f t f t f J < I- tyn THE e J 1 I EVENING tlJ WORLDS li HOME MA < M2lMg I Ta- I f- 8ATUDAYIVIEH f > l- J f rd 4 4 1 i J I 3 Ij t1r J e f r 11 I 1 T- Lord4or I- f lJ On C It > 1 i f t y Ihdre- p 0 Jermon t all b 1 y I j of f I i I ComMser f 1 i rG ha b j rn j I I L- I I 1 I I f J- I l 1 cctW I tr ii liiJ I I c Si i- p t 1dJ < t I i- S I I C I 1I Q AlA II ii t- t W p fiae- MM i i 4 1f J 7 r HERE ladles and gentlemen Is a root garden as IS a roof garden i TIe moon deadheads herself unblushlnglyflntq the show the stars think upon It slyly and tho breezes monkey wlth the chorus girls petticoats and the actors whiskers r i For the sky Is the roof ot the Madison Square Roof Garden and may the Garden never know another I AU ones gayest and wlatfulleat dreams of what a roof garden mlghVbo nd should be are realized at last and If anything can rob a midsummer night of Its horrors ° Japan by Night Is It f- It I almost makes one feel sorry for the deluded New Yprkeri who are scattered over the seacoast and mountains or trapezlng over Europe and wont be back In time to see the root garden of roof gardens J I J > 66 WApAN BY NIGHT has a penetrating charm and Its the oharm < jP that wont com off The managers and their minions are real Japanese which means that they are artistic from the bones r outward- It needs no effort for a Jap to be artistic He doesnt have to think about it He urns everything Into beauty as simply and naturally as nn American turns everything Into money- S 1 Which explains why every detail In the composition of the Madison Square Root Garden lends Its own particular charm to the whole effect I I ftfOW that all the roofs are opened I1 be nothing new under the 41 UB or the stars next week I however will add lIom features 40 his show on the Para I dIsh Root Garden announcing In par- ticular ¬ Peplta Aragon a Spanish dancer who assisted by Senor Rosslta i will make her Hrst appearance In New York Another Imported act never seen here before will be that of the Scott I brothers who come direct from the Hippodrome London A thlrJ addition 1 will bo Bi ckner a sensation fyellst Rlccobonos iwonderfuj horses and otHer fine vaudeville acts together with the extravaganza Punch Judy Co will remain At UieOrystal Garden ontherpof the New York Theatre The Darling of the Gallery Gods cast will be ptreriftti coed erltoC1a the Cl vJt and lastiear sol appealed wiui De Wolf Hopper iii- MrPickwick I A paolal iMurt has i been wrttten In tor heran 1lith will also fteure In the review The Drews Parade Manager Georgia W Lieder has arrahjted an excellent prOBTomme I for a concert Bu day evening- In the IMadloon Square Garden Japan by Night will continue witlitha pleas- ing ¬ i operetta otoyou the principal attraction j- i Faust is to toe tile opera at Garden J l1nC who sang iivlth Nolrdtca and j other eminent artlstcu ortcocceittours will be the Mephtito Villa Knox Marguerltei Cleotwe Tallman Faust Harry tuckatone Valentine Hen ¬ I rietta Stern Martha and Flavia Ar I lUG Slebel At the Sunday night con Cwt selections from MIWsoletto II I >> fmI tnAIda and other operas I will beredered The St NIDlio las Garden wlU otter yiptora > 1 Venetian Band ot ntly tour pieces nnd a Vaudeville bill cm bracUMc the tlrinot mirror dancers th KiVine Cameron irlo of comedians andj lingers JIabel Hudson nnd others The E relto Troupe pf European ac a clrobiU Mamie Remington and her pickaninnies and Mr arid Mrs Robyps- ln Counsel rthe befenje will be alnopg the entertainers at Keiths John Kernell the iwellknowh Irish I comedian will head the1JjUat Pastors while others who will appear ore Ed- ward ¬ F Heynlrd ventriloquist tFrnea- nd Dandy comedy acrobats and 6adloFI Ids and others Prpotors theatres The s natort the SIX comedyaoted so many season by Vf H- Ctani i urUlba proeentetl atttb Flfth t Yii C Ff TA 1i c Avenue Theatre with Charles 6 Abbe- as Senator Hannibal Rivers Florence Ree as the dishing Mrs Hillary and Theodore Hamilton role Faike and Semon pioneers of mu- sical ¬ comedy will be the headliners at the Twentythird btreet TheAtre The comedy Pink Dominoes Will be played at the One Hundred anlTwtatVf- lfth street house with Adelaide Kelm and Wlllard Blackmore Inthl prlnclpil parts Captain of tl9 Nonesuch li- the title of the comedy whtoh wKt be presented at the Flrtyelt stiraet the ¬ atre by a company heade4 by Idna Archer Crawford and Robert Cummins Mittle Keane and cwriptjiri In Her First Divorce Case a sketch by Ella Wheeler Wilcox will lead the till at theNew rk house Hurtlar Seamons riiuso hall will dose for the summer An w feeture at the Eden Musee will be art eleotIetoun ln- YI11nir o4tt Burlesqucra will bo- at tho Dewey and Youn Corbett will appear at every performance PalhV annual Fourth of July dis- play ¬ WHI take place at Manhattan peach tonight beginning at dark with tho spectacle Last Daytot PompeII and concluding with nti ner4al exhibi- tion ¬ In which the pyrotechnist gives prdmiae of cxcelllne jils own tirllllnnt record The Sultan of Sulu and con- certs ¬ by Shannons Twontythrd Regi- ment ¬ Band will continue at the beach next week and tomorrow E E nico will Inaugurate Sunday afternoon end night vaudeville concerts Brighton Fei h MUse Hall will otter entertaining vaudeville A Traditions are common In western Kama ofitreis suddenly d1ng without apparent cause fter hav3nf been used a gaiIOwfor lyrieuinB have Jeavcfl e ex e- ff j f r ffcXsJl J and It doesnt in the least resemble a del nrtment atorejumble of fans par- asols ¬ The arrangement of colored lights is beautiful and gay without being obtrusive Nothing could bo happier than the skill with which tie archi ¬ tectural features of the building arc taken advantage of BO that lanterns glimmer mysteriously among the pillars of the turrets that surmount the i oof Everywhere one detects the deft touch of the Jap Is there an un sightly strip of wall to be hidden Lol It is decorated with white storks flying acrossa blue ground and the blue blends perfectly with the darker blue of the evening sky beyond- At the eastern end of the root separated from the auditorium but easily accessible the Curiously minute Japanese mind has pleased itself in the construction of a little landscape and village where Juggler Juggles In a pagoda and the may spend his nickels for trumpery NEW FEATURES FOR NEW YORK ROOF GflRDENS MriHammerateln ttyllttlesoubrettety1ip 1Thcverp0DUlar anotherlmportant Hardy the highwire performer who crossed Niagara KalU has been aaaea to the many attractions at Luna IarJt- Ooney Island Bhimrtxsk fir the oba7y elephant > rn In Sea Bench Jiiaja< fta fortnight airo be for the first tlmetoraorrow as a feature of the Bottoclc Animal Show The JOhnst wn Ftobd atCohey Iii ¬ and continues toattrnct crowds Then AUn roof garden orithe steam- er ¬ Grand Republic will otter entertain- ing ¬ TIlE THEATRES Teresa IM xsll a Southern girl of unusual beauty will on Monday night assume the role of Harriet Fordyce In Tho Earl Pawtucket atuha Man- hattan Theatre replacing Marion Qlroux- Trixle Frlganifl will on Monday night su c ftd Helen Bertram as prima flonra of The lxinca of Pilsen lai d therp will be otherf changes In the cast of the popular piece Net aturdaI afternoon July 11 the mlU llmeritoth MaJlitlc Tneaitre- vylll cel brateth 200th performance ot The WinM of Oif by in souynirs consisting of afdalnty fcronae- Btntuetto of the Poppy The Hlonde in Black1 balled down from three to two acts will continuo atl the and other attractions itvhich will remain are Fly Templotcrn In The Ranaway Casino The Wizard of Oz1 MajaUc Law rancs DOryay in Tile Earl t > f Paw- tucket Olanhattan The Prince ot Pilsen BrosxSway and Veiilcit In Now York 1th Dura and his orchestra Madison Square Garden f HER HEARTS DESIRE i A of Love Shipwreok and Fortune By Garvice- Will begin in Mondays Eyerdrig World Home Magazine and will end the Saturday I KANSAS TRADITION gana1ierthl rj1iiJ- c ndpaperlanterns souvenirhunter Ialtce5Coney vaudeviliefeaturae- IN IvnlckeirtojckerTheatre Romance Charles ifoliowjng Manyaresaidn- everTto WATER HAMMER ACTION l1a steamship are due to I water hammer action A fug of water J only six InehesMonsr proptllad two feet under eprcisure otfltt1n pounds can exert a prefiuro of fc400 founds on- bcla4b1lddOnlitopC e I f f r jr CHIGOT flMONG Dllloi as an Amer- llcan operetta The I Birth of the slag Jpre ntd y the BLaure Clement Op iera Coiopany ipccu ll of- Jproinlnenoe on the bill at the IBriehton each Music Itall 1 this week The Oro- IveriBrjos with thlr customary cOurt i3 9 retrained from can ¬ I ceIling the attrao em COT tion ot the Oloridfty afternoon performance trusting to the remainder of the programme to make up to the audience their disappointment In this sketch perpetration ia the work of A E tincaiter and 01 pi Jenkins Mr Lean caster wrote what is represented as be- ing ¬ the dialogue and Olr Jenkins is re eponsftile for the alleged music The Barrpwt5I ancasttr Sketch Company is rep nslbl forthe production or the op- eretta ¬ nnd its previous good record In vaudeville proa bly what Induced- the Qrovers to engage the offering It Is to he liopoj that Messrs Lancaster and Jenkins will avoid reading history In fufure The nut events flt Valley Forgo and the heroic struggle of the famous c of no Delaware rtJ em- blo Sundayschool picnics when com- pared ¬ to the preoent version of the birth > f the flag It Uthc worst thing given a local pro- duction ¬ since Will Cressy produced IThe Choral Strand a cannibal with A LIFE SECRET Col A W Shatter cxPostraaiter of Raleigh and a man of State j romlr once has Just died says the PltUrbunr Dispatch Strange to sa3PflOt 1 living soul eo far as con be learned know Col Shaffers given name Thirtyfive years he resided In Raleigh but his most intimate friends were never able to learn what the Initial letters A W toaa for Even his widow confesses that she never know When President Harrison appointed eel Shatter Post maleL several wagers were made that would compelled to disclose his name I The Government required the full name In subscribing to tho oath of office This Col Shatter refused to trtveand It was only through consid- erable ¬ correspondence that he was per- mlttedtoauume ¬ tbo nfflca without tell ¬ ing his Col Shatter never gave any reAtonwhy fan kepttil name a trIctucrsta c < i > ti attt- i a ndover It all blow the real breezes of heaven If thata where they come from in summer jl ji g J jt which fMclnytlng environment one encounters Otoyo a new little IN comic pporaof the tried and true Kimono ibrand- I w Jt fratd too Kimonos would put me to flight but they didnt Somehow they wore different Perhaps It was because the nreews flut- tered them about so fantastically Or perhaps because for once they fitted the surroundings Anyway they had almost the charm of noveltythink of it ye Kimono ridden playgoer and the fan headdresses worn by the rorus In the first few numbera were bewitching Its a small but uncommonly pretty ohorus with a dash that quite suggests the Weber Fields article and It capers and figures to Mr Peterss dainty music In a style that heaps credit on the stage manager Of the book of the opera the less said the better but one tyjesnt hanker cleverness these sultry nights Musically however Otoyo to the most fetching thin of Its calibre that we have encountered since the last snow The composer W Frederick Peters Is a small man with music shining out of his eager Intelligent face < J It is a face that vividly recalla the portrait of one ot the old musters I THE SEflSHORE tnhiionarr fricassee as the central conidtlBUre The ret of the OtlKhton acacJi bill is wry satisfactory and the Grover de- serve ¬ decided credit tor their efforts to rlve goo vaudeville to the seashore Edward Glrard renemberedtmm hie connection with Donnelly and Girard nd Ueasle Gardner ippear In a comedy sketch Vhioh appear to please nl though it is now getting to be a trine worn bout the edgeS Even Itthe players are not yet ready to change aketchna they might atleutb In- duCed to entirely change the onn Mr QJrard boa one new song utlt liviu very poor epeelnnnof comedy In- troducing ¬ Joke Ideas of twenty years ago Qeoria T how > tabblet are on rather early lilt the bill Te9how beastly the be Vcat kfainerinttw exhibiting It Is no- t jy matter to teach these stubborn brutes to apcawpHsh ven the simplest trick and his sucoess In training them to really remarkable Charles Rrnst an oldUroe minstrel man l9eniraKed in a hionijlotnie which might w 1lbe ernJe4Meaoolr of Mln- streliy rt has beta of tump pperches dating thirty years back arifl turpris- Ingly little that an wJIJ opo good deai is a burlesque of Hiawatha In whl h the mC1lJ1bet8 of Ixnrla Rein hardta orchestra m uithCll1lt with their responses Edwatfl l ynard offers a ventrllonulal- opeotalty In which he It so busy pullln strings to get the various figures in motion that he does not have time to hunt tip new Jokes Somo of his comedy work would bring tears io tho eyesof an Lift AND DEATH A child is born every three minutes and a iath is recorded every live min- utes in london Kngla- ndDIAMOND r DYES Will always gii3 tbe results yon hope for They make borne dyeIng easy and sure and you have only to know that you wish to save and to mare fresb and new we kay a pMUl dp tm4pt ft tlTlt aeS Wil- lsaiver trHa r o 1etAbo114oIN Sea- SsspI of oc uba poulMt IMKotio beat 44 d755 fl1sS 5tH MtOiD fly rI VI Jol nt i- i > S l UflUDEUILLERS old minstrel man but the act li novel because ot Its various mechanical de- vice ¬ arid audiences are always lenient With ventriloquists who tell jokes Vlra Rial sings several longs in eluding Under the Bamboo Tree It Olarle CaJilil wanted to have a lot of run phvher honeymoon the might put the time In prontably listening to ts ious soubrettes singing the sohg she made famous Miss Rial used to have- a pretty fair voice last ummer but thIs year It appears to have grown husky For that matter moat of the other singers are also In bad form sInce throughout this erection of the country Uii weather has gotten In on their voices Grant and Grant two colored per- former ¬ linK entlrelj to yielr own sat- isfaction end score quite an Impression with the audience while the vltsgrnph made an extra hit with motion pictures showing the life of nn American IJrermn A new departure has been Inaugurated this year whereby William E Slater whoso band has bcen one of the bench features for a number of yealri stays 011 the hotel piazza and JioMi his nand together the entire tny This lamuch better for SlaTer Ws band andthe peo pie who nt on the piazza Meanwhile the place of tho ibarid has been taken In tiio Music Hail toy Uouls nelnhsnits Orchestra from the Orpheum Theitre- Ilrooklyn and the stage btnd feature has been abandoned Now that the hdl weather lies arrived thu ais rs Orov r should do a splendid bUllne for they have made nn excellent record for them- selves ¬ luring the past few years CiliCOT Amusements UlhOI nttr 34 in PASTORS CONTINUOUS JO tad SO ctnU- CilUhin i ilick Annie lltri Icily Trio HOLIDAY SHOW TODAY I JOHNSTOWN FLOOD CONBV- KICKI2HI1OCKKH ISLA4U Tht naY ft JSift > Klk uu To LJtrr rrlTolity Blanche Ring ill The Blonde in Bla k- ATLANTIC I OAKOBS Bo err CO ir Canal it Iwlor A Co nn Ultek l > The Zanw Don a nisils Klit Mitt Btrly EtcbII Lofy Or- hUtlnflc SCASIN VACDUVILLU- JSROME ATIRACTIV- IIIIUOLIt Ave a iX ST I DILL 11 COWEYS- NtwDota Bitr Eltfiiint oa VII w Banl j fo but whether Beethoven Mozart Mendelssohnor somebody elseI cardsrer member Little Mr Peters Is not a Beethoven yet but It Is IntereltJnlJtowate1 him conducting his composition which In this ease extram lt cal and catchy and full of gay and delicate tunefulness S In truth Otojx bide hlr to attain ft whistling popularity of fornridalsla proportions ci u In the earlier parts ItIs tinged with a Japanese flavor that has anorlgl- raJlty of Its own hut later this almost disappears In favor of 4Istraiht11 melody which enjpys the American qualltlesOf lightness and humor Sccno of the sentimental ballads are exquisite In their way The Ia den of Youth In particular has a strength and swettnees that remind oha of Qounods ballad f v kI iiI J J JI Is SJr Hobart Smock that carolsThe Qarden of Youth and ho rove IT to be one of the most satisfactory tenors tho comic opera etageiia given us recently ThereIs nothing comic about Mr Braock and at first sight youdoat4 associate hint with romance Ho la a wellfed hero clothed In avolrdnppH a yachting cap and an amiable smile tilo > But when It comes to ringing flercely loveydovey eentlmentsMrJi Smock arrivesliy the short st route His vojce Is robust and musical end ho handles simply and surely without tricks or affectations which gives to his work an airof pleasing sincerity MIca Bettina Gerard In theloading part plays with much jnodest skill end sings with the feeling and Intelligence of an artist 41 Tho rest are mostly comic and their numbers could bereducedwith out Injuring the show James F MacDonaldi the leading comedian might be tolerated If there were a little less of him but Abbott Dav1zh a bard wood comedian of monumental lugubrlgusnets handsomely heads the 1IM of tho unnecessary Miss Irene Jermon has one thing todoa coon song and does It as well as one wishes that sort of thing to be done The Boston ladles orchestra whlch goes with the opera BB well as stTo Ing a llttlo concert In advance of It Is cheerful aggregation of talented young women In white frocks and determined smiles KATE CAREW SUPERFLUOUS or UNNATURAL AIR THE FACE Painlessly and Perma ¬ nently Removed My of treatment Is ac knowkiUea by all experts to be su ¬ perior any other In the world No pain Dornarkor cr and the skin Is healthy and natural Thirty years practical eipertenee No Charge for ronsultstlon and book 9 to t Call i or write ptraondlr to John Woodbury D J 12 West lId St New York Amusements MANHATTAN BEACH TODAY I A7 SHANHONS BaDr BAUD lO1IlIT pains Pompeii- S I oat GIIAMO riRKWOnKS ttrzNtI AT rWLINING T o SULTAN OF SULU TOVOnROV AT t AND 8 RICES SUHDHY POPS All flair 1Id Until After rerforntace nAUISUN Adm 1 SQURh ROOF Seat nool- JARUHN Uct Seat 1f JAPAN BY NIGH- TOTOVO rte NKW JAPANESE COMIC OPERA Ind IIOSTONS IAIlis OIK7IIKSTIIA- Jlpn4t t Shop Tel HAIIRC nd RfftUuract MADISON S Q II Ant Ottt1 N run COOLEST VIACK IN sew vcaiv- i iviuli IJirluU ProjriniLinilr nnii DUSS and ills lEwry STI8SO Sol ilJIm- Orcreiir Chrlotte WalktrKonleir ntatatiru- tisona rb Venice in New York A n4 GKK Erin I Knitx PIno- T bro tUIIflOO i ADM- TJIBATRB I cud RODY1V 41st st n- cv at s iMo tVed A st von you BFpna IN CINCINNATI I Henry W avso Pftitnii th Mutlril Comtfa brat WicSIiVit MONTH PRINCE OF PILSEN ORAND CIKCLI3 lliy A 6Stl it junuuaiiu Krg s Nit Wad 4 sit 2 OATH WEEK 19JO fKUPoKnANCB IN NUW VORIC WIZARD OF OZ EYOa Wad and IU SaIuria noo i I with lootgomory A Stone I iitllati I15C FLOATING ROOF GARDEN Sir flrancl Ktptiblle Illch Class VauJevllli W IMlh it S PM w3 t 830 Djlterr Wt a Every Evening Biifpt FfliUy SOc ToIIIPll CASiiio- M s tIiIltURiAKM fi i 1 li1k 1 i iiJ i Amusements T NICHOLAS POPGLAR 4 s SUiUIUl GARDSS- Mth St aoi A- T1WlColi IAJHEE25 C I TOSAY Highn It ww INCLUDING SUNDAY C D KjJH S 0- V tO I- galsffefi J 1 = lll = t cJ BS If J g- VLO k > ijfg g- d W- AURIgbU Yi PROGTORSigMG n kff s Reervd Err Mt rvuruu O UttM n ii I coTINVOU vAuummg HIua ll 81 Thomas t Co Mkarflaasr LOU la Others Urni emmrsa- r ii rII1IcDamlD MIlBfemnEltt I II ve 1 CUA5 3 ABEtS aol t1l11oora U II I vorttj Dlr Vn4nllJ Ceaunuoss D0ttr a BET8T ED4UOiI 6810 I CRAWFORD nonEatrcO3atIxOL iii Ote Com r olinlt15L4 l 121Ih 81 I KEIM OS rRODAflOV WILUIHO nLsciMoflg nsauam 1 I AiisiMX FaTDlItILfl15 Vakse ARADISEROOFOARDENlll- oyt > l of VICTORIA a SELSCQ fll r- t nay a hTI Clan lIciesbd VAU DEVILLE TIlLS OPXfla STOEXOTJI i EXTP VAOANZA A aiLMTT WITH 75- CRYSTE PEIOPLa j GflRDENS ROOF Iatffla7Ish at lilT OF TilE TOWs Ery Eva at 8to Ji COSIE nVSIII UAKLINCi Or inUqALLBRVn- ATINGE uous iraS DRESS rtaui 4 YAvygTg 11111 TOIai- yiicirv HEWliEMYBUHLESuERs j I Li 1 t JENKDcs aol Tfl5 CtitA E 4th SI WOXtlGR will l Iii cmem- IURIIG SEAMONS 23yaiaatTaiin House Cooled by Ufectrlc F aV CONCSRTS sLLIArAsrrtujy asvxii TERRACE GARDEN 5IIa6St ITHEMEKRYWAIttr I s l311I1flUL1LIfMatWi sotais THE EARL OF PAWTUCKET KEITHS 5- I I lLT8U0WtUilf WORLD IN WAX N W O- c EDEN i JitJJIATOQ RAl- I 3lUSJcI Yt < ttiMBtleni- iYob Room > II ottsca rooms and B- rent Thft Suodsy I 4

J THE J I EVENING WORLDS 4 li HOME MA M2lMg 4f t f t f J < tyn I-THE e J 1 I EVENING tlJ WORLDS li HOME MA l- J f rd 4 4 1 i J I 3 Ij t1r

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    THE e J1


    Jf rd 4 41 iJ



    Ijt1r J e f r

    11 I 1 T-



    f lJ On C It > 1i

    f t yIhdre-


    0 Jermont

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    I ComMser f1

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    I If


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    1 cctW I trii


    I c Si i-p


    6 6 WApAN BY NIGHT has a penetrating charm and Its the oharm

    < jP that wont com off The managers and their minions are realJapanese which means that they are artistic from the bones

    r outward-It needs no effort for a Jap to be artistic He doesnt have to think

    about it He urns everything Into beauty as simply and naturally as nnAmerican turns everything Into money-


    1 Which explains why every detail In the composition of the MadisonSquare Root Garden lends Its own particular charm to the whole effect


    I ftfOW that all the roofs are openedI1 be nothing new under the

    41 UB or the stars next weekI however will add

    lIom features 40 his show on the ParaI dIsh Root Garden announcing In par-


    Peplta Aragon a Spanishdancer who assisted by Senor Rosslta

    i will make her Hrst appearance In NewYork Another Imported act never seenhere before will be that of the ScottIbrothers who come direct from theHippodrome London A thlrJ addition


    will bo Bi ckner a sensation fyellstRlccobonos iwonderfuj horses and otHerfine vaudeville acts together with theextravaganza Punch Judy Cowill remain

    At UieOrystal Garden ontherpofthe New York Theatre The Darling ofthe Gallery Gods cast will be ptreriftticoed erltoC1a the Cl vJtand lastiearsol appealed wiui De Wolf Hopper iii-MrPickwickI A paolal iMurt has

    i been wrttten In tor heran 1lith willalso fteure In the review The DrewsParade Manager Georgia W Liederhas arrahjted an excellent prOBTomme

    I for a concert Bu day evening-In the IMadloon Square Garden Japan

    by Night will continue witlitha pleas-ing


    i operetta otoyou the principalattraction j-

    i Faust is to toe tileopera at Garden J l1nC

    who sang iivlth Nolrdtca andj other eminent artlstcu ortcocceittourswill be the Mephtito Villa KnoxMarguerltei Cleotwe Tallman Faust

    Harry tuckatone Valentine Hen ¬I rietta Stern Martha and Flavia ArI lUG Slebel At the Sunday night con

    Cwt selections from MIWsoletto II

    I > > fmI tnAIda and other operasI will berederedThe St NIDlio las Garden wlU otteryiptora > 1 Venetian Band ot ntlytour pieces nnd a Vaudeville bill cmbracUMc the tlrinot mirror dancersth KiVine Cameron irlo of comediansandj lingers JIabel Hudson nnd others

    The E relto Troupe pf European acaclrobiU Mamie Remington and herpickaninnies and Mr arid Mrs Robyps-ln Counsel rthe befenje will bealnopg the entertainers at Keiths

    John Kernell the iwellknowh IrishI comedian will head the1JjUat Pastors

    while others who will appear ore Ed-ward


    F Heynlrd ventriloquist tFrnea-nd Dandy comedy acrobats and6adloFI Ids and others

    Prpotors theatres The s natort theSIX comedyaoted so many season by Vf H-

    Ctanii urUlba proeentetl atttb Flfth

    t Yii C Ff TA 1i c

    Avenue Theatre with Charles 6 Abbe-as Senator Hannibal Rivers FlorenceRee as the dishing Mrs Hillary andTheodore Hamiltonrole

    Faike and Semon pioneers of mu-sical


    comedy will be the headliners atthe Twentythird btreet TheAtre Thecomedy Pink Dominoes Will beplayed at the One Hundred anlTwtatVf-lfth street house with Adelaide Kelmand Wlllard Blackmore Inthl prlnclpilparts Captain of tl9 Nonesuch li-the title of the comedy whtoh wKt bepresented at the Flrtyelt stiraet the ¬atre by a company heade4 by IdnaArcher Crawford and Robert CumminsMittle Keane and cwriptjiri In HerFirst Divorce Case a sketch by EllaWheeler Wilcox will lead the till attheNew rk house

    Hurtlar Seamons riiuso hall willdose for the summer

    A n w feeture at the Eden Musee willbe art eleotIetoun ln-

    YI11nir o4tt Burlesqucra will bo-at tho Dewey and Youn Corbett willappear at every performance

    PalhV annual Fourth of July dis-play


    WHI take place at Manhattanpeach tonight beginning at dark withtho spectacle Last Daytot PompeIIand concluding with nti ner4al exhibi-tion


    In which the pyrotechnist givesprdmiae of cxcelllne jils own tirllllnntrecord The Sultan of Sulu and con-certs


    by Shannons Twontythrd Regi-ment


    Band will continue at the beachnext week and tomorrow E E nicowill Inaugurate Sunday afternoon endnight vaudeville concerts

    Brighton Fei h MUse Hall will otterentertaining vaudeville

    ATraditions are common In western

    Kama ofitreis suddenly d1ng withoutapparent cause fter hav3nf been useda gaiIOwfor lyrieuinB

    have Jeavcfl e exe-

    ff j f




    and It doesnt in the least resemble a del nrtment atorejumble of fans par-asols


    The arrangement of colored lights is beautiful and gay without beingobtrusive Nothing could bo happier than the skill with which tie archi ¬tectural features of the building arc taken advantage of BO that lanternsglimmer mysteriously among the pillars of the turrets that surmount thei oof

    Everywhere one detects the deft touch of the Jap Is there an unsightly strip of wall to be hidden Lol It is decorated with white storksflying acrossa blue ground and the blue blends perfectly with the darkerblue of the evening sky beyond-

    At the eastern end of the root separated from the auditorium buteasily accessible the Curiously minute Japanese mind has pleased itself inthe construction of a little landscape and village where Juggler JugglesIn a pagoda and the may spend his nickels for trumpery






    Hardy the highwire performer whocrossed Niagara KalU has been aaaeato the many attractions at Luna IarJt-Ooney Island

    Bhimrtxsk fir the oba7y elephant >rnIn Sea Bench Jiiaja< ftafortnight airo be for thefirst tlmetoraorrow as a feature of theBottoclc Animal Show

    The JOhnst wn Ftobd atCohey Iii ¬and continues toattrnct crowds

    Then AUn roof garden orithe steam-er


    Grand Republic will otter entertain-ing


    TIlE THEATRESTeresa IM xsll a Southern girl of

    unusual beauty will on Monday nightassume the role of Harriet Fordyce In

    Tho Earl Pawtucket atuha Man-hattan Theatre replacing MarionQlroux-

    Trixle Frlganifl will on Monday nightsu c ftd Helen Bertram as prima flonraof The lxinca of Pilsen lai d therpwill be otherf changes In the cast of thepopular piece

    Net aturdaI afternoon July 11 themlU llmeritoth MaJlitlc Tneaitre-

    vylll cel brateth 200th performance otThe WinM of Oif by in

    souynirs consisting of afdalnty fcronae-Btntuetto of the Poppy

    The Hlonde in Black1 balled downfrom three to two acts will continuo atlthe and otherattractions itvhich will remain are FlyTemplotcrn In The Ranaway Casino

    The Wizard of Oz1 MajaUc Lawrancs DOryay in Tile Earl t> f Paw-tucket Olanhattan The Prince otPilsen BrosxSway and Veiilcit In NowYork 1th Dura and his orchestraMadison Square Garden



    A of Love Shipwreok and FortuneBy Garvice-

    Will begin in Mondays Eyerdrig World Home Magazine and willend the Saturday















    WATER HAMMER ACTIONl1a steamship are due to I

    water hammer action A fug of water Jonly six InehesMonsr proptllad twofeet under eprcisure otfltt1n poundscan exert a prefiuro of fc400 founds on-bcla4b1lddOnlitopC




    r jr

    CHIGOT flMONGDllloi as an Amer-

    llcan operetta TheI Birth of the slagJpre ntd y theBLaure Clement Opiera Coiopany ipccu

    ll of-Jproinlnenoe on the

    bill at the IBriehtoneach Music Itall

    1 this week The Oro-IveriBrjos with thlrcustomary cOurt i3

    9 retrained from can ¬I ceIling the attrao

    em COT tion ot the Oloridftyafternoon performance trusting to theremainder of the programme to make upto the audience their disappointment Inthis sketchperpetration ia the work of A E

    tincaiter and 01 pi Jenkins Mr Leancaster wrote what is represented as be-ing


    the dialogue and Olr Jenkins is reeponsftile for the alleged music TheBarrpwt5I ancasttr Sketch Company isrep nslbl forthe production or the op-eretta


    nnd its previous good recordIn vaudeville proa bly what Induced-the Qrovers to engage the offering ItIs to he liopoj that Messrs Lancasterand Jenkins will avoid reading historyIn fufure The nut events flt ValleyForgo and the heroic struggle of thefamous c of no Delaware rtJ em-blo Sundayschool picnics when com-pared


    to the preoent version of the birth> f the flagIt Uthc worst thing given a local pro-



    since Will Cressy produced ITheChoral Strand a cannibal with

    A LIFE SECRETCol A W Shatter cxPostraaiter of

    Raleigh and a man of State j romlronce has Just died says the PltUrbunrDispatch Strange to sa3PflOt 1 livingsoul eo far as con be learned knowCol Shaffers given name Thirtyfiveyears he resided In Raleigh but hismost intimate friends were never ableto learn what the Initial letters A Wtoaa for Even his widow confesses

    that she never know When PresidentHarrison appointed eel Shatter PostmaleL several wagers were made that

    would compelled to disclose hisname I The Government required thefull name In subscribing to tho oathof office This Col Shatter refused totrtveand It was only through consid-erable


    correspondence that he was per-mlttedtoauume


    tbo nfflca without tell ¬ing his Col Shatter never gaveany reAtonwhy fan kepttil name atrIctucrsta


    <i >




    ndover It all blow the real breezes of heaven If thata where theycome from in summer

    jl ji g J jtwhich fMclnytlng environment one encounters Otoyo a new littleIN comic pporaof the tried and true Kimono ibrand-

    I w Jt fratd too Kimonos would put me to flight but they didntSomehow they wore different Perhaps It was because the nreews flut-tered them about so fantastically Or perhaps because for once they fittedthe surroundings

    Anyway they had almost the charm of noveltythink of it ye Kimonoridden playgoer and the fan headdresses worn by the rorus In the firstfew numbera were bewitching

    Its a small but uncommonly pretty ohorus with a dash that quitesuggests the Weber Fields article and It capers and figures to Mr

    Peterss dainty music In a style that heaps credit on the stage managerOf the book of the opera the less said the better but one tyjesnt

    hanker cleverness these sultry nights Musically however Otoyo tothe most fetching thin of Its calibre that we have encountered since thelast snow

    The composer W Frederick Peters Is a small man with music shiningout of his eager Intelligent face <

    J It is a face that vividly recalla the portrait of one ot the old mustersI

    THE SEflSHOREtnhiionarr fricassee as the centralconidtlBUre

    The ret of the OtlKhton acacJi bill iswry satisfactory and the Grover de-serve


    decided credit tor their effortsto rlve goo vaudeville to the seashoreEdward Glrard renemberedtmm hieconnection with Donnelly and Girard

    nd Ueasle Gardner ippear In a comedysketch Vhioh appear to please nlthough it is now getting to be a trineworn bout the edgeS Even Ittheplayers are not yet ready to changeaketchna they might atleutb In-duCed to entirely change the onnMr QJrard boa one new song utltliviu very poor epeelnnnof comedy In-troducing


    Joke Ideas of twenty yearsago

    Qeoria T how> tabblet are on ratherearly lilt the bill Te9how beastly thebe Vcat kfainerinttw exhibiting It Is no-t jy matter to teach these stubbornbrutes to apcawpHsh ven the simplesttrick and his sucoess In training them toreally remarkable

    Charles Rrnst an oldUroe minstrelman l9eniraKed in a hionijlotnie whichmight w 1lbe ernJe4Meaoolr of Mln-streliy rt has beta of tump pperchesdating thirty years back arifl turpris-Ingly little that a n wJIJ opo gooddeai is a burlesque of Hiawatha Inwhl h the mC1lJ1bet8 of Ixnrla Reinhardta orchestra m uithCll1lt withtheir responses

    Edwatfl l ynard offers a ventrllonulal-opeotalty In which he It so busy pulllnstrings to get the various figures inmotion that he does not have time tohunt tip new Jokes Somo of his comedywork would bring tears io tho eyesof an

    Lift AND DEATHA child is born every three minutes

    and a iath is recorded every live min-utes in london Kngla-



    Will always gii3 tbe results yon

    hope for They make borne dyeIng

    easy and sure and you have only to

    know that you wish to save and tomare fresb and new

    we kay a pMUl dp tm4pt ft tlTlt aeS Wil-lsaiver trHar o 1etAbo114oIN Sea-SsspI of oc uba poulMt IMKotio beat

    44 d755 fl1sS 5tH MtOiD flyrI VI Jol nt i-


    S l

    UflUDEUILLERSold minstrel man but the act li novelbecause ot Its various mechanical de-vice


    arid audiences are always lenientWith ventriloquists who tell jokes

    Vlra Rial sings several longs ineluding Under the Bamboo Tree ItOlarle CaJilil wanted to have a lot ofrun phvher honeymoon the might putthe time In prontably listening to tsious soubrettes singing the sohg shemade famous Miss Rial used to have-a pretty fair voice last ummer butthIs year It appears to have grownhusky For that matter moat of theother singers are also In bad form sIncethroughout this erection of the countryUii weather has gotten In on theirvoices

    Grant and Grant two colored per-former


    linK entlrelj to yielr own sat-isfaction end score quite an Impressionwith the audience while the vltsgrnphmade an extra hit with motion picturesshowing the life of nn American IJrermn

    A new departure has been Inauguratedthis year whereby William E Slaterwhoso band has bcen one of the benchfeatures for a number of yealri stays011 the hotel piazza and JioMi his nandtogether the entire tny This lamuchbetter for SlaTer Ws band andthe peopie who nt on the piazza Meanwhilethe place of tho ibarid has been takenIn tiio Music Hail toy Uouls nelnhsnitsOrchestra from the Orpheum Theitre-Ilrooklyn and the stage btnd featurehas been abandoned Now that the hdlweather lies arrived thu ais rs Orov rshould do a splendid bUllne for theyhave made nn excellent record for them-selves


    luring the past few yearsCiliCOT

    AmusementsUlhOI nttr 34 inPASTORS CONTINUOUSJO tad SO ctnU-

    CilUhin i ilick Annie lltri Icily TrioHOLIDAY SHOW TODAY





    Tht naY ft JSift> Klk uu To LJtrr rrlTolity

    Blanche Ring ill The Blonde in Bla k-


    OAKOBSBo err CO ir Canal it

    Iwlor A Co nn Ultek l > The Zanw Dona nisils Klit Mitt Btrly EtcbII Lofy Or-hUtlnflcSCASIN VACDUVILLU-JSROME


    Ave a iX ST I DILL

    11 COWEYS-NtwDota Bitr Eltfiiint oa VII w Banl j


    but whether Beethoven Mozart Mendelssohnor somebody elseI cardsrermember

    Little Mr Peters Is not a Beethoven yet but It Is IntereltJnlJtowate1him conducting his composition which In this ease extram ltcal and catchy and full of gay and delicate tunefulness

    S In truth Otojx bide hlr to attain ft whistling popularity of fornridalslaproportions ci u

    In the earlier parts ItIs tinged with a Japanese flavor that has anorlgl-raJlty of Its own hut later this almost disappears In favor of 4Istraiht11melody which enjpys the American qualltlesOf lightness and humor

    Sccno of the sentimental ballads are exquisite In their way The Iaden of Youth In particular has a strength and swettnees that remind ohaof Qounods ballad f v

    kI iiI J J JIIs SJr Hobart Smock that carolsThe Qarden of Youth and ho roveIT to be one of the most satisfactory tenors tho comic opera etageiiagiven us recentlyThereIs nothing comic about Mr Braock and at first sight youdoat4

    associate hint with romance Ho la a wellfed hero clothed In avolrdnppHa yachting cap and an amiable smile tilo >

    But when It comes to ringing flercely loveydovey eentlmentsMrJiSmock arrivesliy the short st route His vojce Is robust and musical endho handles simply and surely without tricks or affectations which givesto his work an airof pleasing sincerity

    MIca Bettina Gerard In theloading part plays with much jnodest skillend sings with the feeling and Intelligence of an artist 41

    Tho rest are mostly comic and their numbers could bereducedwithout Injuring the show James F MacDonaldi the leading comedian mightbe tolerated If there were a little less of him but Abbott Dav1zh a bardwood comedian of monumental lugubrlgusnets handsomely heads the 1IMof tho unnecessary

    Miss Irene Jermon has one thing todoa coon song and does It aswell as one wishes that sort of thing to be doneThe Boston ladles orchestra whlch goes with the opera BB well as stToIng a llttlo concert In advance of It Is cheerful aggregation of talentedyoung women In white frocks and determined smiles KATE CAREW


    AIR THE FACEPainlessly and Perma ¬

    nently RemovedMy of treatment Is ac

    knowkiUea by all experts to be su ¬perior any other In the world Nopain Dornarkor cr and the skinIs healthy and natural Thirtyyears practical eipertenee NoCharge for ronsultstlon andbook 9 to t Calli or write ptraondlr toJohn Woodbury D J12 West lId St New York




    lO1IlIT pains Pompeii-SI oat GIIAMO riRKWOnKSttrzNtI AT

    rWLINING T o


    RICES SUHDHY POPSAll flair 1Id Until After rerforntace

    nAUISUN Adm 1SQURh ROOF Seat nool-JARUHN Uct Seat 1fJAPAN BY NIGH-


    Jlpn4t t Shop Tel HAIIRC nd RfftUuractMADISON S Q II Ant Ottt1 Nrun COOLEST VIACK IN sew vcaiv-

    i iviuli IJirluU ProjriniLinilr nniiDUSS and ills lEwry STI8SO Sol ilJIm-

    Orcreiir Chrlotte WalktrKonleirntatatiru-tisona

    rb Venice in New YorkA n4 GKK Erin I Knitx PIno-T bro tUIIflOO i ADM-


    I cud

    RODY1V 41st st n-cv at s iMo tVed A stvon you BFpna IN CINCINNATI IHenry W avso Pftitnii th Mutlril Comtfa

    brat WicSIiVit MONTH

    PRINCE OF PILSENORAND CIKCLI3 lliy A 6Stl itjunuuaiiu Krg s Nit Wad 4 sit 2

    OATH WEEK 19JO fKUPoKnANCBIN NUW VORICWIZARD OF OZ EYOaWad andIUSaIurianoo i Iwith lootgomory A Stone I iitllati I15CFLOATING ROOF GARDENSir flrancl Ktptiblle Illch Class VauJevllliW IMlh it S PM w3 t 830 Djlterr Wt aEvery Evening Biifpt FfliUy SOc



    M s tIiIltURiAKM

    fi i 1li1k 1 i iiJ






    V tO I-galsffefiJ


    = lll = tcJ BS If J g-VLO

    k> ijfg g- dW-AURIgbU


    PROGTORSigMG n kffsReervd Err Mt rvuruu O UttMn ii I coTINVOU vAuummg HIuall 81 Thomas t Co MkarflaasrLOU la Others Urni emmrsa-r ii rII1IcDamlD MIlBfemnEltt

    I II ve 1 CUA5 3 ABEtS aol t1l11ooraU II I vorttj Dlr Vn4nllJ CeaunuossD0ttr a BET8T ED4UOiI6810 I CRAWFORD nonEatrcO3atIxOLiii Ote Com rolinlt15L4 l

    121Ih 81 I KEIMOS rRODAflOV

    WILUIHO nLsciMoflgnsauam 1

    I AiisiMX FaTDlItILfl15 Vakse


    >l of VICTORIA a SELSCQ fll



    PEIOPLa jGflRDENS ROOFIatffla7Ish atlilT OF TilE TOWs Ery Eva at 8to Ji



    uousiraS DRESS rtaui 4 YAvygTg11111 TOIai-

    yiicirv HEWliEMYBUHLESuERs jI Li 1 t JENKDcs aol Tfl5 CtitA

    E 4th SI WOXtlGR will l Iii cmem-IURIIG SEAMONS 23yaiaatTaiin

    House Cooled by Ufectrlc F aVCONCSRTS sLLIArAsrrtujy asvxiiTERRACE GARDEN 5IIa6St

    ITHEMEKRYWAIttrI sl311I1flUL1LIfMatWi sotais


    KEITHS 5-I



    I3lUSJcI Yt < ttiMBtleni-

    iYob Room> II ottsca rooms and B-rentThft Suodsy

