We have developed the next generation of Bain Marie baths with precise temperature controls exclusively designed for chefs due to all the needs and experiences compiled after the first introduction of the laboratory thermal baths now used in hundreds of kitchens all over the world. 100%Chef presents the noon ® series. Designed and devel- oped by chefs with the main goal of bringing all the necessary innovations to cover and adapt to any kitchen. noon ® is suitable to cook with precision any vacuum packed food, pasteurize food previously cooked or regenerate any type of product with total confidence and comfort, as well as to perform programmed cooking with a high level of preci- sion. VACUUM COOKING CTLGO 2011

100% Chef Noon katalog

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Page 1: 100% Chef Noon katalog

We have developed the next generation of Bain Marie baths with precise temperature controls exclusively designed for chefs due to all the needs and experiences compiled after the first introduction of the laboratory thermal baths now used in hundreds of kitchens all over the world.

100%Chef presents the noon® series. Designed and devel-oped by chefs with the main goal of bringing all the necessary innovations to cover and adapt to any kitchen.

noon® is suitable to cook with precision any vacuum packed food, pasteurize food previously cooked or regenerate any type of product with total confidence and comfort, as well as to perform programmed cooking with a high level of preci-sion.


CTLGO2 0 1 1

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noon ®

1 . L OW- T E M P E R AT U R E C O O K I N G


3 . P R O D U C T I O N S Y S T E M S AN D


a. Immediate cookingb. Indirect cookingc. Temperature tables

4 . N O O N 5 0 ®

5 . N O O N P R O ®

6. N O O N C O M PAC T O ® :

a. Noon Compacto ®, 27 litreb. Noon Compacto ®, 54 litre

7. AC C E S O R I E S N O O N ®

a. noon ® Watertight coversb. noon ® GN Bathsc. Self-adhesive Turbigom jointd. Travel casee. Label adhesive tapef. Termologger noon ®

8. N O O N ® S PAR E

a. Resistor protectorb. Connection pipec. Vacuum thermometer-probe

It is strictly forbidden without copyright holders’ writtenauthorization, under penalties provided by law, total o partial reproduction of this work by any means, inclu-ding photocopying and computer processing.

© Catalog: Cocina sin límites S.L. All rights reserved.

PHOTOGRAPHIES by Víctor [email protected]

GRAPHIC DESIGN by Urdin [email protected]

Page 3: 100% Chef Noon katalog

5 noon / low-temperature cooking


Since the invention of sous-vide or vacuum cooking by George Pralus, we have had the opportunity to witness and experience one of the greatest culinary revolutions in history since freezing. In this era of constant innovation, various techniques, products, tools, machines and cutting-edge materials have enhanced the way cooking has tra-ditionally been understood and practiced, though perhaps none have been as exploited and developed as vacuum cooking.

Vacuum cooking set out on its journey without much fanfare. It has attracted various levels of interest both by chefs and the food indus-try itself, taking leaps both forwards and backwards. Today, nobody is surprised to see fresh foods or even dishes prepared by the most eminent chefs inside a plastic pouch. However, it was not that long ago that some professionals were unabashedly skeptical of this cook-ing method. We still recall the first manuals that made their appear-ance in Spain in the 1980s and 90s, as well as specialist courses, videos and publications concerning the vacuum-packed technique and vacuum cooking. Almost all of them were inaccurate, ridden with errors and fears due to a partial unfamiliarity with some of the results and the lack of research. The absence of clear legislation only served to strengthen the myth of this unknown technique and fears about practicing it.

A number of French books drew us closer to the best practices of assembly cooking with a little more precision. Vacuum machinery manufacturers themselves did their utmost to explain the benefits of this food conservation method, though at times without much suc-cess.

4noon / low-temperature cooking

Vacuum-packed foods began to appear on the market in different ranges and stages of preparation only very gradually. These vacuum-packed products finally managed to win over most of the restaurant industry, possibly on account of their quality and due to their high market price, persuading many chefs to take the bull by the horns and begin putting out their own products.

The vacuum-packing technique was the first to overcome the hurdles and establish itself as a system within production. This first step was extremely conducive to fostering a greater understanding and intro-duction of the technique into kitchens. Then came the pasteurization of portions and, finally, its adoption as a cooking method, which is almost always mise en place. That was how the first vacuum-packing machines and the first steam ovens got to our kitchens. Initial reluc-tance gave way and the first portions began to be prepared in the most up-to-date kitchens, so as to make the most of down time and offer specialized dishes with little turn-around on the menu.

The day-to-day experience, the appearance of the first cook books, the professionalism brought by a number of chefs who may have been trained in the finest restaurants in France and the technical data that the food industry gradually provided made vacuum cooking change the way some cooking methods are understood once and for all, not to mention avant-garde cooking.

A second phase was embarked upon with the use of the first labora-tory thermal baths as cooking appliances. At the outset, chef Joan Roca and his team of collaborators began researching and develop-ing their possibilities as well as discovering new forms of vacuum preparation and cooking. Low-temperature cooking is a new alterna-tive when cooking meat and fish as well as other prepared foods.

The collaboration and intervention of other professional disciplines in the realm of cooking has brought the essential additional expertise to facilitate the advance and understanding of everything related to

the physical and chemical processes to which the food is subjected with the temperature changes during cooking. However, the greatest accomplishment was managing to spur on chefs’ concern and inter-est in this new way of understanding cooking methods.

A thirst for culinary knowledge bolstered by the rapid growth and spread of information about this technique enables many profes-sionals to start using this technique rapidly, thereby enhancing its development.

With all the accumulated experience, professionals gradually set forth new motions, both in the system and the possibilities for food preparation. They put forward and drew up new temperature ta-bles, making the previous cooking temperatures relative. Perhaps the main innovation that arose was that food could be cooked in two stages in order to achieve different textures in the dish. However, it came off to a poor start because the first trials seemed very similar texture-wise.

In order to understand the advantage of working with these cooking appliances compared to conventional steam oven systems, attention could be drawn to its precision and tightly controlled temperature cooking, allowing limits to be reached that had never been achieved before. This same precision also allows for cooking at specific tem-peratures in order to soften the food’s fibers, change its physical and chemical state, exchange flavors between foods, etc., thus taming and making the most of the finest properties of each food.

The precision of the maximum temperature to which a food is sub-jected will be determined both by the exact final point of doneness and the maximum degree of temperature which, starting from a de-termined value, can cause undesired changes in taste or texture.

Another paramount factor to bear in mind is the cooking time or the application that will be given to the food concerned.

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Long cooking times, which even exceed 24 hours at times, have not been a stumbling block to achieving the widespread adoption and popularization of this technique.

The entry of new batches of school-trained chefs into the profession has led to some standardization in many restaurants’ form of cooking. Therefore, we can regularly spot the description “low-temperature cooking” on menus with the same prominence as roasting, poaching, grilling, etc.

Modern cooking’s various applications and service systems means that each chef works differently. These include individual food por-tioning, the use of vacuum cooking at banquets, the use of mise en place as a unique and indispensable work method and vacuum cook-ing as a means of preserving cooked foods for a longer length of time, thereby capitalizing on down time in the kitchen. All these con-tributions, whether immediate or preparatory, have made low-tem-perature cooking trickle down sufficiently for the machinery indus-try to provide technical resources and solutions to the profession’s growing needs.

Needless to say, it was Joan Roca who blazed the trail by market-ing these appliances. The Roner thermostat by J.P. Selecta was the pioneer and precursor of other appliances, which, as the first, were taken from corporate catalogues that marketed laboratory compo-nents. Small adjustments concealed their origin even though their main function was solved, given that both the recirculation and tem-perature precision and control facilitated their main purpose. (It is rare not to see a water bath or accurate thermostat in kitchens of a certain standing.)

The widespread installment of thermal baths from laboratories in res-taurants all over the world, the great evolution of the low-temperature cooking technique and the final qualitative progress of vacuum cook-ing in cuisine worldwide has given rise to technical requirements

that have gradually spawned the development of a new generation of constant-temperature thermal baths of the highest precision ex-clusively designed for cooking.

New appliances with similar features and comparable work capaci-ty are coming to the surface in many countries. All of them compete against each other to occupy a place of honor in the finest kitchens around the world. New compact laboratory models with different capacities are breaking through the wide-ranging appliances avail-able. However, they still have not brought forth the improvements and changes that can foster the development of vacuum cooking once and for all. There are even some thermostats on the market hidden beneath a suspiciously low price with very little power and features. We advise those just starting out to do some research before acquiring a new appliance.

It was not until the beginning of 2008 that 100%Chef, a new Span-ish company, burst onto the market with a completely different model designed exclusively for chefs’ enjoyment and passion. The internationally-patented appliances, marketed under the name of noon®, have two categories of features, depending on the needs of each establishment.

Significant structural modifications and improvements in perform-ance, power, operating time control and programming, internal and external food temperature measurement, specific programs for re-peat cooking, perfectly even temperature distribution in the water regardless of the container used as well as a new series of acces-sories and services (shock-resistant travel case, shiny basins with personalized lids, self-emptying systems and connections to other basins, etc.): all these improvements and features are coupled with other innovations related to food safety, an exclusive maintenance service, an exclusive club for online users and the specialization and robustness of its components.

These improvements aim to gain much more precise control to achieve ideal cooking temperatures, learn what is happening within the food thanks to its inner thermometer probe and investigate new possibilities and cooking systems. In a nutshell, they make for new ways to continue exploring and developing the vacuum cooking of the future.

Now chefs have at their disposal a tool wholly and exclusively designed with them in mind. The technique’s logical development has once again been bolstered by technological evolution, which will allow chefs to fin-ish their daily work faster, more comfortably and more safely. With the new 27- and 54-liter Noon Compact, the revolution has arrived. The new generation of accurate thermostats for the kitchen has come on the scene.

7 noon / low-temperature cooking6noon / low-temperature cooking

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• You can cook previously vacuum-packed products (meat, shellfish, fish, poultry, vegetables, terrines, pâtés, jams, sauces, conserves, aro-matic oils, etc.).

• Pasteurization (85 °C) of foods prepared using traditional methods.

• Thermal regeneration of finished vacuum-packed products.

• Cooking with this system prevents the loss of liquids, dehydration and drying-out of the products, which can reach 25% using traditional methods.

• This technique respects the food’s natural structure as much as possible (gelatins, collagens, proteins, etc.).

• Vacuum cooking enhances and sets the aromas and flavors of the foods.

• By respecting the chain of cooking, we extend the shelf life of foods considerably and it allows us to work with plenty of time in advance. • By stewing, vacuum-packing, pasteurizing (10 min. at 85 °C) and cool-ing in ice, we obtain a product which is perfectly conserved for 21 days.

• Regeneration, cooking according to a product table, time, temperature.

• Given that cooking is performed in such a stable medium as water, we can guarantee much more precise results than in a convection oven in which the medium is air and the temperature oscillation is much greater.

• By drawing up a table for the product/time/temperature, we guar-antee perfect and precise cooking throughout all the applications, which eradicates problems arising from the chef’s guesswork. In ad-

dition, we standardize various satellite kitchens more easily (catering companies).

• The various safety mechanisms noon® appliances have (see techni-cal specifications) allow continuous operation of the machine without the need for supervision of the process nor fear of accidents, which means that production is not brought to a standstill even during down time in the kitchen.


a. Immediate cooking: ready to serve

In vacuum cooking, the product is generally prepared, vacuum-packed, portioned, sometimes uncooked, sometimes marinated, etc. When it is ready to produce and serve instantly, we will call it immediate or di-rect cooking. Once cooked, the food should be eaten immediately given that the short cooking time makes for close degrees of doneness at the core.

b. Indirect cooking: cooking, lowering of temperature, conservation and regeneration

Vacuum cooking is relatively practical for preparing and cooking during down time thanks to the considerable staying power of food cooked with long cooking times, thanks to pasteurization.

The product is generally prepared and cooked a number of days in ad-vance and kept chilled at 3 ºC. Once service time arrives, it is regenerat-ed in its own pouch never above its cooking temperature and is usually finished with some element of traditional cooking to restore its crunch and caramel color, also placing it in the roaster or braiser for a moment. Alternatively, it is sometimes served cold like terrine or candied fruit.

cleaning of product

cold preparation / handling




precooked usingtraditional system and lowering oftemperature

finished using traditional system

cleaning and cold preparation of the product



precooked viatraditional system and quick lowering of temperature

lowering of temperature





cold use


c. The tables below are simply a sample of different parameters, coming from the fruit of experience and each of which should be tai-lored to your needs, products and particular preference regarding cooking temperatures. It is also a good guideline for all those who wish to learn or compare.

TABLES: pages 10 and 11

9 noon / low-temperature cooking

The way the food is prepared prior to cooking will have a direct influ-ence on its required cooking time. If cut in smaller pieces, it will take less time. The opposite is also true.

a. Immediate cooking b. Indirect cooking


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Tuna 150 g 38 50 11 sautée on griddle 2 min

Cod 200 g 38-40 50 12 direct service

Mackerel 100 g 43 43 8 direct service

Sea bass 200 g 45 50 15 sautée on griddle 2 min

Hake 200 g 50 60 12 direct service

Monkfish 180g 48 60 12 hot oven 1 min

Stingray 150 g 50 55 10 direct service

Salmon 200 g 38 50 13 direct service

Walnut scallops 55 66 15 sautée on griddle 1 min

Full oysters 38 55 2 direct service

Turbot 200 g 50 60 14 direct service

Sole fillet 200 g 50 55 8 direct service

Lobster tail 250 g 60 70 8 sautée on griddle 2 min

Veal fillet 200 g 50 65 15 sautée on griddle 2 min

Foie gras 300 g 60 65 20 sautée on griddle 2 min

Loin of lamb 200 g 60 65 20 sautée on griddle 2 min

Poulard breast 180 g 62 65 20 sautée on griddle 2 min

Roast beef 350 g 55 65 17 sautée on griddle 2 min

Artichokes 500 g 90 90 45 serve as product

Banana 100 g 65 65 20 direct service

Peach half 63 65 15 direct service

Pineapple slice 65 65 20 direct service

Pear 100 g 95 95 35 direct service

Whole apple 85 95 15 direct service









Artichokes 500 g 90 90 45 serve as product

Mushrooms 500 g 70 80 20 serve as product

Onions 500 g 70 70 60 serve as product

Asparagus 500 g 95 98 30 serve as product

Sliced carrots 500 g 90 95 25 serve as product

Potato scoop 500 g 90 90 90 serve as product

Turnips 500 g 85 85 45 serve as product

Scallion 85 85 60 serve as product


Beef cheek 320 g 68 68 18 hours regeneration

Fillet of pork 320 g 76 76 40 regeneration

Pork ribs 400 g 72 72 15 hours sautée on griddle 3 min

Suckling pig 375 g 70 70 12 hours sautée on griddle 3 min

Shoulder of lamb 350 g 63 63 24 hours sautée on griddle 3 min

Pork jowl 900 g 70 70 17 hours sautée on griddle 3 min

Veal kidneys 350 g 62 65 25 regeneration

Pigeon breast 80 g 62 65 25 serve cold

Full pigeon 620 g 62 62 2 hours regenerate and sautée

Liver and quince terrine 60 70 30 serve cold

Hare terrine 63 63 30 hours regeneration

Duck with pears 63 75 2 hours serve cold

Duck magret 250 g 60 60 2 hours sautée on griddle 3 min

it continues

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Other products

Strawberry infusion 65 65 45 serve cold

Eggs 62 62 45 serve cold

Banana 100 g 65 65 20 direct service TO COOK WITH PRECISION…

12noon / low-temperature cooking


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NOON 50®

8 0 / 0 0 2 9

Dimensions (high x wide x deep ): 25 x 20 x 26 cm.

Minimum depth from the holding point: 13 cm.

Weight: 3,450 Kg.

Power: 2250 WATTS.

Maximum working temperature: 99 ºC.

Temperature control: microprocessor and LCD screen.

Temperature precision: 0.1º C.

Amps: 230 \ 50 Hz.

Material: All the elements that are in contact with water are stainless steel.

Pump pressure: 115 Mbar.

Water volume: 12 liters/minute.

Languages software: Spanish, French, English, German, Italian and Dutch.

Chasis: Stainless steel.

Security: safety float that disconnects the heating system with a low water level.

Security thermal connector.

Warranty: 2 years.

We have developed the next generation of Bain Marie baths with pre-cise temperature controls exclusively designed for chefs due to all the needs and experiences compiled after the first introduction of the lab-oratory thermal baths now used in hundreds of kitchens all over the world.

100%Chef presents the noon® series. Designed and developed by chefs with the main goal of bringing all the necessary innovations to cover and adapt to any kitchen.

noon® is suitable to cook with precision any vacuum packed food, pas-teurize food previously cooked or regenerate any type of product with total confidence and comfort, as well as to perform programmed cook-ing with a high level of precision.

With noon50, sleep calm... Don’t forget about the cooking just to sleep a little longer!

The HCT system based on the HACCP concept will allow you to program the exact cooking time. Once the set time is over, the noon® processor will control the temperature by not allowing it to go below 50º C / 122º F until you arrive. This way the cooking is precise along with respecting the sanitation and food handling laws.

Water is the best ally!

Its potent water turbine with a double exit system will allow the bath water to circulate in any direction in any container, assuring a totally stable temperature throughout its volume.

15 noon / low-temperature cooking

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noon® is suitable to cook with precision any vacuum packed food, pasteurize food previously cooked or regenerate any type of prod-uct with total confidence and comfort, as well as to perform pro-grammed cooking with a high level of precision.

In addition to all the functions of the noon®:

• Its 50 cooking program modes allow one to personalize the control of time and temperature at each of the desired stages. More than 20 preset cooking programs male it ready to use from the beginning.

• With a submersible thermal sound system you will be able to know the internal food temperature at any period of time. This feature will allow the chef to know exactly what is happening in the interior so one can regulate with more precision, apply an exact pasteurization de-gree, etc. Use the new ITC (Internal Temperature Control) to program and control the internal food temperature.

• Its Precision Cooking system will help on achieve perfect cooking of delicate products or products that require more precise tempera-ture control.

• The protecting grille will protect the bags from getting into any con-tact resistance avoiding any type of incident.


8 0 / 0 0 3 0

Dimensions (high x wide x deep): 25 x 20 x 26 cm.

Minimum depth from the holding point: 13 cm.

Weight: 3,450 Kg.

Power: 2250 WATTS.

Maximum working temperature: 99 ºC.

Temperature control: microprocessor and LCD screen.

Temperature precision: 0.1º C.

Amps: 230 \ 50 Hz.

Material: All the elements that are in contact with water are stainless steel.

Pump pressure: 115 Mbar.

Water volume: 12 liters/minute.

Languages software: Spanish, French, English, German, Italian and Dutch .

Chassis: stainless steel.

Security: float to disconnect the heater while they are a low level of water.

Disyuntor térmico de seguridad.

Warranty: 2 years.



17 noon / low-temperature cooking

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21 noon / low-temperature cooking20noon / low-temperature cooking

Quickly program the cooking time so you can do other things. In its screen you will see the programmed time, along with the remaining. When the time is over Noon will notify you and if you are not there... do not worry... the HTC system will work for you.

Do not limit your production. Absolute precision, quickness with a high level of production. Its double pum and 2250 watts will assure a perfect cooking even 50 liters.

Turn your noon on and only by pushing a button you can select 6 languages on the screen (Spanish, French, English, German, Italian and Dutch), choose the temperature meas-urement scale (ºC / ºF).

Regulate the water circulation power easily. Up to 10 power levels. Direct with the adaptor and the silicon tube one of the exit jets in the desired direction.

If anybody touches by accident any button your noon assures you that nothing and nobody can change any parameters un-til you do it. Key total blocking during functioning.

Each time there is a move noon makes a complete electronic checking, advising you of any change.

Its two fans will prevent the accumulation of vapors in the component box taking care of its electronics.

Relax! If any particle in suspension would enter the water pump, its filter will prevent blockage and will assure a con-stant water circulation.

Easy maintenance: fix, clean, or disassemble yourself all the external components... Its double fuse system will prevent stopping at the worst moment. Always ready!

A 2 YEAR WARRANTY and a technical service in more than 11 countries makes sure that you are taking care of anywhere you are located. (Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Morocco).












NEW PROBE just 1 mm.

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noon compacto ® is the result of innovation and accumulated experi-ence in low-temperature vacuum cooking.

noon compacto is recommended for expertly cooking vacuum-packed food, pasteurizing precooked food and regenerating any kind of prod-uct in total safety and comfort, in addition to running cooking programs with a high level of accuracy.

Thermal baths that are component-free, sturdy and stand up to difficult work conditions, are easy to clean and maintain, full of practical details and fully automated work functions that allow you to increase work ca-pacity and performance in production. “Now cooks have a tool fully designed just for them. The logical evolu-tion of the technique is once again supported by technological develop-ments which enable cooks to make progress and carry out their daily tasks faster, safer and more comfortably.”

The new generation of compact precision thermostats is here!


23 noon / low-temperature cooking

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1. Easy to navigate. Very intuitive.

2. Continuous or timed cooking system.

3. Controlled cooking at the center of the product. Thanks to its new wa-ter-resistant and extra fine probe (just 1 mm) for vacuum cooking, you’ll be able to know the internal temperature of food at any time because the device will stop when the center of the food reaches the selected temperature. Therefore, you’ll be able to know what it happening inside the bags, regenerate food more accurately, reach a precise degree of pasteurization, etc.

You’ll also be able to cook food immediately while cooking other food at a different temperature by using the alert system for when a certain temperature is reached.

4. More than 60 free programs for personalized programming, in addi-tion to 21 resident programs with the most frequently-used recipes in low-temperature cooking.

5. The HCT system, based on the concept of HACCP, will let you pro-gram precise cooking times. Once the cooking time expires, the proc-essor controls the temperature as it cools down, not allowing it to drop below 52º C until you arrive. Therefore, it ensures precise cooking in compliance with safety and food standards. 6. Its memory system records the parameters of the programmed time, temperature and work system every five minutes. This way, if the power source is momentarily interrupted, your noon will resume working again automatically with the same work parameters it was using before losing power.

7. When turning on your noon, you will only need to press one button to select from among six display languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German or Dutch) and pick the scale for measuring temperature (ºC / ºF). All these improvements and benefits come along with other innovations related to food safety, an exclusive support and maintenance service, a club for online users and the high level of specialization and robustness of its components. .

24noon / low-temperature cooking

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8. Careful chassis design. All connections are covered, allowing you to protect your cables, connections, etc. You can push the device against the wall and gain space at the workstation.

9. INOX cover with handle, steam valve and special entry for the probe cable.

10. Compact, stainless steel chassis keeps its shape and is sealed, with-out joints or rivets. Rubber, anti-slip feet screwed on. To last forever!

11. A broad, one-year WARRANTY and technical service in more than 11 countries, ensuring that your noon can receive support wherever you may be (Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Morocco, USA, Australia…).


1. Take better advantage of the space thanks to its deeper basins.

2. 27-liter Noon Compacto: 35% more useful work capacity compared with other brands.

3. 54-liter Noon Compacto: 25% more useful work capacity compared with similar models.

4. Isothermal basin lined with foam insulation, providing for better sta-bility, faster speeds and less energy consumption.

5. Reinforced ventilation throughout the electronic section.

6. Water recirculation is guaranteed throughout its volume by means of a powerful pump. It reaches a high degree of accuracy regardless of its level of work. Moreover, its special filter prevents any blockage of the recirculation pump, is easy to take apart and easy to clean.

7. Safety and comfort: with just the press of a button, the basin will be automatically emptied by means of the pressure pump. No more carry-ing buckets of water: it empties and changes the water as many times as necessary.

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8 0 / 0 0 4 7

Exterior Measurements (high x long x thick): 320 x 340 x 680 mm.

Interior Measurements (high x long x thick): 200 x 300 x 500 mm.

Capacity: 27 liters / 7.1 Gallon (EUA) / 5.95 Gallon (UK)

Power: 20,5 Kg.

Weight: 2000 W

Feeding Voltage: 230V / 50 Hz (EU) – 120V / 60 Hz (USA)

Range temperature: from room temperature to 90 ºC / 194 ºF

Regulator: Microprocessor System

Regulation: 0.1 ºC Steps

Precision: 0.1 ºC

Pump Pressure: 115 mbar.

Pump Volume: 12 liters / minute

Working Conditions: Max. Temperature 50 ºC-Max. Humidity 80%

29 noon / low-temperature cookingnoon / low-temperature cooking

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8 0 / 0 0 4 7

Exterior Measurements (high x long x thick): 320 x 680 x 680 mm.

Interior Measurements (high x long x thick): 200 x 600 x 500 mm.

Capacity: 54 liters / 14.3 Gallon (EUA) / 11.9 Gallon (UK)

Weight: 32,5 Kg.

Power: 3200 W

Feeding Voltage: 230V / 50 Hz (EU) – 120V / 60 Hz (USA)

Range temperature: from room temperature to 90 ºC / 194 ºF

Regulator: Microprocessor System

Regulation: Pasos de 0.1 ºC

Precision: 0.1 ºC

Presión bomba: 115 mbar.

Pump Volume: 12 liters / minute

Working Conditions: Max. Temperature 50 ºC-Max. Humidity 80%


31 noon / low-temperature cooking30noon / low-temperature cooking

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8 0 / 0 0 4 3 20 litre size GN 1/1

8 0 / 0 0 4 427 litre size GN 1/1

Thermical baths improve water temperature stabily, make its heat-ing easier and allow comfortable transportation and emptying.

All pur noon thermical baths series are equipped with a sealed cover, a handle and a drain.

noon®’s heating power allows to work with baths that are larger than the average. You’ll be able to choose from among 4 different sizes.


8 0 / 0 0 4 0 For baths size GN 1/1

8 0 / 0 0 4 2For baths size GN 2/1

In slow cookings, it is necessary to cover the thermical bath to avoid excessive evaporation. Our watertight covers allow to increase te water heating speed, avoid evaporation and heat loss and stabilize your bath’s temperature.

Their design allows to free the excessive heat due to the pressure, keep-ing the steam away from the thermostat. They also protect the thermo-stat’s electronics from the steam. In this way, your machine will always be cool, thus increasing its life and performance.

33 noon / low-temperature cooking32noon / low-temperature cooking



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NO O N ® G N BATHS 2 / 1

8 0 / 0 0 4 5 45 litre size GN 2/1

8 0 / 0 0 4 6 54 litre size GN 2/1


All our thermical baths series are equipped with a sealed cover, a handle and a drains.

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8 0 / 0 0 3 3 Self-adhesive Turbigom joint for cooking.10 mts. roll/ Thickness: 8mm.

8 0 / 0 0 3 4 Self-adhesive Turbigom joint for cooking.5 mts. roll/ Thickness: 8mm.

Its compact neopren and rubber mousse allows a cooking probe to go through it without letting any air in. Its small and flexible alveolae in-stantly recover their shape when withdrawing the probe, thus keeping the vacuum.

Its 8 mm thickness makes it one of the safest and most used joints in the market.


8 0 / 0 0 3 5

Protect your machine during transfers or relocations with this exclusive case. Its shock-resistant design guarantees that nothing will happen to your Noon, no matter what you do.

Take your Noon wherever you go without worries!

37 noon / low-temperature cooking36noon / low-temperature cooking

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8 0 / 0 0 5 4Thermobutton logger, autoclave and noon multifunctionality for controlling pasteurization

The smallest thermologger in the world, ideal for calculating pasteuriza-tion and sterilization of all kinds of vacuum-cooked dishes, preserves, sauces, etc.

Pre-program each task on a data-recording button, starting from nearly 16 mm and 3 grams of weight and enter more than 8,000 programmed measurements, which are stored in its powerful memory within 0.1 ºC of accuracy.

Once the data logger is placed inside the container (can, vacuum bag, jar, etc.) and in direct contact with the food, it will provide all the neces-sary parameters during the cooking or pasteurization time as well as when lowering the temperature.

Later, you will be able to download these measurements onto your com-puter, view detailed graphics about them and calculate their pasteuriza-tion values, finding out the exact figure that will later let you calculate the expiration date. You’ll be able to set safety criteria and specific con-trol values for each measurement, adjustable for each criterion, which help you to control all the critical points of the cooking and temperature-lowering process with incredible accuracy.

A series of utilities will make it much more comfortable for you when working in and navigating its screens. It prints, saves and sends totally customized reports via email (your company name and logo, the name of the dish, date, etc.). Its powerful software is totally available in five languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian and German.


In addition, you can use noon thermologgers to control the temperature of your refrigerators and freezers, work spaces and areas, catering and merchandise food transport, dishwasher performance, etc., while re-maining constantly aware of the times at which the indicated safety tem-peratures you have customized for each measurement are surpassed.


Range temperature



Number of measures

Measurement frequency

Termobotón 21 G

-40 / +85 ºC

+/- 1 ºC

0,5 ºC


1 sec. a 255 min.

3938noon / low-temperature cooking


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8 0 / 0 0 5 1 Roll of 55 meters x 19 mm.Internal diameter for use in roll: 76 mm.Colors: white, yellow, green, red, orange, blue.

Ideally affordable!For labeling vacuum bags, trays and all kinds of containers (glass, plas-tic, stainless steel, etc.).

Water-resistant. Can be used in steam ovens, baths, freezers, refrigera-tors, hot plates or stoves.

You can write on the tape with any pencil, pen or permanent marker.

Does not leave behind residue when removed.



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8 0 / 0 0 3 1

This protector has been designed to avoid the contact of the food with the resistor. Also, its height prevents the bags from blocking the buoy and thus interrupting the security level control system.


8 0 / 0 0 3 8 1 mm silicon rubber and automatic connection.

The connection pipe will allow you to redirect one of the reflow pump outlets wherever you want. Even if you’re working with vertical pots, you’ll be able to move the water downwards, thus avoiding the tempera-ture differentials.

Empty your bath or move the liquid from your bath to an annex by simply pressing a button.

41 noon / low-temperature cooking40noon / low-temperature cooking


Little detailsreally matter!

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8 0 / 0 0 3 2

A probe specially designed to measure the inner temperature of the food and keep constant track, through your Noon’s display, of their cook-ing process.

Also, thanks to the “center cooking” program, you’ll be able to program them max temperature you want your products to reach during their cooking.


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www.100x100chef.commòv. +34 655 469 367 tel./fax +34 934 296 340