1 Influence of Soil Characteristics on the Diversity of Bacteria in the Southern 1 Brazilian Atlantic Forest. 2 3 1 Faoro, H., 2 A. C. Alves, 1 E. M. Souza, 1 L. U. Rigo, 1 L. M. Cruz, 1 S. M. Al-Janabi, 1 R. 4 A. Monteiro, 1 V. A. Baura, 1 F. O. Pedrosa.* 5 6 1 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – Universidade Federal do Paraná, 7 CP 19046, 81531-990 Curitiba, PR, Brazil. FAX-55(41)3361-1578. 8 2 Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. University of Porto. 9 Portugal. 10 *Corresponding author: [email protected] 11 12 Keywords: Brazilian Atlantic Forest, bacterial biodiversity, soil, 16S rRNA, microbial 13 ecology 14 Copyright © 2010, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.03025-09 AEM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 21 May 2010 on March 14, 2018 by guest http://aem.asm.org/ Downloaded from

1 Influence of Soil Characteristics on the Diversity of Bacteria in the

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Page 1: 1 Influence of Soil Characteristics on the Diversity of Bacteria in the


Influence of Soil Characteristics on the Diversity of Bacteria in the Southern 1

Brazilian Atlantic Forest. 2


1Faoro, H.,

2A. C. Alves,

1E. M. Souza,

1L. U. Rigo,

1L. M. Cruz,

1S. M. Al-Janabi,

1R. 4

A. Monteiro, 1V. A. Baura,

1F. O. Pedrosa.* 5


1Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – Universidade Federal do Paraná, 7

CP 19046, 81531-990 Curitiba, PR, Brazil. FAX-55(41)3361-1578. 8

2Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. University of Porto. 9

Portugal. 10

*Corresponding author: [email protected] 11


Keywords: Brazilian Atlantic Forest, bacterial biodiversity, soil, 16S rRNA, microbial 13

ecology 14

Copyright © 2010, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved.Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.03025-09 AEM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 21 May 2010

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Abstract 15

The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is one of the 25 biodiversity hot-spots in the world. 16

Although the diversity of its fauna and flora has been fairly studied, little is known of its 17

microbial communities. In this work we analyzed the Atlantic Forest ecosystem to 18

determine its bacterial biodiversity using 16S rRNA gene (16S rDNA) sequencing and 19

correlated changes in deduced taxonomic profiles with the physico-chemical 20

characteristics of the soil. DNA was purified from soil samples and the 16S rRNA gene 21

amplified to construct libraries. Comparison of 754 independent 16S rRNA gene 22

sequences from 10 soil samples collected along a transect in an altitude gradient showed 23

the prevalence of Acidobacteria (63%) followed by Proteobacteria (25.2%), 24

Gemmatimonadetes (1.6%), Actinobacteria (1.2%), Bacteroidetes (1%), Chloroflexi 25

(0.66%), Nitrospira (0.4%), Planctomycetes (0.4%), Firmicutes (0.26%) and OP10 26

(0.13%). Forty eight sequences (6.5%) represented unidentified bacteria. The Shannon 27

diversity index of the samples varied from 4.12 to 3.57, indicating that the soils have a 28

high diversity. Statistical analysis showed that the bacterial diversity is influenced by 29

factors, such as the altitude, Ca2+


ratio, Al3+

and phosphorus content, which also 30

affected the diversity within the same lineage. In the samples analyzed, pH had no 31

significant impact on the diversity. 32

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The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is one of the 25 biodiversity hot-spots in the world. 34

Altogether, these hot-spots contain more than 60% of the total terrestrial species of the 35

planet (18). The Atlantic Forest is a dense ombrophilous forest with several variations 36

including coastal (3 to 50 meters), submontane (50 to 500 meters), montane (500 to 37

1,200 meters) and high montane (1,200 to 1,400 meters) forests, creating a vegetation 38

gradient ranging from shrubs to well-developed montane forest (4). The Serra do Mar is 39

a mountainous system that shelters the main remainder of the Atlantic Forest following 40

the Brazilian east coast, from north to south along the coastal line, and it is divided into 41

diverse sections of high and low blocks, which have regional denominations. 42

The most important law protected Conservation Area of the Brazilian Atlantic 43

Forest is located in the Serra do Mar of the Southern state of Paraná. This Conservation 44

Area (~5,000 km2) shelters 72% of the fauna and flora species that occur in Paraná and 45

was declared a Biosphere Reserve by the UNESCO in 1992. Much is known about the 46

diversity of its fauna and flora, but little is known of its microbial diversity, particularly 47

the soil microbial diversity and the soil characteristics that influence it. 48

The soil microbial diversity is vast and it is estimated that more than 99% 49

remain unidentified (1, 28). Acidobacteria and Proteobacteria are the most abundant 50

groups in soil (16). However, the Proteobacteria lineage is more diverse and stable 51

when compared to Acidobacteria lineage, suggesting that the latter group is more 52

susceptible to variation of soil properties and disturbing factors (34). Seasonal, physical 53

and physico-chemical factors can be relevant to the structure and diversity of microbial 54

communities. For example, seasonal changes in vegetation and temperature lead to 55

replacement of dominant groups in a wheat field (29) and in grassland (17) soils. The 56

particle size also has influence on the bacterial diversity of soils. The clay fraction had a 57

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more diverse bacterial community than silt or sand fractions (22). Finally, analyses of 58

communities from North and South America soils showed that pH plays a major role in 59

bacterial diversity with less diverse communities associated to lower pH (9). 60

Human activity can also change the microbial diversity of soils both 61

qualitatively and quantitatively. Analyses of microbial communities on coral atolls in 62

central Pacific under different degree of human impact showed that the less impacted 63

atoll had autotrophs and heterotrophs equally distributed in the community whereas the 64

most impacted had a dominance of heterotrophs and about 10 times more microbial 65

cells and virus-like particles in the water column, including a large percentage of 66

potential pathogens (7). The comparison between bacterial community of forest and 67

pasture soil showed that there is a less diverse and more restrict community in pasture 68

soils. The vegetation shift from forest to pasture resulted in change of G+C% content 69

soil bacterial DNA and ARDRA profile (19). Similar changes occurred with 70

communities of soils submitted to agroindustrial treatments and pollutants (3, 31). 71

In this work we used a culture-independent approach based on 16S rRNA gene 72

sequences to survey the bacterial community of the Atlantic Forest soils and determined 73

the physico-chemical factors affecting its bacterial biodiversity. 74

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Experimental Procedure 75


Soil sampling 77

Atlantic Forest soil samples were collected along the PR 410 highway in the State of 78

Paraná, Brazil, which transverses 28.5 km of an area of Atlantic Forest. GPS 79

coordinates (GPS Model Gardin) of the collection point of each sample were recorded 80

(Table S1). For sample collection the site was cleaned superficially to remove plants 81

and decomposing organic matter. The soil from circle of approximately 50 cm in 82

diameter, from 0 to 20 cm in depth, was thoroughly mixed and soil samples 83

(approximately 500 g) were then collected, transferred to sterilized Falcon tubes and 84

stored on ice. Collection tools were washed in water, followed by disinfection with 70% 85

alcohol and 2% sodium hypochlorite and, finally, washed thoroughly with sterile water. 86

A total of 10 soil samples were collected from sites in the submontane (50 to 500 meters 87

of altitude) and montane (500 to 1,200 meters) forest (4) (Table 1). The following 88

physico-chemical parameters of the collected soil were determined: pH, Al3+

, (H+ + 89


), Ca2+

, Mg2+

, K+, total bases (Ca

2+ + Mg

2+ + K

+), effective cation exchange 90

capability (SB + H+ + Al

3+), phosphorus, carbon content, base saturation (V), aluminum 91

saturation (m), Ca2+


and clay content. Soil analyses were performed by the 92

laboratory of Soil Analyses of the Department of Soils of the Universidade Federal do 93

Paraná using standard methods (Table S2). 94


Soil DNA extraction, 16S rRNA gene amplification and cloning 96

After collection, the soil samples were stored on ice for no more than 4 hours 97

before DNA extraction. Soil DNA was extracted using the “UltraClean Soil DNA Kit” 98

(MoBio Laboratories) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, soil (0.5 g) 99

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was added to a tube containing 2 ml of bead suspension and vigorously mixed. The 100

mixture was treated with an inhibitor removal solution and then the DNA was purified 101

on silica columns. The 16S rRNA gene amplification was performed using the universal 102

primers for the Bacteria domain 27F – 5’AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG and 1492R - 103

5’ACGGCTACCTTGTTACGACTT (33). The PCR mixture (20 µl) contained 2U of 104

Taq DNA polymerase, 4 pmol of each primer, 200 µM of each dNTP, approximately 10 105

ng of extracted soil DNA and PCR buffer (200 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.4, 500 mM KCl). 106

The thermocycler program was: 1 cycle at 95°C for 5 min, followed by 20 sequential 107

cycles at 94°C for 1 min, 62°C for 1 min and 72°C for 1 min, and a final single step at 108

72°C for 5 min. The PCR products were cloned using the pGEM-T Easy Vector System 109

(Promega) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 110


Plasmid DNA extraction and sequencing 112

Plasmid DNA was purified by the alkaline lysis method (21) in 96 well plates. 113

The V1-V2 region of cloned 16S rDNA (~ 300bp at the 5’ end of the 16S rRNA gene) 114

was sequenced with the forward primer Y1 (5’-115

TGGCTCAGAACGAACGCTGGCGGC) and reverse primer Y2 (5’-116

CCCACTGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT-) (32) in a Megabace 1000 automatic 117

sequencer using the DYEnamic™ ET Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (GE 118

HealthCare). 119


Sequence assembly and analysis 121

The Phred program was used for base calling (8). The Phrap 122

(http://www.phrap.com) program was used to assemble the reads into the 16S rRNA 123

partial gene sequence. Finally, the Consed program (12) was used to view and edit the 124

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sequence assembly. The final sequences were compared with the Ribosomal Database 125

Project II (6) using the SeqMatch tool. Partial 16S rRNA gene sequences were aligned 126

using ClustalW (26) and the alignment used to construct distance matrices with 127

DNAdist program (11). Distance matrices were used as input for the DOTUR program 128

(24) to cluster sequences in OTUs (identity ≥ 95%). The obtained 16S rRNA gene 129

sequences were deposited in the GenBank database under the accession no. EF135620 130

to EF136358 and GU071058 to GU071072. 131


Biodiversity evaluation 133

Sequences with identity ≥ 95% were assumed to belong to the same OTU (20, 134

5). The bacterial diversity was evaluated (14) by the Shannon diversity index (H’) 135

calculated by the DOTUR program (24). Rarefaction curve, ACE estimator and 136

Shannon index for high and low altitude groups were also calculated using DOTUR. 137

Evenness (E) was calculated by the equation: E = H’/ln S, where S (species richness) is 138

the total number of OTUs. 139

The similarity in the composition of the clone libraries was examined by using 140

the S-LibShuff program (23). Graphical analyses were done using the LibShuff program 141

(25). The LibShuff program generates, from two 16S rRNA gene clone libraries (X and 142

Y), homologous and heterologous coverage curves (CX and CXY, respectively) at any 143

level of sequence similarity or evolutionary distance (D). To determine if the coverage 144

curves CX(D) and CXY(D) are significantly different, the distances between the two 145

curves were first calculated by using the Cramér-von Mises test. The two libraries were 146

considered significantly different when P < 0.05. 147



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Statistical methods 150

Statistical analysis of the biological diversity indices and physico-chemical 151

characteristics was performed in samples with high (MA01-MA04) and low diversity 152

(MA07-MA10). An independent two sample Student t-test and a Man-Whitney test 153

were performed to screen for variables with statistically significant differences between 154

the two groups of samples. The Hodges Lehman estimator of the difference in central 155

tendency between the two groups was calculated for all biological and physico-chemical 156

variables. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was carried out on mean centred with 157

unit variance scaled data with a matlab routine developed in-house. Data were 158

visualized in the form of the principal component score plots and loading plots. Partial 159

Last Square Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) was performed to determine which 160

variables were correlated with the biodiversity and to validate the results obtained with 161

the unsupervised PCA model. Validation of statistical data was performed using 162

Jackknifing and cross-validation tests. The model predictivity was assessed by the Q2 163

parameter (10) indicating how well the model predicts new data using leave on out 164

cross validation. 165

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Atlantic Forest soil physical and chemical properties. 168

The physico-chemical properties of the soil samples are shown in Table S2. All 169

the samples had a low pH (pH ≤ 4.50) and high aluminum saturation (> 50%). The base 170

saturation (V%) was low (< 50%), thus the soil was classified as infertile or dystrophic. 171

The organic matter content (C) was high only in sample MA01 (> 50 g/dm3). The other 172

samples had a low content of organic matter (< 50 g/dm3). The amount of clay was also 173

determined and varied from 150 to 500 g per kilo of soil. 174


Sequence identification and diversity characterization 176

PCR products using primers 27F and 1492R were obtained for all DNA samples 177

and used to construct ten libraries of soil 16S rDNA amplicons in pGEM-T Easy 178

(Promega). Ninety-six clones of each library were isolated and used as templates for the 179

sequencing reaction. Out of the 960 templates, 754 complete sequences of the V1-V2 180

region were obtained, which varied from 234 to 341 bp in length. All the reads used in 181

the assembly of the contigs had a Phred quality index of at least 30. 182

The partial 16S rRNA sequences were compared to the RDP II database through 183

the RDPquery program (Figure 1). Approximately 63% (473) of the sequences were 184

grouped with that of the phylum Acidobacteria. The Proteobacteria phylum was ranked 185

second with 25.2% (190) of the sequences, which were distributed as follows: α-186

Proteobacteria (52.1%), β-Proteobacteria (20%), δ-Proteobacteria (16.3%) and γ-187

Proteobacteria (11.5%). Other phyla found were: Actinobacteria (1.2%), Bacteroidetes 188

(1%), Chloroflexi (0.66%), Firmicutes (0.26%), Gemmatimonadetes (1.6%), Nitrospira 189

(0.4%), Planctomycetes (0.4%) and OP10, a thermophilic bacterium phylum (0.13%). 190

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Forty-eight sequences (6.5%) matched with 16S rRNA gene of unclassified, usually 191

uncultured, bacteria and could not be grouped with sequences of known bacteria phyla. 192

The number of OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) (identity ≥ 95%) differed 193

from sample to sample. The MA01 and MA02 samples had the highest species richness 194

(S) with 64 OTUs in 77 sequences and 66 OTUs in 78 sequences, respectively. These 195

two samples also showed the highest Shannon indices, 4.02 and 4.12, respectively 196

(Table 1). The other samples had lower species richness and Shannon indices. The 197

evenness index varied from 0.97 to 0.87 suggesting that the species were equally 198

represented in the analyzed samples without dominance of specific bacterial phylotypes 199

(Table 1). 200

Sequences from the ten libraries were compared using the S-LibShuff program 201

to evaluate their degree of similarity. Analyses of homologous coverage curves (Table 202

S3) indicated that libraries from samples MA01 to MA05 had a similar bacterial 203

community (P > 0.05). These libraries were grouped in a cluster and were different from 204

the libraries of samples MA06 to MA10. Similarly, libraries of samples MA07 to MA10 205

also seem to have similar communities. On the other hand, the MA06 library was 206

different from all the others (P < 0.05). 207

A linear regression considering Shannon index of each library versus altitude of 208

the sampling site (Figure S1) revealed that sample clustering may be influenced by the 209

altitude of the collection points and can be divided in three groups: high diversity 210

(MA01-MA04), intermediary diversity (MA05-MA06) and low diversity (MA07-211

MA10). To evaluate this separation we grouped sequences according to the altitude 212

from libraries: high altitude (MA01 to MA04 between 900 and 800 meters above sea 213

level) and low altitude (MA07 to MA10 between 160 and 30 meters above sea level) 214

and compared them using the LibShuff program. Graphic analyses of homologous and 215

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heterologous coverage curves generated by LibShuff (Figure 2A) indicated that the 216

bacterial community in the first group is different from that of the second group in the 217

interval of evolutionary distances from 0.0 (100% of identity and 0% of differences) to 218

0.3 (70% of identity and 30% of differences). This result suggests that the genetic 219

diversity between these two groups not only occurs at lower taxonomic ranks, but also 220

at higher taxonomic levels (Figure 2A). The separation in two groups was also evident 221

when we analyzed the tendency curve for the rarefaction (Figure 2B), Shannon index 222

(Figure 2C) and ACE estimator (Figure 2D) on DOTUR plots. The high altitude group 223

had higher Shannon index and OTU number when compared with low altitude group at 224

95% of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. Also, the rarefaction curve for the high 225

altitude group is less saturated when compared with the low altitude group indicating 226

that more phylotypes can be recovered from the first than from the second group of 227

libraries. The LibShuff and DOTUR results suggest that the high altitude group has a 228

different, more diverse and rich microbial community compared to the low altitude 229

group. 230


Microbial diversity is significantly different in high and low altitude soil samples 232

To understand the impact of the altitude and physico-chemical characteristics of 233

soil on the microbial biodiversity, the groups were compared for differences in mean 234

and central tendency using, respectively, an independent two sample Student t-test and a 235

Man-Whitney test. Table S4 shows the results for the biological diversity indices 236

(Richness - S, Evenness - E and Shannon - H) and Table S5 shows the results for the 237

physico-chemical characteristics of the soil samples. Microbial diversity of soil samples 238

at low (A) and high (B) altitudes was also compared using the Wilcoxon-Mann-239

Whitney two-sample rank-sum test. The effect of the altitude (difference between 240

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groups) was quantified using the Hodges-Lehmann (HL) estimator, which is consistent 241

with the Wilcoxon test. The results showed an association between the altitude level and 242

soil microbial diversity. On the other hand, there was no statistically significant effect of 243

a particular soil parameter. Hence, the results suggest that the difference found in the 244

biodiversity between groups may be explained by interactions between the physico-245

chemical soil characteristics. A PCA model was developed to explore this hypothesis. 246


Principal component analysis reveals a perfect separation between soil samples of 248

high and low microbial biodiversity 249

The principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to visualize the 250

interdependence between the variables that could explain the differences between the 251

groups of high and low biodiversity soil samples. The score plots of the first and third 252

principal component show a perfect separation between samples of each group (Figure 253

3A). A PCA model with only three components captures over 90% of the variance of 254

the soil samples. The third principal component of the PCA model perfectly 255

discriminates samples of low from those of high biodiversity. In order to determine 256

which variables are more important to discriminate between groups, the loadings of the 257

third principal component were plotted (Figure 3B). The variables that are associated 258

with higher biodiversity have larger magnitude in the same direction of the higher 259

biodiversity samples in the scores plots. Higher altitude and Ca2+


ratio were found 260

to be associated with higher biodiversity, while higher levels of Al3+

and phosphorus 261

were associated with lower biodiversity. 262

To identify the physico-chemical characteristics that play a major role in 263

discriminating between low and high biodiversity soil samples a partial least squares 264

discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was performed. The PLS-DA model achieved a very 265

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high predictivity (Q2Y=0.8) and attained an out-of-sample prediction accuracy of 266

100%. The significance of the PLS regression coefficients was estimated using the one 267

sample Student t-test on all variables (Table S6). The samples having higher 268

biodiversity are confined to a very small and dense cluster, while the low biodiversity 269

samples are spread over the space defined by the scores of the first three latent variables 270

(Figure S2A). There are also more variables contributing to reduce the biodiversity in 271

the discriminant model: a similar decrease of biodiversity can be achieved by increasing 272

any of the variables Al3+

, clay or phosphorus because they have very similar 273

contributions to the PLS regression coefficients (respectively, 22%, 20%, and 17%) 274

(Figure S2B). On the other hand, an identical increase in the altitude increases the 275

biodiversity indicator variable by 40% while Ca2+


ratio only increase the 276

biodiversity indicator by 13.5%. These results show a perfect separation between the 277

lower and higher biodiversity soil samples and provide evidence to support the 278

hypothesis that interdependencies between the soil characteristics are associated with 279

the biodiversity in soil samples. 280




In this work we investigated the microbial biodiversity of Atlantic Forest soil 284

and the factors that influence it. The dominant phylum in Atlantic Forest soil samples 285

was Acidobacteria (63%) followed by the Proteobacteria (19%). These two groups are 286

frequently the most numerous in soil samples. In a meta-analyses of 16S rRNA 287

sequences from distinct soils Janssen et al. (2006) determined that the most abundant 288

bacterial phyla were Proteobacteria (39%) and Acidobacteria (19%), followed by 289

Verrucomicrobia, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Planctomycetes, Gemmatimonadetes and 290

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Firmicutes (16). Excepted by Verrumicrobia, all these phyla were represented in 291

Atlantic forest soils, although in different proportions. 292

The profile of the bacterial community found in Atlantic Forest soils is also 293

similar to that found in European forests at eastern Austria (13). In the Spruce-fir-beech 294

Forest the Acidobacteria phylum was dominant (35%) followed by α-Proteobacteria 295

(27%) and Verrucomicrobia phyla (10%). In the Kolmberg oak-hornbeam forest the 296

Acidobacteria were also dominant (28%) followed by Verrucomicrobia (24%) and 297

Bacteroidetes (11%) phyla. Despite the similarity at the phylum level, it is very unlikely 298

that these similarities also occur at the species level. The dominance of Acidobacteria is 299

common in forest soils, while dominance of Proteobacteria occurs in disturbed soils 300

(19), possibly because Acidobacteria are slow-growing bacteria fit to nutrient-limited 301

environments such as pristine forest soils (30). When the soil nutrient content is altered, 302

Acidobacteria is substituted by fast-growing bacteria. A main difference between the 303

Brazilian Atlantic forest and European forests was the apparent absence of 304

Verrucomicrobia phylum sequences in the Atlantic Forest soils, suggesting that this 305

group is much less represented or absent in the latter environment. 306

A similar study of the Brazilian Amazon Rain Forest (2) revealed a different 307

bacterial community from that found in the Atlantic Forest. The dominant bacterial 308

phylum in the Amazon Forest soil (pH 5.0) was the Firmicutes/Clostridium (22%) 309

followed by Acidobacteria/Fibrobacterium (18%), Planctomyces (16%) and 310

Proteobacteria (12%). In contrast, in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest 311

Firmicutes/Clostridium phylum was much less represented. Similarly to the Atlantic 312

forest soil, sequences from thermophilic OP10 phylum were also found in the Amazon 313

Forest. This phylum, initially found in the Obsidian Pool, a 75 to 95°C hot spring at the 314

Yellowstone caldera (15), has been frequently identified in soil 16S rRNA gene libraries 315

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(16), but little is known about its role in soil. One hypothesis to be explored is the 316

presence of a non-thermophilic species in this group. 317

Statistical analyses showed that physico-chemical characteristics have specific 318

contributions to soil biodiversity. The variability of samples having high biodiversity in 319

the PLS scores space is relatively smaller and there are more variables contributing 320

significantly to reduce the biodiversity. This suggests that the decrease of microbial 321

biodiversity of the soil samples is associated with a complex interaction of multiple 322

factors, while the increase in biodiversity is mainly associated with altitude and to a 323

lesser extent the Ca2+


ratio. The influence of abiotic factors is also evident at the 324

dominant lineages. The LibShuff analysis for high and low altitude samples indicated 325

that the communities are different at evolutionary distances from 0% (species level) to 326

30% (phylum level). Since the Acidobacteria and Proteobacteria are the dominant 327

groups, this result suggests that there is a variation within the lineages between the high 328

and low altitude groups. This intra-lineage variation is probably related to physico-329

chemical characteristics of the soil (34). Considering that there is not a large variation in 330

pH, other physico-chemical (Ca+2


ratio, phosphorus and Al+3

content) and spatial 331

factors (altitude) are acting on biodiversity. 332

Altitude is relevant to variables that affect the ecosystem such as temperature 333

and oxygen availability. The results showed that altitude is statistically correlated with 334

the Shannon index (r = 0.77, α = 0.05) and is also significantly different between the 335

high and low diversity groups of samples. The effect of altitude may be related with 336

vegetation change and/or human activity at low altitudes, which is at the limits of the 337

Conservation area, when compared to high altitude levels of the Serra do Mar. These 338

factors may result in complex alterations of the soil physico-chemical properties and, 339

consequently, the bacterial diversity. 340

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To correctly evaluate a microbial ecosystem it is necessary to integrate the 341

influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the community structure and biodiversity. 342

Recently, analysis of soil samples from different ecosystems across North and South 343

America showed that bacterial diversity could be predicted by a single variable, the soil 344

pH (9). However, here we show that in the acidic soils of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest 345

the bacterial diversity is influenced by additional factors, such as the Ca2+


ratio, 346

altitude and Al3+

and phosphorus content, which also affected the diversity within the 347

same lineage. Thus characterization of the abiotic properties is important to understand 348

the factors that affect the bacterial diversity and provide a clearer view of how the 349

communities change. 350



We would like to thank the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq/MCT Programa 353

Instituto do Milênio) and Fundação Araucária of the State of Paraná, Brazil for financial 354

support. We thank Julieta Pie and Roseli Prado for technical support. 355




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Figure 1: Bacterial phyla in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest soil. 458


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Table 1: Bacterial diversity of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest soil: Sequences with 460

identity ≥ 95% were assumed to belong to the same OTU. Indices were calculated from 461

the number and abundance of species in each soil sample by DOTUR (24). H’- Shannon 462

index; E - Evenness index. 463

Library aAltitude Reads OTUs H' E

MA01 874 77 64 4.08 0.94

MA02 900 78 66 4.12 0.95

MA03 896 70 48 3.79 0.97

MA04 810 74 58 3.96 0.92

MA05 604 83 59 3.87 0.87

MA06 375 80 54 3.84 0.88

MA07 161 71 51 3.81 0.96

MA08 95 69 43 3.57 0.95

MA09 44 81 51 3.60 0.92

MA10 29 70 47 3.67 0.95

aAltitude referenced to the average level of the sea 464

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Figure 2: High altitude samples have more diverse microbial communities. 465

Sequences from MA01-04 libraries were grouped in the high altitude/diversity cluster 466

and sequences from MA07-10 were grouped in the low altitude/diversity cluster. (A) 467

phylogenetic diversity in the high and low clusters was compared using the LibShuff 468

program. Homologous ( ) and heterologous ( ) coverage curves for 16S rRNA gene 469

sequence libraries are shown. Solid lines indicate the (CX - CXY)2 for the original samples 470

at each value of D. D is equal to the Jukes-Cantor evolutionary distance determined by 471

the DNADIST program of PHYLIP. Broken lines indicate the 950th

value (or P=0.05) 472

of (CX - CXY)2

for the randomized samples. (B, C and D) DOTUR graphic analyses 473

comparing the groups according the rarefaction curve (B), Shannon index (C) and ACE 474

estimator (D). 475

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Figure 3: Principal Component Analysis. (A) First and third principal component 477

scores showing complete class separation between high and low soil bacterial diversity. 478

(B) First and third principal component loadings. Loadings with higher magnitude have 479

higher impact on the model; variables having a significant effect increasing biodiversity 480

are altitude and Ca2+


. The variables Al

3+ and phosphorus have a significant effect 481

decreasing biodiversity. 482

(A) 483


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(B) 485


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