(1 - Federal Aviation Administration · of CFC’s and other controlled substances, including methylchloroform and carbon tetrachloride. The rule requires 20-percent reduction by

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April 25, 1994


Distribution: A-W-1 ; A-W(NS/SM/EE/SA/AM/BU)-2; Initiated Bv: AEEPOA-X-2; A-X(AF/LG)-3; A-Y-2; A-Y(FS/DE)-3; A-FAF-O(LTD)A-Z-2

April 25, 1994





FAA Form (680) USE Pk3’lOUS





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Consistent with the Federal Aviation Administration’s mission to be the national and international leader in aviationenvironmental issues, while fostering a safe, secure, and efficient aviation system, is the need for effective procedures to eliminatethe use of ozone depleting substances in accordance with Title VI of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1992. Thechlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and halon phaseout program provides a comprehensive framework for ensuring that the FAA adheresto all applicable environmental regulations and best practices associated with refrigeration, degreasing, and other relevantactivities while maintaining the necessary i&astntcture to promote aviation safety and growth.

.This order prescribes policy, delegates authority, and assigns responsibility for ensuring agency compliance with the provisionsof the CFC and halon phaseout program. It also directs the Office of Environment and Energy to issue necessary guidelines andprocedures needed to manage the program.

This order provides personnel who use reliigerants, solvents, and degreasers with direction for the procurement, use, management,and disposal ofthese substances. This order also provides direction for reporting current inventories of CFC’s and halons, as wellas equipment which utilizes these substances. Each offtce may supplement this broad coverage with guidelines or instructionsspecific to its needs.

Due to new findings and breakthroughs with regard to refrigerants, solvents, and degreasers, this order cannot remain static.Recognizing that improvement is a vital element in the program’s effectiveness and responsiveness to FAA personnel, its usershave the opportunity to offer suggestions for improvement to this directive through the use of FAA Form 1320-I 9, DirectivesFeedback Information.


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1. Purpose................................................................................................................................................................. 12. Distribution .......................................................................................................................................................... 13. Background .......................................................................................................................................................... 14. Action ................................................................................................................................................................... 15. Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................... 26. Reporting ............................................................................................................................................................. 37. State Authority ..................................................................................................................................................... 48. Policy ................................................................................................................................................................... 49. Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................................... 4

10 . Authority to Change this Order .......................................................................................................................... .511 . Funding and Budget Request Procedures ............................................................................................................ 6

12.-19. Reserved .............................................................................................................................................................. 6


20. Existing Equipment ............................................................................................................................................ .2 12 1. Equipment Replacement/Modification .......................................................................... . .................................... .2 122. New Equipment ................................................................................................................................................... 21

23.-29. Reserved .............................................................................................................................................................. 22



General ................................................................................................................................................................. 31Current Practices .................................................................................................................................................. 31Improved Maintenance Practices.. ....................................................................................................................... . 1Conservation of Refrigerant ................................................................................................................................ . 1New Maintenance Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 3 1General Training Requirements.. ......................................................................................................................... 3 1Inspection and Monitoring.. ................................................................................................................................. 32Reserved .............................................................................................................................................................. 32


40. General.. ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 14 1. New Requirements.. ............................................................................................................................................. 4 142 . Recovery, Recycling, and Reuse Processes ....................................................................................................... .4 143 . Recovery/Recycling Equipment.. ........................................................................................................................ 4144. Typical Recovery/Recycling Unit.. .................................................................................................................... .42

45.-49. Reserved ............................................................................................................................................................ ..4 2


50 . RCRA Applicability ............................................................................................................................................ 5 151 . CFC’s a s Hazardous Waste ................................................................................................................................. 51

52.-59. Reserved .............................................................................................................................................................. 52

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60. General................................................................................................................................................................. 6161. Motor Vehicle Air Conditioners (MAC’s). ........................................................................................................ .6 162 . Aircraft.. ............................................................................................................................................................... 62

63.-69. Reserved ............................................................................................................................................................... 62


70. General ................................................................................................................................................................ .7 17 1. Halon Total Flooding Systems ............................................................................................................................ 7172 . Halon Portable Fire Extinguishers ....................................................................................................................... 7173 . Cleaning Solvents ................................................................................................................................................ 71

74.-79. Reserved ............................................................................................................................................................ ...7 2


80 . Annual Report.. ................................................................................................................................................... .8 18 1. Sample Annual CFC, Halon, and Solvent Report Format ................................................................................. .82

82.-89. Reserved ............................................................................................................................................................... 82


90. General ................................................................................................................................................................. 9191. Safety ................................................................................................................................................................... 9192. Refrigerant Handling Practices .............................................. . ............................................................................. 9193. Tank Safety .......................................................................................................................................................... 9194 . Health.. ................................................................................................................................................................ .9 1

95.-99. Reserved ............................................................................................................................................................... 91







This order establishes Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) policies, procedures, responsibilities,implementation of the phaseout of, and guidelines for themaintenance of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and halons atFAA facilities pursuant to Title VI of the Clean Air Act(CAA) Amendments of 1990 and EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) regulations promulgatedunder Section 157 of the CAA (40 CFR 82).


This order is distributed to the director level in Washington,to the branch level in the NAS Transition andImplementation Service, Systems Maintenance Service,Offices of Environment and Energy, Acquisition Support,Aviation Medicine, and Budget; to the division level in theregions with a branch level distribution in the AirwayFacilities and Logistics Divisions, to the division level atthe FAA Technical Center; to the branch level in the CivilAeromedical Institute; division level in the FAA LogisticsCenter and Facility Management Office of the AeromedicalCenter; director/staff manager level at the AeronauticalCenter; and to all Airway Facilities Sector Field Offices,Field Maintenance Parties, and Aircraft MaintenanceBases, to all Airway Facilities Sector Field Offrices, FieldMaintenance Parties, and Aircraft Maintenance Bases.


a. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and halons are widelyused as refrigerants, degreasers, and fire suppressants.These chemicals have been shown to deplete the earth’sstratospheric ozone layer resulting in adverseenvironmental damage and health effects by exposing theearth to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation as well ascontributing to global climate change. Growing concernover the depletion of the earth’s ozone layer has led to thesigning of the Montreal Protocol in 1987, an internationalagreement that regulates the use of CFC. This agreementhas been ratified by 70 countries, including theUnited States, representing over 90 percent of the world’sproduction capacity for CFC and halons. In support of theMontreal Protocol, the United States Congress passed theClean Air Act (CAA) Amendments of 1990(Public Law 101-549) which strictly regulate themanufacture, sale, and use of CFC’s and other ozonedepleting substances.

b. To implement the Montreal Protocol, ,EPApromulgated regulations under Section 157 of theCAA (40 CFR 82). This rule was promulgated onAugust 12, 1988, with an effective date ofSeptember 12, 1988. It established further prohibitions on

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the production or importation of controlled substances,



including CFC. Like the Montreal Protocol, this rule callsfor a general reduction in the production and consumptionof CFC’s and other controlled substances, includingmethylchloroform and carbon tetrachloride. The rulerequires 20-percent reduction by July 1, 1993, and50-percent reduction by July 1, 1998.

c. On February 11,1992, President Bush announcedthat the United States will unilaterally accelerate thephaseout of substances that deplete the earth’s ozone layer.This announcement was made in light of recent scientificevidence obtained by the National Oceanographic andAtmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) studiesindicating that ozone depletion in the northern andtemperate latitudes is much worse than it was originallythought to be. The President stated that all production ofthese substances-major chlorofluorocarbons (CFC),halons, methylchloroform, and carbon tetrachloride-willbe eliminated in the United States by December 3 1, 1995.The EPA will adjust the existing phaseout schedule forthese substances in order to comply with this deadline.Appendix 1, Statutory and Regulatory Requirements,contains an overview of Federal regulations concerningCFC’s.

d. On December 10, 1992, EPA issued proposingregulations under Section 608 of the Clean Air Act. EPA’sproposed regulations would: require service practices thatmaximize recycling of ozone depleting compounds (bothCFC’s and HCFC’s) during the servicing and disposal ofair conditioning and refrigeration equipment; setcertification requirements for reclaimers and for recoveryand recycling equipment; and establish safe disposalrequirements to ensure removal of refrigerants from goodsthat enter the waste stream with the charge intact.


a. After January 1, 1992, any FAA staff personrepairing or servicing motor vehicle air conditioners inhigh-volume shops (i.e., those servicing more than100 vehicles per year) must properly use refrigerantrecycling equipment that has been approved by EPA. Inaddition, all such persons must be properly trained andcertified in accordance with EPA-established criteria.

b. After January 1, 1993 (January 1, 1992, forlow-volume shops that have not notified EPA of theiractivities), any FAA staff person repairing or servicingmotor vehicle air conditioners in low-volume shops (i.e.,those servicing fewer than 100 vehicles per year) mustproperly use refrigerant recycling equipment that has been

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approved by EPA. In addition, all such persons must beproperly trained and certified in accordance withEPA-established criteria.

c . After July 1,1992, it will be unlawful for any FAAstaff person to knowingly vent any class I or II substances,used as a refrigerant in an appliance, in a manner whichpermits the substance to enter the environment. Testing ofhalons is permitted during R&D programs aimed at theevaluation of alternate agents and the development ofcriteria for the new agents for usage during certification.

and, therefore, has been identified as a class I substanceunder Title VI--Stratospheric Ozone Protection--of theClean Air Act. However, its high toxicity led to a ban of itsuse in the United States in most dispersive applications.

d. After November 15, 1992, the FAA shall not sellor distribute in interstate commerce any class I(chlorofluorocarbons, halons, carbon tetrachloride, andmethylchloroform) or class II (hydrochlorofluorocarbons)substance suitable for use in a motor vehicleair-conditioning system in small containers (less than20 pounds).

f. Chillers are heavy duty air conditioning systemsin commercial and industrial buildings (e.g., air route trafficcontrol centers). There are three types of chillers(reciprocating, screw, and centrifugal) distinguishedprincipally by their compressors. Reciprocatingcompressors use pistons and cylinders for compression.Screw compressors most commonly use two intermeshing“screws” for compression. As they turn, the volumebetween the screws is reduced, compressing the refrigerant.Centrifugal compressors rotate at high speed, compressingrefrigerant by centrifugal force.


This list of definitions pertains to this order and has beenabstracted from Federal and private sources whereappropriate. It should not be construed as comprehensiveand is only for the purpose of clarifying terminology usedin this order.

g. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) are extremelystable, nontoxic, nonflammable, noncorrosive, andthermally efficient chemicals that are widely used ascoolants for refrigeration and air conditioning systems,cleaning agents for electronic components, and foamblowing agents. CFC’s are fully halogenated (no hydrogenremaining) halocarbons containing chlorine, fluorine, andcarbon atoms.

a. Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) is a limitestablished by the Occupational Health and SafetyAdministration (OSHA), 29 CFR 19 10.1000, that shouldnot be exceeded. There are three types of PEL’s:

l Time-weighted average is the employee’saverage airborne exposure that shall not be exceeded in ang-hour workshift of a 40-hour workweek.

h. Class I Substances are any CFC, halons,carbon tetrachloride, and methylchloroform deemed to fallin this category by the EPA Administrator based on currentscientific data and pursuant to the Montreal Protocol, CAA,and EPA’s implementing regulations. A complete list ofclass I substances is contained in Appendix 2-CFC’s andCFC Alternatives.

l Short-term exposure limit is the employee’s15minute time-weighted average which shall not beexceeded at any time during a workday.

l Ceiling is the employee’s exposure whichshall not be exceeded during any part of the workday.

b. AR1 is the Air-conditioning and RefrigerationInstitute with headquarters in Washington, D.C.

i. Class II Substances are a wide variety ofhydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) considered by the EPAAdministrator to fall within this category based on currentscientific data and in compliance with the MontrealProtocol, CAA, and EPA implementing regulations. Acomplete list of class II substances is contained inappendix 2.

c. ASHRAE is the American Society of Heating,Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., withheadquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

d. Brazed Joint is a gas-tight joint obtained byjoining metal parts with alloys that melt at temperatureshigher than 800 degrees F (430 degrees C) but less than themelting temperatures of the joined parts.

j. Halons are fully halogenated compounds thatare effective fire extinguishing chemicals. They areelectrically nonconductive, dissipate quickly, leave noresidue, are explosive suppressants, and are nontoxic.

e. Carbon Tetrachloride was used extensively inthe United States as a solvent and grain fumigant, and isstill used in this capacity in many parts ofthe world. Carbontetrachloride is still used as a feedstock in the United States

k. Hazardous Waste is defined in 40 CFR,Part 261.3. A waste is any solid, liquid, or containedgaseous material that is no longer used and is recycled orstored until there is enough time to treat or dispose of itproperly. This waste becomes hazardous by virtue of beinglisted on EPA designated lists and/or having one or moreof the following characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity,reactivity, or toxicity.

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1. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) are types ofCFC’s that contain hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen reduces thestability of the CFC, allowing the CFC to break down morereadily before reaching the stratosphere where it candamage the ozone. HCFC’s also contain fluorine, chlorine,and carbon atoms.

met. This term usually implies the use of processes orprocedures available only at a reprocessing ormanufacturing facility.

u . Recovery means to remove refrigerant in anycondition from a system and store it in an external containerwithout necessarily testing or processing it in any way.

m. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) are halocarbonsthat contain only fluorine, carbon, and hydrogen.

. n . Methylchloroform (1 ,l, 1 -trichloroethane) iswidely used throughout the world, as an industrial solvent.Unlike other class I substances, it is only partiallyhalogenated and correspondingly has a much lower ozonedepletion potential (ODP). However, because of its highvolume of use, it contributes significantly to totalatmospheric chlorine levels.

v . Recovery Equipment is normally amechanicalsystem consisting of an evaporator, oil separator,compressor, and condenser which draws refrigerant out ofthe refrigeration system and stores it in a storage container.The equipment may employ replaceable core filterdriers to remove moisture, acid, particulates, and othercontaminants.

o. Motor Vehicle is any self-propelled vehicledesigned for transporting persons or property on a street orhighway.

p. OzoneDepletion is the interruption of thenaturally occurring ozone generation process. For instance,this occurs when CFC’s and halons are released and riseinto the stratosphere. Sunlight breaks down the CFCmolecule, releasing a chlorine atom, or a bromine atom inthe case of halons. Instead of a single oxygen atomcombining with the oxygen molecule, the more chemicallyaggressive chlorine or bromine ions react with an oxygenatom to form chlorine monoxide or another compoundwhich fails to block dangerous ultraviolet radiation. As thisprocess continues, the ozone layer deteriorates, allowingmore ultraviolet radiation to pass through and reach theearth’s surface.

w . Recycle means to clean refrigerant for reuse byoil separation and single or multiple passes throughmoisture absorption devices, such as replaceable corefilter-driers, which reduce moisture, acidity, and particulatematter. This term usually implies procedures implementedat the field job site or at a local service shop.

q. Ozone Layer is located 11 miles above theearth’s surface and extends beyond 25 miles. Ozonemolecules are continually generated as sunlight reacts withoxygen molecules to produce two single oxygen atoms. Anoxygen molecule will then combine with a single oxygenatom to produce an ozone molecule. This process isbalanced by a simultaneous reaction of ozonedecomposing, due to sunlight, into an atom and moleculeeach of oxygen.

x. Solid Waste is defined by the ResourceConservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), section 1004(27)as “discarded material including solid, liquid, semi-solid,or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial,commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, and fromcommunity activities.” Under this definition, containedgases, such as CFC’s and HCFC’s, are clearly solid wastesunder RCRA and subject to the regulatory requirements ofthis Act. On the other hand, uncontained gases, notassociated with solid waste management units, are outsideof RCRA. However, as of February 5, 1991, EPAsuspended these requirements for refrigerants, whichexhibit these characteristics and which are recycled, for fearthat they might otherwise encourage venting as a means ofavoiding this responsibility. EPA is currently studying theissue of CFC’s as solid and hazardous waste. Seeappendix 1.


r . Purging is the removal ofnoncondensable gasesfrom the cooling system.

s. Purging Device is an automatic, semi-automatic or hand-operated device which collectsnoncondensable gas from the condenser or receiver,condenses some ofthe condensable refrigerant, and relievesthe remainder to the atmosphere.

t . Reclaim means to reprocess refrigerant to newconditions by means which may include distillation. It mayrequire chemical analysis of the contaminated refrigerantto determine that appropriate process specifications are

In cooperation with sector personnel, each region andcenter shall submit information on CFC usage as part of itsannual facilities environmental compliance report toAEE-I by February 15 of each calendar year. Thisinformation is necessary to manage the CFC phaseoutprogram as well as the inventory of diminishing CFC’s;HCFC’s and other affected substances. This report shallinclude the name of the current environmental coordinator,an inventory of CFC, HCFC, halons, carbon tetrachlorideand methylchloroform supplies, and an inventory ofequipment using these chemicals. This report shouldinclude any major changes which may have occurredduring the previous calendar year, such as procurement

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of new equipment and replacement of old equipment,modifications to existing equipment, conversion to newrefrigerants, and transportation or disposal of refrigerants.

the retirement of old equipment, and the procurement ofnew equipment. AMP-l and ACM-400 must perform thisfunction.

In cooperation with the sector personnel, each region andcenter shall designate an individual as a Regional ProgramManager for Environment and Safety. The responsibility ofthe coordinator will be to assemble the required inventoriesand records, provide interpretation of State and localregulations, and ensure budget submissions for operationalrequirements and F&E are submitted.

c. The Aeronautical Center shall incorporate thedirectives of this order in the procurement and storage ofall related equipment. The FAA Logistics Center (AML-1)shall make every effort to procure and supply alternativesto CFC products.

7. STATE AUTHORITYApproximately 70 CFC-related bills have been introducedin 2 1 States. Several States have enacted CFC-related laws.While States may develop more stringent standards thanthose required at the Federal level, they can in no mannerbe less strict than Federal standards. Where State law doesnot exist, Federal standards will apply. Thus, with regardto the development of CFC policy, FAA regional and sectorpersonnel shall consult with local and State authorities.

d. The Office of Budget (ABU) shall use thisorder as the basis for developing the annual call forestimates related to costs required for compliance with CFCregulations initiated by Federal, State, and local authorities.

8. POLICYIt shall be FAA policy to comply with all procedures andpolicies of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 as wellas EPA implementing regulations (e.g., 40 CE‘R 82 and261). FAA shall comply with all State, interstate, and localrequirements, administrative authorities, processes, andsanctions in the same manner and to the same extent as anynongovernmental entity.

e. The System Management Service (ASM) andthe Regional Airway Facilities Divisions with theassistance of the Logistics Center shall review and revisestaffing standards for the additional workload, and providefor training and licensing or certification, as required byregulating authorities. The AXX-400’s and AF sectors areresponsible for submitting yearly operational budgetamounts sufficient to maintain existing CFC-utilizingequipment and installation of needed replacementequipment. ASM and its counterparts in the regions,centers, and field provide logistical support, to includerecapturing, reusing, storing, disposing, and transporting ofCFC’s, halons, CFC-containing solvents, and CFC-containing items or equipment in an EPA or State approvedmanner.

9. RESPONSIBILITIESCompliance with the policies and procedures of this orderis the responsibility of the offices, services, regions, sectors,and centers.I

a. Deputy Regional Administrators or DeputyDirectors for the FAA Technical and AeronauticalCenters are responsible for coordination ofcross-divisional and cross-regional environmental mattersand for overseeing regional environmental activities. Incooperation with sector personnel, each region and centershall designate an individual as a Regional ProgramManager for Environment and Safety. It will be theresponsibility of the coordinator to assemble the requiredinventories and records, provide interpretation of State andlocal regulations, and ensure budget submissions foroperational requirements and F&E are submitted. It shallbe the responsibility of the region/center to determine themethod of training as well as scheduling training. Allapplicable maintenance technicians shall be trained within1 year of issuance of this order.

f. Airway Facilities (AF) is responsible fordevelopment of implementation procedures that willincorporate the requirements of this order into thedevelopment of the NAS. ANS shall be forward in itsapproach by considering the impact of this order on thedesign of new systems, replacement of all equipment, andmaintenance of existing equipment. Responsibilitiesinclude: annual budget requirements; implementationprograms; regional training; equipment and chemicalchangeout; purchase of recovery and recycling equipment;and revision of maintenance directives to facilitatemaintenance practices that are consistent with the newrequirements.

g. The Office of Environment and Energy

b. The Aeronautical Center and the FAATechnical Center (AMP-l and ACM-400) areresponsible for ensuring that the direction provided in thisorder is followed in the maintenance of current equipment,

(AEE) is responsible for the overall review of FAAcompliance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 82;development of policies for implementing 40 CFR Part 82;provision of assistance to offices, services, regions, andcenters in development of guidelines and procedures fortheir program areas; interpretation of policies establishedin this order in consultation with the responsible officialsin the EPA; providing advice to responsible officials inFAA concerning changes in EPA policies relative to CFCand CFC items in the National Airspace System (NAS); andother responsibilities as defined elsewhere. AEE is

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responsible, for developing and maintaining an officialinventory of CFC, halons, and solvents. Copies ofimplementing instructions to be provided by FAAorganizational elements will be reviewed for consistencywith agency policy.

h. NAS Transition and Implementation Service(ANS) is responsible for development of implementationprocedures that will incorporate the requirements of thisorder into the development of new equipment and facilitiesfor the NAS. ANS shall anticipate accordingly the impactof this order on the design of new systems, as well as anational program for the replacement of old equipment, andthe retrofitting of existing equipment. Responsibilitiesinclude: annual F&E budget requirements forimplementation programs; regional training; equipmentand chemical change out; and the purchase of recovery andrecycling equipment.

i. Associate Administrator for Contracting andQuality Assurance provides acquisition and qualityassurance support, and its counterparts in the regions andcenters provide acquisition support.

j. The Offbze of Aviation Medicine and RegionalAviation Medical Divisions, in their respective areas, areresponsible for reviewing reports received from theRegional/Center Occupational Safety and Health Managerson CFC, HFC, HCFC, and halon handling, providingmedical guidance in the development of criteria for the safehandling of CFC’s, halons, and HFC and HCFC items,determining safe exposure levels with regard to potentiallytoxic CFC’s, and establishing a program (including budgetrequirements) for periodic physical examinations of thosepersons who may or have had extensive contact withpotentially toxic CFC’s. AAM- is also responsible fordeveloping the FAA Respiratory Protection Program.

k. Airway Facilities Regional Program Managersfor Environment and Safety (RPMES) and CenterEnvironment and Safety Managers are responsible for:reviewing field reports received for evidence of unsafe orunhealthy CFC handling procedures; reporting those typesof inadequate CFC handling procedures to their RegionalFlight Surgeon; and providing copies of instructions toFAA employees so that approved procedures can befollowed. Health and safety personnel shall followOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)guidelines concerning acceptable exposure levels (PEL) forCFC and HCFC. They should consult with the regionalFlight Surgeon in determining what levels are fordifferent substances.

1. Office of Aviation System Standards (AVN)shall determine the application of this order to FAA-ownedand -maintained aircraft with regard to air conditioningunits, fire extinguishers, solvents, and degreasers. The

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requirements of this order shall become incorporated in allmaintenance manuals for FAA aircraft. In maintainingcurrent systems, disposing of old ones, and acquiring newones, the provisions contained in this order shall apply.

m. Washington Flight Program Staff (AVS-60)shall determine the application of this order to allFAA-owned and -maintained aircraft at National Airportwith regard to air conditioning units, fire extinguishers,solvents, and degreasers. The requirement of this ordershall be part of all maintenance procedures and shall applyto the disposal of old systems and the acquisition of newones.

n. FAA Academy (AMA-l) at the AeronauticalCenter shall ensure that all existing courses designed fortraining technicians in the installation and maintenance ofchillers, refrigeration units, and tire extinguishing systemsare revised to incorporate the requirements of this order.The Academy shall update the FAA Air Conditioningcourse 40 114 to meet the new requirements of the CAA onrecovery and recycling methods. The on-the-job (OJT) IIAir Conditioning Instruction Manual shall be revised toreflect updated information regarding demonstratedproficiency of technicians to properly use recovery andrecycling equipment. Documentation of training shall berecorded in personnel training files.

o. Office of Training and Higher Education(AHT) shall ensure that FAA training is updated to includemaintenance practices required to comply with EPArequirements. AHT should also arrange for purchase ofequipment necessary to support training.

p. Executive Director for Acquisition and SafetyOversight (AXQ) is responsible for ensuring thatacquisition policy, oversight, testing, and evriluationprocedures are in accordance with EPA requirements.

q. The Office of Facility System Engineering(AFE) is responsible for facility system development andintegration that will incorporate the requirements of thisorder in the development of the NAS facilities. AFE willconsider the impact of this order on the equipmentspecifications of new systems and their integration with thenew or existing facilities including cost benefit analysis.

r. The Operational Support Service (AOS) isresponsible for revising existing maintenance directives tofacilitate operational practices that are consistent with thenew requirements for equipment. AOS is responsible formaintenance of existing equipment and revision ofmaintenance directives to facilitate maintenance practicesthat are consistent with the new requirements. The NationalAirway Systems Engineering Division (AOS-200) isresponsible for modification of maintenance directives anddocumentation.

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s. Chief Counsel and Regional Assistant ChiefCounsels shall be responsible for providing advice andcounsel to facilitate compliance by FAA offices.

(3) Disposal of ozone-depleting substances andrelated equipment,


a. The Administrator reserves the authority to

Increased travel costs for service,

Transportation of ozone-depleting

approve changes which establish policy, delegate authority,or assign responsibility.

Higher costs of all refrigerants,

b. The Director of Environment and Energy mayissue changes to this order for compliance with the latestEPA policy related to chlorofluorocarbons and otherozone-depleting substances. Changes in 40 CFR Part 82that take effect after the issuance of this order shall takeprecedence over any part of this order with which itcorresponds or conflicts. The Office of Environment andEnergy will advise the responsible FAA components ofsuch changes to 40 CFR Part 82 as soon as these changesare known.




(7) Revising staffing standards to reflectincreased service times,

(8) Early replacement of existing systems,

(9) Potential increased energy costs,

(10) Repair of recovery and recyclingequipment.

c. Changes proposed by an organizational elementwithin FAA must be submitted to AEE. AEE will overseethe coordination of the change to the appropriate approvalauthority and ensure final processing authority.

b. Facilities and Equipment (F&E) BudgetRequirements. The requirements which shall beconsidered under the F&E budget are:

(1) Replacement of older equipment containingozone depleting substances with modern equipmentcapable of containing acceptable substitutes,


All organizations affected by this order shall submit a fiscalyear budget item for the management of all ozone-depletingsubstances (e.g., methylchloroform, carbon tetrachloride,CFC’s, HCFC’s, and halons) and related equipment. Theestimate shall cover yearly costs for: recovery, recycling,and reuse of CFC’s and CFC substitutes (e.g., HCFC’s); thephaseout of halon containing fire extinguishing equipment;the shift from industrial solvents and degreasers containingCFC’s; and the replacement of older CFC containingchillers and air conditioning units. Transportation andstorage costs should also be part of the annual estimate. Itis the responsibility of each region and center to submit ayearly budget on the costs associated with compliance withCFC regulations (40 CFR Part 82), as required in theAnnual Call for Estimates (FAA Order 2500.244) andthe Operations Appropriation Call for Estimates(FAA Order 25OO.lOR).

(2) Purchase of recovery and recyclingequipment,

(3) Removal and disposal of old equipment, and

(4) Purchase of equipment room monitoringdevices.

Include within the scope of any routine modernization orrelocation projects the replacement of substancescontaining ozone-depleting equipment and anyenvironmental cleanup measures.

12.-19. RESERVED

a. Operations Budget Requirements. Thisparagraph contains recurring costs associated with thecontinuance of compliance with CFC regulations. AAF willbe responsible for budgeting new equipment, and ASM willbe responsible for budgeting for maintenance. Therequirements which shall be considered under theoperations budget are:

(1) Recapture, recycle, and reuse,

(2) Reporting, permits, licenses, records, andcertification,

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a. FAA’s centrifugal chillers contain the greatestvolume of the CFC’s R-l 1 and R-l 13 (CFC’s with a highozone depletion potential).

b. Chillers have an average useful life of 20 to 27years. New chillers designed to accept substitute chemicalssuch as HFC- 134a are available and cost approximately thesame as CFC chillers.

c. Manufacturers will continue to produce CFCrefrigerants until the year 1996 and will probably continueto manufacture CFC utilizing equipment well past the year1996 or at least until substitutes are available.

d. The largest volume of HCFC-22 can be found inFAA air conditioners such as window and central typeunits. HCFC-22 is not being phased out of production untilthe year 20 15 and therefore is not an immediate concern.

e. Refrigerant R-12 is another CFC that is verycommonly found in FAA equipment, such as drinkingfountains, refrigerators, air driers for pneumatic controlsystems, freezers, coolers, and ice machines. One uniqueapplication of R- 12 is for ASR-8 waveguide pressurization.

f. To satisfy maintenance requirements specified inchapter 3 of this order, amodification shall be implementedto replace the R-12 used for ASR-8 waveguidepressurization with a non-CFC agent.

g. Other high volume nonrefrigerant CFC’s used inFAA equipment are halon 1211 and 1301. Halon 12 11 isprimarily used in portable fire extinguishers. Halon 1301 isused in total flooding tire protection systems at ARTCC’s,TRACON’s, FSS’s, and some office areas (some FSS andoffice total flooding systems may be in leased space andnotFAA maintained).


a. All equipment will eventually be replaced ormodified. However, a study completed by EPA revealedthat approved recycling and reuse practices are moreeconomical than retrofitting or replacing equipmentprematurely.

b. Relatively new equipment using CFC’s andHCFC’s as refrigerants that are expected to remain inservice beyond the year 1996 shall be scheduled formodification to use a non-CFC refrigerant. Please note thatconversion of equipment to use replacement refkigerantsmay require modification of mechanical room ventilationand alarms.

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c. Technological advances in the manufacture ofCFC substitute chemicals, equipment modifications,availability, and cost are all factors that shall be consideredon a case-by-case basis.

d. When a major equipment failure occurs or isimminent, replacement with non-CFC equipment shall bepracticed unless no acceptable alternatives are available.

e. Enhanced containment modifications shall also beconsidered for existing CFC low pressure (vacuum)operated chillers.

f. High efficiency purge units shall be installed onexisting equipment. For existing equipment, the installationof high efficiency purge units shall be required to mitigatepotential losses of refrigerant vapor to the atmosphere.

g. Halon total flooding systems shall remain in placeas is until non-CFC substitutes are available or bereplaced with sprinkler systems in accordance withFAA Order 1600.54.

h. Release testing of halon shall not be performed.Testing of halons is permitted during R&D programs aimedat the evaluation of alternative agents and the developmentof approval criteria for the new agents for usage duringcertification.

i. Halon shall be weighed only to determineserviceability.

j. Portable halon fire extinguishers shall be sche-duled for eventual replacement.


a. The production phaseout schedule of CFC andHCFC refrigerants shall be considered when purchasingnew equipment.

b. Any new refrigeration, air conditioner, or chillerpurchases shall accept CFC substitutes (e.g., HCFC-134a,HCFC-22, or HCFC- 123).

c. Currently, chillers are available which operate onCFC’s and can be converted to HCFC’s. Several majorproducers now have a chiller designed to operate onHCFC-123.

d. All new chillers shall be designed to recapturerefrigerants. In other words, they shall have an automaticpurge unit that efficiently separates noncondensables fromrefrigerant and returns the refrigerant to the system.


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e. Substitute refrigerants being proposed have g. Any refrigeration and air conditioning equipmentreduced efficiency ratings comparedto refrigerants being procured through GSA, special contract, or localpresently r in use. This means that, when these substitutes are purchase shall comply with all Federal and/or Stateused, capacities will decrease and power requirements will requirements.increase from original equipment ratings.

23.-29. RESERVEDf. States have legislation in process or approved to

control CFC usage, venting, and disposal. Many of theseState laws will be as strict or stricter than EPA Federal laws.

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The purpose of this chapter is to require certain practicesand procedures that will eliminate voluntary and preventinvoluntary release of CFC and HCFC refrigerants andhalon during installation, operation, maintenance, anddisposal of refrigeration, air conditioning, and fireprotection equipment/systems.


Previous maintenance practices have allowed CFC’s andHCFC’s to be released to the atmosphere. Following is alist of maintenance practices that shall be changed:

a. Routinely adding refrigerant instead of repairingsmall leaks.

b. Bum-out clean-up procedures.

c. Release of refrigerant to atmosphere duringmaintenance procedures.

d. Disposal of “empty” one time refrigerantcontainers.

e. Venting of hoses when taking pressure readings.

f. Poor design characteristics of purge systems.

g . Any replacement of parts in the retiigerant system.


The FAA must evaluate procedures that are currently beingemployed in the operation and maintenance of refrigerationsystems. Consideration should be given to the ramificationsof an escalating tax on CFC’s ($1.37 now and $4.00 in1999), plus the near certain possibility of a completephaseout of CFC’s by the year 2000. These new proceduresare necessary to preserve the earth’s ozone layer and toensure that maintenance procedures are in compliance withregulatory requirements.


The following are some suggested practices to conserverefrigerant:

a. Discontinue past wasteful uses of refrigerants(e.g., venting, purging, replacing when reusable). As ofJuly 1, 1992, it became unlawful to vent or purge any CFCinto the atmosphere.

b. Take extra care to vacuum check new systems, andconduct a deep vacuum before charging to ensure againstleaks.

c. Take the time to make quality brazed joints, andwhere flared fittings are required, make them proper.

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d. Become adept at operating good quality leakdetecting equipment and using it routinely.

e. Find system leaks and repair them, rather thancontinuing to top off the refrigerant charge periodically.

f. Properly maintain centrifugal compressors andpurge systems.

g. Keep accurate logs of refrigerant usage and utilizethis information in locating leaks.


The following maintenance procedures shall now be usedto ensure the minimum discharge of refrigerants to theatmosphere:

a. Ret?igerant shall not be used to clean up a systemafter motor/compressor burnout.

b. Pressurization of nonrefrigeration type systemsshall not be accomplished with CFC’s or HCFC’s whenthere is a suitable substitute.

c. Use a minimum amount of refrigerant inconjunction with dry type nitrogen to develop pressure at150 psig so that a halide gas leak detector can be used.

d. Use newer leak detection technology such asultraviolet detectors.

e. Annual visual inspections of equipment andmonthly inspections of seals and gaskets shall be performedto minimize potential releases of refrigerants.

f. When a leak is detected, that part of the systemshall be isolated to minimize the loss of refrigerant.

g. Recover and recycle all refrigerants usingapproved removal and recycling equipment. Iftotal cleanupof refrigerant is not possible for future use, disposal of usedcontaminated refrigerant shall be through approveddisposal procedures.

h. When non-reusable bottles are empty of liquidrefrigerant, evacuate the refrigerant gas from the bottle withremoval and recycling equipment until the pressure in thebottle reads zero psig or less.

i. Install refrigerant isolation valves in equipment tofacilitate servicing by limiting release of the charge whenrepairing or replacing components such as filters.


The revised Clean Air Act of 1990 requires all personnelwho maintain or repair CFC-utilizing equipment to beproperly trained in current recycling practices. Allemployees who work with HFC’s/HCFC’s and CFC’c shall

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receive training in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200.Additionally, inspectors and technicians shall haveimproved training to detect minute leakage of CFCYHCFCresulting from cracked, broken, or defective components inthe system and to verify proper operation and use ofrecycling equipment. Additionally, employees who comein contact with or ship CFC’s or halons shall receiveHazardous Materials Training in accordance with therequirements promulgated in 49 CFR 172.700.


It shall be the responsibility of the regions to include aninspection program to ensure that maintenance personneland maintenance practices meet the requirements of thisorder.

37.-39. RESERVED

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Standards and requirements will soon be in place that willdramatically change the way we use and dispose ofrefrigerants and other products containing CFC’s/I-ICFC’s.The FAA must be prepared to meet these requirements inthe area of recovery, recycling, and reuse of CFC’s. Thischapter will describe the recovery, recycling, and reuserequirements and technology available today.


a. Effective July 1, 1992, it was unlawful toknowingly vent any class I or II substance, used as arefrigerant in an appliance, in a manner which permits thesubstance to enter the environment. Testing of halons ispermitted during R&D programs aimed at the evaluation ofalternative agents and the development of approval criteriafor usage during certification.


b. At this time, no certification is required to performrecycling maintenance on FAA facility systems ornon-motor vehicle equipment. However, training will berequired for FAA technicians working with FAA facilityrefrigeration systems so that they are proficient at operatingrecycling equipment.

c. Recovery, recycling, and reuse of CFC’s/I-ICFC’sshall be practiced during routine and correctivemaintenance of all refrigeration and air conditioningequipment containing these chemicals.


a. Recovery is a term that describes the removal ofrefrigerant from a refrigerant system. This system may ormay not be operational, but in any case, it is necessary toremove refrigerant for routine and corrective maintenance.In the past, it was standard practice to release refrigerant tothe atmosphere during certain maintenance procedures.

b. It is now required to recover refrigerant duringmaintenance practices and prior to disposal of oldequipment.

c. Recycling equipment is normally a mechanicalsystem consisting of an evaporator, oil separator,compressor, and condenser which draws refrigerant out ofthe refrigeration system and stores it in a storage container.The equipment may employ replacement core filter driersto remove moisture, acid, oil, and other contaminants.

d. Recycling equipment also requires maintenancewhen changing replaceable core filter driers containedwithin the recovery equipment. The section containing the

filter shall be isolated and the refrigerant captured into anapproved storage container prior to opening the filter shell.Filters or strainers removed from recycling equipment shallbe considered a hazardous waste and managed inaccordance with chapter 5 of this order.

e. Recycling equipment and filters shall bemaintained to the recycling equipment manufacturer’sspecifications.

f. With regard to reuse, refrigerant that has beenwithdrawn from equipment can usually be returned to theequipment without reprocessing. Ifthere is a question aboutthe quality ofthe refrigerant, it should be analyzed for acids,moisture, high boiling point, residue, and othercontaminants before it is reused.

g. Proper evacuation and charging procedures (asoutlined in ASHRAE guideline 3-l 990, chapters 6,7,8 and12; ASHRAE Handbook 1986 Refrigeration Volume,chapter 7,- “Moisture and Other Contaminant Control inRefrigerant Systems”, and AR1 Standard 700-88,“Specifications for Fluorocarbon Refrigerants”) shall befollowed when returning the refrigerant to the system.

h. Fresh filter drier elements shall be installed beforereturning the refrigerant to the system.

i. When a system has been taken out of servicebecause of motor burnout resulting in refrigerantcontamination, the refrigerant shall be analyzed forcontaminants and recycled prior to reuse. The recyclingmay involve only filtering and drying the refrigerant or itmay involve distillation to remove physical and chemicalcontaminants. Distillation is not normally done withrecycling equipment used for maintenance. Therefore, anapproved reclamation company may be necessary.

j. When refrigerant is to be reused in another systemthat is similar in function and components, the refrigerantmay be recycled using appropriate equipment that isapproved to remove those contaminants known to begenerated in that type of system.

k. Reuse of mixtures of refrigerant and inert gasesthat are used for leak testing will require them to be recycledprior to reuse. These mixtures shall be withdrawn fromequipment prior to charging with refrigerant and shall bestored for future use as a leak test gas.

1. If the leak test gas has become contaminated,particularly by moisture, it shall be filtered and passedthrough a drier before being injected into a system.

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a. Funding for initial recycling units has alreadybeen approved, and the procurement process has begun atthe Washington level. Future budget submissions will needto be submitted by each region/center for additionalequipment through the Annual Call for Estimates.

b. A variety of recycling units are available on themarket. Features recommended include:

(1) low and high pressure cut-off controls,

(2) filters that are easily replaceable,

c. Equipment shall also be able to clean refrigerantsto industry standards and shall be certified by a testlaboratory.

d. A separate unit to recycle the low pressurerefrigerants (R-l 1, -113, -114, -115) may also have to beprovided to the locations with centrifugal chillers if a singleunit cannot be purchased to satisfy both needs.


The recovery/recycling unit shall remove moisture, oil, andacids from the refrigerant. To do this, the typical unit isequipped with a replaceable filter drier, heat exchanger/oilseparator and sub-cooler sections to condense therefrigerant into a liquid for storage or return to the systembeing serviced. The recovery/recycling unit is typicallyconnected to a system through a standard manifold set andoperates on 120VAC.


(3) space for external storage tank connection,

(4) sight glasses to monitor oil,

(5) automatic air purging,

(6) portability, and

(7) ability to handle multiple refrigerants.


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a. Regulations promulgated pursuant to Subtitle C ofthe Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)(42 U.S.C., 6901) apply to any discarded materials that aresolid wastes (including solids, liquids, semisolids, andcontained gases), as defined in 40 CFR 261.2. Containedgases being discarded, including used refrigerants, areconsidered spent materials and are solid wastes subject toRCRA regulations according to 40 CFR 26 1.2.

b. Thus, the disposal of CFC’s is governed under theframework of the RCRA “cradle to grave” system. RCRAregulations are designed to provide control of hazardouswaste by imposing requirements on generators andtransporters of hazardous wastes, as well as upon ownersand operators of treatment, storage, and disposal facilities(TSDF).

c. RCRA was amended by the Hazardous and SolidWaste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA). These amendmentsmade far-reaching changes to the RCRA regulatoryprogram. Significant new requirements include the LandDisposal Restriction (LDR) regulations and newlyidentified hazardous wastes. Hazardous waste and materialregulations are established in CFR Titles 40 and 49; theoccupational safety regulations are set forth in CFRTitle 29.

d. FAA personnel engaged in the disposal of CFC’sor CFC-containing substances shall follow RCRAregulations contained in 40 CFR Parts 260-268. SeeAEE-20 Hazardous Property Management Manual forguidance in managing hazardous materials and hazardouswastes.

e. When disposing of CFC’s or CFC-containingsubstances, FAA personnel shall do so through anEPA-permitted TSDF. If CFC’s are classified as hazardouswaste, then stricter disposal regulations apply and theCFC’s must be assigned an EPA waste code before they canbe transported off-site (40 CFR 262.12).

f. However, disposal shall only be considered as afinal option when the recapture and recycling/reuse of theCFC’s, or the trading and selling of CFC’s, is no longer aviable alternative.

g . Given the increasing scarcity of CFC’s, one optionwill be to sell or trade CFC’s in the waste exchange marketor to sell them to users who have a demand for them.Records of sales of CFC’s shall be kept on tile indefinitely.

Par 50


a. The Federal regulations list more than 400 wastesas hazardous (40 CFR 261, Subpart D). These wastes arebroken down into four lists, U, P, K, and F (40 CFR261.33(f), .33(e), .32 and .31). Whenever a waste isgenerated, the operator must review the lists to determinewhether the waste is listed as hazardous.

b. Under the current hazardous waste identificationand listing regulations (40 CFR 261), a CFC waste ishazardous only under the circumstances outlined. Fourcases exist where a CFC waste would be consideredhazardous:

(1) When dichlorofluoromethane (CFC- 12) ortrichloromonofluoromethane (CFC-11) is an unusedcommercial chemical product or an off-specificationcommercial chemical product (including inner liners,containing residues, or spill residues), the material isconsidered a hazardous waste when discarded, except whensent off-site for recycling. For the purposes of thissubsection, the term “unused” means not introduced into aprocess, activity, or piece of equipment for use. The term“off-specification” shall mean not meeting the physical orchemical standards set by the product manufacturer. TheEPA listings for CFC- 12 and CFC- 11 are U075 and U 12 1,respectively.

(2) When a CFC waste is covered by a spentsolvent listing (FOOl-F005), the waste is considered haz-ardous. Any CFC solvent used for degreasing would beconsidered a hazardous waste. Trichloromono-fluoromethane (CFC- 11) and 1,1,2-trichloro- 1,2,2 tri-fluoromethane used as solvents are considered hazardouswastes. Furthermore, any spent solvent mixture containingCFC’s and meeting one of the FOOl -F005 solvent listingsis considered a hazardous waste. For example, a spentsolvent mixture containing 10 percent trichloro-fluoromethane, 5 percent ethyl ether, and 5 percent acetonebefore use would meet the F002 and F003 listings.

(3) If a CFC waste exhibits a characteristic of ahazardous waste (i.e., ignitability, toxicity, reactivity, andcorrosivity, see 40 CFR 261.21-261.24), the waste wouldbe considered hazardous. ,However, if a CFC waste ishazardous by virtue of the toxicity characteristic and isdestined for recycling, it is exempt from RCRA regulations(40 CFR261.4 (b) (10-12).

(4) Finally, if a CFC waste is mixed with ahazardous waste, the entire mixture would be a hazardouswaste.

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c. Filters that are used in the recycling process shallbe considered hazardous waste upon removal from therecycling unit. Contamination levels shall be determined asstipulated below.

d. In order to determine the level and type ofcontamination to recycling filters, an initial laboratory testshall be performed on a sample filter or filters. This neednot be conducted on each and every filter used over the lifeof the equipment. Rather, once an initial baseline test hasbeen performed to determine filter contamination levels,extrapolation from these results may be conducted toestimate future filter contamination levels. This approachcan only be followed if system filters are replaced in aconsistent and routine fashion. These results can only applyto a specific system in a given geographic area. If filters arenot replaced on a regular basis, then the results of thebaseline test will not be valid for future filter replacement.A log of filter replacement shall be kept in order todocument this approach for regulatory agencies, such as theEPA, should any questions or concerns arise.

e. When a used CFC refrigerant is determined to bea hazardous waste, the owner of the refrigerant system fromwhich it was removed would be considered the generator.In addition, the service person or company that removedthe refrigerant from the system would be considered aco-generator. Although parties are subject to RCRAhazardous waste regulations, EPA prefers that the generatorresponsibility lie with one party, preferably specified in acontract or written agreement.

f. When a CFC refrigerant or solvent is determinedto be hazardous waste, it shall be subject to the provisionsof the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)and EPA’s implementing regulations (40 CFR Parts 124,261-65, and 270). See the AEE-20 Hazardous PropertyManagement Manual for guidance in meeting theseregulatory requirements.

52.-59. RESERVED


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a. Regulations for servicing motor vehicle airconditioners (MAC) are very specific and stringent andrequire compliance by January 1, 1992. The rationale forthese stringent requirements is based on data that identifyMAC equipment as a major source of CFC emissions intothe atmosphere. These systems use R-12, which is one ofthe worst ozone-depleting substances and can remain activefor 40- 150 years.

b. The intent of the Clean Air Act (CAA), asamended, is to require recycling of refrigerant in MAC’swhenever service is being performed to prevent release ofrefrigerant into the atmosphere. The CAA requires personswho repair or service MAC’s to be certified in refrigerantrecovery and recycling and to properly use certifiedequipment when performing service.

c. However, small-volume shops typical of FAAoperations (i.e., those servicing fewer than 100 vehicles peryear) were given until January 1, 1993, to comply withthese regulations (40 CFR 82). Documentation should bekept to verify to EPA that service was performed on fewerthan 100 vehicles.

61. MOTOR VEHICLE AIR CONDITIONERS(MAC)Following is an overview of MAC regulation requirements.

a. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. TheCAA requires persons who repair or service MAC units tobe certified in refrigerant recovery and recycling and toproperly use certified equipment when performing service.It also prohibits the sale of containers of class I and class IIsubstances under 20 pounds except to certified technicians.

b. Recycling. Recycling of refrigerant in MAC’sis required whenever service is being performed that mayrelease refrigerant to the atmosphere. This includes allpersons who are paid to perform service on MAC’s.“Do-it-yourself’ repair of MAC’s is not effectivelyrestricted by the CAA. Congress intended to discourage thistype of repair through the small container limitations.

c. Equipment Certification.

(1) Equipment used in the recycling operationmust meet standards at least as stringent as those developedby the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in effect asof November 1990.

Par 60

(2) The EPA standard includes machines thatseparate oil and remove moisture through single or multiplepasses through moisture absorption devices.

(3) Currently, Underwriters Laboratory (UL) iscertifying some recovery and recycle equipment. Thisequipment has been approved by EPA for recovery andrecycling in mobile units.

(4) Small establishments or entities that do notperform a large number of MAC jobs may choose topurchase only the recovery equipment, send the refrigerantthey recover to reclamation facilities, and purchase theCFC’s they need to perform service.

(5) Noncondensable gases must be removedfrom refrigerant to prevent an unacceptable increase insystem operating pressure and subsequent compressordamage.

(6) Recovery-only machines do not purgenon-condensables from the refrigerant.

(7) Recycle machines must be able to separatethe lubricant from recovered refrigerant and measure theamount of oil removed so that an equivalent amount of oilcan be added at recharge.

(8) Any refrigerant sent off-site must actually bereclaimed to a higher level of purity in order to ensure itdoes not contain any contaminants that could be introducedfrom equipment other than MAC’s (e.g., refrigerant from ahome refrigerator may contain acids and this may not beintroduced into an automobile until it has been reclaimedto the ARI-700 standard).

(9) An essential criterion for evaluation ofequipment is that the equipment cleans refrigerant to theSAE 199 1 purity standard.

d. Technician Training and Certification.

(1) EPA-approved standards are beingdeveloped for training and certification.

(2) Two organizations, to date, have beenapproved by the EPA to oversee and certify technicians,These organizations are: the Mobile Air Conditioning ’Society (MACS) and the International Mobile AirConditioning Association (IMACA).

(3) These organizations presently providebooklets for self-training. Their test is an open-book,proctored examination for each technician.

(4) Some of these certifications are permanent,whereas others require recertification every 5 years.

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(5) Each training program must provide one ormore of the following components: on-the-job training;training through self study of instructional material; oron-site training involving instructors, videos, or hands-ondemonstration.

(6) The certification test must cover therecommended service procedures for the containment ofR-12, extracting and recycle equipment, and the standardof purity for refrigerant in MAC’s.

(7) The tests should anticipate technologicaldevelopments, such as the introduction of HFC-134a innew MAC’s and the potential need to use blends as asubstitute if CFC-12 is in short supply.

(8) It will be imperative that technicians be ableto identify the different systems and keep the chemicalsseparate during servicing and recycling.

(9) It is necessary for service technicians tounderstand why recovering refrigerant is important from anenvironmental perspective. General regulatoryrequirements imposed by EPA under Section 609 of theCAA must also be included in the training program toensure that technicians are familiar with the legalrequirements regarding service.

(10) Completed tests must be sent to anindependent testing authority for grading.

(11) EPA certification programs are not intendedto ensure expertise in motor vehicle air conditioning repair.The program covers recycling of refrigerant during MACrepair, a subset of the knowledge required to performeffective service.

(12) Each. certification program must provideindividual proof of certification.

e. Small Container Restrictions. EffectiveNovember 15, 1992, it became unlawful for any person tosell or distribute, or offer for sale or distribution, any class Ior class II substance suitable for use as refrigerant in MAC’sin a container of less than 20 pounds except to certifiedtechnicians servicing MAC’s for consideration (payment).

f. Relationship to State Regulations. The EPAregulation represents the Federal motor vehicle airconditioning recycling program, and States may establishprograms more stringent in their requirements if they wish.In States without programs, or with programs having lessstringent requirements, the Federal program takesprecedence.


Maintenance practices on aircraft air conditioning systemsare not presently regulated to the same requirements as formotor vehicle maintenance practices. However, it isunlawful to vent the R- 12 from aircraft air conditioningsystems into the atmosphere. The Office of AviationSystem Standards shall develop revised maintenanceprocedures related to the recovery and recycling of CFC’srelated to air conditioning systems used on FAA-ownedaircraft.

63.-69. RESERVED

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a. Halons and many of the solvents and degreasersin use today are serious ozone depleters. Methylchloroform(1, 1,l trichloroethane) and carbon tetrachloride productionwill be phased out by 1995. Substitutes include terpeneproducts, semi-aqueous hydrocarbons, and HCFC-blendswhich pose less harm to the ozone. Like substituterefrigerants, solvent substitutes have some limitations andare not as widely applicable as current CFC solvents. Onecompany produces a solvent that contains hydrocarbons ina semi-aqueous solution. Applications of this substancemust be compatible with water because the chemical leavesa residue which must be rinsed off with water. Thiscompany also produces two other solvents. One is ablend of CFC-113, methanol and dichloroethylene, andprovides 25 percent less Ozone Depletion Potention (ODP)than CFC-113. It is viewed as a transitionary substance,until a more suitable substitute is found. The other solvent(a metal cleaning agent) has an ODP that is 37 percent lessthan CFC-112 and is designed for metal cleaningapplications (aluminum, steel, zinc, brass, and stainlesssteel).

b. The CAA calls for the phaseout of halons.Halon 12 11, 130 1, and 2402 are the three primary halonsused today for fire extinguishers. FAA primarily useshalon 12 11 in portable fire extinguishing units. Halon 130 1is used in total flooding fire protection systems. Onecompany has recently been granted EPA approval to beginproduction and sale of a substitute for halon 1211. Thissubstitute has an ODP of 0.19, which is significantly lowerthan the ODP of the currently used halons (approximately10.0). In addition, it reportedly exhibits firefightingproperties superior to halon 1211. This substitute can beused in portable and total flooding fire extinguishingsystems. One company also has developed an alternativefire suppressant for portable and total flooding applications.These products are expected to be available within the next5 years. The projected cost for the alternative for halon1301 is two to three times the cost of halon 1301. Thealternative for halon 12 11 is expected to be similar in costto halon 12 11.

c. Halons cannot be released during the maintenanceor recharging of systems. EPA’s notice of proposedrulemaking would require halon recycling. The NationalFire Protection Association believes recycling istechnically feasible and economically beneficial. The halonremoved from an extinguisher would be placed in arecovery cylinder and then either used or returned to themanufacturer for recycling. Recovery, recycling, and reuseof halon 130 1 have also been proposed. EPA is considering

Par 70

requiring users of halons to possess recycling equipment orhave an established contract with an off-site recycler forreclaiming halon.


a. Until an acceptable substitution can be developed,current halon total flooding systems will remain in placeand be properly maintained.

b. The current maintenance practice of discharginghalons into the atmosphere shall discontinue immediately.

c. Weighing the halon shall become the standardmaintenance practice upon issuance of this order whichshall supersede all testing procedures regarding “releaseunder testing.”

d. Regions, centers, and sectors shall investigate theuse of halon substitute chemicals and convert to thosechemicals when economically and technically practical.The intent is to reduce the inventory of halons in FAA totalflooding systems.


a. Regions and centers shall phase out the use ofhalon portable fire extinguishers by replacing withappropriate substitute extinguishers or converting thepresent halons to a substitute chemical that has a lowerozone depletion rating. The intent is to reduce the inventoryof halons used in portable fire extinguishers. Halonphaseout shall occur as acceptable substitutes becomeavailable. The availability of acceptable substitutes shall beannounced by a headquarters memorandum.

b. On a cautionary note, fire extinguishers aredesigned for specific applications.

c. Do not make an arbitrary decision on replacingextinguishers.

d. Make sure the extinguisher matches theapplication. For example, in the Exide Corporationbulletin Section 58.00, section 1, paragraph 0, thefollowing statement is made: “CO-2 must not be used toextinguish battery fires since it will crack most plastic jarsand/or covers. A recommended fire extinguishing systemwould be of the halon type.” A cracked case could result ina sulfuric acid solution release.

e. Disposal of halons shall be in accordance withapproved EPA procedures outlined in chapter 5 of thisorder.

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All halon substitutes shall meet OSHA standards for workerexposure protection. OSHA standards for fire suppressantscurrently in use (i.e., halons) are provided in appendix 6.

c. Spray cans containing CFC’s or CFC solventsshall no longer be replaced as inventories are diminished.FAA personnel shall explore the use of viable alternativesto the use of spray cans containing CFC substances. WhenCFC spray cans are being disposed, the guidelines

74. CLEANING SOLVENTS contained in chapter 5 shall be followed.

a. Regions and centers shall phase out the use ofcleaning solvents containing CFC’s, carbon tetrachloride,and methyl chloroform whenever possible. The intent is toreduce the inventory of solvents that are known ozonedepleters (specifically the class I chemicals).

74.-79. RESERVED

b. Disposal shall be in accordance with approvedEPA procedures outlined in chapter 5.

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80. ANNUALREPORTEach region/center shall submit one CFC report as part ofits annual facilities environmental compliance report toAEE-1 by February 15 of each calendar year. The datacollected will be used to monitor the agency’s inventory ofCFC’s, halons, and solvents. Each region/center shalldevelop a system for sectors and facilities to collect andreport the required data on CFC, Halon, and Solvent Useand Procurement.

The Annual Facilities Environmental Program ActivitiesReport (RIS 1050-l), as required by Order 1050.10B,will incorporate the data requirements specified inparagraph 8 1.

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TO: AEE- 1 FROM/DATE: SAMPLECurrent Environmental Coordinator

I. REFRIGERANT SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT (includes any system in storage or operation using refrigerant). Examples:air conditioning, heat pumps, waveguide pressurization, air driers, water coolers, refrigerators, etc.

Type Number of Units Us ing Total Pounds of1. R-11 4 3.200

2. R-12 2 1.600

3. R - 2 2 2 5 0 6 0 0

4. R-113 1 4 0 0

5 . R-1146. R-115I. R-5008. R-5029. R-12310. *11. *

* Note: If other refrigerant or solvent is used, write in the TYPE (use chemical name if known, trade name otherwise) as well as the numberof units and total pounds.

II. HALON SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT in use and storage:Number of total floodhalon systems 8Number of portablehalon extinguishers 21


7 3 5 0


1 .

Number o f Locat ions Us ing CFC So lventsCarbon tetrachlorideMethylchloroformChlorofluoromethaoe 1Dichlorodifluoromethane 1Dichlorofluoromethane 1R-l 150 1Trichlorodifluorometbane 1Trichloroethane - I - -Trichlorofluoroethane I

Total Pounds Used Per Year

257025205066 0 0


Total Pounds of: On Hand Procured Used1 . R-11 4.000 7.000 3.5002. R-12 300 90 503. R-22 500 1 5 0 3 0 04. R-1135. R-1146. R-1157. R-5008. R-5029. R-123 im- 500 -s!L10. Halon11. Carbon Tet.12. Methylchloroform13. *14. *

V. WAVEGUIDE SYSTEMS. Total number of waveguide systems using refrigerant as pressurizing agent: 2

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VI. CHANGES TO EQUIPMENT INVENTORY. Include a brief narrative explaining any changes to equipment thatincreased or decreased use of CFUHCFC refrigerants, halon, or CFC solvent inventory. Also include any projects whichused a CFC substitute chemical.

Examples:1. Assumed ownership of county ATCT which uses 10 halon portable fire extinguishers totaling 50 pounds of halon.2 . Removed air conditioning systems from 9 VORTAC’s. Recovered 90 pounds of R-22 for future use.


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The primary threat to human health and safety from CFC’s,HFC’s, HCFC’s, halons, and solvents such as carbontetrachloride and methylchloroform, stems from thetoxicity of some of these substances and the risk of injuryfrom inhalation or the high pressurization under whichsome of these are used. Any personal contact with toxicsubstances or injury associated with their use shall bereported immediately to the Regional Flight Surgeon; theManager, Occupational Health Division, AAM-700; or theSafety/Health Official; and/or the Industrial Hygienist forthe local facility. Persons having contacted toxic substancesshall contact the Regional Flight Surgeon for a physical.


Appropriate safety practices shall be followed whentransferring refrigerant from equipment or system to arefrigerant container, when transporting refrigerant fromone location to another, and when storing refrigerant. Theseprecautions should ensure that employee exposure levelsare maintained at or below OSHA’s Permissible ExposureLimits (29 CFR 1910.1000). If effective administrativeand/or engineering controls are not feasible to maintainexposure levels at or below the Permissible ExposureLimits, then appropriate respiratory protection should beworn in accordance with OSHA’s Respiratory ProtectionStandard (29 CFR 1910.134).


a. Refrigerant shall be transferred only to a containerthat is suitable for the specific refrigerant involved. Thecontainer should be identified by color code or otherwiseas being intended to hold the refrigerant involved, and shallcomply with appropriate DOT regulations for refillablecontainers.

b. The container shall be examined externally andinternally for corrosion or other damage that may weakenthe walls, heads, or joints. The examination shall beundertaken before refrigerant is transferred.

c. The refrigerant container shall not be overfilled.The design maximum working pressure of the containershall not be exceeded, even temporarily, during any fillingoperation. The maximum working pressure of the containershall be stamped in the neck area of the cylinder/container.Refrigerant-oil mixtures have a lower density thanrefrigerants alone; the container capacity will thereforebe reduced for a refrigerant-oil mixture.

d. In filling refrigerant containers, the maximum car-rying capacity shall not be exceeded (approximately80 percent liquid fill at 70 degrees farenheit or 2 1 degreescentigrade). The carrying capacity is a function of theinternal volume of the container and the liquid density ofthe refrigerant at a reference temperature.


No “throw away” tanks shall be used as “recycle tanks.”Tanks that are not designed for recycling may rupture underdifferent pressure levels causing injury to the technician.


a. Exposure. Due to health risks associated withprolonged exposure to certain substances, exposure levelsshall be carefully monitored and controlled. Additionally,proper safety standards shall be implemented. Refer toASHRAE Standard 15R. The key elements of thoserecommendations are:

(1) Use a refrigerant sensor capable of monitor-ing the appropriate refrigerant concentration levels,

(2) Use an alarm activated at a level not greaterthan the AEL,

(3) Use mechanical ventilation sized perASHRAE Standard 15R, and

(4) Have at least one approved self-containedbreathing apparatus located convenient to the equipmentroom for emergency use.

95.-99. RESERVED

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CLEAN AIR ACT (CAA) AMENDMENTS OF 1990.Following is a summary of some Title VI provisions of theCAA Amendments of 1990:

a. Production phaseout of CFC by December 31,1995, along with three halons and carbon tetrachloride.

b. HCFC production freeze in 2015, use limited torefrigerants for equipment manufactured prior to 2020, andelimination in 2030.

c. Mandatory recapture, recycling, and safe disposal;regulations as of January 1, 1992.

d. Mandatory use of certified recycling equipmentwhen servicing motor vehicle air conditioning systems asof January 1,1992.

e. Prohibition of venting during appliance service,repair and disposal as of July 1, 1992.

f. Restrictions on the sale of small cans of class Iand class II refrigerants.

g. Ban on non-essential uses of ozone depletingchemicals.

h. Labeling requirement on product containers.

i. Requirements for Federal agencies to modifyprocurement regulations in accordance with therequirements and policies of the CAA.

j. A safe alternatives policy to promote the transitionto safe substitutes,

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY(EPA) REGULATIONS. The passage ofthe CAA in 1970marked the beginning of a new era of expanded Federalinvolvement in environmental regulation. Amendments tothe CAA in 1977 included granting the EPA the authorityto prohibit the use of CFC’s in most aerosol applications,Since 1977, EPA has established several regulations thateither eliminate or limit the use of CFC’s.

(1) In order to implement the Montreal Protocol,EPA promulgated regulations under Section 157 of theCAA (40 CFR 82). This rule was promulgated onAugust 12, 1988. Regarding CFC manufacturing andimporting as of January 1, 1990, CFC’s are being taxed$1.37 per ozone depletion weighted pound ($3.00 perweighted kilogram). The tax will gradually increase to$2.65 per weighted pound by 1994 and could reach $5.35per weighted pound by the year 2000. This tax is designedto stimulate the transition to alternative chemicals andtechnologies.

(2) On September 30, 1991, the EPA issued aproposed rule concerning the production and consumptionof CFC’s. This rule speeds up the phaseout schedule forozone-depleting substances and establishes new criteria fortrading allowances regarding these substances.

(3) The new CAA amendments were passed onOctober 26, 1990. Contained within the revised Act areseveral new provisions under Title VI-Stratospheric OzoneProtection. The EPA Administrator was required to publish(within 60 days aRer enactment of the CAA) an initial listof class I substances which contains a variety of CFC’s andhalons as well as carbon tetrachloride and methylchloroform. Simultaneously with publication of the initiallist of class I substances, the EPA Administrator wasrequired to publish an initial list of class II substances whichcontains a variety of HCFC’s. A phaseout schedule wasdeveloped for both classes of substances. Total phaseout ofclass I substances will occur by the year 2000 and forclass II substances by the year 2015.

(4) Effective July 1, 1992, it became unlawful tovent any class I or class II substance used as a refrigerantin an appliance in a manner which permits the substance toenter the environment.

(5) No later than 18 months after the enactmentof the CAA, the EPA Administrator shall promulgateregulations requiring each department, agency, andinstrumentality of the U.S. Government to conform itsprocurement regulations to the policies and requirementsof Title VI of the Act. No later than 30 months after theenactment of the CAA Amendments of 1990, eachdepartment, agency, and instrumentality of the U.S.Government shall so conform its procurement regulationsand certify to the President that its regulations have beenmodified in accordance with the Act.

(6) On December 10,1992, EPA issued proposedregulations under Section 608 of the Clean Air Act. EPA isproposing regulations that would require service practicesthat maximize recycling of ozone depleting compounds(both CFC’s and HCFC’s) during the servicing anddisposal of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment;set certification requirement for reclaimers and for recoveryand recycling equipment; and establish safe disp,osalrequirements to ensure removal of refrigerants from goodsthat enter the waste stream with the charge intact.

SUSPENSION OF THE TOXICITY CHARAC-TERISTIC RULE. On March 29,1990, the EPA promul-gated revisions to the toxicity characteristic, one of severalcharacteristics used to identify waste regulated as hazard-ous under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and

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Recovery Act (RCRA). The Toxicity Characteristic (TC)is used to identify solid wastes which are identified ashazardous based on the presence of constituents that mayleach from the waste. The TC expanded the range of wastessubject to Subtitle C (hazardous waste) controls. Two ofthenew TC constituents may be present in certain used refiig-erants (e.g., those containing CFC-11) and are likely toleach from the new waste. The two constituents which areof concern in CFC-11 are carbon tetrachloride and chlo-roform.

On February 13, 199 1, EPA issued an interim final rule thatsuspended the new toxicity characteristic rule for usedrefrigerants which exhibit the toxicity characteristic andwhich are recycled. The reason for this rule was concernthat subjecting used CFC refrigerants to Subtitle Cregulations would promote continued or increased venting.See the definition of solid waste in chapter 1 which includes“contained gaseous materials.” Uncontained gases notassociated with solid waste management units are outsideof RCRA, thus the incentive for venting. Venting becameillegal as of July 1, 1992.

Presidential announcement of U.S. acceleration of thephaseout of ozone depleting substances. On February 11,1992, then President Bush announced that the United Stateswill unilaterally accelerate the phaseout of substances thatdeplete the earth’s ozone layer. This announcement wasmade in light of recent scientific evidence obtained byNOAA and NASA ‘studies indicating that ozone depletionin the northern and temperate latitudes is much worse thanit was originally thought to be. The President stated that allproduction of these substances-major chloro-fluorocarbons (CFC), halons, methylchloroform, and carb-on tetrachloride-will be eliminated in the United States byDecember 31, 1995. The EPA will adjust the existingphaseout schedule for these substances in order to complywith this deadline. A copy ofthe President’s announcementis in this appendix.


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CFC’s: CFC’s are extremely stable, nontoxic,nonflammable, noncorrosive, and thermally efficientchemicals that are widely used as coolants for refrigerationand air conditioning systems, cleaning agents for electroniccomponents, foam blowing agents, and propellants foraerosol sprays. CFC emissions occur when servicing CFCequipment or as a result of leaking refrigeration systems.These substances have been shown to significantly depletethe earth’s ozone layer. Thus, venting or accidental releaseof these substitutes into the atmosphere must be prevented.

CFC Alternatives:Industry has been putting forth anaggressive effort to find alternative chemicals to replace theozone-depleting CFC’s currently used as refrigerants andsolvents. Only a few years ago, 600 different compoundswere being researched as potential CFC substitutes. The listhas now been narrowed down to fewer than ten. Variousrefrigerants are being considered as CFC replacements.They include halocarbons (HCFC’s and HFC’s) andhelium, as well as more traditional refrigerants, such asammonia and propane. For instance, HFC- 134a is designedto replace R-12 and HCFC-123 will replace R-11. Inaddition to HCFC’s and HFCs, other substitutes are beingexplored. However, preliminary tests indicate that thesesubstitutes have significant limitations. Thus, in choosingalternatives to existing CFC’s, caution must be exercisedand the cost and limitations of the substitute must becarefully explored.

Cost:In general, the new substitutes will have a higher costthan current CFC’s. This is due to greater costs in designingand operating plants that will manufacture substitutes.Nevertheless, the cost of CFC’s will continue to rise due tothe tax imposed by the Government, thereby making thesubstitutes more economically practical.

Product Limitations: All potential replacementrefrigerants are still being tested to find answers to a varietyof concerns. Issues such as cost, availability, toxicity,efficiency, material compatibility, and feasibility ofrecycling must be considered. Material compatibility is aproblem with new refrigerant substitutes such as R-123,R-124 and R-134a. These chemicals may deterioratemachinery components such as gaskets, seals, motorwindings, or insulation. Many of the new refrigerants (e.g.,both R- 123 and R- 134a) have exhibited aggressive solventproperties. It has already been found that most gasket andseal materials are not compatible with R-123, and new sealmaterials are being tested. For chillers with hermeticcompressors, the motor windings also come into contactwith the refrigerant, and the new refrigerants have beenfound to have deteriorating effects on the motor insulation.In addition, some substitutes such as R-134a areincompatible with lubricating oils used in equipment.

Compatibility Requirements for CFC Alternatives: Ata minimum, all CFC substitutes should be thoroughlyanalyzed for potential system incompatibility in terms ofcorrosivity, lubrication effects, and pressure disparities.

*U.S. G.P.0.:1994-301-717:80658 Page 1 (and 2)
