLN MEN. ( they Arc Presented to lliO Iiit6rStnto- Comihlsslon York Build a Strict Ilnltwny A llcnvy- Fnilnrc. . A Narrow Kscnpo.- AsnLANn . , Nob. , March 21. [ Special Tele- gram ¬ to the B Si : . ] Word has just reached this place of nn nccldcht thai occurred nt South Bend this morning In which twomdh- caino near losing their lives. Mr. M , E- .O'Brien . , sup6rlntcndont ot the state fishery nnd his son William wore engaged In repair- ing - the telephone line across the 1'latto river % vhch their boat capslfccd and they were sc ! n floundering amid the slush nnd Ice in the river by Mr, Sooborvho was just nbout to- i oross the rlvor , but run down the river bhnk- nbout n qunrter of ft mlle nnd seizing n boat rind taking for n p'addlo the scat of another btinl Which stood near by, rowed out into Iho- 1itrenm nnd nftor a struggle bf several min- utes ¬ rescued the parties from drowning at a- very great risk of his own llfo. At about 2 6rclock this nflcrnoon Mr. O'Brien is tying very low its a result of his adventure , but the son was not so Scri&usly "affected. They Want A Ilnltrond.IN- UIANOIM . , Neb. , March 21.JSpeclnl [ to- ho Unb ] Pursuant to-call , tno cities arid owns of the Valley from Red cldtid westward jnet in joint convention In this city for the purpose of making n United effort to secure nddlttnal railroad facilities for1 tile Republican Valley. Dr. J. A. Gunn , bf Arapahoe , was chosen chairman and S. R. Smith , of this plnco , secretary. The follow- ibg - rcsblution was offered by i3. S. Child , of Arapahoe , and on motion was unanimously adopted : Whereas , Wo , the citizens of the rich Ro- publl6nn - Valley , now assembled 'in conven- tion ¬ ntlndianola , have nnd hereby express the utmost confidence in tbo present rosqur- ccs - and future prospects of Our chosen part of tlie great west , and Whereas , We rcoogulzo railroads as an im- portant ¬ in the prosperity of our ccain- ' try , and whereas. Wo further recognlzo nnd npprc- clnto - the advantage to any section of ocmntry- of having honest competition in nil lines of business , railroads not cxceptcd , bo it now Resolved , That wo hereby invite n carqful , nnd thorough consideration of the advantages offered to any corporation intending to con- struct ¬ lines of railway through the southern part of the stnto by this broad , fertile and well settled valley , in the minimum cost of construction nnd certain Cncburaecmcnb to- bo 6xpcctcd from the numerous towns and oltl69'nl6n 'tho route , nnd bo It further Resolved , That wo invite ' 'tho bffioials of the possible road , or roads , to visit our valley nnd towns nnd submit propositions to our people for aid in building srtid roads , or if an immediate visit Is not practicable , that wo suggest the advisability of said officials ad- dressing - the several boards ot trade through their secretaries in reference to this matter , or other matters toward our mutual advnnco- nidit. - < . On motion it wns ordered that copies of the foregoing bo sent to stato'papers ' for publica- tion ¬ , nnd to such railways ns may bo building westwnrd.- f . Acbmmittoo on railroads wns appointed consisting of E. S. Child , of Arapahoe ; J. W. Dolan , and S. R. Smith , of Indinnolu.- On . motion the convention adjourned to meet on call of the secretary of the board of trade of Iiidiahola.- f . f,, ' The Commission at Lincoln.J- U . , LINCOLN , Nfcb. , March 21. [ Special Tele- cram to-tho Biiu. ] The intbr-stnto com- merce ¬ commission reached this city on a . * pecial train this m'brnlng and at 11 o'clbck ' * a. in.'bpcried.th'o ' hearlrig 6f thb Lincoln crises " ' nt iho United States cotlrt room. J osl of- mr iho L'lhcoln ' cases are tlioso affcctirig trrins- contm'bntdil - Shipments Knd thds'o wore con- f - solidnlcd. Messrs. Lrfmbertson and MaSon * , " appear for the complainants nnd the South- fc - crn Pacific , Missouri Pacific , Chicago , Bur- r' - llngtoa & Qliincy , Union Pitclfic and "North- vresterrt - t - roads are rbprcsCnied by their gcnj- r - jr oral attorneys. * In opening the hearing Chairman Cooley stated that the commission . , , wore not sitting as a jury to award damages , & but they desired testimony upon which if an injustice wns being done , matters could bo- sbtjlght for the future rather than ajudi- catcd - for the past. The testimony wns being taken through the. afternoon , the wholesalers Iri the city b'olhg the principal witnesses. Their testimony went to prove discrimina- tion ¬ on California shipments In favor of Missouri river points , and 'that Lincoln cir ' Ipad consignments were shipped to Onmlirt and then roshlppcd with n local tariff f nddcd , It is expected that the entire day to-hiorrow will bo required in hearing these oases. A general complaint made by tho. Lincoln freight bureau will bo Heard 'separately , as will also , the cases charging discriminations in shipments from the cast. The latter cases aVe against the Burlington nnd the Missouri Pacific. A case ,f rein Bo- ntrlco - , is also to boheard , nt the meeting by the commission , and Messrs. Pcmbcrtpn BurliM, Dole and others nio in the city In the interest of the base- .Itbms . From OOAI.AI.LA , Neb ,, March 21. [ Correspond- oirco - of the Br.E. ] Deputy Sheriff Kisor is- b'usy'scrving papers In district court cases. There will bo a good docket this term , in which comes sovornl interesting cases. Among them is the mandamus case of Ma- drid ¬ vs. Grant , which grows out of thocbunty- f scat fight. The republican club organized hero some- time since are working diligently for the sUc- cess - of the party , hero and elsewhere.- WlHla'm . Kennedy was sent from this place i io the asylum at Lincoln last week Mr. , I onnbdy lived oh a claim ncnr hero. Last fall , In November , ho' suddenly went Ihsdno and was kept Iu tho'coUnty jail for Want of i vacancy In the usyluin , nnd had almost ra- ce ¬ vc red whoiLho was taken away. The cause Jor > il insanity was unknown , but it was supposed that it originated in a smtko- bittt from the effects of which ho had never fully recovered.- Ogalulln . hits brilliant prospects of n nbw railroad in the near fqfurq , coming hero in a northwesterly direction ein-6uto totho ;ell nnd coal regions of Wyoming up the Noith ' Platte , A j'tncoln Vrm ] Palls.- p' . p' ' LINCOLN , Nou , , MarcU 21. [ Special Tele- pram to the BBC. ] The woH-known dry goods houseof Friend & S6n , of this city , lias been closed by chattel inortgagc , and the firm's branch stores ut Greenwood and Ben- uott - are also Involved in the trouble. The Capital National bank has the stocks liow in- .possession. . . The chattel mortgages held by- 'tho different parties are as follows : To- JtosnlJn Fitond , I eo Levy anil Adolph Levy , tfJ.&OOj to the Capital National bank , tM.oot ) ; to Ilprwopd , Ames & Kelly, i330 ; to Leo Friend. Atchison , Ifan , , fci.Of0 : to Douts.ch- Bros. . , Atohlson , Kan. , 51,500 ; to F. Slcgcl & Bro. , JS.J2S- O.Neiv . Bphool itiilldliic : For Yrtrlc , YOJIK , Nob. , Mai-ch 21 , JSpccIol to the BBU.J The proposition to vote J-'S.SbO in bond * for the now central school building was carried hero to-day with little opposition , Only seven votes being cast against ( t. This Amount , with thefund already qn hand , will ivo York ono of the Hnest school buildings fnthis pnrt.of the state , Tlio building > H- 1be supplied with nil modern Improvements und equipped first-class throughout- .Var . ' Among tlio tlefjontu.t- aTOOLN . , Neb. , March 81. [ Special Telo- Rtam - toj tbo Bpc.l The regents of the ftt'4to unlyprslty werq in session Jo-night at- Ibfupiversltj'bulldlni;, JHio prestn ), nidsjt'- itpe.pjomlsw ia ba Q? inprc- than ordinary Interest. There h , Infact , , a war ia the fai- Ulty > , .Vflrp fis nupul4crod for sometime , Kad IV'eetiiui n-j w ty bo about to break out. The regents h'hvo boon grc6tcdby the nc- tinns - on airlvlrig InthS city. The chancellor of the university Is on ono sldo nnd Dr. Bill- ings ¬ tfn the other , nnd the rumor Is that the trouble has reached thb point where ouo of- Iho two must go , although the board seems inclined to peaceful measures , If possible. The trouble AS It will develop in the meeting the regents will bo closclyAvatche- d.York's . Sticot ; Tlnllwny.- Yonjc . , Neb. , JMarch il. ! [Special to the Brn. ] Th.o Ytirk Stro6t railway company has been incorporated hero , with n capital of- GO,0&0. ? . Nearly nil of Iho stock is already subscribe ? . . It "fs expected * to construct nt least two miles of line the coming season nnd real citato along tno proposed route Is already Increasing In valuei Supreme Court Decisions.L- tNconNj . Nob. , March SI.- [ Special Tele- gram ¬ to the Bfcn.l The supreme cdurt to- day ¬ transacted the following business : Holland Vs I unlq motion to relax , costs sustained as to f 23.01 ; Uockjo Separator c6m- pnny - vs" Clark , dismissed j" Orleans vs Perry , contlnliod * , state , ox rcl county vs Cole , continued , The following cases wdro argued nnd sub ¬ mitted' ! Adams' bounly bank vs Morgan , motion to dismiss ; Stabler vs BIn'dbrup , inotldn td dis- miss1 ¬ , Hilton TS Uachmnn , motion to dismiss In part : stateox rol Okoto county vs Bab- cock - ; Foxyvotthy Vsllixsttngs. . , Court adjourned to Tuesday , March 37. The following decisions wbtb filed i- Oreenleo vs Schocnhoit , error from Richard- son ¬ county ; .Reversed. Opinion by Ucoso- .An . action may bo maintained against n vendor of inioilcntlfog llnti&rs by a married woman for damages sustalne'd by her by red- sbn - bf her mobey bfetnff Sitbht by her hus- band ¬ for intoxicating liquors , or sq'Uahdcrcd- by him while intoxicated , or in the saloon of- thd liq'uor seller. 2. A niarrlq J wqnian ts hot only entitled to the services of her husband ns a means of support , but also as between herself rind a vendor of ( intoxicating liquors , to the pro- ceeds ¬ of his labor for suclu purpose. 8. A ninrried woman brought her action against the keeper Of snldons for dahiagcs re- sulting ¬ frdtn ti loss of li r sup- port ¬ by the , Intoxication of her husband , and for the sum of tl,000 belonging to nor Individual estate. The ver- dict ¬ of tub jury was a finding in favor of plaintiff -upon both issues , with nn award of damages assessed nt 81. It was held that the verdict could not bo sustained. City of Lincoln vs Bcolannn , error from Lancaster comity. Affirmed. Opinion by Reese- .lii . nn action for damages resulting from. personal Injury , the plaintiff was permitted to testify to tno amount ot her earnings prior to thb1 injury "for thcptirposoof showing thb vnluoof her tinte. This was without ob- jection. ¬ . She was then asked how' much iho made erioh week by her labor. Objection was made to the question , which was over ¬ ruled. Hold , no error.- Cowlcs . -vs district No. 0 , Jo'fforson coimt.v , error fram'Jofforson coiinty. Reversed , with instruction to stistain demurrer. Opinion by Cobb- .MlUlgan . ( e. Jo. vs Buteher.-crror from Wayne county. Affirmed. Opinion by Reoso. Yates vs Kinnoy. motion to quash arid strlko out parts of bill of oxc6ptlom. Motiori to quash overruled ; to strikeout sustained. Opinion by Mnxwoll. State ox rel. Ed Hefshlsor vs M. P. Kinkaid , mbridaihus. Writ denied. Opinion by Max- Well - , Ch. J- .Mandamus . Is not'o ' proceeding to correct errors but to compel action and'wlll ' not bo granted In any case where there is a plan and adequate remedy nt law. Village of Ponca vs Crawford , error from Pixon county. Affirmed. Opinion by Cobb. " A. Painful Accident. DAKOTA CITT , Neb.f March 31. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Pat Barry, of ( his county; ono of the 61dest and wealthiest cit- izens ¬ , living about fourteen miles from this place , wliile"oh route to Chicago with cattle , was run over by the cars at Boone , la. , yes ¬ terday. Ho suffered internal injuries and the amputation of nn'arm'ilt ' ' the shoulder. Arbor Day.- Lijrcowr . , N6b. , March 21. [SjjcciafTclp- grdm - totlfo BEB. ] tlovcVnor Tliayer to-day issued the following proclairiiitlon : To the people of Nebraslca : Spring tlmo- is at hand nnd the tlmo to plant trees. Therefore in accordance with nn appropriate custom , nbw well established vatld recognized by law, I designate the 23d day of April , in the year of our lord bno thousand bight hundred nnd eighty-eight , ' as- "Ajbbr Day , " and I do earnestly request? the people throughout this state to plant trees and the present and .future goneratidns will ris'c-'up rind call ybii blessed. If , un- fortunately ¬ , the weather should bo so stormy as to prevent the , work on that day, plcaso do not fail 1,0 , observe the next fair day- .Iniwitncss . whereof I have hereunto sot my hand nnu caused tttljo alflxed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 21st day of March , A. D. , 183- 3.Joux . M. THATCH , By the Governor : G. L. LAWS , Secretary of State. A Burslnr Sentenced.- NcmusKA . Cm- , Neb , , March 21. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Fritz Kiug wsfc found guilty in the district court to-flay of burglary and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary , , iJfellnqucnt'Tn'Y I'nyprs Stirred Up , Nr.intvsKA.CiTr , Neb. , March 21. [ Special Telegram to the BEK. ] A representative df the Storm Lake ( Iu. ) Investment company to-day bought bf the county commissioners fOO.OOO worflr of ta.x title property nnd will invest as much.moro in city tax titles. It has caused a furore among delinquents who ex- press ¬ hatre'd of-tho tax title fiends.- A . Crookcjd Pdsininstor.S- T. . . JOSEPH , Mo. , Maich St. [ Special Tolg- cgram - to the BEB ; ] William M. Stigall , postmaster nt Stowartsville , Mo. , was ar- rested ¬ to-day'arid'broushl'beloFo the United Stotbs commissioner nt this place on n charge of taking and opening letters addressed to others , anil was bound over in the sum of 11,000 to the .April court. Sltgall has an inordinate , cu.riosty ! for prying into other people's business and for the ( last six weeks in Ore than half the loiters addressed to the different business men in the town have been opened. Complaint wns mtido through Deputy Postmusjor Bower , of the city post- onico. - . Inspector Sykes , of St. Louis , vas sent for , and drHvcd vestohlay. The decoy letters were nddicsscd to the respective busi- ness ¬ incn , ono of which was opened nnd an- other ¬ was not delivered at nil. The postofflco inspector rode itho mnil car with the pouch and saw it handed over to the postmaster. The Arroars-of-ncnt'nm. LONDON , -March 31. Intho commons to- day ¬ Parnoll moved n second reading 'of ht- Aarrcarsofri > t 'bill , ,Ho inndb "an earnest speech in explanation of jibe bill and declared his willingness. to consider any amendments consistent wfth Its principle , nnd spoke of the ilcccssltytpr early tuition to prevent the carrying out of three thousand or inora notices of evictions served up to September and probably thrcq thousand other notices which would bo served und would plunge Ireland fnto n sea of disasternnd trouble the end of which no one could ferseo , The house refused to order thu bill to n second reading by u vote of S3S to 'J13 , Tlio Murder UtisliiosH In Dakoln.A- JIMOUK . , Dak. , March 21. [ Special T61o- gram to tKo BBHJesso Powell , the man who was murderously assaulted in u livery barn Monday , Is still alive , but the doctors soy ho cannot survive. Bates , who attempted the murder , succeeded in escaping, but the onlccrs arc in close pursuit of him luCharleur Mix county, A rvpoit came hero to day that a. mnn in Charles Mix county last night brutally mur ¬ dered his wlfo and that a harty is pursuing him with tho-inteiition of lynching him. Pur- tlculais - carfnot bo learned , i AVcather Indications. For Nebraska : Light northerly winds , becoming southerly , warmer , fair weather. For lown- Fresh northo'rlv Whids , colder , followed by wanner , fair weather. For Eastern and KoiUtnvostQt-u Dakota | Wormer , ecucrally1 fflir .weather , , light to- frt h rarkblo wlndd , stliftiug to . PARSE ! MEETS WITH DEFEi- HIa Arrears of Rent Bill Bojoctod By 328 to 243.- HE . MAKES A sTRbftG' SPEECH- f MHU __ ' Mnny hives I est and x l nrgo Number or People Injiircil By thti Uurn * Inc of n Tbcator.i , At Oporto. " , .' ' Tlio Irish PnHSr ttJwivcil.M " ? ISSShu Jamttflatflon bemjclM LONDON , March 21. JNcw "jjork ijlci Cubic Special to the Unu.J Parnoll , on whoso pnlo foco n strong light was thrown through the opposite * windows , spoke jhls afternoon on his tit-roars' bill lit ' 'hty foqiinl do- llbornto - and collected matine'r. " ia 1)111 t re- X ) sed that Irish courts hnvp powpr fojrcdXico certain arrears upon nil holdlhgs of loss t tan JtlOd n year and to enable the tenant lb my the balance by installment , ilo protested ngalnsttho scheme suggested last yc'atfby the government , compelling tenants seel lnjj relief from arrears lo place their debts InjtUb Lands of the court so that creditors should stand on the riamo footing1. lie argued strongly lhat rent was hbt ilkb.K fldbt flue- to- n shdpkebpcr , bcatusb tUo Inltor's-claltn ' was not exorbitant and bccauso ho had neb ilsed lila claim as a monns of turning the poor nian out of his liouso. Upon this lesuo.tliQ wnolb- of the controversy subsequently turned. ' Par- ncllwtts - brief but impress ! v 'Ijo slated frankly that oven if the government nhduld accept his bill it would n6tin 'any degree lesion the dotnatid of the Irish pcoiilo for n parliament oi their own- ."ilow . is it , " ho nskcd , "that you cannot scttlo the Irish land question1) ) It-Is , bccauso you know nothing nbout'lt. ' Yon.'gp to fair1- mlhghntn for 'your informatkfti a'tiout Ireland instead of to Cork or to South Tyrone.1' ' This hit nt Chamberlain was received with cheers , while T. W. Russell swallowed with deliglit this sugardd morsel thrpwn to llim- .Russfcll . has boon sent all over the country by the torlcs and unionists aa advocates of their cause. Ho now displays many signs of a- tcnaoncy to flop over. Parnoll's allusion to him seemed almost llko the announcement of- KussGU's approaching reception into the nationalist fold. Moreover , when 'Parhcll made the allusion to the impossibility of con- tinuing ¬ to govern Ireland from Westminister , Russell Joined in ihO hearty cheers oftho regular Parnellitcs. Presently Chamberlain stood up andtbb- an - his remarks by quoting the' American- ism ¬ "catch on , " but the phrase la not ao much of a novelty as Joe seem ? ,to failoy , I hope ho has brought back some fresher say- lugs and some livelier jokes , than this. 'Ho made , as1 ho always docs , n shrewd , tolling speech , contending that It was n gross In- justice ¬ to wipe off the arrears rent and leave all the other arrears outstanding. Ha had n- llvoly passagc-at arms with Dillon , and It cannot be said that Dillon got { ho best of it. Chamberlain Is an exceedingly prickly.nwk- ward customer to lay hold of. .Nqthing seems to'shako his possession or disturb-tlio clear exercise of his faculties. He Succeeded this aftorrioon in impressing oven his ene- mies ¬ with his ncutcness and ability. Dillon delivered One of his fiery harangues arid stirring enough to move the most slug- gish ¬ heart. Irish eloquence has no more brilliant a repre'senta'tlvo iu the house. The vote was first taken on Parnoll's nialn bill , which was rejected by 823 to 248 , a . .m- ajority ¬ of 83 , only 99 votes short of a full house- .Tho'amcndment . offering to treat all creditors nliko was then adopted , but thus , the whole question is left whcrq it was lqst.ycar. A tenant must pay nil his debts or none. Wo shall , however , hear much nioro of the ar- rears ¬ difllculty.A MEMnnit OP PARLIAMENT. THE EMPimOU iaiPROVING.- II . o Passes an Excellent Melit ana Iliscs Mncli Itcfrcsiipd.B- EKI.IN . , March 21. [ Now York Herald cable Special to the BED. ] The health of the cmptoror is progressing favorably. Tlio inclemency of the weather is unheard of even in this climate. It docs not alTcct him in the least. He passed an excellent night , arose refreshed and hopeful , took hfs morn- ing ¬ walk In the orangery and set to work in better spirits than ho has boon for a- long time. Hss voice has improved. Far from missing the mild climate of tho. Riviera , It is as if this hardy Soidi&rToimd alleviation in the very harshness of his na- tive ¬ nlr. This morning a wreath from San Remo arrived for the tomb , the mostoxquislto trophy of flowers artistic hands could twjnc. Two strong men find It no easy task to carry.- It . , and the scent which arose from the thousands of violets , hyacinths and lilies of the valley was almost overpowering- .It . was flrst taken to the otnperor's sitting room for his inspection hnd then Sir Morrcl Mackenzie went to place it- on the tomb , as the inhabitants of San Rumo had begged him. Both the empress and Princess Charlotte went with him. The emperor watched the little procession from a window- .Prof . , Borgninnn , who took the most pessi- mist ¬ vldw, has , slnco Ills last examination of the emperor's throat , changed his opinion , although tie is still of the sumo view with , re- gard ¬ to the cause of hla illness . The extraordinary strong , constitu- tion ¬ of the emperor now inspires him with now hopes. Prof , Bergman Is , of the opinion that under favorable cli-cu in- stances ¬ it will bo possible to preserve his life for a long tlmo to como. The emperor tajces- a warm interest not only ln homo but foreign politics. Ho sent n telegram or condolence to the president of the French republic upon the death of the latter's father. According to an old Prussian custom the Empress Vic- toria ¬ will hold n mourning drawing room next Saturday in the old castle w The Gould System ' ICnpyrlylit 1SS8 J y Jamee LONDON , March 23, 4 a. m. ( Now York Herald Cable Special to tho' ' BEE ! ! This morning's Financial News , Jn the courseof on editorial headed , "Is the Gould . .System- BrcaTdng Upl" comments thus ; "Will street haswaitpd anxiously for swerjil months for Jay Gould to return homo and lift it up, but Mr. JGould's ' flrat discovery on Ills return homo is that ho may soon need lifting'up- himself. . HisTrtlssourl Pacific system lins ot into a decidedly ghastly condition. Hast year about 1,500 , miles of line w'ero added to it and its grass j nralfigs declined by 11000000. Nothing so dramatic as this had happened In American railway experience since the collapse of the Wabash.- By . the way , it may bo high time for English. holders df Wabash to ask themselves what effect it is going to have on them. If Gould's southwestern roads got into trouble , as scorns inevitable , the Wabash will havq lost its , lust hope of redemption. Its chances had pre- viously ¬ sunk very low , but this threatens to- ftnish them.11 Theater lUirnod.O- POT.TO . , March 81. During the perform- ance ¬ at the Banquet .theater , last night , an explosion of gas occurred 'and the theater took flra and was destroyed. A number of lives woro-Iost and many people injured. Ten dead bodies havu been recovered from the ruins. . . . Eighty bodies have been taken from the ruins. Moat of those burned wcro in the third row of Jjoxes and galleries where wlioW- t aralltca were BufTocutciT. , , Some corpses wore found In the stage boxes. , . , . teui Six btTlicMi Tlircfttcn to Strike fbJ'JLtvliiR Wngcs. CHICAGO , March , tSpcclal TolcRram to the Uco.Tho thrcntoncd strlko among the C,000 carpenters the city promises to ex- tend ¬ to other branVlifis Of the building trade , and another gcn&Aj and disastrous tlo-up , similar to that which this city experienced last year , mtly bo the result of the dlffdronccs between the boss carpenters and their em- ployes. ¬ . Mill menllfo employes say , nro re- sponsible ¬ for the pVoScnt situation for the reason that they can Inoto than compote With contractors who Uoipt ( | own milts , thus forc- ing ¬ carpenters' w'ages down to the lowest possible point- ."It . is Just this way , " said Secretary Bron- nock , of the carpentcra' council , this mornI- ng. - . "Tlio mill hien who nro contractors Can take Jobs awayfrom almost any contracting carpenter , tis they work their employes ten hours pc.r day pnd p'ay 'less wages , while tuo boss carpenters pay more for eight hours work. Tlius , with own men , the mill bosses can put etairp , window sashes rind doors into n building at n minimum cost , while the bos's is almost helpless. Nftw. what wo Intend to do is to compel the mill men to work their iiien but eight hours- .Tbon.wq . co.n see our way clear to get higher "wages for carpontcrfc. You can Just soy that 0,000 union carpenters are going to have , 33 cents lul hour as the minimum rnte of wages , ' 'and iintll wo do gel It there Won't' bo n piece of timber sawed or.hoistcd or a nail driven , " "Are you willing to arbitrate ! " "Yes ; wo have tried .that twice with committees' of bosses , but didn't hnvo power tb hot , and so nothing bam'o of the conference.- "Wo'are . willing to risk getting bur wages lowered by arbitration , but there is no fear of.that. " TNotices df a monster mass meeting have been issued by the carpenters' bouncil and every branch of the .trade In the building line has been requested to attend in full force. . There tljo plans for n campaign against the carpenters and mill owners , and , in fact , any other line in the building trade which opposes them will bo laid.- The1 . painters hold n secret session this morning and listened to the reports of various committees. The announcement was made that seven largo firms and about twenty shiallbr ones had granted the pay asked for and that 000 of the 2,300 union p'alnters wcro- at work at 37J cents- .BOODLBU . M'GAUlOIiE.- He . Pnys n Flying Visit Jo Dnlitth A- ChicnKo Dctbbtlvc Fooled. DULUTH , Minn. , March 21. [ Spbclal Tele- gra'm - to the Ben. ] Considerable astonish- ment ¬ was nittnlfostcd hero to-day when a forenoon paper published an account o * the presence df W. J. McGanglo , ' ex-chief of police and cbnvictedboodler of Chicago , in- Duluth'last Friday. The facts as learned nro that ho called on several old Milwaukee friends , but requested them lo keep silent re- garding ¬ his whereabouts until to-day. Ho said ho had bc'on In Saiilt St. Marie and Daluth three times and in Milwaukee onbo since his escape from custddy. Ho Is enjoy- ing ¬ good health nnd'wasns he expressed it , quito stout. Ho wdranlong moustachd and was stylishly thouglh lilarnly'dressed. When asked If ho did not fear being recaptured ho smiled and said to Ids'friend , with whom ho was conversing ntthb time : "If I Had not made myself known sou would not have re- cognized ¬ mo. " As Bhpwing how completely ho has changed In , appearanpe , he related how several wcohs'aja ) at Sault Sto. Marie , when no was cominfgput of the dining room of the hotel , a wolwmown Chicago detective took his hat from th'o'hat rack and returned It to him with ntfapology for the mlstriko , but' ' failed to Tec&gnlzo him. The boodler said : "Ho made tho.cold chills run through mo when ho spoke to me, and I lost no time in absenting myself. " Hoadded.that ho ex- pected ¬ to return to Chicago to Hvo and that powerful friendsithens'wcro working to se- cure ¬ the removal of all the difllcultles which now threaten his coming back. Ho derilqd the recently published' Chicago report that ho had been making'real estate investments horo'and at the Sault. but admitted the Vis- Its. - . Ho loft on stho night train Friday for Sault Sto. iMarle , via Minneapolis , and was se.cn by two of his friends to enter the train wiyi a short , stbut man with a vary rod face- .McGariglo . carried a long light-colored leather satchel , similar to a surgeon's instru- ment ¬ bag. The Dead "Emperor. NEW YOKK , March 21. Stelnway hall was crowded to-night by Germans and German- Americans gathered to take part in memorial Services for Emperor William. All Darts of the hall wore draped in black and trimmed with flowers and laurels. The principal speaker was the Hon. Carl Schurz , who care ¬ fully reviewed the deeds of the late emperor and eulogized his acts since becomingruler. . A cablegram was sent Emperor Frederick. Missouri IirunlKcntioii Convention.S- T. . . JosEi-ii , MO. , warcii 91i [ Spacwl Tele- gfohi - to the BEE. ] Tlio oommittce appointed by the board of trade to investigate the ad- visability ¬ of calling an immigration conven- ventlon - for the counties iu northwestern Missouri to meet in this city has reported favorably , but the date of the convention has not boon decided upon. The matter was flrst agitated by the rural press- .An . leo Gor o llrpkon.- Rvcisn . , Wis. , March 21. The ice gorge which formed in Uoot river yesterday noon broke to-day at 3 o'clock. The backwater did considerable damage , flooding dock and residence property. The Ice is noV rapidly moving out of'tho river and nil danger is- past. . Five thousand dollars will cover dam ¬ age. Continued ImimlnlionH nt Hungary. LONDON , March 21. The inundations nt Hungary continue to increase. Numerous houses have been wrecked and many persons and cattle drowned. Rig Ship'Failure. ROME , March 21. Marino Bros. , builders anil contractors , have failed. The liabilities are 2000000. The Grrinnii Diet I'IIBRCS the Budget.- BIIIIUN . , March Si. The lower liouso of the Prussian diet to-day passed the budget in its entirety mid adjourned. Six YOUIIR Thieves Caught. Six young lads , four of them white and two cole cd , were arrested last night by Sergeant Haze and Ofllccr Newman for stealing goods from the etorotif J , { JjiUTJs , whioh was. dam- aged ¬ by fire last wcel& The ofliccrs found tbu boys near Twelfth und Dodge streets and recovered part of tliQ stolen goods. The prisoners names iircj'ii G , Thoihas , B. John- son ¬ , Frank FishorBtmnnoirHainos | , Frank Bonash and Dan Thqnipeun. They will have u houringin pollco court this morning- .finodgrasstoWnndorlngs. . . R. L. Snoilgrass , ? w o has been missing ever Blnco last MondjW. was seen in the Cali- fornia ¬ chop house, ( j j ojith Twelfth street , about 2:80 : Ho Was very badly intoxicated. Hirodgrass had a number of valuable papcrs''oi ( his person , among them deeds to city lots'and Dakota farms.- Ho . scorned to roaliJo'his ' intoxicated condi- tion ¬ and turned all tliWb papers oyor to the waiter there to tako'oaVo of for him. Since then Snodgrass bus agtlin disappeared , but U- is reasonublo to bellevu ' 'that ho Is only on a protracted spree andSviu turn up all right in- n day or two. His family , however , say that this is eqmethinpr unusual for him and are greatly alarmed over it. Gary Culver , of Coiorauo , says : "A- Shropablro owe ouglit to earn from $7- to $10 a year , " Ho says "thoy bout his cows all to death , und'outdo hia Porcli- oren marcs 100 per cent. Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria. When Babjr was eick , wo pave her Ca&toria. When the waa a-ChllJ.ihe cried tor Cutoria , When abe became Utu , 'she clung lt > Ocjtorla , When ihohad'CUtdrea , Blio gtrre'tiera Ctatdrla. REFORM , Tlio Hoiiso Proceeding . on a Basis ' Of Facts. * THEORIES 'PUT TO THE TEST Statistics Affecting tlio Question to Bo- i'roifArc'il 'illalc mid Ills I'onsloii- Mensuros'Tho Sioux Kcscr- Nation Dill Passed. t Senate.- WAsmxciox . , March 21. In the senate to-day Mt1. UlMKlh reference to the bill to- glV0 preference in civil service appointments to wotinde.il of the confederacy , na between men who had boon disloyal , said that1 several senators on both sides had re- quested ¬ hfm td have tho. bill Ho over still further. , llji therefore asked its poitporio- monv - (1111noxt Tuesday when ho would hsk- thb 'senate to dispose of the pending quest tori , the second reading of the bill.- Mr. . . 'v'nnco denied the correctness of the statement ina'do yesterday by 'Blair ns ' 'to there being 20,600 ox-confedorato soldlors ! In the stnto of North Carolina atone who had lost limbs , and many of them are destitute and in alms houses. There wore none in alms houses arid none had died there.- Mr. . . Blair explained that ho had meant to say wounded soldlors. Tlio bill was laid over as proposed. The sonnUi then proceeded to take nn and act upon thb bills on the calendar. The bill providing for Inspection of meats fbr expor- tation ¬ and prohibiting the Importation of adulterated articles of food and drink , was atnondc'd sb as to allow Iho inspection of meats at the place of packing , aiid passed. Other bills passed as follows : To allow soldiers and sailors who lost both hands , or the use of both hands , $100 per month. The hoUsoblll to facilitate the prosecution of works projected for the Improvement of rivers and harbors , with an amendment , on which the conference committee was ap- pointed. . The house bill for the relief of volunteers of the Forty-oichth regiment of Iowa infan- try ¬ , ns amended by a substitute entitled , "For the relief of certain volunteer soldiers. " The substitute provides that the act of Aprlll 2i3 , 1872. in relation tb bounties , shall have , the restrictive words , llboforo August 0 , 1801 , struck oat , and that the claims of all soldiers and their -heirs who Jind been denied the bounty of $100 granted by the act of April 23 , 1872. shall bo reconsidered , al- lowed ¬ and paid , If found correct and Just , provided the soldlors wore enrolled or en- listed - prior to July 22 , 1S01 , Jor three years. The bill reported by Mr. Blair allowing n pension of 52o a month to women enrolled during the" war ns army nurses , and who ren- dered ¬ six months' services , having been reached , the report was read , in which It was stated that the beneficiaries under It would not" average irioro than six or eight to each state.- Mr. . . Beck called for the yeas and nays , re- marking ¬ that of course this bill , like nil pen- sion ¬ bills , would pass. It would apply to every colored woman who had cooked , for soldiers' during six months , and according to the report just refTd , such women were en- titled ¬ ' 'Roinan matrons. " Ho hoped the com- mittee ¬ on pensions would nt least do the scn- nto'tho - Justice to call on the secretary of war for the number of enrolled .foinalo nurses during the war , so the senate might know within a million dollars of what the bill was- te take out of ho treasury. The bill under objection wont over. Other public bills on the callondar that were passed were the. following : The house bill to divide the great Sioux Indian reservation into separate , smaller reservations , -with a substitute , being the senate bill to divide a portion of the reserva- tion ¬ of Iho-Sioux nation of Indians in Dakota into separate reservations , and to secure the rcliniiuishment of the Indian title to ro- rnalndcr.- To . provide for the sale of the site of Fort Omaha , Nebraska , mid for a new site and the construction of suitable buildings thereon. House.- WASttHwrox . , March , 21. Thohoubo went into fcoffltatttco Of tho'wholo on the bill re- fdrrlng - ' to thb court of claims for adjustment , of 'tlio accounts of laborers and workmen and mechanics nrlsitig under the eight hour law.- Mr. . . Rogers , of Arkansas , In opposing the bill , said It would Involve the expenditure of nearly 100000000. The proposition was ill-considered ana vlblous in its tendency. Messrs. Tillman , Taulbco and Lane opposed the bill. Messrs. Lodge , Compton , Oingley and Tarsnoy advo- cated ¬ it. The committee then rose and Iho bill went over. Bills were passed to prevent the product of convict labor * iom bblng furnished to or for the Use of any department of the govern- ment ¬ and from being used in public build- ings ¬ or other public works and to prevent the employment of alien labor on public buildings and other public works -'and in the various departments of the government. The house then went into the committee of the whole on the bill to establish a depart- ment ¬ of labor.- Mr. . . Buchanan , of New Jersey , moved to strike out the clause directing the commis- sion ¬ to ascertain , whenever industrial charges shall make it essential , the cost of producing articles at the time dutiable In the United States in the leading countries where such articles are produced , by fully specllled units of production ami undernclasslllcation show- ing ¬ the different elements of cost or the ap- proximate ¬ cost of such articles of production.- Mr. . . Mills , of Texas , vigorously opposed the motion.- Mr. . . Randall offered nn amendment to ex- tend - the Inquiry to the amount of 'wages paid in the various industries. Adopted.- Mr. . . Mills offered nn amendment inserting the words "per diem , weekly and otherwise , " after the word "wages" in Mr. Randall's- amendment. . Adopted.- On . motion of Mr. MpICmnoy , of Ohio , nn amendment was adopted adding to Randall's amendment the words "and hours employed per day.- " The following amend incuts ex- tending ¬ the scope of the inquiry wore adopted : "By MrBuchpnan Whether any convict- made goods are imported Into this country and whence.- By. . . Mr. lJlanct-.Tlio profits of manufac- turers ¬ and producers of dutiable artiples.- By . MrVjishngton [ of Tennessee The comparative cqtjt of living in this country pnd In Europe.- Mr . , Brown of andiana offered nn amend- mcit - | extending tl0 inquiry ns to the effect of thpptpfectlvo tariff in the United States on the agricultural industry and especially as- to Its effect on flio 'mortgage indebtedness of farmers.- Mr. . . Mills offered nn amendment extending the' jnqulry to the ascertainment of whether are now .controlled by trufcjs and What effect tlieso.truata hud had iu limiting and keeping up prices.- Mr. . . Hum ui 11 ptfcrcd an amendment extend- ing ¬ the iiuiylry as to the effect of the state of currency Aponannculturul ) interests.- Mr. . . Miliucn offered an amendment requir- ing ¬ the labor.cQin'missloacr to investigate the Mill's tariff hill audio report what effect It would bnva-oimfoJlabor and industry of the United Statfts hud ,011 foreign industries , und oa the proOtsbf fardlgn manufacturers and the mat kets of the American farmer.- Mr . , Buchanan's motion to strike out was rejected , and pending action upon tlio amend- ment ¬ to committee rose und the house ad- Jqurncd. - . The Tariff BUI. WASHINGTON , March 21. The ways and mQans committee session to-day lasted but three minutes. Contrary to general oxpecta- tntidn - no utteinpt was made to formally vote upon and dispose of the tariff bill , aud tbo ro- publicpn - - members were left in the dark us to iho reason for adjournment. A conference pf democratic members was hld Immediately after adjournment , at which it came o'ut that the rci ort will' accompany the bill when it is presented to the house WAS not completed , and another day's tyas re- quired ¬ to give It fibapo. The committee wll | meet a.galii to-morrow. The comptroller q ( the currency directed Bank pxamfnerStona to proceed at pure to- Dabuque und take chargq Of the affairs of the Commercial National bank. BOY GAMBLERS INWALLSTREET Youngsters Ayho Ucjjln In n Very Small AVny n'nil Work Up. Boston Horahl : 'Thbro Is nothing n Wall slroot mnn 13 dppospd tp Us specu- lation ¬ when it la Indulged In by his help- er hla relatives. Ho lives by It , but it- Is forbidden to all who are dependent on hlrti ot wlio sbrvo him. The other d ay n broker , who ia n junior partner In ono of the rlnptyat hoUsdS on Wall street , became Suspicious that ono of the ofllco boys wiw "trading , " ns the Wall street folks potltoly call panibllnfr. Jfo liked the boy, tmthinkBhlin ono of the brightest lads tlmtjho over saw , so that ho determined to iniiko tin u"ort to catch him breaking the rule afralnsl trading , and to vnlrn him that if rtuy bthor montbor of the llrm oi'dr caught hlln rit the liractldb l > dv6uld have lo lose his placo. , . fho qucsUouvns how to expose the aci , bv > t nn opportunity was noctHly olforod. A customer came in while- the ooy was writing at a- desk. ' . - , Th'o custbirfo salft : "Central pretty lively ? " . Instantly the boy dropped his pen and asked : "What isitnbw ? " "Ono hundred and nineteen , " said the customer. Then the broker saw his chance- ."What . did you buy at , BillyV' ' ho in- quired ¬ of the bov. Before thq boy had taken time to Ihinlc of the confession ho was mo-king ho replied : "Ono hundred and fifteen , sir. " 'lie was so pleased Ut having mtido n. prollt- bf four points on his trauo that the words s'lipncd front hiin. ' Now I've gdt > ou , Billy , " said the broker ; "pd rind sell out aud < ] tilt specu- lating ¬ for as long as you remain with this house. The next tlmo you're caught at it you'll ' hnvo to go.'I- Tn ' another offlco It was noticed that all the office boys wcro in the habit bf collecting around the tlolcor whenever their elders' wdro.not looking over thb tape , and they whispered a great deal whenever they wcro together. Ono of their employers called them nil before him ono day , and upon crosgo.vainin- ing - thorn , discovered that the eldest and brightest boy wasrunningababy bucket shop on his own account , with u cent a point as tlio standard of value , instead of a dollar as on 'Change , und had Initi- ated ¬ all his associates in the full mystery of stock gambling. They wore trading long anfl short , and iniltatlnjj' on a mi- croscopic ¬ scale the operations of the customers oi the offlco , some taking1 bulls as thbir models , dntt fcbmb betting with thb bears. The baby bucket shop keeper was oxacting-a-tiny nromluin on profits and scooping in the losses quite like an adult. Ho was discharged , and tharost were made topromiso that they wbuld never transgress again. Ono of the shrewdest and quickest boys that over turned up in Wall street obtaineo. a place in a Gorman banking house as an ofllco boy at $5 a week less than three years ago. IIo Goes not get more than $8 or 310 now , but , in the meantime , ho has grown to bo seven- teen ¬ or eighteen years old , and has bc- como such a figure that the best way to describe his jippoai'anco is to say that ho dresses llko John Bloodgood. Like the garments of that leader of fashion and popular broker , his clothes are al- ways ¬ neat and chosen withgontooltijslo , being made of the costliest materials , cut to fit ns fluid fits whatever it fills , and yet never gaudy or loud. LastTUos- tlay - I met this boy how ho was potting along- ."Oh . , nicely , " saidho , "though I had almdwookof it. 1 dropped 81,200 on- wheat. . " A little questioning brought out the fact that thq boy hau begun , as all oth- ers ¬ do , by small dickering in bucket shops , Imsod on what was Bai'd or done in the otllco whore lie worked. By put- ting ¬ the bucket shop winnings by , and combining with another youth on a good tip or ttvo , ho had gathered capi- tal ¬ enough to make a 1'egular trade on the stock market. That had turned out well , and ho had then become a- I'Offular gambler on 'Change. Viewing this case in ono way , the bucket shop was certainly to hlamo for making a gambler of him , but ho got his points from the legitimate gamblers , and is now ono of thorn , and as good as any of them as long as ho wins and his em- ployer ¬ doesn't find him out. But the stories that nro being told to influence the public against the small quotation peddlers do not stop within any such limits as those above narrated. They contain talcs of tlioso bankers and brokers driving about at midnight to this liouso and that , mid bogging men to surrender chocks cashed during that day for a wayward sou who has forged to get money to moot trading losses , and who has then become frightened and confessed to the rich father ere the ex- posure ¬ of the next day came. They in- clude - tales of potty thefts by some clerks , and of the ruining of homos by others , who have got the fever without money to feed It. AltOjgothcr the im- pression ¬ left in nn outsider's mind' is that the district attorney might as well go on with thoprosecution of the bucket shops now , and that , if ho could next turn his attention lo tlio regular ex- changes ¬ , no great harm would result to the world. Another Kival of Natural Gas. Indianapolis .Jpurnal : .AfP1 forty years spent in studying combustion A.- J. . . Simmons of this city claims to Iiavo discovered an economical use of fuel that will rival natural gas. 'While ho was engineer at a largo'hotel in Kan- gas City ho found the principjo which ho has Blnco dovoloped. successfully , as- ho ' 'I discovered " ho said says : , yes- terday ¬ , "that the atomic movement of- fiamo and electricity is the same and that it can bo isolated. On the other hand , while the atomic move- ment ¬ of magnetism and radiant heat is the BUIIIO it cannot bo- insulated. . Faraday was the first to dis- cover ¬ the mechanical ofloqt 6.11 Hume- .My . discovory.rolatos to the chemical ef- fect ¬ , which Is th6 suporoxido'of oxygen , generally known an OZOHQ. I placed an iron bar in the bridge >vnll of a furnace , mid by varying tho. magnetism in the bar found I cpukl distort the finmo nt- will. . For this purpose in ; ny first ex- perience ¬ I used a dynamo' , but after- wards ¬ , trying the cell system , obtained olTeclB nearly equal to DIOSQ from the dynamo. Through a nrocoss known only to myself , and I will not patent , the Hinnq produces a magnetic prestige which b'rings down the oxygen , the llfo of all fires. When properly fired no smoke is omitted , because the same process exhausts the hydrogen , iho ono great element oLsmoko. " Mr. Simmons has this process In prac- tical ¬ operation in ono of the laundries of the city , and claims for It n saving of 125 per cent in coal. Hq thinks u greater bavingcun'bomado and. that , in time , his process will make the usu of tflack coal cheaper tlm-u natural gas. In the office pf the. Kansas City Times ho says his process allowed one boiler , an infer- ior ¬ quality of coal aiid'a ICES quantity bojng used , to answer thopurpo&o of the two that had boon used , before with the best of coal. The principle can bo'ap ¬ plied to heating and cooking stoves- .Tills . - winter his coke for on'obase-burner which gh.ro heat for three rooms cost hj < n only 82 } , while his neighbor * .Imvo spent much more for Coal und .obtained , loss heat. THE'SPECULATIVE MARKETS.- in . tlio Whont Pit aa- aa Any Ever Known. BEARS MAKE A RAID ON CORN , 7 lore Attention 1'nltl to Provisions Tlmn V6v 661110 Time. . 1'nst Cixljlo- sifow nml lynsntlsfhctftrx- General Quotations- .cmoAcjo . 1'iionuoE BIAHKRT.C- IUCAOO . , MArch 21. [ Special Telegram to the BEK.Ibaiatlv& traditip In Vfhoa- ttoday and yesterday on the Chicago board of- tradq was said to bo ns largo ns evf known except pbssMy In "tho case of the dottapso of- a corhor. The trading was Iri big blocks- ."Fifties" . and ' 'hundreds" wcro as frequently dealt In as nro "flves" nnd "tons" on other occasions. The bears wcro again In control nnd they brought out still mote long wheat , which catricd prices < to th6 lowest point yet reached , A few largo houses , however hbtably Boyil , Paxton & Boyd nnd Jones , McConnlck & ICcnnctt were liberal pur- chasers. ¬ . Foreigners wcro buying , presum- ably ¬ to cover shorts , and commission houses a 'country clientage wcbo Uofn komo- thing on lhat sfdo. The big shorts also wore said to bo Quietly taking h largo amount of grain , though IJeam was openly soiling most of the tlmo. There was a quick reaction from the lowest point , and , in fact , fluctuations were generally swift with- out ¬ much lingering over the slxtcchth. As a result of the morning's trading May wheat closed ${a lower than yesterday. "liiBuchn market ns that of to-day nowa from the out- sldo - was absolutely without Influence , and there was hot much of It. May wheat opened this morning at 7TKc and Immediately sold tip to T7 b. Then the hanitncrlng begah and also the unloading of long wheat and the price went qulclcly to 77ifo. up to 77> o < back to 77&jj77Js'c ( , , then down to 7"773 ? c , to 77J @77f c , down to "OKc, then up to TtK&n o. bade to 77J , 77Jf@77J c , up to 77k@77 o- nnd the 1 o'clock close was 77Jjc. Juno wheat bold from 78o down to 77j ) o and closed nt 1 o'clock at 7T77jfo. ! " i Largo receipts of corn and much bettor grading than of. late hclncd the bears to raid that bbrcal and to bring out more long corn. Much "bf the selling was by the heavy wheat boars , and there was u suspi- cion ¬ that their course hero was taken with direct rofcrenco to its blTcct Upon wheat. Prices wore mil down i c, but thcro was strong buying nt th o declinq and when the pressure of the long grain coming out was removed .there was seine reaction , but this was followed by another dccltno anil the close wrfs within > f o of "thd lowest prlco- of the session. May corn opened nt G08' @ GOWfo sold early at DOKo straight , then diop- pcd - to 49.J e , reacted to 50> c. then fell to- 49Vc. . advanced to , declined , to 49X" Improved to 49ft9fc. fell to 4 !J c , and closed nt 1 o'clock at 49 c. Jutio cbrn opened at GO > J@BOVc , sold to 4U Vo and closed at 1 [ o'clock at 40 c. There was nn active speculative trade in- naats in the early part of the session and tho- woalmoss - df other grains caused n decline hero. May oats opened at B0 @803ic , sold down to 80)5o nnd closed at JJOKc. For Juno oats UO c was bid nt the opening and they sold down to nnd closed at July' oats opened 4it2Wc , and sold up lo UOc , but closed at 2iJ ) c asked. August oats sold at 20c. Provisions received more attention than on any day for some tlmo past. The raid on pork, which was started early m the session , made the market comparatively attractive , and In a speculative way a good deal of Inter- est ¬ was dovoloped. For May delivery the pivotal future pork opened ut $14,10 , but the bear element promptly obtained control , nnd- by persistent hammering, assisted by con- siderable ¬ selling on atop orders , the price was forced down to 13.72 } $ . Between Sia.bO and J13.72K , lioVrever , trading -was limited. From 13.7iK a reaction followed which carried the prioo back to 18.97 and at 1- o'clock 10.05 was the current quotation. Lord und short ribs naturally sympathized with pork in its movements up and down. . Wheat opened weak , .May selling at 77Jfc and 77K@77 > Vo , fell to 70 ;<@i7c on the split , improved and closed at- 77c ; Juno77e , July 77J c. Corn lower, May closing nt aboui4U 'c , Juno 40' ' @ < yXc. Oats were fairly active but lower ; Bluy 80- aO'c. > © . Pork was irregular , closing 'Wta lower , or at S18.82K for March , 13.113 for May and S13.J7 } < -for Juno. Lard was quiet and closed ut S7.47K for March , *7.S2W for May , & 7.57>tf for Juno and f 7G > f for July. CHICAGO IilVK STOCK.- Cnio.iao . , March 21. [Special Telegram to the BISE.I OATTLE Trade was slow and unsatisfactory from the start to the linish- .yiictbcr . prices were lower or not- was dlfil- cult to determine. Salesmen claimed they could not begin to get as good prjces ai > yes- terday ¬ and buyers claimed they hail to pay fully as high ns yesterday for anything that was good and useful. The prime cause oj the dullness was probably the glut of cattla- in Now York and slow beef trade in eastern cities. There was a fair local demand for butcher's stock at former price ? , The stocltcr and feeder trade remains unchanged- Steers , 1,330 to 1,1500 lb9SWOfflfi.15 ; 1,200 to- a501bs , , ? | 00l.r0 ; 030tol,3UO Ibs. W 0 ® i.OO. Stockers and feeders. 23J3.15 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1 T5S.t !) 0 ; bulk , 2402CO. Texas-fed cattle , ? BjlO3GO. Iloos Business -vas again active , with another upturn of nbout 5o on heavy and lOo- on light and mixed. Mixed , averaging 100 to- 2TO Ibs. sold nt t5.iOiUO ! , largely nt * 540. Butcher weights ( selected ) , 21(1 ( to 250 Ibs , jnndoWJ5ri.50 ; best heavy , ayoragintf 2 0- to 300 Ibs , made f5.r 05iO ( ( ; liuht ( nssortcd ). averaging 100 to 170 IbSjiiindoJS.BOS150 ! ! ona light ? 51Cri5. NEW YonK , March 21. [ Special Telegram to the BBB.I SrocKh The bears went ut tha stock market with the determination to foico prices ptlll lowcr , , and , by laminering weak and unsupported stocks , succeeded in tem- porarily demoralizing the market and record- ing declines of } { &M points. Trading was by no means heavy , being only 71,374 , Blinrca- up to npon. J eng stocks cameput'frocly and the sfiort Interest wps considprablyJncredBcd. Heading went off % per cent on the import that application would soon bo made to tha NOW York stock ox'ahnngo to list now 4- pqr cent bonds , The fssulng of Blocks or bonds at this tlmo Is regarded with suspicion by the Btroct and induced heavy selling of- Heudlnjjby the professionals. News from the west , although not entirely satisfactory , .was inoro assuring spjno thnVpastr Despite the sovci ore verses recently received , the bulls had the nerve to say that Iho situa- tion ¬ warranted higher prices. The short In- terest ¬ in Heading. St. Paul , Union Pacillo , Missouri Paciilo and Lake Shore , they say , never was larger. When congress pubscs the numerous financial measure's now before that body , n largo amount of money will bo distributed and the market will receive ma- terial ¬ holp. A representative of the St. Paul ppol said they could easily put that stock up- to oO within a mopth. About noon the mar- ket ¬ became stronger. Mlhtouri Pacillo ad- vanccdHand - other securities # ( ) ? point , with the exception of Pacific Mall , Now En- gland ¬ and Cotton Oil "stiffs , " which remained heavy. The Improvement of mtd'dny was of- shoit duration and the market became weak nnd BOOH boidcrcd on a panto. Missouri Pacific and Western Union went Oft rapidly , the fin-jucr dropping 1@1K points at a time , the downward course pnly being tUffkcd by the closing of the market. Prices diopjiod to- 70tf , a uhiinluiEO of 5'f per cent from ( ho- outblde prices of the morning and % percent from yesterday's cloec , a net loss'of ?;< per cciit In two days. A npo the stock wa soiling nl IJO. The losses on that .have been heavy , but the amount will never bo Known. Western Union closed tyf points lower. Ot- tlio rest of the list the pet losses were email osocpt on New Knglnnd , wlilph was 8 # , St. . Paul %, %, Union Pas.fio } (,

nebnewspapers.unl.edunebnewspapers.unl.edu/lccn/sn99021999/1888-03-22/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · H * THE OMAHA DAILY J THUESDAY. 'MARCH 22.' 1838. A PLUNGE INTO THE PLATTE Unpleasant Experience

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Page 1: nebnewspapers.unl.edunebnewspapers.unl.edu/lccn/sn99021999/1888-03-22/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · H * THE OMAHA DAILY J THUESDAY. 'MARCH 22.' 1838. A PLUNGE INTO THE PLATTE Unpleasant Experience

H *



Unpleasant Experience of Suporln-tondont

-O'Brien and His Son.-



(they Arc Presented to lliO Iiit6rStnto-Comihlsslon York Build a

Strict Ilnltwny A llcnvy-Fnilnrc. .

A Narrow Kscnpo.-AsnLANn


, Nob. , March 21. [Special Tele-gram


to the B Si : .] Word has just reachedthis place of nn nccldcht thai occurred ntSouth Bend this morning In which twomdh-caino near losing their lives. Mr. M , E-


, sup6rlntcndont ot the state fisherynnd his son William wore engaged In repair-ing


the telephone line across the 1'latto river% vhch their boat capslfccd and they were sc ! nfloundering amid the slush nnd Ice in theriver by Mr, Sooborvho was just nbout to-

i oross the rlvor , but run down the river bhnk-nbout n qunrter of ft mlle nnd seizing n boatrind taking for n p'addlo the scat of anotherbtinl Which stood near by , rowed out into Iho-1itrenm nnd nftor a struggle bf several min-utes


rescued the parties from drowning at a-

very great risk of his own llfo. At about 26rclock this nflcrnoon Mr. O'Brien is tyingvery low its a result of his adventure , but theson was not so Scri&usly "affected.

They Want A Ilnltrond.IN-UIANOIM

., Neb. , March 21.JSpeclnl[ to-

ho Unb ] Pursuant to-call , tno cities aridowns of the Valley from Redcldtid westward jnet in joint convention In

this city for the purpose of making n Unitedeffort to secure nddlttnal railroad facilitiesfor1 tile Republican Valley. Dr. J. A. Gunn ,

bf Arapahoe , was chosen chairman and S. R.Smith , of this plnco , secretary. The follow-


rcsblution was offered by i3. S. Child , ofArapahoe , and on motion was unanimouslyadopted :

Whereas , Wo , the citizens of the rich Ro-publl6nn

-Valley , now assembled 'in conven-


ntlndianola , have nnd hereby expressthe utmost confidence in tbo present rosqur-ccs

-and future prospects of Our chosen part

of tlie great west , andWhereas , We rcoogulzo railroads as an im-


in the prosperity of our ccain-' try , and

whereas. Wo further recognlzo nnd npprc-clnto

-the advantage to any section of ocmntry-

of having honest competition in nil lines ofbusiness , railroads not cxceptcd , bo it now

Resolved , That wo hereby invite n carqful, nnd thorough consideration of the advantages

offered to any corporation intending to con-struct


lines of railway through the southernpart of the stnto by this broad , fertile andwell settled valley, in the minimum cost ofconstruction nnd certain Cncburaecmcnb to-

bo 6xpcctcd from the numerous towns andoltl69'nl6n 'tho route , nnd bo It further

Resolved , That wo invite ''tho bffioials ofthe possible road , or roads , to visit our valleynnd towns nnd submit propositions to ourpeople for aid in building srtid roads , or if animmediate visit Is not practicable , that wosuggest the advisability of said officials ad-dressing


the several boards ot trade throughtheir secretaries in reference to this matter ,or other matters toward our mutual advnnco-nidit.

-< .

On motion it wns ordered that copies of theforegoing bo sent to stato'papers' for publica-tion


, nnd to such railways ns may bo buildingwestwnrd.-


Acbmmittoo on railroads wns appointedconsisting of E. S. Child , of Arapahoe ; J. W.Dolan , and S. R. Smith , of Indinnolu.-


motion the convention adjourned tomeet on call of the secretary of the board oftrade of Iiidiahola.-



f,,' The Commission at Lincoln.J-


., LINCOLN , Nfcb. , March 21. [Special Tele-

cram to-tho Biiu. ] The intbr-stnto com-


commission reached this city on a.* pecial train this m'brnlng and at 11 o'clbck' * a. in.'bpcried.th'o' hearlrig 6f thb Lincoln crises" ' nt iho United States cotlrt room. J osl of-

mr iho L'lhcoln' cases are tlioso affcctirig trrins-contm'bntdil

-Shipments Knd thds'o wore con-


-solidnlcd. Messrs. Lrfmbertson and MaSon


,"appear for the complainants nnd the South-


crn Pacific , Missouri Pacific , Chicago , Bur-r'

-llngtoa & Qliincy , Union Pitclfic and "North-vresterrt

-t - roads are rbprcsCnied by their gcnj-


jr oral attorneys. * In opening the hearingChairman Cooley stated that the commission

. ,, wore not sitting as a jury to award damages ,& but they desired testimony upon which if an

injustice wns being done , matters could bo-

sbtjlght for the future rather than ajudi-


for the past. The testimony wns beingtaken through the. afternoon , the wholesalersIri the city b'olhg the principal witnesses.Their testimony went to prove discrimina-tion


on California shipments In favor ofMissouri river points , and 'that Lincoln cir' Ipad consignments were shipped to Onmlirtand then roshlppcd with n local tarifff nddcd , It is expected that the entire dayto-hiorrow will bo required in hearingthese oases. A general complaint madeby tho. Lincoln freight bureau will bo Heard'separately , as will also , the cases chargingdiscriminations in shipments from the cast.The latter cases aVe against the Burlingtonnnd the Missouri Pacific. A case ,frein Bo-ntrlco


, is also to boheard, nt the meeting bythe commission , and Messrs. PcmbcrtpnBurliM , Dole and others nio in the city In theinterest of the base-



FromOOAI.AI.LA , Neb , , March 21. [Correspond-


of the Br.E. ] Deputy Sheriff Kisor is-

b'usy'scrving papers In district court cases.There will bo a good docket this term , inwhich comes sovornl interesting cases.Among them is the mandamus case of Ma-


vs. Grant , which grows out of thocbunty-f scat fight.

The republican club organized hero some-time since are working diligently for the sUc-


of the party , hero and elsewhere.-WlHla'm


Kennedy was sent from this placei io the asylum at Lincoln last week Mr., I onnbdy lived oh a claim ncnr hero. Last

fall , In November, ho' suddenly went Ihsdnoand was kept Iu tho'coUnty jail for Want of

i vacancy In the usyluin , nnd had almost ra-ce


vc red whoiLho was taken away. Thecause Jor > il insanity was unknown , but itwas supposed that it originated in a smtko-bittt from the effects of which ho had neverfully recovered.-


hits brilliant prospects of n nbwrailroad in the near fqfurq , coming hero in anorthwesterly direction ein-6uto totho ;ellnnd coal regions of Wyoming up the Noith' Platte ,

A j'tncoln Vrm] Palls.-p'


p'' LINCOLN , Nou , , MarcU 21. [Special Tele-pram to the BBC. ] The woH-known drygoods houseof Friend & S6n , of this city ,

lias been closed by chattel inortgagc , and thefirm's branch stores ut Greenwood and Ben-uott


are also Involved in the trouble. TheCapital National bank has the stocks liow in-

.possession.. . The chattel mortgages held by-

'tho different parties are as follows : To-JtosnlJn Fitond , I eo Levy anil Adolph Levy ,tfJ.&OOj to the Capital National bank , tM.oot ) ;to Ilprwopd , Ames & Kelly, i330 ; to LeoFriend. Atchison , Ifan , , fci.Of0 : to Douts.ch-Bros. . , Atohlson , Kan. , 51,500 ; to F. Slcgcl& Bro. , JS.J2S-



Bphool itiilldliic : For Yrtrlc ,YOJIK , Nob. , Mai-ch 21 , JSpccIol to the

BBU.J The proposition to vote J-'S.SbO inbond * for the now central school buildingwas carried hero to-day with little opposition ,Only seven votes being cast against (t. ThisAmount , with thefund already qn hand , will

ivo York ono of the Hnest school buildingsfnthis pnrt.of the state , Tlio building > H-1be supplied with nil modern Improvementsund equipped first-class throughout-



' Among tlio tlefjontu.t-aTOOLN


, Neb. , March 81. [Special Telo-


toj tbo Bpc.l The regents of theftt'4to unlyprslty werq in session Jo-night at-

Ibfupiversltj'bulldlni;, JHio prestn ), nidsjt'-

itpe.pjomlsw ia ba Q ? inprc- than ordinaryInterest. There h , Infact, , a war ia the fai-


, .Vflrp fis nupul4crod for sometime ,

Kad IV'eetiiui n-j w ty bo about to break out.

The regents h'hvo boon grc6tcdby the nc-


on airlvlrig InthS city. The chancellorof the university Is on ono sldo nnd Dr. Bill-ings


tfn the other , nnd the rumor Is that thetrouble has reached thb point where ouo of-Iho two must go , although the board seemsinclined to peaceful measures , If possible.The trouble AS It will develop in the meetingthe regents will bo closclyAvatche-



Sticot; Tlnllwny.-Yonjc


, Neb. , JMarch il.! [Special to theBrn. ] Th.o Ytirk Stro6t railway companyhas been incorporated hero , with n capital of-

GO,0&0.? . Nearly nil of Iho stock is alreadysubscribe?. . It "fs expected * to construct ntleast two miles of line the coming season nndreal citato along tno proposed route Isalready Increasing In valuei

Supreme Court Decisions.L-tNconNj

.Nob. , March SI.- [Special Tele-


to the Bfcn.l The supreme cdurt to-


transacted the following business :

Holland Vs I unlq motion to relax , costssustained as to f23.01 ; Uockjo Separator c6m-pnny


vs" Clark , dismissed j" Orleans vs Perry ,contlnliod *, state , ox rcl county vsCole , continued ,

The following cases wdro argued nnd sub ¬

mitted' !

Adams' bounly bank vs Morgan , motion todismiss ; Stabler vs BIn'dbrup , inotldn td dis-miss1


, Hilton TS Uachmnn , motion to dismissIn part : stateox rol Okoto county vs Bab-cock


; Foxyvotthy Vsllixsttngs. . ,Court adjourned to Tuesday , March 37.The following decisions wbtb filed i-

Oreenleo vs Schocnhoit , error from Richard-son


county; .Reversed. Opinion by Ucoso-.An

.action may bo maintained against n

vendor of inioilcntlfog llnti&rs by a marriedwoman for damages sustalne'd by her by red-sbn

-bf her mobey bfetnff Sitbht by her hus-


for intoxicating liquors , or sq'Uahdcrcd-by him while intoxicated , or in the saloon of-thd liq'uor seller.

2. A niarrlq J wqnian ts hot only entitledto the services of her husband ns a means ofsupport , but also as between herself rind avendor of (intoxicating liquors , to the pro-ceeds


of his labor for suclu purpose.8. A ninrried woman brought her action

against the keeper Of snldons for dahiagcs re-sulting


frdtn ti loss of li r sup-port


by the , Intoxication ofher husband , and for the sum of tl,000belonging to nor Individual estate. The ver-dict


of tub jury was a finding in favor ofplaintiff -upon both issues , with nn award ofdamages assessed nt 81. It was held that theverdict could not bo sustained.City of Lincoln vs Bcolannn , error from

Lancaster comity. Affirmed. Opinion byReese-.lii

.nn action for damages resulting from.

personal Injury , the plaintiff was permittedto testify to tno amount ot her earningsprior to thb1 injury "for thcptirposoof showingthb vnluoof her tinte. This was without ob-jection.


. She was then asked how' much ihomade erioh week by her labor. Objectionwas made to the question , which was over¬

ruled. Hold , no error.-Cowlcs

.-vs district No. 0 , Jo'fforson coimt.v ,

error fram'Jofforson coiinty. Reversed , withinstruction to stistain demurrer. Opinionby Cobb-


(e. Jo. vs Buteher.-crror from Waynecounty. Affirmed. Opinion by Reoso.

Yates vs Kinnoy. motion to quash arid strlkoout parts of bill of oxc6ptlom. Motiori toquash overruled ; to strikeout sustained.Opinion by Mnxwoll.

State ox rel. Ed Hefshlsor vs M. P. Kinkaid ,mbridaihus. Writ denied. Opinion by Max-Well

-, Ch. J-


Is not'o' proceeding to correcterrors but to compel action and'wlll' not bogranted In any case where there is a plan andadequate remedy nt law.Village of Ponca vs Crawford , error from

Pixon county. Affirmed. Opinion byCobb.

" A. Painful Accident.DAKOTA CITT , Neb.f March 31. [Special

Telegram to the BEE. ] Pat Barry, of (hiscounty; ono of the 61dest and wealthiest cit-izens


, living about fourteen miles from thisplace , wliile"oh route to Chicago with cattle ,was run over by the cars at Boone , la. , yes¬

terday. Ho suffered internal injuries andthe amputation of nn'arm'ilt' ' the shoulder.

Arbor Day.-Lijrcowr

., N6b. , March 21. [SjjcciafTclp-


totlfo BEB. ] tlovcVnor Tliayer to-dayissued the following proclairiiitlon :

To the people of Nebraslca : Spring tlmo-is at hand nnd the tlmo to plant trees.Therefore in accordance with nn appropriatecustom , nbw well established vatld recognizedby law , I designate the 23d day of April , inthe year of our lord bno thousandbight hundred nnd eighty-eight ,

' as-"Ajbbr Day , " and I do earnestly request?

the people throughout this state to planttrees and the present and .future goneratidnswill ris'c-'up rind call ybii blessed. If , un-fortunately


, the weather should bo so stormyas to prevent the ,work on that day , plcaso donot fail 1,0, observe the next fair day-


whereof I have hereunto sot myhand nnu caused tttljo alflxed the great sealof the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincolnthis 21st day of March , A. D. , 183-


M. THATCH ,By the Governor : G. L. LAWS , Secretary

of State.

A Burslnr Sentenced.-NcmusKA

.Cm- , Neb , , March 21. [Special

Telegram to the BEE. ] Fritz Kiug wsfcfound guilty in the district court to-flay ofburglary and sentenced to one year in thepenitentiary , ,

iJfellnqucnt'Tn'Y I'nyprs Stirred Up ,

Nr.intvsKA.CiTr , Neb. , March 21. [SpecialTelegram to the BEK. ] A representative dfthe Storm Lake (Iu. ) Investment companyto-day bought bf the county commissionersfOO.OOO worflr of ta.x title property nnd willinvest as much.moro in city tax titles. It hascaused a furore among delinquents who ex-press


hatre'd of-tho tax title fiends.-



Crookcjd Pdsininstor.S-T.

.. JOSEPH , Mo. , Maich St. [Special Tolg-


to the BEB ;] William M. Stigall ,

postmaster nt Stowartsville , Mo. , was ar-


to-day'arid'broushl'beloFo the UnitedStotbs commissioner nt this place on n chargeof taking and opening letters addressed toothers , anil was bound over in the sum of11,000 to the .April court. Sltgall has aninordinate ,cu.riosty! for prying into otherpeople's business and for the (last six weeksin Ore than half the loiters addressed to thedifferent business men in the town have beenopened. Complaint wns mtido throughDeputy Postmusjor Bower , of the city post-onico.

-. Inspector Sykes , of St. Louis , vas

sent for , and drHvcd vestohlay. The decoyletters were nddicsscd to the respective busi-ness


incn , ono of which was opened nnd an-other


was not delivered at nil. The postofflcoinspector rode itho mnil car with the pouchand saw it handed over to the postmaster.

The Arroars-of-ncnt'nm.LONDON , -March 31. Intho commons to-


Parnoll moved n second reading 'of ht-Aarrcarsofri > t 'bill , ,Ho inndb "an earnestspeech in explanation of jibe bill and declaredhis willingness. to consider any amendmentsconsistent wfth Its principle , nnd spoke ofthe ilcccssltytpr early tuition to prevent thecarrying out of three thousand or inoranotices of evictions served up to Septemberand probably thrcq thousand other noticeswhich would bo served und would plungeIreland fnto n sea of disasternnd trouble theend of which no one could ferseo , The houserefused to order thu bill to n second readingby u vote of S3S to 'J13 ,

Tlio Murder UtisliiosH In Dakoln.A-JIMOUK

., Dak. , March 21. [Special T61o-

gram to tKo BBHJesso Powell , the manwho was murderously assaulted in u liverybarn Monday , Is still alive , but the doctorssoy ho cannot survive. Bates , who attemptedthe murder , succeeded in escaping , but theonlccrs arc in close pursuit of him luCharleurMix county,

A rvpoit came hero to day that a. mnn inCharles Mix county last night brutally mur¬

dered his wlfo and that a harty is pursuinghim with tho-inteiition of lynching him. Pur-tlculais

-carfnot bo learned ,


AVcather Indications.For Nebraska : Light northerly winds ,

becoming southerly , warmer , fair weather.For lown- Fresh northo'rlv Whids , colder ,

followed by wanner , fair weather.For Eastern and KoiUtnvostQt-u Dakota |

Wormer , ecucrally1 fflir .weather , , light to-frt h rarkblo wlndd , stliftiug to .


HIa Arrears of Rent Bill Bojoctod By328 to 243.-




MHU __ '

Mnny hives I est and x l nrgo Numberor People Injiircil By thti Uurn *

Inc of n Tbcator.i ,At Oporto.

" ,. ' '

Tlio Irish PnHSr ttJwivcil.M "

? ISSShu Jamttflatflon bemjclMLONDON , March 21. JNcw "jjork ijlci

Cubic Special to the Unu.J Parnoll , onwhoso pnlo foco n strong light was thrownthrough the opposite * windows , spoke jhlsafternoon on his tit-roars' bill lit ''hty foqiinl do-


and collected matine'r. " ia 1)111 t re-

X) sed that Irish courts hnvp powpr fojrcdXicocertain arrears upon nil holdlhgs of loss t tanJtlOd n year and to enable the tenant lb mythe balance by installment , ilo protestedngalnsttho scheme suggested last yc'atfbythe government , compelling tenants seel lnjjrelief from arrears lo place their debts InjtUbLands of the court so that creditors shouldstand on the riamo footing1. lie arguedstrongly lhat rent was hbt ilkb.K fldbt flue- to-

n shdpkebpcr, bcatusb tUo Inltor's-claltn' wasnot exorbitant and bccauso ho had neb ilsedlila claim as a monns of turning the poor nianout of his liouso. Upon this lesuo.tliQ wnolb-of the controversy subsequently turned. ' Par-ncllwtts

-brief but impress!v 'Ijo slated

frankly that oven if the government nhduldaccept his bill it would n6tin 'any degreelesion the dotnatid of the Irish pcoiilo for nparliament oi their own-


is it , " ho nskcd , "that you cannotscttlo the Irish land question1)) It-Is , bccausoyou know nothing nbout'lt.' Yon.'gp to fair1-

mlhghntn for 'your informatkfti a'tiout Irelandinstead of to Cork or to South Tyrone.1' '

This hit nt Chamberlain was received withcheers , while T. W. Russell swallowed withdeliglit this sugardd morsel thrpwn to llim-.Russfcll


has boon sent all over the country bythe torlcs and unionists aa advocates of theircause. Ho now displays many signs of a-

tcnaoncy to flop over. Parnoll's allusion tohim seemed almost llko the announcement of-

KussGU's approaching reception into thenationalist fold. Moreover , when 'Parhcllmade the allusion to the impossibility of con-


to govern Ireland from Westminister ,

Russell Joined in ihO hearty cheers ofthoregular Parnellitcs.

Presently Chamberlain stood up andtbb-an

-his remarks by quoting the' American-


"catch on , " but the phrase la not aomuch of a novelty as Joe seem ? ,to failoy , Ihope ho has brought back some fresher say-lugs and some livelier jokes , than this. 'Homade , as1 ho always docs , n shrewd , tollingspeech , contending that It was n gross In-


to wipe off the arrears rent and leaveall the other arrears outstanding. Ha had n-

llvoly passagc-at arms with Dillon , and Itcannot be said that Dillon got {ho best of it.Chamberlain Is an exceedingly prickly.nwk-ward customer to lay hold of. .Nqthingseems to'shako his possession or disturb-tlioclear exercise of his faculties. He Succeededthis aftorrioon in impressing oven his ene-mies


with his ncutcness and ability.Dillon delivered One of his fiery harangues

arid stirring enough to move the most slug-gish


heart. Irish eloquence has no morebrilliant a repre'senta'tlvo iu the house.

The vote was first taken on Parnoll's nialnbill , which was rejected by 823 to 248 , a . .m-ajority


of 83 , only 99 votes short of a full house-.Tho'amcndment


offering to treat all creditorsnliko was then adopted , but thus , the wholequestion is left whcrq it was lqst.ycar. Atenant must pay nil his debts or none. Woshall , however , hear much nioro of the ar-rears


difllculty.AMEMnnit OP PARLIAMENT.



o Passes an Excellent Melit anaIliscs Mncli Itcfrcsiipd.B-


, March 21. [Now York Heraldcable Special to the BED. ] The health ofthe cmptoror is progressing favorably. Tlioinclemency of the weather is unheard ofeven in this climate. It docs not alTcct himin the least. He passed an excellent night ,

arose refreshed and hopeful , took hfs morn-ing


walk In the orangery and set to workin better spirits than ho has boon for a-

long time. Hss voice has improved. Farfrom missing the mild climate of tho.Riviera , It is as if this hardy Soidi&rToimdalleviation in the very harshness of his na-


nlr. This morning a wreath from SanRemo arrived for the tomb , the mostoxquisltotrophy of flowers artistic hands could twjnc.Two strong men find It no easy task to carry.-It


, and the scent which arose from thethousands of violets , hyacinths and liliesof the valley was almost overpowering-.It


was flrst taken to the otnperor'ssitting room for his inspection hndthen Sir Morrcl Mackenzie went to place it-

on the tomb , as the inhabitants of San Rumohad begged him. Both the empress andPrincess Charlotte went with him. Theemperor watched the little procession froma window-


, Borgninnn , who took the most pessi-mist


vldw, has , slnco Ills last examination ofthe emperor's throat , changed his opinion ,

although tie is still of the sumo view with , re-


to the cause of hla illness .

The extraordinary strong , constitu-tion


of the emperor now inspireshim with now hopes. Prof , Bergman Is , ofthe opinion that under favorable cli-cu in-


it will bo possible to preserve his lifefor a long tlmo to como. The emperor tajces-a warm interest not only ln homo but foreignpolitics. Ho sent n telegram or condolenceto the president of the French republic uponthe death of the latter's father. Accordingto an old Prussian custom the Empress Vic-toria


will hold n mourning drawing roomnext Saturday in the old castle


The Gould System '

ICnpyrlylit 1SS8 J y JameeLONDON , March 23, 4 a. m. (Now York

Herald Cable Special to tho'' BEE ! ! Thismorning's Financial News , Jn the courseofon editorial headed , "Is the Gould ..System-BrcaTdng Upl" comments thus ; "Will streethaswaitpd anxiously for swerjil months forJay Gould to return homo and lift it up, butMr. JGould's' flrat discovery on Ills returnhomo is that ho may soon need lifting'up-himself. . HisTrtlssourl Pacific system lins otinto a decidedly ghastly condition. Hastyear about 1,500, miles of line w'eroadded to it and its grass j nralfigsdeclined by 11000000. Nothing so dramaticas this had happened In American railwayexperience since the collapse of the Wabash.-By


the way , it may bo high time for English.holders df Wabash to ask themselves whateffect it is going to have on them. If Gould'ssouthwestern roads got into trouble , as scornsinevitable , the Wabash will havq lost its, lusthope of redemption. Its chances had pre-viously


sunk very low , but this threatens to-

ftnish them.11

Theater lUirnod.O-POT.TO

., March 81. During the perform-


at the Banquet .theater , last night , anexplosion of gas occurred 'and the theatertook flra and was destroyed. A number oflives woro-Iost and many people injured. Tendead bodies havu been recovered from theruins. . . .

Eighty bodies have been taken from theruins. Moat of those burned wcro in thethird row of Jjoxes and galleries where wlioW-taralltca were BufTocutciT. , , Some corpseswore found In the stage boxes. , . , .

teuiSix btTlicMi Tlircfttcn to

Strike fbJ'JLtvliiR Wngcs.CHICAGO , March , tSpcclal TolcRram to

the Uco.Tho thrcntoncd strlko among theC,000 carpenters the city promises to ex-


to other branVlifis Of the building trade ,

and another gcn&Aj and disastrous tlo-up ,

similar to that which this city experiencedlast year , mtly bo the result of the dlffdronccsbetween the boss carpenters and their em-ployes.


. Mill menllfo employes say , nro re-sponsible


for the pVoScnt situation for thereason that they can Inoto than compote Withcontractors who Uoipt

( | own milts , thus forc-ing


carpenters' w'ages down to the lowestpossible point-


is Just this way , " said Secretary Bron-nock , of the carpentcra' council , this mornI-ng.

-. "Tlio mill hien who nro contractors Can

take Jobs awayfrom almost any contractingcarpenter , tis they work their employes tenhours pc.r day pnd p'ay 'less wages , while tuoboss carpenters pay more for eight hourswork. Tlius , with own men , the millbosses can put etairp , window sashes rinddoors into n building at n minimum cost ,while the bos's is almost helpless. Nftw.what wo Intend to do is to compel the millmen to work their iiien but eight hours-.Tbon.wq


co.n see our way clear to get higher"wages for carpontcrfc. You can Just soy that0,000 union carpenters are going to have , 33cents lul hour as the minimum rnte of wages ,

''and iintll wo do gel It there Won't' bo n pieceof timber sawed or.hoistcd or a nail driven , "

"Are you willing to arbitrate ! ""Yes ; wo have tried .that twice with

committees' of bosses , but didn't hnvo powertb hot , and so nothing bam'o of the conference.-"Wo'are

.willing to risk getting bur wages

lowered by arbitration , but there is no fearof.that. "

TNotices df a monster mass meeting havebeen issued by the carpenters' bouncil andevery branch of the .trade In the buildingline has been requested to attend in fullforce. . There tljo plans for n campaignagainst the carpenters and mill owners , and ,in fact , any other line in the building tradewhich opposes them will bo laid.-


painters hold n secret session thismorning and listened to the reports of variouscommittees. The announcement was madethat seven largo firms and about twentyshiallbr ones had granted the pay asked forand that 000 of the 2,300 union p'alnters wcro-at work at 37J cents-





Pnys n Flying Visit Jo Dnlitth A-

ChicnKo Dctbbtlvc Fooled.DULUTH , Minn. , March 21. [Spbclal Tele-


to the Ben. ] Considerable astonish-ment


was nittnlfostcd hero to-day when aforenoon paper published an account o * thepresence df W. J. McGanglo , ' ex-chief ofpolice and cbnvictedboodler of Chicago , in-

Duluth'last Friday. The facts as learnednro that ho called on several old Milwaukeefriends , but requested them lo keep silent re-


his whereabouts until to-day. Hosaid ho had bc'on In Saiilt St. Marie andDaluth three times and in Milwaukee onbosince his escape from custddy. Ho Is enjoy-ing


good health nnd'wasns he expressed it ,

quito stout. Ho wdranlong moustachd andwas stylishly thouglh lilarnly'dressed. Whenasked If ho did not fear being recaptured hosmiled and said to Ids'friend , with whom howas conversing ntthb time : "If I Had notmade myself known sou would not have re-cognized


mo. " As Bhpwing how completelyho has changed In , appearanpe , he relatedhow several wcohs'aja ) at Sault Sto. Marie ,when no was cominfgput of the dining roomof the hotel , a wolwmown Chicago detectivetook his hat from th'o'hat rack and returnedIt to him with ntfapology for the mlstriko ,but' ' failed to Tec&gnlzo him. The boodlersaid : "Ho made tho.cold chills run throughmo when ho spoke to me, and I lost no timein absenting myself." Hoadded.that ho ex-pected


to return to Chicago to Hvo and thatpowerful friendsithens'wcro working to se-cure


the removal of all the difllcultles whichnow threaten his coming back. Ho derilqdthe recently published' Chicago report thatho had been making'real estate investmentshoro'and at the Sault. but admitted the Vis-Its.

-. Ho loft on stho night train Friday for

Sault Sto. iMarle , via Minneapolis , and wasse.cn by two of his friends to enter the trainwiyi a short , stbut man with a vary rod face-.McGariglo


carried a long light-coloredleather satchel , similar to a surgeon's instru-ment



The Dead "Emperor.NEW YOKK , March 21. Stelnway hall was

crowded to-night by Germans and German-Americans gathered to take part in memorialServices for Emperor William. All Darts ofthe hall wore draped in black and trimmedwith flowers and laurels. The principalspeaker was the Hon. Carl Schurz , who care ¬

fully reviewed the deeds of the late emperorand eulogized his acts since becomingruler. .A cablegram was sent Emperor Frederick.

Missouri IirunlKcntioii Convention.S-T.

.. JosEi-ii , MO. , warcii 91i [Spacwl Tele-


to the BEE. ] Tlio oommittce appointedby the board of trade to investigate the ad-


of calling an immigration conven-ventlon

-for the counties iu northwestern

Missouri to meet in this city has reportedfavorably , but the date of the convention hasnot boon decided upon. The matter was flrstagitated by the rural press-



leo Gor o llrpkon.-Rvcisn


, Wis. , March 21. The ice gorgewhich formed in Uoot river yesterday noonbroke to-day at 3 o'clock. The backwaterdid considerable damage , flooding dock andresidence property. The Ice is noV rapidlymoving out of'tho river and nil danger is-past. . Five thousand dollars will cover dam ¬


Continued ImimlnlionH nt Hungary.LONDON , March 21. The inundations nt

Hungary continue to increase. Numeroushouses have been wrecked and many personsand cattle drowned.

Rig Ship'Failure.ROME , March 21. Marino Bros. , builders

anil contractors , have failed. The liabilitiesare 2000000.

The Grrinnii Diet I'IIBRCS the Budget.-BIIIIUN

., March Si. The lower liouso of

the Prussian diet to-day passed the budgetin its entirety mid adjourned.

Six YOUIIR Thieves Caught.Six young lads , four of them white and two

cole cd , were arrested last night by SergeantHaze and Ofllccr Newman for stealing goodsfrom the etorotif J , { JjiUTJs , whioh was. dam-aged


by fire last wcel& The ofliccrs foundtbu boys near Twelfth und Dodge streets andrecovered part of tliQ stolen goods. Theprisoners names iircj'ii G , Thoihas , B. John-son


, Frank FishorBtmnnoirHainos| , FrankBonash and Dan Thqnipeun. They will haveu houringin pollco court this morning-




R. L. Snoilgrass , ?w o has been missingever Blnco last MondjW. was seen in the Cali-fornia


chop house, ( j j ojith Twelfth street ,

about 2:80: Ho Was verybadly intoxicated. Hirodgrass had a numberof valuable papcrs''oi ( his person , amongthem deeds to city lots'and Dakota farms.-Ho

.scorned to roaliJo'his' intoxicated condi-


and turned all tliWb papers oyor to thewaiter there to tako'oaVo of for him. Sincethen Snodgrass bus agtlin disappeared , but U-

is reasonublo to bellevu ''that ho Is only on aprotracted spree andSviu turn up all right in-n day or two. His family , however , say thatthis is eqmethinpr unusual for him and aregreatly alarmed over it.

Gary Culver , of Coiorauo , says : "A-Shropablro owe ouglit to earn from $7-

to $10 a year , " Ho says "thoy bout hiscows all to death , und'outdo hia Porcli-oren marcs 100 per cent.

Children Cry for Pitcher's' Castoria.

When Babjr was eick , wo pave her Ca&toria.When the waa a-ChllJ.ihe cried tor Cutoria ,

When abe became Utu , 'she clung lt> Ocjtorla ,

When ihohad'CUtdrea , Blio gtrre'tiera Ctatdrla.


Tlio Hoiiso Proceeding . on a Basis' Of Facts.



Statistics Affecting tlio Question to Bo-i'roifArc'il 'illalc mid Ills I'onsloii-

Mensuros'Tho Sioux Kcscr-Nation Dill Passed.t


., March 21. In the senate

to-day Mt1. UlMKlh reference to the bill to-

glV0 preference in civil service appointmentsto wotinde.il of the confederacy ,

na between men who had boon disloyal , saidthat1 several senators on both sides had re-


hfm td have tho. bill Ho over stillfurther. , llji therefore asked its poitporio-monv

-(1111noxt Tuesday when ho would hsk-

thb 'senate to dispose of the pending quest tori ,

the second reading of the bill.-


. 'v'nnco denied the correctness of thestatement ina'do yesterday by 'Blair ns

''tothere being 20,600 ox-confedorato soldlors ! Inthe stnto of North Carolina atone who hadlost limbs , and many of them are destituteand in alms houses. There wore none inalms houses arid none had died there.-


. Blair explained that ho had meant tosay wounded soldlors. Tlio bill was laid overas proposed.

The sonnUi then proceeded to take nn andact upon thb bills on the calendar. The billproviding for Inspection of meats fbr expor-tation

¬and prohibiting the Importation of

adulterated articles of food and drink , wasatnondc'd sb as to allow Iho inspection ofmeats at the place of packing , aiid passed.Other bills passed as follows :

To allow soldiers and sailors who lost bothhands , or the use of both hands , $100 permonth.

The hoUsoblll to facilitate the prosecutionof works projected for the Improvement ofrivers and harbors , with an amendment , onwhich the conference committee was ap-pointed. .

The house bill for the relief of volunteersof the Forty-oichth regiment of Iowa infan-try


, ns amended by a substitute entitled , "Forthe relief of certain volunteer soldiers. " Thesubstitute provides that the act of Aprlll 2i3 ,1872. in relation tb bounties , shall have ,therestrictive words , llboforo August 0 , 1801 ,struck oat , and that the claims of allsoldiers and their -heirs who Jind beendenied the bounty of $100 granted by the actof April 23 , 1872. shall bo reconsidered , al-lowed


and paid , If found correct and Just ,provided the soldlors wore enrolled or en-listed


prior to July 22 , 1S01 , Jor three years.The bill reported by Mr. Blair allowing n

pension of 52o a month to women enrolledduring the" war ns army nurses , and who ren-dered


six months' services , having beenreached , the report was read , in which Itwas stated that the beneficiaries under Itwould not" average irioro than six or eight toeach state.-


. Beck called for the yeas and nays , re-marking


that of course this bill , like nil pen-sion


bills , would pass. It would apply toevery colored woman who had cooked , forsoldiers' during six months , and according tothe report just refTd , such women were en-titled


' 'Roinan matrons. " Ho hoped the com-mittee


on pensions would nt least do the scn-nto'tho

-Justice to call on the secretary of war

for the number of enrolled .foinalo nursesduring the war , so the senate might knowwithin a million dollars of what the bill was-te take out of ho treasury. The bill underobjection wont over. Other publicbills on the callondar that were passed werethe. following :

The house bill to divide the great SiouxIndian reservation into separate , smallerreservations , -with a substitute , being thesenate bill to divide a portion of the reserva-tion


of Iho-Sioux nation of Indians in Dakotainto separate reservations , and to secure thercliniiuishment of the Indian title to ro-rnalndcr.-


provide for the sale of the site of FortOmaha , Nebraska , mid for a new site andthe construction of suitable buildings thereon.


., March , 21. Thohoubo went

into fcoffltatttco Of tho'wholo on the bill re-

fdrrlng- '

to thb court of claims for adjustment ,

of 'tlio accounts of laborers and workmen andmechanics nrlsitig under the eight hour law.-


. Rogers , of Arkansas , In opposing thebill , said It would Involve the expenditure ofnearly 100000000. The proposition wasill-considered ana vlblous in itstendency. Messrs. Tillman , Taulbcoand Lane opposed the bill. Messrs.Lodge , Compton , Oingley and Tarsnoy advo-cated


it. The committee then rose and Ihobill went over.

Bills were passed to prevent the product ofconvict labor * iom bblng furnished to or forthe Use of any department of the govern-ment


and from being used in public build-ings


or other public works and to preventthe employment of alien labor on publicbuildings and other public works -'and in thevarious departments of the government.

The house then went into the committee ofthe whole on the bill to establish a depart-ment


of labor.-Mr.


. Buchanan , of New Jersey , moved tostrike out the clause directing the commis-sion


to ascertain , whenever industrial chargesshall make it essential , the cost of producingarticles at the time dutiable In the UnitedStates in the leading countries where sucharticles are produced , by fully specllled unitsof production ami undernclasslllcation show-ing


the different elements of cost or the ap-proximate


cost of such articles of production.-Mr.

.. Mills , of Texas , vigorously opposed

the motion.-Mr.


. Randall offered nn amendment to ex-tend

-the Inquiry to the amount of 'wages paid

in the various industries. Adopted.-Mr.

.. Mills offered nn amendment inserting

the words "per diem , weekly and otherwise , "after the word "wages" in Mr. Randall's-amendment. . Adopted.-


motion of Mr. MpICmnoy , of Ohio , nnamendment was adopted adding to Randall'samendment the words "and hours employedper day.- " The following amend incuts ex-tending


the scope of the inquiry wore adopted :"By MrBuchpnan Whether any convict-

made goods are imported Into this countryand whence.-


. Mr. lJlanct-.Tlio profits of manufac-turers


and producers of dutiable artiples.-By


MrVjishngton[ of Tennessee Thecomparative cqtjt of living in this country pndIn Europe.-


, Brown of andiana offered nn amend-mcit


| extending tl0 inquiry ns to the effectof thpptpfectlvo tariff in the United Stateson the agricultural industry and especially as-to Its effect on flio 'mortgage indebtedness offarmers.-


. Mills offered nn amendment extendingthe' jnqulry to the ascertainment of whether

are now .controlled by trufcjs andWhat effect tlieso.truata hud had iu limitingand keeping up prices.-


. Hum ui 11 ptfcrcd an amendment extend-ing


the iiuiylry as to the effect of the state ofcurrency Aponannculturul) interests.-


. Miliucn offered an amendment requir-ing


the labor.cQin'missloacr to investigate theMill's tariff hill audio report what effect Itwould bnva-oimfoJlabor and industry of theUnited Statfts hud ,011 foreign industries , undoa the proOtsbf fardlgn manufacturers andthe mat kets of the American farmer.-


, Buchanan's motion to strike out wasrejected , and pending action upon tlio amend-ment


to committee rose und the house ad-Jqurncd.


The Tariff BUI.WASHINGTON , March 21. The ways and

mQans committee session to-day lasted butthree minutes. Contrary to general oxpecta-tntidn


no utteinpt was made to formally voteupon and dispose of the tariff bill , aud tbo ro-


members were left in the dark us toiho reason for adjournment. A conferencepf democratic members was hld Immediatelyafter adjournment , at which it cameo'ut that the rci ort will' accompany thebill when it is presented to the house WAS notcompleted , and another day's tyas re-quired


to give It fibapo. The committee wll |meet a.galii to-morrow.

The comptroller q( the currency directedBank pxamfnerStona to proceed at pure to-Dabuque und take chargq Of the affairs of theCommercial National bank.


Youngsters Ayho Ucjjln In n VerySmall AVny n'nil Work Up.

Boston Horahl : 'Thbro Is nothing nWall slroot mnn 13 dppospd tp Us specu-lation


when it la Indulged In by his help-er hla relatives. Ho lives by It , but it-Is forbidden to all who are dependenton hlrti ot wlio sbrvo him. The otherd ay n broker , who ia n junior partner Inono of the rlnptyat hoUsdS on Wallstreet , became Suspicious that ono of theofllco boys wiw "trading ," ns the Wallstreet folks potltoly call panibllnfr. Jfoliked the boy, tmthinkBhlin ono of thebrightest lads tlmtjho over saw , so thatho determined to iniiko tin u"ort tocatch him breaking the rule afralnsltrading , and to vnlrn him that if rtuybthor montbor of the llrm oi'dr caughthlln rit the liractldb l>dv6uld have lolose his placo. , . fho qucsUouvns howto expose the aci , bv > t nn opportunitywas noctHly olforod. A customercame in while- the ooy was writing at a-desk. '. - ,

Th'o custbirfo salft : "Central prettylively ?" .

Instantly the boy dropped his pen andasked : "What isitnbw ? "

"Ono hundred and nineteen ," saidthe customer.

Then the broker saw his chance-."What

.did you buy at , BillyV'' ho in-


of the bov.Before thq boy had taken time to

Ihinlc of the confession ho was mo-kingho replied :

"Ono hundred and fifteen , sir. " 'liewas so pleased Ut having mtido n. prollt-bf four points on his trauo that the wordss'lipncd front hiin.

' Now I've gdt >ou , Billy ," said thebroker ; "pd rind sell out aud <] tilt specu-lating


for as long as you remain withthis house. The next tlmo you're caughtat it you'll' hnvo to go.'I-


another offlco It was noticed thatall the office boys wcro in the habit bfcollecting around the tlolcor whenevertheir elders' wdro.not looking over thbtape , and they whispered a great dealwhenever they wcro together. Ono oftheir employers called them nil beforehim ono day , and upon crosgo.vainin-ing

-thorn , discovered that the eldest and

brightest boy wasrunningababy bucketshop on his own account , with u cent apoint as tlio standard of value , insteadof a dollar as on 'Change , und had Initi-ated


all his associates in the full mysteryof stock gambling. They wore tradinglong anfl short , and iniltatlnjj' on a mi-croscopic


scale the operations of thecustomers oi the offlco , some taking1bulls as thbir models , dntt fcbmb bettingwith thb bears. The baby bucket shopkeeper was oxacting-a-tiny nromluin onprofits and scooping in the losses quitelike an adult. Ho was discharged , andtharost were made topromiso that theywbuld never transgress again.

Ono of the shrewdest and quickestboys that over turned up in Wall streetobtaineo. a place in a Gorman bankinghouse as an ofllco boy at $5 a week lessthan three years ago. IIo Goes not getmore than $8 or 310 now , but , in themeantime , ho has grown to bo seven-teen


or eighteen years old , and has bc-como such a figure that the best way todescribe his jippoai'anco is to say thatho dresses llko John Bloodgood. Likethe garments of that leader of fashionand popular broker , his clothes are al-


neat and chosen withgontooltijslo ,being made of the costliest materials ,cut to fit ns fluid fits whatever it fills ,and yet never gaudy or loud. LastTUos-tlay

-I met this boy how ho was potting


., nicely , " saidho , "though I had

almdwookof it. 1 dropped 81,200 on-wheat. . "

A little questioning brought out thefact that thq boy hau begun , as all oth-ers


do , by small dickering in bucketshops , Imsod on what was Bai'd or donein the otllco whore lie worked. By put-ting


the bucket shop winnings by , andcombining with another youth on agood tip or ttvo , ho had gathered capi-tal


enough to make a 1'egular trade onthe stock market. That had turned outwell , and ho had then become a-

I'Offular gambler on 'Change. Viewingthis case in ono way , the bucket shopwas certainly to hlamo for making agambler of him , but ho got his pointsfrom the legitimate gamblers , and isnow ono of thorn , and as good as any ofthem as long as ho wins and his em-ployer


doesn't find him out.But the stories that nro being told to

influence the public against the smallquotation peddlers do not stop withinany such limits as those above narrated.They contain talcs of tlioso bankers andbrokers driving about at midnight tothis liouso and that , mid bogging mento surrender chocks cashed during thatday for a wayward sou who has forgedto get money to moot trading losses , andwho has then become frightened andconfessed to the rich father ere the ex-posure


of the next day came. They in-clude

-tales of potty thefts by some

clerks , and of the ruining of homos byothers , who have got the fever withoutmoney to feed It. AltOjgothcr the im-pression


left in nn outsider's mind' isthat the district attorney might as wellgo on with thoprosecution of the bucketshops now , and that , if ho could nextturn his attention lo tlio regular ex-changes


, no great harm would result tothe world.

Another Kival of Natural Gas.Indianapolis .Jpurnal : .AfP1 forty

years spent in studying combustion A.-


. Simmons of this city claims to Iiavodiscovered an economical use of fuelthat will rival natural gas. 'While howas engineer at a largo'hotel in Kan-gas City ho found the principjo whichho has Blnco dovoloped. successfully , as-ho ' 'I discovered " ho saidsays : , yes-terday


, "that the atomic movement of-

fiamo and electricity is the same andthat it can bo isolated. On the otherhand , while the atomic move-ment


of magnetism and radiantheat is the BUIIIO it cannot bo-

insulated. . Faraday was the first to dis-cover


the mechanical ofloqt 6.11 Hume-.My

.discovory.rolatos to the chemical ef-


, which Is th6 suporoxido'of oxygen ,

generally known an OZOHQ. I placed aniron bar in the bridge >vnll of a furnace ,

mid by varying tho. magnetism in thebar found I cpukl distort the finmo nt-will. . For this purpose in ;ny first ex-perience


I used a dynamo', but after-wards


, trying the cell system , obtainedolTeclB nearly equal to DIOSQ from thedynamo. Through a nrocoss knownonly to myself , and I will notpatent , the Hinnq produces a magneticprestige which b'rings down the oxygen ,

the llfo of all fires. When properlyfired no smoke is omitted , because thesame process exhausts the hydrogen ,iho ono great element oLsmoko. "

Mr. Simmons has this process In prac-tical


operation in ono of the laundriesof the city , and claims for It n saving of125 per cent in coal. Hq thinks u greaterbavingcun'bomado and. that , in time ,his process will make the usu of tflackcoal cheaper tlm-u natural gas. In theoffice pf the. Kansas City Times ho sayshis process allowed one boiler , an infer-ior


quality of coal aiid'a ICES quantitybojng used , to answer thopurpo&o of thetwo that had boon used , before with thebest of coal. The principle can bo'ap ¬

plied to heating and cooking stoves-.Tills

.- winter his coke for on'obase-burner

which gh.ro heat for three rooms costhj <n only 82} , while his neighbor * .Imvospent much more for Coal und .obtained ,

loss heat.




tlio Whont Pit aa-aa Any Ever Known.


7 lore Attention 1'nltl to ProvisionsTlmn V6v 661110 Time.. 1'nst Cixljlo-

sifow nml lynsntlsfhctftrx-General Quotations-



1'iionuoE BIAHKRT.C-



, MArch 21. [Special Telegramto the BEK.Ibaiatlv& traditip In Vfhoa-ttoday and yesterday on the Chicago board of-

tradq was said to bo ns largo ns evf knownexcept pbssMy In "tho case of the dottapso of-

a corhor. The trading was Iri big blocks-."Fifties"

.and ' 'hundreds" wcro as frequently

dealt In as nro "flves" nnd "tons" on otheroccasions. The bears wcro again In controlnnd they brought out still mote long wheat ,

which catricd prices < to th6 lowest pointyet reached , A few largo houses , howeverhbtably Boyil , Paxton & Boyd nnd Jones ,McConnlck & ICcnnctt were liberal pur-chasers.


. Foreigners wcro buying , presum-ably


to cover shorts , and commission housesa 'country clientage wcbo Uofn komo-

thing on lhat sfdo. The big shorts also woresaid to bo Quietly taking h largo amount ofgrain , though IJeam was openly soiling mostof the tlmo. There was a quick reactionfrom the lowest point , and , infact , fluctuations were generally swift with-out


much lingering over the slxtcchth. As aresult of the morning's trading May wheatclosed ${a lower than yesterday. "liiBuchnmarket ns that of to-day nowa from the out-sldo


was absolutely without Influence , andthere was hot much of It. May wheat openedthis morning at 7TKc and Immediately soldtip to T7 b. Then the hanitncrlng begah andalso the unloading of long wheat and theprice went qulclcly to 77ifo. up to 77> o < backto 77&jj77Js'c( , , then down to 7"773 ? c , to 77J@77f c , down to "OKc, then up to TtK&n o.bade to 77J , 77Jf@77J c , up to 77k@77 o-

nnd the 1 o'clock close was 77Jjc. Junowheat bold from 78o down to 77j) o and closednt 1 o'clock at 7T77jfo.! " i

Largo receipts of corn and much bettorgrading than of. late hclncd the bears to raidthat bbrcal and to bring out more long corn.Much "bf the selling was by the heavywheat boars , and there was u suspi-cion


that their course hero was takenwith direct rofcrenco to its blTcctUpon wheat. Prices wore mil down i c, butthcro was strong buying nt th o declinq andwhen the pressure of the long grain comingout was removed .there was seine reaction ,but this was followed by another dccltno anilthe close wrfs within >fo of "thd lowest prlco-of the session. May corn opened nt G08' @GOWfo sold early at DOKo straight , then diop-pcd

-to 49.J e , reacted to 50> c. then fell to-

49Vc. . advanced to , declined , to 49X"Improved to 49ft9fc. fell to 4 ! J c , andclosed nt 1 o'clock at 49 c. Jutio cbrn openedat GO >J@BOVc , sold to 4U Vo and closedat 1 [o'clock at 40 c.

There was nn active speculative trade in-naats in the early part of the session and tho-woalmoss


df other grains caused n declinehero. May oats opened at B0 @803ic , solddown to 80)5o nnd closed at JJOKc. For Junooats UO c was bid nt the opening and theysold down to nnd closed at July' oatsopened 4it2Wc , and sold up lo UOc , but closedat 2iJ) c asked. August oats sold at 20c.

Provisions received more attention than onany day for some tlmo past. The raid onpork, which was started early m the session ,made the market comparatively attractive ,and In a speculative way a good deal of Inter-est


was dovoloped. For May delivery thepivotal future pork opened ut $14,10 , but thebear element promptly obtained control , nnd-by persistent hammering , assisted by con-siderable


selling on atop orders , the pricewas forced down to 13.72 }$ . Between Sia.bOand J13.72K , lioVrever , trading -was limited.From 13.7iK a reaction followed whichcarried the prioo back to 18.97 and at 1-

o'clock 10.05 was the current quotation.Lord und short ribs naturally sympathizedwith pork in its movements up and down.

. Wheat opened weak ,.May selling at 77Jfc and 77K@77 >Vo , fell to70;<@i7c on the split , improved and closed at-77c ; Juno77e , July 77J c. Corn lower,May closing nt aboui4U 'c , Juno 40'' @ < yXc.Oats were fairly active but lower ; Bluy 80-


© . Pork was irregular , closing 'Wtalower , or at S18.82K for March , 13.113 forMay and S13.J7 }< -for Juno. Lard was quietand closed ut S7.47K for March , *7.S2W forMay , & 7.57>tf for Juno and f7G >f for July.




, March 21. [Special Telegram tothe BISE.I OATTLE Trade was slow andunsatisfactory from the start to the linish-.yiictbcr


prices were lower or not- was dlfil-cult to determine. Salesmen claimed theycould not begin to get as good prjces ai > yes-terday


and buyers claimed they hail to payfully as high ns yesterday for anything thatwas good and useful. The prime cause ojthe dullness was probably the glut of cattla-in Now York and slow beef trade in easterncities. There was a fair local demand forbutcher's stock at former price ? , Thestocltcr and feeder trade remains unchanged-Steers , 1,330 to 1,1500 lb9SWOfflfi.15 ; 1,200 to-

a501bs, , ? |00l.r0 ; 030tol,3UO Ibs. W 0®i.OO. Stockers and feeders. 23J3.15( ;cows , bulls and mixed , $1 T5S.t!) 0 ; bulk ,

2402CO. Texas-fed cattle , ?BjlO3GO.Iloos Business -vas again active , with

another upturn of nbout 5o on heavy and lOo-

on light and mixed. Mixed , averaging 100 to-2TO Ibs. sold nt t5.iOiUO! , largely nt *540.Butcher weights (selected ) , 21(1( to 250 Ibs ,jnndoWJ5ri.50 ; best heavy , ayoragintf 2 0-

to 300 Ibs , made f5.r05iO( ( ; liuht (nssortcd ) .averaging 100 to 170 IbSjiiindoJS.BOS150! ! onalight ?51Cri5.

NEW YonK , March 21. [Special Telegramto the BBB.I SrocKh The bears went ut thastock market with the determination to foicoprices ptlll lowcr, , and , by laminering weakand unsupported stocks , succeeded in tem-porarily demoralizing the market and record-ing declines of } {&M points. Trading wasby no means heavy , being only 71,374, Blinrca-up to npon. J eng stocks cameput'frocly andthe sfiort Interest wps considprablyJncredBcd.Heading went off % per cent on the importthat application would soon bo made to thaNOW York stock ox'ahnngo to list now 4-

pqr cent bonds , The fssulng of Blocks orbonds at this tlmo Is regarded with suspicionby the Btroct and induced heavy selling of-

Heudlnjjby the professionals. News fromthe west , although not entirely satisfactory ,

.was inoro assuring spjno thnVpastrDespite the sovci ore verses recently received ,

the bulls had the nerve to say that Iho situa-tion


warranted higher prices. The short In-


in Heading. St. Paul , Union Pacillo ,

Missouri Paciilo and Lake Shore , they say ,

never was larger. When congress pubscs thenumerous financial measure's now before thatbody , n largo amount of money will bodistributed and the market will receive ma-


holp. A representative of the St. Paulppol said they could easily put that stock up-

to oO within a mopth. About noon the mar-


became stronger. Mlhtouri Pacillo ad-


other securities #( ) ? point ,

with the exception of Pacific Mall , Now En-


and Cotton Oil "stiffs , " which remainedheavy. The Improvement of mtd'dny was of-

shoit duration and the market became weaknnd BOOH boidcrcd on a panto. MissouriPacific and Western Union went Oft rapidly ,

the fin-jucr dropping 1@1K points at a time ,

the downward course pnly being tUffkcd bythe closing of the market. Prices diopjiod to-

70tf , a uhiinluiEO of 5'f per cent from (ho-

outblde prices of the morning and % percentfrom yesterday's cloec , a net loss'of ?;< percciit In two days. A npo the stock wasoiling nl IJO. The losses on that .have beenheavy , but the amount will never bo Known.Western Union closed tyf points lower. Ot-

tlio rest of the list the pet losses were emailosocpt on New Knglnnd , wlilph was 8# , St. .Paul % , %, Union Pas.fio }(,