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Ba"e)a## !a" in*en+e in En#an

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The Article 2

Warm-ups 3

Before Reading / Listening 4

While Reading / Listening 5

Listening Gap ill !

After Reading / Listening "

#tudent #ur$e% &

'iscussion (

Language Wor) *+

Writing **

,omeor) *2

Ansers *3

*2th #eptem.er 2++&

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,istorians in 0ngland ha$e unco$ered e$idence that .ase.all ma% not .e

as American as apple pie1 The BB reports that .ase.all as pla%ed in

0ngland in *"55 more than tent% %ears .efore Americas independence

in *""!1 This ma% come as a shoc) for lo$ers of Americas national game

ho .elie$e .ase.all is an American creation1 A recentl% disco$ered diar%

is proof that 0nglishmen ere hitting home runs long .efore their

cousins across the Atlantic1 The diarist as a man called William Bra%

ho rote a.out the game .eing pla%ed in the count% of #urre% south of 

London1 The #urre% ,istor% entre confirmed the diar% as authentic and

that it contains an entr% descri.ing the game of .ase.all1 The BB sa%s

6a7or League Base.all officials are aare of this nes1

8t ill come as no surprise to man% sports fans that .ase.all originated in

0ngland1 The 0nglish in$ented the orlds most popular sports including

foot.all tennis rug.% and cric)et1 What might come as a surprise is that

the original form of .ase.all as pla%ed .% .oth se9es1 William Bra%s

diar% descri.es a game of .ase.all pla%ed on a spring afternoon in hich

 %oung ladies too) part1 A Washington :ost 7ournalist ;e$in #ulli$an told

the BB that he as not surprised .ase.all came from Britain1 ,e said<

 8t=s a great American tradition to ta)e things from other places and

impro$e them1 We=$e ala%s )non that .ase.all e$ol$ed> it asn=t

in$ented li)e .as)et.all1 'espite the recent disco$er% it seems unli)el%

that 0ngland ill o$erta)e the ?#A as the num.er one .ase.all poer1

Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

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1$ BASEBALL Wal) around the class and tal) to other students a.out .ase.all1

hange partners often1 After %ou finish sit ith %our partners and share %our findings1

2$ CHAT 8n pairs / groups decide hich of these topics or ords from the article are

most interesting and hich are most .oring1

historians / evidence / as American as…/ apple pie / shoc / diar! / co"sins / o##icials / s"rprise / sports #ans / pop"lar sports / spring a#ternoons / traditions / discoveries

,a$e a chat a.out the topics %ou li)ed1 hange topics and partners freCuentl%1

3$ AS A.ERICAN AS4 What things are $er% $er% AmericanD Write %our

thoughts on the things in the first column1 What does %our countr% ha$e instead of thesethingsD What do %ou thin) of theseD #hare %our ideas ith %our partners1

Thin" .5 +h(h+" .5 %(n+r5


Apple :ie


The #tars and #tripes

The :resident


6$ SORT #tudents A strongl% .elie$e that sport is @ET important> #tudents B

strongl% .elie$e sport is ,8G,LF important1 hange partners again and tal) a.out %our rolesand con$ersations1

7$ INVENTIONS Ran) the folloing in$entions in order %ou choose hat )ind of 

order1 hange partners to share and discuss %our ran)ing1


  pla%ing cards


  $ideo games


  the El%mpics

  foot.all soccer


8$ DIAR9 #pend one minute riting don all of the different ords %ou associate ith

the ord Hdiar%1 #hare %our ords ith %our partners and tal) a.out them1 Together put

the ords into different categories1

Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

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1$ TRUE : FALSE Loo) at the articles headline and guess hether these sentences

are true T or false <

a1 The orlds oldest .ase.all pla%er sa%s .ase.all came from 0ngland1 T /

.1 Base.all as in$ented .efore America .ecame independent1 T / c1 0ighteenth centur% 0nglishmen hit home runs across the Atlantic1 T /

d1 A diar% entr% confirms that .ase.all is an 0nglish in$ention1 T /

e1 America in$ented most of toda%s .iggest sports including tennis1 T /

f1 Base.all in *&th centur% 0ngland as pla%ed .% men and omen1 T /

g1 ?nli)e .ase.all hich e$ol$ed .as)et.all is an in$ented sport1 T /

h1 0ngland ill soon .ecome the num.er one poer in .ase.all1 T /

2$ S9NON9. .ATCH 6atch the folloing s%non%ms from the article<

*1 unco$ered a$ proof 

2 e$idence b$ real

31 lo$ers c$ .etter

41 authentic d$ st%le

51 aare e$ found

!1 originated #$ de$eloped

"1 form g$ conscious of 

&1 too) part h$ fans

(1 impro$e i$ participated*+1 e$ol$ed  %$ started

3$ HRASE .ATCH 6atch the folloing phrases from the article sometimes more

than one1 com.ination is possi.le<

*1 ,istorians in 0ngland ha$e unco$ered a$ of this nes

2 as American b$ the ?#A

31 This ma% come c$ as authentic

41 the diar% d$ to man% sports fans

51 Base.all officials are aare e$ as apple pie

!1 8t ill come as no surprise #$ American tradition

"1 the original form of .ase.all as g$ e$idence

&1 8t=s a great h$ .ase.all e$ol$ed

(1 We=$e ala%s )non that i$ as a shoc)

*+1 0ngland ill o$erta)e  %$ pla%ed .% .oth se9es

Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

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GA FILL :ut the ords into the gaps in the te9t1

,istorians in 0ngland ha$e unco$ered that .ase.all

ma% not .e as American as 1 The BB reports that

.ase.all as pla%ed in 0ngland in *"55 more than tent% %ears

.efore Americas independence in *""!1 This ma% as

a shoc) for lo$ers of Americas national game ho .elie$e

.ase.all is an American 1 A recentl% disco$ered diar%

is proof that 0nglishmen ere hitting home runs

.efore their cousins across the Atlantic1 The as a

man called William Bra% ho rote a.out the game .eing pla%ed

in the count% of #urre% south of London1 The #urre% ,istor%

entre the diar% as authentic and that it contains

an descri.ing the game of .ase.all1 The BB sa%s

6a7or League Base.all officials are aare of this nes1








apple pie


8t ill come as no to man% sports fans that .ase.all

originated in 0ngland1 The 0nglish the orlds most

popular sports including foot.all tennis rug.% and cric)et1 What

might come as a surprise is that the original of 

.ase.all as pla%ed .% .oth 1 William Bra%s diar%

descri.es a game of .ase.all pla%ed on a afternoon

in hich %oung ladies too) part1 A Washington :ost 7ournalist

;e$in #ulli$an told the BB that he as not surprised .ase.all

came from Britain1 ,e said< 8t=s a great American to

ta)e things from other places and impro$e them1 We=$e ala%s

)non that .ase.all > it asn=t in$ented li)e

.as)et.all1 'espite the recent disco$er% it seems unli)el% that

0ngland ill o$erta)e the ?#A as the num.er one .ase.all










Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

6ore free lessons at 1Brea)ing@es0nglish1com - op%right 2++&   5

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LISTENING Li"+en an ;i## in +he "<a%e"$

,istorians in 0ngland ha$e that .ase.all ma% not .e as

American as apple pie1 The BB reports that .ase.all as pla%ed in 0ngland

in *"55 more than tent% %ears .efore Americas independence in *""!1

This ma% for lo$ers of Americas national game ho

.elie$e .ase.all is an American creation1 A diar% is

 proof that 0nglishmen ere hitting home their

cousins across the Atlantic1 The diarist as a man called William Bra% ho

rote a.out the game .eing pla%ed in the count% of  

#urre%1 The #urre% ,istor% entre confirmed the diar%

as authentic and that it contains an entr% descri.ing the game of .ase.all1

The BB sa%s 6a7or League Base.all of this nes1

8t surprise to man% sports fans that .ase.all originated

in 0ngland1 The 0nglish in$ented the orlds most popular sports including

foot.all tennis rug.% and cric)et1 What might is thatthe original form of .ase.all as pla%ed 1 William

Bra%s diar% descri.es a game of .ase.all pla%ed on a

in hich %oung ladies too) part1 A Washington :ost 7ournalist ;e$in

#ulli$an told the BB that he as not surprised .ase.all came from Britain1

,e said< 8t=s a great American tradition to other

places and impro$e them1 We=$e ala%s )non that .ase.all e$ol$ed> it

  .as)et.all1 'espite the recent disco$er% it seems

unli)el% that 0ngland ?#A as the num.er one .ase.all


Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

6ore free lessons at 1Brea)ing@es0nglish1com - op%right 2++&   6

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1$ -ORD SEARCH  Loo) in %our dictionaries / computer to find

collocates other meanings information s%non%ms I for the ords =a<<#e>and =<ie>1

a<<#e <ie


• #hare %our findings ith %our partners1

• 6a)e Cuestions using the ords %ou found1• As) %our partner / group %our Cuestions1

2$ ARTICLE ?UESTIONS Loo) .ac) at the article and rite don

some Cuestions %ou ould li)e to as) the class a.out the te9t1

• #hare %our Cuestions ith other classmates / groups1

• As) %our partner / group %our Cuestions1

3$ GA FILL 8n pairs / groups compare %our ansers to this e9ercise1hec) %our ansers1 Tal) a.out the ords from the acti$it%1 Were the% neinteresting orth learningID

6$ VOCABULAR9 ircle an% ords %ou do not understand1 8n groups

pool un)non ords and use dictionaries to find their meanings1

7$ TEST EACH OTHER Loo) at the ords .elo1 With %our partner tr%

to recall ho the% ere used in the te9t<

• unco$ered

• tent% %ears

• lo$ers

• cousins

• William Bra%

• aare

• fans

• in$ented

• se9es

• spring

• tradition

• o$erta)e

Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

6ore free lessons at 1Brea)ing@es0nglish1com - op%right 2++&   7

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Write fi$e GEE' Cuestions a.out .ase.all in the ta.le1 'o this in pairs1 0ach student must

rite the Cuestions on his / her on paper1

When %ou ha$e finished inter$ie other students1 Write don their ansers1

#T?'0@T *


#T?'0@T 2


#T?'0@T 3












• @o return to %our original partner and share and tal) a.out hat %ou found

out1 hange partners often1

• 6a)e mini-presentations to other groups on %our findings1

Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

6ore free lessons at 1Brea)ing@es0nglish1com - op%right 2++&   8

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#T?'0@T As J?0#T8E@# 'o not sho these to student B

a What did %ou thin) hen %ou read the headlineD

. What springs to mind hen %ou hear the ord H.ase.allD

c Are %ou surprised .ase.all is more roast .eef than apple pieD

d Wh% do %ou thin) soccer and not .ase.all is the orlds most popular


e 'o %ou thin) 6LB officials ill rerite the .ase.all histor% .oo)sD

f 'o %ou thin) lo$ers of .ase.all ill .e shoc)ed the game started in

0ngland and not the ?#AD

g What do %ou )no a.out the origins of %our fa$ourite sportD

h ,o important and popular is %our countr%s national sportD

i Wh% is apple pie so often lin)ed to the American imageD

 7 Wh% do %ou thin) .ase.all did not .ecome popular in 0nglandD

Baseball was invented in England ' 12th September, 20086ore free lessons at 1Brea)ing@es0nglish1com



#T?'0@T Bs J?0#T8E@# 'o not sho these to student A

a 'id %ou li)e reading this articleD

. Wh% do %ou thin) so man% sports that Britain in$ented .ecame sopopular around the orldD

c What as the last thing that came as a surprise to %ouD

d What are %our .iggest orries at the momentD

e Are games that are pla%ed together .% .oth se9es .etterD

f What other things has America ta)en and impro$ed onDg ,o has %our fa$ourite sport e$ol$edD

h ,o do %ou thin) %our fa$ourite sport should / ill e$ol$e from noD

i 'o %ou thin) 0ngland could e$er o$erta)e America at .ase.allD

 7 What Cuestions ould %ou li)e to as) the 6LB officialsD

Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

6ore free lessons at 1Brea)ing@es0nglish1com - op%right 2++&   9

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,istorians in 0ngland ha$e unco$ered * that .ase.all ma% not .e as

American as apple pie1 The BB reports that .ase.all as pla%ed in 0ngland in

*"55 2 than tent% %ears .efore Americas independence in *""!1 This

ma% come as a shoc) for 3 of Americas national game ho .elie$e .ase.all

is an American creation1 A recentl% disco$ered diar% is proof that 0nglishmen

ere hitting home runs 4 .efore their cousins across the Atlantic1 The diarist

as a man called William Bra% ho rote a.out the game .eing pla%ed in the

count% of #urre% south 5 London1 The #urre% ,istor% entre confirmed the

diar% as authentic and that it contains an entr% descri.ing the game of .ase.all1

The BB sa%s 6a7or League Base.all officials are aare ! this nes1

8t ill " as no surprise to man% sports fans that .ase.all originated in

0ngland1 The 0nglish in$ented the orlds most popular sports including foot.all

tennis rug.% and cric)et1 What might come & a surprise is that the original

form of .ase.all as pla%ed .% .oth se9es1 William Bra%s diar% descri.es a game of 

.ase.all pla%ed on a spring afternoon ( hich %oung ladies too) part1 A

Washington :ost 7ournalist ;e$in #ulli$an told the BB that he as not surprised

.ase.all came from Britain1 ,e said< 8t=s a great American *+ to ta)e things

from other places and impro$e them1 We=$e ala%s )non that .ase.all **

 > it asn=t in$ented li)e .as)et.all1 'espite the recent disco$er% it seems

unli)el% that 0ngland ill *2 the ?#A as the num.er one .ase.all poer1

(+ +he %rre%+ !r" ;r' +he +a)#e )e#! in +he a)*e ar+i%#e$

*1 a e$idence . e$ident c e$ildoing d e$ict

21 a o$er . much c more d a.o$e

31 a seethearts . lo$ers c .o%friends d darlings

41 a longing . longest c length d long

51 a from . for c of d to

!1 a of . from c for d to

"1 a get there . reach c arri$e d come

&1 a .% . as c at d than(1 a ith . on c in d for

*+1 a tradition . trading c trade d traditional

**1 a e$olution . e$ol$ed c e$ol$ing d e$ol$e

*21 a o$ergro . o$ereight c o$eract d o$erta)e

Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

6ore free lessons at 1Brea)ing@es0nglish1com - op%right 2++&   10

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Write a.out "<r+ for *+ minutes1 orrect %our partners paper1





















Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

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1$ VOCABULAR9 ETENSION hoose se$eral of the ords from the

te9t1 ?se a dictionar% or Googles search field or another search engine to.uild up more associations / collocations of each ord1

2$ INTERNET #earch the 8nternet and find out more a.out the histor% of 

.ase.all or a sport %ou li)e .etter1 #hare hat %ou disco$er ith %ourpartners in the ne9t lesson1

3$ ALE IE 6a)e a poster a.out the things that s%m.oliKe %our

countr%1 8nclude e9planations h% these things represent %our countr%1#ho %our or) to %our classmates in the ne9t lesson1 'id %ou all ha$e

similar thingsD

6$ OUR INVENTION Write a magaKine article a.out the origins of 

.ase.all1 8nclude imaginar% inter$ies ith an American .ase.all lo$er hois positi$e .ase.all is an American in$ention and a relati$e of the diarist

William Bra%1

Read hat %ou rote to %our classmates in the ne9t lesson1 Write don an%ne ords and e9pressions %ou hear from %our partners1

7$ DIAR9 : OURNAL  Fou are a professional .ase.all or another

sport pla%er1 Write a.out one da% in %our life1 ,o has %our sport changed%our lifeD Read %our entr% to %our classmates in the ne9t lesson1

8$ LETTER Write a letter to the 6a7or League Base.all officials1 As) them

three Cuestions a.out the ne disco$er% that .ase.all started in 0ngland1

6a)e three suggestions on hat the% should do to rerite their histor%.oo)s or cele.rate this ne disco$er%1 Read %our letter to %our partners in

%our ne9t lesson1 Four partners ill anser %our Cuestions1

Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

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a1 .1 T c1 d1 T e1 f1 T g1 T h1


*1 unco$ered a$ found2 e$idence b$ proof

31 lo$ers c$ fans

41 authentic d$ real

51 aare of   e$ conscious of

!1 originated #$ started

"1 form g$ st%le

&1 too) part h$ participated

(1 impro$e i$ .etter

*+1 e$ol$ed  %$ de$eloped


*1 ,istorians in 0ngland ha$e unco$ered a$ e$idence

2 as American b$ as apple pie

31 This ma% come c$ as a shoc)

41 the diar% d$ as authentic

51 Base.all officials are aare e$ of this nes

!1 8t ill come as no surprise #$ to man% sports fans

"1 the original form of .ase.all as g$ pla%ed .% .oth se9es

&1 8t=s a great h$ American tradition

(1 We=$e ala%s )non that i$ .ase.all e$ol$ed

*+1 0ngland ill o$erta)e  %$ the ?#A


Ba"e)a## !a" in*en+e in En#an

,istorians in 0ngland ha$e unco$ered e*ien%e that .ase.all ma% not .e as American as a<<#e <ie1 The BBreports that .ase.all as pla%ed in 0ngland in *"55 more than tent% %ears .efore Americas independence in*""!1 This ma% %'e as a shoc) for lo$ers of Americas national game ho .elie$e .ase.all is an American%rea+in1 A recentl% disco$ered diar% is proof that 0nglishmen ere hitting home runs #n .efore their cousinsacross the Atlantic1 The iari"+ as a man called William Bra% ho rote a.out the game .eing pla%ed in thecount% of #urre% south of London1 The #urre% ,istor% entre %n;ir'e the diar% as authentic and that it

contains an en+r5 descri.ing the game of .ase.all1 The BB sa%s 6a7or League Base.all officials are aare of thisnes1

8t ill come as no "(r<ri"e to man% sports fans that .ase.all originated in 0ngland1 The 0nglish in*en+e  the

orlds most popular sports including foot.all tennis rug.% and cric)et1 What might come as a surprise is that theoriginal ;r' of .ase.all as pla%ed .% .oth "ee"1 William Bra%s diar% descri.es a game of .ase.all pla%ed on a"<rin afternoon in hich %oung ladies too) part1 A Washington :ost 7ournalist ;e$in #ulli$an told the BB thathe as not surprised .ase.all came from Britain1 ,e said< 8t=s a great American +rai+in to ta)e things fromother places and impro$e them1 We=$e ala%s )non that .ase.all e*#*e> it asn=t in$ented li)e .as)et.all1 

'espite the recent disco$er% it seems unli)el% that 0ngland ill o$erta)e the ?#A as the num.er one .ase.all<!er1


Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

6ore free lessons at 1Brea)ing@es0nglish1com - op%right 2++&   13

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1 - a 2 - c 3 - b 4 - d 5 - c 6 - a 7 - d 8 - b 9 - c 10 - a 11 - b 12 - d

Baseball was invented in England – 12th September, 2008

6ore free lessons at 1Brea)ing@es0nglish1com - op%right 2++&   14