Cyan Magenta Yellow Black page 5 October 6, 2011 Photo by Jessa Adams/The Eagle Photo by Jessa Love Adams/The Eagle Utah State University club baseball team came to Price to face off in a double-header against USU Eastern Sept. 23. Eastern took both games from the parent college in Logan, but it wasn’t a walk in the park. In the first game, Eastern jumped out to an early 1-0 lead, courtesy of a home run by shortstop Chance Abrath. Eastern led 4-0 for the majority of the game until the Aggies capitalized with four runs on defen- sive miscues by the Golden Eagles. Eastern came into the final inning deadlocked at four with Utah State. The inning got started with a triple from Chance Abrath, and the next batter Mason Moore was intentionally walked, to set up a double play situation for Utah State’s de- fense. Eastern outfielder, Alex Church, then executed a safety squeeze bunt to allow the game-winning run to score. Eastern took the game 6-5. The Eagles’ offense benefitted from Denver Hansen, who reached base in every plate appearance as well as Matt Gochis, who swiped three bases in the victory. In the final game the Golden Eagles offense went silent. Fortu- nately, for Coach Scott Madsen, his pitching staff came out soaring. Pitchers Mason Moore, Tory Ulibarri and Kort Christ- offersen threw a combined no-hit shutout against the Aggies. The bats were kept off balance with a heavy dose of off-speed pitches from the opposing pitching staff. Eastern’s offense was limited to three hits in the game. Two of those hits came in the final inning. Kody Christoffersen singled to lead off the inning and on the first pitch from USU, the ball was hammered off the wall by Alex Church which enabled Christoffersen to score. Eastern came out with a 1-0 win even as the offense went silent. Madsen stated, “It was great to see our pitchers step up in that situation.” The Eagles are back in action the weekend of Oct. 7-8, when they play host to a Utah scout team on Oct. 7 at 4 p.m. and a double-header on Oct. 8 at 11 a.m. Admission is free. Baseball hits home Colby Tidwell staff writer [email protected] New to the USU Eastern baseball coaching staff is assistant coach KC Smurthwaite. This is Smurthwaite’s first year coaching at Eastern. When asked why he wanted to coach for Eastern, Smurthwaite responded, “Eastern gave me an opportunity to do something that I love.” He also works as part of game management for Eastern Athletics, working closely with Eastern Athletic Director, Dave Paur. Smurthwaite is receiving realistic experience, as his career goal is to be the athletic director at a college. He then went on to explain that USU Eastern has provided him with an opportunity to gain experience that he cannot receive in a classroom. “Most people my age don’t have the opportunity for experience like this,” said Smurthwaite. Eastern Baseball Head Coach, Scott Madsen is excited to have Smurthwaite as part of his coaching staff. He ex- pressed this by saying, “KC is a tremen- dous asset to our program and school. He is constantly trying to make improve- ments in both areas. He has come in to the program and given everyone around him the energy and desire to succeed in what they are doing. We hope to keep KC around for a long time, but with his desire and drive, I see him moving onto much bigger things than we could ever provide for him at this level. He is going to do great things for our school and athletic programs. We are excited to have him for as long as we get him.” When asked what he feels Smurth- waite’s strength as a baseball coach is,Madsen explained, “KC’s biggest strength would have to be his abil- ity to recruit. His ability to gather information on prospective players is well above any that I have seen before. Along with this he has a great personality that allows him to get along with any- one that he comes in contact with.” Kort Christofferson, a sophomore on the East- ern base- ball team said, “His strength as a coach is that he is always the one keeping everybody up and involved. You’ll always see Coach “Smurf” cheering for everybody no matter what the situ- ation is.” One thing some people dispute is that Coach Smurthwaite, who turns 22 this month, is the same age as some of the players that he coaches. However, this doesn’t seem to be a problem as far as Coach Madsen, Athletic Direc- tor, Dave Paur and players Corey McKendrick, and Kort Christofferson are concerned. Referring to Smurthwaite’s young age, McKendrick said, “ I think it helps in some instances because he keeps the fun. “It’s great having a young coach around like “Smurf”. We look at him as a friend and a coach. He just seems like another one of the guys, and the team loves that about him,” said Christofferson. Smurthwaite has had the oppor- tunity of acting as head coach for two of the preseason games. When asked about having the title and responsibili- ties Coach Smurthwaite expressed the pressure he feels of making a decision that will best benefit the team. The team won both of these games. Speaking of these wins, Smurth- waite said jokingly, “I have the highest winning percentage of any head coach in CEU history with 1000 percent, 2-0 re- cord; maybe I should retire now.” These games are only a prelude to his official head- coaching de- but January 28, 2012. The team opens up their of- ficial season against Utah State Univer- sity that day. The Golden Eagles will be without Head Coach Scott Madsen, who will be serving a two game suspension. Acting as head coach for the first two games of the season will most likely break a National Junior College Athletic Association record for youngest head coach for a NJCAA Division 1 team. Coach Smurth- waite’s goal for the season is to “leave the Eastern baseball team better than I found it. My goal is 30 or more wins and to help build, not only, the baseball program, but athletics department as a whole. I love this place, and the people I work with, like coaches Madsen and Paur.” Karli Morris staff writer [email protected] Young, but in the know Baseball team welcomes new assistant coach grabs people’s attention and gets you suspended, but quite a nice temper flair. 1- Go big or go home What happens when a ball is called a strike, but really was a ball? Well if you are manager Phil Wellman of the Mississippi Braves you go nuts. After throwing his hat and sunglasses and even covering home plate in dirt and then kicking it off, Wellman army crawled on his elbows to the pitcher’s mound. He then capped of the tirade by literally stealing third and second base and walking out to the outfield and then disappearing into the wall. Wellman then reappeared to blow kisses to the crowd before disappearing again. That is the best way to let your temper show, although the blown kisses aren’t really but they are a nice touch. And this has been temper flairs, next on the tee. continued on from page 4 Next on the Tee Photo by Jessa Love Adams/The Eagle photo by Sammie Fugate/The Eagle 10% off with student ID 435-613-2446 715 East Main Street Price, Utah Hours: Sun-Thurs 6 a.m.-10 p.m. • 435.636.3463 Fri-Sat 6 a.m.-11 p.m. Ostlund. CEU head coach Chris Craig then snagged Barton to be the assistant coach for the mens’ basketball team. After the Cinderella story season of 2009-2010, Craig left CEU for Northwestern Colorado University and Barton was announced as the interim head coach for the 2010-2011 season. After coaching the team to a 23-7 record, Barton was offered the head coaching position at USU Eastern in June 2011. Barton said, “Basketball is my No. 1 pas- sion,” this was certainly true. Anybody who knew Barton knew that basketball ran his life. He ruptured his achilles tendon recently, but refused to have surgery explaining that it would take him away from coaching his basketball team and recruiting. Instead Barton walked with a distinct limp, which was his symbol of true sacrifice and devotion to a team he truly loved. Barton has one quote on his facebook page by Oliver Wendell Holmes, “Death twitches my ear, ‘live,’ he says, ‘I am coming.’” When John Wooden, the legendary UCLA basketball coach died Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said, “He wanted to win, but not more than anything … My relationship with him has been one of the most significant of my life … the consummate teacher, he taught us that the best you are capable of is victory enough, and that you can’t walk until you crawl, that gentle but profound truth about growing up.” Many on and off campus at USU Eastern feel the same way about our, and yes he is ours, Coach Brad. Although many had their lives touched by Barton, some wished to share their feelings for him on facebook, along with others who knew him as their friend. Chancellor Joe Peterson wrote, “We mourn the passing of Coach Brad Barton. The campus and community are in shock. Brad was an important part of not only the athletics program, but of the entire USU Eastern family. This was clearly demonstrated at this morn- ing’s student meeting with over two hundred and fifty students and staff in attendance. It was a real tribute to his influence. “We will be providing transportation to the funeral in Ogden on Saturday. Plans for a memorial service on campus at a later time are still being discussed. “Our immediate concern is for the welfare of our student athletes. We have provided grief counseling and other support services to deal with issues of personal loss. We encourage any who have been affected to make an ap- pointment and visit with Jan Thornton and her staff at the Wellness Center in the SAC.” Plans for the future of the program and coaching decisions will be postponed until next week.” Starting with the faculty and staff of USU Eastern, Becky Archibald, director of dining services said, “When I heard the news that you were gone my heart was saddened. You will be deeply missed by many. May God’s peace fill our hearts knowing you’re in his care.” Jan Thornton, director for Disability Resource Center stated, “Coach touched the lives of so many people. Words can’t express how much he will be missed.” KC Smurthwaite, assistant baseball coach said, “Whenever I walked in the athletics of- fice he always went out of his way to say hi.” Susan Polster, The Eagle adviser ex- plained, “Coach Brad was one of the smart- est people I have ever met. His philosophies about life reflected the reality of competition, whether it be a moral argument or a simple discussion about its role in making great human beings. He said great coaches were always hungry to win. It was not about the paycheck, it was about winning with players that become family to you. His players were his family. “ Coach Dave Paur, athletic director said, “I remember our last conversation, we were just chatting and I asked him about the team, he said, ‘Coach I like my team …’ that is the last thing I remember him saying, ‘I like my team.’” Eagle editors at USU Eastern, Valeria Moncada reflected, “Coach Brad was an amazing man, he always made time for ev- eryone and anyone no matter who they were. He always knew what to say to students to make them feel better about anything and make them give everything their all.” Jasmine Petit said, “ ‘You’ve got to be mentally tough boys.’ I swear he said that every practice. He didn’t have to ask you to give your all. You just did.” Former photo editor who accompanied Barton to Kansas in ‘10 and Southern Idaho in ‘11, Scott Frederick added, “Coach Brad Barton was a blue collar guy that was every- body’s best friend. Anyone around Brad was family. Serious about his players on and off the court and serious about staying positive, upbeat and jovial. His athletes may say it best though. Walker Gale said, “He was a true warrior for many different reasons. He always kept it real and found a way to help me dig deep and find something within myself that I didn’t know I had. He was a man of immense courage and discipline and was the most competitive man that I’ve ever met. With his passing comes great responsibility for our team, but now we have even more fuel for success.” Dominique Lawrence exclaimed, “Coach you did something that only GREAT people do, you changed the world of those around you and as we go out into the world we will take you with us, and through all the people that you have changed you will be on every inch of this planet. I LOVE YOU MAN.” Cameron Evans expressed his love in a quote from Barton himself, “‘Tough times don’t last, tough people do.’ The one and only Brad Barton.” Jonathan Mills wrote, “I’m just sitting here thinking about the first time we met how you came and picked me up from the airport, how the first time you saw me play and told me how much you loved how hard I played and how I reminded you of me. You was more than a coach to me, you were my friend and family. I will never forget how we spent Thanksgiving dinner together with your family and how they accepted me as family. I love Brad. I will always think of you whenever I have a basketball in my hand. RIP.” Nicholas Thompson added, “I would not be the man I am today without you. You taught me so much. I’ll never forget all the times we had man. You were one of my best friends. Every time I step on a court, I know you will be there. I love you Brad.” John Morgan, former CEU baseball player said, “Coach Brad was a person that was loved so much and would anything for anyone, not just the basketball players. If you went to CEU, Coach B was your friend.” Volleyball player Kasey Day wrote, “Re- member all those volleyball matches in the BDAC? You, me versus [Coach Chris] Craig, Chels...we won. Thank you so much for the different outlook on life, sports, religion, etc. You are awesome.” Another volleyball player, Alexis Adams wrote, “I remember summer school in ‘09 at CEU sitting in Nick’s [Thompson] room talk- ing about life. You asked me what my favorite scripture was and I couldn’t choose one. I know my favorite one is now...Phillippians 4:13...I can do all through him, who gives me strength. You are an incredible man who gave strength to many. You will be missed, but never forgotten.” I would also like to express my apprecia- tion publicly for coach Barton. As the sports editor I spent plenty of time in Coach Brad’s office, probably more then I should have but he made me feel like I was the most impor- tant person in the world and the only one that mattered. Coach Brad you will always be our coach, you will be greatly missed and always be appreciated by all of those that have had the pleasure of rubbing shoulders with you. You always saw the glass as half-full and spread that throughout campus and wherever you went. Rest in peace, Coach Brad Barton, March 5, 1980 to October 4, 2011. Coach Barton continued from front page Coach Brad Barton’s viewing will be from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m., funeral 11 a.m. Weber State University’s D ee Events Center, 4 450 South H arrison Boulevard, Ogden ,Utah Candlelight Vigil at USU Eastern on M onday, Oct. 11, 7:30 p.m., library pit USU Eastern’s baseball players in the midst of fall ball as they prepare for conference play in February. KC Smurthwaite

05-Oct 6, 2011

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USU Eastern’s baseball players in the midst of fall ball as they prepare for conference play in February. staff writer [email protected] staff writer [email protected] grabs people’s attention and gets you suspended, but quite a nice temper flair. 1- Go big or go home What happens when a ball is called a strike, but really was a ball? Well if you are manager Phil Wellman of the Mississippi Braves you go nuts. After throwing his hat KC Smurthwaite continued on from page 4

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Page 1: 05-Oct 6, 2011

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

page 5October 6, 2011

Photo by Jessa Adams/The EaglePhoto by Jessa Love Adams/The Eagle

Utah State University club baseball team came to Price to face off in a double-header against USU Eastern Sept. 23. Eastern took both games from the parent college in Logan, but it wasn’t a walk in the park.

In the first game, Eastern jumped out to an early 1-0 lead, courtesy of a home run by shortstop Chance Abrath. Eastern led 4-0 for the majority of the game until the

Aggies capitalized with four runs on defen-sive miscues by the Golden Eagles. Eastern came into the final inning deadlocked at four with Utah State.

The inning got started with a triple from Chance Abrath, and the next batter Mason Moore was intentionally walked, to set up a double play situation for Utah State’s de-fense. Eastern outfielder, Alex Church, then executed a safety squeeze bunt to allow the game-winning run to score. Eastern took the game 6-5. The Eagles’ offense benefitted from Denver Hansen, who reached base

in every plate appearance as well as Matt Gochis, who

swiped three bases in the victory.

In the final game the Golden Eagles offense went silent. Fortu-nately, for Coach Scot t Madsen, his pitching staff came out soaring. Pitchers Mason Moore, Tory Ulibarri and Kort Christ-

offersen threw a combined no-hit shutout against the Aggies.

The bats were kept off balance with a heavy dose of off-speed pitches from the opposing pitching staff. Eastern’s offense was limited to three hits in the game. Two of those hits came in the final inning.

Kody Christoffersen singled to lead off the inning and on the first pitch from USU, the ball was hammered off the wall

by Alex Church which enabled Christoffersen to score.

Eastern came out with a 1-0 win even as the

offense went silent. Madsen stated, “It was

great to see our pitchers

step up in that situation.” The Eagles are

back in action the weekend of Oct. 7-8,

w h e n

they play host to a Utah s c o u t team on Oct. 7 at 4 p.m. and a double-header on Oct. 8 at 11 a.m. Admission is free.

Baseball hits homeColby Tidwell

staff writer [email protected]

New to the USU Eastern baseball coaching staff is assistant coach KC Smurthwaite. This is Smurthwaite’s first year coaching at Eastern. When asked why he wanted to coach for Eastern, Smurthwaite responded, “Eastern gave me an opportunity to do something that I love.” He also works as part of game management for Eastern Athletics, working closely with Eastern Athletic Director, Dave Paur. Smurthwaite is receiving realistic experience, as his career goal is to be the athletic director at a college. He then went on to explain that USU Eastern has provided him with an opportunity to gain experience that he cannot receive in a classroom. “Most people my age don’t have the opportunity for experience like this,” said Smurthwaite.

Eastern Baseball Head Coach, Scott Madsen is excited to have Smurthwaite as part of his coaching staff. He ex-pressed this by saying, “KC is a tremen-dous asset to our program and school. He is constantly trying to make improve-ments in both areas. He has come in to the program and given everyone around him the energy and desire to succeed in what they are doing. We hope to keep KC around for a long time, but with his desire and drive, I see him moving onto much bigger things than we could ever provide for him at this level. He is going to do great things for our school and athletic programs. We are excited

to have him for as long as we get him.”When asked what he feels Smurth-

waite’s strength as a baseball coach is,Madsen explained, “KC’s biggest strength would have to be his abil-ity to recruit. His ability to gather information on prospective players is well above any that I have seen before. Along with this he has a great personality that allows him to get along with any-one that he comes in contact with.” Kort Chr istofferson, a sophomore on the East-e r n ba se -ba l l t eam said, “His strength as a coach is that he is always t h e one keeping everybody up and involved. You’ll always see Coach “Smurf” cheering for everybody no matter what the situ-ation is.”

One thing some people dispute is that Coach Smurthwaite, who turns 22 this month, is the same age as some of the players that he coaches. However, this doesn’t seem to be a problem as far as Coach Madsen, Athletic Direc-tor, Dave Paur and players Corey McKendrick, and Kort Christofferson are concerned. Referring to Smurthwaite’s young age, McKendrick said, “ I think it helps in some instances because he keeps the fun. “It’s great having a young coach around like “Smurf”. We look at him as a friend and a coach. He just seems like another one of the guys, and the team loves that about him,” said Christofferson.

Smurthwaite has had the oppor-tunity of acting as head coach for two

of the preseason games. When asked about having the title and responsibili-ties Coach Smurthwaite expressed the

pressure he feels of making a decision that will best benefit the team. The team won both

of these games. Speaking of these wins, Smurth-

waite said jokingly, “I have the highest winning

percentage of any head coach in CEU history with 1000

percent, 2-0 re-cord; maybe I should retire now.”

T h e s e games are only a prelude to his official head-coaching de-but Janua r y 28, 2012. The team opens up their of-ficial season against Utah

State Univer-sity that day. The

Golden Eagles will be without Head Coach Scott Madsen, who will be serving a two game suspension. Acting as head coach for the first two games

of the season will most likely break a National

Junior College Athletic Association record for

youngest head coach for a NJCAA Division 1 team.

C o a ch Smu r t h -waite’s goal for the season is to “leave the Eastern baseball

team better than I found it. My goal is 30 or more wins and to help build, not only, the baseball program, but athletics department as a whole. I love this place, and the people I work with, like coaches Madsen and Paur.”

Karli Morrisstaff writer

[email protected]

Young, but in the know

Baseball team welcomes new assistant coach

grabs people’s attention and gets you suspended, but quite a nice temper flair.

1- Go big or go homeWhat happens when a ball is

called a strike, but really was a ball? Well if you are manager Phil Wellman of the Mississippi Braves you go nuts. After throwing his hat

and sunglasses and even covering home plate in dirt and then kicking it off, Wellman army crawled on his elbows to the pitcher’s mound. He then capped of the tirade by literally stealing third and second base and walking out to the outfield and then disappearing into the wall. Wellman then reappeared

to blow kisses to the crowd before disappearing again. That is the best way to let your temper show, although the blown kisses aren’t really but they are a nice touch.

And this has been temper flairs, next on the tee.

continued on from page 4Next on the Tee


o by


sa L







photo by Sammie Fugate/The Eagle

10% off with student ID


715 East Main StreetPrice, Utah

Hours: Sun-Thurs 6 a.m.-10 p.m. • 435.636.3463 Fri-Sat 6 a.m.-11 p.m.

Ostlund. CEU head coach Chris Craig then snagged Barton to be the assistant coach for the mens’ basketball team. After the Cinderella story season of 2009-2010, Craig left CEU for Northwestern Colorado University and Barton was announced as the interim head coach for the 2010-2011 season. After coaching the team to a 23-7 record, Barton was offered the head coaching position at USU Eastern in June 2011.

Barton said, “Basketball is my No. 1 pas-sion,” this was certainly true. Anybody who knew Barton knew that basketball ran his life. He ruptured his achilles tendon recently, but refused to have surgery explaining that it would take him away from coaching his basketball team and recruiting. Instead Barton walked with a distinct limp, which was his symbol of true sacrifice and devotion to a team he truly loved.

Barton has one quote on his facebook page by Oliver Wendell Holmes, “Death twitches my ear, ‘live,’ he says, ‘I am coming.’”

When John Wooden, the legendary UCLA basketball coach died Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said, “He wanted to win, but not more than anything … My relationship with him has been one of the most significant of my life … the consummate teacher, he taught us that the best you are capable of is victory enough, and that you can’t walk until you crawl, that gentle but profound truth about growing up.” Many on and off campus at USU Eastern feel the same way about our, and yes he is ours, Coach Brad.

Although many had their lives touched by Barton, some wished to share their feelings for him on facebook, along with others who knew him as their friend.

Chancellor Joe Peterson wrote, “We mourn the passing of Coach Brad Barton. The campus and community are in shock. Brad was an important part of not only the athletics program, but of the entire USU Eastern family. This was clearly demonstrated at this morn-ing’s student meeting with over two hundred and fifty students and staff in attendance. It was a real tribute to his influence.

“We will be providing transportation to the funeral in Ogden on Saturday. Plans for a memorial service on campus at a later time are still being discussed.

“Our immediate concern is for the welfare of our student athletes. We have provided grief counseling and other support services to deal with issues of personal loss. We encourage any who have been affected to make an ap-pointment and visit with Jan Thornton and her staff at the Wellness Center in the SAC.”

Plans for the future of the program and coaching decisions will be postponed until next week.”

Starting with the faculty and staff of USU Eastern, Becky Archibald, director of dining services said, “When I heard the news that you were gone my heart was saddened. You will be deeply missed by many. May God’s peace fill our hearts knowing you’re in his care.”

Jan Thornton, director for Disability Resource Center stated, “Coach touched the lives of so many people. Words can’t express how much he will be missed.”

KC Smurthwaite, assistant baseball coach said, “Whenever I walked in the athletics of-fice he always went out of his way to say hi.”

Susan Polster, The Eagle adviser ex-plained, “Coach Brad was one of the smart-est people I have ever met. His philosophies about life reflected the reality of competition, whether it be a moral argument or a simple discussion about its role in making great human beings. He said great coaches were always hungry to win. It was not about the paycheck, it was about winning with players that become family to you. His players were his family. “

Coach Dave Paur, athletic director said, “I remember our last conversation, we were just chatting and I asked him about the team, he said, ‘Coach I like my team …’ that is the last thing I remember him saying, ‘I like

my team.’”Eagle editors at USU Eastern, Valeria

Moncada reflected, “Coach Brad was an amazing man, he always made time for ev-eryone and anyone no matter who they were. He always knew what to say to students to make them feel better about anything and make them give everything their all.”

Jasmine Petit said, “ ‘You’ve got to be mentally tough boys.’ I swear he said that every practice. He didn’t have to ask you to give your all. You just did.”

Former photo editor who accompanied Barton to Kansas in ‘10 and Southern Idaho in ‘11, Scott Frederick added, “Coach Brad Barton was a blue collar guy that was every-body’s best friend. Anyone around Brad was family. Serious about his players on and off the court and serious about staying positive, upbeat and jovial.

His athletes may say it best though. Walker Gale said, “He was a true warrior for many different reasons. He always kept it real and found a way to help me dig deep and find something within myself that I didn’t know I had. He was a man of immense courage and discipline and was the most competitive man that I’ve ever met. With his passing comes great responsibility for our team, but now we have even more fuel for success.”

Dominique Lawrence exclaimed, “Coach you did something that only GREAT people do, you changed the world of those around you and as we go out into the world we will take you with us, and through all the people that you have changed you will be on every inch of this planet. I LOVE YOU MAN.”

Cameron Evans expressed his love in a quote from Barton himself, “‘Tough times don’t last, tough people do.’ The one and only Brad Barton.”

Jonathan Mills wrote, “I’m just sitting here thinking about the first time we met how you came and picked me up from the airport, how the first time you saw me play and told me how much you loved how hard I played and how I reminded you of me. You was more than a coach to me, you were my friend and family. I will never forget how we spent Thanksgiving dinner together with your family and how they accepted me as family. I love Brad. I will always think of you whenever I have a basketball in my hand. RIP.”

Nicholas Thompson added, “I would not be the man I am today without you. You taught me so much. I’ll never forget all the times we had man. You were one of my best friends. Every time I step on a court, I know you will be there. I love you Brad.”

John Morgan, former CEU baseball player said, “Coach Brad was a person that was loved so much and would anything for anyone, not just the basketball players. If you went to CEU, Coach B was your friend.”

Volleyball player Kasey Day wrote, “Re-member all those volleyball matches in the BDAC? You, me versus [Coach Chris] Craig, Chels...we won. Thank you so much for the different outlook on life, sports, religion, etc. You are awesome.”

Another volleyball player, Alexis Adams wrote, “I remember summer school in ‘09 at CEU sitting in Nick’s [Thompson] room talk-ing about life. You asked me what my favorite scripture was and I couldn’t choose one. I know my favorite one is now...Phillippians 4:13...I can do all through him, who gives me strength. You are an incredible man who gave strength to many. You will be missed, but never forgotten.”

I would also like to express my apprecia-tion publicly for coach Barton. As the sports editor I spent plenty of time in Coach Brad’s office, probably more then I should have but he made me feel like I was the most impor-tant person in the world and the only one that mattered.

Coach Brad you will always be our coach, you will be greatly missed and always be appreciated by all of those that have had the pleasure of rubbing shoulders with you. You always saw the glass as half-full and spread that throughout campus and wherever you went. Rest in peace, Coach Brad Barton, March 5, 1980 to October 4, 2011.

Coach Bartoncontinued from front page

Coach Brad Barton’s viewing will be from

9:30 to 10:45 a.m.,funeral 11 a.m.

Weber State University’s D ee Events Center,

4450 South H arrison Boulevard, Ogden ,Utah

Candlelight Vigil at USU Eastern

on M onday, Oct. 11,7:30 p.m., library pit

USU Eastern’s baseball players in the midst of fall ball as they prepare for conference play in February.

KC Smurthwaite