+ r u y i t I t C7i TWy If T c r = S- rf J T r Yt cy s 9- x iA- u f j 1t 1 t IFOUR OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY JANUARY 23 1908 f 1 l S- ri EVENING STAR r3r t C L BITTINGER CO C L Bittinger and R R Carroll Proprietors and Publishers- C I L BITTINGER Editor and General Manager- R R CARROLL City Editor and Business Manager t MARCUS SOLE PROPRIETOR- A very important business change jjjr has taken place in Ocala whereby Mr Marcus Frank has purchased the in- terest of his partner Mr T H Harris- in the Variety Store which the firm of- t Frank Harris opened three years ago on the 18th day of January The Variety Store has been a phenomenal j success the result of Marcus enter- prise and up to date business ideas Mr Frank has been a staunch advocate L of the virtues of printers ink and In this connection tho Variety Store has r become one of the largest advertisers- In the Brick City If not the largest x Another feature of the firms success 1 r 1 fut business career is Itsspecial sale days which owing to the wonderful Wow prices made for standard goods crowd the Variety store to the 1 z t front doOrs and at one time the doors had to be closed in order to wait upon 1 the customers In the store It is need leas to add that nature put her seal N t on Mr Frank as a boon to commer ft ciaiism as his career when he was connected with the Boston Store in the 5 years prior to his entrance into busi- ness ¬ h for himself fully attests There A he demonstrated that judicious truth ful advertising pays With his hon- orable ¬ I I business methods he has estab- lished ¬ r a credit and confidence with his New York supply houses second to no mercantile Institution in Ocala qBe ides the Variety Store Messrs tiP Frank Harris were the proprietors of the O P C Store opposite the Tea- pot i 1 Grocery and this store also is In- k t eluded in the purchase It is hardly 1 necessary to remark that the same r Kg methods that have built up such a flattering trade and reputation for the- r i Varlety Store in the past three years 11 are only a harbinger of the bigger a tOCk greater sales and larger bar- f fcuns for the regiments of customers ac of the Variety Store In the future a t The Banner in its defense against a he strictures of the Pensacola Journal 1 for opposing W J Bryans nomination vjt and that it should devote more space vto the task of carrying Marion county tridry retorted that in counting the col- umns f in one issue of its paper found 3 rr It published fifteen columns on the > question but failed to say that said is ue was of date of Jan 19th and 4 tnough the champion of the dry caus- eifklarge percentage of said matter was l and paid matter which only W 7 coes to show that in the eyes of Edi j tor Harris saloon money is just as sweet and acceptable as that setting K 1 forth the virtues of the dry side We are reminded of the last stated fact because a number of people of Ocala 1 took the Star to task for advocating- the wet side when we were only pub- lishing ¬ such matter at advertising rates as we agreed to do for both aides at the opening of the battle when they retorted Well the Ban i Her dont We replied yes because 1 the Banner having publicly proclaimed- it t was a dry paper and would champion tkd dry cause the wet men refused t th 0 Banner their patronage but relent- ed ¬ l at the crucial moment to land a last broadside t t TOO OPTIMISTIC nKC l The I Tampa Tribunes Ocala corres jfe porident is too optomistic when he MJTS that 3000 people heard the joint Mw > debate between Hon Robert Mc l Namee and Rev J R Mitchell It was ft c < mljr IJ an error of a cipher > 1C t i1 l rW DCarn went down to Belle f 3rtewto see about the late election He- r found fifteen blind men had voted who Tcot Joe Whisenant to mark their bal f t J Dr Boney missed an elegant op unity It is claimed Belleview Iv7ot ed fortyfive illegal tickets all of jf S which will come before the board of county commissioners 1S 1 Governor Napoleon B Broward of 1 Florida sure did capture the crowd at j the Bryan dinner at Lincoln Neb and was recognized as one of the most elo- ngtitent 10 and acceptable speakers pres t it l 1 If the wet or dry contest in Marion had been left to the Caucasion men t and women there would be no ques- tion about the result 4 Frank Bugbee the promoter of Has- tings ¬ j was here Tuesday looking for bogs When it comes to hog and t hominy you will always find that Ma- rion ¬ has a plenty for home use and some for her neighbors C John Pasteur the Stanton merchant x Mj- i ail in town today att a Ill 1 rvJa HIBBERT B MASTERS President of the H B Masters Co Died at His Home in New York I Yesterday j Mr Ilibbert Masters of New York I City president of the H B Masters Company of this city dUd in that city laste yesterday afternoon inter an ill nebs of nearly ten months he having 1 suffered a stroke of paralysis March I i 27 1007 j Mr Masters was seventy years of j age and until his last illness was an active man as hale and hearty as the verge man of fifty He has been at the head of the mercantile business bear ¬ ing his name in this city for the past 1 thirteen years and prior to that time was the New York purchasing agent for the store The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon and the body will be laid to rest in the family burial ground in Massachusetts Mr Masters leaves three daughters- one of whom is married and two sons Mr Arthur Masters of Live Oak who resided in Ocala for two years and another who resides in New York r Mr Masters made many friends in Ocala where he visited once or twice a year He was one of the best post- ed ¬ and most highly accomplished of the old school gentlemen of his city I He was quiet and unasuming to a very marked degree but among those who knew him well ho was highly esteemed for his sterling worth and brilliant I mind Ever since he suffered the stroke Mr Masters has been bedridden- and his death has been daily expected though at almost all times he retain- ed ¬ his mental faculties- As the business here was incorporat- ed ¬ sometime ago there will be no change in its conduct and the death of the president will no necessarily effect its policy OUR HENRY I Among the prominent Masons of Florida attending the Grand Lodge ses ¬ sion is Hon Henry W Long of Martel Marion county exchairman of the I board of county commissioners and one of the most enthusiastic good roads men in Florida In fact Col Long may be termer the father of the good roads movement in Florida He is a past grand master of the Grand Lodge of Florida and stands high in Masonic circles Col Long is one of the old guard in Florida politics and his many friends throughout the state wish him many prosperous days TimesUnion 22nd I Mr W P Williamson known to all his friends as Ned brought in the r election returns from Salt Springs He paid the Star office ant appreciated call He has been suffering from the grip ever since Christmas LOSTWaltham openface watch near Zuber or in field of poor farm I January 22nd Movement 11216439- case 7722179 Union Shoe Co fob A liberal reward will be paid for its re ¬ turn to W L Harris at Masters Col Livingston returned from Jack- sonville ¬ today where he went to at ¬ tend the Grand Lodge of Masons and look after some private business- Mr Wilson the Gainesville gentleman I who owns valuable orange grove prop ¬ erty on Lake Weir went down to the lake this afternoon to see about the shipment of some of his fruit The Tampa Tribune suggests a joint debate between Robert McNamee and Carrie Nation as one of the att- raction of the state fair The trou ¬ ble is that Carrie wouldnt argue She would call Robert a child of the devil and the other pet names in her vocab ¬ ulary and let it go at that- A bill has been introduced in the North Carolina legislature making that state a prohibition state It is now in the hands of a committee I Governor Glenn of North Carolina has requested the legislature to pass a bill prohibiting the acquisition of competitive lines by railroads In that state Secretary Cortelyou of the United States Treasury Department says that the financial condition of the country- has been greatly improved in the last month and has begun to call in the de ¬ l posits from New York banks The naval ministry of Russia has published a communication stating that Commander Diatchkoff nor any Russian naval officer is following the American fleet and states that Diatch ¬ koff never represented the Russian government in the United States and never addressed any request to the American government on behalf of the naval ministry The Neapolitan brick cream is be ¬ ing used to pave the way to all the successful receptions Call phone 144 TO RENTTo gentleman and wife- a large neatly furnisheJ room close- In Address G care Star office III 7 IIIi IW THE ORANGE LAKE SHOOTING- The Star referred to the shooting at Orange Lake in its issue uf the 2isi Deputy Hut IHl who we called on hives the following report The shoot ¬ ing took place Saturday night about 9 oclock The victims uere Jim and Sam Boynton extensive truckers and merchants at Orange Lake They live quite a distance from their store room and in returning home that night upon reaching the crossroads were fired upon both men being peppered i with shot from their heads to their feet Joe Feaster colored was also badly shot in the face in his effort to warn the Boyntons by running be- tween ¬ them and the person who did the shooting One of the Boyntons shot at Haywood Green colored one of the parties who fired on him and his brother but with no results When the first shot was fired Green dodged behind a tree the bullet Mr Boynton fired hitting the tree Then Green took leg bail with Boynton after him Mr Boynton fired and struck Green in the heel quite a vital spot and Green was brought to earth but his com ¬ panion came to the rescue and dragged- him home Deputy Hutson was noti ¬ fied of the trouble Sunday and went up to Orange Lake early Monday morning and enlisting the assistance- of Deputy Pullen went to Greens house They found him and he told quite a different story but when told he was under arrest he gave a clue to the identity of the balance of the party and the officers rounded up the rest near Irvine Those brought to Ocala Tuesday were John Bennett Haywood Green Pete Caslon James White and Morris Modegan There is a sixth one at large but he is spotted- and will be found The original cause of the trouble is the Boyntons employ considerable colored labor They were paying 125 a day but the laborers around Orange Lake demanded 150 a day when the Boyntons went to South Carolina and secured all the labor they neded at 10 a month and board This is said to have so ex ¬ asperated a certain class that the at ¬ tempt was made to kill the two Boyn ¬ ton brothers NO WATERLOO BUT WHISKYLOO Any one reading the Ocala corres- pondents ¬ report in the Tampa Tribune- of the 22nd concerning the wet or dry contest in Marion would evidently think that Bob McNamee the Na ¬ poleon of the wets did not meet his Waterloo in Ocala as predicted by some before the election It would rather > seem that his opponents met their Whiskyloo HOWS THIS We offer one Tiundrea dollars rewara for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure- F J Cheney Co Toledo O- We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and be ¬ lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially- able to carry out any obligations made by hIs firm Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally ¬ acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials free Price 75 cents per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipation- The overcoat which Mr Alex Moor head found has been claimed by Mr Junius Counts The Most RAYING SAVING The relief you get in properly fitted glasses more than pays for them the first few weeks- A small saving of nerve force is of more value than the saving of a large sum of money THE EYES control a large per cent of the nerve force of the human body DR DM BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Florida- I Make a Specialty of Correcting Fail ¬ ing Vision Where Others Have Fail ¬ ed Satisfaction guaranteed or Your Money Refunded Office Hours S to 12 a m and 130 to 430 p m Optical Parlors Gary Building Rooms 2 and 4 I I TO 1IJT t t t i > l < < jI lrl I I 1Ii I t I t The O P C Store is mov- ing i into the Vatiety Store i r After we are consolidated will again be handlers o- fEVERYTHING 1l 1 t Y F t i 7 d i HEIDTVILLE I The many pleasant showers we have enjoyed the last few days has put the farming land In this section iir fine condition and brought smiles of pleas- ure ¬ and contentmet to the faces of the honest tillers of Gods footstool- Mr Humphrey Miller of Rockwell- was in our little town Sunday after- noon ¬ There must be some fair at- traction ¬ I in Heidtville for Mr Miller Your correspondent visited moving picture show 111 the Gaiter section last Thursday night and everybody attend ¬ ing expressed themselves as highly pleased with the exhibition all having- a very merry time Girls dear girls remember that this- I Leap Year which comes only once in four years You had better pick out your special favorite soon before some one more venturesome than you gets ahead of you and then you will have to wait another four years and give way to the boys in the mentime Mr George N Dorr was a business visitor to Dunnellon last Monday- Mr and Mrs G M Akin of Ocala are pleasant visitors here this week for a few days visiting relatives and friends- Mr and Mrs R D Stokes were wel ¬ come visitors to Heidtville last Sun ¬ dayOur school is progressing nicely and the patrons and pupils are well pleas- ed ¬ with our popular teacher- Mr Valentine Bock made a short visit to Ocala Monday on business bentMr J I Townsend of Dunnellon is among those visiting in our little town this week renewing old acquaintances- Mr Townsend was formerly a resident- of this place but accepted a position- in Dunnellon about a year since where- he remained until about a week ago Mr and Mrs VanHoosen were pleas ¬ ant visitors in our burg last Tuesday guests of Mrs J N Pordan AN INSIDIOUS DANGER- One of the worst features of kidney trouble is that it Is an insidious dis- ease ¬ and befoiv the victim realizes his danger he may have a fatal malady Take Foleys Kidney Cure at the first sign of trouble as it corrects Irregu- larities ¬ and prevents Brights disease and diabetes Sold by all dealers ft I 1 O > i 8- J t e MOSS BLUFF The Oklawaha river is lower than it has been in nine years at this point and still falling Some places it Is hardly deep enough for a small row boat to navigate We are sorry the river Is so low as the boats would be running now if they had water enough Farmers are making preparations to plant their crops Several parties have been in the big scrub hunting lately but do not report A much luck Mr J T Lewis state convict in ¬ spector returned home Saturday vo t spend Sunday with his family Mr A W Fort and son went up to Ocala Saturday on business- Mr and Mrs W H Morrison were in Ocala Saturday attending the big panic sale at the Globe l Mr A J Holton passed through here from Electra to see Dr Henry at Lake Weir Mr Jim and Jeff Martin attended services at Oklawaha church Sunday Miss McCarley our successful school teacher was a visitor at Electra Sat ¬ urday and Sunday Moss Bluff was well represented at Eleatra Sqnday schpol Sunday after ¬ noonWe are glad to see Mr A J Mtourse of Electra up and stirring around once moreWe have heard that Mr G W Wat- ers ¬ has been on the sick list We wish him a speedy recovery Several of the young people are talking of attending the fair which will be held in Tampa FebS They are finishing strawing the pub ¬ lic road from the ferry to Lake Weir which will be a great benefit The F C C U held their regular meeting Saturday SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE This office has for sate a complete scholarship in the Thomasville Ga t Business College We will let some deserving young man or woman have the scholarship on most advantageous- terms It is good for a complete course in penmanship bookkeeping or shorthand and typewriting Write the Star or call at this office if you are interestel Large assortment of CUT GLASS x and CHINA at Postoffice Drugstore a r J to <

1 S- I EVENING STAR B 1IJT I H Bufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00752/0154.pdf · S-+ r u y i t I t C7i TWy If T c r =rf J T r Yt cy s 9- x u iA- f j 1t 1 IFOUR OCALA EVENING

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Page 1: 1 S- I EVENING STAR B 1IJT I H Bufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00752/0154.pdf · S-+ r u y i t I t C7i TWy If T c r =rf J T r Yt cy s 9- x u iA- f j 1t 1 IFOUR OCALA EVENING

+ r u y i t I t C7i TWy If T c r =S-


J T r Yt cy s 9-



f j1t







C L Bittinger and R R CarrollProprietors and Publishers-


L BITTINGEREditor and General Manager-

R R CARROLLCity Editor and Business Manager


A very important business changejjjr has taken place in Ocala whereby Mr

Marcus Frank has purchased the in-

terest of his partner Mr T H Harris-in the Variety Store which the firm of-

t Frank Harris opened three yearsago on the 18th day of January TheVariety Store has been a phenomenal

j success the result of Marcus enter-prise and up to date business ideasMr Frank has been a staunch advocate

L of the virtues of printers ink and Inthis connection tho Variety Store has

r become one of the largest advertisers-In the Brick City If not the largest

x Another feature of the firms success1

r 1 fut business career is Itsspecial saledays which owing to the wonderful

Wow prices made for standard goodscrowd the Variety store to the

1 zt front doOrs and at one time the doorshad to be closed in order to wait upon

1 the customers In the store It is needleas to add that nature put her seal

N ton Mr Frank as a boon to commerft ciaiism as his career when he was

connected with the Boston Store in the5 years prior to his entrance into busi-


h for himself fully attests ThereA he demonstrated that judicious truth

ful advertising pays With his hon-


I I business methods he has estab-lished


a credit and confidence with hisNew York supply houses second tono mercantile Institution in Ocala

qBe ides the Variety Store MessrstiP Frank Harris were the proprietors

of the O P C Store opposite the Tea-poti

1 Grocery and this store also is In-

k t eluded in the purchase It is hardly1 necessary to remark that the samer

Kg methods that have built up such aflattering trade and reputation for the-r i Varlety Store in the past three years

11 are only a harbinger of the biggera

tOCk greater sales and larger bar-f fcuns for the regiments of customersac of the Variety Store In the future

a t The Banner in its defense againsta he strictures of the Pensacola Journal1 for opposing W J Bryans nominationvjt and that it should devote more space

vto the task of carrying Marion countytridry retorted that in counting the col-

umnsf in one issue of its paper found3 rr It published fifteen columns on the

> question but failed to say that saidis ue was of date of Jan 19th and

4 tnough the champion of the dry caus-eifklarge percentage of said matter wasl and paid matter which onlyW


coes to show that in the eyes of Edij tor Harris saloon money is just as

sweet and acceptable as that settingK1 forth the virtues of the dry side We

are reminded of the last stated factbecause a number of people of Ocala

1 took the Star to task for advocating-the wet side when we were only pub-


such matter at advertisingrates as we agreed to do for bothaides at the opening of the battlewhen they retorted Well the Ban

i Her dont We replied yes because1 the Banner having publicly proclaimed-

itt was a dry paper and would championtkd dry cause the wet men refused

t th0 Banner their patronage but relent-ed


l at the crucial moment to land a lastbroadsidet


nKC l TheI

Tampa Tribunes Ocala corresjfe porident is too optomistic when he

MJTS that 3000 people heard the jointMw

> debate between Hon Robert Mcl Namee and Rev J R Mitchell It was

ft c

< mljrIJ

an error of a cipher>1C

t i1 l rW DCarn went down to Bellef 3rtewto see about the late election He-

rfound fifteen blind men had voted whoTcot Joe Whisenant to mark their bal

f t J Dr Boney missed an elegant opunity It is claimed Belleview

Iv7ot ed fortyfive illegal tickets all ofjf

S which will come before the board ofcounty commissioners


1 Governor Napoleon B Broward of1 Florida sure did capture the crowd atj the Bryan dinner at Lincoln Neb and

was recognized as one of the most elo-


and acceptable speakers prest

itl 1 If the wet or dry contest in Marion

had been left to the Caucasion ment and women there would be no ques-

tion about the result4Frank Bugbee the promoter of Has-


j was here Tuesday looking forbogs When it comes to hog andt hominy you will always find that Ma-


has a plenty for home use andsome for her neighbors

C John Pasteur the Stanton merchantx Mj-

iail in town today

att a

Ill 1 rvJa


President of the H B Masters Co

Died at His Home in New YorkI Yesterdayj Mr Ilibbert Masters of New York


City president of the H B MastersCompany of this city dUd in that citylaste yesterday afternoon inter an illnebs of nearly ten months he having

1 suffered a stroke of paralysis March I

i 27 1007 j

Mr Masters was seventy years of j

age and until his last illness was anactive man as hale and hearty as theverge man of fifty He has been at thehead of the mercantile business bear ¬

ing his name in this city for the past1 thirteen years and prior to that timewas the New York purchasing agentfor the store The funeral will takeplace Saturday afternoon and the bodywill be laid to rest in the family burialground in Massachusetts

Mr Masters leaves three daughters-one of whom is married and two sonsMr Arthur Masters of Live Oak whoresided in Ocala for two years andanother who resides in New Yorkr

Mr Masters made many friends inOcala where he visited once or twicea year He was one of the best post-ed


and most highly accomplished ofthe old school gentlemen of his city

I He was quiet and unasuming to a verymarked degree but among those whoknew him well ho was highly esteemedfor his sterling worth and brilliant


mind Ever since he suffered thestroke Mr Masters has been bedridden-and his death has been daily expectedthough at almost all times he retain-ed


his mental faculties-As the business here was incorporat-


sometime ago there will be nochange in its conduct and the death ofthe president will no necessarily effectits policy


I Among the prominent Masons ofFlorida attending the Grand Lodge ses ¬

sion is Hon Henry W Long of MartelMarion county exchairman of the


board of county commissioners andone of the most enthusiastic goodroads men in Florida In fact ColLong may be termer the father of thegood roads movement in Florida Heis a past grand master of the GrandLodge of Florida and stands high inMasonic circles Col Long is one ofthe old guard in Florida politics andhis many friends throughout the statewish him many prosperous daysTimesUnion 22nd

I Mr W P Williamson known to allhis friends as Ned brought in therelection returns from Salt Springs Hepaid the Star office ant appreciatedcall He has been suffering from thegrip ever since Christmas

LOSTWaltham openface watchnear Zuber or in field of poor farm I

January 22nd Movement 11216439-case 7722179 Union Shoe Co fob Aliberal reward will be paid for its re¬

turn to W L Harris at Masters

Col Livingston returned from Jack-sonville


today where he went to at ¬

tend the Grand Lodge of Masons andlook after some private business-

Mr Wilson the Gainesville gentleman I

who owns valuable orange grove prop¬

erty on Lake Weir went down to thelake this afternoon to see about theshipment of some of his fruit

The Tampa Tribune suggests ajoint debate between Robert McNameeand Carrie Nation as one of the att-raction of the state fair The trou ¬

ble is that Carrie wouldnt argue Shewould call Robert a child of the deviland the other pet names in her vocab ¬

ulary and let it go at that-

A bill has been introduced in theNorth Carolina legislature making thatstate a prohibition state It is now inthe hands of a committee I

Governor Glenn of North Carolinahas requested the legislature to pass abill prohibiting the acquisition ofcompetitive lines by railroads In thatstate

Secretary Cortelyou of the UnitedStates Treasury Department says thatthe financial condition of the country-has been greatly improved in the lastmonth and has begun to call in the de ¬


posits from New York banks

The naval ministry of Russia haspublished a communication statingthat Commander Diatchkoff nor anyRussian naval officer is following theAmerican fleet and states that Diatch ¬

koff never represented the Russiangovernment in the United States andnever addressed any request to theAmerican government on behalf of thenaval ministry

The Neapolitan brick cream is be ¬

ing used to pave the way to all thesuccessful receptions Call phone 144

TO RENTTo gentleman and wife-a large neatly furnisheJ room close-In Address G care Star office




The Star referred to the shooting atOrange Lake in its issue uf the 2isiDeputy Hut IHl who we called onhives the following report The shoot ¬

ing took place Saturday night about9 oclock The victims uere Jim andSam Boynton extensive truckers andmerchants at Orange Lake They livequite a distance from their store roomand in returning home that nightupon reaching the crossroads werefired upon both men being peppered

i with shot from their heads to theirfeet Joe Feaster colored was alsobadly shot in the face in his effort towarn the Boyntons by running be-


them and the person who didthe shooting One of the Boyntonsshot at Haywood Green colored one ofthe parties who fired on him and hisbrother but with no results Whenthe first shot was fired Green dodgedbehind a tree the bullet Mr Boyntonfired hitting the tree Then Green tookleg bail with Boynton after him MrBoynton fired and struck Green in theheel quite a vital spot and Greenwas brought to earth but his com ¬

panion came to the rescue and dragged-him home Deputy Hutson was noti ¬

fied of the trouble Sunday and wentup to Orange Lake early Mondaymorning and enlisting the assistance-of Deputy Pullen went to Greenshouse They found him and he toldquite a different story but when toldhe was under arrest he gave a clueto the identity of the balance of theparty and the officers rounded up therest near Irvine Those brought toOcala Tuesday were John BennettHaywood Green Pete Caslon JamesWhite and Morris Modegan There isa sixth one at large but he is spotted-and will be found The original causeof the trouble is the Boyntons employconsiderable colored labor They werepaying 125 a day but the laborersaround Orange Lake demanded 150 aday when the Boyntons went to SouthCarolina and secured all the laborthey neded at 10 a month andboard This is said to have so ex ¬

asperated a certain class that the at ¬

tempt was made to kill the two Boyn ¬

ton brothers


Any one reading the Ocala corres-pondents


report in the Tampa Tribune-of the 22nd concerning the wet or drycontest in Marion would evidentlythink that Bob McNamee the Na ¬

poleon of the wets did not meet hisWaterloo in Ocala as predicted bysome before the election It wouldrather > seem that his opponents mettheir Whiskyloo


We offer one Tiundrea dollars rewarafor any case of catarrh that cannot becured by Halls Catarrh Cure-

F J Cheney Co Toledo O-

We the undersigned have known FJ Cheney for the last 15 years and be ¬

lieve him perfectly honorable in allbusiness transactions and financially-able to carry out any obligations madeby hIs firm

Walding Kinnan MarvinWholesale Druggists Toledo O

Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter-nally


acting directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces of the systemTestimonials free Price 75 cents perbottle Sold by all druggists TakeHalls Family Pills for constipation-

The overcoat which Mr Alex Moorhead found has been claimed by MrJunius Counts

The Most


The relief you get in properly fittedglasses more than pays for themthe first few weeks-

A small saving of nerve force is ofmore value than the saving of alarge sum of money

THE EYES control a large per centof the nerve force of the humanbody

DR DM BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala Florida-

I Make a Specialty of Correcting Fail ¬

ing Vision Where Others Have Fail ¬

ed Satisfaction guaranteed or YourMoney Refunded

Office Hours S to 12 a m and 130to 430 p m Optical Parlors GaryBuilding Rooms 2 and 4



TO 1IJT ttti >








I t


The O P C Store is mov-


into the Vatiety Store


After we are consolidatedwill again be handlers o-


1l 1t








The many pleasant showers we haveenjoyed the last few days has put thefarming land In this section iir finecondition and brought smiles of pleas-ure


and contentmet to the faces of thehonest tillers of Gods footstool-

Mr Humphrey Miller of Rockwell-was in our little town Sunday after-noon


There must be some fair at-

traction¬ I

in Heidtville for Mr MillerYour correspondent visited moving

picture show 111 the Gaiter section lastThursday night and everybody attend ¬

ing expressed themselves as highlypleased with the exhibition all having-

a very merry timeGirls dear girls remember that this-

I Leap Year which comes only oncein four years You had better pickout your special favorite soon beforesome one more venturesome than yougets ahead of you and then you willhave to wait another four years andgive way to the boys in the mentime

Mr George N Dorr was a businessvisitor to Dunnellon last Monday-

Mr and Mrs G M Akin of Ocalaare pleasant visitors here this weekfor a few days visiting relatives andfriends-

Mr and Mrs R D Stokes were wel ¬

come visitors to Heidtville last Sun ¬

dayOurschool is progressing nicely and

the patrons and pupils are well pleas-ed


with our popular teacher-Mr Valentine Bock made a short

visit to Ocala Monday on business

bentMr J I Townsend of Dunnellon isamong those visiting in our little townthis week renewing old acquaintances-Mr Townsend was formerly a resident-of this place but accepted a position-in Dunnellon about a year since where-he remained until about a week ago

Mr and Mrs VanHoosen were pleas ¬

ant visitors in our burg last Tuesdayguests of Mrs J N Pordan


One of the worst features of kidneytrouble is that it Is an insidious dis-ease


and befoiv the victim realizes hisdanger he may have a fatal maladyTake Foleys Kidney Cure at the firstsign of trouble as it corrects Irregu-larities


and prevents Brights diseaseand diabetes Sold by all dealers

ft I 1 O > i8-

J t



The Oklawaha river is lower than ithas been in nine years at this pointand still falling Some places it Ishardly deep enough for a small rowboat to navigate We are sorry theriver Is so low as the boats would berunning now if they had water enough

Farmers are making preparations toplant their crops

Several parties have been in the bigscrub hunting lately but do not report


much luckMr J T Lewis state convict in ¬

spector returned home Saturday vo t

spend Sunday with his familyMr A W Fort and son went up to

Ocala Saturday on business-Mr and Mrs W H Morrison were

in Ocala Saturday attending the bigpanic sale at the Globe l

Mr A J Holton passed through herefrom Electra to see Dr Henry at LakeWeir

Mr Jim and Jeff Martin attendedservices at Oklawaha church Sunday

Miss McCarley our successful schoolteacher was a visitor at Electra Sat ¬

urday and SundayMoss Bluff was well represented at

Eleatra Sqnday schpol Sunday after ¬

noonWe are glad to see Mr A J Mtourseof Electra up and stirring around once

moreWehave heard that Mr G W Wat-


has been on the sick list We wishhim a speedy recovery

Several of the young people aretalking of attending the fair which willbe held in Tampa FebS

They are finishing strawing the pub ¬

lic road from the ferry to Lake Weirwhich will be a great benefit

The F C C U held their regularmeeting Saturday


This office has for sate a completescholarship in the Thomasville Ga t

Business College We will let somedeserving young man or woman havethe scholarship on most advantageous-terms It is good for a completecourse in penmanship bookkeeping orshorthand and typewriting Writethe Star or call at this office if youare interestel

Large assortment of CUT GLASS xand CHINA at Postoffice Drugstore


r J to <