CFC’s Financial Webinar Series Planning: A Key to the Future. Financial Webinar Series How to Submit Your Question Step 2: Click on the Send button. Step 1: Type in your question here. Financial Webinar Series

CFC’s Financial Webinar Serieseoplugin.commpartners.com/NRECA/111214/December 2011...CFC’s Financial Webinar Series Planning: A Key to the Future. Financial Webinar Series “Planning…is

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CFC’s Financial Webinar SeriesPlanning:

A Key to the Future.

Financial Webinar Series

How to Submit Your Question

Step 2: Click on the Send button.

Step 1: Type in your question here.

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CFC’s Financial Webinar SeriesPlanning:

A Key to the Future.

Financial Webinar Series

“Planning…is bringing the future into

the present so that you can do something about it now.” Alan Lakein

“Organizing is what you do before you

do something, so when you do it, it is

not all mixed up.” AA Milne

Financial Webinar Series

Today’s speaker:

Dan Kessler, CFC

Regional Vice President,


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Financial Webinar Series

• List the keys to successful planning.

• Describe a SWOT Analysis.

• List the stakeholders in the planning


• Describe the importance of the employees

and the directors in the planning process.

Planning: A key to the future.

As a result of this session you will be able to:

Financial Webinar Series

What famous French physician was born on this date?

• Louis Pasteur

• Armand Trousseau

• Albert Schweitzer

• Michel de Notredame

Polling Question

Financial Webinar Series

Dan Kessler,

Regional Vice President,


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Financial Webinar Series


Planning- A Key to the Future

“Nothing stops an organization faster…

than people who believe that the way

you worked yesterday… is the best way

to work tomorrow!”

Financial Webinar Series

1. It begins with Strategic Financial Planning

2. Engineering fundamentals & Planning…

3. Plan for an appropriate Financial Balance…

4. Focus on Employees and Directors…

5. Develop a Plan for Accountability…

6. Create an Engaged and Loyal membership

7. Embrace Technology…

8. Attend to Diversified Services

Keys to Future Success

Financial Webinar Series


Strategic Financial Planning…an ongoing activity-NOT a singular event

• Provides the cooperative the direction to address known and unknown challenges

• Is future focused

• Provides for a high level of organizational involvement

• Meant to be flexible, yet prescriptive in terms of

detailing work to be accomplished and whom is responsible for what

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Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning is a


• Proactive management vs. issue “d’jour”

• Sets corporate direction for future

• Regular check ups on plan’s progress

(Modify as the environment changes…)

Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

Why do it?

• More Complex (utility environment)

• Less Predictable…

• “Need” for Planning

Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

“Traditional” Responsibilities

• Load forecasting

• Energy/demand forecasting

• Construction planning

• Budgeting

• Tariff design

• Program development

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Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

“Today’s” Cooperative’s…

• Demographic changes

• Changing member needs

• New roles or services

• Deregulation, re-regulation, competition

• Renewable resource emphasis, cost of


• War on terrorism, disaster planning

Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

Boards & Management Must:

• Think critically!

• Ask constantly:

- Where are we now?

- Where are we going?

- How will we get there?

Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning




“Chart the Course”

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Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

What is it?...Simply put it’s…

• Mission

• Vision

• SWOT Analysis

• Strategic Initiative’s/Goals

• Strategies/Objectives

• Action Plans/Implementation

( Most Important…)

Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

• Mission

- What does the cooperative do now,

for whom, and how do we do it?

• Concise

- Appeal to values and emotion

Ex: “The mission of ____________ is


Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

• Vision

- Can look as far down the road as 3-5

years…can (might be) shorter

Determined by leadership’s assessment

(discuss potential…existing needs



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Financial Webinar Series

SWOT Analysis





Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

• SWOT Analysis

- Defined as Strengths, Weaknesses, (positive

and negative aspects…you control…)

Opportunities, and Threats, (positive and negative aspects…you don’t fully control…)

- Initiative’s/Goals (“key issues”consistent with Mission)

- Ranking (priorities)

Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

• Strategies/Objectives

- Consistent with Mission

- High Priority Efforts

““Think about Think about what you have to dowhat you have to do to to

accomplish your Goalsaccomplish your Goals””

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Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

• Action Planning (perhaps most important…)

- Where the commitment to “get the

plan done” takes place…

- Board should hold management accountable

for implementation and results…

*Schedule – *Responsibility – *Budget -*Update

Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

• When you decide to get started?

- Discuss the need to plan and expectations…

- Who’s involved?

- Develop Board Policy…

- Set meeting dates with appropriate audience…

- Involvement of staff…

- Develop a “draft” plan…

- Get final approval/adoption…

Financial Webinar Series

Strategic Financial Planning

• Regular reporting to board on progress…

• Discuss the need for changes…



““Strategic Plans help chart the course for Strategic Plans help chart the course for

longerlonger––term direction of the cooperative term direction of the cooperative

……dondon’’t forget about the dayt forget about the day--toto--day activity day activity

that continues to change, and must be that continues to change, and must be


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Financial Webinar Series

Planning- A Key to the Future

“Tools”… and Planning

Financial Webinar Series

Successful Systems Know…

1. It begins with Strategic Financial “Planning”

2. Engineering Fundamentals & “Planning”…

3. Plan …for an appropriate Financial Balance

4. Focus on Employees and Directors

5. Develop a “Plan” for Accountability…

6. Create an Engaged and Loyal membership

7. Embrace Technology…

8. Attend to Diversified Services

Financial Webinar Series

Engineering Fundamentals…• Providing reliable electric service

– Load “forecasting” (Power Requirements studies)

– Long-range engineering “planning”

– Construction “planning”

– “Planning” for storms and emergencies

– System maintenance practices/”planning”

• Meeting increased expectations of

members – Large commercial loads/ Key Accounts

– Consumers want 24/7 reliability

Balancing With Financial Realities!

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Financial Webinar Series

Plan for Financial Balance

• Financial best practices and policies…we asked…

• Financial Management Policy

• Equity Management Plan (3 decision points)

• Electric rates (Cost of Service-Rate Study)

• Financial Forecast (Compass, or other…)

• Debt Portfolio Management

• Budgeting (Budget Pro, or other…)

• Utilize (other) tools: financial presentations, KRTA’s

Financial Webinar Series

Focus on Directors & Employees

“Plan for Development”…

• Increase competence – a continuous


• Recognize expectations of changing


• Compensation planning (wages & benefits)

• Succession planning/career development

Financial Webinar Series

Plan for Accountability from…

• Board (self-evaluation, board goals)

• CEO/GM– Updated job-descriptions, clear expectations

– Evaluations…

• Executive team/ Key Staff

• Vendors

• Consultants

• Affiliated organizations

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Financial Webinar Series

Engaged & Loyal Membership

• “Communicate” with your members

• Survey the members

– Understand members’ increasing expectations

– Understand members’ changing sophistication

• Educate your members…

• Be open and listen to them…

• Treat members as “owners”…

• Communication Planning

*(“Internal and External”)

Financial Webinar Series

Embrace Technology…

• New ways to gather data

• Make better decisions

• Track results

• Safety issues

• Provide additional Services

• Add convenience

• Develop a Technology Plan…

*Better Service/Value For Your Members!

Financial Webinar Series

• Ask why you want to provide this business and/or service

- Does it align with our mission, core business goals

and skills of staff?

- Does the business provide value to electric


• Complete a solid “Business Plan”• Analyze and track performance• Make changes as necessary• Comprehensive “Exit Plan”

Diversified Services

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Financial Webinar Series

1. Engineering Fundamentals and Planning…

2. Plan to achieve Financial Balance…

3. Focus on Employees and Directors…

4. Emphasize Accountability…

5. Create an Engaged and Loyal Membership

6. Embrace Technology…

7. Attend to Diversified Services…

…Part of Strategic Planning is Using


Financial Webinar Series

Now…let’s turn it over to our audience!

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How to Submit Your Question

Step 2: Click on the Send button.

Step 1: Type in your question here.

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Please take a minute to complete

the NRECA survey.

If you are requesting CPE credits, this is If you are requesting CPE credits, this is

a requirement.a requirement.

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Events &

Training Tab

Look for the

replay of this

program early

next week

Financial Webinar Series

Have an idea for a Web conference?

Send it to:

[email protected]

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Financial Webinar Series

Mark Your Calendar For Our Next Event:

January 11, 1 p.m. Eastern Time

The Topic isThe Topic is……

John Suter: The state of the John Suter: The state of the

economy in 2012!economy in 2012!

Financial Webinar Series

For you and your board members:

January 19, 3 p.m. Eastern Time

The Topic isThe Topic is……

Internet Security: What every board Internet Security: What every board

members needs to know!members needs to know!

Financial Webinar Series

Mark Your Calendar For January 31,

February 2, and February 16 at 1 p.m.

Eastern Time

The Topic isThe Topic is……

Mergers: What you need to know Mergers: What you need to know even if youeven if you’’re just thinking about re just thinking about

the topic.the topic.

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Financial Webinar Series