< y s > r di J 0 d < d 1fi f- v > 7r i t r 7 t < ifl j J 11 j 3- e 0 Volume 15 No f3 OCALA FLORIDA MONDAY JULY 19 99 FBIy Cents a u Year I w k BILIOUS f I c SI MMONSS- fiash i t I v- E r L i I I I FO- RSPEEDY f RELIEF j L fOR PIES AND TH1NGS g < I- f t < 8- r r L 9- II 7 V 1 = > i t Pumpkin Kershaws 15 cents each and they are fine and 4 I going fast fi t 0 K GROCERY ARVEY CLARK Proprietor h == 4 a gee t I r- 1 Y THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KI33E and taste aa sweet Thats why Schlea lngers and Lowneya Candles in half and pound boxes are so popular Pure confections these flavor delicious Ow confectionery Is free trim adultera- tion ¬ It is wholesome and healthful Every kind of confectionery here Fruits Cold Drinks Cigars and News ¬ paperAT BALLARDS n r 1 1 cows r- b COMMERCIAL STATIONERY of high grade and quality for office and store receives a great deal of our time and attention as our stock and 1 facilities for supplying large and small orders will amply attest Whether- you want a lead pencil or a huge led- ger ¬ a note book or a letter press its tw worth your while to come In look around and compare prices 1 OOALA NEWS COMPA- NYMoDteznmaBaibeisliop I e I In Connection With the Hotel Office o Skilled WOrKmen and courteous at- tention ¬ to all Special attention to children 1 t- t ELECTRIC MASSAGE HOT AND COLT WATER- R rw r A DETTERiCH Proorietor THE COMMERCIALPRE- SSING CLUB ti J C IARDIN Proprietor Y Ne I Ft King Ave East Phone 144 r f Work Called for and Delivered Prompt- Iy AJI Work Guaranteed White Trade Only t t TAFT AND THE TARIFF- Looks Like the Big Man Will Have His Way in Having Rates on Raw Materials Lowered Washington D C July ISPresl ¬ dent Taft will win his fight for free- or reduced rates of duty on raw ma ¬ terials Nearly every member of the conference committe on the tariff bill conceded this The indications are that when the hew tariff bill becomes- a law the rates on the articles which the president desired to come In free- will be as follows Iron ore free present rates 40 cents per ton Oil free now protected by counter valing duty Hides 7 per cent ad valorem pres ¬ ent rate 15 per cent Coal 45 cents per ton present rate 67 cents Lumber probably 125 on routh with Senate rates on finished This would be a material reduction through ¬ out the lumber schedule I A HORRIBLE HOLDUP About ten years ago my brother was heldup in his work health and happiness by what was believed to be hopeless consumption writes W R Liscomb of Washington N C He took all kinds of remedies and treat ¬ ment from several doctors but found- no help till he used Dr Kings New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles He is a well man today Its quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs hemorr- hages ¬ coughs and colds bronchitis la grippe asthma and all bronchial af ¬ fections LOc and 1 Trial bottle free Guaranteed by all druggists TAFT AND DIAZ Will Meet on the Bridge at El Paso j Some Day This Fall Washington July 18Ambasador- de la Barra of Mexico and Secretary- of State Knox arranged today the de ¬ tails of the meeting of President Taft and President Diaz this fall The ex ¬ act date was left open I The two presidents will meet at the center of the bridge between El Paso Texas and Juarez Mexico and it will have to be the exact center of the Rio Grande as neither president is sup ¬ posed to be allowed to leave the coun- try ¬ during his term of office Over Mr Taft will wave the Stars and Stripes and over Mr Diaz the Iem- blem ¬ of Mexico An amphitheater is to be built along the bridge so that men and women of both nations can see the two distinguished heads of government and listen to what they say r A GOLDEN WEDDING means that man ana wire have lived to I a good old age and consequently- have kept healthy The best way to keep healthy Is to see that your liver does Ids duty 365 days out of 365 The only way to do this Is to keep Bal lords Herblne in the house and take- it whenever your liver gets inactive 60 cents per bottle Sold by all drug gists CONFICT OVER A COW Ccnsiderably Thins Out the Population- of the Little Town of Union Miss Union Miss July 18One old cow I which would not have brought S25 on the market caused a bloody pistol I battle In the streets of this little town yesterday It resulted in the killing- of I two men the fatal injuring of two more and the serious wounding of an theAll ttye men in the bloody battle are prominent in this section of Mississip- pi ¬ and number many relatives in New- ton county Consequently It was be- lieved at first that further strife would result but indications are that no one wIll be left to answer to the law for tho tragedy Everyone would be benefited by tak- Ing Foleys Orlno Laxative for stom ¬ ach and liver trouble and habitual constipation It sweetens the stom ¬ ach and breath gently stimulates the liver and regulates the bowels and is much superior to pills and ordinary laxatives Why not try Foleys Orlno Laxative today Sold by all druggists NEAR BEER CAME TOO CLOSE Valdosta Qa July IS Warrants have been sworn out against ten near beer dealers here charging them with selling Intoxicants Pat Pinnerty a white man caused them to be Issued- It Is said a young man was used as a tester as to the intoxicating qual ities of the liquids and that his jag was genuine A CONTENTED WOMAN- is always found In the same House with Ballards Snow Liniment It keeps every member of the family free from aches and pains It heals cuts burns and scalds and cures rheuma- tism ¬ neuralgia lumbago and all mus ¬ cular soreness and stiffness 25c 50c and SI a bottle At all druggists A HUMAN TANK Chattanooga Tenn July ISWhen officers attempted to prove that neat beer drinks which have come Into common use since Tennessee went dry were Intoxicating J L Walton was placed on the stand In the city court yesterday without having oaten break- fast ¬ He drank 25 glasses of the bev- erages ¬ After a sufficient length of time hail elapsed and he was found- to be sober the court decided the drinks were not Intoxicating DONT GET A DIVORCE- A western Judge granted a divorce- on account of illtemper and bad breath Dr Kings New Life Pills would have prevented It They cure constipation causing bad breath and liver trouble the Illtemper dispel colds banish headaches conquer chills 25c at all druggists PICNIC AT CARTERS POND The annual picnic will be given at Carters Pond July 23rd and the pub Us is cordially Invited to attend and bring well filled baskets Peroxide Cream for the complexion J at the Court Pharmacy it 1 j THE CLOSE A Big Special for Monday- and Tuesday Only 8t x90 Peperell Red Sheets Seamless Formerly 75 and 85 cents I9CEACHB- est value ever offered in Ocala THE GLOBET- he Underselling Store I RUMBLINGS Or REVOLUTION I Heard from MexicoThe Long Reign- of Diaz May be Drawing- to a Close Mexico City July ISThe Mexican authorities claim that this govern- ment ¬ has no evidence of any revolu tlbnary plot such as that reported j from San Antonio I Conditions in Mexico are more agi ¬ tated than for sonje years owing to the approaching presidential election- In 1910 President Diaz renominated- for I the seventh time Is unopposed- His I running mate Vice President Ito man Carrol Is bitterly opposed by a i large element which is clamoring for I the election of Gen Bernado Reyes Reyes insists he Is not a candidate- but administrative papers accuse him of treachery- It has been charged that he has been secretly conducting a campaign in the army where he Is very popular and that his real ajnbition is to supplant Diaz The native press is indulging in much talk about revolutions Some few days ago a small quantity of arms and ammunition was seized in the little border town of Fuerte between Chi ¬ huahua and Sonora The fight there is local and between two guberna ¬ I torial candidates Reade and Forbal The latter has been designated an ad ¬ herent of Reyes by administration or gans and some of his followers have been Imprisoned- IF YOU KNEW the merits of the Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kidney blad- der ¬ of rheumatic trouble S ± bottle two months treatment Sold by druggists or by mall Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive Street St Louis Mo- CUPIDS SHAFT WAS FATAL- To the Young Scion of the House of Rothschild Chicago Ill July 88 According to a cable Baron Oscar Rothschild the youngest son of Baron Rothschild of Vienna suicided because his family prevented him from marrying the beautiful Chicago girl Olga Menn a daughter of Dr Rudolph Menn the at ¬ tending physician at the local German hospital Rothschild met the woman- at the physicians dinner party ar ¬ ranged shortly after Rothschild had brought a friend to Chicago to take i treatment In the hospital two months ago It was a case of love at first sight j 1 BRAVE FIRE LADDIES often receive severe urns nutting out fires then use Bucklens Arnica Salve and forget them It soon drives out pain For burns scalds wounds cuts and bruises its earths greatest healer Quickly cures skin eruptions old sores bolls ulcers felons best pile cure made Relief is Instant 25c at all druggists WILL HAVE GOOD FRUIT I R S Hall has been reelected presi ¬ dent of the Lemon Bay Fruit company This company owns a splendid grove some miles south of Sarasota and they hope soon to pay very handsome div- idends ¬ They will ship quite a quan- tity ¬ of fruit the coming season New York Produce News- A MILLIONAIRES BABY attended by the hlgnest priced baby specialist could not be cured or stom- ach ¬ or bowel trouble any quicker or surer than your baby if you civo it McGees Baby Elixir Cures diarr ¬ hoea dysentery and all derangements of the stomach or bowels Price 25 cents and 50 cents Sold by all drug ¬ gists ELECTROCUTED IN BED Roanoke Tex July lSH L Elder was electrocuted in bed durng a storm He was sleeping In an Iron bed and- a hard wind blew an electric light wire over one of the posts of the bed The insulation was worn from the wire and the bed became charged with electricity There Is no better stock of fine writing papers In the city than we carry Come In and look It over if you want something really nice Ty dIngs Co I Odd Fellows meet Tuesday night i t2 LAi FIFTY MILES AN HOUft Aeronaut Curtiss Says Running an Aeroplane is Easy as Running An Automobile- New York July ISGlenn H Cur ¬ tiss of Hammondsport an inventor yesterday morning drove his aeroplane- the Gold Bug at the rate of fifty miles an hour circling Hempstead Plains Long Island seven times a distance of 29 miles and remaining up for fiftythree minutes The Gold Bug would have stayed up indefinite- ly said Curtiss but the gasolene ran short It is as easy as running an au tomobile Thousands watched the night v- STARVED TO DEATH- is what could truthfully be said of many children who die They have worms poor little thingsthey dont know it and you dont realize It If your child Is cross fretful pasty complexioned and loses weight for no apparent reason give It Whites Cream Vermifuge You will be sur ¬ prised at the results and how quickly t picks up Sold by all druggists TAFT WILL ATTEND- A CONFEDERATE REUNION Washington July ISIf Congress adjourns before July 21 President Taft will on that day attend a reunion of Confederate veterans at Fishers Hill Virginia- R C Davis Co of Jacksonville- will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired SAGANS HAVE A SON Paris July ISA son was born yes- terday ¬ to the Princess de Sagan who was Miss Anna Gould of New York Prince Hello de Sagan and Mme Gould were married July 1 i908 after her di- vorce ¬ from Boni de Castellane INCREASE YOUR LIGHTS- I have just received a lot of the celebrated Halophane glass shades for electric lights These shades increase your light power 75 per cent Try them H W Tucker the electric sup- ply ¬ man C J PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 120 South Third St Phone 130 OCALA FLA- W C BLANGHARD I CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION P O Box 48 OCALA FLA THE COMMERCIAL BARBER SHOP Opens Into the Lobb cf the Ocala House Offers the very best service of skilled workmen with modern ap- pliances ¬ Strictly sanitary Electric fans electric massages Hot Running Water at All Times VINCENT C DETTERiCH Manager FRESH FISH- I receive daily shipments of choke fresh and salt water fish of the best varieties I handle nothing but fish and handle them right WM TUCKER Phone 219 City Market I = fS k j FILl PINES WILL BE FAVORED- Immense Quantities of Cigars and Tobacco to Come in Free from te Islands Washington July 18President Taft will win another decided victory in the Philippine free trade provision The subcommittee which has been con- sidering ¬ this section has decided to permit the free admission of 150000 cigars annually as requested by the president instead of 70000000 as would be admitted under a Senate amendment- It is expected the Philippine section- as approved by the subcommittee will be adopted It provides for the free admission of 300000 pounds of wrap ¬ per tobacco and 1500000 pounds of filler tobacco and 300000 tons of su ¬ garWith the exception of rice and the limitation placed upon tobacco and su ¬ gar all articles the growth product- and manufacture of the Philippine Is ¬ lands will be admitted free The In- clusion of the words or manufacture- is the subject of criticism in many quarters Many people with chronic throat and lung trouble have found comfort and relief In Foleys Honey and Tar as it cures stubborn coughs after other treatment has failed L M Ruggles Reasnor Iowa writes Tho doctors said I had consumption and I got no better until I took Foleys Honey and Tar It stopped the hemorrhages and pain In my lungs and they are now as sound as a bullet Sold by all drug- gists ¬ ORVILLE WAS UP IN THE AIR I In His New Aeroplane for Over Six ¬ teen Minutes Washington July lRAfter many mishaps the new Wright aeroplane yesterday successfully navigated the I air making the best record for Wright since the accident last fall The aero ¬ plane was guided by Orville and was traveling at the rate of fortyfive miles an hour and the height of 85 to 90 feet and remained In the air 164 minutes The descent was without dif- ficulty ¬ The two brothers could not disguise their satisfaction at the re- sult ¬I of the test and were heartily cop ¬ gratulated f When the digestion Is all right the action of the bowels regular there is a natural craving and relish for food When this Is lacking you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets They strengthen the digestive organs im ¬ prove the appetite and regulate the bowels KHAKI WILL BE DISCARDED American Soldiers Will Wear Cotton Clothes in Summer Washington July 18The United States army has discarded khaki The service uniform in the future will be an olive drab cotton cloth Nine hun ¬ dred thousand yards are needed each year The khaki was intended particularly for use in the tropics but it has been I be too warm The War De- partment said that it could get In EngI land the kind of khaki used by British I troops in India and Africa but the I government decided against purchas- ing ¬ material abroad and decided on the American made cotton f Dysentery Is a dangerous disease but can be cured Chamberlains Colic j Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been successfully used In nine epi ¬ I demics of dysentery It has never been known to fail It is equally val ¬ I uable for children and adults and when reduced with water and sweet ¬ ened It is pleasant to take- A TENFOLD EXAGGERATION- First Report of Greek Earthquake was Too Fierce Athens Greece July ISThe esti ¬ mates of the dead from the earthquake- which t occurred in southern Greece Thursday are considerably diminished- At first it was believed that 300 had lost their lives Now it Is reported- that only twentysix are dead Be sure and take a bottle of Cham berlalns Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy withyou when starting on your trip this summer It cannot be obtainedon board the trains or steam- ers ¬ Changes of water and climate often cause sudden attacks of diarr ¬ hoea and it is best to be prepared HELL BE MORE CAREFUL IN Tuscaloosa Ala July IS Arthur Cook an employe of the Holt furnace here was killed yesterday afternoon- by the explosion of a can of powder- into which he had thrown a lighted match after using It to light a cigar ¬ ette Three companions were only slightly shocked If people with symptoms of kidney- or bladder trouble could realize their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foleys Kidney Pills This great remedy stops the pain and the Irregularities strength- ens ¬ and builds up these organs and there is no danger of Brights disease- or other serious disorder Do not dis ¬ regard the early symptoms Sold by all druggists WILL STAND BY HER HUSBAND J Chicago July 1SMrs Cora Miller wife of Wr William Miller who Is held at Watseka 111 for the murder of Jno- B Sayler a banker arrived here yes- terday ¬ from her home Blainsville Pa She left In the evening for Buckley III where she will consult with her brother regarding the defense of her husband She says she will stand by him to the last Delay In taking Foleys KIndoy Remedy If you have backache kidney- or bladder trouble fastens the disease upon and makes a cure more difficult Commence taking Foleys Kidney Remedy today and you will soon be well Why risk a serious malady Sold by all druggists A new line of popular priced books just In at the Ocala News Co N J ItiG 4 j r jstsTi T Q4 Y WHAT A BANK D0ES J There are many ways in which > t serves the 3 public but the one now most valuable per haps is to help with loans We will meet the needs of conservative borrowers r The Munroe Ghambliss Bariky INCORPORATED > i T T Monroe Pres Z C Chatbl las y Prcs A E kris Ca- ereFUBNITVRE3WSE t w THE X B I t OF HeWER fi HadUT CARRIES A LARG- EMODERNANDJIOMPETE1TOCI a 4 to F- FUR811WE < r2 TY J- HOUSEFURNlgfGSlALk AND KINDS f n 0 a The only Hose ii Ceilral FltrMi that CIIQIddJ Furnishes the Home Carries it ill Times the a Latest ad s Best ia Furnllnre Keeping ip wig tit times ail tat What the People Want Also carries a Complete Liie tf liillers ail SfecU w c Hardware Carriages Wagons Buggies lareess Saddles Etc f Look over our Stock and f et tar prices before ywi make your purchases Ywirs lespectWly 1 > Mol VE R i rst MALAY OcalaFlorida FOR H ALTH AND PLEASURE I I The Beautiful Hayfrood White Sulphur Springs Hotel Land of the Sky WAYNES VILLE N C AltifukU 285Oeet > On the Southern Railway one hour rrom AshevIIIe Capacity 250 guests No consumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and Te mis U Special attention to mountain parties Special party and family rates For information address G C ROGAN Manager Formerly manager of Kenll worth Inn Asheville i MONTEZUMA JOTELt GUY W TOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUND f1 leading Commercial Hotel Rates 2 Per Day tcala FZtriiaBS- TKUIG T r a A 0- qq 1 in FORT KING MAlE IN Hi n Y- t Bottled In Bond r r S- ta + r One Quart 100 Four Quarts S350- DeliveredS375 80TTLED IN 130D yf This is a choice High Grade a > Private Stock lye Whiskey u and we Fily Curaifee it to b Vl 0 ° be as good aa any bottled in M i g 4AKICNAt16- t 0 01E bond whiskey on the market that is sold for 1150 a quart TIE CARMICHAEL SON CO- FLORIDA OCALA > Q For SPRAINS BRUISESAND WGUNS USE 01- rll N I- o t 4- Cly 11 e < K- r r a ai i- C J J t r t1 1 oct I t- r hd y Get the Gecnias Three Size 25c SOc and 100 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO ST LOUIS MO old and Rco mendd b- ALL j j 10 DRUGGIST- J = 1- i i cl z w- t t V 4Ka tt

0 No Year BILIOUS THE CLOSE - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03222/00206.pdf r di J 0 d < d 1fi f-v > 7r i t r 7 t < ifl j J 11 j

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j J 11j




Volume 15 No f3 OCALA FLORIDA MONDAY JULY 19 99 FBIy Cents a u YearI w








I v-


r LiI I I










r r L 9-II 7V

1 => i


Pumpkin Kershaws15 cents each and they are fine and4I going fast

fi t 0 K GROCERYARVEY CLARK Proprietor



4 a

gee t

I r-

1 Y

THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KI33Eand taste aa sweet Thats why Schlealngers and Lowneya Candles in halfand pound boxes are so popular Pureconfections these flavor delicious Owconfectionery Is free trim adultera-tion


It is wholesome and healthfulEvery kind of confectionery hereFruits Cold Drinks Cigars and News ¬




cows r-


of high grade and quality for officeand store receives a great deal of ourtime and attention as our stock and

1 facilities for supplying large and smallorders will amply attest Whether-you want a lead pencil or a huge led-ger


a note book or a letter press itstw worth your while to come In look

around and compare prices



I e


In Connection With the Hotel Officeo

Skilled WOrKmen and courteous at-tention


to all Special attention tochildren

1 t-


Rrwr A DETTERiCH Proorietor



ti J C IARDIN Proprietor

Y Ne I Ft King Ave East Phone 144

r f Work Called for and Delivered Prompt-Iy AJI Work Guaranteed White

Trade Only

t t


Looks Like the Big Man Will HaveHis Way in Having Rates on Raw

Materials Lowered

Washington D C July ISPresl ¬

dent Taft will win his fight for free-or reduced rates of duty on raw ma ¬

terials Nearly every member of theconference committe on the tariff billconceded this The indications arethat when the hew tariff bill becomes-a law the rates on the articles whichthe president desired to come In free-will be as follows

Iron ore free present rates 40 centsper ton

Oil free now protected by countervaling duty

Hides 7 per cent ad valorem pres ¬

ent rate 15 per centCoal 45 cents per ton present rate

67 centsLumber probably 125 on routh

with Senate rates on finished Thiswould be a material reduction through ¬

out the lumber scheduleI


About ten years ago my brotherwas heldup in his work health andhappiness by what was believed to behopeless consumption writes W RLiscomb of Washington N C Hetook all kinds of remedies and treat ¬

ment from several doctors but found-no help till he used Dr Kings NewDiscovery and was wholly cured bysix bottles He is a well man todayIts quick to relieve and the surestcure for weak or sore lungs hemorr-hages


coughs and colds bronchitis lagrippe asthma and all bronchial af ¬

fections LOc and 1 Trial bottle freeGuaranteed by all druggists


Will Meet on the Bridge at El Pasoj Some Day This Fall

Washington July 18Ambasador-de la Barra of Mexico and Secretary-of State Knox arranged today the de¬

tails of the meeting of President Taftand President Diaz this fall The ex ¬

act date was left openI

The two presidents will meet at thecenter of the bridge between El PasoTexas and Juarez Mexico and it willhave to be the exact center of the RioGrande as neither president is sup ¬

posed to be allowed to leave the coun-try


during his term of officeOver Mr Taft will wave the Stars

and Stripes and over Mr Diaz the Iem-


of Mexico An amphitheater isto be built along the bridge so thatmen and women of both nations cansee the two distinguished heads ofgovernment and listen to what theysay


A GOLDEN WEDDINGmeans that man ana wire have livedtoI a good old age and consequently-have kept healthy The best way tokeep healthy Is to see that your liverdoes Ids duty 365 days out of 365 Theonly way to do this Is to keep Ballords Herblne in the house and take-it whenever your liver gets inactive60 cents per bottle Sold by all druggists


Ccnsiderably Thins Out the Population-of the Little Town of Union MissUnion Miss July 18One old cow

I which would not have brought S25 onthe market caused a bloody pistol

I battle In the streets of this little townyesterday It resulted in the killing-ofI two men the fatal injuring of twomore and the serious wounding of antheAll ttye men in the bloody battle areprominent in this section of Mississip-pi


and number many relatives in New-ton county Consequently It was be-

lieved at first that further strife wouldresult but indications are that no onewIll be left to answer to the law fortho tragedy

Everyone would be benefited by tak-Ing Foleys Orlno Laxative for stom ¬

ach and liver trouble and habitualconstipation It sweetens the stom ¬

ach and breath gently stimulates theliver and regulates the bowels and ismuch superior to pills and ordinarylaxatives Why not try Foleys OrlnoLaxative today Sold by all druggists


Valdosta Qa July IS Warrantshave been sworn out against ten nearbeer dealers here charging them withselling Intoxicants Pat Pinnerty awhite man caused them to be Issued-It Is said a young man was used as atester as to the intoxicating qual

ities of the liquids and that his jagwas genuine

A CONTENTED WOMAN-is always found In the same Housewith Ballards Snow Liniment Itkeeps every member of the family freefrom aches and pains It heals cutsburns and scalds and cures rheuma-tism


neuralgia lumbago and all mus¬

cular soreness and stiffness 25c 50cand SI a bottle At all druggists


Chattanooga Tenn July ISWhenofficers attempted to prove that neatbeer drinks which have come Intocommon use since Tennessee went drywere Intoxicating J L Walton wasplaced on the stand In the city courtyesterday without having oaten break-fast


He drank 25 glasses of the bev-erages


After a sufficient length oftime hail elapsed and he was found-to be sober the court decided thedrinks were not Intoxicating

DONT GET A DIVORCE-A western Judge granted a divorce-

on account of illtemper and badbreath Dr Kings New Life Pillswould have prevented It They cureconstipation causing bad breath andliver trouble the Illtemper dispelcolds banish headaches conquerchills 25c at all druggists

PICNIC AT CARTERS PONDThe annual picnic will be given at

Carters Pond July 23rd and the pubUs is cordially Invited to attend andbring well filled baskets

Peroxide Cream for the complexionJ at the Court Pharmacy

it 1 j


A Big Special for Monday-and Tuesday Only

8 t x90 Peperell Red Sheets Seamless

Formerly 75 and 85 cents


est value ever offered in Ocala

THE GLOBET-he Underselling Store



Heard from MexicoThe Long Reign-

of Diaz May be Drawing-

to a Close

Mexico City July ISThe Mexicanauthorities claim that this govern-ment


has no evidence of any revolutlbnary plot such as that reported j

from San Antonio I

Conditions in Mexico are more agi ¬

tated than for sonje years owing tothe approaching presidential election-In 1910 President Diaz renominated-for


the seventh time Is unopposed-His


running mate Vice President Itoman Carrol Is bitterly opposed by a i

large element which is clamoring for I

the election of Gen Bernado ReyesReyes insists he Is not a candidate-

but administrative papers accuse himof treachery-

It has been charged that he has beensecretly conducting a campaign in thearmy where he Is very popular andthat his real ajnbition is to supplantDiaz

The native press is indulging inmuch talk about revolutions Some fewdays ago a small quantity of arms andammunition was seized in the littleborder town of Fuerte between Chi ¬

huahua and Sonora The fight thereis local and between two guberna ¬


torial candidates Reade and ForbalThe latter has been designated an ad ¬

herent of Reyes by administration organs and some of his followers havebeen Imprisoned-

IF YOU KNEWthe merits of the Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kidney blad-der


of rheumatic trouble S ± bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggistsor by mall Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 2926 Olive Street StLouis Mo-


To the Young Scion of the House ofRothschild

Chicago Ill July 88 According toa cable Baron Oscar Rothschild theyoungest son of Baron Rothschild ofVienna suicided because his familyprevented him from marrying thebeautiful Chicago girl Olga Menn adaughter of Dr Rudolph Menn the at ¬

tending physician at the local Germanhospital Rothschild met the woman-at the physicians dinner party ar¬

ranged shortly after Rothschild hadbrought a friend to Chicago to take i

treatment In the hospital two monthsago It was a case of love at firstsight



often receive severe urns nutting outfires then use Bucklens Arnica Salveand forget them It soon drives outpain For burns scalds wounds cutsand bruises its earths greatest healerQuickly cures skin eruptions old soresbolls ulcers felons best pile curemade Relief is Instant 25c at alldruggists


R S Hall has been reelected presi ¬

dent of the Lemon Bay Fruit companyThis company owns a splendid grovesome miles south of Sarasota and theyhope soon to pay very handsome div-idends


They will ship quite a quan-tity


of fruit the coming season NewYork Produce News-

A MILLIONAIRES BABYattended by the hlgnest priced babyspecialist could not be cured or stom-ach


or bowel trouble any quicker orsurer than your baby if you civo itMcGees Baby Elixir Cures diarr ¬

hoea dysentery and all derangementsof the stomach or bowels Price 25cents and 50 cents Sold by all drug ¬



Roanoke Tex July lSH L Elderwas electrocuted in bed durng a stormHe was sleeping In an Iron bed and-a hard wind blew an electric lightwire over one of the posts of the bedThe insulation was worn from thewire and the bed became charged withelectricity

There Is no better stock of finewriting papers In the city than wecarry Come In and look It over ifyou want something really nice TydIngs Co


Odd Fellows meet Tuesday night

i t2 LAi


Aeronaut Curtiss Says Running anAeroplane is Easy as Running

An Automobile-

New York July ISGlenn H Cur¬

tiss of Hammondsport an inventoryesterday morning drove his aeroplane-the Gold Bug at the rate of fiftymiles an hour circling HempsteadPlains Long Island seven times adistance of 29 miles and remaining upfor fiftythree minutes The GoldBug would have stayed up indefinite-ly said Curtiss but the gasolene ranshort It is as easy as running an automobile Thousands watched thenight v-


is what could truthfully be said ofmany children who die They haveworms poor little thingsthey dontknow it and you dont realize It Ifyour child Is cross fretful pastycomplexioned and loses weight forno apparent reason give It WhitesCream Vermifuge You will be sur ¬

prised at the results and how quicklyt picks up Sold by all druggists


Washington July ISIf Congressadjourns before July 21 President Taftwill on that day attend a reunion ofConfederate veterans at Fishers HillVirginia-

R C Davis Co of Jacksonville-will sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired


Paris July ISA son was born yes-terday


to the Princess de Sagan whowas Miss Anna Gould of New YorkPrince Hello de Sagan and Mme Gouldwere married July 1 i908 after her di-


from Boni de Castellane


I have just received a lot of thecelebrated Halophane glass shades forelectric lights These shades increaseyour light power 75 per cent Trythem H W Tucker the electric sup-ply



C J PHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

120 South Third StPhone 130 OCALA FLA-







Opens Into the Lobb cf the OcalaHouse

Offers the very best service ofskilled workmen with modern ap-pliances


Strictly sanitary Electricfans electric massages

Hot Running Water at All Times


FRESH FISH-I receive daily shipments of choke

fresh and salt water fish of the bestvarieties I handle nothing but fishand handle them right

WM TUCKERPhone 219 City Market


= fS k j


Immense Quantities of Cigars andTobacco to Come in Free from

te IslandsWashington July 18President Taft

will win another decided victory in thePhilippine free trade provision Thesubcommittee which has been con-sidering


this section has decided topermit the free admission of 150000cigars annually as requested by thepresident instead of 70000000 aswould be admitted under a Senateamendment-

It is expected the Philippine section-as approved by the subcommittee willbe adopted It provides for the freeadmission of 300000 pounds of wrap ¬

per tobacco and 1500000 pounds offiller tobacco and 300000 tons of su¬

garWith the exception of rice and thelimitation placed upon tobacco and su ¬gar all articles the growth product-and manufacture of the Philippine Is ¬lands will be admitted free The In-

clusion of the words or manufacture-is the subject of criticism in manyquarters

Many people with chronic throatand lung trouble have found comfortand relief In Foleys Honey and Taras it cures stubborn coughs after othertreatment has failed L M RugglesReasnor Iowa writes Tho doctorssaid I had consumption and I got nobetter until I took Foleys Honey andTar It stopped the hemorrhages andpain In my lungs and they are now assound as a bullet Sold by all drug-gists



In His New Aeroplane for Over Six ¬

teen MinutesWashington July lRAfter many

mishaps the new Wright aeroplaneyesterday successfully navigated the I

air making the best record for Wrightsince the accident last fall The aero¬

plane was guided by Orville and wastraveling at the rate of fortyfivemiles an hour and the height of 85 to90 feet and remained In the air 164minutes The descent was without dif-ficulty


The two brothers could notdisguise their satisfaction at the re-

sult¬ I

of the test and were heartily cop ¬

gratulated f

When the digestion Is all right theaction of the bowels regular there isa natural craving and relish for foodWhen this Is lacking you may knowthat you need a dose of ChamberlainsStomach and Liver Tablets Theystrengthen the digestive organs im ¬

prove the appetite and regulate thebowels


American Soldiers Will Wear CottonClothes in Summer

Washington July 18The UnitedStates army has discarded khaki Theservice uniform in the future will bean olive drab cotton cloth Nine hun ¬

dred thousand yards are needed eachyear

The khaki was intended particularlyfor use in the tropics but it has been I

be too warm The War De-partment said that it could get In EngIland the kind of khaki used by British I

troops in India and Africa but the I

government decided against purchas-ing


material abroad and decided on theAmerican made cotton f

Dysentery Is a dangerous diseasebut can be cured Chamberlains Colic j

Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy hasbeen successfully used In nine epi ¬ I

demics of dysentery It has neverbeen known to fail It is equally val ¬ I

uable for children and adults andwhen reduced with water and sweet ¬

ened It is pleasant to take-


First Report of Greek Earthquake wasToo Fierce

Athens Greece July ISThe esti ¬

mates of the dead from the earthquake-which

toccurred in southern Greece

Thursday are considerably diminished-At first it was believed that 300 hadlost their lives Now it Is reported-that only twentysix are dead

Be sure and take a bottle of Chamberlalns Colic Cholera and DiarrhoeaRemedy withyou when starting onyour trip this summer It cannot beobtainedon board the trains or steam-ers


Changes of water and climateoften cause sudden attacks of diarr ¬

hoea and it is best to be prepared


Tuscaloosa Ala July IS ArthurCook an employe of the Holt furnacehere was killed yesterday afternoon-by the explosion of a can of powder-into which he had thrown a lightedmatch after using It to light a cigar ¬

ette Three companions were onlyslightly shocked

If people with symptoms of kidney-or bladder trouble could realize theirdanger they would without loss oftime commence taking Foleys KidneyPills This great remedy stops thepain and the Irregularities strength-ens


and builds up these organs andthere is no danger of Brights disease-or other serious disorder Do not dis ¬

regard the early symptoms Sold byall druggists


Chicago July 1SMrs Cora Millerwife of Wr William Miller who Is heldat Watseka 111 for the murder of Jno-B Sayler a banker arrived here yes-


from her home Blainsville PaShe left In the evening for BuckleyIII where she will consult with herbrother regarding the defense of herhusband She says she will stand byhim to the last

Delay In taking Foleys KIndoyRemedy If you have backache kidney-or bladder trouble fastens the diseaseupon and makes a cure more difficultCommence taking Foleys KidneyRemedy today and you will soon bewell Why risk a serious maladySold by all druggists

A new line of popular priced booksjust In at the Ocala News Co


4 j r jstsTi T




There are many ways in which > t serves the 3public but the one now most valuable perhaps is to help with loans We will meet theneeds of conservative borrowersr

The Munroe Ghambliss BarikyINCORPORATED > iT T Monroe Pres Z C Chatbl las y Prcs A E kris Ca-





B I tOF HeWER fi HadUT




to F-







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Furnishes the Home Carries it ill Times the a Latest ad s

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Also carries a Complete Liie tf liillers ail SfecUw


Hardware Carriages Wagons Buggies lareess Saddles Etc fLook over our Stock and fet tar prices before ywi

make your purchases Ywirs lespectWly 1>

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The Beautiful

Hayfrood White Sulphur Springs HotelLand of the Sky WAYNES VILLE N C AltifukU 285Oeet >

On the Southern Railway one hour rrom AshevIIIe Capacity 250 guestsNo consumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and Te mis U

Special attention to mountain parties Special party and family rates Forinformation address G C ROGAN Manager Formerly manager of Kenllworth Inn Asheville




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tBottled In Bond rr S-ta +


One Quart 100

Four Quarts S350-

DeliveredS37580TTLED IN 130D


This is a choice High Grade a

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Mi g 4AKICNAt16-

t0 01E bond whiskey on the marketthat is sold for 1150 a quart









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