^A L L S r J VOt.--n. MO. 861 EFFOR BRITISH OPPO to FRENCH 7 RUHR BRir Llipyd George Precipitates Situation by Declaratic States Also O ■\VASHlNnTON. April 9.-T iif «tii tlio Uiiilud SlatcH liiiH UKCCCtl to oppi Gcniuiii cilicH in the ncutrut 7 .DI 10, ih i tioH of rooi-at dulu. lint w biiRwl upon l Htfttcs ten dn.VH ntjo tlmt Qcrmiuiy mip it WHH nt tfic- Klii'fc LONDON, Anril D.-T1il ‘ Krcndi. .1 flora fim furrnl VvjlJi I'n-jiiiiT IJo.vil (1^( nntipiu I’aul Cnnilioii, I'Vciidi niiii>i»wiu Knmr.ti lias liccii nctiiii; willi all Hinei'r w anl into Oi-rinnny, liii'i 1’ii‘mior Lloj liojcc ailherod (Uifinitoly to Iiih original Tlip (li))lotimtii' Kitiiatioii wliii^li \vi ^ppoaitlon to tlu< Frciivli advanec wuh iimi nin pbtttlied lodojr by'some of tho iicwji-lOoriii papwt. . ^>nn 'Ttio concert of the power* rcmntn* u&broktD, but It In appreciably nlrAlii- "hic eil." •ftld tho ChTonlcle, "The couniry ternc , ■will .support th« nremmont. Iiui It Oc h«a Uie rlfht lo.bo hoard and coniuU* <">1 n . •ny SRtlKleripan oclloii.'’ "'‘i'o ■“TBe .aitltui|p..of tlio Drillili Rovorn* ment l> diftlcuJt to uniterslanil,** Mid H J, the MqrslnE Puit. -Wii) the houio WJ or conmonn tolomte the deiertlon of * * •n Blly.nl thl»,crjllcnl roojiient? Wo bare tbe to affc.ttto «r«nim(*nt « h r It pr()elain.od a rift In tho enienic conUale.” . Thft Dally Nevra iloclared tbal li Is tioem ary ,to heiJ ibo brecch as nulclt- ly aa posnlble. but that "It cannol lie done by ylBldtnjr lo a mlnoriiy ot one.” ••naa ,ihe league of.nations ony And ..........power-to-fttnrtlon-or-dooe ll exlit merely for ;Uie «lli«s to make a nock- err-otM demtadM Iha Dally Herald, orxan ol Uie Later p»rtr. • The Dally'pjcpma aaJd: -Wo are -J “It ta’soM wejf to aay plainly mil ^ . emphatlftally ob« thins, the UrltUh wj« never Twmill nor pardon the sac- ,* Tiflce ^{.tho fritDdablp and alllariw of France for the. purpose of addins Premier Woyd Ceorgo In bla vole •mtlchlfls iwmpalin to capture tbo Wucwump* In a National Liberal cluh. hii.ir • Ho baa completod the ruin of Iluisla ' atler ajejnaunf the public oplaloa ot the United StalM.- The Tiinea made lb« lollor-ln* coo- ••SeWom har« ve «<en a more la- ! m enuble or *b|i|uetul expoaltlon of " „ ' Srillah policy than the statemenl U- u 1, - sued yeatenlay. .-We pledge ounelrea to J?|lp,t jotlUcjil apotucy which Is tqually faUl u> our Intereaia and our ?h"=! -------- PARIS. April 9,—Tho decision of “V the BHtlsb cabinet opttotlns the ad- tlmei - vanee ot French.iroopa Inlo ibo Oer- ohau nan neoinl tone from Ute Rhine waa bualB lald'liefore the; French mlnUtry today etorl< hyyPrrosler MtUerand. to (i ‘A;nQte had been received from Lon- •‘H don.earller In .the day deflnlog ozact- V. 8. ly.'tbelattltada ot Great Urllaln upon "O tbe ocpupattoh or Fnutkfort hy (bo ntiy Fnncb. , Bevn * TtiU .waa *.'<tay of momenXOua dip- l^matio meetings. 'T he council ot am- (hen, baa««dot« tiei.darlRc the aornlog «ng. w2>en tli« Brit/ab note waa read. Later COUII : ' tha^eouoeil. ot the league of oatlont busit I was In seuioa bDl it waa considered Amei I unllktly th»t Uie dlplomaU would OOD- A ftider the OerBiaQ queatlon as it waa orgai undeniood UMitUiejr ilU not have suf- porai > ficient dau aS which to baae a ded- nrst ------- .... ________________ 1 Intl —^ ---------- U-*aa->—fw ^ from an aulharlla tlTo source Utat Franee night Insist on upon Uie rigM te eODtlnue Uia oceupa- elree Uon. Of Fnudtfo^t «a«J 3'olr I. It tha the alllea graat.i'.dimanys reoueet to on a lean Uie Jt^obwthr. (aenaao gov- DlrV •nuaeDt (nopi) In Ue RAhr .dlitrlct beeo aDUKbaiUmg,,. iow« - *w Tbere.w«ra.b«riral conferenoea dur- M i ^ Ing the d«r ,% tie«a high French mil- tnent lurr Individual .nembert Uaa< ot Ui« KOtrtrniaaBl v» dlscuu the Oer- root man (ituuios, . will orttelgta -M ;^e foreign office re- Ing .............. ---------- lh»>n^Hli:ff^ep-«B-.Uw^aUB«,.Pew iiias parieufiibtfjfej^^ abtalned between pem Tntetw- U ^ ^ tod Lort .D»rbr. »Vl tbe BrUlab .usM m dor and they will lllrtly'-^..^iJaued m Uodoa. Frano^'a e & M ^ a luw u apialned "'*• f»-tt«-iWW«iiiaM..bf_tti#_*Dt«il« cordta]e;«llh .Vnsiand and America wUetivDOW/.tppMn u> be Mriosaljr ^ , T he’^*feiMi» Sreaa, »i:evlo««Iy mis- led bjr'nworu.^Uiat SagUnd-would .V aup9ort l^ ;|P m c b AdvaDce, dUplay* , «d m ^ ^ ^ ly B c ia (n editorial com- , Si . nil' IU r^M ^-'m tn««'« '0t4ter7rneb lUU 5 DAILY TIMES IS ? T S TC OSITION 01 TROOPS IN ^ INGS CRISIS es Acute International ** tion—Says United + V Opposes ^ * KtutiMiii'iit of Lloyd (todi'^r ltiii\ I pp'o.se tlio F mu -Ii ofcupiilioii nf + i i« not liaxiul ou any. I'omnmiMVn- ■11 lho t/iaiul tuki-ii l>y llu' l^niU-.l ♦ h iiiiKlit HiMuI truopH inlu thc KmIiv 0 'fc tk-iuiriiiiciit loiluy. * j - . .. ♦ r 1. .Jai)iincHi' mill Kiiliiiii allllm^*a• * * [l«ir«<‘ t<uhiy on tin* Gi'nnaii sii- * ‘ wailor tu KiiKlnixl, (‘Xphiinc'd tliiii . ci'rity iu mnvinjj her lro«i>s for- . ” iloyd OoorKi! wim uudi'VHtood 101* lal oppoiition. . ^ ^ was fronted hy (Ironi Kriliiiu's ^ 'UH dcHiirilicd in Hciui-orricial I’ir- - -- . - ........... - _________ +• T urmuny dcclarcd in lln proicni liT . rnnee. April 7, ngiiliisl French ttccu- * " llion of yraaUfort. a of * hich wail miiilo nubile >)crn \p<i nt- * Tnoon by tlie stalo department. J* Ccrmaiiv conteniled that llio prfu- + )l nllUBlton (« one for (he I;sRUe of * Mlons to settle. 11 VARSAWPLANS ! ■ FIRSTflIGH H , BUILDING:: ' ♦ »i jiclent PolUb City WIU At-* ’ tempt to Hive Sky line * BivaUisg New York's * a n WAIIBAW. I'oUod. Aprl . 9/-The » , tundaUnns ot the flrtt skyscrapcr ^ g rer built In Kuropo-will ahorlly be 4 id In 1‘oland's andoiit capital, ll 4 n ill b« a lioventeon-Btory strucliirc, 4 ^neelved and Lullt entirely nlonu ^ mcrlean idcau, which have cuiul- ^ . llod tlie locnl Iman^lniiUotv ^ All American Red Crosn chauOeur ^ as tte uuwJtUag aourec of Jaiplra- .• on wblch aet on tool iho bliRcst ’ iislntM scheme-J»otftad has over * " <en. HIh billet was In Uio third- * Mr back of a tioRplubie H'anaw ^ erchant-wbo. on occasion, wus wont * I tnvlie his. guest 10 take a cup of ’** » la with Ihe family on cold eveolDgs * » id sliM^ a place at the boarth where * tloy wood fire was all tbe beat bla ♦ 3 DDio could boast. The chanSour * 0 )0ke French of a sort. 80 did the h ercbant. And bin gueaU UUs of ^ .b \o building glories of New York and 4> & hlcsRO rtred the nercbanl'a Imag- 4. Atlon. 4 a “You are ten centuries behind ibo 4 ^ mes wben It comes to buslnesn," lho ^ lauleur told him. "You haven't a 4 1, Illness building (n Warsaw over kU ^ orles high. How can .you Mpect * , . get aheadr T * ••How high do you build 'em lo tbe ^ . 8vA .r nuorlea the merchant * f "Ob. we run as high aa f9rty to ♦ *' fly stories," said tho tuesl. "bul * ® svenwen Is a good Average.- "We miglit Btvt at seventeen, * > jon," mused the merchant. "I’m go- * I ig to aeo. what can be done. This ^ f »fit{T P><n« to model Its'/utare. in ♦ > nsiness an well as poUUcs, along ♦ merlcan lines,'* q A month later the merchanl had 4> t. rganlsed the "Liberty t/nion" cor- ♦ oraUon and the plans tor Poland's ^ « rsl sevenleen-etory skyscraper were ♦ * t the arcbltecl'a hands. * ■*Hie new-T»ainmtirw tlt--bB -erected- n ^rsaw's .prIncliMll— ireet, The land has beoQ furnished I I lie corporuUon by tbe mnnlcipaUty ^ n a nlnet}--nlne-year leue. at ifee es- . . Irulon of which tbe building will * \ «come Ihe property .of the city. Tlie ^ •' jwer aoon ol the edifice wlJJ house * n up-to-daio Amerlcan-pUn deparl- • ■* lent store. The upper etoriee will be ♦ Based as business offices, and -on tbe * oot a Government wlretess sMion * 1 rlll be loaulled. All Poland Is watch- * y Bg with keen InlerMt the Baturing * I it Uie plan wblch will give the people ♦ t fiiirflriropportiially to'W ttlB'the + -i iHUlltlai. oi at Uie low prices * ) •rmltted by Acierlean ‘Targe-rtiHe 1 iiUrlJig fof -r«(all (katrlbttUon. . # j . 4 lABT PSLT OXB TO 'm iB E CTJCBT a CBiSU . 8PRINOF1l£5.ViL.Tprir9.^^en M antpttoblle driTm tiy Louis 8te- ibens cnsJud Ibid a . boras asd buixr D whieh Mr. and Hra..<aiulM Jones . S ind Uielr four children were Hdlng. Oie: ill bat the-youngMt ehlld. an Ufant hav n COD*. w«r« tbrawB to the t(rwt tl». tsd Mrfosalr InJaruL Tba 1>«br iew licked trdo tbe bottom of tbe VMelc gtoj ^ ooeed Uoeaaaatbr wblle M ag V L Ottir’. - u n £ ) j ^ T&B ,’teU M r tre a rs THE ONLY NBWi TWIH FALLS 0 C H E C SW ITCHMEN LAUG REVOLT Sl'lIMAMY UV Tin; + [jf|| »A1L1»)AU HTHlKi; • + (^IHCAGO. April D,—lli'fu I" ♦ 111- Ihu iiullonul rnllri>4i] nlrllio sit- + umlnii nl a glunte; ♦ ftTP ChlrnBO-l.Tiif R,0« t(»2:,,00« ♦ A jn Hwltcliinei}. yunliiicn, cnrlnrcni * and flremuii on i>trll«‘. tliu + |fV ' HUfiJfjer vaj->'lHR JircDnlliiR ii> ♦ \ rlviii dnhnn ot bolli Kldrn; iliu ♦ frelglii trnldc :iu lu 40 'i<fr * cam nurmal. arcoriliiiR lo mil- + , nvadii. "but conipleitly Ufil up, ♦ X w accordlnR to alrlkorn. thr ntock * yantB practically nl'Ui dovtn, * ^ with tO.MO men Idle; many ♦ llneit of inUunio' Bffccu-il, N'ow Yorlc CUy—1.000 nwlicli- + ' mon oui: Jcruey Oli'y frclRlii ♦ . janf^ wmpleccly iM «i'. * ■ -Ticuntnn.-ritv inn-sirttrlimrTi -f _ 4 4 . and ynnlnieii out, nmny Inilim- ♦ ^viilu irlcB iiflocted. + St. I^ uIb—l.:00 to lO.uOO ♦ ,, otvliclinien and ynrdiiiPii out ou + . strike: frelRht ilea up. Iluffalo—Krom i.m >0 ;'.700 ♦ '' men on Blrlke: frtlnlii tmWr- ♦ RO ImpodtHl. ' * Htorc Los AHKeleB—I.XOO men . on ♦ '■ ininnc'Oiilhicnliil llncfi ntrlklna. * Toledo—700 iiwliclimiMi oul; ♦ ‘''t i ‘'« complete frelRhl tlo-up ihrciil- ♦ uffoc -cnrd; ...................... ---------------------- ♦ tioun Dciroli—t.BOD men uul. coui- * Uo pleto frelslil tlt-iip I'apecifd. ♦ |a-art nttJibursh — COO nwlidimcn + a[„l und yardmen nui. + i-i'iitr Salt Lake Cliy-':iC mi'U on ♦ ), strike. Buglnaw, Midi.—:ob swiicli- ♦ , 1 ,.. , men.out. . O|t<loii. L'luh—'.lOo BWltchmeii * , and yardmen oul. * Poc*Mllo, Malio—15(/ BWiicJi- ♦ '■‘’“ 'V men out.. ..Syracure. N, Y.—2C0 men * out. 1 . . , • • ♦ *?l Memphis. Temi—GOO yard- ♦ •n"**' mon volo to atrlko loduy. ♦ that ItOBfldale: i<a;iK.—CO uwlidi- ♦ la k r' meu ool; Uowtiur Allen do- ♦ 'rilsl clareH tliai iiulustrla'l court lave * Th wlil bu Invoked agulnsl Ihuiii. * uvtio Ucuvor, r«.—too out. ♦ prrsi Colton. Cal.—CO BwllcTintcii ♦ on siclko. , ♦ _n , Elmlru. .V. V.-lOO men oul ♦ Wl slrJka Michigan CUy. lud.—ICO yard ♦ 1 men nnd Bnlichnien went on ♦ ,• sirlke UMlay. Youngsiown. 0.-.«ore Uian ♦ 3,OOO.BWlidimen and yardmen ♦ on five rmiroadB loft Ilielr jobn ♦ ^•9''^ here totfay. Steel mills may ♦ ." .bo forced lo clone, ihitjwlng ♦ I” '*'*' M.MO oul of work. ♦ l^‘*'’‘.‘ Oary. Ind.-HOO swlidimen ♦ «K«'‘ and ytirdmcn out; IS.OOO men ♦ thrown om of work In tbe iioel ♦ Z™ mills, wblch are gradually dos- ♦ Ing down. S^n Fmoclsw. Cal.-liUny ♦ Bwltchmcn out. olher stHkes ♦ startlnc at Uakersflild. Frcs- ♦ no. OskJand and W<»;«re; per- ♦ lihabie freight and livo slock ♦ embargoe* declared. / . ♦ -rou, Kankakee. Jollit. East 81. ♦ the d Ixiuls. Cenlraila, uhawpalgn. * on n Urbaha. DecUur and Spring- * crewi field. 111— MO awltchpen and * at an ysrdnen on sirikt. . ^ every At Cleveland and Denver— ♦ enily Tbe men are voUng wbelhor 4 is bt iu sirlke or reniqln at work. 4 TI1 Al Omaha—I.MO swllebmen * •"“‘J and yardmen niet, bul retrbo<l ♦ c**t'r Qo definite decisloD. 41 n o d At Council Illulfs tt like ♦ oeing in sympathy Wllh— HtHke and held ihenielrei. In readlnsM for a strike call. Louisville. >*ort Worth, and St. Joseph. Mo., the man voted not ♦ ^^l I to strike. Freight embarvnoB * wcra declared at New Orlrans 4 Mart) a;id Tnlsa. Okla. « typ|c . !At Fort Wayne. Ind.-.3.300 * "T refJr^d sbopmen rcfurned 10 * Hebe worlc. wiiuiiDg a wago lner<Ki>» * ot but ioalbg thelr'llght for the > awa) closed shop. This: decision t<i b|ggi ~ntgarded as-tmportant. aa fh-re * - has been much strike asUo* 4 chor tion' among~lhe ^O.OOO' fill- "At road sbopmen of tbe couoiry. * addr • ■ Jotir flLpiax-xiia .iuBauAi,! 80, KILLKD BT UUXA^AY bpfo S'mNOHAN. ICan,. April 9.— Oitnn noDsev. elgbly. believed to have ttaan one of tbe oldest city aiar- tba]* io Uu 8ta1«. was'kJlied te rt a ^ iew .dan ago when he atunpted to ^ atOji.a' ninaiAy twm ot horaas. • “S V train s bit srlp:«n Uw bridta rain wa^^^.*Tifght-‘S<M«. B ouae'.m ^ VSPAPBR, IN IDAHC TWi xs, IDAHO,.PEIDAY, APRIL 0, 1W( CK YA GH ATCLA IMST THAS fA ILED -n NMN WHO MO Q APE IS SHOT. By . TR«-i.w.w.eo ; PLEASED AI MOVES i •— . 1:1 'wenty-six'IWore Cities i,y Affected—Managers m Deny Tie-up | 10; i \ inriiiuJ J - illu niilruiiil xlriho d volnpi'd 1 ii.' OIU a thruiit inlo 11 Tixa loiluy, I D ospftf I'l'HKxiiriiii: n-piirls fro m ’ ilnmd orrimlHtitid thr liniii.-, ofi I' hroth(!rlioi)ilH thut uornud ottii- tions mv gradually h.-iujr rc- iircd here. rnporlM iiiiuivd into '" licaKO iiliiiOHt hourly nf ucw "" l.iiti<if(s Nj (III- Nfrikj- JH nihvr' lies, und. M'ilh 2l>,cilii-.s ulicailyl ' focloil th f ■|j-ouhle asiumoil u;i- 1 junl-jirojiorlioiiB.________________ J ltouli/iii|! thul Chii-iiKO Ih ihi- ■art or Ihc iniubh', ilic riiilrimii »r wl lirolhcrhiioil In-ads arc con- ntratiuK every efforl to lirouls nu 0 luH'k of lho Btciltc luTc, fccliut: mi ul if thin can he ui'coiuidishcil hn c sirikrs in olJiiT I'ilii'.s w ill lin p id ly HuliKido. ____ III.tlio nicauliiMc. liowi'vcr. i-nil- ------- ad'Kcrvivo tliroii«hoiil llu- couu- ||i 1 y liUh hccii NorioiiHly oripplfil, W l itll U CQUSCqUl'Ut-*Pri0 UK o ffc c t * 1 indii.stry ({cncmUy. and in Nonic lartci'H woiiA'rmciit is nxpri^ssciJ at llic K'‘'’''riiiucii't dooH not ' i kt' Npoccly Ulld'drastic. htcpH to nsii il. TIuis fill- llic oiily .....................llll •tion has hriiii a iJi-ojiosal hy rcNidi-iit WilHon to uppoinl a ujC'! hoanl tn M-tth- lli'.- wnllcoiil .n Kiij'i'cstioii Hiiccn-tl Il'l hy the rikcrn—uiul thc KcndiuK to Clii- iffo of fl. \V. \Y. llutiCLT «r Jlir I " ' >ur«l of nicilidlioU'Und i-otieilia- JU. (wJio ca.no liero mi-roly t- ak'.s a Nurvi-y of Ihc iiiluiirKiti and itiiont anthorizatioii to uffor )vorniiiciit uiediulioii. Ilia lack nij.j,L ’ nicdiutioii powiirs, it was ox- aincil, WIIS (Ine to fhe rucf thnt p >voriiiiient ilocs not iiitoiid to rcc- uonm itiizc lhc "outluw " unioDH to n,j,o iut c.Xli-nL Bclied Tho latest luliolln trom dlnridl 114 lalnnen of the railro&d brotherhoods, blch are Ushtlng tor tl.elr very ox- j,.j- [enco In Ihelr alic»7i|jM 10 rjnsib u atrlko. declsrei ihat "li.rtf has . ren a noticeable. ihouKli flow im- „ •ovcmenl" In the altuallon hore, and iiillnucfl* ' "Mon drifted bark, lo- work In ■oupn Thursday, and condUlotis In e district appear to be well In t;and. 1 moKl of the lines morr' BWllcliIng «wa wero working Thursday thun “'lho any time since Sunday, in nearly tlnuo' 'fry yard frelghi Is moving, appur^ f«<-lei illy at least &0 pur ceiiu The sirtko I’enu beginning to fail" Rc: Tlinsu claims, of rourae. are mut by prubt ud guffaws from Ihe strikers. They out. nim that nol oniy have ihero been ) desertions from their ranks, but uiC leir number .Is being augmented aad Miriv hv (iftKerters from the brother- eondi BBit. TiiBv aUo-deny ihat thcTe~lf ly movement of t^ g h t In Iho yards, Appeals of the old union chiefs 10 j^y. iduco’the slrikors 10 return to work ore futile. A meellog'at which 8am- pj el R. Ilebcrlliig. iDlernalional prosl- nnnn rnt of the Swlichmfto's Union of orth America, mada such a ploa>was 'Plcsl. . "This strike is llieRal." declared Mr. oberllag. after a t>rol«og»d grcettog t Jears and hisses. “You can't gst way wllh it Do you think you are P^rlu |gger than ihe United S u tear -‘•4f«s,~ shouted Ws.fioo hearcra.ln «H«C horua. «•« K< ■M seversl'of-tbe-BeeUiiga-.nMa nown to li^ members of the I. W. W. a n< ddretsed Ihe strikers and were iood- new / applauded. At one auch meeilng. toda: obn Krleit. a awllcbman who arose q fld Brgcd -Ws fellows to return to tor 1 ioik.j»asjhot...lle waa spirited away o„ , ^ore Ibe rtellee arrived. ................ ;fj •That's great, sluff.** wns ihe com- ,,.,,1 , root or "Big am;: lUywood. head ot ba 1. W. W.. when told of the >.rogr«sa ,* ] i Ul* strike. “Tbo boya will keep It v” ® ® until ther get the coontrr. .JJJ ii|w (s Uiat tbe ftrlke wiii put Cbi- ato out ot buslnets.''. ^ ^ j&aoUicr SKloua pbaaa o t j ^ ktrtk* im bped wbatQ, X'Worrtll. gaaerai kirmaa of Ibe‘ RaUw^ a*rka‘ M»< gto.on.<ff<-<>^^>yH»:ba>y. dl^ yu-'. 10 THAT ■RECEIVES LWO iRD S l THAT MORE JO IN ING i " i Tw: O. S. L. Switchmen | c of Pocatello in ' Sympathy Strike I l'()CATKI.l.i), Mix.. Alirll ;i,-- ‘"ll 'h -Tlm pnilre l’in':U.-I!u yanl-liiivi- ;CU'''I lii'rii at u I.uinctsilll kIiic' live Was 1 laiii cvrnlin; wlivo whlmut im- |i>r tir jJri- ISO v.i-iii un I 'I Hrlkc III xyiiiiiiilli.v «l'ti 111.' ‘ i)l' \V ciilcacu Mvlliliiiii'n ami havcct.'- llu- i' miinil.-.l ilie wiiRi- ........................... Jli,' r hy i.ilicr,. llf ilM'lr crnH, !l„'.'ii All yard i-nKliii-ern wnlki-il i<r( :|,iisiii llu-lr i'ii|:lni-n lan iiiclit, wiilili .silnle iiciliin u;ri liroiuilil hIkuii lalir j '] lollowlliR a mrrlliir III dll' Cll- |„t wl ch.i-erh I,IUI llr-'.m,, A >^a1Un«l llf (111- Ilri'ai-'ii |H I'xiiin-lpil ( l>i.iir;.v. -----IrMlhH "in li,,. In' ll.'Ul ll|> Iiy llll- «„llimil llf llll- 'II n\v|(i'liuii-ik All (rrlulll iraliiii, . Iiiiwovrr. ■will In- liiill.'il mion -irrlVHl ai I'onHrllu. . M any rallri'J.I rliTkii nn-.lii ».i'fii(KilI»)' ictlJi llir KWllvUtiicii. Konio liavi- i.al.l .Imt ilie ckrku anil Kwlldinieii witp iirai'tliiilly .tlic inilv cliiaM'. of ,-iu,,l„yi-H tt-ho wen- mulcriialil. S«lii'li. Uii'H'« w,!iRi'i. ai llll' iiri-;tPiil l'-*r"“> Ilmo an- ICMi Hum llie cmnnion 'I’n 'i '•' ■SVarly Sun rallroaO I'liitilnyrH m, ' iiri' Mill an llic ri-'iiill ol ilu- <'1"""' HMl.limi.ii-H Hlrlki-. Ai.imixi- nudi-ly r,rt cnrli»-i-r».fiO ffreinon. Ml brnkiuivn nml 100 fri-lRlii- ^ '' hnnilliTH nl i1n> frclKlit houne ‘“ ‘ l^'o^ liftvp bi'oii llirowii nm of work. '' nol III. ' ' .'Uial • VALKOUTSIN ? A um N s i TIETOAFFICH ho I'l nimliiii Mf.T Afirll j.-HaUrouih mlttcfi riiiiRli'iut tll'.- Iiilcrni'iiiniuln iituKin would i< lainplclcl.v ili-ni'>r:illird un a re- Tu-ln ill of llic iiwlicliiiicn'a iiirlkcn wlildi vi'iillo ireud lo Kail l.uko. Ocdvn nad iiii; il llo. Tu'o ' huii'Ircil uail tltlr«l^ nlaln. I'Udirni-n cmiiloywl by Ihi- Orircon a il iprt'j.lJio Ulld IJciivpr & Hln Orailijn L-'ni on Mrlko here sl inldiURbt lunl tlm' Ij Rhu Al OK'Ica OUB hundred uad crowd Ky ulou employed by ihe Ogden Un- p,ny n Railroad weni out Issi nIghL Au- hir oi mncomoui waa made both al Salt oi'cuai ■ko nud Ogden thol the passenger , bedulo would bc carried oul as tar ; possible today. .VEW YORK. April # .- Swlichmen In <mo yards of (ho .Vew Vork Central HHi id Now Haven railroads Joined the oppos Utlnw" strike among railroad work- Increi ■n today. aslondhiR the movement lo report elude all of lho Now York's prlnd- Ch®'“ 11 irafflc arteries. »"*> ' Tlie frclKhi yanis al Jersey Cliy ere closed cwiioIotoJ)’ thU af(enioo» ihouRh oil pouengor traffic con- ”*I‘ ’ nuod a« usnal. Tho other roads Vf- ^ (tied ore The Uric, Lackawanna. Ihe Dousyvanlu nhd Wesl Shore. amotii Rcpurts early today Indieatod that robabiy uol more lhau 1.000 mou aro ,iucln W. culty -■ wlUi UIILWEII. I’u., April D—Reiween 100 . u od COD avlidimon, brakcmen and throw ■nduciuru emrloyod al the Conway arc b mli" J?' iHe' PiniiiylvahU-TUnnrtgr SicV: tro went on slrlko loduy lOr Bllbffr noTtr ay. paid ■■■ Jliv DETROIT. Mleh,. April WlUi «U '1 t .000 switcbmea aod 1,000 englnomen >*'■)’ ut today the strike sKuatloa here I rows more serlou hourly.- A tood ‘boro nd fuel shoruge U ceruin It the trlko. continues a weak as uot more lan enough luei or food to last that |Nt^.\ erlotl Is on hand In the dty. Tbe strikers isst night renounced Haglaace lo ihe 8»llchn}«i‘s Union I Korili Anierica and ibe'OrotUarbood ^ ^ai Lnallway- TtalnmBO-aiHL-anmied «sd- ,new union. A conmlttea ot the yrorb ow union mei oflldala of t » roads orea: }day and presented Ihcie demands: log'i Elgbt bour baalc day. tl «n hour , In or inrtiebmea coixSuclora; 9C centa Jour m l^ur^lor holp«^ loiitl Timo'and iono^tt'for “overtljnd. louble time for Sunday and belldaya. >trm Five dollara a day for swltcbBen ending tbroe asriuhmea or Uh and wldi lalpnv .^ y wbtn nuire .ibM ' .UirM iwlt^aa are tended. ^ ^ ,tOPaXA. KaM..'April ».-^9 lo- luatrlal eonrt Uw wlli ba tavokad ia»to«t atrifcfBC gvttcbnn'-ta' Kao- T^VO LSASSD. I IMES .EGION CONVE ENDS. THIS WITH NEV fwin Falls and Boise Posts ding Membership—Repo Today—Worthing l).<l.'U-ll<'’v Ul lll'c si.ll>' .\lllc'c]<'i||l II Ilh- Ihlnl mul lusl .1.1,1 lliis mnniiiii; l.'vl 'to II l-l'IKirf lit' fill- as hciil .......miy. Thi'. l ' im. ii va, v, r th - wi.i'I: ......... ul till' ....... . Tl ...... ..................... Ill 1ilhl;:"1 nihl slnlr I' Wullav,- is . hiiirm.iii, is i,. i U- ............................... . This Ihl I.' iv|.i.rl Ilf ll ............ ....................I l<y-l,n '.'11 i-ivi'ii vi'sl- i'iliiv hut ••M-iui: (■> :s I iisiucss aihl III.' lii.'l thnt u.'W i.pilil.-in la1.'.i'|i"'-'l"’"'' ...... 'J'his j.fli'i'Uiioirs s,'s-.i.iii is li-il : whi.'h uiii.-h hiisiii.-^. will I..' lalU'H i '.'lo.'l:, Owiiii; 111 III.' Ini'u.- am...... 1 of Unsii vjlU.i, loJJ U..I at I i.VliM'f; lh i' ill hi- .'Ic-l.'.l. WorlhiiiKi.'M 111 ' lloisi' I iiiiiiiuii>)rr jillliiiii^’l) II>i'i->' vvill hi' soil KUII I'm- 111.' H.iisc Illllll w as u sh .’iv.l in ; Til.- UIIMlll.T 111 nil'UliliT!! ur llll- l-XI- iiMUuHoii au.l by-law., wa'i ii.liiiil-| . Till;. JJi.'lnil.v. a *J.-; riiu.-iii .oimiianilcr, l.uir vki- c.nii-' nii.lf'n.. iw.i li'.ini lliu. llr>.l aaa.:;vii| em 111.' H.'.oiul uiiiKr.'>-l.iniil .li'-. Il'l. It uan il-,ni,;Ul llilr. «.i.itil la- llliilf iiiiiKi-r.. i.iii'il.l.'rahlv, | At y.':t.T.lay'n i..M.hm ihi' rlKlii|.^ Vlll.. I.y jiriixlir. Ha„ ab., .l.'nU'.l.j D ctr 1C rci|iicKl Mi . i mail.- hy r.jir.'i.-ii- Q llVi-« of l:ir ilhitanl (i.ihtn li.-.aii-.'l ey »aUI u Inil r.'lir.'in'iilall.W .i;uli1 >i Ik- 1.1-ni u. K.p t.iiivi'niCn, Tii.-' ial volc wax ll in aO. Thai llicrc-] III probably Iir- 111 fi-.-llos over the' ' ,,' Hllll of llic ek-illou wan cvlilrnccl! • lho compurnilvi-ly clii.c vm,.. Ul u spcdnl ri'iiort ol lho conimli- Wafi 0 oil croUcnlliilh the Twin KulU :tml j.,, :ilno [lOBlii wrre oxoiiiiralml of lli.' itlrRcii of m>iire|ircHpnilni; tliu luu'i- ciiru ;r of iiiciiibi-r:. nnd lliul jKilltl. laii> ,ivr ’ i,ri) jKiylnK ilic Mali- .liu^n. •r;i. :vori. lUrRvK wcro uiaile liy (i. IJ. Ilyih- .il'tro ll c I'nrCienf jioil. wliu matlc iiul:..hl' ; j ,.t . iiiliiRy for IlKi ai'i’OtialIiiiu.. Tlic ''om.loni’ , iKcfi roiiiKl ncxMriff. K H’dii dx.l; I'Ulil In'llrali- mlhri'iirm-iilall.Hi. t-lmli t^'ln I-' uUh ban ili-k-Riil.-'. ul ilic coll- frivol •llllon nail llohip *. Twin Kulln buv- v-'-:>r K tllll lurRUxI incuiliiirrhlii lu lhc, than sill. - i Sill A iliiiico In lioiior of tbr viHiiUif; ntiik U'laiUn ivaii kJvph iiisi i-yujijnj; .In Th' n' Uverlni; iiuvlllon ui which a big llghl owd WAH preaent. Tho hall was $ 1.78 illy docoralod with flogH and hunl- ctte : B and a special orebestni for the tfcom •cuslon furnlshcil tnunlc. >2.32 . ___________ »20.C h'«V.*iTf.VV Tb^ tJ.VlMXti IN (iKRM.VNV . like annus. Af»rlJ I*.—I’iwework, *• Coi pposed lo paymonl by the hour. Is npcDi icresnlng In Gvrwany. This Is tbo week i-port from the texUle factories of menl heiunlt*. from tho-Ooneral Klectrle gea« nd Ucrgmsnn shops. Tbo railroad ^Vby hops announce tbat ihey will com- ]n lenco tho piecework system again ^aric iis woek. ^iid "Away wilh plcccworkl" waa ttio ^larl ry before ihc rcTuIuiiun. Tbo the lurkmen Intended -to bring cqualliy gawt motig workers, no ono lo receive wg, lore pay Uian any olhcr. by Intro- acco uclng stralgbl duy wages. Prac\l* gowi tliy mil piecework w#j» ilojjo away foui, lUi by tho revolullon. j,g It is tbo workmen Uienueircs, lirough tho workiiiaa's couuclls. who , PC bringing fho poacowork sysieni a'clC— wegnnrDfrbgd-ltTing eomll aid for wbat he produces, "EnH Investigation sbowa tbsl not only id the revolutionary attempt to do way with piecework fall, but lliat W be piecework system hss a more too borough hold on German Indoslry ixlo Imn ll had In 1917. this - . __ nsUi X t'tM U Y AXI> CAVALllY*. W IM SOON DE OBSOLETE ------ yeai „LOKD0.V.._APtfI._9.-rnf»ntry,«>«t. , .ft Aval^. which have been tbe "breaO lUe iod-buiter'^-ot.-tli«-~arniUa^oC-4b«. Ona rorld aince the days of Alexander th« Asai }reat: will soon the obsolete, accord- Urat ng to Lieutenant W. 8. King-Ifail. tors In a remarkable article In '^lib erbi loumal of the Royal Unitod Service stsi toiitUutlon'' be writes: . live ■■^In” t h m e « r - f o t u r e - t k e a c f t » a l d e - i l r l o ; lUucUon of hntmy bonmunlcatloha ten wbi'cb feed ar»2<a of> foot.'aed lw v» Om widiera will be u a a ^ a ia rr. bacaaao paoi Ibera wlil'be bo foot and bom io).i las lien, aacept tor caraBtonlal -porpoan. ntr nwa4 iiieB.wllltbaa,ba.rt|»n|t«B»te|i fi uto^rwa^aart'tk^paataaMri.'^..: m ' rn * tratiaB«rt 'lK |dt.,rlu:.oltB ^ m WIRE SJSRVICSS.\ "’Ycatcrday'g Prea Eun |[ 5000 II OLD VOL. XHt. NO. 64 fa H ENTION EVENING ,W OFFICERS its Exonerated of Pad- ports Will Be Heard tg Boom Is On l.i'irum ...liv.'lUi.m ss,.tut,Il'.i UU nl lli.-'l.hiflTi thr;it-c tili.l list- . . -uin.' r..innnlh-r ivhi.'h , v,ry ....... l.l.'l.- .,i,.i ,„scr,'.l all nl.' ;i,i, ". 1,1 whi.'i, -I,,llll M.'Kv.'rs i, iumI<.- i, i',-i„.i'l t.Hl.iv, as will iiM.iiiiu- Ih,' ,|.'l.-i;:il.'s ....... 'iHcl •luMs. T lii' n'i>,ii'I sin,111.I huvi- hra-itiitoliu! af lllilnitr'iivlril- I,-Ills [Il l's,'Il’l,'.I I lli'lllsi'lvcs II..... . l.-,l I,. 1„. llll Uiiiisiiiill.v larKC mio II ,i|>. 'It will Insl uulil ahuiit .| llsiih'ss i„ I... t,'alisa, l.'d Ihc .-nu- lh i' a(( riuh.ii'If. •..■h,-(itil<il Iml. . . .... - l-i.v Ilh' .'oiiiiii-.^ vi'a r . _ M' l„.iius ii|i' as Ihe imiliiil.lTlm^t-------- == M.iiic stiff .'finiii.'liiioii. .\ Uul in.vi'sti'chiy iifii-niooii. ;AYS $25 IS ENOUGH FOR LINGERIE ictroit Tnxdeiman Admits 'Wifo Could Spend $1,800 in Flvo . , Wocks if She Tried 1ii;tII(HT. .Mich.. April 9.-1I0W iiicti 11 woman miiy ri'Bimnably spend - u lltiRi'rtc }» u <{ijc»iJun wblcb han e.'ii liriiufil-.i to (hr fore In tbo I’afnu C.iunty cuuris. i:iri»u»n, noconllnK lo his slate- icni. hl:i wlf« Utrslil Uccbe, uf Chl- iiRii, npcnt Jl.X'Ki m' lino lliiRerloJn vii w'-.-kn JiiilRi- IliMit Krunlcd a 'dl- ori.' 10 Ji.bn ll. Iwli'-. weullhy I>c- -oil nianufn' innir. Mii'n. Ilcisio C. .<-1-. lien,1 of llic Vlnlllnt; ilounokcpp- n i’ AKKix'latliiii nay:. Ihiil a Irugul mjwu'l/c »h'f jiuilo!.'! hrr own liilhen, 1iii>H ni'iinoinilily nnd libjuros ■Ivoh. nin i.uii|ily iirrsclf wllh uniler- •rar for a yciir ul u cunt uf nol moro tail s Ml>h l.i'11 'i. culluiato ot cnHcnUuls Ui tiilcnvcar Is us follows? Tho fceavy union sulls. M.M; Ibroe ghi suits, g2,7U; two cornet covers, 1.T8; one corset. fl,85| iwo flannel- ^ tte pctiiroats. }2.6S; one muslin pet- Ironc. Ii.3'1; oae sateea petticoat. 2.32; twn niRbt dresses. |3; toul 20.S!l. February Quoistlons on tbese tesis are about 3 per eent hlgber. 'Iie ioial esilmato of ' tho minimum loihlng cosl for a year Is somethloK Ike »07. Cou)iJ Mrs. Loroln Uetbo actualtV pcDd tl.80U on lingerie In five reeks? Managers ot lingerie depart- nenis In Uetroii atoros smiled iadul- :eo{lr and replied; ".Voit aMaredly. Vby not’" In witness thereof Ihey eihlblled .arlous airy, (rifles--danoolnated V. Indies': by sub-debs, wllb prliio ,. narks Ibat wero quite as fandful as ite r.urmenls they represented. Tbo iDvn to ono (aacloatlQg bridal set vss tiiarkod |:7 . wlUi a oomblnatlon ' iccouiponylng It at )U.60. AnoUiar . town at I37.&0 provedb tbat brioaa rould go eroR higher wJtb laipualtr- lioudoir aeU ran all tbe ifay from - , to >100. silk hoae. froa «S.16 to MS the pair, and othor aceeisorlea aro . i^rrospundlng prices. fnnrrEKTT0STB!<«t»»5lfr-—------------- L__ «tATKii rou nsHumTon WAHH1NOTO.S-. April 'Jl.-W aahing- ' loo as a convenllon eeotra wUl com- - ixie with Sin Francisco and Cblcaso ' Ibis 6umm>;r. No lesa ^ban-elgbtaai^ ,. naUoaal and IntersaUoaal coaVan- lions, la wblcb a loul of' tblrt/-lbf»r. counirlcs will be reprweat<^ mu ' icho-lulc-l for the comtog "coBwpUop I yoar." ■SffWral. o fjb e gatberthga wUt fcaiB lueodaoca ot ctSJHTIEMr.SrtoM. • ----- iraw about 10.000,dalegiM.iaad viiU . tore in Mar. wblla tba.W^Hdla.protb- t ■’■■■ erbood. FaderaUon, wbteb .-vtUsj^ tb >: Msaloa la Juna, wlU t«v« xvraa^Bta* > . : tJr"alS«al{r • OMfva M d ‘Oa««ral J ||(UHbLm«r,nX-'' paotad lac !• a s v actM -^I^I^^^P^^

10 THAT RECEIVES T^VO LSASSD. T W i IMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · How can .you Mpect * ,. get aheadr T * ••How high do you build

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Page 1: 10 THAT RECEIVES T^VO LSASSD. T W i IMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · How can .you Mpect * ,. get aheadr T * ••How high do you build

^ A L L S

r • • JVOt.--n. MO. 861



Llipyd George Precipitates Situation by Declaratic

States Also O■\VASHlNnTON. April 9 .-T i i f «tii

tlio Uiiilud SlatcH liiiH UKCCCtl to oppi Gcniuiii cilicH in the ncutrut 7.DI10, ih i tioH of rooi-at dulu. lint w biiRwl upon l Htfttcs ten dn.VH ntjo tlm t Qcrmiuiy mip

it WHH nt tfic- Klii'fc

LONDON, Anril D.-T1il‘ Krcndi. .1 flora fim fu rrn l VvjlJi I'n-jiiiiT IJo.vil (1 ( nntipiu I’aul Cnnilioii, I'Vciidi niiii>i»wiu Knmr.ti lias liccii nctiiii; willi all Hinei'r w an l into Oi-rinnny, liii'i 1’ii‘mior Lloj liojcc ailherod (Uifinitoly to Iiih original

Tlip (li))lotimtii' Kitiiatioii wliii li \vi ^ppoaitlon to tlu< Frciivli advanec wuh

• iimi nin pbtttlied lodojr by 'som e of tho iicwji-lOoriii p a p w t. . • ^>nn

'T tio concert o f the power* rcmntn* u&broktD, bu t It In appreciably nlrAlii- " h ic eil." •ftld tho ChTonlcle, "The couniry ternc

, ■will .support th « n rem m o n t. Iiui It Oc h«a Uie r lfh t lo.bo hoard and coniuU* <">1 n

. •n y SRtlKleripan oclloii.'’ " '‘i'o■ “TBe .aitltui|p..of tlio Drillili Rovorn*

m ent l> diftlcuJt to uniterslanil,** Mid H J , the MqrslnE P u it. -Wii) the houio W J or conmonn tolom te the deiertlon of * * • n Blly.nl thl» ,crjllcn l roojiient? Wo b a re tb e to affc.ttto «r«nim(*nt « h r It pr()elain.od a r if t In tho enienic conUale.” .

Thft Dally Nevra iloclared tbal li Is t io e m a ry ,to he iJ ibo brecch as nulclt- ly aa posnlble. bu t th a t " It cannol lie done by ylBldtnjr lo a mlnoriiy ot one.”

••naa ,ihe league o f .n a tio n s ony A n d..........p o w er- to -f ttn rtlo n -o r-d o o e ll exlit

m erely for ;Uie «lli«s to make a nock- e rr -o tM dem tadM Iha Dally Herald, o rxan o l Uie L a t e r p»rtr.• The D a lly 'p jc p m a aaJd: -Wo are

- J

“ I t ta ’s o M w e jf to aay plainly m il ^. emphatlftally ob« th ins, the UrltUh

w j« never Twmill nor pardon the sac- ,* Tiflce ^ { .tho fritDdablp and alllariw of France fo r the . purpose of addins P rem ier Woyd Ceorgo In bla vole •m tlchlfls iw m palin to capture tbo Wucwump* In a N ational Liberal cluh. hii.ir

• Ho baa completod the ruin of Iluisla ' a tle r a je jn a u n f the public oplaloa ot th e United S talM .- •

The Tiinea made lb« lollor-ln* coo -

••SeWom h a r« v e «<en a more la- !m e n u b le o r *b|i|uetul expoaltlon of " „ ' S rillah policy than the statemenl U- u 1 ,

- sued yeatenlay. .-We pledge ounelreato J? |lp ,t jo tlU c jil ap o tu cy which Is “

• tq u a lly faU l u> our Intereaia and our?h"=!

--------PARIS. A pril 9,—Tho decision of “ V

th e BHtlsb cabinet opttotlns the ad- tlmei- vanee o t F rench .iroopa Inlo ibo Oer- ohau

n a n n e o in l tone from Ute Rhine waa bualB la ld 'liefore the; F rench mlnUtry today etorl< hyyPrrosler MtUerand. to (i

‘ A;nQte had been received from Lon- •‘Hdon .earlle r In .the day deflnlog ozact- V. 8.ly .'tb e la ttltada ot G reat Urllaln upon "Otbe ocpupattoh or Fnutkfort hy (bo n tiyF n n c b . , Bevn * TtiU .waa *.'<tay of momenXOua dip-

l^m atio meetings. 'T h e council o t am- (hen,baa««dot« t ie i .d a r lR c the a o rn lo g «ng.w2>en tli« Brit/ab note waa read. L ater COUII

: ' tha^eouoeil. o t the league of oa tlont busit I w as In s e u io a bDl it waa considered Amei I u n llk tly th » t Uie dlplomaU would OOD- A

ftider the OerBiaQ queatlon as i t waa orgai undeniood UMitUiejr ilU not have suf- porai

> ficient d au aS which to baae a ded- nrst------- . . . . ________________ 1 I n t l

— ----------U -*aa-> —f w ^ from an aulharllatlTo source U ta t Franee n ig h t Insist on upon Uie rigM te eODtlnue Uia oceupa- elree Uon. Of Fnudtfo^t «a«J 3'olr I. It tha the alllea g ra a t. i '.d im a n y s reoueet to on a l e a n Uie J t^ o b w th r . (aenaao gov- DlrV •nuaeD t ( n o p i ) In U e RAhr .dlitrlct beeo aD U K baiU m g,,. iow«

- *w T bere .w «ra.b«riral conferenoea dur- M i ^ Ing the d « r ,% tie « a high French mil- tnent

l u r r Individual .nem bert Uaa<o t Ui« KOtrtrniaaBl v» d lscuu the Oer- root m an ( i tu u io s , . will

orttelgta - M ;^ e foreign office re- Ing

..............---------- lh»>n^H li:ff^ep-«B -.U w ^aU B «,.P ew iiia s

p a r ie u f i ib tf j f e j^ ^ abtalned between pemTntetw - U ^ ^ tod Lort .D»rbr. » V ltbe BrUlab .u s M m d o r and they will l l l r t l y ' - ^ . . ^ i J a u e d m U odoa.

• Frano^'a e & M ^ a lu w u a p ia ln e d "'*• — f» -tt« -iW W « iiia M ..b f_ tti# _ * D t« il«

c o rd ta ]e ;« llh .V nsiand and America w U etivDOW /.tppM n u> be Mriosaljr ^ ,

T he ’ *feiMi» Sreaa, »i:evlo««Iy mis-led b jr 'n w o ru .^U ia t SagU nd-w ould . V aup9ort l ^ ; |P m c b AdvaDce, dUplay* , «d m ^ ^ ^ l y B c i a (n editorial com- ,

■ S i. n i l 'I U r ^ M ^ - 'm t n « « '« '0 t 4 t e r 7 r n e b lUU


? T S T COSITION 01 TROOPS IN INGS CRISISes Acute International ** tion—Says United + V Opposes ■ *KtutiMiii'iit o f L loyd (tod i'^ r ltiii\ Ipp'o.se tlio F m u -Ii o fcup iilio ii n f + ii« n o t liaxiul ou a n y . I'omnmiMVn- ♦■11 lho t/iaiu l tuki-ii l>y llu ' l^niU-.l ♦ hiiiiKlit HiMuI truopH in lu th c KmIiv 0'fc tk -iu iriiiiciit lo iluy . * j- . . . ♦ r 1. .Jai)iincHi' m ill Kiiliiiii allllm^*a• * * [l«ir«<‘ t<uhiy on tin* G i'n n a ii sii- * ‘ w ailor tu KiiKlnixl, (‘Xphiinc'd tliiii . c i 'r i ty iu m nv in jj h e r lro«i>s for- . ” iloyd OoorKi! wim uudi'VHtood 101* ’ lal o p p o iit io n . . ^ ^w as f ro n te d hy (Iro n i K riliiiu 's ^

'UH dcHiirilicd in Hciui-orricial I’ir- „

- • -- . - ........... - _________ +• Turmuny dcclarcd in lln proicni liT . rnnee. April 7, ngiiliisl French ttccu- * " llion of yraaUfort. a of *hich wail miiilo nubile >)crn \p<i nt- * Tnoon by tlie stalo department. J * “ Ccrmaiiv conteniled th a t llio prfu- + “

) l nllUBlton (« one for (he I;sRUe of * Mlons to settle . ♦ 11


, B U ILD IN G :: ♦

' ♦ »i jic len t P o lU b City WIU A t-*

’ tempt to Hive Sky lin e * ” BivaUisg New York's * a

• ♦ nWAIIBAW. I'oU od. Aprl . 9 /-T he » ,tundaUnns o t the f lr tt skyscrapcr ^ g rer built In Kuropo-will ahorlly be 4id In 1‘o land 's ando iit capital, ll 4 n ill b« a lioventeon-Btory strucliirc, 4^neelved and Lullt entirely nlonu ^ „mcrlean idcau, which have cuiul- ^ . llod tlie locnl Iman^lniiUotv ^All American Red Crosn chauOeur ^ as t t e uuwJtUag aourec of Ja iplra- .• on wblch aet on tool iho bliRcst ’iislntM scheme-J»otftad has over * " <en. HIh b illet was In Uio third- *Mr back of a tioRplubie H'anaw ^ “ erchant-wbo. on occasion, wus wont *I tnvlie his. guest 10 take a cup of ’** »la with Ihe family on cold eveolDgs * » id sliM^ a place a t the boarth where *tloy wood fire was a ll tbe beat bla ♦ 3DDio could boast. The chanSour * 0)0ke F rench of a sort. 80 did the hercbant. And bin gueaU U U s of ^ .b\o building glories of New York and 4> & hlcsRO rtred the ne rcban l'a Imag- 4.Atlon. 4 a“ You are ten centuries behind ibo 4 ^

mes wben It comes to buslnesn," lho ^ „lauleur told him. "You haven't a 4 1, Illness building (n W arsaw over kU ^orles high. How can .you M pect * ,. get a h e a d r T *••How high do you build 'em lo tbe ^ •. 8v A . r nuorlea th e m erchant * f"Ob. we run a s high aa f9rty to ♦ *'

fly stories," said tho tu e s l. "bul * ® svenwen Is a good Average.- ♦"We m iglit B tv t a t seventeen, * >

jon," mused the m erchant. " I ’m go- * Iig to aeo. w hat can be done. This ^ f» fit{T P><n« to model I ts '/u tare . in ♦ > nsiness an well a s poUUcs, along ♦merlcan lines,'* ♦ qA month la ter the merchanl had 4> t.

rganlsed the "Liberty t/nion" cor- ♦oraUon and the plans tor Poland's ^ «rsl sevenleen-etory skyscraper were ♦ * t the arcbltecl'a hands. * ■*Hie new- T»ainmtirw tlt- -b B -e rec ted- n ^ r s a w 's .prIncliMll—ireet, The land has beoQ furnished I I lie corporuUon by tbe mnnlcipaUty ^n a nlnet}--nlne-year le u e . a t ifee e s - . .Iru lon of which tbe building will * \«come Ihe property .o f the city. Tlie ^ •'jw er a o o n ol the edifice wlJJ house ♦ *n up-to-daio A merlcan-pUn deparl- • ■*len t store. The upper etoriee will be ♦ • Based a s business offices, and -on tbe *oot a G overnment w lretess sM ion * 1rlll be loau lled . A ll Poland Is watch- * yBg with keen InlerM t the B aturing * Iit Uie plan wblch w ill give th e people ♦ t f ii i r f l r i ro p p o r t i ia l ly to 'W tt lB 'th e + - iiH U lltla i. o i a t Uie low prices * )•rm ltted by Acierlean ‘Targe-rtiHe 1iiUrlJig fo f -r«(all (katrlbttUon. . # j


'm i B E CTJCBT a CBiSU .

8 P R IN O F 1 l£ 5 .V iL .T p r ir9 .^ ^ e n M an tpttoblle d riT m tiy Louis 8te- ibens c n s Ju d Ibid a . boras a sd b u ix r D whieh Mr. and H ra ..<aiu lM Jones . S ind Uielr four children were Hdlng. Oie: ill b a t the-youngM t ehlld. an U fant hav n COD*. w«r« tbrawB to the t ( r w t tl» . tsd M rfosalr InJaruL T ba 1>«br iew licked t r d o tb e bottom of tbe VM elc gtoj ^ ooeed Uoeaaaatbr wblle M a g V L

O ttir’. - u n £ ) j ^ T&B ,’teU M r tre a

r s T H E O N L Y N B W i



REVOLTSl'lIMAMY UV T in ; + [jf||

»A1L1»)AU HTHlKi; • +

(^IHCAGO. April D,—lli'fu I" ♦ 111-Ihu iiullonul rnllri>4i] nlrllio sit- +umlnii n l a g lun te ; ♦ f tT P

ChlrnBO-l.Tiif R,0« t(»2:,,00« ♦ A j nHwltcliinei}. yunliiicn, cnrlnrcni *and flremuii on i>trll«‘. tliu + |fV

' HUfiJfjer vaj->'lHR JircDnlliiR ii> ♦ \rlviii dnhnn ot bolli Kldrn; iliu ♦frelglii trn ldc :iu lu 40 'i<fr *cam nurmal. arcoriliiiR lo mil- +

, nvadii. "but conipleitly Ufil up, ♦ X waccordlnR to alrlkorn. th r ntock *yantB practically nl'Ui dovtn, * ^

‘ with tO.MO men Idle; many ♦llneit of inUunio' Bffccu-il, ♦N'ow Yorlc CUy—1.000 nwlicli- +

' mon ou i: Jcruey Oli'y frclRlii ♦ .ja n f^ w m pleccly i M «i'. * ■-T icun tnn .-ritv inn-sirttrlimrTi -f _ 4 4 .and ynnlnieii out, nmny Inilim- ♦ ^viiluirlcB iiflocted. +

St. I ^ uIb—l.:00 to lO.uOO ♦ , ,otvliclinien and ynrdiiiPii out ou + .s tr ike : frelRht ilea up. ♦

Iluffalo—Krom i . m >0 ;'.700 ♦ ''men on Blrlke: frtlnlii tm W r- ♦RO ImpodtHl. ' * Htorc

Los AHKeleB—I.XOO men . on ♦ '■ininnc'Oiilhicnliil llncfi ntrlklna. *

Toledo—700 iiwliclimiMi oul; ♦ ‘' ' t i ‘'«complete frelRhl tlo-up ihrciil- ♦ uffoc

- c n rd ;........... ...........----------------------♦ tiounDciroli—t.BOD men uul. coui- * Uo

pleto fre lslil tlt-iip I'apecifd. ♦ |a -a rtn ttJ ib u rsh — COO nwlidimcn + a [„ l

und yardmen nui. + i-i'iitrSalt Lake C liy-':iC mi'U on ♦ ),

strike . ♦Buglnaw, Midi.—:ob swiicli- ♦ , 1,.. ,

m en .ou t. . ♦O|t<loii. L'luh—'.lOo BWltchmeii * ,

and yardmen oul. *Poc*Mllo, Malio—15(/ BWiicJi- ♦ '■‘’“ 'V

men out.. ♦..Syracure. N, Y.—2C0 men *

out. 1 . . , • • ♦ *?lMemphis. Temi— GOO yard- ♦ •n"**'

mon volo to atrlko loduy. ♦ th a tItOBfldale: i<a;iK.—CO uwlidi- ♦ la k r '

meu oo l; U o w tiu r Allen do- ♦ 'r i l s l clareH tliai iiulustrla'l court lave * T hwlil bu Invoked agulnsl Ihuiii. * uv tio

Ucuvor, r« .—too out. ♦ p r rs iColton. Cal.—CO BwllcTintcii ♦

on siclko. , ♦ _ n ,Elm lru. .V. V.-lOO men oul ♦

Wl s lrJk a ♦Michigan CUy. lud.—ICO yard ♦ 1

men nnd Bnlichnien went on ♦ ,•sir lke UMlay. ♦

Youngsiown. 0 .- .« o re Uian ♦3,OOO.BWlidimen and yardmen ♦on five rmiroadB loft Ilielr jobn ♦ ^•9''^here totfay. Steel mills may ♦ ."

.bo forced lo clone, ihitjwlng ♦ I” '*'*'M.MO oul of work. ♦ l^‘*'’‘.‘

Oary. Ind.-HOO swlidimen ♦ «K«'‘and ytirdmcn o u t; IS.OOO men ♦throw n om of work In tbe iioe l ♦ Z™ m ills, wblch are gradually d o s- ♦Ing down. ♦

S^n Fm oclsw . C al.-liU ny ♦Bwltchmcn out. olher stHkes ♦s ta r tln c a t U akersflild. Frcs- ♦no. OskJand and W<»;«re; per- ♦lihab ie fre igh t and livo slock ♦embargoe* declared. / . ♦ -rou ,

Kankakee. Jo llit. East 81. ♦ the dIxiuls. Cenlraila, uhawpalgn. * o n nU rbaha. DecUur and Spring- * crewifield. 111— MO awltchpen and * a t an y s rd n e n on s ir ik t. . ^ every

At Cleveland and Denver— ♦ enilyT be men a re voUng wbelhor 4 is btiu s ir lk e or reniqln a t work. 4 TI1

A l Omaha—I.MO swllebmen * •"“‘Jand yardmen niet, bul retrbo<l ♦ c**t'rQo definite decisloD. 41 no d

At Council Illulfs tt like ♦

oeing in sympathy Wllh—HtHke and held ihenielrei. In ♦ readlnsM for a strike call.Louisville. >*ort Worth, and St. ♦Joseph. Mo., the man voted no t ♦ ^^l Ito s trike . Freight embarvnoB *w cra declared a t New Orlrans 4 Mart)a ;id T nlsa . Okla. « typ |c. !At F o rt Wayne. Ind.-.3.300 * "T

re f J r ^ d sbopmen rcfurned 10 * Hebeworlc. wiiuiiDg a wago lner<Ki>» * otbu t ioalbg th e lr 'l lg h t for the > awa)closed shop. This: decision t<i b|ggi

~ntgarded as-tm portant. aa fh -re * -h a s been much strike asUo* 4 cho rtion ' am ong~lhe ^O.OOO' f i l l - ♦ " A troad sbopmen of tbe couoiry. *


■ • ■ Jotir

f l L p i a x - x i i a . i u B a u A i , !80, KILLKD BT UUXA^AY bpfo

S 'm N O H A N . ICan,. April 9.—O itnn noDsev. elgbly. believed to have ttaan one of tbe oldest c ity a ia r- tba]* io U u 8ta1«. was'kJlied t e r t a ^ ie w .d a n ago when he a tu n p te d to ^ a tO ji.a ' n in a iA y tw m o t horaas. • “ S V t r a i n s b i t s r lp :« n Uw bridta rain w a^^^.*T ifgh t-‘S<M«. B o u a e ' .m ^


T W ix s , ID A H O ,.P E ID A Y , A P R IL 0, 1W(


•— . 1:1

'w enty-six 'IW ore C ities i,y

A ffe c te d — M anagers mD eny Tie-up | 10;


\ in r i i i u J J -illu n iilru iiil x lriho d volnpi'd 1 ii.' OIU a th ru iit in lo 11 Tixa lo iluy , I h» D o sp ftf I'l'HKxiiriiii: n -p iirls f r o m ’ i ln m d o r rim lH titid th r liniii.-, o f i I' hroth(!rlioi)ilH th u t uornud ottii- t io n s m v g rad u a lly h.-iujr rc- iircd he re . rnporlM iiiiuivd in to ' " licaKO iiliiiOHt hou rly n f ucw "" l.iiti<if(s Nj (III- Nfrikj- JH n ih v r ' lies, und . M'ilh 2l>,cilii-.s u l ic a i ly l ' foclo il t h f ■|j-ouhle a sium o il u ;i- 1 jun l-jiro jio rlio iiB .________________ Jlto u l i/ii i|! th u l Chii-iiKO Ih ihi-■art o r Ihc in iu b h ', ilic riiilrim ii »r wl liro lhcrh iio il In-ads a rc con-n tra t iu K every e ffo rl to lirouls nu0 luH'k o f lho Btciltc luTc, fcc liu t: mi u l i f thin can he ui'co iu id ishcil hn c s i r i k r s in olJiiT I'ilii'.s w ill linp id ly HuliKido. ____I II .tlio nicauliiMc. liow i'vcr. i-nil- -------ad 'K crv ivo tliro ii«ho iil llu- couu- | | i 1y liUh hccii NorioiiHly o r ip p lf il , W litll U CQUSCqUl'Ut-*Pri0UK o ffc c t *1 ind ii.stry ({cncmUy. a n d in Nonic lartci'H w o iiA 'rm c iit is nxpri^ssciJa t llic K'‘' ’''riiiucii't dooH n o t ' i k t ' Npoccly U lld 'd ra s t ic . htcpH to nsii il.T Iu is fill- llic oiily .....................llll•tion h as hriiii a iJi-ojiosal hy rcNidi-iit WilHon to u ppo in l a ujC'! h o a n l tn M-tth- lli'.- wnllcoiil .n Kiij'i'cstioii Hiiccn-tl Il'l hy the rik c rn — uiul th c KcndiuK to Clii- ‘ iffo o f fl. \V. \Y . llutiCLT « r Jlir I " ' >ur«l of nicilidlioU 'U nd i-otieilia- JU. (wJio ca.no liero mi-roly t - ak'.s a Nurvi-y o f Ihc iiiluiirKiti and i ti io n t an th o riza tio ii to u ffo r )vo rniiiciit uiediulioii. I l ia lack nij.j,L ’ n icdiu tio ii powiirs, it w as ox- a in c il , WIIS (Ine to fhe rucf th n t p >voriiiiient ilocs no t iiitoiid to rcc- uonm iti izc lh c " o u t lu w " unioDH to n ,j,o iu t c.Xli-nL BcliedT ho la test luliolln trom d ln r id l 114 lalnnen of the railro&d brotherhoods, blch are Ushtlng tor tl.e lr very ox- j,.j- [enco In Ihelr alic»7i|jM 10 rjnsib u atrlko. declsrei ihat " li.r tf has . ren a noticeable. ihouKli flow im- „ •ovcmenl" In the altuallon hore, and iiillnucfl* '"Mon drifted bark, lo- work In ■oupn Thursday, and condUlotis In e district appear to be well In t;and.1 moKl of the lines morr' BWllcliIng «wa wero working Thursday thun “ 'lho

any time since Sunday, in nearly tlnuo' 'fr y yard frelghi Is moving, appur^ f«<-lei illy a t least &0 pur ceiiu The sirtko I’enu

beginning to fa il" Rc:Tlinsu claims, of rourae. are mut by prubt ud guffaws from Ihe strikers. They out. nim that nol oniy have ihero been ) desertions from their ranks, but uiC leir number .Is being augmented aad Miriv hv (iftKerters from the brother- eondi BBit. TiiBv aUo-deny ih a t thcTe~lf ly movement of t ^ g h t In Iho yards, Appeals of the old union chiefs 10 j^y .

iduco’ the slrikors 10 return to work ore futile. A m eellog'at which 8am- p j el R. Ilebcrlliig. iDlernalional prosl- nnnn rn t of the Swlichmfto's Union of orth America, mada such a ploa>was 'P lcsl. ."This strike is llieRal." declared Mr. oberllag. a fte r a t>rol«og»d grcettog t Jears and hisses. “You can 't g s t way wllh i t Do you think you are P^rlu |gger than ihe United S u t e a r -‘•4f«s,~ shouted Ws.fioo h e arcra .ln «H«C horua. «•« K<■M seversl'o f-tbe-B eeU iiga-.nM a nown to li^ members of the I. W. W. a n< ddretsed Ihe strikers and were iood- new / applauded. At one auch meeilng. toda: obn K rleit. a awllcbman who arose q fld Brgcd -Ws fellows to return to to r 1 io ik .j» a s jh o t...lle waa spirited away o„ ,^ o re Ibe rtellee arrived. ................ ;fj•T h at 's g reat, sluff.** wns ihe com- , , . , ,1,

root o r "Big am ;: lUywood. head o t ba 1. W. W.. when told of the >.rogr«sa , * ] i Ul* strike. “Tbo boya will keep I t v” ® ® until th e r get the coontrr. .J J J ii|w (s Uiat tbe ftr lke w iii p u t Cbi- a to ou t o t b uslne ts .''. ^■ j&aoUicr SKloua pbaaa o t j ^ ktrtk* im b p e d w b a tQ , X 'W o rrtll . gaaera i k i r m a a of Ibe‘ R a U w ^ a * rk a ‘ M»< g to .o n .< ff< -< > ^ ^ > y H » :b a > y . d l^ yu-'.

10 T H A T ■ R E C E IV E S



" i Tw:O . S. L. Sw itchm en | c

o f P oca te llo in 'S ym pathy S trike I

l'()CATKI.l.i), Mix.. Alirll ;i,-- ‘ " ll 'h -Tlm pnilre l’in':U.-I!u yanl-liiivi- ;CU'''I lii'rii at u I.uinctsilll kIiic' live Was 1laiii cvrnlin; wlivo whlmut im- |i>r tirjJri- ISO v.i-iii un I 'IHrlkc III xyiiiiiiilli.v « l'ti 111.' ‘ i)l' \V c iilcacu Mvlliliiiii'n ami havcct.'- llu- i'miinil.-.l ilie wiiRi- ...........................J l i , ' rhy i.ilicr,. llf ilM'lr crnH, • !l„ '.'ii

All yard i-nKliii-ern wnlki-il i<r( :|,iis iii llu-lr i'ii|:lni-n lan iiiclit, wiilili . s iln le iiciliin u ;ri liroiuilil hIkuii lalir j '] lollowlliR a m rrlliir III dll' Cll- |„ t wl ch.i-erh I,IUI llr-'.m,, A >^a1Un«l llf (111- Ilri'ai-'ii |H I'xiiin-lpil (l>i.iir;.v. •

-----IrMlhH " in li,,. In'll.'Ul ll|> Iiy llll- «„llimil llf llll- 'IIn\v|(i'liuii-ik All (rrlulll iraliiii, .Iiiiwovrr. ■will In- liiill.'il mion “-irrlVHl ai I'onHrllu. .

M any rallri'J.I rliTkii nn-.lii ».i'fii(KilI»)' ictlJi llir KWllvUtiicii.Konio liavi- i.al.l .Imt ilie ckrku anil Kwlldinieii witp iirai'tliiilly

.tlic inilv cliiaM'. of ,-iu,,l„yi-H tt-ho wen- mulcriialil. S«lii'li. ‘Uii'H'« w,!iRi'i. ai llll' iiri-;tPiil l'-*r"“ > Ilmo an- ICMi Hum llie cmnnion 'I’n 'i '•'

■SVarly Sun rallroaO I'liitilnyrH • m, 'iiri' Mill an llic ri-'iiill ol ilu- <'1"""' HMl.limi.ii-H Hlrlki-. Ai.imixi- nudi-ly r,rt cnrli»-i-r».fiO ffreinon.Ml brnkiuivn nml 100 fri-lRlii- ^ ''hnnilliTH nl i1n> frclKlit houne ‘“ ‘ l 'oliftvp bi'oii llirowii nm of work. ''

nol III.' ' .'Uial •



nimliiiiM f .T Afirll ’j.-H aU rouih mlttcfiriiiiRli'iut tll'.- Iiilcrni'iiiniuln iituKin would i< lainplclcl.v ili-ni'>r:illird un a re- Tu-ln ill of llic iiwlicliiiicn'a iiirlkcn wlildi vi'iillo ireud lo Kail l.uko. Ocdvn nad iiii; illlo. Tu'o ' huii'Ircil uail tltlr«l^ nlaln. I'Udirni-n cmiiloywl by Ihi- Orircon a il ip rt'j.lJio Ulld IJciivpr & Hln Orailijn L-'ni on Mrlko here s l inldiURbt lunl tlm' I j Rhu Al OK'Ica OUB hundred uad crowd Ky ulou employed by ihe Ogden Un- p ,n y n Railroad weni out Issi nIghL Au- h ir oi mncomoui waa made both a l Salt oi'cuai ■ko nud Ogden thol the passenger , bedulo would bc carried oul as ta r ; possible today.

.VEW YORK. April # . - Swlichmen In <mo yards o f (ho .Vew Vork Central HHi id Now Haven railroads Joined the oppos Utlnw" strike among railroad work- Increi ■n today. aslondhiR the movement lo report elude a ll of lho Now York's p rln d - Ch®'“11 irafflc arteries. »"*> ' Tlie frclKhi yanis a l Jersey Cliyere closed cwiioIotoJ)’ thU af(enioo» ihouRh oil pouengor traffic con- ” *I‘ ’ nuod a« usnal. Tho other roads Vf- ^ (tied ore The Uric, Lackawanna. Ihe Dousyvanlu nhd Wesl Shore. amotiiRcpurts early today Indieatod that

robabiy uol more lhau 1.000 mou aro ,iucln W. culty

-■ wlUiUIILWEII. I’u., April D—Reiween 100 . u

od COD avlidim on, brakcmen and throw ■nduciuru emrloyod a l the Conway a rc b m li" J? ' iHe' P in iiiy lvahU -T U nnrtg r SicV : tro went on slrlko loduy lOr Bllbffr noTtr ay. paid

■■■ JlivDETROIT. Mleh,. April WlUi «U'1 t

.000 switcbmea aod 1,000 englnomen >*'■)’ ut today the strike sKuatloa here I rows more s e rlo u hourly.- A tood ‘boro nd fuel sho ruge U c e ru in It the trlko. continues a weak as uot more la n enough luei o r food to la s t th a t |Nt^.\ erlotl Is on hand In the d ty .Tbe str ike rs iss t night renounced

Haglaace lo ihe 8»llchn}«i‘s Union I Korili Anierica and ibe'OrotUarbood ^ ^ a i L n a l l way- Tta lnm B O -aiH L -anm ied « sd -

,new union. A conm lttea o t the yrorb ow union mei ofllda la of t » roads orea: }day and presented Ihcie dem ands: lo g 'i

E lgb t bour baalc day. t l «n hou r , In o r inrtiebmea coixSuclora; 9C centa Jour m l^ u r^ lo r h o lp « ^ loiitl

T im o 'a n d i o n o ^ t t ' f o r “overtljnd. louble time for Sunday and belldaya. >trm

Five dollara a day for sw ltcbB en ending tbroe asriuhm ea o r Uh and w ld i la lp n v . ^ y w btn nuire .ibM ' .UirM iw lt^ a a a re tended. • ^

,tO PaX A . K aM ..'A pril » . - ^ 9 lo- lua trlal eonrt Uw wlli ba tavokad ia»to«t atrifcfBC g v t tc b n n '- ta ' Kao-

T^VO L S A S S D . I



WITH NEVfw in F a lls a n d Boise Posts

d in g M em bership— Repo T o d ay — W orth ing

l).<l.'U-ll<'’v Ul lll'c si.ll>' .\lllc'c]<'i||lII Ilh- Ih ln l m ul lusl .1.1,1 lli is m nniiiii;l.'vl 'to II l-l'IKirf lit' fill-a s hc iil .......m iy . T hi'. l ' im. ii v a , v,r t h - wi.i'I: ......... ul till' ....... .

T l ...... ..................... Ill 1ilh l;:"1 n ihl s ln l rI' W ullav,- is . h iiirm .iii, is i ,. iU- ............................... . This IhlI.' iv |.i .r l Ilf l l ............ ....................I l<y-l,n'.'11 i-ivi'ii vi'sl- i'iliiv hu t ••M-iui: (■> :s I iis iucss a ihl III.' lii.'l th n t u.'W i.p ilil.-inl a 1 . '. i ' | i" '- 'l" ’" ' ' ......

'J 'h is j.fli'i'U iio irs s,'s-.i.iii is li-il: w hi.'h uiii.-h hiisiii.-^. will I..' lalU'H i '.'lo .'l:,

O w iiii; 111 III.' Ini'u.- am ...... 1 of UnsiivjlU.i, loJJ U..I a t I i.VliM'f; lh i '

ill hi- . 'Ic -l. '.l. W orlhiiiKi.'M 111' llo isi' I iiiiiiiuii>)rr jillliiiii^’l) II>i'i->' vvill hi' soilKUII I'm- 111.' H.iisc Illllll w as u sh .’iv.l in ;Til.- UIIMlll.T 111 nil'UliliT!! ur llll- l-XI-

iiMUuHoii au.l by-law., wa'i ii.liiiil-|. Till;. JJi.'lnil.v. a *J.-;riiu.-iii .oimiianilcr, l.uir vki- c.nii-' nii.lf'n.. iw.i li'.ini lliu. llr>.l aaa .:;v ii| em 111.' H.'.oiul uiiiKr.'>-l.iniil .li '- .Il'l. It uan il-,ni,;Ul llilr. «.i.itil la- llliilf iiiiiKi-r.. i.iii'il.l.'rahlv, |

At y.':t.T.lay'n i..M.hm ihi' rlK lii|.^ Vlll.. I.y jiriixlir. Ha„ a b ., .l.'nU'.l.j D c t r

1C rci|iicKl Mi .i mail.- hy r.jir.'i.-ii- QllVi-« of l:ir ilhitanl (i.ihtn li.-.aii-.'l ey »aUI u Inil r.'lir.'in'iilall.W .i;uli1 >i Ik- 1.1-ni u . K.p t.iiivi'niCn, Tii.-' ial volc wax ll in aO. Thai llicrc-]III probably Iir- 111 fi-.-llos over th e ' ' ,,' Hllll of llic ek-illou wan cvlilrnccl!• lho compurnilvi-ly clii.c vm,..Ul u spcdnl ri'iiort ol lho conimli- W afi 0 oil croUcnlliilh the Twin KulU :tml j.,, :ilno [lOBlii w rre oxoiiiiralml of lli.' itlrRcii of m>iire|ircHpnilni; tliu luu'i- ciiru ;r of iiiciiibi-r:. nnd lliul jKilltl. laii> ,iv r ’ i,ri) jKiylnK ilic Mali- .liu^n. •r;i. :vori. lUrRvK wcro uiaile liy (i. IJ. Ilyih- . il 'tro ll c I'nrCienf jioil. wliu matlc iiul:..hl' ; j ,.t . iiiliiRy for IlKi ai'i’OtialIiiiu.. Tlic ''o m .lo n i’ , iKcfi roiiiKl ncxMriff. K H’dii d x .l;I'Ulil In'llrali- mlhri'iirm-iilall.Hi. t-lmli t 'ln I-'uUh ban ili-k-Riil.-'. ul ilic coll- frivol•llllon nail llohip *. Twin Kulln buv- v-'-:>rK tllll lurRUxI incuiliiirrhlii lu lhc, thansill. - i SillA iliiiico In lioiior of tb r viHiiUif; ntiikU'laiUn ivaii kJvph iiisi i-yujijnj; .In Th' n' U verln i; iiuvlllon u i which a big llghl owd WAH preaent. Tho hall was $ 1.78 illy docoralod with flogH and hunl- c tte :B and a special o rebestni for the tfcom•cuslon furnlshcil tnunlc. >2.32

.___________ »20.C

h'«V.*iTf.VV T b ^ tJ.VlMXti IN (iKRM.VNV

— . likea n n u s . Af»rlJ I*.—I’iwework, *• Coi

pposed lo paymonl by the hour. Is npcDiicresnlng In Gvrwany. This Is tbo weeki-port from the texUle factories of menlheiunlt*. from tho-O oneral Klectrle gea«nd Ucrgmsnn shops. Tbo railroad ^Vbyhops announce tba t ihey will com- ]nlenco tho piecework system again ^ariciis woek. ^ i id"Away wilh plcccworkl" waa ttio ^larl

ry before ihc rcTuIuiiun. Tbo thelurkmen Intended -to bring cqualliy gawtmotig workers, no ono lo receive wg,lore pay Uian any olhcr. by Intro- acco uclng stra lgb l duy wages. Prac\l* gowi t l i y mil piecework w#j» ilojjo away foui,lUi by tho revolullon. j,g I t is tbo workmen Uienueircs,

lirough tho workiiiaa's couuclls. who , PC bringing fho poacowork sysieni a'clC— w eg nnrD frbgd -ltT ing eomll

a id fo r wbat he produces, "EnHInvestigation sbowa tb sl no t only

id the revolutionary attem pt to do w ay with piecework fall, but lliat W be piecework system hss a more too borough hold on German Indoslry ixlo Imn ll had In 1917. this

- . __ nsUiX t'tM U Y AXI> CAVALllY*.


„LOKD0.V.._APtfI._9.-rnf»ntry,«>«t. , . f t A v a l^ . which have been tb e "breaO lUe iod-buiter'^-ot.-tli«-~arniU a^oC-4b«. Ona ro rld aince the days of Alexander th « Asai }reat: will soon the obsolete, accord- Urat n g to L ieutenant W. 8. King-Ifail. tors

In a remarkable article In '^ l ib erbi loum al of the Royal Unitod Service s tsi toiitUutlon'' be writes: . live■■^In” th m e « r-fo tu re - tk e a c ft» a ld e -i lrlo ; lUucUon of hntmy bonm unlcatloha te n wbi'cb feed ar»2<a of> foot.'aed lw v » Om w idiera will be u a a ^ a i a r r . bacaaao paoi Ibera w lil'b e bo foot and b o m io).i la s l i e n , aacept to r caraBtonlal -porpoan. n t r nw a4 iiieB .w llltbaa,ba .rt |»n |t«B »te |i fiu t o ^ r w a ^ a a r t ' t k ^ p a a t a a M r i . '^ . . : m ' r n * tratiaB«rt ' l K |d t . , r l u : . o l t B ^ m


"’Ycatcrday'g P rea Eun |[

5000 II

OLD VOL. X H t. NO. 64


EVENING ,W OFFICERSits E x o n e ra ted o f Pad- p o rts W ill Be H ea rd t g Boom Is O n

l.i'irum ...liv .'lU i.m ss,.tut,Il'.i UU nl lli.-'l.hiflTi th r ; i t -c tili.l lis t- . . • - u i n . ' r ..in n n lh -r ivhi.'h, v ,ry ....... l.l.'l.- .,i,.i ,„ s c r , '. l all

n l . ' ;i,i, ". 1,1 w hi.'i, -I,,llll M .'Kv.'rs i, iumI<.- i, i',-i„.i'l t.Hl.iv, as will

iiM .iiiiu- Ih ,' ,|.'l.-i;:il.'s ....... 'iH c l• luMs. T li i ' n'i>,ii'I sin ,111.I huvi-

h r a - i t i i to l iu ! a f lll iln itr 'iiv lr il- I,-Ills [Il l's,'Il’l , '. I I lli 'lllsi'lvcs II..... .

l.-,l I,. 1„. llll Uiiiisiiiill.v larKC mio II ,i|>. 'I t w ill Insl u u lil a hu iit .|

lls iih 'ss i„ I... t,'a lisa , l.'d Ihc .-nu-l h i ' a (( r iu h .i i 'I f . •..■h,-(itil<il Iml. . .

.... - l-i.v Ilh ' .'oiiiiii-.^ vi'a r . _M' l„.iius ii|i' a s Ihe im iliiil.lT lm ^t-------- = =M.iiic s t i f f . 'fin iii.'liiio ii. . \ U u l in .v i 's t i 'c h iy iifii-niooii.


LINGERIEictroit Tnxdeiman Admits 'Wifo

Could Spend $1,800 in Flvo ., W ocks if She Tried

1ii;tII(HT. .Mich.. April 9.-1I0W iiicti 11 woman miiy ri'Bimnably spend - u lltiRi'rtc }» u <{ijc»iJun wblcb han e.'ii liriiufil-.i to (h r fore In tbo I’afnu C.iunty cuuris.

i:iri»u»n, noconllnK lo his slate- icni. hl:i wlf« U trslil Uccbe, uf Chl- iiRii, npcnt Jl.X'Ki m' lino lliiRerloJn vii w'-.-kn JiiilRi- IliMit Krunlcd a 'dl- o ri.' 10 Ji.bn ll. Iw li'-. weullhy I>c- -oil nianufn' innir. Mii'n. Ilcisio C..<-1-. lien,1 of llic Vlnlllnt; ilounokcpp- • n i’ AKKix'latliiii nay:. Ihiil a Irugul mjwu'l/c » h 'f jiuilo!.'! h r r own liilhen, 1iii>H ni'iinoinilily nnd libjuros ■Ivoh. n in i.uii|ily iirrsclf wllh uniler- •rar for a yciir ul u cunt uf nol moro tail s

Ml>h l.i'11'i. culluiato o t cnHcnUuls Ui tiilcnvcar Is us follows?Tho fceavy union sulls. M.M; Ibroe

ghi suits, g2,7U; two cornet covers,1.T8; one corset. f l,8 5 | iwo flannel- tte pctiiroats. }2.6S; one muslin pet- Ironc. Ii.3'1; oae sa teea petticoat.2.32; twn niRbt dresses. |3 ; to u l 20.S!l. February Quoistlons on tbese tesis are about 3 per eent hlgber.'Iie ioial esilm ato of ' tho minimum loihlng cosl for a year Is somethloK Ike »07.

Cou)iJ Mrs. Loroln Uetbo actualtV pcDd tl.80U on lingerie In five reeks? M anagers o t lingerie depart- nenis In Uetroii atoros smiled iadul- :eo{lr and replied; ".Voit aMaredly.Vby not’"

In w itness thereof Ihey eihlblled .arlous a iry , ( r i fle s--danoo lna ted V . Ind ies ': by sub-debs, wllb prliio ,. narks Ibat wero quite as fandful as ite r.urm enls they represented. Tbo iDvn to ono (aacloatlQg bridal set vss tiiarkod | :7 . wlUi a oomblnatlon ' iccouiponylng It a t )U.60. AnoUiar . town a t I37.&0 provedb tb a t brioaa rould go eroR h igher wJtb laipualtr-

lioudoir aeU ra n a ll tbe ifay from - , to >100. silk hoae. f ro a «S.16 to

MS the pa ir, and othor aceeisorlea a ro . i ^ r r o s p u n d ln g prices.

fnnrrEKTT0STB!<«t»»5lfr-—------------- L _ _«tA T K ii r o u n s H u m T o n

WAHH1NOTO.S-. April 'J l.-W aahing- ' loo as a convenllon eeotra wUl com- - ixie with S in Francisco and Cblcaso 'Ibis 6umm>;r. No lesa ^ban-elgbtaai^ , . naUoaal and In tersaU oaal coaVan- lions, la wblcb a lo u l o f ' tb lr t/-lb f» r. counirlcs will be rep rw ea t< ^ m u ' icho-lulc-l for th e comtog "coBwpUop I yoar."■SffWral. o f j b e gatberthga wUt fcaiB

lueodaoca ot ctSJHTIEMr.SrtoM. •-----

ir a w abou t 10.000,d a leg iM .iaad viiU . tore in M ar. w blla tba.W ^H dla.protb- t ■’■■■ erbood. FaderaUon, wbteb .-vtUsj^ tb >: Msaloa la Juna , wlU t«v« xvraa^B ta* > . :

tJ r" a lS « a l{ r •O M fva M d ‘O a««ral J | | ( U H b L m « r ,n X - ' ' paotadla c ! • a s v a c t M - ^ I ^ I ^ ^ ^ P ^ ^

Page 2: 10 THAT RECEIVES T^VO LSASSD. T W i IMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · How can .you Mpect * ,. get aheadr T * ••How high do you build


; B E iiT C H E D iCHICAOO. April ’i . '- U >11 ro.',. r.lll!

well with Oonc T unnry. ih« N«w VofW'knll ll^h(-beft*rwol||bl who won lluil lll l t In Um A. E . F.. tho flRhl fan* ot smin- <;k( W ette rs o r mld-W mtcrn city may i x- p«cC to ie e a battio roynl bclwoon Iho Or«9nwtch VlUae^r amt Vnli Mariln >;

^ b«for« tha Summer Is ovor. C.,'rW eaie^n pram niori. lioIlerinF;' that

Now-Y«rlc baf lhe tnxldr c tlir in tild- n,,., d in s for tho pronpected (‘irpuntlr’r- |,ui DfimacT tliln f. arn turnlnR th rlr ut- te;)Uon lo ihn Army bouvyw.'iKhU. whO'Mem to be baiainic tbo (orl n n i (, In lloo tb Port Ch»mplonitblp, nnd _ f , r a jo r o tv r i a re befof m/iiJo tar Fun- ;viii n ty U d M*rtln. I>«n»er, Mllwnukeo.SU Loula, 8 t Paul and other <-U1pk nrr In line Jor*thU -boui betwoon itio rlvu] Anny hravlea.

TbOQSh thfl (1(ht fAnn nm thin wiiv ^ allll Iblnk Hob M anln In lh r kliiK plti „ amonii IhoA rm r boyn. thclr toiinai-ni-.' you In 'b tm Wan a tr ld o nhnkon whoti liny u

S»w Jenu-y ila r ln r, uim ;i '-r dnclilan over llal>. un<l ihv n-|><irtr. <>ii Tunney a re not <'alciilut<-d i<> n i- \ courafe ti;fl Marlin Dyminithltcrn. All y,jr th ia. boworer. mukCH Uio pri'imii'cl match bnw een lbo iwo moro u iim '- ll»*. •

Alihnuuli Marlin l:i rrroKiiizi.Hl as the beavw vliiht cM«ni|il(jn nf iln- A.B. F., Tunnny bn» bcflH-.-i )iIbj vi, morr •'

^Ihan ono occa»lnn. WUIl- in Krunr.; th iy . met In u fotir-round b.mt hi'lil ni tba Salic WiiRraii and Tui.u.'y awarded ib« relorpf'ii ilei lr.inn. Jack '

■ r.«iwfa. o r ttyrncui.c. wa» tin-■ ........• w oir-nol'-for itio /iit lr.-no

!Jarlln retained iln< lionnrn. l ’nd>T the rule* of lho A. K. F. chnmi.loimhlii toa^laIo^nl« T unnry wn i iml ;j)Jo»cij > to meol Marlin for thn hoavywolRhl , cbamploiiahlp. nn Tuniiov >»n» lu ili<>lllhl-b«iTyw«lRht

M artin In a 200.p«unilor. Jlo Ih » ra the r atow moving, fndow wllh a l , good flBbl haml. I»e>pllr lbo fac:l t l ia l ' Martin had n bln odvanlaRo In woIkM i

.............and ..«Ut>__)n„_o)HM'r|rnro, Tiinii.'ylhandled him wltb <'nmp.irntlrc'-oD>T. 1

Slnce.thc boya ro l bark frnm Fri.iicrj^ ''' Tunnay ban proRroiwtil tnrior ■ Umi; I any .o t the oihor*. Oono ha» hnd novm J'*’- ' bouia, a ll of which hn wpn, D nni;'’''" O'Ddwd- wan Cho only ono lo i;,i i iu 'i* ''' lli^K'Of-olthl. round* wlili him. Tiin-| nejr boxed a llllle licfori- ho i-nlornl HIM thft A rm »,'bul In all h r hn« bail only]- ( |n t« n jirofeafllunal bom». |

. ‘ T u a s e r la a 'b lR hly IntolllRKu! fi'l-1 low and ft^w cat aiudont oJ bnxlnc:

--------- ^Tbpt.-L j r h y ho han iirorrontcd norapidly deipllo 'hi* Ifiiiiiciroj^Vrioii'ccV ‘ n , Tb« oho th im tliiit mmlo Tun- n*^ ^ land.'oui frnm ihn oMht buRln- *‘.1*' n a ra 'b hU .hilling abllliy. yet hs u n | nn I

• '* T « r r w e s k h lller a t the Marl. I l l hod lttTne<l how to h it |.y atudyine causo oml •Dd efleel. Il Old nol oomo naiural to i »lnu. btm. ta K did .to Jack Dempnry,> w isv « htavT fliL lun tl

• -------------------- --- I TlVV'SKH EKR,lf,ifl.V(i Ff.f/U <c::(

nOCKPORI). III.. April J.-CravlnR!’.'''. ' fqr.drlnk led Harry Gualatnon li> iry^"''*'' »coneoctJon of emhalmlns nuld. Tho,''”’ poUoa, CwjfJulJBg of aJrol;.>) «»,! hn maldabyde. laft Quniaf:.nti wiih -’no pulaa" for aaveral mlnutoH, |ibyi>l<-|jtiit Th who atiendcd b lu aald, NovL-rtlirlmn It t Ouitafaott la recoverlnK. Jilaai


NBW YOKK, April • (lm- .it.ilu- A marlca'* mrwt hrllllaiil uihloto* ivanjnr t COt^ntnl oul a* a poanlliln Olyqiplo 1 lU-vo point w inner reeoniW wlion llobort lof i t/tg eod r^ . nailonal ponuhinn rhani< 'nf t p lon and winner o( thnt irroiu In il',r>v»ni Inter-AllloiV am i-x In t'.iriH, bm kr h1«:b n 1« * 'i n iralnlhg at i:«irKoiinvn l'iil-].il».ti rer»Ji7. ) oiwin

A l « rnaull of bln unforiun.ii" nr-: win e ld est U gend re will bo unubk- to !h leh ooibpeta in tho f-ninhlnn nnd | uml dedithinn nnnU a t llurvard In Ju ly .liho and hin Ions ix hot-nly loll. f*ir (lo hun inn 1

■ ah ierally rocardo.l a» niiu nf|v.-r;. tb e 'b n x b te n proHpocIii nlm o ilu- <lay« yc o( Jim Tborpo. I

Fortunalely ibln rnuiitrv U alilo boast of no Iom ll:aii i> •lo.-rn a ll- l(„ r i a round Hthlolo* iii-Mi' irom I.rycn'lro I the

_______ who niity bc,*ouiilod on In nff.Tbe tf to r t lm prrlo rm cr^ in^ iiniiviiruiii^ kind of pompctlKou In ib r .(n i.irilon | jfi.,,,

------------a n d -p c n u blon nv>nu__ at Atitworpi ....noxt Sunimor. Ko iliTTHS. n n > r . ' n-1 ' d ra. though rrsrM i.itilo. I- liy n i ' | ' meanji a cruiihliis bln« lo iiw tn)j.. :i o f Acierica. J ’''’” '

T to roreaioat nil-round aihlotc-’i who will Tie wllh om- anorlior for ilio ' hohor of roprOBonlluR Am rrira In ttir ■tellar individual ovei.i, it, tfir ' Olympic RamoH «ro H. HA ri^nM Thomson, ihn I’rliu-olmi fulvon.liv a U r; Hoi Uuiler. of Dulmauc CoIIor.'; ,

--------- 'c . 'X . 'X « w j i ro r :Mi»Kourr I'm^orMiy; ■1“ '*A rihur Tuck, Multnoniuh A. C.. r<iri- ~ " 7 U a d .~ O r « . r 'I - u f r Knrlmo,- -y.mtiR Weo’a Order. IXilroli llnrnard M dil- n a n . PaaUmo A. C.. Now York; Knrl T bonaon. Dartmouth L'nlver»liy;C arl Johnaon; UnlTeraiiy of XilrblKsn; ' Jack F ritw . Now York A tbldlc Club;K .'L . Vidal. V. 8. ;Mlllinry Aradomy:W; V. DarUo*. Itnlvornllv «f IViini-yl* ' vaala, and William Yount. Urdlandn UnlrerBlly, California.'

Hero ta h brllilunl conMrllnllim.O ut of th is OTon doson »Iar» ih-' Olympfo conimlltce oxpocin in rind MOTeral nurc point wlnnorn fnr llio American Icam In bolh lb» mortem peblathlou and lho ilccathinn uvenl*. Th Bht cn iranU will bit warlo in oarl, collr ev«al, four lo competo. and ihero I* wnni pivffllae tha l tho final trlatn a l Cam- John bridge between those g rea t athlotra of 1' wflJ develop tho g raa lest cocnpeUtlon men A ioarlc t haa areo a«ea. pelec

A ccordlof to ntblaUo experts on eVtnl

, .1'., .

t .t i t i i HIT <;<>i,F UAM,liK rA l’lT .M tS ItOIUN

WI.V.STi::>. fau n .. April 3 .-A froak ircl-l.-iil nf itio ni’lf IlnhB t lu t h;in irniiKi'd the. tn lo rm l of loc.il B olforj-lBc ■o.ull.d u h rn F.-idlo FllXKrrnin drnvo 1 1 t)al1 lh;il dooaiiltnlod a rnliln, Thr | ifrcf w ai .I'limi ono liumlrril ynr.ii :roi;i Ihr- |r„ . nnd lh r Imll, wl.Icii •Idniliitcl llir fairway. InciU otf thr r.il>in'’ h.M,| II* cicaiily »" 'vllh » •

--------------------- I ■rjKOIMJl.’S WAKliHllllK .\S , :

\ |) ii.K > T , \s m s r r x c i iK s I

NKtt' VOHK, April 3.-(.>n ;K r ■ j r'arii'-ntirr. tbo Fronoh hcnvywrlulu iliiiMiiiloa. mnv havo it ii>vi.ll iu,njiri-| iiif-ni of inmchru in hin two hnmlH,|, , IlUl If ibry'r.r nny moro vinl.:ui than.:ilr> warilrntH. It b rclna In Ini.l; I.a.l, for Mr. 1)0111,,Kry.

IJftnrRon i,nK n 'n lc . tni.Ir In rln:l,i.u,—frimi. a nuulllv iil;inil|iolnl. anyway.' Whrn ho und hl« hrldr arrlvo,I i i - r n '■ iiovornl dnyn aRo Ih rlr liarKKRo luii-M'^ «l*U-d ot ihlriy-:ivo irim ki. 1 l.-rrV.; w1:i,l (lonrRomliroiiKl.t alnnK:

.Srvonty-llvo kiiIIh (.f..cliit1n r. ' , Twoniy nvrrrn;il:>. ' ; ‘'lOlto hiuiciriMi nllii itilri ' mii. tjny,

you nhnulo t..-.- th n n ,. ' | ' ' ' '.Sovoniy-iivc [n.lr'> ..f i lm.vc,T »n fiiin.lrril .•r»vi,(„. ' . 'IM au y .n n.irra.v , . ' ' ‘nAmi llio Iin.l Ihtii); Ik- <lld In Ni u , I'l"

Vnrk »a» In Rn sli<>|.|>lnit. I >•'»

l■|t01lllllTIII^ lll'llVKS l l l 's r i tIIKIKT*) IlANKlMi llF S l.S rsS ; J'"*'

. :;t . i .o r i s . Ai.ni n. I'raiiibiiinnh.v- drlvn, Ai.,:..i.t A. Ih.Mi, Jr.. t a n , . '........................... t'.nr m ,nll1lnn'i .1 r . . '‘"fi.Vid Ii't ii tho faiiu.iis Ili,r.-U I'.rcv..," ' ' ,.rlr,.. iritn lln- - |.n rd l ,r tM.iklll,; Im: I• '

•atlirrV lirnv?.rv t.'c.r,.' u i.ur-thi.-'M rj” : ; ; ' ' ; itnn,<lt,irnt .ll'>r„i>in| tli.< priif. i.-<li>n ' | " If liradurlni: "lir.-r willl ;, loaln.-Novoral '.vM.k,, i>iu> I...... . a |:<i.|illinn »Uli Ih r (Iravnis Hank, lit S t .h "" : lamln <';i,ltilv. ami lia;i Ir on ciridui: |.tomlv'- nlti.r, . .

ilrrlarrcl Ihut yon„ir llut.rli wa" i:i.' nt'.-lilH llr^t O lrrk-r ami ,v:,;. a i "" •.•R,il.ir ar. c lork.” -

Ititnoh dorlnrr-. b r in Rntnr In ••tnko;"> 'I nlinl" ,.t .•vrrvlhlUK In th-' liatikltii: I "<’l",ilHnor- fri.in inonm-nror K. 1.... .............T. hn tbat h" oj|ii 1<-arn Ih r liir<ii|ri.'. f rom Ihu Krnimd up atul "i:i< at It ,iu ll.t ow« ,i»>'.- ; ‘'f '■

------- ------------ | ‘" ■i i i m s i i SKAMKN « 'iiin t : s r

AtMI.NST C lllN J^i: ClllH.IJIS^ “

1.0 M)().S‘. Aprll Chlnciio r.inlloa [ ' iro dlnplnclni: llrltlnh noafnon. uml t h r . ' n ttr r uro RtitlnK ihoir^dandcr up., l ' ’,'.'.' ■'Tlin i,oai,ii-n-'bi\vi- protinlod in lh r |[ '‘'' loarti ilf Tr.-uto. nofndnfr <H(« <hat llllt'MS-.' Chlm-so w rro omi>1cyoit In IUH;"*''' m Ilrlilih ihl|,« uml thnl ihlH n iiinborl'"“" ,ad ibxibloil a voar Inlor. whilr lh o * " ''' ■ml of Iho w ar hail nnl cron d i« r o n - '' ' ' ' Inunnco of iho »blpownrri*' iira rll .r of " ’f rxploliInK chouji (?blnonr Inhor ivhllo! irlii^h ox-fiRhior, u rr jnl,1.-«-<.

Tbo nalli.rs 1-avo :i«koil ihnl lho ro-! c::( .-ic( I. J.Jrh i.ttpdlr.tor: ffml nt. .itlon j iC oniiiloyod In any rspnrity nn ii I trIllHh nhlp a l n ralo nf imy Ioaii ihaiil ho rato pu iil.lo Hritlnli nub]<-rlH lio!'="‘" mnlo oprrallvr ul onrr.

Tho Timoa Job prlnlluR ilcparimont j ' ' 1’!, « tborouKbly e<i'>lppod lo do Hr5ll„p[ lasn work—a t reanDnallo prices. I„, ,]------------------ ------------------------------------ Pitki

CROP OF i -w athletes!_______ • I

lu- I 'a iltir I'u .,,I. Ilill Vnillli. i>. nlir f lho m<l l Iirllliaul a lh h lrn rv rr ovrlnjiril. llnliorl Woavor. prri.lilrnl f Ibr Snuthorn raclfln AsHf>i'|«tl<in ( tlio A. f^. piifit ro rrnlly th a t ' ’•i,inl in a roniarkniilo iiorfonnor. I lr | t 11 Iitnckllv Illlili Iithlrto WriEhlnKjIxiul ITr. ixxiiiilH. mill ha^ ^mirvoldin I................ . W.MViT l,ai> ........ liliii! *In 111.' |na, ::ii. 4tit-ynrd d.nr>t,r^ ih r . ifih nml Inw hunlloii, tl,r pnli- vanll ' ml Ibr biitli jiliiil', IlnlKh ri'coml lii; ho ^Imliiill ami nu , a rj,t.,rt>T iiill<-jII ll-.r rrtav Iran, ..I It.-.iramfn I’ni- orMty. all ,,, on.' a li.n ion.i.Ynunfa 1.0..1 rr.-,.r.l^ nro M rrr-

tub, for tbo hnndr-'il. -.M foot for thr Ijonlo;,- II f.-rl .S Jnrlir.-.jIir tb r linir vautt. f .. ( S inrhrr, in 'hr h,rl> Jurni-. ;.n «...-nn,I,. In It,.-;,___u a r tr r mllr. r . !.r.,„i.|r. >ll thrirr.i in.v iii,7 : i i ; ^ 'i r n . r < r r ^ . - r w n i r i i p r r ^fi-|.ound :.|-,ol. . (-TW5—T ^arkT in ir—r.nirr)'riil.rii ». an!.ic'-r I.l to l Inln th r nmli-i,al iill-|niintl I ll;.lll|n..n^:ll|l In tlio IuaI ; rar. hill wna di,...,.[..,1,110.1 a l tbo(

r.r tbo hiiniltior Ihrnw nr th r M-puuuil.ilKht. Aftvr oiRht xu'.'kn' prudlno <X tbrr.v lho huinuivr 1:!-'. f rr l Iinil *rii.r...d tlio r.fi-i.nnn.l wolRbl 2.'. 1,-rt. •

and lho. llxtckv Muuiitulmi. la ArllC •iiok. frnm I'oril-m.l. Turk wiiu IhonlU m nl-> t.« lnr— J-tTrlio— thr«wlMK hum]ili>nH|,ii> a t I'hllndolplilii Ixi.t , opiiiniticr with u Ihn,w of ITS foot • nd h KoliiK In iiukv u Blrunj; blil ,r u place on lho OtyinpK- icatn In Ilia ovoni. n il. hcsi throw wiih thoi \rg l1n Ik ::or. foot, mnrln In prnotlan. I to luu, hurlAd llm discus u : ; fu..l. hai. iB'lo ':r. J..,;i 111 th o ’ riiiiuinK hroad 3 imp and hnn run '.inu nioiroM in n: rcnniln. lie run aUi. run a .trtniR llio. If ho In al.I>. K. como rloKo In ho:,e iiiT ln rn u n n ', Ih - niympjf ruin h<- Ir. Mir., nf n pia .v .in lhr

Thoii,:.»n. of I'rliu-.'toK. ih.. inter*! r,)lrj.-Mlo ,nll-r..und ,-b«in)>l.,n. 1, 4 nndorfully brilliant mnn. H.i Inl iihnunn, uf MKhlRun, uml Ilarllvn,I I’onmiylvunlii- All nf the other len named here urc highly com­ment alhlolc* In a l least Ihree rents, Bh

t h e c h I len^ r fB e i n g t h e S t o r y o f t h e C a r e e

t i e r , E u r o p e ' s . B o x i n g I< v a d e d O u r . S h o r e s t o

t i c T i t l e H e l d b y J a


By .JACK VE I n t e i - n a t i f r n a l N e i v s S e i ' v i .

I Th.' !.pnrlliii; okm-;ni of Mob.onn- u-i! . 'l .a fn tlr , iv'ir. iiliilt.'i'il Kill Salmon, li:...' 'i.iiH i-rop irn t to v.ltmnri roino(h(nc r:i ( j;ikl,i tn a ftunr.'l Ih'- nliTl'.t Ci-firRi :i: ’Irli. '(•ariinill. r. n,t- Uitt- ,Ti„:-r than a lo>. .n.m- ;.^;l-. intrri.ln; .1 ;n Saiiunn'i ii|ii,<.iK.|ii., wIlli, \Vh;jt ih,>::'r !,;..l iJii.-. (ulo j l>">'lot n I,-id >'. ;i;-, tlio , tunlv Illtr Imll- ;.lnn that w;;. ;;:,ltnn,|-.' 'i t a i.i.ia tn l 1

'Ii-il! a i,V \luM ''l.w "rr'‘'tlIr lu i'rk rT 'r:<.illi.l Hr- iir.niip .il. i-i);.-,hiT for l l , r ' lir,.I ruiiii.l xi-iiKiT. -.u rr ..fr.Tr.i at

...... ......................;. ...... ........ . ....,.il.iiai <'.,riii-„i,|.- ... i„. I tii.Tr lu

li>n>iiii; lltn r- a n -rvr i wint,'ri |lln hlh tiln., wiiiu: I...... nml hir. b r r r ; " '|iih". ry ... l .„ n y l , . . llr.. nt .in ,n |iir,., |

irl:riiii;h nii.ill ul ii.ilirrr, l .jl li <’» '

Ill I ......... Ai.nllo. illl- <-.ir|i.;i l ! ’"'''''ItliT'r. r.at,;;.riiiiii :i..,il,- an i;ii;i|-.',m.i;i. I .......i;vrii .......... Tl r'liii:. , :I a! ll,,'. iai'l^i I'l:., ‘

I - ----- --------- -----------------------flifo rr (hr. «ir.l r.,.mi.| ni.t.-.l. flir.',,,,,,,.

>nuiu lhaii.m;.'i- fr.in. Ilir .':nriii la .l,,,,, .•..a»ih.r,| O'- n .i« il ll,a,l t. • .vas I.iilv a rllll. r-M,:;:;i -f :!.■• ,l;u : Initl' crafty, i .p r r l . '; , . .-.1 l,..»..r :,n w.-ll.I. ''Ai-.il a i lh r 1.II,,'ul Ild,.I- riiat,<l \v 'irr';, .i,n t !*' Ill,III r.irii.*t;l I.T ii.'! n P'"-'* ■ iji.'y

l;i Ihc 'ha iu .r Ja;.;;_i.r.-.I i::i r : , i^ ; '^ ! ' ' ' ' |" ..|i(.i.a.'n,t. •..iim, rfi,-;- -.i,.„. i,,. r.,i- ' ' V I',.- f l l ’l, l..|it',l in; a;ij,..r..!ilt.'iri-.ii rlrniriv. Tlii. t„^r m -.I IV... i.iliirirall.,,1 nt ilir (rnm i, l„r a |.i.si-r ' <if „urh I.-mlrr "oar:. v,iih 111.' iiii.vrrr •" In ar.>ill!iilal.''-1.1 v..-;! a,i iln,I ,„it laiillr-hinriil w .'. inm. lt.lnr; <if ,i:i lii'liuviitli.n. '•

Al th r .1.1:,-. nl ill.: l-.u ilth rniiml ''•Ilh .............. . t,jr.)liii: a v.iilr I. ail..II ,;,i!ii-. ;fmi rtiil i:nl!>K nirouir. th.'.'^, I ”".Illr, r.\\ll,:l„il lu hl.i tiiv(,r. T hru riti-.. -yItl'r' Ih lr l^n lll. irtid i.hn'rlly V fl.'r t h r ' ’.......to t,T a h.nl l..(i lh.-lr .r„n„.r,i Carii.'.,. ' ll< 'rM .n ii.i.,vvn luah r.-,„n iid th -.-M l.i l'< iiioi, lun tl,iren l hnv.-lod In r x u i i i - . i ,1 Ilut liu- am.-rl;itnr,i ta d nvV norti 4!',r ; l f-lil M.1.V thal .rr,t y. nni: il.-nriT'i. t., >''on,

■•.Mrnvy" l.;iwrr;ii--, win, manaRod 1 j-''

f:>,il and prniiiiiily dlr,<iuallllr.l l,li. u w iJ ‘" ‘'t ' <-h.i;:iji|.)n, ilvohiritiK C.iriioiitlor iho: "vim v.-lnncr (.ionrRr:. »»n priM.iriiii' on th o '‘' ‘" ’v i;nnr. Ilo knr,^• nnliilni; of w bal w nsl‘‘'< . *Riilns o:, alioiii him. and v.-a-. xo......Ulnr aflor hr Ind hrm rarrl..il In bin; t>i:

V.;„I hln’i..r|f nK-i.i, |nr.,mThu« C arnn itlrr .m.u tl,.> l>:aitnin-1 lho 1

"elKht of Friitirr on 1. f.iul from ono , I'm,.!, nt th.' -r<;ali.-:.i hnxrr,. of lho day. Thr'V o! 11 I’tiklni-n:. of hi-, vlilory. |.n».'Vrr, .11,1; f.uin*

NirvER ampE <

^ I ^ ^ F O R L W E R AHD

%act 01. Mffr a 'l l ' linnrh nnt

S.C .i,....„ri,.f V .„i»at?,r,...,l(,-o,i,l;<ij:'i 91,.I Huiiij.i. S -crl-N o Hilinnnc.

-------^ A N N e U W e i N G - T H E -

N f A S T E R . S T O R A G

T h e F a m o u & " S p i k e

---------------------L _ _ . _ . _ k m o 5v u je :q


B R I G H T L I (


B uill to w ith iU nd abuso . 80

H a n s e n A iPHONE 0 HANSEW

Agents for



F R O M m a ^ E ^______ A

e e r o f G e o r g e s C a r p e n - I'fJ.

I d o l , W h o H a s In '- t o S e e k t h e F I s - •«J a c k D e m p s e y J " '- . honn

A L L M E N T . . J , "

'E IO C K , •v i c e S p o r t i i i , ! ! : E d i t o r - . r ...«___________________________ illorl

... ..................a ... tr vii Wiiliiii; lu rc^t un.l r.-rtllio:t (!r.. cUlo uo Hnf not Ihln ,.r;|.i,:-:. Throuith I>.-r.<allll,i. b.- 1'

In,l.y tm t aiiain iimlor pmi-Jio.illy th o '" , int.. inmlitiomi. IT hr . .(o n lii <T-dit i';irp.-nll.'r « U h |‘'

.- r >.„lh ^ioula r. ion lrd Ihnt I 'a r- •I !,'i!-i .. utton.lr. I',. '-'I a Ki.nnc.i liilo! " "

r.l,.; n rn I,., v a ’i .a rr lrd ' “ I*;;r...„ Ih,- rli,,;:(il- liiiluliii: like a

i.v-n 'I 1 l.iT-r a ll.T ' Va.vini; l>.','n iiii. |:.i| tlim ush lhr )ii|i'>:,. lie Ihnl " '•• It ii-^y, f,ir|i'..n ,|.'r ootillnuod on Ih r.r,■.till- n ir -rr l» lh,‘ rJjIff,...... S.ilmnii fiidorl fr.nif lhr II,Uc

It in v.rii lo finl*- hfro llml whrn ariiriillri- wnn frnm S.iiiilnn III ll;ir- '•'■I ........ . h.. w a, ii.rilly a i;,i..|: v..,.i^!„, >,.t tl,. l.a.i r„;„„

, I,:...'v0;; .M t| r

, n;-. ..................... . . iivim; kopi'.. I.ll a-l.iv Ull,I hr .'av Illhr ..nl .....Ih ,,„ l„ ,ii|.;;k VrfilKl'v...!

....... .l.-f.atoil 111 ;.:x r„uiiiis\.-h.„'

r-t. II.- v.a,. ni.« hri:li,:,inK m n,;,kr

ir.'ivir. 's -ro hoRiniilai: ti. ho n'ullr..-.l,.i Cr.irK.a w ash ...... . <•“ I . lh r yoniiK l.'iii.ian'ii namo.i:i^i.m.v.ii ihrnuKhnui i-Tanor. II..II 1 .l.h-r.O n >.nrl of nuin-r-niarvrl.r I.m,.!,I-ll om a hnxrr «nu,od.l.iim- " ;i '.I' twn ,1, ra'.!i,t„i. oulpolnn-il , " i'::r.iial f . , - a i i : r .l t i;,.. Ijj j» Jifli'rn- llllli l,<,nt. n-,il wim ilocinlonn from ” *' ih a lii- . cii. vran. Hlilt.,;t.r nml l.r- .,u . luii h - iil-i! nioi a . u r u r .ihaL .

H>M„. Thin la.l. .wllh Halmnn ruUrtil on, lh r rluR. wan ono nt lhe hcM iinirHi/.ii In Frnncfl. anti crcnlunJIj- , , ' vvati mall,hod wllh Carpcnller. Tho ’ mt wa-: .c l-cluiw l tor ion rouiidi,. ’’y,","' id 111 ih s i llm r Ihcro wnn nol ti lad ' i-lni: ot Cnrpenili-r's »ko *ho conld ivv taURhi him nnylhltiR ahout box- ' r , for ho wun now a hlRhly-pollahed " 'Vf.ir,nrr.I.MI,It.- .ll.irhi'ri clo'vorno.n Cnrpon- •r w rn l iirn.ind him like n cooper .mn.l n Larrri, M.. liroitir.i ihroiiRb , ,0 llrM nv.. roundK nn.l ,ilk-d up a „ ’ .n.!hnt„i, l .a .| on polniii. Uut it In " '“J '” »; alwavii lh r rlrvi-ronl nor the boiU Iin-woh v-hi i, t(w .; ovc rj tii> nttcii

"* l,n\rIII It

’E o n S lC K C N

MD E C W E L 3

niitioul CiijiinK of Shiklng jtmjio,irllfa,((.-(rjt.(-.im|i[«,ni.t(....,-iicti, tics.laclic (>r C„„-iiipitio„,

E - A G E N e Y H F O R ------- : —

■ G E B A T T E K j y

e T e s t ” B a t t e r y

XQ&________________________ ______


. I G H T S


Sold a t a Rcuonablo Pric« I

L uto C o .EN, IDAHO I

fo r I\ i CASSIA 00U N TIE8 I

i I

IV TIMES, ^RtPAV. APEH 8. 1020

■I Inf.-rl'ir hu.ot.jaii,;; n-.-'r n i^nnolj Purlal-Tuiiipchi 111" npponnil lu llifTou^lii CurjKiir fnii,l onunl nf ten. , bnd IA haril rlKhl fimnnh to tlir ]iil i,f Ynutr

le iiluniach uo'.ri thn llanhy bo:’ Irom In tbiiT.r. In thu niitli rnaml. , Down hu nioclli-.;ni lo nnr Kner. tnaklm- n friuitlu tha 11fforl to rlr«'. iiKalii. b li fnoo wrriilhod cnmo1 I'.^ln. ntll Ilh .vltiil Kill, (:««£?. rr,iii. trr If; l.lrl.v. anil whito n,irr.:iii; hin to r. ir.-d iitmacb wllh onr ijiovcd hand ho onnl tho roforVo i-ounl lou.Tbhl wns .lho ,flrnl rrnl knnckoiii

v rr Hcorcd ai:alnni lh r tiover Car- l‘ Airnilor. Anil uliioo that llmo no hnxrr vnmp,aM knorkod hlnioui. "Oneo hit, twice tnalhy" In .-in ndare Ihal .npplini lo lho I'hopi,■|-<>nch hJol In a fli>t]r wuy. auii ninte of thilorin’ii Riovvd hand i,unk into ibv pll <'1I|>Pf Ills stomach hnck in WOD na boxer luunc nn btcn ahlc In.punish .tlim .In tli.n;ay. Of eoiirno, (leorRou h a * ’known woi.ie rf?al :>i;,ro III.irln liiuickrd him oal.HI only on imlni i. - -llhi erushinR ilofral hv Gloria nnly I D

orvo.l tn H,,ur 1 Uu on lo Rrcator i f U'.ng.i Itl lhr rt.-iT. T«n-ac/j lbo e lo v f lho ..amr .'o„r ho brcamc ii IorHI- la tr hanlam 'vr||;ht ami conllnU'nl h |i■rofrM.!nnal career wllh Dcnoamiii & , uhUnR him mnro riirefully than ovor 11 l Oiro anil II.-nrRca .simitanlty Irarn-

m .i f mill moro iihnul h'in c)uiK-!n un

li,a mnii-li win, l.n'hmt. Inrldniln'r- ' S“ a a Iwiil muu-Jj by

mny t.f l'.l. ;ulinlrrri< . Tho ,'iurrly ni»,i .i.Inii:.. v.;::i hnliln Ihit'lluropran bn,|. iam, iimw,;ii:hl, .-hiiinpiimHhlp u l lbo prrr.- n l lln,,'. w m nilraotliiR m urh nlir,,- iuck Ion 1,1 liiO!, by virlno ol llu- fuel liiai r wnr. .-niiHlii<.rrd n lorrlllo h lllrr. 'itiin .,'ilnnx wnn eiilloil lh r youni; "oy. lonr." II.- hml ntnrloii hin ciircrr Tn. » II hy kn'iriilni; niil bfjir.s'. .....i-uirin op|,onoiii* in u frw tAT iiiiailri. llnl i;"nri;r-i nnly iiinllvtl mii’l -.«a lh r n-.'-iai-i nf liN f ra -u l '. ntul

A( Jh<- *',•!,r <,7 i l l l f n rounil., irllJi.cdnriht:rc '.v,a=.iiiU '..iir.-iitnrai:c:nT'nrii'tii;. r'n appriiraacr. |i> Indlratrhai hr hnti Iravolril that .litiiam-r mj.»h It '^n/nU/T mill hiirili-r-lillliin: «l>- j,..* .iiu'M. l.oiiniu. on thr o lh rr hamla;i ,Mr,->.iii: lho hrnhiri left 1,y M

harpiy i,r.,|‘.'ll.'il rlovon. KirarpinliiT li,rt nno n thrr uorthy H

|>lin;uMl whllo hr r-mriln.'-l In Ih.' Hunlai.i-.vr!rhl c|a-,i In llir porn:):i ot —aul Tli. wluini hr li. fratcd In a ti n- _ nmnl hnui 4ini| I.m r im-i ov rr lho .v.'nlv-mnn.f , l ( i . ( a m w in i i ln i ; a

m>\ j;;ivr him /Jivili ;,m! mi;,:< l/-Itiior.1 d.iliv In h.-r ha it.- tn hull.I him p. nnd » h rn IMlli tii.Ir.l out h.- roiiini

ay liinv \,'ll lo th r li.riil.iiiiw.'lKhl ill. f iHlon fnrrver. IA:i 1, fr.-.ihrrni.lKl;: hr i-nnllr.ii.d i.,

WK'.I Jorrcai.l.it; ' arrc..a, t: o,it-,h >’*0 IlKt .!.vi;tiin-mr.-.'“ A;i,rTnf'n -t:) — njrTj. ivfd, r(ii[tt.'|j;(ii..| hfm, Thr , linl i-.ilnfii1 rrv,-rnr ,.ii{rvn-<i hv Car. oniior caiiir in lyio. |l |, , firm imuiImt yoar «-n» wnn on k foitl In novni ll’nniuli, from Votinj: Wnrnor. I.aior Cl « dr.fo;iteil Coort;.' f^alllnnl In lonuundn. kii.K-l:o,| nut WaUlr I 'ieknni: i\. nd Iirnrni hh. th ln l knockout vh-tory vor I.aminn. who wan RrowinR up]•iilt llim. No «■<•»( hnric In flrm.ni'ln] fCHer drrt-nilni: l.niplii umj. Iy,ii u i m ■•i-lnhin to Iluck .m.lno. a ftr r which 1e wi:rf mmrh-ii with Voitnc. IJnoiv.' _ all. a inuKh Knolhili hos.-r, for u houi ^1 the i’ari,I Womlorlaml. I i|i lh.r,c;.inp:i ,-.-ati wa.-nrd I'lat Yoiiucl

nowhall wail loo lourh mut too hvavyl / or (5,-orKon. Imi he nnly Mullod, nt.] \ onal, c;.-orRi"i far.-.l Snowball In four! / t lho liott.-«t roumU hr hun rv rr ! / n \n l. Ilc look a .i-vrn- l:ratll,‘K ni»ll II Ihc rud of Ihl- fourth ni-aalon I).-;..* \ ••I'liP:, lon-oil 111 lh r r/'n;);;... j

"Let’s top it off

No t h i n g touchca th e apos m o k e - n n d n o t h i n i i

. C licstcrficIJs fo r ftcnulpcly a n d flftvor.

In ChcatcrRclds th e Bneat < p m tlc T u rk ish n n d rich , mcl! tobaccos arc b lciidcd to b r in g i finer q u a lity of flavor.

Aow you knotv w hy ChcstcrficI A nd b ccm sc th is b lend Is exclusi /m> copied, only C hcstcrflc lda cai

Each packafte Is w m pped In m jjlassjnc p ap e r t h a f keeps a ll o lliivor in ta c t.


020______________ __________ '

P u rln r the romnlmler of Ibat year , fJAuriHiilUor oilgaced l|i ulgbt boutn nnd " j ' Ild Ibe nnllyfnciiun of knmiiiliiK o u ti ' FOoutre Wiirr.yr. who had foulod hltiij u f I the Bpvonlb round of thoir Ilrstjloclliif;. llln moat nolnblo IkjuIk In >10 llRhiivclr.bl. illYlaton. bowever, n lll Iimo In I 'JII, fnr ho w'aa KrQ\vlnB-(an-| TS •r Ihnn over. .•

iT o !!.• Continued.I '----------------------- [ 1

llK .Y .\Jll'S IIAKIIKII IICANK.'.S CtTV. .Mu., Aprit 3.—''Mc-j I <■

nmpn" tjavu h,-cn hurri-d ftnm r c l l l - | bp:nal I.nro. Kansan Cllv>. hunl.*nii ‘''f-hoiiphiK tborouuiifaro. Tho wIiiks ( 1'", I tho would-br "lill nmki..ri," worr, lippi-.l, nn the rt'Bull of n pollco drivelUnched lhe olber day, followlnR pEnmnronn compialnlR- lodged l,y ua,.•omen nboiipcrg.'.................. ..................- - Iw

IN D IG E S T IO N !!C a u a e i l b y . 1

Acid Stomach ii §

i b.


I'J' i.s i-.sJininlril th a l Iw clvc m l' O i'cnycd leclh n re p u lle d o u t c

y e a r hy den lisls in th e U n ited Sti"Kvory “OTIC o f th e - tw elve - m i'

I c u lh h u d to he ta k e n ou^^bccaua iioj;lcet. I f lh e p eo p le w ho Io sl I U’Cth h a d gone lo n d en lis t -t en o u g h , n il could h u v e Leon da • •T h in k )iow m nny k in d s o f q< tln ;rc n m sl hnve heen in Ihcsc t\V n iillio n tee th ! T h in k h o w m u ch f e r in e n n d s ickncss >vcrc cuusut ucKlei|t!

W h y n o t h nvc Rcfiislerc'd D c n l l S ystem cxam iuc y o u r leeth n n d t d o n e to sav e th em ? I t w ill co sl

R e g i s t e r e d ' E

M M I E . R . P A R JI K. no,'yv S Y S T E M / • >‘‘>f*‘hart

• . 110 1*2 MAI

i f with a good sap o t lik e a good n i i c a n to u c h ‘jintM/’j/ihff'sbiKly

Sf o f slJky, a ro -n c llo w D om estic /ng o u t a ncw a n d / J ^ ^ F .

rdcltls ‘'Satia/ff!” i lu slv can d c an n o t I : c a n " sa tis fy !” n m o istu re -p ro o f,11 o f th e orig inal y

.Jk B

H A D B I f n o i c B R O H P H m S F O R T W E N T Y - S I X y e a r s ^

H O W W E L L A H D H A P P Y 'V l i a iS WO W M B eA D lN C 6

'T h« cxnerlcnco of Mr-1,« J- Tou-pnlik,-14;W Uo;.e,>5rccl. iJ iC re i^ ,, . .W lucjnsin. in dr.o .ly ''cmRriBWo, on n.-:oant; o ( thr> itTffth Pf tlm* h e afTlictcl. ,

He w rites; " I liJ'Vo b « n ferin:; wiUi cbronie , l r o « '‘‘“ *, J*?! tw enty-six yew * and CTofy w i»« rI «vi” M Mtcli cold .iju! becomo «o bonr.c I could n o t imcak for six or d n b l v. orkn. I coul.l (.'ct only tem­porary rolirf. I , '' “Tlfin winter I wM^wUdti wlUv Gf(f» and Jvaa Jn avvful sbaiAi. A fellow workman mlviaed nio to tako PE-ltU -N A . B>- tbo time I ^ uaed three-fourths of a boltlo, tbo honrw‘m,»a v.'a«- Konc, ..oho tJiM

10 coiHitantly In w y Uniae. I t inllu- 1.5ai meilicino ovor pu t up fof Atbn purpose." , • ^

K.ir uny dlncune due to caUrrH ■)f calJin'hol conditlonn, Ia-K U -N AIn oi|u.illy dopendfvble. Coughs coldr-. catarrli oi' lho bcml. ulomacl] iroulilo. co:-ji:ipati>ii. rhcumaUjini nainn In tlm back, *do .^nd Iplo*. lilontim:, biilcblni: gui, indljtestlon, ,oa tnrrli of the hrRO and nmull m- 3•icnlincn, are nomo of the troub el \fo r which 1>K-RU*NA is capccloUj rooouuiicmlcd. '

PK-RU-NA cun Im- purchaicd tnvw hcrc In citlicr tablet o r liquid fon,.. , . , -

i i o r i i n i i ia i i ;s t ii s c rio o r,•!<» r .vT i'ii r r w it h c h im iu e n .

I’lT Tlilll-lU lll, I’a.. April n .-F lnd- UK that lii-r :n,ir ih lld rrn wero forK- :,-t nlM'u.i nt Ill.ll, )irr uml h rr hUBband.'•Ir;.. ,1. VV. H.'i, 111 woni Io tbo Fifth ,v<.11,10 tilKhl I.chnni. .Shr fnund timoII iiiUi’ nil l.'iiKlli’h, l''ri.'lirl: ailiJ Oer- tiun. whtrii r.iio niiw,iiiioak,i nnif wrlCrt,

Mr.*.-K.-iiTiil lin- on<» *n»i ,ln J jlg b '.;<-h<m1 lind iliroit rhiiiiron In lho low*■ r e ra ,Iri. A»krd iiliai i.ho Intended (, lio It lho rh llilrrii Hhould Advance u rlbiT . „ho iioi:lared i.lic would take

D allr and Sunday Ttraog, )7.I>0.

Konreeth Lost

n iis ts ufiinfi th e E . R . P n rk e r id te ll you w hul o u g h t lo bc ist n o lh in g lo find ou l.

’Dentiscs Using the l U C E R S Y S T E M

P r . M. JU D'osrIohv -t l)r. A. H. .WlUIsm*IAIN M K M IK KOBTH

smoke” - t'-Chesterfield

Page 3: 10 THAT RECEIVES T^VO LSASSD. T W i IMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · How can .you Mpect * ,. get aheadr T * ••How high do you build

* i

I jForm and .City !6«m dolck- tcUou.

. A riiiur t . Swim. • . „

A t B«K U k f- M lM OuUl« Arrlug- ton U ipcnU los'u Io« dayi tii Salt UU# C «r... • .

Mairlaffe X tttn ie —U m nso to vod was U iu iil ItHlny to C. B. M<tc1icl uud £vBh Movts o t CAillcford.

I w r e n - E . J. n iicU o t llie FJnch- Uiub«Dhiilm Ileudy cdmiway linn couu to MlehlBoi,; ta ile d lliflM liy llio »«r-

'' lous lllocna o t liiv {ulher.

......."T W U bB 1 tM *= :tfr:on fl-» tn i.-A r 0 .Vendor or Ziou, nifnulK, uro ipoadine

, 1, Kome timo In Tvrln FiilU vlHltlnK wllli* rrlemlH ’niid' looklnj: over llio coiin-

iry. ,

F an frn l-T h o ^ n c n l of Mrn. r . 51. Mceeh, vriiu diod yexierday a t liur licnie h«ro, '»-|li lake ulaco Satunluy niorDliiE a t U o'clock ut lhu Catholic c h u K h .. ,

- . Fined—ThDtnBn Mtffphy-of n le^w #■ uKKcaiioil l i e In police courl yentordny for croRtlRR a 'dJmurbatice on tho city HtroeU yeilerday. I l U 'lu ld lie wun druiik nnd dliiorderly. lie »orkr( on a ranch near Pil«r.

llnlldlnR ' P c rn lU —TllO' tollowlng permits lo build wore Isnued toiluy: Tu IL C. Alcsniulor (ur Uio rrcciion

. 0 / a fi.OOO ntilS itica Jh ihe Jooeti od- . illUoD. lot 7, block 2. and tu WoUe

und &turtln to r DltoratlonH on lol iG. . ■ block 103.

To (.'olemdo—M n. Mlntm;.— «Tnn m m n w ii- »uiUiib a i '<hi Iiwihm wt

her uncle.'W llllam Oraliam. on Sccond Avenuo Eaiit. /o r a (uw d ^ . , Iiuh i;ono lo Qnuid Junction. Colo., wlivre «1>u will meet her liuiband. From tlirre they v lll conllDUo'to tholr homo at lloichkli*.

C u e 8 e t-T h e caae o( the ulaio v/il Olonn FVance, rharsod with brcaklnR Inlo the Colemiin ilo re nt lho corner o( >Uln and WaKhlnmoii nireeln ru- ccnily and lokhig «oino candy and Rum, U le t (o r 2 o’clnck loday In pro­bate courl beforo Judge O. 1’. Duvull.

Donclnff Partjr—^ho dancfl a i iiio l^ v e r ln s pavilion .lam cvenlnc In hon­or ot vlilUns Mrvlco tnen, waH large­ly attended nnd evcryono voted It a Krand affair. The hall waa boautltul- ly decoratcd t&f Jho occailon and the daocen to Uift itraln* o t ex- collont to 'jM c.-.......................................

nioii«r—A 'th u tir« party.(ollovred 1>} a dloner w#n,*|T£n.lho.t}nl^lnK ladlei of (Jt<»'Aracrtan*Ui?fetjr««teitBttoH on W edneiday algtet^by tbo ladlei o l the Twin fW ti'BoiU ^A Tirrf’e'crowd tu rn ­ed on t for boOt (unctioni, which wort «»Joyab}0 i n . Uto ex ireao , Mcntlninft Cummlni, O r t f ^ Doyd. Do Lone anil 81(f^n» had liib arrAneementa lu eharto .

EaUrtAln»—In.hoiior of tho nlnih blMhday o( he r son, Allon. Mm. E. D Mecham entenalned yoilerday a tto r' noon. Tbe BliorooaD wan ip e n t wllli catoM attor vh lch a delldoun two. cAune luDciiean waa isrred . tik

, table *waa bcaulllully docoratod wltli flaBi and rod u d whllo •tream eni tbe n m o color 'lobcnio b tln s carrIo<1 oui tn the placo carda. Tbe cenlcr- pleca VM a birthday « k o wllh nlni

* burning casdle<. I l ie li'.tle Ruortiiv e ro .'Dee Van Colt, RodorlcV White J p>. .O lbbi, F rank McAlee, Ilomei Grey, Olenn Moon. l,emont‘’ , Nelson Jack Orey, noy Moon and Morle. Me- OtUk

‘ BrteriAlft—In honor o r the vlslilnrladlM o t the L«clon delexaUoa, thi lAdlM o t Tw in f^ lla Auxiliary poet

I, No. 7 , eo teru lned a t r l rS O loqcfaeoiyeitw day a t the HoUl n o i i n » ^ ^ «

urnt, enUrely fn b sep IaK ,^} ^ >(!■( t r e ^ . OTsnt. Candy! a n d ' lace cardi v e r* ;aouveolrt -ot t b e i uBtfiBrwi: l l n T . O ^ y d . pTMUaot er4lM Vuxl»ai7 fav » ;ttie «(t<!re<i o f wilcemff^ Mra T bona»^ 'Irv tn talked o n - ^ Wai

V, M o ld in ' orian ltaU on; U n ;.a .C ,.8 iRfflD i'v«leotnid the irtiU on ib 'b eh a l o t ttra Wap.W <jUi«r».iail « « . JoJu QrMfi g t n m a tt* r d D ^ ^ t o r y . Th<

i (I n e s t s w ere l l « * w e l$ 5 p B b e t i ; -Al------ ^ Vl>~ .

“M r i i i

\ > ;

I'" ^ P 'V


K y s t t r y S a rro u n d s D e a th o t

P ro m in e n t N o rth s ld e M an F o u n d Y e ile rd ay

|,'u TllO Imdy of J . J. OllviT. who illu- „r. uppeurcd from hln h»m« ni Klni; Illll

nil o r ikbnuc {'VbruuFy 23. liun liocn found 111 thu Hiiuki’ rly.T iiv;ir iliui

Q d iy ..acco rd lnc to ..wurd.rcucliliiK Ii'r*- Jig imloy. (U>roner 1’. J. UrDnntnun • wlil l.j Iiat^ i'liuri:<t o f {f«i htuly. Cmru' til

tletiUi III mill iituli:n.'rtiihii-d. wlmlUiT liu Wuh Ihrown In aflur liiiVlnK heun murdurcd or wUcihvr ho di-1l1>ont«tly

J, voMvilitoo »ukM o l>y jmiij)lnK IiiId iijk rlvur In ^11 uuiuilvcil prohlt'iii,

I y Sonio tliuo un<> III 11 luttcr to TliM Tlm oi. Mra.' Oliver, wlfu of ih.. d .- craaod muB, rvQurntod ilini lUiy onn knowlnic Uio whuroabnuu ot hnr hii"- bnnd. liniiiidlatuly cpinmunlcaii} wlili

] her. No word wnn ruccU'ud by Mn. Ollvor unll'l tho body wan fouiiil

TWKNTY MIMITK8 «K .MfSH’Ul. UiO'MuUioillHi church Sunduy »vo- nliiK.


»'J- (ConfJnustJ Irom J'age 2),l(e ■ ■ ■ ■ ----- .. ■

clOHCd that lhu union hvndii ot fivn aUloil rnll\yay iradu«. ruproHifntlnii SBU.ooo men. iniond m mrci> iho Ikhuu w dh lho rnllromlK for a wuro In- crt-ano. If ihln Im not'g t'an tud . tl-.j

OIIO ’■i'llwnyrlorJjK. fcletfrnjilifrn. rk*h. bisIh- tenanco o t wny inun.-ninUonary dr." men nnd oiler*.

T hat lhu Iroublu may nyroad lo Ca­nadian rnllwayB wan Indlcaleil In n -

. p o m from Montreal, which dcclnri’O v«. tb u t <00,000 employcH of Cn.mdliir

:lnR rallroadii nru prrparlne to dumand an niir IncreaKo lu the ir wifto iciilcii.

nnd CrilCACO. April 9 .-A bulletin l>i- >ro- noed today by Uin Ucnurul MannRcri)' ruli. tfxKoclitllon. romponcil of nil rallrond:i

cnicrlnjf ChlcriRa, rc.iit an foJlOHTir l],o “Tbo mrlko In CUIcacu hIiowh tu r'

lOij. tl^ur IniproreniunL raa»enKor trolnii ■RC- fOBd* nre ninnlnK nccordlns ti.

^ aclirilulD uml on JDcrcane Jit jtbown J;: . , Ihlt nunibef of iwUcUIiik crows work-

, * InK. On nono ot iho romlK ban thor< been a drcrcaic,

••The Inbor brolburboods contlniu to bring In moinberi of ihelr orKftnltn'

• tion from outilde plnceit to llll the I o}' plaeen of ilrlkcm ond thoro In soc ' dlei rca ion to believe tha l condltlohi li I ott lho Cl:lca60 dJutrfce wfti dontfnue (f the Improve raplQly wllbln the~fteiil fou irn . doy».. . , rere j*. "ncportii have lipon received lhai WM »iDaJl nuHiber* of sijon havo gom ond o u t . at. vnrlotti polnin oalsidu CUl

lu cnso bu l lhu rcpo ru oino conlnin ih< Information In theio cnioii th a t Uu labor brolhorboodii have tho ouUlil<

mil, nitnatlon well In hand and tha t busl ■ [J noss ll moving about as uiual."ter- -----------------------»llh I 'l l YOUlt FlUEXUS A KAVOK wo- Toll. Ihcm to moot you o t the McUi Tho o<',lBl church Sunday ovenlnK.vlth _______ ________

H erbert CburehJJl o t OoodlnK mo f“”‘ torcd ovur Wudnciday Id im naact lm»l

noiii Bii-1 v lilt with trlondi for loni' time.

ilte. {t. P. Sbephord of Joromo molorci mer over Thum Juy lo spend lom'o Ilmo oi ion, a. combined buslneiH and pleanur Me- trip .

C. 0 . Cummins ,ot Pocaiollo li lin e iM nd lns a ih o rt Um# In Tw in J'all

traniacU ng builnesn nnd vlsUlns wlU friends.

leon ' • _______________ .

I 'n . BESHETT WILl. TAI-K ABOU'Z / n 't r d t Melliodlil church Sunday eveMr,, n lo f—ItTfOu are a 100 p i r ccnt man *nr,' - 'Mra. . J(ona(aln .View Clnfc—Tfto'm ember W ar b t jb e Mountain V l ^ clol) were en 81|^ te ru la e d on Wednesday a t the coun h a lt t ty «(onD o t Mrs. Plioeba France. Tli roftir i iM ae n b ers preaeot ({m oi a delfcbi The fn! attem oon. At the close ot the al Al* lernoon Iho bo ilesi. aaitated by he

. m o. aerred a <MectcMo luscbeot• Mr*. Itvth Oathble wlIJ enterta in Ui

i i i f . d i b ^ 't I « T l f i ^ ~ a i e i r a i n ) e I h r s '<i: ' to r Aprtl 81.



aibeV am p^ iTOMCS OF 1 « E D A Y fening { ^

| l M ||

R NIck Shrlvcr ol rocutullo In » vlxl-

. - ------- - IN. C.-l-ynch ut QoodlnR In In 'tb e

city.of --------

■\ W. Worthwlno of Ilolsc In ii Twin KalU vinllor.

C Jf. tVJfJIfii.y ot ;» .>'bUHlnvis visitor. ‘

illu- "m il Stanley I."i> of llurlry In rii'.tiiUnK 0(111 "or*- W'llI kinm ir lli.\1)UrK


‘ I’iiill lliivlii «if lUil-r U InTrnViTtnr

lounV. C. K rrr ..f linllx' l» 1lnl..i! iimoiii;

111.' ..«>■•» RUI1«{ (lilu Uil-l.k,

II. K tr r of Vorjlrllc. iimcl.. n l.rlef call a l llilN cUy. WcilnvuJny.

I"*"- AY. Jt. ClnrU of IUirl«t>' In npondlnn «'lil. a few dUyn lu .tlic MiikIc City.Mr.i. . --------- • 1

I}. T. W urruo of <;i.|,lw..11 rali)-' down ycntcTduy fftr.a nhiirl irl|i,

U- ---------»ivo- V, I, CurlwrlKhl of Idaho riill.i U

In town.

Mr, uml Mrx, J. W. tipdrcraf of J.T. KlIS "nio wern In ihu cliy yfrncTilay,

' W. 0. ffiill of .\furt«UKli vu* In t'lc- fIvn '‘“ y yenKTdiiy on n binlncim irlp.

Itlm; . --------Rsiiu A. I), 1‘olliick of Hunnuti iip''Ml

Ill- (I'rday iiftcriiooii fd (Jic coiinty n.’.i!. tl'.J

Iwny SlM^hoiu- ii.'i. vlnltlngr frlnndn^^ 'liii:'

W, II. Mi'Clnry of Uoino crnnio down Ca- yciiiordny on » liunlnenn und plcnnuro

ari'd Idlun P. C„ W hile of, Holdo rntno down d an Wodnuiduy nn n builiK-in lind pliiaimro


I iH- II, K. Colcn, iiromlncnl I'ocntrllo Rcrn' nmn. In npuiidlnis a few dayn In Twin oad:> Kan,,,n: 'f” '’’ Anna ncnncli nf lloliio 1-. in !lu'

■alnn ,;i,v f „ r ,n few diiw nhop)ilnK und •R rleasuru Iflp, • ^■n In _____>■

R. 0, D iv Ib. primilncnt Ilolno mini, In lliitud umong lho clty’a Riinin al u local holel. ilniio _____■ Mr."nnd Mni. 'Mi.yor"o( TlUpM-t wfiri'

In Twin KalU .Wednesday vlnltlm; moiiu.,II In , ______'®. W. II. TrsBnr of Uoino camo down

yonlerday to spend ncycral days ou ulhat ‘flP. _____

A. n. lJ»korldKB of llusPllon 1* In> lhc **’® ■>'*'*i-lensuro trip .tililobusl- Orunicn of Haiollon wnn

lUiod ninotiR ibo Twin hSiIlH vlnllora toilny.

td li - F**®'' **’Ull* rliy T hundny lo ahop nnd vlnlt frlomln.

i ”” |* S lunrt Sevornn of Hanien wns n i'omo ^ Ity -vlnltor T iiunday aflur-


[ored Mrs. T . O. Hcndcnton ot lA oil JarblilRu ui-o vlnltlnr. friends In Twin w uro l-'OU" ______•

• C. T. Urown. prninlneot Klmhorly lo Is tnun, motored down T huriday to vis- j'alln It frlendi. •wlUi • — -----

M n. Feank Erno ot JarbldRo canic ovor T h u n d ay to ipend leverol day i

lOUT oi> builnrna.

gyo. Mrn. rWllklnson o t n i e r shopped man. visltod trlcnds lo th is city o':

T bunday .

»*’en" Jewmo" an .ons tho Twin Fulls (mem* yester-

■ . p , ' day otiernoon.

le of- IJttrrhi o t Jerome transacloii , h e r *'i’ilne«» and visltod friends tn tb< ■vni. M asic CUy Thuraday.

ieon . ■ i UlO 1*. J . Fabey a t M urtaush moioret g 'a e l o w n TnoTtday-mt-a-short-eouibltt**:

. builnesa and pleasure trip.

^ 1 1 ^ ; TODAV iijid

^ ------

mi— — —- 5

_____________ THB TWIN FALLI


1- ______ ■Olmmbcr of Commerce W ill Bo

' H ost a'l Baiiquct Given to VlBltors

AiH'or.Uiij; lo roporl^. tr.ini Um: I 'ann llu reau , plum, aro a ll vmuyli.li' for oin- of III,- larRi.M liu:>liii-«>i h>-iiiiion;< oflh i' Uoino Di'iiionrilrallon and i'hili Work di(iarlMi<'iitn <.v<T hui'l In Twin l-'all. I'liiiniy. Till' Ki-MKloii Kill uiii'ii prciiiipi-

n; iy at 10 oVIi.ck ». lo. in lln- l'^l^nI Uur.-au rooiiin jliHlinljiy, April lll.iiiid will i-.inltiioi- III ull day i,<.k»Ioii. Al

i,r l:;;u i.'. joric iln' uKrii-olcorul fniroitii Ilf III" T»'lii Kiillii I'haiiilKT III ('inn- IN,-no will Hrrvii a itimiiii'i in djc

iir K<ii:i-r>iiin lioii-l In Inmor of liii' vinii- Jjlft AUU'lli; llll' liilKlllf/iniiiutli-rii Unit will n.colv,- ultpiitloii

lef dnrlni: llic duy nru tliu followinjciKlnul- roiuirtit in rliili work,

.May frrillval and lioyn' ami n lr li ' jnn- l,>r pxi-iir.lnn. ni.'liUMl.i ot iralutm; nmltlnK, nuwlnK and mnnlnir leiinit* for (lumuiii'irutlon Wiirk,. plann tor nuii'lc Judicfnj; tulioolit (hrociKhmif tJcn Kiiiiiini.'r. I'onniy und uiaie falruw anl:,

I, iin,l oxhiUtn, di'rnii InlniH, ri'inod<-l)lir. of cloihlni:, mllliiKTy und ponliry

i.r. In itii^W'T to a imi.rli.iniialfp iu'iil i'< thi- loi’.U liail'T:. ilirmiKhoin lli‘- county UlO folliiwlni; buvo rci’iortril

l'l? tfiiit (ln-y H'/IJ hr III iiilciiiliiiicd li> the niui.lInK-; \V, K. Alwortli, Kllor; Mrs. W. K. Alworlli. Kller; Mr>i. liav- Ill K. Clarlc, Twin K.ilU; Mm. H, I).

. fH-wir, Illllil; .Mr.'. Crnriuy A. CJiJliK JIuIiJ; .Mr.'i. li. A. lli'.vant. ’I'win i.'iilln: Alj....ry Twin. t.-:.ll-.' V.'Hi. p |i,.

Iii:i loy, Itixk l-rook; W. J. 111,-lc!, lVd;irUrnw: .Mrn. I,uli) K. i ’.ilii'y. «:,'d.ir j^ruw ; It. II, M<-AI-.', Maro;,; .\lrn.

Wll Honn lUvls, Xiirllivi.-«'; U,.m, llavin, iro Ntirihvluw; !..<>nnla ' Hart, ' Maroii;

.M’.ry (Jrayblll, Kllor; 11. mavin, Ilor- lH-r; J. 1‘. Whuulon. Twin Kiilln; 1.11-

wn llun Oniylilll. (^irry; Holla Snydor. Iiro iiivurion; Krnk lK.Kli.tr, n ic r ; .MIhh

. U iiiru l.ynn, I’oplur (in.k-o; I. nito. Kller: Mrn. Murk l),.|.n, Twlo n .l i - ; Mrn. J. \V. DalUiii, Twin I'lilln; Mrn.

*'*" f . A ..l)lllim . Miirtimi;b: Mr-, s . H. Walton, MurtnliKh; Mrn. Jolm Ollviir, ro p ln r arovo; Mm, lUcliol Hnllcr, C id ar Draw; Mm. \Vllli;iin Vdki'1.

’»'* llnh l; Mm. J. K. Wlniinn, Kller; W, W, I’l'Wcll. UurRflr: Mrn. Lnlii S,?vurnn llunnen; Mm, JokmIo U .Monoley, Mu- n .u ; Mrn, II. Qluvln. Uorm.r; Mm, J.

'' T, Oruenwood. h'llur; Mrn. T, J, Douk' Innn, Hollinler; U. I). Illncorn, Mur- tauKh: Mra. D. D. DlKKcra. Murlnuuh.

i n i ; -----------------------MISS A I.UtKM IlM iKK WII.I, KlVd

. "ncholil. W hat Mamicr of U vo" al Uie Mutbo<ll(it chnrch Sunday evoninc;

HAD M U F F L E ... THETEtEPHONEorn • •______

M rs. Swanson’s Nerves W ere Up se t From Y e m of Troublo—

Gains 20 Founds

lur- ••Kor lhc huniffli of ihouaandn whf nro nuffCrlnR trom stomach iroulik and a run down cafidllion 1 wanl li

o t to ll of lho nonrlortul rcnaltn } hart Kotlun from TunlBC,'^ itald Mrs. I.ens Swanion. of 1720 N'orih 'Madlnon Sl. I'oorlo. III.•■•It «ra» cJRJit yrani a«o jJiai

, momich co l oul o t order and >n> beolib beiian lo tall.'* she coollnued "Finally l- c o l lo tQcllns lo bad' thoi I lost Intcrosi In ovtryUilnR end sol

‘*” 0 no pleasure ou t ot llfn. My food oct- “y* Dd like poison lo my system ond 1

would b loat up with s a i and su ffer cd agonlei. My heart would tluttei

ped u n til I waa blmoit. toint and a t tlmoi O'S I W0UI4 so l sff d ltiy the bouie leem'

ed to bo w hirllne round. 1 had lo .a l' iiiost Vtop eatlnR and became so weoV JC was aJJ ! could <l6 to M about tho house. My nervei wero so iha<.

. lered even the rlnglnR o( tha telephom upset me ond I had to mu(fle It- 1 •Jept rny JJitle and ioldom woke nj

:loo Id the morning wllhoul a dull, nantlni th e hoodarto.______“ M / brother had Kolten luch tlm

m n l u f fo m ~ O T I? n T n Ia T ” tIfiirTH >red talked mo Into IrylOR It and t Impror .Md- « d -renarkab ly .w llb -tlie -«4 ry~ tlrs l^

tie—so t so 1 could eat and alecp bel tor. Now a tte r takloe (ivo botUea m: trlend i toll mo I am the picture 0 Health. 1 can eat Bnyihlnr, oven boll «d m oau, cabbase pnd plcklei r l tb oo t a bit o t trouble w llh my stomoct My nerves a ra eaJm and I * ltep Ilko ehlld every nlgbt; I have coined S pounds In w elih l and I never tro i Ured o( pralslnfc Tanlac.". TanJae Js iold ia TwJn J ^ J li b « ly . rh n m ia c y ond.by. .theJw ijl.ip drussiitJi In every town.


We C*n ;;PJcii8 Yob

• i,«»o im io s ^


ij Berger Item s 1r (.Slicclal ('urrunlioiidoni'i..l

IIKIIOICU. A'i.rii ! i.-M r. imiiI Mr i. \. f.. Ijimniofs and i/n«K!;(or. .'tf,.. (i. j

^ Viiiini; nnd I'hlUIri'ii nro c-i.nloaijiliitliii;' it.avlni: Uf I'o.m, Mr.i.. Yonni; hn., imr- I'liiui'd u iilai-o iu Twin Kail;. IIu»-; ovV-r., JJN- jiJuJjJilJic In rrw uin a!, licrRor fl.r lli,' r,'iii;ilndi.r of tlil-i

J. .M.^Tui'Vcr linri tlio niinforinn,- it.; hnvn n liomi' ilr»|i tliroiiKU lho t,.|i ci( hill llli: i-l"t"rn. TI:o wiilor did imi

h>' I'liilroly »uUni>.ri;i. ilio nnlniiil lait fonr irk iioiiri of waitlin: f,ir roronr wan n,.ii.' II. loo [;oi>d fnr li'iii. .A li'riM'li wan iiai;| III- llifcaich ill.' Illll,' I.f (lio ,'lHi..rn affc.r( rni till- liiiri,!- Iiail koiIii i l;i« fr..iii f.'. i ' nd 1iiWi_llio ii;.H.,;i,:i.-,v:iy a l..i; rii:,in At P'ai'i.il arniin,! I i-, in,'!; ami :i ii.jiii inii fiJiiiJi' '•h'fri \i'rirh /.f UIid mit

Till, ..................... 1,1 r.'i-.iv.-rlm'.il„. iilouly.ll,. All Ki-vnth llllli oirliili craiii' luiiillil

frnni Ha(;i;artl; nn.l ilc-nvr i;n i,. lln l- ' lon f '”" 'In: oniiiily i'X;iini-

liatlonii,.Mrn, 11. W. l...iii;no Kpriit si'vorai

•rk, <iiiy„ ill Twin i-,ill» laM «o.:i;, iin- .Mlu,, f.aiir.1 K.'ofor niu'ul Friday and [ tm; Haiurd;iy in Twin KiiIIh, jinn* .M rtf-llo»ard Ci.novnr han U'tii luv- for illK 110111,' di nlal >miMc diilii- Iho jiiisl ticri wn.'k.nl;, Krod Uoia r wan n Twin Kaili. vl-.llor innl'-'rl'li'y-

I II. I'. TIiniiuH iind hon, ('Ittloril, .Ml 1.I I.illlan McOrritor. Mii.ii I’aulliio iiii.li.v mill .Mi»i l.aiira Koi'for nn.Inro.l 10

■' ’Vwiii K,iiln, Kridny,11. <•- i:n.uin ,-ali,'il ,.n IVto C lir l - :

tlni'oM (nil. day lunl work." KIrnor I'urroti wa* iili>.onl from

M-hoiil on,, day. lu'il wook im a ic iun t nf illnoMi.

!>• Mrn. A. f:. Ayer nnd Ml»s l^ninia liK llruilhy rnoffimj in i!:r c irrn y wu!, lli>: Mnjida.v.»ln- Tniii Sj.liili.f~nn of Txvjii K.'fi , .'alii'o

il.ir J. (•.-l’iiri,.rii,'Id «ai, a li,.rK.-r vlnltor lirn. Tni.|„iay.vi^, M n, A. C. Acyor oniioii iin • Uo- .,,,1- nii.inliorn of llnccnrdl i-rliind ilinirlit ,,.r. i;inl unok., Mr. anil Mr.-i. Il<':i T’nrroli w,t i ' Uio ,l,.r ■"’'’t i" !' ‘Iliinor l;i:i| Sumlny. N.'arly ,, ' oil till, fniiilly rL'latlvoH uml a f<-w In- ! ' ; timat,-, frloudn won- iiri'».-nl.

I ' .'.Jr. .MiiC.nv «f KiJ'vr ji.imi.nl (liroiiKJi I'orjior with a honi nf I'.illi.' onr,nil.' 10 till-hiiil,. llow ori'r. tho lu'nril i-a'.-

M' (ur,K| 'Kiiiulay on tin. Iludlov (arm Hunili ot llofgur.

Her. _______________iKol.

We Want YoniuK- to keep in mind the

fa^ that in addition to . printing this'riews-

I v<; paper we do job work 1“' o f a n y j^ d When

in need of anything in this line be sure

To. S e e U sf f i --------------- ---

“ IIMI Pi:u ( ; k s t u n h ix m .vs" ,Hour whul Dr. Ihmncll bun 10 nny

U p . al'out him Sunday evcnlnc.

Resident Has Awful Experience■•■1 wnn twlco confined In honplial*.

In the (uHt ono nofhlns bite frmel whn walor wan Injoctcd tnto me 4 Ilmen n nillo dny, nn niy ntOmach wuuld nol retuin I to any foixl. I HUtfertd lerrlbiy; wan taro reit^cod C» a ftJcoleloti. My (o:k» m w '««“ ail ud of Mayr'n W onderful Hemedy Sl - and It hus nurely u v e d my. life. 1

wi'lKh IRQ pounds now." Jt ta u slm- wy hurinle/'ii' iirei>iinl)oi> Uj»i ro- wy niDvoi Uie catarrhal mucus tro-n th s

ued. Iiitcmlnal trac t and nlhiys Ihn ’ In- that tloniinotlon which causei pracUcally •so l a ll atouuicli; liver und Inlemiool qII-

monis. liicludlns -uppen Uclll.i, tine ’ dote will convince o r m'moy relund-

ed.'“ ®'' . DriiSRiali everywhere.nios __________________________ _________ura* ").Bi.

s L av e rin g T he» up ■ TJio Sc Rlni ........... ........... ........ ..........................

(In* '

iror* : U ' fJmU Ss&SSBS||S||BapM|bel- ‘w . U• 1'..'.'-/'V bolu w J .■ ■ . .V r J iR

iDch . - JrfFJV.grow — J v * \

r ' H ./ , ' .. ■ " -

ihi Pim™

RIL 0.1020 . _______ .

- ] D O U B L E B E A U T .- ;

! O F ' ( O U R t W I f . . i

------- r-|‘ • D n n tJ e r ln o " c re a te .^ n u M I

of thick, glw I

r«irn, ymit' ]il:iln, <i,ili, fl,it Imn'. ‘(.o ,111, liaM- il uiitiiiii.ini, ,..ii,. ni.i".y.

‘ mill tilt: "! nrr. ji,-n k- i ;<i :»>:•' .irill'. nr Inlloi ,,iniit. r a : in.ill iml.

rai " ‘’'" ' ' ‘"r""-" 'n r I '" '’i'liou lni.ii-1. ii J..ill . inlll utiil "H.,11-

i m l ■*” '* Ull... liirinn.li \,ni_rIhnlr. t.i1;lii); niio .Mimli iHallii .11 .1

m-. lllm.'. lii-'iaiiily. .. in 1111. 'il.,;.‘l>. i.|,,l \m i lim .‘ i!iiiilii..il llll. li.Mi;u .it llinr

ii..lr. |i Wlii 1”' a '!ia I. 'II ‘'It. Ill l„ r ir,.ii: aiKi M. oa.y u> d,i 111.. Aii.ilii'ii.

,iil'l l.mi I'ji o .I.iv,' ,i|l 1- r.-niini;it.i l l , [,..|' iiaml.Tln.' imi amri' lUo. r.ii .||.y i-r. ;in,i lirirlitn rm la >nnr t i . ; r . ' 'l lu .

to r.;i:uiila>llii: Iniili' "111 In li. n >i.i'-: .'.lij., , li,'i il ilTintli llir :md lalli:, ; l i 'li

'■I''-;;.ti’l in 'i|. ynnr liair li- i:v'.'.v I'lnr. ]tlilrl<, ;:lrniii; and ln',;inlllul.


11. I ’.uvliiir inr. Ill. ll I.llll In <ll- -th" .................rl .;u;aili'.( 1'. II Til..... .'’I''' aii'i nili.-ri, Iill' iill<.i'.iiilini ln'lni; 11a-

, nai,I II,11.. in til,- ::iv>u ,it JIL'.'i. Ho a l-11

ii.nioy Inr iho pialniifr.- Tin- <a»i- n lil , illii-lv i<o irli'ii al Un- n'-\i M in <>l

U.,- dl„.rlo. .-nnrt.

linn Sim i:.Mri.ovi:us iv a n ti;i»111 Jic;ir Dr. Jii.j)ij-.ll ai lii.- .\li.iin.dl:.i olinr.ii -Sniiilny ovonim:. s.ii>jo,i, "li'l l',-r Ci'iii Man."

;” [ i A R i G M Si I JOHNSON 1, * S6300 Si.'C-roiiTii iiioili'rii Iiouse,

J liuilt-iirf.-nluri'K ntul fitii 4 liiirKuiii, il oniiiKil Ix' ill

r _ 1 $5S00 SiK-rii'.iii iii«.[|.rii imiiKo' i j X ’I’''''* '""1'"** • $4000 Fivir-niiiin iiio.l.'i;ii ii.iii;

' . X $3500 Fivv-ni'iiii inti.loi'ii holts

X $3500 Fivt'-r.ii.m m‘\v lioiisi-, ti

----- ♦ $050 Tiivwwijii {i);i.>ili.'ri'il Iiwi

mce I TWO GOODI « '!. . I""-!'. . . .X I '" ''i"ili’i'.H or ilrnws,

,ml„ X ’ *-liii'l:"ii ImiiK.* n n .l oltio' wan X

I 15 .-\iT.-H (•Jns4- in. ptKhiX l.oivi'f nnti 'iiulits, I'ivi• lilniT is 11 riiio liiniH'.

Z I Always-

1 1 JOHNSON !und- 2 123 Uftin Av«. E ast

leatre 8'^^a Moi) Season’s 'Mturicnl Comnly Event Su!


I 2 , 0 0 0People


! Iffethodist Churcb! I,AST SV M )\Y i;VKMN<l

j ; A iii'u n n m l win, in:i tlif T w in ‘I I r i 'l l i '■■1,1,lly hr.i .‘iundflV I‘V«J- I lai; « li”M liu- l;ir;;i.sl ormv«l in } 1 1(1. bitii.irv mot at tin- Mflliivl-

3. , Kt ,-linn-:i. Krniii all n u T -lh - '' ,-i.:i:it, llll.V ,-anio Itmnlii north.

Miuili. oa.t and Wi it >m'Io full' llf .nllll .. II .- ..... . iilwlilph •

v.-rn- :iU tirni on t-n'oriric - Ui«.lii iiih i;v.r>- i-(l,iri «a.i T»adr i„ 11. .niiui nitai.- III.' orott.( Tliu

! ail.:u.iriiitii i.imi tilli.ii. tlii'ti Ih.l I'lO; oliali'-l; ..liinil Imn Imiidfiii wtinid

IIJ,.I iln.,1 ....v..ri.i linniltHl had

ml- [ i'-.ir Ii.'-irlv Umi' iiiinri. thoioIII' . I in, Iiy . in,in:I' in „ui;.ln u-iU h orI.,11- ; 1::.lllllni; mom ii^ioni'il I.) onein iri nt llll' fl.... . ia.iiili'ji nveiiliiI I I r r..-:nl. i.'ii 1,1 T.vni K.illn. All..1 ,,. v.i'iii -''....y d.'ili;luo,l «lth- »n.,„ ri I'H-iiiiiit v.-i.|! ■'Iicm - an aoptfl- Jll . 1 vr..ii.- .-11111111; n.l .1 in'rli-rt l''.u«t- '■ ll'li. ! ' '' '"I I \ i -.1 ; :iiiiia.v i-vi iiinK ir.L. nrrv*

I I h .- -.vlll (,]iiin Mitii iwcniy mln- 1 '. 1 nn- ol nm ll- Th.- I.ic vrNtud

■I:.Jr.<ull .)./(; ....v-rral pIcccH .i;,.l .Ml-. Mlii.liniijir.or » lll rcn- -

" <1.^ ...... nl ii, r In aiilllul hiiIoi.■ ‘Hr. l-..rnilt'-i or.'hunlia Will j liiay tin ii.nai.

Dr. ll.i;iii.'ti I'. tiropiirlDi; nome I ML'iial lall. . for UlO nrxt luw ;I Hiindnyn, .NoM Kiinday hl« Jln- 1 .'.inm- will tio on tlio Ono Iliin-

- r I droil I '- r iVn: Man. fNcrylody * ! will Wlllli r<i ll'rar wh.il Dr. l!«n>

t t L 1,1 „„ ........ .WL _____ ___I Will. ii..»iilo*<:.>ni|iiK livrr U 'lefl'' Illiir ni'illiiK lo ulti'iiii ((<!“ <rhurcb

'''■■•j II >UI1 In- wi'.o i„ r aii to be “ ""•I iliori. II lilli.- i.ofi.ro Ihfl mien- " i‘- Ini; liii',ir of x n'olntU.

T iir.'iiK ST ,\v.\v Tll i ;m i t i u ; i»aYI ,if rijim- tn llll' M ill, lli: 1 lim rch Snn*

Silay .'V-'nl:ii;. ili-.ir 'tin: I>1r vestvl ,-;ii,ir I im; I.I-.K'h u. ,iir. Iienneti t;-ll-. <111 Uh- '-lOil^l’or Cont Mun."

"ll'li. Wanl u jidiT Try a •‘Sltuatloa Want* jc ,r ‘ ad In uur warn columns.


use, lm n l w.Hi.l riiiin')'. f iinm cc licftt, ' fitin I'l 'i'i 'K ''. Tliin'imiiHi' in t r u ly - a

. <lui>lii-nl>-ii-iii inw n for tlic m oney-

uso , s t r i i 'i ly iiio‘fi'n i in t.v i'ry -'w aj'. m il W fll w iirlli tin- n iiiiii.y ,' "

iiiii.'K', lilillll.' riiii.r'^, I'M I'll I l i r i 'i 'lo l . I

Olth.', oll.HO 'III. '1 ■

tiinili-rii, WI-II lii.-:ilo.l r .-fTDll <-n!i1i.

Ilollso, )||-\V; § 21111 unnl). ‘ .

)D LAND BUYSKill lovol inm l, Iu.vk fim- tii ir f iip itP , '' ; .I, (Ittoil ;i-r«ioiii liouHc, MV'lill iMkm, ' tliiT iiiii>i'ovi’iiu-iitH. J ’ri.'i- pet* ' !

i I '-rooni liofiHc, (Icq i -wbH, e lc o tr ic [.'ivo uiTCH'j>loWctl, Kinall I ru i t . T liis

S2'Sell Good L is^ga


onda^^ i i p PSu p rem o J ' i f l

^ ' j / ’

_____________ PAGE THBZg .

Page 4: 10 THAT RECEIVES T^VO LSASSD. T W i IMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · How can .you Mpect * ,. get aheadr T * ••How high do you build

• . y » g t J a a T ~ ............... ..

. ^ b l l i b e d E very ErenioB E xcept Sundt The TimM P rin tin g A Publuhing Cot

01CL7 IDAHO P A F 2 B W ITH TWO I t k * iB t tn u U e u l X ev i S«rrlM u d th* 1

u l lU Bem4«

i i . IL DBNTON----------------------------------------- -toms a. HILL---------------------------I B. FINNBT----------------------------------------------

o ieonQ B a h a r t ........... ....... - ..... ................. .THOMAS Vf. BTRAETER---------------------------

_ . ■ ■ ____________________

£nt«rfld &t' th e Tw in Falls i)0Bt0ffk< AkUy poblioAtioa, A pril 11,1018.

BUBSOBIPTION:D ally ftod Sunday, y e a r ---------------------

'E x co p t Sunday, y e a r --------------

. . 8&LDTE T

- ' I Plodgo AlIoRianco to Myto r 'Which I t Standi. One L iberty and Joatibo fo r A


X—Dameeracr a t liome.’ t —M atnal Hcbt. b m aoil p u re r tn d t? i

I.B tC e l« a e r ia pobitc acboolL «—SB Coartf* oaoutacuirlDK- »~B aU road to c o o o o a n J il i Son licrn Pa • —C onatrre w ater aupp ir b r pamploR i

tloa c u a l a v h e n e re r poittb le <]ui 7—Sw tam lnc pool la anmmor aad akatl

>—p o ^ Toatfa throucbotit all trlbutarr 10»lBeclrl(r Tallroads ot Idabo.


V Cou], su(;ar, incntif iind hIiocr an- ii' o f congresKiofinl in<|tijn«‘H. T/k*

• V igoronB. Jjljlpry-ffiH! o f llip.se im|niilunl miKpiL-ioii o f profitcL-HiiK n ln a d y , w iih v

'* lcH» Bomcthiiifr driiHtio is ilmio to ]ii i-vi'u'iI Thero lmv(* lH-(rii viirioiiH illmiiiiinl

}ncat and «hoo -iinliiHlrii‘»,jl picioii rcgardiiiK llii tIu' imldid•\ founded. W ith foiil iitid m i«ar llu'tiiiUK[•; ' AVliou Kovt’fJiiiifiit t'liii'iroi tif siiKiir ■;V U ia cxpcclcd-Ihnl prioes will jum i'. .M

. in fc 'their ciwtoiiiPrH lo order llu-ir ciiiniir — r*pp«u i-p rcvail,_L i:[ ;u iia i’._tli"iii{h_|iiKl'»..JJb fflohthH hcnpL*. T hon - 'n r.* ru m n rs o f “ tli g ' A h f o r ,f u e l , i t in w ell Inuiw n llin l miU i la te ly in n m n y ' citifiH $1 to *2 u Ion , in F fw lc jra l c o n t r o l o a A p ri l 1. m u l'in j>iiiU-n ?■ e tti’ wnpco in o ro aw . MimTH innisi tU. ir

C rease th e co sl o f prodiic-licm n m ir lliini t 5 . . .T iiD .p u h lii’, n ir e a d y i-xiiloiti'd luisl i‘, 6 n d n r c fu rtlH T inipoMtioiiH. ('oimiT>h h. f, • o f .p ro t c c t in B rnnHiiiin'i-s fm m g i r nii»i.' ^ - f o r .a c t io n . - I f lU 'tion is im t fiH-ihniniiu

'i^ U 'h c h e ld ri'spoiiHilili- w lirti i!u'.v sin in l g ’ N o v em b er .

5 * /■ ■■■■’ ' BILLBOARD /

' .Spring, nloiiR Avilli its IhuIh aiul Il»' , • o f liillboflrd ni^t, and fnnu a cusitn- ulinu

'-“■’ «<loal. I t ill criiilo, (luriHli, and for llii: i Si . A IcadinR illim tratnr doi-tai''s llu

A riicriennidcal o f n r t . J f ko, Ann'i-ii-icd i ebb. Tboro nro Inrnc iiiim1>m <if ]>.'iipli b u t th e aw rujtP i'riir.cn oIiImt ha>i vi ry

'••• . to r ia l bcanly, o r <-ls<> In- is wciid.Tfnlly i i ‘ • A\liy iK it Ihntt with ho niany «ocni '<■ o n d m e n availaliK- who nro tjooil jniljt.'.s ;; continue to cini>loy nrlin'iH and advoilisi

r i u g BO m n n y n rtiM i.'iu i> iis tro siiii-s? .\lnI ■ p a tu r a l bcn iU y s p o t is n la rrc d liy tli>'in.

C om nio rc iu l h ill lio a rd iu lv rr li> in u 'a tI to be infliu'lcd on ih .- 't ra v c lin i; im l-lir »

Mvo na posjiiblo. I f ih n s ta n d iird doi-s ni ^ tho whole busini'.HS w ill Iip fo rltiildcn a s ;

I t ilt il 't th o m il fo r ll l f iiK.tii-y, Iji'it i s to ho th e o b jc f l oi" jiililc s 'i jiu)ili<'riy

Could oninim iBii n io iiry li.- .'lassi-d

_______ • ----------- -----------------------Leuiiic w a n u m w uia'tfnal:“ rnr"K'

h is own Htufft


" - r —i, • O ilA llA . April S. -Hun-.-ItvC'-tluM t : f>'i' }■ 15,000; tow m cliiim liniitn j i lo .sii.K-------low «r:'lop . - |fc-A- ir ■ r a n ie - I 'u v lD U nGOl): tiliirUi-l I.ac'k-[(S< [■ u., e ra pJaclmi no tti.r7;‘rrV 6ui.r<ir :!i .u .ir

ftbllliy to K*: tr»!-..iiiOii:illPn; in a r 'te 'S H h . V ' iU ananL

; Bheep—Kfcolpta <ono; imirk.'i no] salci for lambi<: li'w nlir.irlnK luiiHn.l 1*0

j : SCQMc louTrr. j Ui'co------- - I C:ii

■ CHICAGO. April Ii.^-ItoKi'- U .Tdpii'i Sh' 4000; m arket v rry clow, r.iii- in tJiiitich

t . low «r; bulk. |H.r.i>Clf...'.(i,: J ir .,:r .; 'h e a ty *el«h l. lU JfU .Tii; mc^llinal CII

■■ w « k b t. )H.D0OlC,7C^; Ilxlit h'sIrIiI, Mark llKtita, U.OH

■ 16.40; J>»0Ty pai'kliiR »owi;. •moolli. C'oi '■ •K .78© I3,M : packltin kow*. rouBi;, tl.«< !■ »12 .«0U -75 : piK". tl2-tf.WH.7C. l.CS'.;

Cattle—Itceelp li ilSOfl; itiDfkut muHl- Oui ■i--. I r Bteadr: beef H irers., medium uad wMi« 'J- bearjrwalKht. tl3.7r>Oir>: cholco aii<1 OH'^c

p r la * . f ll7 C 0 1 C ; metllum and cood,B g -.. | im 0 1 S .7 6 ; sood uad choice. 112.4V i K l . " )O K tS ; commoB aad medium. I0.7SO a> la ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ' ' e o a s o n 'i^d iin td tn m : 19.760 munli

lA llY TIMES COn d a y , a n d S u n d a y M o rn in g by ^ C om pany, T w in F a lls , Id ah o .

> U BA BE D W IR E l E ^ o i i• Uttllad F r a i l B ene Tb* T lw i U e n .

’ __-------------- ;--------------- ^Vlca PreilUeol-------;------------ . SeercU rr

_____ Btlllor aad Qeneral M aoaier_______________ A iili la o l Manager

______ L _ ------------------------------- 1' " -fice aa accoud c lau m atter u a

N E A T E , '____________________________ I7.r)0 '

_____ __ iO.fiOz : : : z = : --------------- s;;;:':!

!' I'lllll.! T H E F L A G m ^

lly F laR ,.aD d to tb o R ep iililic ii)no N a tio n , In d iv is ib le ; W ith -inirr• A ll. ; «'■<"»•

L OHP..VTEB T r n n FALI.a | l ;T iODNTX tll.' r


t r a s4 cooatr- pollrl

PaclHo-to tbe lonlh.IR wftite w ater back Into Irrlca* ,durlD f ibortage, ;■ta tincT lflk IB w/DCer. ^

ry t i r r t to r r ’to"cltr; .

' D-'tni


• now lo Ilf m ado iht- sn l.j-'.-ls s'.slioijJiJ ll.' p ro in jit nn iljy "n r"

tnl I'om uiuilitii's i.s n n d f f (-ntvc^II w o m - <-xliirtion to follow iin -in't i l . ■ Iia liii( ' hldoUtjIilf? la tr ly ^ IH I-liir ;

Ih a t iKTlmps t l i f tU-i.i'Tiil sn s -1 " ii, lit! is o li |i« fd lo |>ny ari; wt-ll jl.H.-." iiiKfi- is c h if f ly ll fu lu ro on.*. iir f.x iiiri-s, a s it w ill on .f itly J.l,,!,,,."

.Mnny ro liiil tl<'at<Ts an - w « rn - l tiun ■lllitli;-snj;ar now '.-'^’lii l '' |>rf.‘'< 'iit' V«u . llii-\- w ill st't'in f lii-ap ii ‘tliii'iy -i'o iit M tp ir .” I Kol'i i'oal jicii'PS hnv.. in.Tc-ii.K.iti i VI

. in ..fl.^hralitiii o f i h o Ii’ps.. o fj

........i.'ir itfw W ii^f s .'a li ' fnm iiilin ‘J,*. to Ml n Ion . | .Sm;sl c n .liiran r i '. is in ....... .» h a s .1.111- lo i. H u ll' in Uir " n y ; , / , , ' " l.a .'ily .if |i |-.>rit.Trs, ll is 'i in i> -n„. |.n in« . Ill.......... Inw-niuU .'rs ;N.iri1im d a t lliv lliir ..f jii .luuu -n t n.'.M j" ' ' ' '"

______ i : u . |

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flow , rs, ih .I .r in u in t; n m ‘w .T.iii iin.-i' il siT iiis nillii'C wiUs.- th a n TMnl n: m ost [iiir l n « ly . •'l lia t s iuM l'oan ls i r i . n w n l l lu ' | j!]"III t:is(c frrii.-'J >'<• iJidcciJ a l ;> )dW| jti,. ip lr , .,f ■•.mrsi-. w i^h k'‘’M tiis li- :; Th. •ry r ii.iin ii'i ita ry n o tio n s o f I " '’-ly td lc rn iit . n-,llli |in->1i'r a r t i s ts in tin ' o o i in t ry ., i)nj:.'s ..f i ir l, In lllioard atlvo i liM'i s jU.lis in j: mi'll . 'a iia lit .' t.f i"'n><'li'iil- \lnio,-.i .-v .'ty lli^•llway n n d I'V iTyi,,,^ ( m. ' . iuu'.'tir a l h fs t is u n n ..... s sa ry , I f i i Isjr 1,1 „ 11, it shtm lil ll.' a s i.u .ff.'ii- s nu t im i.rov .', .n ic o f llu'si- tiay s

nt lliii iH on .y fo r t l i r rn n , w liirli 'tv ill lii is i'aiiii>iiii;n. Ii’ior.

J---- I, f"-■i-a ;Vs “ th r su K sla n rr o f tl.in u s 1

— ------------------------------------------------iiluili


— 1— ------------------------------------- --bm rhtT tioK.'M. $7..',r,« I/«

..7.': .•HW", 57.r;0Ji'12.ir.; b iilb . J7<c l'r<-’!' 1,7."; .-.inni'ri. uml lutii'r# , n u m oii'l ■ Tli •'ifvr., H r.Qi!.-'7,Drt: cmini'f ..u^.:r., jr. U<y S; vi'i*l fnlvf# (llRtit atnJ ha iiity .•Ir.Uti JliU fU .W ; ffc .lrr id.-.TH- .r.rK,i;i:r.: ht.ick.T falv..«, js j /m .:: .. .S l i .o p - l tw li i i moo; iiinrk.^i .K-a.ty •X valrn. nuntatlt>n« rioruiat; lamlm.

111,.. .iDwn) JlKiii:i'..-jr.: l.imtin. fiiils .'.! •. oinmon.- >H,7fiffrtr.7fir y t-arlln r ^ - -ihont. iir,.r,o«j'iH.f,if. .'wi'K, JIU M 5: ‘ '

fullii nn.l common. JC(i'10,TC.

I'O llT i.A Sn, Or.-.. Al'fll U.~Ili>»;i:- ” ! 11!.

l-;illk— ItiM .-lplt lu-iK-.Shf..|.-Ui-ri-liit!. :il : Iiiarkoi i.i.-;i.l/.

rich;inK.sl. J "

CMHT-UiO, April !i.-C uil; C ra ii! arku t: Wht'al No, :• l.anl, I"*-"'I.tii; No. :i inlxf.l, $I,C7; No, A uilicil.[Cora .N'o, ;■ whil.-, |l,7i»; Nii. S whlf.itl;.>- l,«4i< .«l,ci; No. :i yt-tli.^r. i^.CS',4: Sa. < ydlow . li.f ii . toi .OuU No. :■ wlllle. » l.ii:i«l,04; No, :liAl.rl hiic. 1101,01: No, 4 white yyfi’ l Y.. i>Ac. jvk-f.

] i i :t i i o i>i .''T.s w i l l iil’i i -h !la re* 00 (iu>tl(urluia a i die com-

a n itr demanili, , l l lu lt


WASIIINCTtl.V. Al.rll t'.-T luT i' In r r . a l l,c-iw.-,-n a fashlom.hlP ,

lrl'« l.(..irilliii; ».'hi.i.l an.l i.cllilral ■a.l.T lilj., but MUK. rjro lii .. ' Itliuli- .•ri lin« lirldK.r.1 llial mil. ^ |[l.'.Hplli- till' rai l (tiat hll.' I>' ‘ ,

,ii}i>lrr I 't U ow iinry a rami.ijv , in,.- ...•t.u.it III ( ir-raw i.h . i-oiii...Ilut. Uiiiili-lli-.-ii ll. iilMi II . ........ t,f '••... ..x...'iilU<- ••..iiiii.lii.M.'»r ill- l>< iiii>- ' , rail.- Natl.iiial <-i)Uiiiill(.'.-. Ilur.lly....... cmlllil.-. .liM' 117 ■ !A IhordiiKli iirholiir is Mim. Ktiiilr.-

:.•.•;., iilKl ..111- Jk." all l.r Ih.- lli.li.a-,.,11.. ..f liela,! jlli.1 a,. ............ . i...I1II...UI, Sllll «a i. li.irn ta Kmilanit.III .•:iiii<. li> Ihl- riiH.-.l Hlal. J. wh. 11 ili.iiai; Klrl am! wai. r.liu'al.'il l« lilla-l.'liiUhi. 'I'”*'ll..« lllii.r.s ' luiv,. clinlu;.'.!. 11 1. Th.'

;.Ti1 III, rralil.- wiiliifa iire ll. ln.lilli :<. I>- J'-*' lit liaai:ill.- ik |.olHi.-al l.^allrr wllli a m.tvI.-i .•.;n-. ..f U - A. tr.m i Si. Alidri-wi, j

I. A , allll j 1i.ii’ li .l.-Kf. i- of I'll. H.1..11, III.. i.i|Lii. ini.illnlli.li. ,Tli.'ii llll.l Aiiiii.i I thal iiNIrlIlii.111 r.'<.<ni ai. i> hlu- ii||,.r i. .'Ill .If r rin ia .T .' ..r lUy i.vhi.'h s<.iu, • .M II,.U1. :. Klilui r., 'n .iT yStm li-.v.'11.. .••iiii'ail.iii .......r.l woniaii, ',iin I., mnv in |i..iltl( i. Thrro l.i

ollTl.ai cam'.- llian I-V.T Ii.f.i'r.-, Il_

Alt uf Ihl- ,-n.TKy <>r ,\li:.'i lUiiit/- :.-|.M haa mil b rn . ilrvni...! u. i.liiily i,il riliuution. hi)V.’..v.T. >^hr l.ii.i lia.l ‘’'I ' ' " ' i;».. U> l..-..»>ii.- .,jii. of l).i. fnri.iiKol .ittranlsU of l-.,iiiwi.ll.iit ami i.hr

ir t-<iiim.rllnii f ..i in .il ..f N,.lli.ii,il , (..f..m..- .Iiirlii,; (111. war. Norlh..Ml.s Knill.---I|.-i.:. I:....... iil«ay..

;;..iliii ar.- h rr ,-x.T. Im- ami > . r n-.'- Dalll i iiilnn. Shr !.. utii<iiir, hiiwrv. r. for - - ■ Irr ixiiiiilii >ih.. .-iinir I.I llui. ri,Ulllr)1 ISS:; whvn a yoiinR i;lrl. tlii'.ni. f<ir ■

_______________ I

CHURCHESrin -l .Mt'tlitii|l-.| i:|iKf.ii.al

A trxandrr C, Il..innll, raiUor. "liinuorlalMy' a n.t ih.t Kvrry-Day

;i.’." »uh|-rl .ir ninrnlni; ...'ramn. I l l 'ctptk. N"Oiif Hlin.lrril IVr C.-al Man," «vr-

lai: MTUKin, S ..■.Im lt,,

Vouiii: I’roiilr'ii iiiri.iini;;i. Ilan.ia oum; Mrli'H ................. :> |i. in, 1 |>-•i.r(h-liviiifiii‘r-7-i* '-t“—:------ -----------------------

F Ir.l Mniri'li nf Clirl>t SH.'iilM Siimlay nfrv|.i.!i 11 11. 111. lU I’arti.li

Ml. Snbj.TL .ir I.I...IIII MTiii.m lur .lir ll .ll, "Ar.- sill, n‘Ura:.i. an.l tlrallij ..•ul?" j.Siin.lay hdiDot 10 n: m . in I'arUli

nil,,rh r t 'h rlslia ii ^ .-l.■n(.. riaillni; r.Hiiii

I now lii.iii.-.| .in llm 'uri-.jiiil fl....r .i!.!• Kin. liull.lliii;, i:u Mllln Av.-mi.. rn i l . Miai.- i.talrr. i. m I'ollliluii hull.<r<in houn. I;: 11.1011 111 4;:;0 i>. m. <uiII .layn .-xrui.i Sniulay:. aiiil hi)llillO'n.),» .S.iiiinla> frum 7::l0 lu:.lli. . T hr WVdni.Hihiv 'l..riiliiiiiiil,il l.vlluK'- »r.' liri.l In I’arh.h hull al

l.nttii'nin Churfh •hir.l Avciiui- W rsi ua.l Kitlh S trM .

John UrlirluK, rariKir.Sumluy M.I100I li;<ri 11, m,:;..rvi<-rii lu::;o an.l ii: :io 11. in.

lllfrllni; J>. Jil. .Th.- Y. r . S. .......Is In th.' ihur.li

.XI \Vi-ln...»lay a t S p. ui.I'lim.- au.l hear ib r w.ir.l ol (loU ua-

’) lh|. i.alvall.ui of y.uir i.ml.1)11 Tluin.iliiy :;-<;::ii i*. m. ih r l j -

li>i>- Aia ...irlely .it liir l.ullu.raii liiir. il niel al llu- home of Mr.. Thiri.Irehrr, r.l5 Kourlh Avrnue iCaKl, At- i r ill.' iiiiporiuni an.l lively bii'.ln.':<nI'.eerlni; a ilalnry Jiin. li V nn i cryrd.

A *rnu|.in Cplsrnpiil Ctiurrl!■orm-r Thlnl Av.-mir Nnrlh ami .See-

uud Sire..l.Kiml W. Mereh. ti.y-rraili'r,

Sumluy i.rlio.il lu ri. 111..Moriiilii: lirayer willi "pi-rlal iiilliii..

ll 11 oVlock.’roroKi-ional hymn, "W cl.uaic Ilnppy

Mornlni:" . . . . .SnjflvnuIliroit iinliicni, "(’hrim I:. Arhit-n".

.................................. • ...... fra il.!m m u::Q .t:tnaf..t.rl Kii.Sllic” _____ ___

........................ , ....... Sitiinrrlii-IJLimi.— JI'Li-c:'-... I)y1;«'i>, ___............... "O Uo Joyful In llii- I^ird"

... ................................................ Bnil;Hfurlory aniheia, "Why .Sts;li Yi- tlu-

I/«ri1" .............................. Wost.•r.iiontmlon, "All Thliii;.-. f .m ir l>.

T h y T ' " ...........................S.ll1lv;.;il |^ i l . .n a 1 , -'J.'sm. l.tvrn" .finimlh'll

ciniroli of tlir llrotlirni,Cha:.. W. IL.i.k. 1‘a.l.ir,

.' UKlav ». hool to u. 111.Altlltl toiiie, —rtir Hrrvlrn ol Womrtl

In NaUonal I.<.ai1rr.~hi|.,’ i : . N. lTor>'.

M.irnlin; womhli., 11 a. ta, Siil.Jirl, -llravra'i. Uisllnel I'all."

flirlr.liaii WorU. rr.- M.-.-tlii.; 7 p 111. ^;iihVcl. "Tlial Wliieb in S-i. r. il, Ih.-I.iira-|. ll..ti~,-," MIh,. Kulh Hei.n, l.ro,-.- i.irnl.

J.uilor I..M-ur : I., in. Mr:. I'.ilir-II. y, Siij.l.

KvetiliiK wor..hh. S p. 111. S.ibj.cl,"t.VxI'/i '

MMwoeli nray.T ..orvlee on WcOnti;.,h.y .-vrn in»<i 7:^0.

l.aiHoH- Al.l wlli 111.TI .11 Ih.' ehjirrh [.» ail a il <h.y ..i-wlni; on TIinrMlay.April in.

Vou »rc Invili'd 10 all ut lhu»o i.tir-^krii.

________ S_____l')irl»ll<li> riiu rrli

W. A. Moore. .Mlnlitcr Rulb I la r re r , Young Peoplai' Worker. ■ ■

_________________ THE TWIN FALL:

I, M, I’owc'll, D lreeior ot MukIc. n i ' ;<r. 11, in. Illlilf School. 1), NV,l.'pilf \ f \

l:t|i‘i u, aurl, "Uie l-ich l of Homo," il-'anny -I.; •ronhy). Mrn. W, A, 1‘alrlrli. I.. 1.'.’iilrleK. 1Ihrai. "T tir l.or.l 1" ,\iy l.W .W .

. . I-'l”!Vcunii; reopti.H' Social Ilnur,: Cl'

firiu'- Vnin.i; l-eoiUrf.'-'' nrvi.li.uiiiI

liiiiar .- .ini; l-i.-rvlrc, ’,0, "Ti.aeh M.. I.i 1-ray'- (f.i'orile ['Ivr ' 'rafi Jr.) T- H. Mariiliiili. ji.r--iiaiKii.iii. -"Th.' t..ir.i WKI C’i.infoit i»<i.rt <■ Hon. iJ. H. ll..n.-<:ri.nf.| IH. Wi•inun, "A Shallerril Violin"-A il-M .inllr I.... .. tll lh r Ak.-<1. W. a . -M....!.-- ::..|nit^

I'lrvl l'rrsl.y ||.rln ii ('hiirr)i ' ..........A-iliiT Harlan llri.n-i, Mu.l.... . ; "1 1lornliii: wim.iilp ul l l .I'.^toek. ,iiiili.>n :M'!iini; w.iri.hi|i a l K o-. Iuek, lia i 11II.. llihli.|,. iin..li. liriii. Ill HI li'rluell. ly |ir. •|ir V. r . K (', »•:, in..r(:. nt 7o-.-Io<!c- (nro- 'n.. Jiiiiliir I-. 1:. liit-.-lt. ul :i oV1o. Ii wlil. h •he l<ili..wli.i; iniii.kiil jiroKram will n.iillii

vl.i^.: ■ t.ir.:..MtXIlSlNd; . ...ll" .-

•'Ml ............. . "In A niuian" the vl.................................... .Mar lli.wril . "Nir

iii. i.i, "tSn-.ilc llilo 'j ..y" . .' Ailnilr

11, - ily III.. W alrra of Habyl.in" ■. ui. 10

T, K. Marahiill, "l 'r.MU |iiM(ln.|r," r.ilonalj..." . i-lio|'iu r la n .i

i ;v i-:n i m : w.-ii ;:aii pr. imi. , ••|-li.irnl" . S.liniiialin iu " -r. ihuiii, ",\'uw 111.' Day !•. Ovir" . . j ' •<. ' i

............................................. SpoHks il. M-rvon.iry. -'.S-r.^na.l.. l.'An.u.ir" i^un.-'.. . V inilli.nil A.l.iII, •'f.llo. m. Ifu- Unri De .inTd" (inl/Ua

Mr.. 1-V !i, lU.tl, 'w llh 1Ihrrn .^oim l'.irv,rll •>if Uir

lallr and Sundar Tlmeii. t7.S0. jiin'ihi


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A«lm— Illlll.'O

dniiral Wilson Disputca Prcpar-cdncsH Charges of Admiral ,,,,i,ik.r

Sims 'I'

---------- T hrWASIIlNtiTON. Al.rll S.-••I ht' ac- fholt-mr \eri!,.l.. of llir Il. . I W.T.- h.-tirr Hu' w,-parnl Ior war In 1U17 than Uioy "“V.'ilft <-i.r lyrrii Muru. Ailmlral lluliry ""'1>Wll.-iia, now romTnaniliin: Uio Al- " ‘t- Ui

111.: II.-..I. ,I.-rhirril l.,.lay l.oforn a lak.':!niU- KUb-rnnir.'liirr - inro-iiriiUn,'; l“'riuii ar Ailinlral S-m..' ch/.r^e.. of m-.•|i..reilii. Ml for wnr, • •""Nn

lion ii|...n Ibr i.ppniai -i .,1 wii- lui< 'lul"•< 11 fn n r ot l.i.llt.-:ihlj.i iiiur.- a.^,.r- eiii.nl,' pn 'iiarn l fur liallli- Ih'.il «-a. llu-

T<- lo ’KliI. I. t «7<« .iltu lhril ..;;tl . il.h Ml.•Ill 111.. w}in..-rs of 1111-1-17 la "-'Al ilh rrii wal'.-r-," A.iinirul Wl’,.nii il.r- “rX P< ir.-t, "Ail.l I leol lUin- lha i il ihls

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r..i lb ......... .lei.ariiiieal an ’'{ ...rlII a.l the fl.:ei eiilureil tnio 111.- iin.iiii;>•.<•.iilioii .>r llir war wllil till- r,reai- . . n i ;

.■n.Ti:y ami 11k i.e. r.nipilMhmom.i .rv .. lii. r.ininioiiili.iliin t.f Uu- na- WanII.-' rd” U.I \.|.ii lra1 Wib,nn iiuinleil mn DialliJn f.„ir .luy:, ;.ri<T Ihr W 2 l€

u r tTth th .' iii:.rr.lllr.l rriir.;i..-iiliitlVi-s _III.. ili-iil..h I.n.l |.-r.'iiili iiilmlrallh-:. ^ 1 Uial !.I. , ...in u . Ihry nii.ili- Ihelr g U B l 'ihi known, '•iiiini.illnl.' uml t'tflc- Satlf


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■RIL 0. 1920It iitrpa "•liro u k m lo iii-ai] our h h allahiu Hhlpii ovtrsciia.-' n il) i i t l le y i-oiiimuiilcuilniiii. AUmlr- \yi|jinn' wii(l._'"tllil n o t cxpreiit ouy

•0 iict-a fur liulp gr Rreal ursoncy r ll." . 'Admiral WJhion Ihrn lold lho com. .il.'o .ibiU It Kroat. jiart of onr my wjis. traiispfirinl nrronii a.otio In . ’Ilf o.'.'an liy lb- nmy. "iiaU no illier u r' pn«Beiii:er im u imvy iram .. J r l .liinmi llu- w iirw ita lont ihri>uj;ti

r ifu rl Ilf III.. i-niTty."Th.' navy.by llv. -kI.I.'Ii.II.I mul rl- i-li-nt w ork- Miulrrlully t.|iorirni.i!I' war, WIIhoi) itrriiiroii ua.l llnin v.'il "nniol.l Ilf- nn.l iiroiUTiy."'■Wbru wr e.imilil.r \vh»l il illit .lo;I- Uilnjm II .11,1 iiai <iii; th r mhi- k..:i It ma.lt- :.ro ro r.Mnllvrly •|n.luii riuiii Ihul Iluiy artu. harilly uurtli nHtik-riiiliin in <(ira|.arbim." hriait.l, " "N aianilly -hliiilrlijlit' may illitroy.

muny ihiiii;n llu i um y tnivr lirna mil Is 'lter bill, result* a n . wliai unl." Wlinuit <:(lll.ltllio.i.

c i;> 's i. 's r i f i r i iK sW ASillNOTON. Aiiril 0.—I’ri-ltmtn- ■y pdpiUution flKUff* w.n- iian.mnp- I lo'lny by lhe ceiiiUTi lunrau uk foU

Wi»ni|..T. 0., populallonI^nraw I’ons <ir llil jiiT, e.-at; l»Ht ipiilail.in r.iK , .tju ln ry . Mi,«i-.. liiju jiiiiniliillnn -17,.1: iiirroa.’ir H ,!..;:i..r ,ier n n l ; • 11) iai|.ui;iii(in :r:.«i:r. ^Muyimid. .M tni.,. i;.^* nop.Uiilion. '/,•17; inor.'aH.i t;;..:. nr lo.S r riii;111 iKiptiiailoii r.iilii),I’oribrti.l, Malno ?*t2n nni'ilatl.'in .lilt:; liicruai... iii,« r. «r IS.I Ji,.rIII; ll'in piiiniiKiiiit: r.'/.'^l^ '

W anl a job? T ry n •■Shtialloii W aht- .U.I In our w nm culimnia.

'2ie n t l c o m e a to n ea r —ckI " eff gc tavg—printin BrJ----r a n y Kind w e will aarante© to gtvo you itisfacUon- sumi


lA D Eh e T im es Free. ^O F F E R7.50 in advance fo r the Dc ng $7.50 worth of discoi io lla r casll purchase t y v ;rading' w ith.these stores.y 3a justonepui'chase. .A ta: over a m onth.

H ER CO AL BILL ALC 9 ten tons, from the City ler her check for $99.75 s 15 w orth o f th e credit slips, ley she paid fo r her Times I 1 tons over w hat she would

:ribers fo r a short tim e oi te'will only call once.


Phone 178 24!


Two Stores207 Shoaboac Street South aud

PETERS’ SH O ET h e F in e s t anil 33c*t E q u ip p e d Shoo

rac n t in TtW n Fti 238 SHOSHONE ST R E I

ST R A T TO N I312 Shoshone 1

l-'ronch D r y CIcanioR , P rc ss iu R n n d a n d G en tlem e n ’k Gui


PLAIN PR IC E SWe carry the be* t lino of hosiery,

crockery, notions, g la u K O W ITT N E W

---------------------------^IflM aitt-A venne:

TH IS ISKUNKLE and BEPalnt«r*, Paper Hanger*,

TTour Businesa Appr Phone 231 2C:


Uii:hoIlQ T iret suid Tubes, M iller " H aU -BohT*

IID T U rd A fcnus E ast

" . ' . - k ■■

Adveiitis-i i l i i f e i : ;’■ | f ^ u a e n * 't ' I e s ^ f y - i y e u r rU..tn-<h«

m id d le o f th« ro a d u td do to i fcnee* po s t to read i m1« bill d o y o u t Then do n 't expect tb e o ther rel- lo'W to do It.PO lin i8lnthttp«i»a'.th«B.

. .r*(irdl«M o f th i wtath«i-.Ib« fa llo w you w in t 10m<n(i whUa u a ttd i t blfflrtald*. ir ba U ■One axIrabuytrencnM r*Iba sntlra axatrua of iba ■e. and n 't ■ twar ad tbat w o n t BUii tha* boraft An ad in lbl»Mp«rr«aebaa ib« (Kooti you tra afttn S lllim arb a in tc ta lty .b u t tb« *d l> th* (b|o« tbat da«*tb i butlotM. . . .Pen 't Ihlnk htVln« a '(IM elil^la wilhout tuln«

■ •av frtl»J8*,.si«oJ a cbU Mi>ar.. ■ ■ .

OneExtraBuyerat.a ta b e l t a p tn t i fe a t l n u p o n o t u e t i .

Get That Boyer

----- - A l»i:nT.l(l: Al-tlT.IWlTTtu. M..iboiii»l I'huroli sipolnrtim lo. le Inniilrcih. who w m i uiiatilti lo ob. lln uOialiianci' lo ibolr iitirvlci' laal umlay tiVealai:.


Dailyn'antl Sunday, count credit slips. .' any of the mer-, . l.you w ill'get your' ■ i any ra te the avev%,...' . .

LONE ■:y Coal Company, i a n d handed him IS . Thus this lady !s back in one deal,Id have had to pay

only. Give your


>45 M ain Ave. E :

IT U R E CO.DBHITURB■m d 2>2 SoulU I tlli i l

IE SH O P ‘ ■iioo R e p a i r in g Eatftbliflli- F r tl ls

lE E I W E B I . .

BROS ’ -0 E . _ ,in d R e p f tin o B o£ lia d ic s* 'O a rm c n ta ____________91 . ■ '

: STO R E 'iry . la d ie s ’ undc r.m u iU n , a s sw a re , e tc . i ;V H O M E ' . ..............n o -B a a t— ‘ — '----------------- F -------------- -------—

iEM ILLERer« , D e c o ra to r s . . •p p r e d a tc d2 0 3 S e c o o d A veniie E t u t

lA N IZ IN G C O . * u n z m o - i

_______ 1. _

Page 5: 10 THAT RECEIVES T^VO LSASSD. T W i IMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · How can .you Mpect * ,. get aheadr T * ••How high do you build

» i T &



Business Opportunitiesim titm iiiiiiiim iniM iiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiuiii w a

• A n Opportunity g B WAMT A M A N W IT HBBles QbllUy In Tw Iii-K uIIk 'ui ± ESBIT B ulll w iio h«iH somo cap ftn l • proTU to tnko o v e r n fnvo raU ly bA»u a n d w ell k now n lin e o f K lcc. ompU tr ie L lR h tP lu u lH a n d \V iiti;r tndei S u p p ly yyBtcmH. BjiKinp«s thlrdi n irea d y catab lishcd u n d wo Uie < w ill Rive y o u uh nn ieh tc rr i- loi n to ry i n ' t h i n se rtio ij o f Jlio *oco s ta te ua you cnn ‘ Im tiflli '.. If » you art! u liu tttlu r wu ciui of* **" f e r t i l e b e st p ro p o s it-o n » f Hs k in d cvxT lioarii o f. W rit i; im “• • ' Rivinif Uio d e ta il s o f y o u r c x p cn c u co itl HclUnK to fiiriii- cra a n d otliu ra . A ddroiw Box 34, c a ro T w iji F u lls T iniea.

tiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiH iiiiiin■ aroul

• DAMB OPPORTUNWy SAYS Pro- P^oP' ta re - now to follow tbo hlgbM t paid Of kll protoMlons. Tho automobile faudnesa offars moto r w l cUiaces cor “ ”®'* m aU ns money and advanccmoni than ' • n r Olher bualneea. AttanU thc H EM PaiU L DR08; AUTOMODILB & TftACTOR SCHOOL, nod prepnra rouraalt properly In our InaittuKoo, •wbare w# UacU everything pertain* * in s to aulomobllo. vulcanUlog and v;orl tire retreadlnc. alno oxy^aeeiylrod (nvci weldlOB and battery repairing. Pre- para your»eIt In a abort time. TheMillion ft amall. further partlcu- :___la n and cntalocus v r ilo HE&lPIilLL V/. DUOS. AUTO 4k TRACTOH SCHOOL, men D ept 10. 3S0 2nd South. S a lt U ko forrcCliy. Utah. log I

• . wellREDtJCE THB HIGH COST OK U V - -----

INO QIJARTERS and buy thlu nnap. Tl SIX room*, modom. ia th . aleeplng t porch M d two other icreoned porchoi. ^ Two U rge loti, fru it and ahado tree*, y/ t* rx « f a n g * . T h li houae Is no l new but In fln il cUaa condlllon. Price only H .» 0 . Caah »M0. balance |B0 ^ per n o n th . Boauehamp aod Ulalr, W 21 Main A.V#. ®a»L Phono 304.

*A N T E D -K one»t young roan 50 to ^ 30 f o r ' crim inal detoctlro work “ J’ throufhool Idaho a l one* vriiu rell- 'f** abia Sw iral Berrlco. Bxcclleni op* portunlty. T raining froo. Dox 846. ^ rocalaUo, l i ^ o . ff

TBACHBB81 {“Prao rofU lnr. boat poallloai, per-

lo a al tntarrlew . W rit* Jntor-Moua- ~ U in W M t SerrJea, Inc., Tw in ftilU . w Branch. ' . - irac

« Caaadlan Paeltta Railw ay Irrlgotart ^Landi. Sm all.paym enta. a a a / tarma, y Bold c x c l a l v ^ by Brown Droa. p^cShaop C o .. . .__________________ M

MONEY TO 1X )A N -F ln t a o rtc ag a « on t a r a land*; Prlvato money. No qui

^ delay. Ph0Ba;8M-W . m r

WANTBI>-P0Blll0n a s Umo keeper “ o r comlaaaty o r general otilco work J b r axperlonctd mao. Do«l referencea. .m ^^ddraaa Box 47. caro Tlmea. _

.w , WANTED-W orlc oa rancb. f lro ■ \ T ' yaan* oxporleoca. Addraaa Box 190.

T lm ei. ,

. lU fh ichool boy wv>U work or** &lDia««ntf Batordaya. Odd Jbba o r ^

.....- ........atoady. -rhoa4i|r«<*W ............ - ............... ,J*

------------ WAWTlBU - W rta m -to -p to w :— WA lazander S t ^ 'fiouUi P ark , jr, B. ^

. • VWANTBI>^:4(arrled m an w anU P''*

•WBCh iob . B q ^ a B o a d . Phona 77>-W. ^

W a it * -J#bT .T ry*"8 lltia iloa W aal. * •d - t t f . i a e a r fra&t w lam Ba. .

' I. wAOT'aw w i pfr

------ - For^ Fon

- ........- . ■ Jurom'I oiien,

00 bc( |l« rn ; nge. *1

- Trlopl

« S E - , ■ “ S VERTISE:e a l t h a n d S'?”'



Help W anted hn i’WA.STEI>-Mon to learn lho nulo- " ‘®'“ Dblle and gaa trac lo r buslDeii In merlca'B IjirKcat ond beat BjBiom ) '• practical motor lohool. Tho nuto-

ibiiB bU fiiB W ia ifl6~nion-ofllnble Iraaen of Ibo present day.U u se It oftera ileady a llH he year sv , iploym cnt with big money. So tnany ),mh, tdeanien work only h a lt o r two- ccnici Irdi ot lho tltno, but auch U nol mont e caao with aulomobllo aad trae* t mecbanlci. aa Ihere la an abuud- ICO o t w ork a ll tbo tim e. Wo otter th o ro u ^ and pracllcal tralolng In Q,;p,j| I branchea o t tho motor Industry — — a t will qualify you In a (onr weeks HA I an expert. W rite o r ra il (nr In ruoin rmailon and Illustrated catulo«. l a w emphlll Bros. Ulah State Aulo A Innn raclor School. 3S0 E ast 2n<l Soulli.»Il Lako a ty . Ulah. i'lnn'' — ' ' , . . . . menlWOMA.S’ WANTKD—f’or work ;;,„i ,

Dund BrounhouBcs, vory uiiruHlvo — - roponlilon (or ttio rlRlil parlies, nui f'O ror 3S. Our Insl ad. for ono: diy. on I istlng uearly »r.. gol un bul onu 0 “">i imwor. 1)0 uol bo nfralU Ki apply eu»b>r tho .placo. you w tirUuv'o 'lotH to Thtli:i>rn (lefuro the sprinR rush starts, hn v ily TowerTrreonhousea, Twin t'nlln. Addi Garden plant* fo r 1920. “

W ANTED-Threo young mon. liou.o ern ) ^uueo canvassing, m ust travel. .’o rkers make t |0 to ISO dolly \r . nncc ivcstm eni required. 7 p. in «n 1 p. Aprl 1. Mr. Croene, Ilo<«'Bon H old. 3c I'lm

.________________ f :WANTEI>—Woman lo cook for two

ien on ranch, middle aged lady pro- <o«<! irred. No ohjocllon to mother keei>- ng amall child. Cilve relcrcnce. Mux- t rell Bros.. RL 1. Kimberly. 301

Tb# Tlmea Job prlnUog o«partment **< s tboroufhly e q u lp p ^ te <So flrsJ- • " * :lasa work—a t reaaosaole prlcea. UUI

WANTED—MaJd a t County Hopl- jlj” ' al. OeU

W anted Miacelianeoua----------------- ------------------------------ ------ ,25

WANTEO->-To c laaa your fomacv In f ko^ chimneys. D. S a lbbo ty , pbone Ual !3W . naw location. P u ll equipment, - - iteol bmahea. IIS U ala Ato. B u t . ^ E7ork cnarantM d o r bo pay.

-■ bull WASTBB—BJne g n u p a a tn n I s r ly i

IM baek i, o r gv>i n e n s ta l s paatnro Ave for n m n t r . i d d r e i i Ca>e ASchUd- — M B. rn e r .-

WANTB[>-8omo UsUnga o a 40 acro by irecta. Bxchanko Really Co. 113 E. nuo NUln. Phone 86. I'ho

W A N T B D -tad hand fon ilw ro . ~ if Pboao Otla, MS-W, ooraer o t Sad and roo:ta d A ra. & __________________ _ cac:

We pay caab to r Mooad hand ta r- altar* and raagea. H ootler ruTBl- ^ t m Co. • F

IVA frrg P A rm -" - r r 'n p rr± ird sprayed. 3 mllea aaat, H aouth of j ? f o u n d r y .__________________________

WANTBD->T0U o M tt (or PIANO rdNlNO. Logaa M atlo Oe. Pbooa , /

dreWANTBZ>-Toer aafMy laaorbladM

■o abanMo. W eraer^ R eaa lr ffiiep. ~

I^ JrR en t ^ Z_____ ___________ - 7S3

FOR nSN T, 4 m U ts t n m Twin “ :0 to 40 acrDa a n d T u tn re tn'Blxo to cal mtlL Baimn ynnni home. p .^n . Fniman. SOS 1th Avo. Nortti PUouo S34.J. R

FOR RENT—Building for alorage I purpoaea. Exchange Realty Co. 113 Sle E. Main. Pbone 30. In

FOR RBNT~40 acres 3 ^ ' mllea north o r Filer. loqulro of CJydo Dud- 1ley. ____________ • bm

TOR RBNT-Room » w llh board >t tbo.W tiita P a lU * .. K l ta d aerth . _Phono _______________ ■ . • . . • i

. rUBNIBUBD ROOM (or r«DL Oen- ^ i le n a a ^ e fa r rw l, 407 4lh Ava. No. —

Ft>R\BBN T--^Ro6iai,W -.fottr i a i . To: m M l ATa.--B.-.Pfceu ? f^ W . ' . gal

_ _ _ ■ ^ T O E T W r n m L B

•' • — Fori-x) h

' RimhI lot' pny. 13

f l " r o i T ;[ ' l ' l ' I h v ^ l 1 1 ^L I J k v ^ J J u S i 4S0 4th

h J 'roin/ tor s r :

. y ^ yI I ^ For

'or Sale— Real EstateMOIJ a l onco. 80 T

ren j mllen north. S nilltn wvkI ut b rome. .30,ncr«9 In .u lfn lta, balaiicu ien, (encM with woven wire und ' * OSS fenced, pa rt o f crop a lrrady In.

bearing fruit trecu, C room hnuon, irn S0x28 tool houso, sranary . R#r- :c. Slone hen house, ntuno Uoi; huuse. K'C flopUone and It. V. D. tluyer gets immlKsion o((. Oood lermn. ^L A. l^llop, Jerome.

MOOKllN HOMK KOU SAl.l'>-ThlB , ono o( tlio bent bulll houfon In the

ly. Hun (liicnl ouk (luorn anil iTOUcb. ffltt.isei/' l ; r poixUcn, tincxi * liilpped Imiicmcni. nicu roomy car- A(l< ;o (or two m rn. cleuirlu riHKO. flono I, jirlci) 17500.' (iood lur’mu. All the- jiaforis yuu would wlnh. Shuilo ami iwn. In tmvhiK dliilrlct. Scu l)oii yinun. phono 1.49. ‘ W.\^

mTsuK.Sew 0 roouicd houhf. wTfti bull). ,

nrilw6oil (lotirn. furnoco hcai. co- n ' , . lent Urlvcwny und RuruRc. full cu-l loiit hancment. loaned on 7Ui Avc-1 KOU uo Eiist. I'ricc IG500. Wrltu uf u ill i » |,cn t I’, i;. Wyckoff. JSO Olll Avi-niio Kuhl. jhunUn hoae m . or C. D. Tdoma.i Si Co..)tart.b-..l.l._ l»linnnVlf..J . . —----------------------------------------------------KOll

KOU NAI.K ruMK.'.New -C roohi linuiin with iiolarluin. ro ikcr

ulh, hurdwi>od Moors fiirmicc heut, av». 1- cnii'iil ilrlvewuy iiml RaruKe, full cc- — ;— lent liyiemenl, loculi-d 7lh Aveiimt iis l. OTlco JflDOO. -W rite or cull W.

w/c'kn((, ifiO Oth Avenuo lim l.•b o t/ 800. or C. II. Tliuinaa i Co.. ^.^1! .RpifiH. Miono :i«^J.

IIAIIOAIN IN A IM N i7 l'm M li-nv r. toim a' ■oi)ui indilcrn. exi.opi luriiutit, i» " ' arRo loin on « h .ivciiija cant. (Im uwn unil iihndo. only *3780. lir.Oii ,aith will buy II. Will lakn i;iwtl ___L .iluniliird car itn purl ot tlrnt puy- l-'OU uent. See (irenn and Dli-i.olt. ,114 1« lui ;nil uveiiue noulh. I'Ikiui- 17C. ftouir

FoFi SAL^^-Tvirnniy agro o il claim >n lta tt Ulver, well located, near iructo Dasls on Company's woll, 11.000, halt Add.cusb. your owa lermn on liolunce. -------Thlfl Is-forcod aacrineo. CTaltn will - bn vcry vuluablo wllbln few months. Address Dox 00. cara Times.

y o u SA LB-A «ew fjre rooni qiai-ern bungalow wliJj Rlas»oU In sleep- * " J 'Ing porch, bardwocid doora and fur- ' nace. on eornor lot. tlulnhcd aboul [,x)] April IS. I-hona ISCO-W.* Jobn S. eludliIClmes, 1020 4th Ave. R. jj, x ,

r o l l SALE—Houso on Olh Avenue *~J^ East. 4 rooms, olectrlc lighla, batb. toilet, Immedjato possession. Easy Wesl. terma. Oood mortgage paper taken as p a n payment. Inquire Wm. Moore, ro : 301 Cih Ave. East. ol ch

rO R SALS—Ncur loella, Utah. &00 FO MCTca land, best JrrJ«atJon system la Dithti Utah; aomo Improvements; la drain cvnler of airalfa seed aod beet bolt. . , 140 to I7B per acre. F rank 'H lnckley. ' I l l Delta, Utah. , fX3

“ f W S A U ^-T w o room house * 1 ^ Ctiod lot for 1050 nad only 1200 cai.h, ko I2C per montli on balance. Posseaslon pimnn (Ivo days, neauchamp & Blair. 121 ------

Uain Ave. i:ast. I'hone 304. ^

FOU 8AI.B CnUAl’-N o w Iour room mndem bungalow, ulcepliig porcli and t;, built-in (oatures. Corner o t KIniber- ly road oud V’aloul. Juqulro 831 6l)i Ave. H.’ PO

r o u SA L E -8 rooms uiul balb, sleeping porch. .I 'r ico |3.6«0 l( sold by .\p rll 10. n o e locution. Olh Avo- nuo Bant, tliny tonnH. 411 Gib liiHt. , I’hone 1215, ^

TOU BALB-M y ci|Ulty jn now (our room bungalow and twj) loUi, 00x120 f,„_ cach. ,114 Bluo U k ea Dlvil. Soulh. 3 ' t'.aili. Diilanco oxcepUonal teruis, . Call a t homo. T. N. Duller.

FOR S A li> -N ew Uouie. 6 roomn. hardwood floom. alaeplag porch, plate g la s r windows. FreacG dobfn', ,(iDMt locallon In city, nlso diolce lo t ___(ot-aa lo^-rhoa«~473..U .---------------- -----«

FOR S A L B -F lae busloeaa corner to Kimberly, 76x100 (eel. T orm a Ad- J _ dresa owner. K. Burrlogton. 2008 F( ShalHiclt A va, Berkeley. CelKorola. cl;ar

FOR SA L K -Fum labed six room raodera bouse, (loe locallon. Isrgo n lot. Immediate pofietaioa. P , 0 . Box riig 763, • t u

y o n S A U f-O no o l tbo VltKext lJcr- Ft gains ln 'B '40 acre f im r on ih e 'T w in chciiPnlln Tp«rl K»ph«llg« H«.nliy I t H -----R Main St. Pbono 38. ^

FOR SALB~-Besl coraer to t In ___BJckoh addlUon. will take good Ford - j{ In on IL P. 0 . Dos 187. Phone 818-M | , , a fle r 8 'o 'clock. •;

TOR BALB OR T n A D B -T ra a tf tr baalaeas. esUM sbed 8 y e a n , (nil eqolpmeaL laU adlac track ..aad t r a i l . ^ er.- Pbooe 4IS, l i

rO R BA L B -H oasa aad lo t ISH p .' 3 (rtrnl. SU ( t dotp, a a e ihade tr m . ' V a t le ^ 'a t t n l L .Phoae S n -R . \ .

T O R .B A L » -0 « ad V rtk» iriiQ U s^ ' t Tanas.' Jnuaediata /Bai'* 1g«U>; l O ^ ^

or Sale Real E sta te LiveU SALly—Sluull rouuilMK liuiim-. ..f .,, „ locjillon, i:xcellcul liicomo prop- .

13. . H . t . r . Tl„»«.

U SALK—10 acre im cI linprnv- Scoltlnh ;lose to town. II. 0 . Aiidcrjioii. ynrA o Ith Ave. Weiir^^^____

iR SALB—IXJt Iri llirU ri^ dd lllon i.i,onu In75. ll.ilt caiib. l: i 'iS (« T.CI r.lli -----------

.Sorlli. 'V B Iling rub

r S a l e M i s c e l l a n e o u s i r . Z c "---------------—— ——— ---------------- liH sbll

V'ariiilu:____ gn. N.

1 ^ O I KOU i

t o r o a l e I I I

UI of ni.v. liou-suhold n u d off-

nc f iin u iiirf i. R urs, .stovus, C. SIvt Ifoundr;

nl)K-.s, .'lu iirs, Im ffo t, 1

Iressi-rs, dc.slts, t.v p fw ri lc r , ^1:-. l*lK

Itc. C 'in '] .\l’. •'j MUI

;hU.»i .J.-)(I E lm S t., K lm I’u rk j '" " ' V ddition. , ! _ l !

1 KOU0 . H . D A V IB In* '*>'>'

-------------------------------------------------- KOUI’ANTBD—Alfulfu buy for a ish ,fit (ir In Klutk. To bo v.'clKbo't In. i.l'niln'

fiirlilKh liiilcru iiuil linuluni when J-------iilrcil, l- l pricen luiiiiirn 'AOiiiun KOUiduco Co.. o r plKUUt 4fi7. nlnck

■ lIlllOllp u S A I .K -n w l clus;i Dlcklow --------cnt rocleiinod. uucked I4,r,0 per Wa : ulrcil, u t Kimberly o r uu lumrd iti-imo.-«. fl. C //ydp. lam berlr. /-Mha <v

'O li"sa iT b—South iiemi tuuiii'iihii.- \v .\r Kl'. ubo Irulber dnvcnport. oiin kiiiuiiiiUcr.’ nml snulng uuu liini-. r:': Cib m-m.

•(lit 'yM .T^liom T’ ^ ^ n l l i : raiiK<-. n , NorUi. ll.-u<.1l Kluli.. r 07 tilli — ~ uniKt l-init. fu ll ufter (I oVIork.

^11 8.M.B—(Ieneral stock o( m rr- ufMin >n.iIiio In a (ast Rrowlnj: town. In- matlon n l Time* Oftlce,

'u u SAl.I'V A mfo 111 T'vIn Kalin, " " " " ’i ng u RODil biiitlneiiic. I.uiz fc lli)l>- H. IKJoui «, IJauKli llli^f;. *'

•'Oil SAl.B-OrKnn ueurly nuw. nnd I.Ofc luUl iiulky plow, ulno Uco car. rlMK«.

Ul.' pbbun f,14-lM. 1>- y-

W il SAl.B Olt TIlAOB-K.irUiKtu/’ ictor. Cun lie iiern u t l.lnd .\ulo. p p |2 d. llox liS. «-aro TlmcM.

n'ou...SA .t.t:-i:-uuud. tru it. nmi ..vi-5r- ible^i, luwu uiower unti garden Im- rmeuln, Cll 3rd Aye. W.

l-'OU SALB—Nice reed baby buBgy.sy rnsmolwl. glo.1 condlllon. »2f.,00. "''■y,11 nl 7CI Seventh ensl. '__________________ :_______________ by tTOU S A L E -L lsi of (urn llu re In- (Vlr;jdlng range, a ll in good comlillou. Why

X„ earn Times. went

TOU S A L B -» w cholco pieces of un,.. rnllure. Call o l 414-3rd Avenue jkfi osl. sreu

TOU TRADh>-52.20 Colla' (or p ^ r chups. Write Alvin Bear. Fllor.

FOR S A L E - W ladehteidi. bead- ehts and window glasa. B. A. Moon.

TOR SALE—iT re s / W einer's Ro- Vlrglir Shop. 244 2nd Sl. EasL' ever

■ — haniTOR SALB—Bicycles W erner's Re* nnwllr Shop. !44 Sod SL E a s t opeu

KOU SALE-R4bbltB. 344 3ril Bust".1"’"'^ ________________________ ironf-«*»-8ALB-Duggy und harness. «*>''

For Sale AutomobilesFORD CAR FO ll SA L It-C passon-

t r touring, electric lighls, electric a rte r , new tires, shock absorbers.111 Uko good-socurod mortgage ps-

cr. J. E. i>ougbly Oarage, 3rd Ave.__________________________ gird

TOR BALB OR TRADE—6 passen- “K® or Overland BC. In Urst clasa condl- ,qn—will trade (or c ity propeny o r J " ouneliold tumlluro. Inijulro 304 Gth ,»o. N,

WANTKD-^For.l roadster. A-1 con- 'n* lUon, Will pay CAHIL Cull While V"* airin6.M achlna.8lorn,,Sfil Main A ta. ^

_____________ ' ’d-TOll SALK—Ford -uu r.-B tlf-a iano r, -spajlectrlc llshla. sho»'k ubuorbern,' fully end■lolpped. I’bone i:99 a fte r 0 o'clock. It«t'

■ ■ , ■ ...................— ShaTOU SA LB-Ford Roadster A-1 me- mal

hanlcal condition. 9300 lakea thia. irai miulre White Sewing Machine atoro.

TOU SALE—Almcml new FOrd tour- ' lig.cnr. Good buy. H .C ‘ .xaador. _ *

FOK SALB—Koni 2917' (ourt&s— ;licup-for ea8lt.- -830 eth Are: ®: - * «>»*

w c : E4- abi: Illy Garage. 960 :n d Are.' So.' . mit

meTbe T lm ta Job p n a ttag d e p a rtae a l *5^

IS. tbe roa th ly fo Oo O n i |J JHaw. wo r a s y i a r p t l c s ^

W aa t» )o b T .T i7 a -8 ttM U o & W aa t> f l r f” 14 la e a r , w aa t ootVBU. •I r . ..........i " { *



vestock and Poultry "t SALl-5—Hvo head young'm ulea tC'J to tlvo years old, ul.io one ex- ~ ~ ~ tho ito rcKli'lcred Durbam'i bull. llnh li'pe. gno pair celdliiRs. 3 \ old, -pood Ooes. Iajc.Mc^ on ^ ' ’ii.-> t bnrly road two mli-;s eunl o t U‘i=''’Uaie I l-'nlln n l W. II. Stoddurd's ninch, •

“B nUY. ralni.’, and sell (ur-bear- i-vli':! 6it' rubliltii, auil olber (ur.bcurlni; j«in iho mill. Llllt wbnl ynu liavr wllh u-i. Tin- in UK your Inwenl prices on larRo ai.y lliat nblpmenis. Tbi' l^ir & flpccialty ..ii, Tli nluK Co.. 61C-.'.17 N. 1’. Avt*. l-'ar- «.,mmii N. Dak. Iiou will

U SALB—I’tiro bri-d Iiarrrd Rivk JW hlto U itliorn PRK" for hulcMuK, llnrri'd Kook cockereb. W: M. . ,

luce. Twin I-'nllii, |„

OU SALB—l’urobrrd I!u(f Orp- ufii, va on i-KUs. H-50 a spltlnK. Mrs. C. 11>-0U Slvcr. 2 mllos cant. soulh ' of I- H-^dry._________________ __________ c u trn l 'iOU 9ALl>~llTOVy black ^ow and „,n_ j,,,, plKS, mooih olll. 2Uinllon noulh. I , ||„ j-,

L of foundry, A- U (iooilrlrh.

t m l.rfl.T mill y .'.r- ; cmU cb<-ai, for iu;.li. 1,. II. |l<-li- . I'JS ;Jr.J Ave. North. ''T 'ff'nri •OU ^ A l.B -C o w wilh Ui-lfcr ru lt Imo tli. nlilc. o r iruiii' liiiubcr I'luff. J. A. s : U)ii uu. I’boiin 7:.2-W___________ Mork i.i

•OU SALl->~Oii<r Durhum bull, twn ni old. Inciulri) llcury Knulnoii.,ii».ny. M .l . . . .__________________

'OU HAI.V^-CO Iirucl Rood v.-urk ............ .ck ul rlRbt p rkci.- II. T. V.'.;nt. 6 i,],.,) to Ion iiouth Kimlivrly. . \talhiui

VANTIvO-fliicki'liK. dui'kii nild •:io.. Sto Will, Towun. rlii-f. lloRcr- ‘‘ __________________«rlierliilva n 'iT v U -'IIHI iin iii'o r ;iho;-ri" tnrinner ranr.t-, l-M Trn>nlru. IIorit- "■Xnipu


'■'Lost and Found j,;„I. I -I - - n — 1 - - . ■ 1 n/(ST-W pildluK rlliR bctwron H»i;- .... . I,1111 liotoi UI1.1 tUiunty llon|.llal. Uo- |.,rd If ri-turnpd lo Tlnirn offlco. ,|,.y,

M)ST- I’nlund flilmi bour ulKiut to mrhH nld from 11. !>. lIoiiinT rnm:h

^^llmu:> iruat. Nt-lHr H. a H op. S i’ll r. Uoui.,' I. Twin Kallii. it’»n t.

I .O S T -l’uckeibook contninloR two IKM. niliy nnd opal. Ilnw nrd.' Mru. tu^ \ K. Mct'loiiO. Wrudu-ll. <du, of Kpr

RIZE CAST-OFF CLOTHING “ 1“ ,'”— ------ llnols

eeullar Whim e( "Fashion” In Virgin j j----- ls!*ndi~Pu«ling to Urilfsd ‘

States Marines.

C hltH Stat«i m srlnrt garrisoning Inl'ublliriir oetr p<jM.*f*lon» o t Vne)o !fnm da>' c;nn 'l uudrr>1sud the fashlonn B(focted tbe rcy tbe iinllven, writes a St. Tbom at muleijVln;ln'Islands) correspondent. Jii»t o( lb.-by a npgro or Ctia-Cba Indlnn slinuld rond".rear an overrent wben the thmiiom. S*inIIT sinods lOO'In Ihv nbade sllll nij's- i.mkI.Illi-<i tbn "sen noldlBm." Krenn

Muiiyof Die mnrlne«downherfibavo womt reu nervlce it) tbo nrlghboring islnnd nd ,f llnltl. wlirre clothe* aro the leasl onsldemtioii of the natives. B ut ns nnn as Ihe new arrival reaches these boren lie Is approaebett by natives ■ CO.' K-BslMg for his easw ft clothing. lapbu

For aomo sfronRH kaaoa tins n a flre kfsli i ;irgln Islander bellevea In wearing u,cro< fvery nnlcin o( clothing ho can lay they landa on. All American holidaya ere t„ i„ | mw celebrated by tho nallvfs, wbo n,iuta ipeiid tbo day parading about tho j i n itroets, somo of them wearing, over- n ,n n j joats, capea, two or moro pa irs of ,j Toiisera and s red bandaoa handkef rblef about the neck. A lio they fro- luenlly adorn themselves with Ihe , • , loros of cowa or oxen atU ched lo ' ;ho head Juat in frent o( tho ears.

She w a. B •’famous woman,- bfr ranso she was a "faraons" inn tha t i»r\-e(< ’•(amoui" m w . T hat w as . pnough for the Mermaid. She waa *'* ' oamed'nfter an enebantlag lady of Ihe „ ensty deep, who Is a woman to her glrdlo and a tlih to h*r feet. H er " ' “ Oguro waa on Ihe signboard of the famous Inn, In Friday atro«t, London.Pass w llh h stiy glsnce lbs bar In (ro n t - th e parlor behind o t Ihe black- tie eneO root and pollahed tables—tap- tho Iroom on the left—low doorways, wind. — %»ing passsges-snd you h a re come lo tbo tnn parlor. Tbla Is the Mermaid 1 : And the men sitting tberaT Ben Jon- Son. PleTeher,' IW umoaL 'CsrVw r IT H Donne ead-Sbakespearfc Shako- idi spaars U-roatlng-«»er-hU-do*'s-Boefc —jjo and Ben Johsoa over bis canary. Oh. u n „ lUten lo the wlKombela betwaeo J Shekefpearo and Ben Joasoal Uer- maid, deer “famoBs woman." why j , . , ware yoo ao t a tw laJ 3,^ ,

Varying Celere of Dlamends.' Bach of tho flve mine* owned and worked by tbe great B e Beers com- pany In tbe Kimberley tU itrlct pro- p ^ _ duces diamonds wllh weJUnsrkod ebaracterUUcs.- I b a .tleh. Klm betlej m ine ylelda a good percentage e t whUe ab^ many y e l lo w -i to n e c ^ tn R a p a n m la e ls JUBed for lie la n * yellow dia- meads. A t Bnlifoatela smaR white aad spoKod stones are commo& -Trom ‘ tbe WeiseltoB mine come many beaatltu l >deep eraage. colored dia- a o ad s , wWle tbe De B«ere.alBe.shows Aprt a food percenU ceotU ated yellow and b n w a sloaes. The p r« ? le r mlae ( T r^ s A a l ) yields ■ U rga a a n b t r o f : • ^ 4 otorad^, s le n ta - The CalUaan ^ , dlw aeod ;wae o( «xceptlona^;,pnrtty. rroffl' ttie Jegetsfoateia a la e In', th e . >

'O rsiM a V m 8Ute-t|w '£uM >ai U alih . ’< M wUU. i to n e a . 'u « ,4 s r in 4 .. T he .du* R t ^ n d s fouad i la . 'P e n a u 'S fu lh w e e t qb-J


tIL 0, i020 .

.K IH T IN . \ f j . I'roof- t‘.HE^^iO^S• TU: TllAKVll' nlKive a

---------- ---------------------------------------- U.(I'olUlnuiMl fnmi l‘;ir.'’ D ' j.-ailii, |


.... ..........j n s E r i i . .M.., » ,.n i ! .~ s i .

I &l*U Iiiiloii iialKliiiR'li <>111 not Iho-'ouilnW iitrlki-»• iiii'U-« 1,.ad.'n'.l.'r1:ir.'.l li< r.' lu- ‘ " Iliut Ih) i:irili>- vol.- Iiad I..-..H lul.- "

Tb.- l.u,-..ll.u ot u ••-yn.lMili," J <iiul bail r.?.-.-lvnl un iimniili-r.i-

wbuUiu-vrr, lliry :.ald, L , ^r, 1.01:1s . Apni :>.--si. um ii. n - ' '

wan lu llu- llirm->i nl Ib- iimt.t ' ‘ uu:. railro;i.l Mrlki- in >.-arK, Tin-

mulM m,‘wiih\.i!!MU,mr ;V"1, varloii:,!, rMlmuliO at tn.ui i:u(. / • lU-OUft.lill.-.

«■ ll..rll..r...,..., ..............................I

• r^ l\ i! r il io rr i1 in :r4 ' ' ^ u'. 'il' «I,‘rL-, but W. I-. l).niRbll. h.-. rrtiiry .,f

l.oi,bi Vardmen-n .....................i-.ri.-d lo.uou or iiuiro in<-u hml n - it-.l," uml tlvrbiroil i-1.-rk:i uud oil.- rb.:,:ii-r. nl-nil1r..ad .iiii.I.iy.-. w .n- „ I.arlm: I,. Jolii Ibr wulkoul,;ffnrlr> « rr.i bi-lliR luailc K. limvi- j y . ) III.- iiallniuil nUick yarili. ul i;;i::t Tiiriil.i U .i.l-1 iiiiii.lrnib. ..f brad of llv.- ,

I'k Kiulii-ii on M|(k- trai'kri In ib<- Si. lit. (IlMrlit.

-------- .\1anb:ANSAy CI'l'V,- Mil. April !t, • Wllb ------.r .n liiialrly MdU »wlli liiiv-11 uiul - I Mill .nil I.u.l .-IIEloi-.T.. h>b.-.l..1 10 ink.' flnul uLllou Iookinc l<> a LIk.ilII of Ibat crafi, llu: iilrlk.- nil- I’- I.'U u:.riiiini-il u llllli innru ucrl.mu ^^“ r' iV. i to ,by , Noll\ ni.M-ilnR ..( tbi. Hliopiiieii also iu 'le.lulpil lo (I.- (lelil (o.Uy tn .b-fer- <

mpuliiy” i.irik.-,, Aci-ordlUK to Ibe 'pnieii offkbilii. 11 majority of ib.i *** ipni.rl'i fuvor jolniuf: Ibc, walkoul, _

IBl-rKHHON I'ITY, Mn.. April ■•>.- jj,I iiwiU-liiuril I'luploycil by tbn .Mln- ■r,yi,T irl i’a tliic , of wblcb road Jrft.-riion :y b« II division polui, un: idio lo - f-,u, )•, Kr,-ii:bl lr;.fllc bnn tu-pii li.-.i

IV. u rrnnli of llir walkoiil, Uobor-------- ho; I

HrillNi:Kll-:i.l), in.. Atirll y .- MoCf Idaho .11 11 liuiidr.-.l rjllriwil yurilm.-ii b.-riy. -IU out In uMiipullirlic nlrlk - brro luy, jira.IICi.lly tlrlnc up ull In.t-

I'ri-nsbl nblpuii'nlH In und out Marel KprinKtleld worn luiiin.'.llalely i.iin- —

ui.luci IIII.I ull ('.Ml mlllC". L'Uined.*ads iifretl.t(l u rr tb r CblcuRO and ^ toil and tiir llaltliuure & Oblo. 11. ,,IOl:; l-r,llral uud Wubai.li yardmi-iic.iilau cxpcacil lo.airlkt:_____________

-------- 0 . CtSAN l-'lUN flSl'O . April ? ,-A ll per- j i n u bnblr-freiRhl and live mock wan 10- Enirj ly cuibarjtood by i-oast mllroudn un 22; ; e rcnirit of the walkout o( appnixi- NWU uieiy u.OW) yarduicii aud nwllcjiniea 20, 1 ' Ib f ibrcc- BPral Iransi'oiirliii'lital Eant, md". o t tnlS*in tfrun.'lni'i).'U '« AiikcIcs, Onk- to, e« nd. Colton, llukernfk-ld. Mojuvo nn.i doxct renno were 'tbn - railroad ceniern 8 C( .in .t uffectriL ucconlliig to n-port» ho. c I nillroad . lieuilqitarlerH bero today. CU

----------------------- Aar.tS lIA (J.lTllKHS IIKI AU>nr • ''“I"

. IdahiCONSTANTINOl’LE. April 9.—Mus-

ipbu Kernel I’anb, leader uf tho Tur- IsJi txBtlonalJsla fo AHatolla. t iu icred an army of 160,000 meu, but ley aro poorly equipped, according I Inloriuallou received by tho allied ill iu ry BUlhorltlcs loday. TTbo Turkish cabinet Is debating '!_ _

illitary nioasures 10 bv taken ugaiiisl 10 iiutlonailsts in.Atiatollo. _Muslapha Kernel I’asb altem pied lu i«».

rnd uu l prociamatlouB by telegrapb, u l Uio lelegrapbo pen lo m refuaedI) handle ihom. Tlioy aro being d li- -----ributeit by airplane.

B. II. Whitney o t Shoshono mo­ored over' yesterday to remain for evernl days on a combined business Illd pleasure tnp .

Mr. and Mm. A. A. Timm of Filer - — iiotoreU up yonlerday un n nliort com- llnnl bualnoss and plcaiiuro trip.

-100 PKR CKXT AMKRICAN- Jlenr about blm Bunday orening u t ^ [2

ho Molhodlst church.

SerUl No. 01HK9 ^ >UT1CK VUU PUBLICATI05 D e ^ rtm otit of the I n t e r i o r . ______

Idaho, April 6. ISZO. ___- Notlcc-Itr hereby g lT m -tn n i- jn iin lr TOT Jlterm nrK t of Rogomon. lilaho, who;a J a n u a r / 4. 1916. made llom estead Bntry No. 0WJ6: Jor SK SW Ji Soc. ~ —

S E ii Seo. »>: NK NWK SecUon J3. Township 16 Soulh. Raago 16 — East. Dolse Meridian, baa filed uo- > lice o f Intention to make final throe rea r proof, to ealabliih claim to tbo j . , land above described, before li . B. Powem. U. S. Commbwloner a l Twin P^lls Idabo. oa tho 7tb day of Jituo.19M. ' - ......................................... —-..-Claimant Jtam sa.aa-w ltnuseiiL____ ?Ar

E rn es t 1* Oreen. Gaa U Thompson. D w iih t c . PrenUce. WalUce Craoer. . . . nil of. Duhl, Idabo, ’

BEN R. ORAY. ^ Register.

A pril 8, May 7. , , ^

SeiW ^ :•. . NOTICE rO B reiaiCATIOH F

Oepartaeat o t tha latvrior. ' . Bbi V. & U od OtflM at-Ballay.:'Idaho- t d

H areh -fc-U I# .'! ' ' ' -' MU«e (•^reby-giveB.vtfeia.'Bwri i.;

. ; t

F. to eniablfsb claim to the land e described, Iteforo IL B. Pow- U. U, Commlsnlunor. a l Twin

I, jdsliu. oil UlO ::Dth' (lay uf I. iy:i).illiiont names as wlinessc.-): tllnm U.idd(ii nt Twin Palls. Ida- (li-orre WashlnKton nf Twin

Idabo: i- W. U M onlo o t Twin 1. *Id!iho; Uarry Noh o t B ubl.' o,

. " iJEN u ; GRAY,. Reglslrr.

17 10 Apr. 15.

Srrlal ........ ..NoTiri: HHI i’i ' iu ,if .v T i(ix

Ih-iurtini-ui of Ihe Interior.4. Uwiil Offi. i- a t llalley. Idaho, ar.ih i 'j : u.

ll. J|.T.-Iiy Rlrrn tbnl Ray V. pb.-rd .If Twin K.illn. l.luho. who April lU. I'JI'. made llomuslcad •y. .Vo, tilTils for SWU Sec. C.

who on Dt-i'i-uibi-r lu. lOtB. mado I'l 11. E. No. 0IT119 (or HH MVH. n 3 and 4, S>'<’ilon fi. Townahip 14 th. IU»K.' II I-:-*-!!, llolnn .Meridian, filed nolU'i' of Intrutlon to mako

II thruo >.-ar 1'nw.f. to entablUb Im to llir Inml obovo dcscrlbe<l. nro !?. 1:. I’owvr-.. t ’. B. Commin- ii.-r at Twlu-Kallr., l.labo, on tbo

d:.y o t Jun.;. 1»:0..'laliiianl iiuiim’'' an witnrni.cn:. K; SlH'pln-r.l, S'. I'. Sbrplierd. Oan rnli.i..-<l, t'. •J'uriilpaccd, a ll o(III I 'a lls, Mul.o,

llKS U. 01L\Y.Ueglster.

rcb :;o-Aprii :.s,

Serlnl Nu. II17<HI NOTICK KOlt 1'I I1M('.VTI0X Dtipariinciil ot lho Interior.

B. l-in<l OffUu' III llulley. Idaho.Marcb ;:7, id:o.SolU'o in hf-rrby Riven Ibal Theo. r<< C- Jlcm lllrr of Huusen. Idaho, to on ila y :'J. JffJS, mado Home* a .i eniry .> -ii 0174» for SH K ctlon 12. Townnhlp H Som b.Ranga

l':aiit, Iloinn Meridian, has filed lice of Intention to mftko U n al rco yrur proof, to estab lisb ' claim llm Innd iilxivo drncrlbed. betore I-:, row ers, U. S, Commissioner, a t

vin Kulln, Idnbo. on the 1st day •June, IX'O.

r'luiiuiint nam..'n ni. w itnesses:Klmer Mlntiin, of llnnsen, Idaho;)bort 11. Itobrrln of Twin l-'ViUs. liU-

(;,ilvln B. Miiiily of Murtaugh. aho; Hrarl M, RurkhDller o t Klm- ' riy. Maho,

HEN R. GRAY.Register.

arcb r.O-Aprll 28.

Herbil .No. 019070 M>Tli;h FOU PUBLICATION Department of tho In terior.

. S. Land Olflce a t lla lley , Idaho, ' March C. 1920."Nollcd" riiriiereby siven U u il'^e s te ". Case of UoseraoD, Idabo. who, oa anuary 10, 1911, made Homestead niry No. 019070 for SEW SBU Sec,!; B% SWM, BM SB14 Sec. S5;WU NWU Sec. 26; NH N EK See.}, Township IS South. Range IS ant, Bolne MerldiAU, has filed aoUoe f tnleDllOB to make three year proof,). e su b llth claim lo the land above encrlbed, before II. E. Pow ers, D.

CommUiIODer, a t Tw in Falla. Ida*0, on the 21st day Of A pril. 1920. Claimailt names as w ttseesea:Aaron A. Tolman o t Amatsrdsm,

daho; &(artha Tolm aa o t A aiU rdam , daho; Allco U Irw ln of Amalerdam, dalio; William J , Case o t Kimberly, dabo.

OEN R. ORAT, Raglitar,

la r . 17 to April 18.


le a e s R. BothwaU O rr C h a p i a BOTBWBLL * 0HAFKA21

Otilce: Daagh B ld f.


US Kftta ATIBM B u t Pbooe m

O STEO PA TH SBR. J. f c U O B L U m . ^ ^ " --

Oetaopatb Ottlee Pboae SO. B a t. pbooe

A R TIST r , . . n o w * ro '" ‘T m r a E r T e « S 5 5 l 'ST C Sin, «ar. K ala n d U SL l u k

yt»a o n P a t« U a y ^ i . lU la . ' .iB itrae ttoag iT W . V.


-JOSBEH O B O g . .

TAX ID ERM IST1 a a ready ta taka e a f9 .«C;V0t e v

M K B 8CHLPND. T a jH wrtW .


a»2,MaiB ATa. a a . ,

X I t u i A r t . ' a ' v n i i n i . a M H


Page 6: 10 THAT RECEIVES T^VO LSASSD. T W i IMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · How can .you Mpect * ,. get aheadr T * ••How high do you build

p fiiraB m o N |:°!G iM G lN


M o v e m e n i W b lc h W a j S c o n ic d

A Y e a r A g o N ow A ln rm s uko S o l d B r itish e rs

-------- ||J0«|LO SIW N .'A pril 3,-'-l*ii.<*yro.>ilr<m"

Imt paiit«J lho johliiK ulnau In nril- ,1 nin. T he or ...reiMUe ha» ronclinl nuch a ulnno a t lo Y ra fn in l't ro a t iiownpancr* and cTon . , KtM t bualncci hou.o . t .k l iu f tu - ktt* of th j opinion «r lho na’ii.n.

U>a» thtin a aru iir..hli)liion „ ,.y ■wild » MttoBiH Jokw. Tlio "puiniy* ' r o o r - V u a nailonal unillo inntHution.

■'ArS'i.’r . " ; : ; ™ ! ; ; . ...................r™■ in B nilanii; who waichcO with ulmnRi 0 ,^ '

Incndib to wouder Itio cxivnt i i whichtfce oppononln of . i>rnhlbliluu ndv.'r- ot.i.rtlicU Use prnlslltitlon luauo wlih the ir i,y ,

• Joera. Tho Inllrrtnilluniil News S itv - Ice rep o rted 'a t thn Ume thr (itct llml

. • ths opponenU of nrnhllililuu ncro .f ro r ln s “nuM yfoolV lient frlena. Jn „nrltnuiilc balU, In cnten. In coluinnH ii]>oii >hjc o lu b n i o f lype, ami on tli<- hill- „t \ <M«r(!i the (rlcnilM or Drnion Itninhavo been a'llvortlalng to ii pulillc; „;nnwhich h a l iy HWn’t rur« for lli- fn.rt [„ „tha t "pu*»yfoniliim" In ,a niitlonnl ,| l iio e . A national riifimi'c. cvuu.

TI>« onvmirK br prohlJjJiIo:). nol Im i,p„ffriendn, have am m cd lho people, kutinftwakaniUR'thnni in a rea llu ilo n tha t tlnn.

,1 .d r in k la not a Ihlnif to be (ulifii fi>r ,„ fax rasU iI oa hnvln's alwayn l»'^ii wllh )irip|ti«. a'nit fherefqfa atwaya to tw with n« K

The Dally Mall, pnlilltlicii Iiy NortheliRo, waa nt thn fprcfronl oC r th o ia who, a t u r r ilx or ulchl ii'ioiillix ago, wwro try inc lo lauRh prohlblilun ta i n early daath. Scarcriy a .lay ’’’rev p a n ta 'w lihoul'«ne to four direct »r ' ' iDdlTKt humoroua alura apprarinR tn th e D a llj M a ll- lh e oWbci alwaya la u sh la c to acorn the prohllililou Ik- Th

-•Dt, whlcls v a a alwaya referred lo u» “pnaiTfootUm.”

To^tagr th e aame Dally Mail ha* l"">" M a t 'a !«>r«fpoDdenI ncurry- ‘l o t o»«r £n* lan d , Beolland ami I rr - f‘ land to aonnd ou i tho counlry. much In tj>« aame w ay Ibat a Now York “ daily tn lfb t aend a acout ixcroiiii lhe A e o tfn try - 't^ a y lo gathor ihe opinion o t tbe man In' th<t iire e t rrennlinR ihu Impending ^ re ildnn tla l elccilnn.

" In ft tour o t the Uriilnh lale* lo- day one deUoU three dimincilvr '‘I”" '

----------elat**^it-«nJBd-lfl-r*Utlon-t«»-prohll*l- -“ “ tojllon/V-the Dally .Mall rbpfirtfc. •'

“ Ift Ireland 'pusiytooi' li frank, free " farep. A

•'Ip.BcoUaad be I* belnB lakm ijulte " aerloualy. l i ' '" '

"IB i n l a n d thore In it londuncy to ‘ ralae 'th e ' Palttafflan milliard and m e a r qBeompHnieniary ihInK" ancnt the n«;“ '

•I ta(nK>*r-«a<l yc i aiJ iho wJiw'f jm-n "" ftre iidd inc: ‘We'vn jo l to Iimk im l!'

"To'm eDtloa prohthlllon tn Knglanil eScbt-m ontha a to v.'a:i ii> m nouuior bowl* (Of aerialon; today, wlih tl.r

- n ttlw tQ C of fm rh foreen alRioni hour*I f . w t 'o u n d eon>r(.nicd wlih an c '- A tinuited probibttlpn vote In Ihlx roun- iliii try of «e*ar«I m ttlloni. c.iri

**L*dy Aator'a adveni on. II ln.niooi- Uur ed tn -m aay q a a r to n . a iin arcimRcd n-nr problblt:oB mUalon. backed liy luore iilac than^O B• .'DOWtrfDl »uteKiiiun; the innn BBlOB In tb la liquor, nialter of the prim PreabytaM ao.'B kpliat. Conj(resa(loni>l, »Un M ethodlat u d otber churches o ther out tb a a th a Cbnrcb o t Enaland and ih<* Tl tVimftB CAtholtc churcb; the dfaporiiio oiln- oonditloa o t hooaewlToa' afralm owlni; hikI to th e M otioned rowt ot ilr ina «l<»i aud the certain ty tba l a redu< tion it «- in one in e m itr of the f a m iy - ilrlr.;; pnri Illli woDid ».mpllfy m uiltr.i oonHldir- nn ab ly ; the fu rther enrtulnly tlini l>i;n- ip r/ oflta aceruea to 'ih n puhliu health f>y ni<ir< abaU nU o^froni atronj; d rluk: u >vlil<- 'vi.ll sp read r ^ l i twfnrr dniukomipM ami i'i*n» alao b ^ o re n eood deal of lh r l.a-l i'r'-' llq u b r/lto ln s nolii: to fi-ar lunonr ''''l'i burlneU mon thal th rv may br iinahl'- to fcwi) pace wllh dn '. Ifilllnc Ani.-r- Ica—tho»c a re »oniu of ihii ihliiRH »iin'; p flnd* propelltne ami direcllm: ,pnbJIo’* mJm! lodny Jn lh r . l li |u o r|,„ ’ qaeallon."

YOl'NU WOJIAN A M )T t 'llK lS » U rm CIOAUKTTK 1101.W l l ' T I l.tK H l'jo f

--------- (ahn.KAN3A9 C tx y , Kan.. April D .-A "tlo

youbc woman ami a Turkinh •‘ii!’-----------aiTttA-h*l«Mip-Ur««U«a>MraUtc.au tlicLD ^’

n iJ b i t w l !»jie Inr fJ/lecn mlmiir^ T tbe -o tb « r-n tg h L — It a ll hnppeneii !•«! w hen kht aat onJho c ar ira rk nnd on- Imr dearored to llnht lhe ••foK" Atiild ‘ vn the DroiMia o t an ancry moiorman ihrj ahe Mankly aikftJ fnr a nucch tc m i; ligh t a necond •'pill."

Tben camo a pollcomnn whi> rr- <-a I raored h e r,to pollen heii<li[u;irii'r«.

"You're aluwed." .rrniarkeil the bootting clerk. T

"Voii te ll 'cm, I Mulier." wi.ii Ii.t ogh only, reply, a* »ho. wus Inl awiiy to |,pf -aober up.“ , ihe

' ■- fre:ITOMtI.V UXbKEKH Kim ...............


LONDON, April l>.-"Womnn'n even- In i dreaa today |a lmmodr»t, nn- “ • bealihy a ad a t u«ly a t It In cxpep- Birc.“ Ift Hev. Vaughn'* la ie it liroad- jy'

« s td e .a ta ln i l the dre*» cra»e, delivereddu rJ» r a tra ioD . ‘“"j

"O lrli of up-lo-dtle f tstlonn are ruining the ir own tn d the ir neigh- bora’ loule aa well a t their awn bodle*.

“Io dayn .fone by women drcnned for (Itnaer: now they ufldron* tar it. '

■To my w ar of dilnkla* women’* droaa ought to aerre the th ree pur-, poiea of deconey, of warmth and <>f u i ornament. Rut tt>day there'iK n mnd c ra w Tor w hai lom e women c jll ih.- ‘•m olional gown’ and dren* •lm-

.a ca ia s t every 'canon of ROod lasie." II, ' ‘ ------------------------ o r 1

ami flanflfl/ TJiDP*, JT.PO. Hu

' ' ------------- ,D pE D TO RO LL OF HONOr | ^

aldlert R «pcn td ’‘M ining In Aeticn’ ;Have Ot«n Claiiad a t *‘Pre- i

turned Dead." <

Acconllnc tn Tlie llnnie Secinr there re fcUll hriwevn ^';tl ami aoo mnmlirrs j ' f thft Amerlraii from Hue army >.1111 i nnrcniinlcil for.In nprnUlne nf tliln war niynlery of |

ilnainc mtli lhe nx--ol.llrr> mnEnJilm- j Am irn : "Soldlera wh(> to Into bnlHc nre |Ur mrn whn go iiiynii io llie sra In lillll. Tliero nre tliuce who rc lun i oud lioie who i|r> nol. l1io*o whu llvn and lionr who dir. Aud then Iliero o rr II010 xvlio dwrli fnr year* In a t«-lllRlii nne of nnw rtnlnty, neither life nor i.ri, rnih. frnm which no word ever cnnien nek to the nhore* calleil homr."A tty r neo fho ncwnpnp^r.n ,,

f lhe counlrr announced Uiat lh»rn ,... rere no more mombem nf-iho A. i:. V. , ' nlnnlne In action.' Thn only reaiinn i liey nro not mlMlne In ocilori In Hint l ' ' ' . rrey hnvo Jwen ‘prrritnrr^l ihw l.' '

iflinliern o t Iho Anirrlrnn froni line ".'V rmy unnccouiiied for. who, n irr ln l on j’J . he rollB for monlh* nnd mnniln nn ’ ilMing In nriton. »eem lo lilivi: illn- , ^ ' Plienrrd fnnn 'the liaitlo (1r |, | hh If y llir wnvr of a nifiKleliin'r unnil. ravins nelllier Ih r rl|i|‘’.' 'i niiiinr ■ehlnil Ihem. lhe trvllmnny n. i.u ryr. n r 11 foolprlnt In nil lhe p.iih- ■'!' ttin

1•Thejr nre the irreiliirllilp mU. ■ :un ■f th r .Vi.tHX) lo*i. nirnyed or • •'.v i ' urn Hint lhe A. K. T. ru rrlr.l .in n . • *' inrnlnj: of Nor. ll!, l^lfi. nn niU-.ln . n nrllon. To ciinril iu:nln«i lnjn«lir.i ,0 Ihrlr relollvr.-. -,r frli-niln. llu- « n r 11"'' ;eparlment lian nrd rrrir ihnt from | | PiicrtortU thrr he rnirli'i) n t ‘jiri- limed tlen<r Innleml of •mlHiInc In ne. ' Inn,' In on ler tha t the ir wnr rh k In- iiranee henent* may b r pnld. Tlmt In 'r lrf e»|ihtlnn-why the Anirrlean nnny«_!( Manil* ■temohlllte<{ (odny •lecfiri. '

;L E PT AMONG T H E DEPARTED----------------------------------- Jlo*'

r tv e lert In Auto UnknewlnQly Se- ronllecled Peculiar Place In Which .,iul

to Pata the Nlfiht. Knr

They lived In Stllwankee nnd "(Kt. 'imterrd" IhrouRh tg IndlnnapfllM ;iriilIlh Ihelr two ehildren. They left "I'line enrly In the'm ornU ic. nrrlyltic rnuit Ciary Jiwt heforo dnrU. Aiixlnn* wer1 reneh the ir .drnllnntlim an no.ui ns tv;i|. oMlhlc, they left Uary a flc r selUus hr

aupply of gDXOIInc. tirliiA frw miles nnt of Onry n hrnvy wlil

iiJ|}*tonn checked Ihelr jirosrens und Mi-"Limndril thn conniryaldo tn plirh uioi iirkuen.i. I^slnic their wny they di*-liled to lu rn In a t Ihn flr*t ifntr nml Frn pond lho rv*t o f Iho night in th r UiruUimol(lle.-fafl»er_»}!sn take, chaarpi, __Tf Iravvllng by nlsh t lo tiio darknrxi ThnII unknown roaiU. urcl A few nille« further on tho outlln# thr

f n i r r r Jn*t iieyond nn open icnie wn* Ijcki r*ii, and (lio nuto wax culded henraih. of 1 •he cnnpln nnd children elept In lo 1 minped quarter* In tho nuto and wakrnrd a t daybrealt n rx t inomins. p , ImnKlni* IhHr hnrnir when Ihry dh- *

ovrfwl lliey had nlept all nlclil In lieir nnlu In a ceineirpy.—Indlnuapo- a News.

_________________ wToo Beautiful.

A nmn ami hl» wife w rn l In ene of ‘ hr most beautiful lilnndi In tho .. •.irlbhean nea neven year* np i to ni.end hr IwlllKbl of llli'lr llv r . In lhe »e- ‘ ■•nr liraniy of the Iniiilr*. I t was n , ilnce which the liu'hnnd, a nenfarlnE . nnn. hnd clionrn n« the neiirrM o i- ' iriiiirh lo terre*trlnl paradl*o for llin«e ' lho have ennnsh' money to Uro wlih- ml w orklnc hani.

The eouplr landed In N'ew YorU the ilhiT 'tuy w llh th r lr Inrm and prnnl<-»Illil u pnrrol. H ie Idrnl,»rn»on U Ju*t ”

lo herin In lhe Carllihean. blil t wlll *lnrt and ronilnno wllhoul thl» ‘ .nrilcnipr i-nlr of hiiinnnn. "We wnnl fIII oldfanhloned Nrw Kiislnnd win- rr.^‘ wild Ihe wife. Tlie hnubnnil wn« iicire •{lecinr. "It n'/int fr<'a{ f»r n '' vlillr, hul (Inally It sn t too doillilanled irnnllfiil. W r nre coluc bnrk !•> C..n. irrileiil in »ri; noiili' rnr'.i* nnd linri cli Irldrl."—Nrw Yorl; SUU. ‘

Siberian Y. W. C. A.Ovrr In Siberia a alnff of Y. \Y. C. ,,s,,

K. uorlirrn are *1owly hnt «iirrly mnk- m,nc headnay Jn orcsnJjIn* nn a.M/»el- 7Mlun and In InterrMliie clrla In the ,|uirarluiin ncttvlllea planneil for ih rlr tiu>■enrllt. OTrreomlnc ihe nioiiniuhi*. lUnif ilinu-iiltlen which Drlue from thn idiihn'trninl e<|ucatIonai end *oc(aI aliu- „tMion In Vladt«oiinl; hn« hern a proh- oiw l.'tii 10 ho approchi'd slowly and wllh|jvr» oi'ril. ________ Ijl'

■flu- worker* repc>r{~tUullnc"n~ri'tr'i.«)plu.lntetcalC d.ln .llie.'ih ln |;i.w htrh _Imve 10 dn with filrln and with whnt- ii-vrr Information th ry have cnthrrod |,i,.Ihry nro carefully developin;; th rlr ac- miiiJiUle*. There are «e>vl(i^ clni'P-* and •;rine of Ihn w ^ rk m In eonducilne ela*t- pni-a In npellinc and le tte r wrlllDE- dn

PrIxt-FlBhter Congrettman. mbThe repofi tha t Carpenllcr. the p r lir ‘lo’

nshter. U ttrobllloii* to become a meuv ber of the French parliament, • recall* lhe election o t John SJorrliiiey In eon- r r e u on Norember r>. imT. fniin Ihe >n( "Jlli.ody Sixth” ward o t Kew Vork I* rlty. Ra)it tho PprlnKdeld Itepuhllcan. ye: Morrl<«r.\'« fsnioun flshl. In which hr •fefeulrd IteenaD. took place O einhrr )VI

}8AS, la (be o<vman'a lant) adjoin- Inc Iluntoa Comer* In Uerkahlre roun- I}-, n ftrrw anl conceded to New York • l>r MnR*actiu»*Ut. The pusIlUt had a v.11 lone record of Indlclmenta for a^tanll j,- nnd burgtnry nnd hnd ' aerred nlnu , uiimlht In the penitentiary for nine „■ bri'oehe* pf the peeee. l ie aerre.t h i ' fo, dUirlct in concrot* tathfac iorlly ^ i enough to i)f re-elected. i,y

HKAK THE VKSTKU C llO in '11 lho Mrlhwllal church Sunday eve. ' nini: In iwonly mlnule* of numtr. ‘

------------------------froIf you don’t w ant whnl you hnve ul«

) r b a re a ’l w bat you w anl, u ie a lit- llu Tlmon want nil. ' ‘ 1

T E l i s l i r ^ f " 'OF SYRIAN

■ R E V O L T ^_____ ■ Ik£

Amerlc.in D cc la rc s E in lr F e lsu l Can Control W ild Tribes

of A rabians ' ‘j’,',______ ; ’I h

<'lllC\»ii). April !>.. Tin: :lu ry •>!.), ,1‘rlni'i' Kri-.iil. whn rr.T iilly wu- .k ..hirnl lan i^ i.f Kyrl.i aiul l-.ilv-.lUu- i;.',^.j,, n rrvDli froui the I'oinr-il nlvsii '>\i r 'Ihv Ar»M.m roiiKi lo r r a n n . I.y tJ:r . l-, :.. e (Vmfrrrnr.., lol.l h rre hy .l...«i'll Thrniuii. ............. .he .\lic-,

.....j•Ittiui.an Iiavi- ;j i In lrrrsllu ;; il.K .r-? , ,

np ot Ihr nrm Kimi; of K rrr A nlila I n '......r.U'J yiMr.i. Of K.'Iki.I'.i ab lllir in n m -1 (m l lh r vnrlnl Krmip:i In Svrlii. iinil' . lMl.:.riiir, Thom;,. Imi. n.l .Uinh(. a,nl! h.>M'd hll. iWinndeni’u on il'.u 'lo rk nl 0 U the i:inlr In unliiiir. dlvbh'd Ar.ib V l J

iur.;d j,|.'(\n from ihi- Tnrkn and then W nurf.l. Wl cuMi-ln Iin.l AMb ho r.r '. fI.......mil.'.. iK-r.i.r, lh r ' ili'Kori unlil •Ihry Jiiliii'd tirn rra l .\ll.-nby'« arniliii]In Ilu' capluru uf DuniiiHiruii,' !

Krl'ial. who WllU hill In lh rr. Kiiili-, .l.irmrl,, „»d tlir..i. liroth.-n.. wnn lirli.-,' . i i..r .,t Ahilnl Iliinilil in ..MnMnnli-1 , •tn|i|r until llbrrnlril by tli» Voiini:|Bcai Tilrlf upriKtiii: In i:ios. imc-.'rnled Ini qi IrnlnlnK wIM .rlb,..,uu'n Inio-nn nrmy I of JUU.tiiui. iind In Itiic Iii:>rilnn r r - ' vnli iiRiilnnl lh r Turk'i. v.'Mrh aldrd[ email}- In ih" n ip in re I’J I’.il.-iiiliie hy] Alb'nliy'n m.-n, . I.l)

•'Afl.r, lhr ia]ifiir.' o t .Mrcia. ):i;k(u/(’ L liliih f uhHl, i;in in i i" t'itit— tii.^-VmhiL'^Pi.iw,-r.'..oni or nmmiiniu.in ami uili;lii: Ch. hnve hi'<'ii i'ru’.h.'d bv the TnrkH w .m {|i>ih» II mil for the r'-ll.'f nunl by the AI-!rn.^oi llci>" »;iM "The J'>.’» rJ i' j,,.i,j,ronlil rnntvlbutr hn t' I llllr of U'.U|j|^irr mil llu- Arahn ri'Hrnlrd II. Whrn | liolr Kriinw wa-i Riven ronlrol of llic > o:iM ' nnd Ihr Aruhn uf lh r InUrlur w u ic lclu ll 'imt nii./er Krenih /n«Hr;ii'.' Ilil'i r r . ; t„ r :” ^irnlmcnt wa'-i Inrreriii.il.

•■f-*rl|.al ncreed lo Ihhi hn.vevrr. Iuv]m;ivi. rauii-: hr did nnt bellrvr Hi.- A rali'illir W.TO really for i.elf-KoviTnniciii. h n i|w -n t ivhleh he riiiibl nol kcL Th.' rrvnli n,.,vi hr wunlrd l.n Anu-rUaii i.iamhil.'. iVgJ. hriiuii nr;.r th r I’an Ar.ililr, n.illon I w:ii ivllli Arabl.i. I'lili-hHiu-. Syriii and: liv Me«o)i,iiniiilu Includnl. It 1.-, n l-o u i!,r J b!o.>- a t ih.' plani. of ihe Zlonll'ln. Uva.h

■•Till:. U rrally a rrvi.lv ;iKaln>il j liin.r Frnn.-r. and llii- lirhl ri vidl ar.iilnni I .t„, 1 llie nijdlnBn nf lhe I’ra. e (.■onterrnni." Wl

Thotiiiif tiyl<l lh r xlory o f f*»)»«i-l' '.I ')'■ ■Th»m.i» iiV rrn 'J r . a i'ouu i:' '>')I7.I r^ ~ il7i1 archutoloKhI who wa:. tn Arablii when Mayi th r ri-voll of asaliinr tin, Turkn <;i,;iiihecnn. and who wnn lh r rrn l hrnin:i lilvoi of Fe|*al-* arm y In Itn rn .fr r .Vccca ciiai10 Dumaacun cumpalKn. ' ..him

------------------------ IlvrnC r o p E s t i m a t e s

M a d e b y B u r e a u i_____ I 'r

Wi\S!IINGT()N. Apll H.—T br cn.p .......rri.ortlnB bimni of lh r hurcnn of enui uHllmnleii. triiileit Sltnlrn deimriniem of agriculture m»ke;i th r tnllo-.vuij: es- tlDinteH frv .i ’•ep.ir'i 'if i’> (( :e-;. I»ind»n!>i nnd au.-n'.c

Thi. uvorase .•ondliloi. ,.f winter " whenl on April I. wn-. TS.r, ,.rr com f;;"- of II normal, nitalniii I' i.S on Aprll 1.1910. TC.n on April 1, IHIS nnd St.l i h e l '" " iveraee condlllon to r the imm Iu y.'ar?. 1' jn April I. TUr-rc- w.ix 11 ilcrlliir lJ l^•^ ''‘ coadltlnn frum DecemlHT 1. i:*l'J •\prll 1, l'.:n . of u.S luiIni:. ei.inp:<rcd1 •vllh an uveruBo d.;rlliie In Ihr p an> ‘'' '- ’’ irn yearn of p<iinl.i b .aw rm i h c . - r ' ' ‘'_ Ilalr». I'pi.n Ihe «,r.uniiillo:i ,if avrrun. 1 ' ' ahimilonmcill of a rria ia- and avernRr' ..j,

Mon Al.rll ]. lorecii'i-L a i.roil.ii^lun nt I

p.irVn w'ltii' :;il.n:n;!nnu b’uvir-in' I 'h r 'r ' I fl''lliiu tr.i privlncuon In i; 'l 'i and W "..; nDl'.'mn In ’'.iH.

T hr ..................... . ot r y nn , ’A)irl) J w,„. hii.s ,,vr l . n i nf imri.nil,

nn Aiirll 1. I!H'; an.l >:>.u. ihv’ avrr. I .IKI' ron.lllhm f.ir Ihr paNi ivii y.';rr-.,011 Aprll 1. ,

'Hic coiicllcion o f rs <• f - .re n c ' « pn - ;OiiclUm nf ...... . 7i.M l.iK .ui;'"”hu'diol.. nn laM ynir.i i-.-tliiiatcl pni-1 lUn'lhia wu.. .HS-IV;;.||0 ). initihH;.. lh e " ’'’'’' IIUK croji ■Jl.nuTo'iii nuil lhe averaR.i j nf the prrceUliiK llvr yvarn .1U,0U i,- ( i" " «W bu;.hel.. j

in 'i:i;N .’lA iU' kiiJmM iiA iti;. l l" " ' ----------------H.vrK“ r j « i r o i n v n t O T j ; ^

I.lj.SUON. April y • -rju7-7ir''ViaTy'! h u ' klllcil lh r harel.iirk roviii niovi.. j inrnt In KUKlnnil. {

•I'hr h<»}|< KOWII Ih 111,1 o,,..pri.vffd In Ihr Courl «t Si. Ju inri. aiul I. ' dre^rmak.■rH rrpnrt lh r K n c ll 'h -r '^ " u„n>«n li.ivu ron.i...uvnilv rrfUMd ux nib.pt lh r Hivir wllh th r „:,nie abun-1don an iHiphiyeil hy d;..

The jiower of the royal cillcl h. furl ' re.ii-hlns. Kvi.i, foi* day wrar. le ftd -jjC liiK dre,jiniakcr» r tp u rt. ihr di-.niumll. . . . . . . . Iiv iv t; I’l’rc iiK if rKN 'M K s *


TIIKNTON. N. J„ April D—Tlial hla i wlfo and uhrllhuy in u hotel a t l.’tlca. J N. Y.. "pllchrd pennirn for k lm et": t wa:i one of lh r charse* made by Har-1 1 rj- W righl. of Now Vork. In hi* iuift| for dlvoriT from Vi-ronlca WrlRhi. of>' Ail.%ntlo Cltv. Tenilmony wta heard!, hy Vl.-e-C'haiicellor lluehumin here.,! anil he gninie.1 lhe dlvorcc wlUioutjl Iravini; the bench. ;

In nilillilon to tellinR abotfl the , hell'joy. WrlKlit nnld th a t for tw e h -e lf c ivjrr. he h«-ji lak lne 1>I" w lfe 'jf,* from i|ne*llnnnblr p lacet lato a i ' l * u lsh i und. early tn lbo morning. I ®

l\ully nnd Hiinday Tlmea, |7.<». ' ^

_____________ TfflS TWIN FALLS Di

lilCAfiO MAN Ht'V.S wn' L .m i t i : 3HU NT.'.IN TOWS

(’ASt;Al)l-:. Colo.. April 8 ,-T h U i.luradii nioiiui.ilu .lo»n. Inealnl lu Ir I’aM. 7,000 ndii feel above nea ■vri. I, lh r ,ihnd..ws nf l-iltn'n i'enU.

h.nia- Cunarl:. . li.i . r o ••nil.Mv.nl .

Thr .l i l lr r lown. '• |iak‘. :;t” r-’( n n d l" ’''” Ifjri." I;;,-. N en l-'i.rlj-Mrd 1>>- (^U- f

'•i'hr .mh|ue 'Irnl. w hrn tiy an Indl- .hial p u reha irr i.-e.:riM

lill tl. h r lu esi'ir.^ of lino.noo.' i l ir.u ovrr l>niicadr‘.» houn -. nlde- ., :ilkH, hiilrlii. Ilghl plant, w n t.r ' " nhl:. and lh r luwn ■•ralahotne.'^{'ati.od.- wii'i In 'o rpora lrd 1:1 ls:*u.

Ill lu r lv r niilrri Wr-i1 of Coloradn

•a,oil. -iherr lire ......................Iy £HU



hnri-tcalkilic CiiiltirU Pie Sccno Is Iutu

StaBoi] ill Lobby o f LtaUtnuLos Angeles Ifotcl >hnr

; ihro'---------- • rnrh

l.l).^ A.VC.HI.KS. Aiirll The rouKh I'l'n‘Mi( of ■•.-..■rr nr-- fci.'. ;n>ibli„; on nroii

llfr ■ ..... ICharlry f'l.aiillii, flln. eoini'dv nlur:] menl

Iilny rnn no ir iii tv „ rr.iu li iif nn noteiieonnirr he had I.ml nluhl wllh pene•.i)J» .>1. .1lriv<T. W .fjia^.r of .Mildred thenarrh, Chaiilln.. In lh r Uibhy nf lhe irimolrl A lrian.lrln . TlAicvdlUK lo V i l l , „ nm p lln pten:

hallenctd W:* wlfr'i. uiunnKrr •'to up*.il:e nn" hlu nlanneii". Then the Ktmii lh(>aa on. 'C huplln nxvnnx nml nilused. tiiinn:avrr i.wunr and liinilnl. T hrn ennie enehir rlln ri: durlni: whlrli Clinplin a nlrnt in Ih ' tloor "n la him hiylu." 1h..-nr-wrvrr hlH Jjrad nlrnrk a M-iifTold moh <<Jlu h i.ie l'ri 'I ia lr 'u o rli i|ii.| lihuiil

I V l S u n u . h # le la t ta rh r - w. ri- r.n • k , ir Juh. Chaplin Wall Iiiiin.' nff to u |j],, auh I'OOIII ll, nluuiirli the tlow of In.rl and MayiT ..Ih.iipprared from u' hiiu-l 111 anoihr'r dirr.-tlon.Wl|;ir;.|<r:i nnld Cli.iplln wlio met

lln:: Jji fhe J/..Jrl -iJnl«« roMU ^rti iliitrfi'r.:'I— run— contltrl to ndvie*. fnur layer w ai nald In huvo Klven Mrn. nf.„ hiinlln In rec.ml to her propoiied Ivono proeecdlnK". i'Vlend* of -pi hapllii >.a(d the comedian And ih,. tmrRrd Mnvrr wllh ui.lnn his in- '.fi'hi r I'I ..'li|.:n lh r ( hnpliu family I'HI' _____ • I_____ ■ An.l

IKI i'i : i : v r .y r k .m i'm iv k k illi.iHr, ll,:iin..!l wlll i-.lvr you Iihi v |.:v , Jum

I . lllin .Sunday ovenlnR.. emu


------------------------------------ TCOUfMIII'S. (Hll.., Anrll : . ,- " I I hi ||nn nilnlakr lo t.'ll lien lo children, mm

;vnn lh r .Santa (■.aii'i i.iylli ei.-i lie ih,.i.ld In ? u 'h n w:.v ,i« not to b r un- iIl. i rntl'ful.- d .rh itrr. lire . irvlUR fi,r lam er. iia;:l.ir nf ilu: VlrM Concre- rnii' l,!lom,l .hu i'.l,, :i',-rr. <li:n-U'i„ii,K' llie il..„ ••ihjr.t "Trllin-; Ihr T ru th ." U ."Cli;iilr,"i Ik' n th r r lireniine Ihelr Mni

■.■rn.ti. i'i.v. hr.'i; i.,niid oul j.r he- mi>; •i.i-r Ih n r i;.r .n ii . ar.' un»',illlful In min

................. .. ^l-.iu." l l .e Dr. Maurer ,,rol

•'.H.-- In ith . .a rlv '.I.....Id l.r lohlhlhlrrn. t l . r . . .h ib l w lll'Irjirn t tu - : a

i!'. I'l :i ..|,..liirt.-.l, Iminirr, o li '“Ulh- unp .;i !( ...» llr him

'r-n. I.,I., rh li.ln ii „huuld h'urn ll.e ','rin’.ii:;l iln- liM.h', ,ih,.iil r r l l r l 'n . n,,.

I'-.nt -ei. i , .- ill nr.Irr n..t to h. r,,,tiiii|ii.Ifr<( lu :i.Iiilr«.'r'i(.- to fhi.I r.i„hem .riv .., .l-e. lvnl,” „ o ,

----------------- ------i i i '. i : i ( s ,tM i tiA itno ii.s

W ASHINilTiiS. Aprll S.. ,\ imuji uiin m.priipilall.in of iijn,..(Hi,oim for h r Iiialiuriiiiiii.' nf r lv r r . oiid hnr- , .on. dnrluK Hu- n j'jl fU nil y rn r wnn

:niileo t'bi!. ;irirr).o;.«, iin Inercn.io of 1"!.;,n.)o.'e(a .,vrr Ih.. am.mili provlih-.l ' “*• m Ih.' i h r n un.l hurbnrs bill panied ,J ‘ rreenlly hy thi- h.,u^e, T h r commit- • t^ ec lJra_ iaJ'.:i:r];[i;u :-l)iL j!x r_ lT n :. .

.'.-nMi: il, Ihe clrrHai,h..ro. 1... n» now rU’ew :iud. lu irhun , ".rn jr .l

To hrur Dr. lleniu'f.'.. -'IDl.' I’er Ccnl t Mail” S n n . l a y ^ , . , - : i^ ____

The Tlmen Job printing dbpiirimeniII iJjorousbJy c iulppud lt> do Hr»l :l.in> wurk—a t rcnaooablo prices. |>)

t U Supetsiious|D o V o n L ' f l t . ' ^ l J

B eheve -In ounis

^ A l w a y t P « » t



paper ihal a « k I '« I f e v e ry b o d y u pw

iij Unitoiy.' . - - - ------ that

I T E a M w ip tpc r IMC&M t U «7tI ^ « T e r y b ^ w in b* •

tSS SS S M H V S S S S S ir



W ru c t l s n ef eitouldar Bladea Todaytha e im a aa Thoao of .Sixty- .0 ]

Centurlta Ago.

Thero li’aa been no d itctm lbieIn tl‘9 ifhottlSee b lade of man _

n the lA't 0.000 year*, accordlnc to >r, Wllimm Vt. OraTca o f Bl. Txinln. — I’lio opoltfl before Hio m erlin s o f tlio — imeflcan A**ocintloo for lliu Advance- _ Iirnt nf Science.

Klionldrr lilndea of Kgyptlan mum- nie*. O.W)0 yeara old, and Ihnao of m llhiol* river Indian*, bMloved to he ihnnt lho mrac ace. nro tiio tamo ua ho»r of the prMpnl-dny men, acw rd- | nc lo noctnr CraTOS. _ ™

In Jnly and Ausunt of Inst yenr D o c - ____or Cmvp* meaniimC 1.500 nhoulder dndes of men nnd anlmnla. cndenror: • nc to clanalfy tho dlfforcncet In them. riu> Torlebrnl lionti-m, wliU which iui • rn* p'nrllaiiarly om ceraed. nre the ainn In hiiinann nn tn corllin*, cblm- lauzcfK noil nino In low rr rjoDkeya.

Ooneenilng llin nkeletonn o t llllnid*Ivxr Indian*, which h e nnld appear 0 be between .I.OOO nnd fl.iXX) yenra lid. ho wa» n*kcd If he considered tliul inmf (hnt (III* conJUient xrng In liM l-11 then Iiy human* wlione pliy»1cal ytir wnn'fl* blcli na Hint of the Kcyp- hm* of thai day. Uo anid Hint lie ■ould not draw nuch n couclnnli.n, nl- liQu&h the nhoutder htodca arc of tha mme lype. ,

^ Fairy Baakota. l'*fllry nrt* mndo of larKo

mrrl mil*, tllhrrt* o r pencil pll*. I-‘ll- irriH mu»t be iioakud In iiftt wnler for •rveral hour*; hate! nu la nnd peneli . illl* may be uted gri^cn. With a — - .horp. (Ino pointed penknife liiro I fl hroush thi* niberl o,r hnr.el nnt on IJM •neh Illle In Ihe light colored upprr :1i1rd. rut nwny tbn nliull enrefiilly p iround the h'lle no n* tn lenvn n hnn- I j Hr h'-twwn lhe Inclnlonn. die out the

lotebm In lh r Iowit rdcc . If you une p fg j leneh pll.1 trim off tb o nhnrp-polnl. hen bore nnd eut nut the . shell nud rim llu- NinlU end nino.Uli.TIiiim’ baKhrin n rr n iier<T falllns .

itrnmire to both children and crown- J lp*. Onu 11*0 10 whicli you can put / I 710 f.ilry hnskew J» luop a iJ02t‘», iir ' . W norr u[uin n ntrnnd of allk floan. nil I ■neh onr wllh enrili nml aupply it with I \ nlniile tine cma> aceO, then hnn ; * ih..-m In a iminy window nud keep nolsl. ,,1,;^

■“ wllhBritont E,al Loaa Meal. Th

• KnKllihmrn u w l to l.o connldercd Ri'tth IJi. i-n-aie.t inent en irm In liio worhl. jihya S'ow, di'clnrea lhe Soeleij' of Meat Ini- In l.orler* (I.<>iidon). lho nvcraKO Knc- propi iMuimn <111* :U per c rn l lew meat Tootl lhan he did before Uie w nr. tJnle«a he mnlli • tn he lo cni iiinrf o f It Ihe midmuniry will I.t- facod w ith such n gini Uuif lui-nt n* II hll....... vcr hnd before, n oniyl/onilon ill:.pnlrh nn.vn. |arg(

T h” nmmal consmnpllon or meat In trn'U lhe t'iilie.1 Kincd'un boforu tfio war Mon< ivan niuuit l,W)i).00i) tons, nny Ihe Im- I'Oftrr., Il I* lio«v only l.JOO,(XX> lonn.And ihlK. they contend, ia due enilrrly (m; In ihn hlsh. cost ntlll tnnlnlalnecl. Kns- Mrn. I1»hinen nnd KnclMiwomen, loo. are tccn lust a'l fond nf ment na ever, bul tiiey h^u rniiunl nffnni to en l nn mnch of It (^ari

thry nwd to. ,\Hch--------------------------- . nnd

Uto for Holaelanit. Jo:Tho itoynl' Soelrty for Ihe I’rolee- SL :

Uon nf illrdn In l'*nslnnd nnd thn I'vr* tho immient Wild T.lfo 1‘nHeetlve t'und of ___lh r Cnllrd Stnlen Join tn aucBeatlns ^ l lm IIeI;:o1nud he lundo n rw rv a ilo u for the bird* thn t tn lerale alouc ihe .nunl nf Kuropr. T b c Inland ill le u Ihnn one-dfth of n mile nnnare. bit’t ll K dlrecily In the pnlli nf mlcratory tilriN. nud when Cermnuy boa re- iniived lhe fortlllcatlonn und oilier inllllnry esinbll.'ibinenu Uio birdi wlli prohniily u»e ll.

Whr H ortei Ai-e Dlmlnlthlng.An niillinrlty ultriliuten Iho diminu­

tion In iiuinher of home* >n the im- poHvJiillliy o f Jionw prlJ'.i* keeping purp with thn pricea o f wheat, com, pork, beef and uiuUoti. nnd therefore — thr riirnii*r neslvcta homn breedinc for tnmelbhis luoro prontahl'-. Uul A'hal nre W’o goln^ to do for work 'lofU n \o or ten yearn from nowl be |

iiAHi> t.t'<~k’ riJ.'rMON IX i.oNK jJAI.'K -I'.SKJi TO JT .NOH '

I.OXI': JACK. M'V. April U.~Th1* * '.own han heen loaliii; a ll thu •'breaka'- 1n luck for hcveral weekn. Aecord- { I'uc lo Mavur Klnc. (lia (owii han Junt . faeeil oue "dlaRcd" dlnaMer a fte r nn- Ulhrr. V

Klr'i. thu llehl plniii blew up. Thon Ihe-tlriT er-oM he—iitti»-y-lniii-<jHll-on — Khun nollcc. Nexl the towii'ii dnly IjarW r-Infi-.for .p a rla unllliownj leav- ! Inc tlm mule inhi\1iiinnta the eholco between hiiylns nafeiy .rutorn or grow.Inc whlnkem.

Finally thu U n e Jack bnnk wnt roUticd. Thnl dldn^t creatu mueh ex- eltemi-nt becausu Muyor Klnn nabl. tbo ' lo.wn wns uned lo uilum lllcn. ^


LAWIIENCK, KAN.. April 0.— j Spcclnionii of thu lo rsu ti flylut: rop- llie ut lbo KaniuiB world nome llvo million yearn a so , were dug up re- ccnily In lho fomll Ucdt uf thn Stpto by Ilundel T. .Mnrlln, curuior of lho Kuntan Univoraity.

The b ird-repille hnn licen clven the niuno of p u ranondon by aclunliau.Thoy dctcrlho 11 ua .h a r lu c - a .w la t npread^of from clKbteen to twenty feel, BUiall bod.v, nlender tln d feot and tiutnp i tl l . ^


a te Iale tliJ* ufiernoon aiiopiod (ha Pr^llngbuyHen aniondm eut to Uie aimy re-orgauU allon hill providing that unlveraal mllllAry train ing shall be voluntary r a th e r Uiaa compulsory.The vote w as 4« to 0.

Thla acUoa p o rU ada float defeat of Ul* eoapttlaoTT on U erw l nUUtanr tr tlo fag le t t i tntlon by the sennie, ^

, 9 .102II- '

G O O O IN G PC lafbrmaMqa ¥

■ Oharleg 'We*ley’T«infS7,-PrM ld«t, (1 am iiitcrcBtcd in tho courses

ilko to rcccive iufom itttion^onooni__ Bc|{ulnr Coliogo '^ 'ork j__.

IC ornpic^ni Bmiiclica li Miifliu ~ .

__ Siunnier ScHaion__________ j___IH i^V lT ifc .SW i^ ' ~

Ad rc»s...................... ....... ............... .......Nnniu '...........................................................

N O W I S T H E T I M i

Let Us ShowIl'.'i nere:i--."> inUe:! fn m i 'IV i Tli iutm - 2 !.•.> m iles rn .in '

roim i miMlcrii home, f u n i ■■ . •> rnom iiiodepii hom e , \vit1

•}0.vJlilt fo o t Jot, lll*xl28 f.iiit lo l.

;i luiKiiies.. loU—Opiid le n n



Over Golden Bu


Prescribed by rhyaloiana fo r J ' Eighteen Years ♦ ^

I 'Kae-h packase nnd inblcl of Ronulr.o X f

'llayer Tnbletn of Anplrln" In m arked * Ii ivlih lhe iinfety ‘•llayer Crnnn." • ♦

The'"Ilay*T-Croiin^' mean* ynu are J getting genuine Anplrln. prescribed by 1 , i.hy«iclann for over elchtoen year*. T ,

in Ihl. Ilaycr pncknse are tafo und I liroper dlreeilonn for Colda. yeadncho. ♦ . rootbacho, Karnche. Neuralgia. Ilhou- Z mall*ni..I.unibU o, Sclallca. N eurltla ♦ . Illd I’aln ffcnerully.

Handy lln boxe* of 13 lablctn cnnt Z Z nnly t» fev.-'ceuls." nm gdn tn olno nail larger llnyer pacfiagcfl. Aaplrln I* the irR'Io tpnrk of Bayer M anufacture of \fonoacotlcacliloiitcr of SaHcyllcacW.

mtlDK TH IU TK tX TIMKS 'ItrKDAU IIAPIDS. low j. Aprll S.— I

Mrn. Alice Yoa|uiUi. u hylde of Ihlr- tccn llnicn, Was divorced n few dayn iigo trom il;u Innl -'holor half.^' Her marrlDReii touk placo In Indiana, .Michigan, Mlnxourl, Wlncomiln, Iowa nnd .VrhraiKa. I

John V..akum, who married her, n l,SL Jonep'i. Mo- two years URC. wba,U)0 thlrieciilh husband.

H£ARrBU/tHl ! for tteavinew’after mealt ore I i mostannoyingnumUesUtioDS t

R l-H Q ID SpUuutt to U3te.ntatraIlge aoetdK y and help re a to re Anorinar oigestion. r y


S p e c i a l B80 AORES near Twin F alls, smnll

fcncc, 15 acres o lfn lfa ; iJJiUij

40 ACRES ncnr Twiir Fnlln. f».rooni [•ood Imrgifin; $;J75 per niTo,

--------riin%" tcfum on bnlfluce.----------

AORES closo in, Iiouhc, Imrn,.. '.. $100 pcrucrc . • •

10 AORES, orchard, house, bnrn.$(J.')00-^11500 caah.

6 ACRES a t a burgahi, house, biirt

6-ROOM ncw honse w ith Hlceping or Imu k i t cily and house mus

fi-BOOM hoiiKC, RlccphiE iiorch, k / * 4200 ; $1000 cii«b.

C-ROOM house, modern, bam , gm$1500 cash . ------------------

\V* liavo good North >Siilc luiul bnt them.

_Tlic above i.s only n fow of oiir bar WC' will l)u pK-usGd to Iwlp yo vnii.tagc.

Officc dcKk room for rent.

D. M. Oenton Real fsPhooe 223 or c»ll a t l lC

R o i d e n c e Pho

S O L L E G E1

loriiing the Bnme. • . _ - . .■Venderoift Subieeta I Ar t ~ ■ I '•I Night C la im •

Bitworth League InKtitnta __ Home PwbJfing

V l i f o i N fE R .

V You ^I'tvill1)1 Twill Falls.iiriiaui:, ucmuiit Imui'iiieiit.ivlth jf»rnKc.

■ ' VPORATIONDEB, M nosgcr Buie Store

\ M l \► The Poor m an’s |[ chance and th e |I Hich M an’s M ost |I Profitable Invest- |I ment. J^ One o[ Ihe bvKt u f tlicsu | I 'ehnneeH is tn hu fo u n d in th e X ? liliiHih F ie ld . N e v a d a . I - t ArIi fu r fu ll i ia r t lc u la r s — X

I IlHpah Baftin Oil & |I Gas Company ZI . Itox 427, Kly, Nevaila |

FOR SALE'TKiVere.s; ju s t outwde city limitK with good aix-room limit', !iiinetl,v niodorn, in* ehidiii;: hunt. Vosncuion . in few days. $2,(100 cosh will liaiidk thia. This is u reni harKain,Twin Falls Realty

CompanyPliono 120_________

r a T r e a T o D rX Nunery Block ef AUt TWIN rALLS, IDAHOI 207 Elgbth Are. E.X Telcph w e

A l l e n T r a n s f e r & T r u c k ^ ? > S e r v i c e ,

P h o n e 1 2 5 6 .

? a r g a ^linll iniiirovcmeiits. woven wire

per ncrc, $1000 •Bs .

oom hdiisc, bnrn, home oK hanl ere, «mnll payniciit- down and

‘n,. orelinrd and u bi{; lior^ain'

•B. This is a very ^ood buy at

ijiirti, eily w ater und lights.

ng poruh, Wi'iOO. Terms. Own- nuBt be KuUl.

I, gnraKe, neor Mnuoln Behoolj

gnrftKc, ehielten Iioiirc; W600;

bnrgiiiits. Cull and see tin about .

liarRuinH. Call a t tho oflieQanil you tiT lfn -n trto yonr ,be?t, o d - ;

!slalB & Trust Is,i C M i i t o ,h o n e 1 5 3 . W - . ■