VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rB r . im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B: anoe Financial Opcralion Against Conjinu'ing Rt quircmenls -lor Rclie (DvThf PiCJs) '.•WARM srHlNGS. Ga Dcc. 3— An ••cxcollciil rccL-i: tion" of lho K«''ci'nn»;nf InU'st nnd lai’Ke.st financiv olfcrInK cneomci comcr&e Bljijijl the r.ible of I’rcsi«lfii Koo.scvcll toiiay as ii lliilo ik'\ uuhliii_Avui-ka_rclii?f Drotrrnr Mr. Roosevell put tho aclim pKins .Mde by rtdf m mi Imporitji Dclil' I'onlmues Climb WASIIINOTON. DfC. 3 i,7*i — Fuinnclal cxpcri.i lookrd fkya.ircl tnd.-iy (or die MUl Invblblc cclllnn --------- oI_o.P!)b)Jc.j1rbi_,t,hntj!ioinnrd by Sllll more nimion» n.s ilic Iri-osuD' ndded nnollicr J7.I0 per :.iplu burden on lhe nniion's ----- MpuMlion_____________ Tlilx w*s llir nmoiiiit by which lhe $900,000,000 (If iif«' borrow- IriB, ofJi'retJ lodny, would jprcnil nmoMR lhe cmitito’n 120,670.000 - • proplf. Alrendy lliey cnrry n drbl ___ _ of «7.:!18.000.000 tor $215/0 lor ■fTTry mftji, wBm.-iirfui3"riiII(5;— Thf.'c fmiirrs tooK on nildrd *lKiii(lcn!icc n.s Prc'ldcnl Roosr- velt mid n Rroup ol hlii chlc( for the ipoiidlnK of mnny bll- fiom more. WlieUirr or iini thr.'o pnrticular wnrk-reller nnd olJirr proKrnmK nre npprowd. ll is Hen- erally conceded tliai thc debt JiK- ure.^ nre due to bouiicc much hUher. One iejpnn.sll)le ofllclnl. who bclonR^ lo the .‘ 'pcndliic whool ot ffcover}' lhal iJje brrnJcliiB of 'the ■deprcsjToii b y b r s c ' f f a c r n l fpentlliiR, polnled out lodny to mueh lurgcr debu carried by Icfldlns forclKii imi/on*. ^ figures nn lhe m nch Ircariuo' ■ . debt lndle.ited n per c.ipita of $4D7, Oreni Brltaln'i per capita debt In $871. ItineJwon meftlng «lth Secrclnt MorRenilimi and fSccretarj- ffke*..ll kept (he dccl.ilon to liim!<lf. There was cverv indication hn --------- tcftuht- haitifcici-nint Uir nrff f'l' Er«» «'ould bc ukrd Ior n .sl7,i'nb) Mim—blUloiw iirobnbly-l*i tirovid «ork jolv' nnlll prlvnte Induitry ca Mke i;i> ih r .’i/irk. The irca.ury head nnd tl-.e publl r.orks ndnilnl'trntor ciuK- here cnrl lodny Irom Atlanln, Mr. Morirenllia Immedlntely clivckcif up ulih Wa:li Inclon on ili<- mnrket reccpiion < lodny'i Rovrrii.iieni oflerms < $I.B02,OOO.DC3 in lhe rcsular Doccm ber quarterly Ilnancinif. * ^ ^InrictnUiKu Drams Hc-wn^-tosminR-as h'-Jolncd-th prftldcni in ilie o;i;n nlr (iwimmln IContlnued on IM ticC ol, D l-lBTlSlOl fflllTIJIdlUlt Sanity Tcsl to Be Orclcrci ;---------------f o r ~ A c c i i s c t l - S o n - i o f - _ Federal Judge r Tl'L.<\. Okla., I)y. 3 M'—A MM. Ily I<->1 n.iii prnjrrlrd Indav fm r(i«(I|» Krnnanirr, 13. 'on of a fciJ- rr>l dl’lHcl JuJtr. rliarEril v.'l'h lhe niurdrr n( John P. <inrfrll Mlillr rnunlv authorities rxprmsrd tlie dMlre In qur^tllln lli-mrr K. Wikax. jr.. <.o« nl a wr.iltl.y fam- Hr alrrail)' irporied Ihe objcfl of a Holly Alrll■r^on, county DrOM-culn Mid he l•|l^ T.ii!er to lalk" to Wll cox ronrcTnin8_rri>ori.s to po^ci- ll: I'-yrnT^aUI oil Trnn'ii kjii d r n ir III inoior c,ir In which Kenn.imer wn; lo ft rondh6ii.-.c ntier C.orrcll xva.i ahe laicf Ihrough the brain ttiUi hla ow ^ ------- riradj .Not Culllr Kennnmer, «ho surrciKien-d.Sai urdny wiih the av.erlion he had bee forced to 1(111 Gorrell in .wif tU-ft-n.v Illcnded nol KUlliy lodny to ih - -ThantxiivliiKniKlitliiniilQ.----------- While poUre dl.-fDiuji'.*d JjW >rl,' I defense »iory, Anderwii said a .'iinlt I ten would be orcI»red tor ihc'f.an o Federal Judge Kranklin E. Kennam Wilcox' *i4ter, MI.VV Virsinl.i Wll cox, ha.^ been nnmvil In sworn Mnte j menw a.^ thc •inlendert victim of ifroiiavr;! rxtorllon prot attrlbuteil b ------------ the .^fllgnl:. lo Oorrrll-. Mi... Wlirn - ;-T'r.-»tnt' Wr.t,<«thy^«ltK>i»y-*iww-iioih lng of the jilail. i COI.ORAOO riUNTOM .SLfOGEI fiENTENCKn TO RKFOIlMATOn' DOULOER. CoJo,. Dff. 3 hl’j-Jac, Churche.s. is, lint-nrreslect'os tl> ••phantom tlucuer" ol nine UnlverfU - V co-eds. wai scnleafcd to an Indcltr f mfnnteiEHtriTvthe»Ut<? refonnatcr: at DfTfna Vlsla>Colorado, loday b ( County JudKe E .J.Insnm . . I Sentence was parjcd alte,- th Vnilll< liHmlflorl n i,apl».« #p,, 1 , City EdlUori s e j : ■uXacn WIRB UKunDt o r ABaocMTP) inrsa ' treasury Chief ® B J es Bal ations Relief | [ ||^ ^ ^ £ |||| Gav. rccL-p- nicnl'H innciul ^ B 9 HS \ TijT^ sidfiit S H t :o IK'W . ].;VKIIYB0UY |> \e ry h;.i<py.’’- :nrram vi,,:,, __________ siiwiiEisii k’*--'rd _____ :ell1nit -------- Lalcst-FigurES-ShoW-Ql! Sixlli ol Population ition s , I . -.._Receivlfjfl.Aid ____ irrow- ——— iprenil WASlllNGTOS. Drr. 3 iTj • 170.000 Nfirlr one ilith of fhe popul«»‘ n debt rf Ibe Vnllea Stain lj on relj '0 _lor rnll*. Ild. Fi i;^r.il 'iiimrs jliOH' that famil added , \naii.'-;ms .■,ulnv•^ nnd turiii loose- -aMcr ihnn mdt Itry and public works cul into 1 ■r.iiik.' of (lie ui,< iiiploj-cd. X rm oi inooo.ooo wcie on relief n much I'-r, l93J,'l!ie le'lief |i0|.;ilali0n tur 10.,l ot 13.33B.frt) and fe;;cf .■xix'l InB of •.imeswt.retSOmCCO. - eacrnr — cold ^kmilier nnd da.1n4Un5.I1u iny 10 , iu\c brnuslii atldcU prob'cmi in . rd by cenl montlu. 1 ' ita of I Tlie jOTtrnmcnt hiw capita !J1.121.000,DM on icllef and $Sl] 000,000 on clrll wcfk« tdu jtac. I . ____ (tfJldaH frankly nrr dl>^» •crelnrv f- relief p: ■k« •>? ■■ I half of the dfiiliutc* uncuiplo) in hrrp ! -I'" dn>^iid<-nl on outri5hi dol Two million bread winner, h, ‘t ' ftlil- m irf vgtn, llli! Him tu mi • The averniie f.inilly on relief ) public ceivos aboul $21 u nionih. P.iyniri t^ enrly vnn^ "idely In dlllerenl wctinn.', c renllinu l>endiiig on hviiiK cwi.. ii:;d i W a:li- contritjciiiBW uiikU- tiy H:iir u illon of local ijovernmi'nti. In mst of the .iViTnRC ile.niiutc lamlly III K‘ Doccm- lucky-rccelved a relief i>aymcnt $10,2J, in New York,’ where ll-.l CU1.S iiK.' hiyh, the nveracv jmyim lyr fnmlly was $«,36 for llie .s:i; «d-th»- -------- ............. .............. ininilns _____ I Govrrnmtnl Fool« lllll De^plf.- the flforls of Hnrry I w • ItopKlnv ilie relief lulmlnl,^(iaf<)r, I colloci nhal hv C .-1II5 a "fair .'h;ii I of relie! c:)r,t.s from .Mat<- und In ' ' voicriimenl.', Ih--- Icderal i-(n,T im n ^ Ihc btu mote n ill 1 I’lvliuiHiary calculntloiu show i lulntlrisiKllm ihrei-.fourth* of lhe eo'l of i.'l -rlnrnrl i'hrou^hout the cnunirv (hiriii;; Oui I July, iiiul AuBii:^ Illh vcnr. .S;:, -o f— .! — ,tVn(m.mi-H.n-Pu«.>-OrCflU-i.. A ..,,. People In Si Christmas 1 Kessrrt. -------- - ner K. WASMINCnON, lie,- :i V-C.r. p fam- ernmriil 'tnllMlcians ennclud.tl i tl of A day. un the bji^K nf official and p vate llRure,^. Ihut buMiirvs would e M-cutor. Joy the bc.M Chrlslmaj irade .sh; to Wll- 1030. ;ic e Hi-.- The cmifju-iion. wns cheeted me the JoUn.Diclciiisuii. n.s.vM!ji(!l er wrm ol .commerce, whu_detlnre<l he'n 1 -a.sahDi In the liiiprovrfl retail 'i/ade t hla own ba.'is'tor xiund rorovriy." n'reiilfr fiioutlhiK ihi.i Vulctide. ( i-d.Sai- ficlftU Idled on feder.il, MnliM ad betn .'howinK increased tarm incoi) U'fcn.v, hiKher factoiy payrolls, iticrea- to Ihc Koveiniiient emcrKeney.. xpen<lllui ror Job-TTrmins'projOTir.-mnn- « W >ri;. bic bnuk conditions .md on ul I .'iinlty they nilerpreled a.s ft more con!: '’r,onof ent. optiiulsttc frame o! mind cnnam- i.hr part ol the people ' "Thc pro.'|)cc!.<./«r a b(c 1.1 Wll. mas irailc." lJlcklu.-.oii *aid, >Mnte- very clenrly the »taic ol- mliul- m of a sallslieri nr.d uptiml.v.lc «tni'- utfifljy mind,, Wllco. -All „f lhe evidence imheale,.-. v-noih-rt>«*l>ie-«f«^ln-«--«rPBi»r-.tpuii4:; ' mood, but not tor recklcus' r.pen lng nuch as vie saw some years ui JOGEK Tills mood lo buy can bc direc! ITCHY nurlbutnble lo more einplnymr 'I—J tc k nnd n m t meiicy In t'.te prop) ’as tiM pockets." i ivcrfliy • Tlie slnllsllclans checked \ctn.M ndcltr- cstlmalca llwt fnrm incoinj- il inatcry year wKI bc nenrly a tiiillon doII,i >d#y by greater lhan 1033, rUing from $: OJI.COO.OOO to (iboul $0,000,000,^ lex 111-.- October income wns flRured n! $73i ' nfin'MA .•i'.'i'i ^.,n nnn n r ZM IK T«' £SiEE ■iifim ip 111 8(1§ fiUSS : Communist Parly CommTtt m 9 ' ResoluUon Cs ing lor Death Penalty Allcrmalli ol Slayi iIlv 'Ihr AMOclatrd Prr,^>> A H — U’;x4.Nx;iuB._LUi^ ne'e. :i—Tlu-'ileatlt pi'ii.Hlty i Russinn (iTri)ri.st.s . vt)k«.‘<[ iint'W tucliiy liy th e ci'r t'xpi'tiih't' commitU'i* nH B B i (:oiiiiiiuni.sl,-}ianv iw uii all' py,"-i,i’r iii;t(}i i>( {Jll- :________Scrt,'.-! Kirnff. .sri-retarv =■ -=-=■ p.o-.v',< rc n tn l nm iniili I IVnm;i;, tr;al anrt .swl!t cKenii 1-S-^— in-J n'uiiulljii-al-ilig..commi! LU rx-v;nbrr I, ilir <iay o! - sl.iMiu. am! i'uul;*p-‘il to<liiy In M SINGiij'S’s i r ,’;*'!,' of ll;e dreaded "OKpu.'’ wli ■ien:-. .Mimmiirllv with countrr-n- ' One- lim'u;arle.s until It.s power of life : . «,■.%diftiUJm-iisrsiiTmiKT: >'0n >|o||ve Sol niieloord Kirnffs A'jji,siin wa-s Identlfird -------------1< v.x.iiuiP’nt oommunKjue a.\ U t id Nlrolifff, TO, former employe i,T') — il',- "urkiTs and peiu'mir. UV siht; rul«f)on buff.nu. The iijinomicemetit Mid , relief h;iil roiifr,s\t-il anil wa\ still l>,-, • ■ 'uTI^'ti.ineil, tml It cave r,o millrat; ■families 'm iir s iiib'n.- to r:,V incmcrv his .M . iir'-:'.iat-, workers meetiiis in m,i ign-rrne— fir iiMnar a' vr ni;cnn;'L ' f of K l^uailon s-tho'.: Th'' ,v,iai:i->ilon th a t’ K iroffs monlh ,..i..>in,iiio!', mlahl i)ro;luce ;r,i'Ti ft nnd,;to»f;il<(.mpllcnlloiis a.s a result Ids wns Hin eMernnl iilo^ aRalnsi the b^.b! Sfi)k-m-t'i)l! f.-.'i.w «a.s»dl.-slpaled n.s ;t )n num- oiiim- known tiwi ilie a’.'a.s^hi ^ cxiH-nd- ;i ltii>;,ian and loimcr commiii ig.Iiuidfi........ -.H'idt-'prcad Prnl Denied " 13 in re- ; fnu-nin oflicc >ix5kesm»n T. v;,'r denieil lh.it the;v,had beri . ;n;(.V.-j).-/-ad (j’ci lo kill rominm 'Irai'iTS and lhal wiUraprc.id nrst y ^jcnl had brrn ni.ide. a $506.- I iThe I/ondon Dally Kxpre.v, «flC. but m a dU[^irrfi from Wnr.- di> ^tl^i;.f‘ -10 6uvlcr»rmy olficcra. I ilef pro- b-r-n cxf:ul:cl an hour illi'r a i U-- lli.-»ii |W.i* (iU w ered lo ft,‘j,,i,'.'lniilc nil mplojcd !h<t rountry'* leaders jimullnnec hi dole.'. IV. The dl,ip.Mch J.iKl that CO c tb rs hii\c intl'idinir hlch nnny oIfir;a;s,. 1 lifPji.nir>',^lmU____ a rrccni' Klrollb<Kly lay in In Url ,kv p.iliire, where ll w;u‘. viewed ;iwii.'.aiul.s lodni. Hi* n h'.s will ellef re- )„ .\jc.^row Iju/Vr Dr.- Kre -•(ynirnis ],„ n(.,r U'nln* irmt,. f I; inn,\ c,*'- iisK tUroiiKlv ii;d ih<- thl. repulilie. •lr .•Kid. wifJi *:io«- /.Wlli- on tlic eroti ;)ivmb-r. lemperniurrv !mv ami ii,i,kne-.-. li III K‘ 11- u n on Mojeaw .>;>on alter i p. ment ol Ihc .sciilnn Ior tlr.* rues will clo. c llvin.: ' re-semblc lhal of I/'4iin* funeral ;myini-nt years njo. lie .same ---------- -------------- ~ H n m e G « T ie r.» -fio a n ' • Starts Foroclosuri l.-y t.i -------------- Infor, in \V,VS!IINCirO.V, Ib'C, 3 i-I', - 1 r .Nlute'^ Hone Owni-i,s"Uian eorporaitnn nd lnce,l day .served publle notlci- lh a t It 1 i-o;,Tn- 's:nrtedtoerack down on iier.smw « oie and wli;ully Inll to meet p,s\ment.s ' ili”ir morisiae.' lo the i wpomi.on how the 1 Jclui H, K,ihey, eli,iuman of I HI [>-'»! 'enr):o.-fll)on. .s.iW iJehnquvnt.s to d; )I i.'hi'f .nre li'-.s than :0 per fenl ot 1 IK •lunc. I'nio'.uit due. but lhal it hnd bi . .S',:,tci ne:ev\;iry tf> mstilule I.>rerlo,'.i . pfneeedlnj.', »i tmrf ihnti n xior.‘ Spending Mood; 3 Trade On Boor ■,-Ci>v.|bu\lni! lo<)kr<( for fn.m (lit 4Ji Id. tl t ( | . : OOJ.COO to S37O,0W,W'O iimv Deini! <1 ,indpn- in'uited by bmik:. tliii'Ut-houi I ould en- cii. nliy to their Chii-lmas rhib i le since po.itois. . 'rrade reports mi f^r. Hits yi cted byr.',hri\v busine,^s cenenilly luniil weUi).v ahead I'J last year, witii Koi’i-rtiou he'>aw aide.1 txpre.vMiin eiu'ilidence tl Ide th'.- pare will bi- aceiler.iicd this mon' October department Mon- ruler.,'1 ; a;r',i,nvfli;-tiiir- f?,7in,ti fiivrrv flfn Ide, or-|« < P'T-ci'iil mctiiis>' o u r i. vc .luliMirs!aKo. Iluinl K-'neral merclii.ndisl income,!,sales nre u;i i: Pir cenl. ^arlI icrear. d 1.'lore ,^nle,s S per ti nt nnd new nul ndllure;.’; nuiblles sales I'per cen'.. ' nrr sta-; • • Tli-fe-Hume-" DicLiiuou• m wii.ii 'aie.Mniply nmitli'r indnatinu ol c.m!:d- veiy markel! improvemeni in t lind I'll'reinU trade that hu.-, be< ii noin^ .,n III tlu- i>,ut y.al, Tius Uy tl-.e mi Cliiir.- eJJetllvr b;;.'.h h>! .swutd fiTDVcr, , "shim ■ Utbor leport-s show th,it, the ca ;nlliil-,i ' l'-il KOOds ln<lil.s:iies exivneiite-Ui tntl- o l. prmeiijcnt in ,sev<-riil lin''s in C •■•.■'her. lifiCably (ofon;om»- cftmjwK'i aie,s-t!',e .niacliinc Kk^I.s, ccmcnt, itn lhe 111 ^ iti;:^ J lC-:':.lll,tJ_ltl)gibJ'rivr.--3 ^ ^ i • spend.'prwiucilon incfca.sini; nt more ll* ars ii|;o. ih'' utiual^seasonal amount, an 1 direetlv trrr.isc expccted by*olllcliiU to Inymeiit reflected ngnln in November i: proplr J tJfccmber lijurcs, I Department store prites pnibn \ctn.selv ly .will be about the »nmc 11 rA- ihU ChrUtmas as InM, olllclals .said, tio:i,if.? 'J'f.’J' «W thfy ft 88 p?r cc om $S,- o! 1525 prices and that nvcra i,f)OO,f>O0, K’-urrnlly hns bten mainliiln it $73(i.- tliiiiuch the year. Food prices, ho r .r , :of Iirr nllrl Ihc fllfi. ____________________ ACCURA' f FAL TU'I.N' FALLS. IDAHO. TUESDA pr I . Trans-Ocean i«^B \m M H imTttee I Call- as Slaying II al'lur-. . arv of) iinm lMri- __ Ihe In '.■■"wi,;rh ( 'i l 'A I l I . K S T . at-pilol lia f’ .i-'ht sevt’nil yfjirs iij iii'H’lvsovch himrs Inter '* .Hoimlultt, I'lni (rontor) iploye ot I . I,-—« vsiiri-;ion I SSIllKEiWS 7 ; M llli MB Ills .'lain ''"™^Tcar'Gas'BarragcrOtspcri °i'S-.n- Ansclcs Street r'siiiS' '"“ '■ '<"■5 n.s It br.. -------- -ssln wn.' i.y.s AN(:»;i,t;s. Dee. 3 uV—In immiinL'.' t;rmillrnl disiurbjnees In Hi ‘ .^neelrs sirrii iar *lr|ke bruk ; nul Jinr» InJiIjlll in iJowntOK 'T ; tiosltn-s« -arra^- and iioller - nrr ; turrrU lo l:rhij lear sas barratJ .1 uern n ofdtr and r« Winiin^.;. dhr.rpic.1 truffle, fl n.-e.-ii. I poiicL- rllii;er.s iccpilr . I lit.i'.imiii for efiects of the j;i imy me John fc, Woodwaid, Ow V^ncy .md Robert Woody. ■» era. h ^ •••whilr the 'tmllic trusn was ii\ lu iKhl .slriker.s' hnndbilLs'lib: ihe 'iriillti: from i '0 iiuilduiRs, 'ihe handbi ^1.* ‘ 'i,Vh u'-'''* Pii'ketuiR und cloiuillona to ^•^•- I.-,Ill luml lor the .siiiltcr:., ie lra ''h v l llu-''''-':'''”"[h'miitcd to eie."e~a'’'l t t .... . .S.,». ,« u i .,l», . I ie\eli(l trolley i;uide line:.. 'C eroiii;.!, . ;ir-... m il. i''day III a l.',>e,i t ]ciud \>a:Ko;;'. :i! tnliuneii and u ,1 f o^j iiualmei, 0.. t,u- I'.ieiliL- lileciric r.i iiicral r/.rVT}:rr.>:)>m-p-nrfn t I LU; Alifii:. metiopolliati ure.i, lliMid Itinuins .siirnl ,.v_„ _____ ■j'jir.b.ii.id, Wll,. 11 eamr here Su d,'>, lll^l K.i'e auilienTi- to lepi ciirpc ,'i'nt,ilives ot 1'ncitlc Klettrii.- u , then i'>in|)any ofiieia^, I; _T(- '''niini'i 11: pi. Ktei,', liail DCi ii made, 'lhe atrl n Mlm< emi.loyes was lall srm suho No'.UlluU 21. but puslilOlHil pell e ;- i « I'lT ? « * ; .“ ‘" " 'f . md been ‘ „V,^ ' , . ,',I , ‘,:1 ii rerlo,sure ''I'l, w .r (tmimiA.i t,,u,ij b) I. m-or' o' ■^oaoiiiuie, w<M .i.msI s u p e rs ‘>r 1 the naUdiuil labor lei.illolis bo.ii —— -jfrT^-nTT-tnnierrti'ilt-iis-lo-Ji Tiji- i iUDpany ims le.useil lo : ii . J , nut me ^lrlk.• bMie.s lo aioltraiK HJ.J 01' t.lke fie''ini-.er:! ba;*,-i^^idn It ha.', i/'d i ,si'n; with iioii.,nnkuii: and uv,er\e i: and wo-.kim; roiuliii'in' ,i le 4JM,- iiiu-iMj III u<.tli\?:iKr... fini! <l!s- Wiili.11,1 il l.'.'isrisoii, ehairuMi; loui lhe niali,iiioii‘ i)oaid. indie.itetl t: r.ub dc- U5;irii cxjh-iIs imi 11 .-■Kli' in lla- I' cllle tleeilii situation tn m.ike M1: lls year I lUnnlnK I . \Vr m,ve ill. Jli.wer ,)Vei til, i-rtioicni I „„ uidiIuii-.: b ce thl,s ; ' he s.ii > month, |„we'ie h-t.miu; to whai eaeh h aler,, the r,,,.), Tin CL-lUCHU-wHf-tr 1r .... ■■■" ...... “ ' ‘''"’ la n Iiceoiit IM eollr^e^ racli ,-.n KUdiSUlK ,,,1,1.. n v S i ‘''“;' mu u jBeatli Chums Sister int'miinl Of .Anile I.indberK •eovcO'. 'l J'A,S^i;.K.VA. Dec, .1 -is - Fmi"r Ihe cap-I ;.fruee^, Ii.i Mis. F.luabeth M‘i ite-ljm- i-tii;, i ' Mts, Clliule.-. A I.im in Oc- brtKh. will i"' hrld in Ennlewod :J!jj;fK'ii[, Sov, Jr-rsi-.' . r;.o! Ill ;M.s.i£ie:i'.i. nien lhe like, bprs of the (anulv icimoiinced lod.i »rc llm ir Relatives n; Mr^, .Nlornaii. v»i , nn in- fUrd In n hnspiinl early loday, sn a to bc "iTcr sl.sicr, Anne Lindbergh, bi W t ind Colonel Undbergh will nol cnme I’a.'adrnB, pnibnb- Final plans for taklnR Mrs, Mo aic Ihl-s ghn's body east were being comple -said, A cd lonlRht by her mother. Mi p?r ccnl Dwight .Morriin-:- snd her hurtian average Aubrey Morgnn, inliilncd Mr,s. Morgan died alter an ll.liip es, how- oi teveral'week*. Hint Marled r.li r/lATE~Ay ASSOCIATED 1 .LS D SDAY MdUSlSC: DECEAfBKR ■». ean Flior.'i On I'acific Coasi .piliit Wllli Sir Cliarlos KiiiK^foril-Sii rr< UKO, ^vi Dtll fi'iini Oakliuul M»nil ■•i-Pjififir i.-i'iiil tn M flliiiu ri.i’-Tlii H.^' tier oul alu'tii ai)i)n)XininfcT]riniiO i or) i.< aci'i'iiiiiiinii'ti by Gonrirn Lil il) (jpi'mtnr. This A.-tsoi’inlctl I’ri.'^n ] 2 Au.straliiin Flood : RcfuKcc,s,1nTree.s ||j[-j|y; I% ht O ff Snakes I MH.llOURNi:, Aii'lialln. Dec. rnorcA '-’■ " i''f * niKhi ot terror wiili spcrse- -[f,- *,'r,.i,e; swimiulnn In furronudli I u,iT,-. ijioij'r.jii)’- oJ ie.sld?nts ' lienil drv.iM.ued i ouiiiuui1lles*}nr ' hi'ie watched ^wo;lcn rivers rccc , tiiilay, I I 'I.’;r i(rt|ire('f(/(*tjl<-(l flood, cr.ivf ' ' <li’..i-ier in the state of Vlctorir "..‘l ll..tii-v.ro-,I the l.vesol « . Irtl ni ntown - l,•:',’^*l"atl'tv B.oo" licmclc's nt (r,|,iri'(fainai;e r-(imhl^d nt'1.0« "r'® ■('-sVimiiiiils 'ilbO'.ll J'TyWOOOl:' - irratr* Uilekly ptipulal'-d f.irmli "■ , iiiaimiinllles north arii rn.^t of lie , ,! wr;-' inundated b) lhe s-altlly rlsll icipnrcd i„i,nijiiant.s »na<;hl refui lie j;ns. I roolti.p* av iheli hom J, Owcn, n„[i ;;vp wtre swefil nway. ■'■yi ••H'-avy dnniafre'4n eoasial lowi »■«» af v.r. caired ai n high wind lashi s'llbai. II,p .srvcnieen llve.s wrre b •om the jjfied m h.ivi- bren Imi »liei> il andbilli roastnl .'teamer Coramba Iniind'-rp ma to a ' ’nM- „,r..kaKe of the vrv.el and t« bodlc'v be,iriiH; hfcbeUs were wn-hi a. Ital-: Hiindleap[v.d bv lurk ef Ik'" t'. n -sirike.-s llrl worker' emiiioved airplanes 'Cariilro',) bhnUets ami sitpplies to m: !(ic jam , rootled refugee*. ,lie lent Th'- town.-'tiiii ot Kivtweer'ip w: rvaciiaU-d, !iav,m- 2 (1(10 homeic'.' tio.nd .Sis residents wer,- drnwui-d. (Upp liue,it" 1l.ind, whrre hosjital iiati'-nts Mr Illd :n:- le.'eued ihrouKh a hule In the roc ric r.Ill- Toora and Hallo :rn Cul al'D ^u o! the leieii 1-xlen.Mve dama^ic,' ,1 I W,MIM AT FAlnilANKS te Sun.' FAIRIIANKS, Alaska. Dcc, 3 1 . lepie- ' A'~femperiilmi-“ or~<(I-ntifilT-g^' III.- ‘Ill-, F.ilrbanks lnd.iy Its Uiird warme a^, Iml llccembor day in the 30 yenr lm iii'i uny lorj' of the wentlirr bureau her e atrlke' In 1009, one December day w,i, • s lallul and In 1!)2S nnotlur wns 41 I piiid-' A year »(!0 tcdiiy here ll «.i-. : bcJoa. rir.il.iy . -------------------- ^ ------ 0 “ ~DDiri^ - o f Lif€ 10 .-111)'. 'I'y 'I'he A.N.soclal;(l I’re-' t itraiieii Likes New Job— 5r;idmi;; CIIICAOO Her n--* Jd- M..1I-.11 ;;rmiii.s. K.ini.siiiie- .Srhuiiiiinn llm k ^,ll ,'rli;cf I nthmiaslli-ally !u- liM |.T[rci ,-ii(l;i,« [or her limn • M.'-.'' Its a ladio ............................. '.Mama Lu;;'it:n--." Wh'i l.'7 l >' ;i;,iin",1 wliv sla- Iikc-d ll rm,^ii; , , p ,,, ,,in |.j,. ^ .said. .Mcpi>llr< oil Ih*- t-'.li ll'ii Sie'si im- ■•ll,.,. Elephunls ou Ranipage-- I’Wlt;. lm!.-A slainj-'ilr tn :o he's.ml ' i''l>hunt-, of 1li« Ilas'-n1>''i k-Wii.ln s. Tlii-n i"'l'> d mut::rlsis. and C hu 111. ■ur.m ■ll , -. iii-' ii' , i' ! ! i—i-" , g,aj a M'ally not ll,em uiliirr nml:". 1Cici'uil »'!vi’hanis biokr lidi--' .' :l • -,'i-ic u-ipK kd . to t;-,-- :',,itiufi. Tralfic ;i " ' , .iiiuUukli dtscritd .uul-di"''',:''' 1 l»rirh elcplinii'l.s -<''ir C.ihlornia wjin- .... .... ;u ;,ii 1m:1 In a nioilun luetiii.-, Fmi"r:il, ^ - ‘ n,‘,',V Slicnt As Usiml— HOLLYWOOIJ-i: (ii'-la ('.‘'b ni!w- I lodiv d<-:«.'rl motion plcltitM ar, bcoome not nnlv » »i4itr ur;:<--. O ' 1}\ said sjjywjc here «Jx>ui n. h ' aud ' -Iioni Europ-'. qa'iim ■nme to Nallnn WlitrAlit, 8»'edl'h «i,ei 'finger nnrt Tom h^rlkien, film iitio », Mor- clffct QM'fa? ls,l>'nni‘ine jmplel»'Mf'<?r In Itgiilmntc llrama. were ri r, Mrs iw H td here, urtiand.l Bul at Alclro • Oolijw-yn - Mnv« ;fludie*. offlci.ils said cinrbo Ls 'ni; llhlPks' parently very much Int'-rr.'tnl" 1 d 'e.lth plans for hcr ncxt plctur"'.', and h,- !D PRESS NEWSPAPER^ C >AIL\ A, IS.'M . •ast-.\ustnilian Hop- l-Smilli tin his California In Aiistni- tmil.iy iifti'viiiuMi w illi iwii (-iini)iaii- Hawi'ii mill Suva, uiul wa>i n'lxirlctl lilOTiilh"^TlI"M'irTiravi>“ haif-'vhy-li» Lilllcjithit th'ft) i-o-pihii. utui .luy pii-ltire was taken nl Oaklaiiii. nfiilioir LSSIPIILIPPilS Drc, 1 --------„PlS-Soason_oL Storms Claims S '”5 More Than 400 Dead *S ; anil Missing ••'orivl M 'M I- V, l»ee- S ..V—Tvphnou. ■tl nn '"nlelil In lliree arrai ot liml - I’t'l'lpplne arrliljKlnji. »l- . ^ I ’ oiii'f, I'llinaxliic a xeason ot rtotnl^ .1. _>,hicli alrrad) ll*vy rUlmeU mnrr >»,! |..» r ..rk.. refuge On“ .‘■lorm itriiik at porUiern l.u- homcs ron, the island oi’ whwh Manila t lay. lofiiird, Aiuiilier rssailed the Islam towns or Piliiwau. comuiK in withuu lashed unriiliiK out of the asllated Chlni re bc- sen, A Ihlld was brewed In Ihi I'n lh» isitinii stiewn-r'ftcllie wllhln Flrlk idrrrd, ^nt: dl'tm re ol 8smi>r. the tarlhcs' nd two ea't of lhe ecntrrl phihppln*'’. vn-hed^ The Cai;ayan ir\r;-. '.>hlch bLvcl, --------- if'V fTPflf Mi; niirlhein tip ot Ihls island, wns ou' iirs to in I,ncl;, itiiiiBhi, but wliat dam- 0 m.l- ,||.p „ «roui-hi hs<l not beei li-iirned, Ihe moli>r vr,"''t Mndbetg wiinse iiri ionna;;e va« l?fi sue melrs. lo vnves, live of hci Oipps- 11,Plr 11,r,, s wrre Tlmr.-i- '' driv s stnrtn roullmieil 10 mniiiil, nu- •i> ^uf- tiiuri'U's t.miKht euuntini: an kiiowi - il-ni! und-711 nils'inK— 'niia.duiuib anc'’ wns mo-t severe on tlir i«lnn< S (If I.eyie. which Iks )u»l we*l 0 3 1,1", .“amar in the ci'rlral Rroup. Manlli arniesl 'lils se,i-oii-thrir Inve bren cigli' If hn- I'"'' "inn thrre •months—escapei ; ,,rrr. Uus mir- ■■mirelv. «,i. <3 pntiriiial nillrrr-ri In IJteM Miinus me the nalive-., who'c 1rn H r, 30 «'!'■ ‘' f :t.illd till' hmli nllids ol !K) miles nl lumr m more or liii- ftoiKfs whlcl iiievil:itilv siiii’e (io-,ui the flrram; I iiloiiB which natnc villages ^o Ire V l nunulv are bulll. Faei'd Wllh siirli wlilrsprerd dl.s ii'ti-r. the newlyereali'i. n-llef Iman ij_ , ami It' iirrai.l;, turn Ilie.-tlnK lo TP lil;;lil cli-eiilril to split lUscU Into I mill:, lit .'IX mi-nliers cach, Enel . Ivjihi'iJti ari'a, a-it tlu results 0 ,' Iijrjr , i-vr;.)l .sijjK V' will bi- corre l,itril ti> ;^rrmi'. .-tfiruia <llMribu ,.ilame fi< lhe t.idOi'Ofi funil made nvull iiiiif foi ii'lirf i,v ih,- livrflftiiire n :i- !h'-' [;i,. ;-rt[ir t;;fir j; rrr-,i('fl *lic board and QI AIU: AT irM.I>>l’HI,l. 't 'S- KAl.t.’l'Fl.t, M-mi . I!.', i i-V,:- Aii <:'rtlii|u:il;. u! mivor ini'n^ltj :> Ir-twr.-n '■>i'l aliil-l', o ' li.i-k fiutulnj !i»m I'lornlm: was lej'iti,',! tcMlay bv rrsi, t!rn!s of this n>!i,'>Hi,.l-iii Montan; _________ !• _________ ;3 Reindeer Bril — To-^or-thv i , .Ht:.\vn.n IM-'. 3 •i';- a ciirisi. ■< '1 11 ' m.t.s uiii t'l stan ii.n K-kimas of ih( loji-jilh-ar.l'fririlolv. aooo relndeei .ni-'iun'iiniili;' fl r(';.ss'!la--tInr;or tlK ..(i'lo Aii'iir liidr imliu. bilm;ln« food J .loiliim,-, 11,111. iim'.atuin and jobs l< Tl;- iriiiiirri d!H.'r'‘ jls AmlreV It.ilii'. (nilraiie'iiis l-a|itiiniter,'«hO Al Ij,' 11;,-li; h fon-ini: the ijieal Uimen hcr« 1 and nill’’-'' arrnvi bhrard-.sivpj)! iijj). o'li b®'"iu! Aklavik. abom , t;:, i.- . - l j . n in lli.,w i ',- ,t r 'IV ClimUDPl ,f>m I . i'j.OiW Kikini'i wards In 4ii Ic}- lane '01 m “ ImMl «*• iittor. iJ^ jinrifd Irom Kolzrbuf. Wrtkn " cn Chrbilmus day. isi9, Qjiiffil grc) wolve* lore lit thc ilmito'of 'the rein- , ,i:-.-tr, aud hu men KU ihclr bodlcx M'>V‘^'',dntk >plotc)iM axi'ld'l the anew ' Himly iccn under the Aurora Borenl- •<l" Is, Great gales howled ncroM Alnska id h''^ .ind me norlhwe.st territory, m thej -coypiETB __________ _____ y - N E ^ u m n tn AOOtT nuntAU ___________ or CtaCW .AT70NH ________ -.jSky.Traj Speed 0^ Toward ^ FllKht Lieutenant C Two ASjSoclati'S. C Ocean Wa) nie I .OAKLANn, l'alil., II,-:. ([». Ulni liflvit Iiis (rim Ati.- " ■nonoruIii^l«Hlfty~anTt*Tnu;:3 I’ncific wasti's fnini vvhitli whcrL’uboiit.'t. Kvcrvthinir was "O.K." plane al 1U:.UI p. ill.. (lUCl - wa!s-»itu{e wiiK-tJio .Macka.t -m iw - Famous' G!ob»-Flier Te i?i'inil Purpose to Rise 10.000 Fect^Highcr ---------- ui. ■ •' _____ -nAR11.F-SVlUj;. Okla.. Ifc-e. (.V'-Coufldciu’ lie Kt a iw-w ft I plan" ultilud'- ri'iiiid ot ,'Oinc 48.1 j Irfl • icdiiy. WUey • l‘c.'l announc I lonlRlit he wuu;d defy llie :lrui i splK-rc'.s howling j;3W nnd 70-i l i r p Ktres U'loA 7.T0 cold n;:aln will Iji. k~'j(i;'tj-or'tfTtw-ffjr*— ,|L U 'lo tly lO.OCO tfcthUhrr sllll. . , I Wlilivtx-d nbout by lem fic v^h1 Post land'd nl Mu^ko;n-'s "hall aime field" al 10.21 n. m.. imwllllni [| ; gun-’ tn his two hours und elcv I MilniJte.i Alriivvlr. I He Hew buck lo Hartlesvllle, »oi I Irt mUcs nortliweH of .Mu»ko^i-<- a 'nlUT looking ovrr hts m'truinci mou* mid calculallnii the (tme h? « >s ,i:ofi and climbing appioxhnnti a lt 1 000 frrl n mlhule. Jiald hc belltv lotnl^ iw had tcashcd nboul «,000 Im Th" rrrord o! 47J53i‘ Is l-.cld , anfl ’i,;,.i|irnnnt Hcnaio Dohatr ef Ilal ; Pusl said he would not wnll uv iiri afflc'laJ cltrrk ol hi,s Uirogra rn l.u- bi'toii- mukin-i anelher utu-nipl nila ts a It-w dnjs if lhe weatlier I' Inv islnnd iiblc. ,'llliuul, .Uatllc Above Clouili Chinn '.' Tlie fammis lilobc Ilirr tcld of n ihc'ijdnif ,|oue above lhe clouds fldjujl i faulty valvy whlcli irlhcst jcmcd ffic.ve lof> much o: '• 1 ten and causc lils •-.strulc.-phcrc d bLvct.-, 1, 1--' Mill lo bi.rM. ilr.th''• 'H r i-fiiiirt h a 'i' ,siirvH-cc?? ?ic sc ns out ,.,.nL jo >-rimds' ll 1 dam- tn,ai,.(i and designed, lo ina t bern iai„ Vrrviire In iniclli-d nlino.ipht hnd Rlvni wny, „'i 6irui:«lliiK *im the valve, he \ , nimble to keep n cheek tn hLs ul n.-ir. ' ;»cl<-r ii.'lrr nboul 3i,OOU Jrrl. wh :il nil- f o ’*- * 0' kiiown definitely hc hnd gone, liimb- allinirur made n conipl I'lnnd' U'voiuiliin cveo' IO.®W f u t and p r-l ot laid that lie was climbing flbi Manila M>00 teel a minute, which W 'oi iliooiLS hnvr ner<-!-^ilated freipicnt glatv eight nt lhe ultimcier to k~irp accuVi scaped ai'fiHiiil ot the h'--i«hl, Al 20,000 lect, Pi'sl Mid, he •> IhFsr c-(ii-;ing oi-e'r J),'i/t!<;st'(«(>. kccjjl ,e 1rn. oriniU-d by lwo lake:., onr ouM n Ihe Olher west ol UartlesvlIIe. i. lies nn •j.yi.,;, ,kylinc atxmi 40 mi souih. Inlo Trrlli of Cair ' ■' Thi n. a,s the. ,sui>i'rcliarm d tno d dl.s. Ihl-"Wwnic MH«',''sJhiiIi-j)joiii; iKian’l '""''"I'b'n'- in which he iwlc- world Ihvtil record', sang Inlo I nio IS l'‘ ''lh o' ‘hr liiilr, I'onI noticrd I Eac),'(i^akinn .ixynen valvr. HurunJ— Nml ll'- iu)tlrrd that TuLsa "1 Ill-s ofiniiiv'd wr.sii.( mr." llun Tul-a ti corre-jnjipi'iiri'.l and lir lound liiniM'lI o 'trib u -'’nothin;; bin inuuntalii'." nvulUj. .-1 liJd the AtUiuus rl'ci ;w ure nilKUiil'-.' ii.- :.aid. and tlrw ha;k board.^«ci-;kck-.v ir/r-r (fnv<-;i(iK ;a.s :,i! a- Fml Siiilth nnd Ihr Ai I- nii',i:. U.'.iik, M Mn'ko/.,.. Iv ,|i,t; - '‘^Ityihi.' l-.r'.mi-. l: if. Kl'].', o:i lho il)l ‘‘■‘•'nv ;-.iii'. lor.ih- i. inui-.tu H;.riU-,-vlllr mtana • ^ I iCiiliUmi#(! on IMue U. Col. Hi _ - r in g in g R e lie f h w e s t-s - ^ s k im o riirlsl-jTiir.-'- bill I.'ji-y <lj< of the on wt.-'ic- m.'ii I-„ kI m",er b-.-en kno Indeer' lo m b'-lm". ur tlie; ‘In wm:er-U-7.:t-< o‘!r,t 60 dryl. lood.i belli-* r-!i, fll -itmmer, inO'OiiiKi obs lo' whined nir.:il ttinu a,s ilie tem;i< .nliitr I0-- I-l loo ab'A.-, mIrrV OIli-Ii tli'-'i "I'lf l^'rii to;! ,hO nt r m l I/;llirn ol .Si'alta-, tlu' -prim:, jvcrn-., klllK' 'aIio lOliIiaiteil Wllh Caiu U hcrd' loileluei thc l.-.ll'.lrri d'irs lllll l;il 'I IIJI)- exarijy th'V-nie. bul 1; abonli. •■.somr-A-lt--re7n:i the Mackeiuile d s nnH' In, " Then- ts ilmiv.l' no cogimunu i-Iand( 'd out «Jili ,3tw ri-. 4l cx- - tlffr. Todiiv-ilierc me some 3300.: eluding IOOO Inw-as born near Mi> Jrtkn.’ rtver this spring. He expecU to ( I grcyj Ilvi-r on(\' JJOi, for many arr Jc rein* mraying nwav lo bi'cotiic Hr.' pr<|y wdlcji.! Umber woIvr,«, anow-.l When the animals nve loascd, 1 orenl-* Eskimos will breed them nnd hi Mnska ■them a.s they mullliily. They furn a they ^m*iil. The ‘klhs ai-.- made into cloi \ w s m - 12 PAGES — 6 CENTS ail Blazers )ver Pacific d Antipodes it Charles T. P. Uim, W itH s. C overs 1000 Mil(!,s O ver iVastes in 7 Hours n ic A.^soclalf(l Preasl :i~l''lit(l;i Liciitoiianl Charles T. .-\ti.s(ralian.|ia(i(i(l montiphirif toK'ard •ai;'3]’pril1iif:^nTRht-ncro!p--l-h«t-vnj*U fill'll came iiiteriliitlunl flaslii'a of his i,K." nhnarii tho silver and oranBP 1H 7lfic'-?t.-iiitlaTt1-tijn f) w h fii ciintuBt (cka.v. niJio stiitioii .Bl. yfl»„Krn«ci.‘tco- ------------- A!UH»ii«h Jll) p'wili'^n III t'li; listener.s c.'tlimnlcd the pnriie tt'.'i.-i J.tnxm rlcnrtr ill sea nil itK 2.408 mile dash to einfi loats'd over the Mauson hncr t.tirline at 8 ]i. in.. whtn the vc.v.jl uas SDQmllu aiM-u. leilS Mld-Sra (Wertnr VIO I I’uwi-rlul M-nrchllghu from tho "W ‘liner pinyrd acrorj. the plnne la » ------- ---- :.imd;M:ii_grwilng hs uim , the iiHoi; I Oeorge Ultlcjohn. co-pllol; nnd JT I. Skilling, navigator, aped toward H.[. J JJatt-all. Ilrsi Ir* of their llljlil it) ftir. t3>dhcy. .Aiuualln. They arc cliiri- 'r 48 n'o ' h’k lhe course of n new commcrclal nounc.-d ' "'f "S'” 'o* :,lruio- lo-dc-[ wraiJier-«i)ed the voyagcra I wllhln ilonohdu 'Camc iciwrLs thc trio wlU Incc [ lirqiienl showers nenr IhrOTftnd.Vin" • whid.s 24 hours, wllh Unsettled ■-liaibox'v.lnd-s culling acrou lhe plant's l!.'-*^i*j i A cr“»il ot I'oing apeciatorj. ' '■'‘‘''" ‘'iv.uichert lhe. lakcotl a"^ ouw^thc 1.- some lowafd the acUlhK sun i-i-e and vanuh Into a bank of white fog. rumcnu of longcjl h- w«s over.wnter routes In the world bul. iln-ntely •“ 8®'-' M-ll.'Lleiitcnani Uim taid bell'vcd exiiecied lo »cl Ihc pjane down ) lm ai-llouolulu lomorrow morning. l-cld by t-ftclrjohn iriu «£ the-fi/ane's « hi- f IlQlv - '*>>*-'“-‘1 Icllihc gruunU..carry- til uuoi) gallons ot gisohne. iroarjDti! Making n single sweeping circle i-miii in Uttlejolm then headed s Iiivor- >’*' »«'> o\er Point Lobot on the loiiihwcsi- , t-iJy ilj) pJ jjjf ODidcD Oo;o. •( 4;0i 'oiidi * " blowing illghlly anil iilcli lie «•* clear at the tlart leh oxv- *''* Jo'^rney. icrc tliv- lt»d supply Included six boxta of tnndwlclic.t and other ?je innJ ’1''^"'® ***'!” tfoin the airport cof- ’'T n i iC' •f«^-•hO|.r-TlM‘H » d - l s ^ o - « a ^ l a a l ^ 0 main- ^ •’’•“■I condciii-:r Miiheie drinking water ahould tticy ' ' b-- foretd doK Ji. he was “ol carry a life raft but iiLs uill- fof I. whiclj •■ ‘'‘■'ral daj's in a eahn sen If ijccca- ,t w-Quid * Hc said he exiwcled the flight 'onipltie enable him lo chart a new md peat twnjjicrchil jjlajM.' vewfurc to Jnauf J flboul regular oiwrallona from A u- 1 would ‘0 "> >yari>. glanws ■Jl'n ’'"o-'a Hie dangcra- of thfl ~tContlnir.-d on Pago 3. Col 5) liTiPiilcE ■ z: ™ i i i jjjoiiiji'd U'o Ite Ambassadors of Germany it..d lire p|.g„|,|, . jijj, ------------- Igcocraent________ M'll over , nOME. Her. 1 Oermanr Cl ;« a mill Frame rla'prd hand* aern.s haik toj llie nn-m«n^i land of Ihr Iroubir-' ( iintii^Saarteil3Y In an acrorO tnii>~ hr Alk.., lng lo asiurr this part a{ Kunipe 1 al leail a irmpurarr lirralhlnr ' .liitiidl siH-ll et pear-. . 0 ;i)lnt;! Cmnit de Chsmbruii, nmija.sv,i<-;.ir -.■vlllr i“' Fian-e, ami Amba,'^,tduf Ulri.h .^,,,1 ,„ > o „ ii.i-.-ril .,[ tlermanv. signed nn ______-*i;4H'i:meni sn the name ol.Uidr.gov-. ol. Hi rriinieiils (le:lL;ned to eliminate ll'.tt •ricif Saar bn.sin as a dinger spot hi ---------- K'iio;iPan ualltlri hi ndvance of the , Jaiiii.iry IH jiiebl.st-ite. The ngree- im'rnl U'coines elleciivr H,acrmnnr 1wins llie pli-b-'i-lle, which la held as I a f<j:i"wne i-oiii'liislon. ^ jirraiigod wider M-oimmli.-.-, ^-.ermnnv agrers to pay .W3,Uixi,W») Irancs ijS't.lOO.OOOi nnd V ' ' ’ lH.OWW'* ‘o"-' ' “r fVanre's .1 Known cpdiu Hr the Saar ' _'baslh. <irvi.-<M,; -j?i,nii(.fniorr,'the nttrefmrnt-E'tar- i-onmoi-.^j.intees lhai Germany will accord Hm.K'l- I lo , iamiuu; ull inhabiinnls ot Saar, re- ij,'A;illes,s uf race, religion or language. .m'iiniwj M inim um W ases For !ii..".ki“ -licet W orkers Fi.ved ' 1 WAl^HlifeT n -J, lTy_3.1.1'ir>Illl^ 3300. in-1 in .Stbriuka'a Norih Platte valley r Mooao] were fixed today by Secretary of Ag- a to de- rlcultiia* Wallacp. The k*1« govtrna rr {ost. K'ofk iH producUon. nililvatJon or pr<iy 10 har^'Mtlng ot Uk 1B34 crop. The »«reur>^ said “urfdcr the «cd. thc CUI •clrcumsiancca aurrouiidln* Uio id hum bt«t labor prabtem" of.ttie.district,_ furnish (he wages wpuld bc 10 an acN for ;o clolh- blocking am! thinlng. »liO an acre tn hnii'i lor hrai hQfinfl, tl nnd acre tor sec- * . TODAY.: Uniettled

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es

V O L. 17. N O . 206.

K i ® , 118i m r B r

. i m w iWarm Springs Conlerces B:

anoe Financial Opcralion Against Conjinu'ing Rt quircmenls -lor Rclie

(D vT hf PiCJs)' . • W A R M s r H l N G S . G a

D cc. 3— A n ••cxcollciil rccL-i: t io n " o f lh o K « ''c i 'n n » ;n f InU 'st n n d la i’Ke.st f in a n c iv o lfc r In K cneom ci com cr& e Bljijijl th e r .ib le o f I’rcsi« lfii K oo.scvcll to iiay a s ii l l i i lo ik '\

— uuhliii_A vui-ka_rclii?f D ro trrn r

M r. R o o se v e ll p u t th o ac lim

pKins .Mde by rtdf m mi Imporitji

D c lil' I 'o n lm u e s C lim b

WASIIINOTON. DfC. 3 i,7*i — Fuinnclal cxpcri.i lookrd fkya.ircl tnd.-iy (or die MUl Invblblc cclllnn

--------- oI_o.P!)b)Jc.j1rbi_,t,hntj!ioinnrdby Sllll more nimion» n.s ilic Iri-osuD' ndded nnollicr J7.I0 per :.ip lu burden on lhe nniion's

----- MpuMlion_____________Tlilx w*s llir nmoiiiit by which

lhe $900,000,000 (If iif«' borrow- IriB, ofJi'retJ lodny, would jprcnil nmoMR lhe cmitito’n 120,670.000

- • proplf. Alrendy lliey cnrry n drb l___ _ of «7.:!18.000.000 tor $215/0 lor

■fTTry mftji, wBm.-iirfui3"riiII(5;— Thf.'c fmiirrs tooK on nildrd

*lKiii(lcn!icc n.s Prc'ldcnl Roosr- velt mid n Rroup ol hlii chlc(

for the ipoiidlnK of mnny bll- fiom more. WlieUirr or iini thr.'o pnrticular wnrk-reller nnd olJirr proKrnmK nre npprowd. ll is Hen- erally conceded tliai thc debt JiK- ure. nre due to bouiicc much hUher.

One iejpnn.sll)le ofllclnl. who bclonR^ lo the .‘'pcndliic whool ot ffcover}' lh a l iJje brrnJcliiB of

■ 'the ■deprcsjToii b y b r s c 'f f a c r n l fpentlliiR, polnled out lodny to mueh lurgcr debu carried by Icfldlns forclKii imi/on*.

^ figures nn lhe m n c h Ircariuo'■ . debt lndle.ited n per c.ipita of

$4D7, Oreni Brltaln'i per capita debt In $871.

ItineJwon meftlng « lth Secrclnt MorRenilimi and fSccretarj- ffke*..ll kept (he dccl.ilon to liim!<lf.

There was cverv indication hn --------- tcftu h t - haitifcici-nint Uir n rff f 'l '

Er«» «'ould bc u k rd Ior n .sl7,i'nb) Mim—blUloiw iirobnbly-l*i tirovid «ork jolv' nnlll prlvnte Induitry ca Mke i;i> ih r .’i/irk.

The irca.ury head nnd tl-.e publl r.orks ndnilnl'trntor ciuK- here cnrl lodny Irom Atlanln, Mr. Morirenllia Immedlntely clivckcif up u lih Wa:li Inclon on ili<- mnrket reccpiion < lodny'i Rovrrii.iieni oflerm s < $I.B02,OOO.DC3 in lhe rcsular Doccm ber quarterly Ilnancinif. *

^InrictnUiKu Drams — Hc-wn^-tosminR-as h'-Jolncd-th

prftldcni in ilie o;i;n nlr (iwimmln

IContlnued on I M tic C o l, D

l - l B T l S l O lfflllTIJIdlUlt

S a n i ty T c s l to Be O rclcrc i

;---------------f o r ~ A c c i i s c t l - S o n - i o f - _

F e d e ra l J u d g e

r Tl'L.<\. Okla., I)y . 3 M'—A MM. Ily I<->1 n.iii prnjrrlrd Indav fm

r(i«(I|» Krnnanirr, 13. 'on of a fciJ- rr>l dl’lHcl JuJtr. rliarEril v.'l'h lhe niurdrr n( John P. <inrfrll Mlillr rnunlv authorities rxprmsrd tlie dMlre In qur^tllln lli-mrr K. Wikax. jr.. <.o« nl a wr.iltl.y fam- Hr alrrail)' irporied Ihe objcfl of a

Holly Alrll■r^on, county DrOM-culn Mid he l•|l^ T.ii!er to lalk" to Wll cox ronrcTnin8_rri>ori.s to po^ci- ll: I'-yrnT^aUI oil Trnn'ii kjii d rn ir III inoior c,ir In which Kenn.imer wn; lo ft rondh6ii.-.c ntier C.orrcll xva.i ahe la icf Ihrough the brain ttiUi hla ow

— ^ -------r ira d j .Not Culllr

Kennnmer, «ho surrciKien-d.Sai urdny wiih the av.erlion he had bee forced to 1(111 Gorrell in .wif tU-ft-n.v Illcnded nol KUlliy lodny to ih

- -ThantxiivliiKniKlitliiniilQ .-----------While poUre dl.-fDiuji'.*d JjW >rl,'

I defense »iory, Anderwii said a .'iinltI ten would be orcI»red tor ihc 'f.an o

Federal Judge Kranklin E. Kennam

Wilcox' *i4ter, MI.VV Virsinl.i Wll■ cox, ha. been nnmvil In sworn Mnte

j menw a. thc •inlendert victim ofifroiiavr;! rxtorllon prot attrlbuteil b

------------ the .^fllgnl:. lo Oorrrll-. Mi... Wlirn- ;-T'r.-»tnt' Wr.t,<«thy^«ltK>i»y-*iww-iioih

lng of the jilail. • i


DOULOER. CoJo,. Dff. 3 hl’j-Jac, Churche.s. is, lin t-n rreslec t 'o s tl> ••phantom tlucuer" ol nine UnlverfU

- V co-eds. wai scnleafcd to an Indcltr f mfnnteiEHtriTvthe»Ut<? refonnatcr:

a t DfTfna Vlsla>Colorado, loday b ( County JudKe E .J .I n s n m . .I Sentence was parjcd alte,- th

Vnilll< liHmlflorl n i,apl».« #p,, 1 ,

C ity E d lU o r i

s e j :■uX acn WIRB UKunDt o r

ABaocMTP) in r s a

' t r e a s u r y C h i e f

® B Je s B a l

a t i o n s

R e lie f | [ | | ^ ^ ^ £ | | | |

Gav.rccL-p-nicnl'Hin n c iu l ^ B 9 H S \T ijT ^s id f i i t S H t:o IK'W . ].;VKIIYB0UY |> \ery h;.i<py.’’- :n rra m vi,,:,, __________

siiwiiEisiik’*--'rd _____:ell1nit --------

L a lc s t - F ig u rE S -S h o W - Q l!

S ix lli o l P o p u la t io nition s ,

I . - . ._ R e c e iv lf jf l .A id ____

irrow- ———iprenil WASlllNGTOS. Drr. 3 iTj • 170.000 N firlr one ilith of fhe popul«»‘ n debt rf Ibe Vnllea S ta in lj on relj '0 _lor rnll*.Ild. Fi i;^r.il 'iiim rs jliOH' that famil added , \naii.'-;ms .■,ulnv• nnd turiii loose- -aMcr ihnn mdt

Itry and public works cul into 1 ■r.iiik.' of (lie ui,< iiiploj-cd.

X r m o iinooo.ooo wcie on r e l i e f n

muchI'-r, l93J,'l!ie le'lief |i0|.;ilali0n tur

10.,l ot 13.33B.frt) and fe;;cf .■xix'lInB of •.imeswt.retSOmCCO. - e a c rn r — cold ^kmilier nnd da.1n4Un5.I1u iny 10 , iu \c brnuslii atldcU prob'cmi in . rd by cenl montlu.

1 ' ita of I Tlie jO T t r n m c n t hiw capita !J1.121.000,DM on icllef and $Sl]

■ 000,000 on clrll wcfk« td u j ta c . I. ____ (tfJldaH frankly nrr dl>^»•crelnrv • f- relief p:■k« •>?

■■ I half of the dfiiliutc* uncuiplo) in hrrp ! - I '" dn>^iid<-nl on outri5hi dol

Two million bread winner, h, ‘t ' ftlil- m irf vgtn, llli! Him tu mi

• The averniie f.inilly on relief ) public ceivos aboul $21 u nionih. P.iyniri t^ enrly vnn^ "idely In dlllerenl wctinn.', c renllinu l>endiiig on hviiiK cwi.. ii:;d i W a:li- contritjciiiBW uiikU- tiy H:iir u

illon of local ijovernmi'nti. In mst of the .iViTnRC ile.niiutc lamlly III K‘ Doccm- lucky-rccelved a relief i>aymcnt

$10,2J, in New York,’ where ll-.l CU1.S iiK.' hiyh, the nveracv jmyim ly r fnmlly was $«,36 for llie .s:i;

« d -th» - -------- — ...........................ininilns_____ I Govrrnmtnl Fool« lllll

De^plf.- the flforls of Hnrry

Iw • ItopKlnv ilie relief lulmlnl,^(iaf<)r, I colloci nhal hv C.-1II5 a "fair .'h;ii I of relie! c:)r,t.s from .Mat<- und In ' ' voicriimenl.', Ih--- Icderal i-(n,T i m n ^ Ihc btu mote n

i l l 1 I’lvliuiHiary calculntloiu show i lu lntlrisiK llm

ihrei-.fourth* of lhe eo 'l of i.'l -rlnrnrl i'hrou^hout the cnunirv (hiriii;; Oui

I July, iiiul AuBii: Illh vcnr. .S;:,

-o f— . ! — ,tVn(m.mi-H.n-Pu«.>-OrCflU-i..

A..,,. People In Si Christmas 1

Kessrrt. -------- -ner K. WASMINCnON, lie,- :i V-C .r. p fam- ernmriil 'tnllMlcians ennclud.tl i t l of A day. un the bji^K nf official and p

vate llRure, . Ihut buMiirvs would e M-cutor. Joy the bc.M Chrlslmaj irade .sh; to Wll- 1030.;ice Hi-.- The cmifju-iion. wns cheeted m e the JoUn.Diclciiisuii. n.s.vM!ji(!l er wrm ol .commerce, whu_detlnre<l h e 'n 1-a.sahDi In the liiiprovrfl retail 'i /ade t hla own ba.'is'tor x iu n d rorovriy."

n'reiilfr fiioutlhiK ihi.i Vulctide. ( i-d.Sai- ficlftU Idled on feder.il, MnliM ad betn .'howinK increased tarm incoi) U'fcn.v, hiKher factoiy payrolls, iticrea- to Ihc Koveiniiient emcrKeney.. xpen<lllui

ror Job-TTrmins'projOTir.-mnn- «W >ri;. bic bnuk conditions .md on ul I .'iinlty they nilerpreled a.s ft more con!: '’r,onof ent. optiiulsttc frame o! mind cnnam- i.hr part ol the people

' "Thc pro.'|)cc!.<./«r a b(c 1.1 Wll. mas irailc." lJlcklu.-.oii *aid,> Mnte- very clenrly the »taic ol- mliul- m of a sallslieri nr.d uptiml.v.lc «tni'- u tfifljy mind,,Wllco. -All „f lhe evidence imheale,.-.

v-noih-rt>«*l>ie-«f«^ln-«--«rPBi»r-.tpuii4:;' mood, but not tor recklcus' r.pen

lng nuch as vie saw some years ui JOGEK Tills mood lo buy can bc direc! ITCHY nurlbutnble lo more einplnymr 'I—Jtck nnd n m t meiicy In t'.te prop) ’a s tiM pockets." • iivcrfliy • Tlie slnllsllclans checked \ctn.M ndcltr- cstlmalca llwt fnrm incoinj- il inatcry year wKI bc nenrly a tiiillon doII,i >d#y by greater lhan 1033, rUing from $:

OJI.COO.OOO to (iboul $0,000,000,^lex 111-.- October income wns flRured n! $73i

' nfin'MA .•i'.'i'i .,n nnn n r

Z M I KT « '

£ S i E E■ i if im ip

111 8(1§ fiUSS: C o m m u n ist P a r ly Com m Ttt

m 9 ' R e so lu U o n Cs

ing lo r D e a th P e n a l ty

A llc rm a ll i o l S la y i

iIlv 'Ihr AMOclatrd Prr, >>A H — U ’;x 4 .N x ;iu B ._ L U i^

ne'e. :i— T lu - 'ilea tlt pi'ii.Hlty i R u ss in n (iTri)ri.st.s

. vt)k«.‘<[ iint'W tucliiy liy th e ci'r t'xpi' t i ih 't' c o m m itU 'i* n H

B B i (:oiiiiiiuni.sl,-}ianv iw u ii a l l 'py ," -i,i’r iii;t(}i i>( {Jll-:________Scrt,'.-! K irn ff . .sr i-re ta rv= ■- = - = ■ p.o-.v',< r c n t n l n m in i i l i

I IVnm;i;, tr;al anrt .swl!t cKenii

1 - S - ^ — in - J n ' uiiu lljii-a l-ilig ..commi! L U rx-v;nbrr I, ilir <iay o!- sl.iMiu. am! i'uul;*p-‘il to<liiy In M

SING iij'S’s i r , ’;*'!,'• of ll;e dreaded "OKpu.'’ wli

■ien:-. .Mimmiirllv with countrr-n- ' O n e - lim'u;arle.s until It.s power of life : . «,■.% diftiUJm-iisrsiiTmiKT:

>'0n >|o||ve Sol niieloordKirnffs A'jji,siin wa-s Identlfird

-------------1< v.x.iiuiP’nt oommunKjue a.\ U tid Nlrolifff, TO, former employe

i,T') — il',- "urkiTs and peiu'mir. UVsiht; rul«f)on buff.nu. The iijinomicemetit Mid , relief h;iil roiifr,s\t-il anil wa\ still l>,-,

• ■ 'uTI^'ti.ineil, tml It cave r,o millrat; ■families

'm i i r siiib'n.- to r:,V incmcrv his .M

. iir'-:'.iat-, workers meetiiis in m,i ign-rrne— fir iiMnar a ' vr ni;cnn;'L' fof K l^uailons - th o '. : Th'' ,v,iai:i->ilon tha t’ K iroffs

monlh ,..i..>in,iiio!', mlahl i)ro;luce ;r,i'Ti f t nnd,;to»f;il<(.mpllcnlloiis a.s a result Ids wns Hin eMernnl iilo^ aRalnsi the b .b! Sfi)k-m-t'i)l! f.-.'i.w «a.s»dl.-slpaled n.s ;t )n num- oiiim- known tiwi ilie a’.'a.s^hi cxiH-nd- ;i ltii>;,ian and loimcr commiii

ig.Iiuidfi........-.H'idt-'prcad Prnl Denied "13 in re- ; fnu-nin oflicc >ix5kesm»n T.

v;,'r denieil lh.it the;v,had beri . ;n;(.V.-j).-/-ad (j’ci lo kill rominm

'Irai'iTS and lha l wiUraprc.id nrst y ^ jcn l had brrn ni.ide. a $506.- I iThe I/ondon Dally Kxpre.v, «flC. bu t m a dU[^irrfi from Wnr.-d i > ^ t l ^ i ; . f ‘ -10 6uvlcr»rm y olficcra. I ilef pro- b-r-n cxf:ul:cl an hour i l l i 'r a i U-- lli.-»ii |W.i* (iU w ered lo ft,‘j,,i,'.'lniilc nil mplojcd !h<t rountry'* leaders jimullnnec h i dole.'. IV. The dl,ip.Mch J.iKl that CO c tb rs hii\c intl'idinir hlch nnny oIfir;a;s,. 1

lifPji.nir>',^lmU____ —a r rc c n i ' K lrollb<Kly lay in In Url

,kv p.iliire, where ll w;u‘. viewed ;iwii.'.aiul.s lodni. Hi* n h'.s will

ellef re- )„ .\jc.^row Iju/Vr Dr.- Kre-•(ynirnis ],„ n(.,r U 'n ln* irmt,. f I; inn,\ c,*'- iisK tUroiiKlvii;d ih<- thl. repulilie.•lr .•Kid. wifJi *:io«- /.Wlli- on tlic eroti ;)ivmb-r. lemperniurrv !mv ami ii,i,kne-.-. li III K‘ 11- un on Mojeaw .>;>on alter i p. ment ol Ihc .sciilnn Ior tlr.* rues will clo. c llvin.: ' re-semblc lha l of I/'4iin* funeral ;myini-nt years njo. lie .same ---------- --------------

~ H n m e “ G « T i e r . » - f i o a n

' • S t a r t s F o r o c l o s u r il . - y t . i --------------Infor, in \V,VS!IINCirO.V, Ib'C, 3 i-I', - 1 r .Nlute'^ Hone Owni-i,s"Uian eorporaitnn nd lnce,l day .served publle notlci- lha t It 1 i-o;,Tn- 's :nrtedtoerack down on iier.smw «

oie and wli;ully Inll to meet p,s\ment.s ' ili”ir morisiae.' lo the i wpomi.on

how the 1 Jclui H, K,ihey, eli,iuman of I HI [>-'»! 'enr):o.-fll)on. .s.iW iJehnquvnt.s to d; )I i.'hi'f .nre li'-.s than :0 per fenl ot 1 IK •lunc. I'nio'.uit due. but lhal it hnd bi . .S',:,tci ne:ev\;iry tf> mstilule I.>rerlo,'.i

. pfneeedlnj.', »i tm rf ihnti n xior.‘

Spending Mood; 3 Trade On Boor■,-Ci>v.|bu\lni! lo<)kr<( for fn.m (lit 4 J i Id. tl t ( | . : OOJ.COO to S37O,0W,W'O iimv Deini! <1 ,indpn - in'uited by bmik:. tliii'Ut-houi I ould en- cii. nliy to their Chii-lmas rhib i le since po.itois.

. 'rrade reports mi f^r. Hits yi cted byr.',hri\v busine,^s cenenilly luniil weUi).v ahead I'J last year, witii Koi’i-rtiou he'>aw aide.1 txpre.vMiin eiu'ilidence tl

Ide th'.- pare will bi- aceiler.iicd this mon' October department Mon- ruler.,'1

; a;r',i,nvfli;-tiiir- f?,7in,ti f iiv rrv flfn Ide, o r - |« < P'T-ci'iil mctiiis>' o u r i. vc .luliMirs!aKo. Iluinl K-'neral merclii.ndisl income,!,sales nre u;i i : Pir cenl. ^arlI

icrear. d 1 .'lore , nle,s S per ti nt nnd new nul ndllure;.’; nuiblles sales I 'pe r cen'.. ' • n rr s ta - ; • • Tli-fe-H um e-" DicLiiuou• m wii.ii 'aie.Mniply nmitli'r indnatinu ol c.m!:d- veiy markel! improvemeni in t lind I'll'reinU trade that hu.-, be< ii noin^ .,n

III tlu- i>,ut y .a l, Tius U y tl-.e mi Cliiir.- eJJetllvr b;;.'.h h>! .swutd fiTDVcr,

, "shim ■ Utbor leport-s show th,it, the ca ;nlliil-,i ' l'-il KOOds ln<lil.s:iies exivneiite-Ui tntl- o l . prmeiijcnt in ,sev<-riil lin''s in C

•■•.■'her. lifiCably (ofon;om»- cftmjwK'i aie,s-t!',e .niacliinc Kk I.s, ccmcnt, itn lhe 111^ i t i ; : ^ J l C- :':.lll,tJ_ ltl)g ib J 'rivr.--3 ^ ^ i• spend.'p rwiucilon incfca.sini; nt more ll* ars ii|;o. ih'' utiual^seasonal amount, an 1 direetlv trrr.isc expccted by*olllcliiU to Inymeiit reflected ngnln in November i: proplr J tJfccmber lijurcs,I Department store prites pnibn\ctn.selv ly .will be about the »nmc 11 rA- ihU ChrUtmas as InM, olllclals .said,

tio:i,if.? 'J'f.’ J' «W thfy f t 88 p?r cc om $S,- o! 1525 prices and tha t nvcra i,f)OO,f>O0, K’-urrnlly hns bten mainliiln it $73(i.- tliiiiuch the year. Food prices, ho„ r .r , :of Iirr nllrl Ihc f llfi.

____________________ A C C U R A '

f F A LTU 'I.N ' F A L L S . ID A H O . T U E S D A

p r I . Trans-Ocean

i « ^ B\m M Him T ttee

I C a ll-


II a l'lu r- . .

a r v o f )

iinmlMri- __Ihe


'.■■"wi,;rh ( 'i l 'A I l I .K S T . a t-p ilo l lia f’.i- 'h t se v t’n il y f j i r s iij

iii'H’ lv s o v c h h im rs In te r '* .H o im lu ltt, I 'ln i ( ro n to r)

iploye ot I . I,-—«vsiiri-;ion I

S S IllK E iW S 7 ; M l l l i MBIlls .'lain

' ' " ™ ^ T c a r 'G a s 'B a r r a g c r O t s p c r i

° i 'S - .n - A n sc lc s S t r e e tr'siiiS' '"“'■'<"■5n.s It br.. ---------ssln wn.' i.y.s AN(:»;i,t;s. Dee. 3 uV—In immiinL'.' t;rm illrnl disiurbjnees In Hi

‘ .^neelrs s irrii ia r *lr|ke bruk ; nul Jinr» InJiIjlll in iJowntOK

■ 'T ; tiosltn-s« -arra^- and iioller - nrr ; turrrU lo l:rhij lear sas barratJ

.1 uern n o fdtr and r«Winiin^.;. dhr.rpic.1 truffle,fl n.-e.-ii. I poiicL- rllii;er.s iccpilr

. I lit.i'.imiii for efiects of the j;i im y me John fc, Woodwaid, Ow V^ncy .md Robert Woody. ■»

era. h ^ •••whilr the 'tm llic trusn was ii\ lu iKhl .slriker.s' hnndbilLs'lib:

ihe 'iriillti: from i '0 iiuilduiRs, 'ihe handbi^1.* ‘ 'i,Vh u'-'''* Pii'ketuiR und cloiuillona to ^•^•- I.-,Ill luml lor the .siiiltcr:.,

ie lra ''h v l llu-''''-':'''”"[h'miitcd to eie."e~a'’'l t t.... . .S.,». ,« u i . , l» ,

. I ie\eli(l trolley i;uide line:.. 'C

eroiii;.!, .;ir-... m il. i''day III a l.',>e,it „ ]ciud \>a:Ko;;'. :i! tn liuneii and u

,1 f o^ j iiualm ei, 0.. t,u- I'.ieiliL- lileciric r.i iiicral r/.rVT}:rr.>:)>m-p-nrfn t

I LU; A lifii:. metiopolliati ure.i, lliMid Itinu in s .siirnl

, . v _ „ _____ ■j'jir.b.ii.id, Wll,. 11 eamr here Sud,'>, lll^l K.i'e auilienTi- to lepi

c i i r p c ,'i'nt,ilives ot 1'ncitlc Klettrii.- u , then i'>in|)any ofiieia^, I;

■ _ T ( - '' 'n iin i'i 11:pi. Ktei,', liail DCi ii made, 'lhe atrl

n M lm< emi.loyes was lallsrm suho No'.UlluU 21. but puslilOlHil pell

e ;-i « I'lT ? « * ; .“ ‘" " ' f . md been ‘ „V,^ ' , . ,',I , ‘,:1 iirerlo,sure ''I'l, w . r (tmimiA.i t,,u,ij b) I. m-or' o ' ■^oaoiiiuie, w<M .i.msI supers ‘>r 1

the naUdiuil labor lei.illolis bo.ii — — -jfrT ^ -n T T -tn n ie rrti 'ilt- iis -lo -J i

Tiji- i iUDpany ims le.useil lo : ii . J , nut me ^lrlk.• bMie.s lo aioltraiK H J .J 01' t.lke fie''in i-.er:! ba;*,-i^^idn

I t ha.', i/ 'd i ,si'n;with iioii.,nnkuii: and uv,er\e i:

and wo-.kim; roiuliii'in' ,ile 4JM ,- iiiu-iMj III u<.tli\?:iKr... fini! <l!s- Wiili.11,1 il l.'.'isrisoii, ehairuMi; loui lhe niali,iiioii‘ i)oaid. indie.itetl t: r.ub dc- U5;irii cxjh-iIs imi 11 .-■Kli' in lla- I'

cllle tleeilii situation tn m.ike M 1:lls year IlUnnlnK I . \Vr m,ve ill. Jli.wer ,)Vei til, i-rtioicni I „„ uidiIuii-.: bce thl,s ; ' he s.ii> month, |„w e 'ie h-t.miu; to whai eaeh h aler,, the r,,,.), TinCL-lUCHU-wHf-tr 1 r .... ■■■" ......

“ ' ‘''" ’ la n Iiceoiit IM eollr^e^ racli ,-.n KUdiSUlK ,,,1,1..

n v S i ‘' ' “ ; '

mu u j B e a t l i C h u m s S i s t e r

in t'm iin l O f .A n i l e I . i n d b e r K

•eovcO'. 'l J'A,S i;.K.VA. Dec, .1 -is - Fmi"r Ihe cap-I ;.fruee^, Ii.i Mis. F.luabeth M‘i ite-ljm - i-tii;, i ' Mts, Clliule.-. A I.im in Oc- brtKh. will i"' hrld in Ennlewod

:J!jj;fK'ii[, Sov, Jr-rsi-.' . r;.o! Ill ;M.s.i£ie:i'.i. nienlhe like, bprs of the (anulv icimoiinced lod.i

»rc llm ir Relatives n; Mr^, .Nlornaii. v»i , nn in- fUrd In n hnspiinl early loday, sn a to bc "iTcr sl.sicr, Anne Lindbergh, bi Wt in d Colonel Undbergh will nol cnme

I’a.'adrnB,pnibnb- Final plans for taklnR Mrs, Mo

aic Ihl-s ghn's body east were being comple -said, A cd lonlRht by her mother. Mi

p?r ccnl Dwight .Morriin-:- snd her hurtian average Aubrey Morgnn, inliilncd Mr,s. Morgan died alter an ll.liip es, how- oi teveral'week*. Hint Marled r.li

r / l A T E ~ A y A S SO C IA T E D 1


ean Flior.'i On I'acific Coasi

.piliit Wllli S ir Cliarlos KiiiK^foril-Sii rr< UKO, ^vi Dtll fi'iini Oakliuul M»nil ■•i-Pjififir i.-i'iiil tnM flliiiu ri.i’-Tlii H. ' tie r oul alu'tii ai)i)n)XininfcT]riniiO i or) i.< aci'i'iiiiiiinii'ti b y Gonrirn Lil il) (jpi'm tnr. This A.-tsoi’inlctl I’ri.'^n ]

2 A u . s t r a l i i i n F l o o d

: R c f u K c c , s , 1 n T r e e . s

| | j [ - j |y ; I % h t O f f S n a k e s

I MH.llOURNi:, Aii'lialln. Dec. rnorcA '-’■ " i ' ' f * niKhi ot terror wiilis p c r s e - - [ f , -

*,'r,.i,e; swimiulnn In furronudli I u,iT,-. ijioij'r.jii)’- oJ ie.sld?nts ' lienil drv.iM.ued i ouiiiuui1lles*}nr ' hi'ie watched ^wo;lcn rivers rccc, tiiilay,

I I 'I.’;r i(rt|ire('f(/(*tjl<-(l flood, cr.ivf ' ' <li’..i-ier in the state of Vlctorir

" . . ‘l ll..tii-v.ro-,I the l.vesol « . Irtl ni ntown - l,•:',’^*l"atl'tv B.oo" licmclc's nt

(r,|,iri'(fainai;e r-(imhl^d nt'1 .0«■ "r'® ■ ('-sVimiiiiils 'ilbO'.ll J'TyWOOOl:' - irratr* Uilekly ptipulal'-d f.irmli

"■ , iiiaimiinllles north arii rn. t of lie , ,! wr;-' inundated b) lhe s-altlly rlsll

icipnrcd i„i,nijiiant.s »na<;hl refuilie j;ns. I roolti.p* av iheli homJ, Owcn, n„[i ;;vp wtre swefil nway.

■'■yi ••H'-avy dnniafre'4n eoasial lowi »■«» af v.r. caired a i n high wind lashi

s 'l lb a i. II,p .srvcnieen llve.s wrre b •om the jjfied m h.ivi- bren Imi »liei> il andbilli roastnl .'teamer Coramba Iniind'-rp ma to a ' ’nM- „,r..kaKe of the vrv.el and t«

bodlc'v be,iriiH; hfcbeUs were wn-hi

a. I ta l - : Hiindleap[v.d bv lurk ef Ik'" t '. n -sirike.-s llrl worker' emiiioved airplanes

'C ariilro',) bhnUets ami sitpplies to m: !(ic jam , rootled refugee*.,lie lent Th'- town.-'tiiii ot Kivtweer'ip w:

rvaciiaU-d, !iav,m- 2 (1(10 homeic'.' tio.nd .Sis residents wer,- drnwui-d. (Upp

liue,it" 1 l.ind, whrre hosjital iiati'-nts Mr Illd :n:- le.'eued ihrouKh a hule In the roc ric r.Ill- Toora and Hallo :rn Cul al'D ^u

o! the leieii 1-xlen.Mve dama^ic,'

,1 I W,MIM AT FAlnilANKSte Sun .' FAIRIIANKS, Alaska. Dcc, 3 1.■ lepie- ' A'~femperiilmi-“ or~<(I-ntifilT-g^' III.- ‘ Ill-, F.ilrbanks lnd.iy Its Uiird warme a^, Iml llccembor day in the 30 yenr lm iii'i uny lorj' of the wentlirr bureau her e atrlke' In 1009, one December day w,i, • s la llul and In 1!)2S nnotlur wns 41I p iiid -' A year »(!0 tcdiiy here ll «.i-. :

bcJoa.r i r . i l . i y . -------------------- ------

0“ ~DDiri^ - o f L i f €

10 .-111)'. 'I 'y 'I'he A.N.soclal;(l I’re-' t itraiieii L ik e s N e w J o b —5r;idmi;; CIIICAOO Her n--* Jd- M..1I-.11 ;;rmiii.s. K.ini.siiiie- .Srhuiiiiinn l lm k ,ll ,'rli;cf I nthmiaslli-ally

!u- liM |.T [rc i ,-ii(l;i,« [or her limn • M.'-.''I ts a ladio .............................

'.Mama Lu;;'it:n--." Wh'i l . '7 l >' ;i;,iin",1 wliv sla- Iikc-d ll

rm, ii; , , p ,,, ,,in |.j,. ^.said. .Mcpi>llr< oil Ih*- t - '.l i ll'ii

Sie'si im-

■•ll,.,. E lephunls ou R an ip ag e --I’Wlt;. lm !.-A slainj-'ilr tn :o

he's.ml ' i''l>hunt-, of 1li« Ilas'-n1>''i k-Wii.ln

s. Tlii-n i" 'l '> d mut::rlsis. and Chu 111. ■ur.m■ll , - . i i i - ' i i ' , i ' ! ! i—i-" , g,aj a M'ally not ll,em uiliirr nml:".1C ici'uil »'!vi’hanis biokr lidi--' .' :l •

-,'i-ic u-ipK k d . to t;-,-- :',,itiufi. Tralfic ;i " '

, .iiiuU ukli dtscritd .uul-di"''',:''' 1

l» r i r h elcplinii'l.s -<''irC.ihlornia w jin - .... .... ;u ;,ii1m:1 In a nioilun luetiii.-,

Fmi"r:il, -

‘ n ,‘,',V S licnt As Usiml—HOLLYW OOIJ-i: (ii'-la ( '.‘'b

ni!w-I lodiv d<-:«.'rl motion plcltitM ar,

bcoome not nnlv » »i4itr ur;:<--. O'

1}\ said sjjywjc here «Jx>ui n. h ' aud ' -Iioni Europ-'. qa'iim■nme to Nallnn WlitrAlit, 8»'edl'h «i,ei

'finger nnrt Tom h^rlkien, film iitio », Mor- c lffc t QM'fa? ls,l>'nni‘ine jmplel»'Mf'<?r In Itgiilmntc llrama. were ri r, Mrs iw H td here,urtiand.l Bul a t Alclro • Oolijw-yn - Mnv«

• ;fludie*. offlci.ils said cinrbo Ls 'ni; llhlPks' parently very much Int'-rr.'tnl" 1

d 'e.lth plans for hcr ncxt plctur"'.', and h,-

!D P R E S S N E W S P A P E R ^ C

> A I L \A, IS.'M .

•ast-.\ustnilian Hop-

l-S m illi tin h is C a lifo rn ia In A iis tn i- tm il.iy iifti'viiiuMi w illi iw ii (-iini)iaii- H aw i'ii mill S uva , uiul wa>i n 'lx ir lc tl

lilOTiilh"^TlI"M 'irTiravi>“ ha if- 'v h y -li»L il l lc j i th i t th 'f t ) i-o-pihii. u tui .luy

p ii- ltire w as ta k e n n l O aklaiiii.

n f i i l i o i rLSSIPIILIPPilS

Drc, 1 --------■

„ P l S - S o a s o n _ o L S to rm s C la im s

S ' ” 5 M ore T h a n 4 0 0 D e a d

* S ; • a n il M iss ing

••'orivl M 'M I- V, l»ee- S ..V—Tvphnou. ■tl nn '"nlelil In lliree a rra i ot

liml - I’t'l'lpplne arrliljKlnji. »l- . ^ I ’ oiii'f, I'llinaxliic a xeason ot rtotnl^

.1 . _>,hicli alrrad) ll*vy rUlmeU mnrr

>»,! | . . » r . . r k . . refuge On“ .‘■lorm itriiik at porUiern l.u- homcs ron, the island oi’ whwh Manila t lay. lofiiird, Aiuiilier rssailed the Islam towns or Piliiwau. comuiK in withuu lashed unriiliiK out of the asllated Chlni re bc- sen, A Ihlld was brewed In Ihi I'n lh» isitinii stiewn-r'ftcllie wllhln Flrlk idrrrd, ^nt: d l'tm re ol 8smi>r. the tarlhcs' nd two ea 't of lhe ecntrrl phihppln*'’. vn-hed^ The Cai;ayan ir\r;-. '.>hlch bLvcl,--------- if'V fTPflf Mi;

niirlhein tip ot Ihls island, wns ou' iirs to in I,ncl;, itiiiiBhi, but wliat dam-0 m.l- ,||.p „ «roui-hi hs<l not beei

li-iirned, Ihe moli>r vr,"''t Mndbetg wiinse iiri ionna;;e va« l?fi sue

melrs. lo vnves, live of hciOipps- 11,Plr 11,r,,s wrre Tlmr.-i-'' driv s stnrtn roullmieil 10 mniiiil, nu- •i> ^uf- tiiuri'U's t.miKht euuntini: an kiiowi

- il-ni! und-711 nils'inK—'n iia .du iu ib anc'’ wns mo-t severe on tlir i«lnn<

S (If I.eyie. which Iks )u»l we*l 0 3 1,1", .“amar in the ci'r lral Rroup. Manlli

arniesl 'lils se ,i-o ii-th rir Inve bren cigli' If h n - I '" '' "inn thrre •months—escapei ; ,,rrr. Uus mir- ■■mirelv.«,i. <3 pntiriiial nillrrr-ri In IJteM

Miinus me the nalive-., who'c 1rn H r, 30 «'!'■ ‘' f

:t.illd till' hmli nllids ol !K) miles nl lumr m more or liii- ftoiKfs whlcl iiievil:itilv siiii’e (io-,ui the flrram;

I iiloiiB which natnc villages ^o Ire V l nunulv are bulll.

Faei'd Wllh siirli wlilrsprerd dl.s ii'ti-r. the newlyereali'i. n-llef Iman

i j _ , ami It' iirrai.l;, turn Ilie.-tlnK lo T P lil;;lil cli-eiilril to split lUscU Into I

mill:, lit .'IX mi-nliers cach, Enel

. Ivjihi'iJti ari'a, a -it tlu results 0 ,' Iijrjr , i-vr;.)l .sijjK V' will bi- corre

l,itril ti> ;^rrmi'. .-tfiruia <llMribu ,.ilame fi< lhe t.idOi'Ofi funil made nvull

iiiiif foi ii'lirf i,v ih,- livrflftiiire n :i- !h '- ' [;i,. ;-rt[ir t;;fir j; rrr-,i('fl *lic board

and QI AIU: AT irM.I>>l’HI,l.'t 'S - KAl.t.’ l'Fl.t, M-mi . I ! . ' , i i-V,:-

Aii < :'rtlii|u:il;. u! mivor ini'n^ltj :> Ir-twr.-n '■> i'l aliil-l', o ' li.i-k fiutulnj

!i»m I'lornlm: was lej'iti,',! tcMlay bv rrsi, t!rn!s of this n>!i,'>Hi,.l-iii Montan;

_________ !• _________

;3 Reindeer Bril — To-^or-thv

i , .H t:.\vn .n IM-'. 3 •i';- a ciirisi. ■<'1 11' m.t.s uiii t'l s tan ii.n K-kimas of ih(

lo ji-j ilh -a r .l'f r ir ilo lv . aooo relndeei .ni-'iun'iiniili;' fl r(';.ss'!la--tInr;or tlK

..( i 'lo Aii'iir l i id r imliu. bilm;ln« food J .loiliim,-, 11,111. iim'.atuin and jobs l<

Tl;- iriiiiirri d!H.'r'‘ jls AmlreV It.ilii'. (nilraiie'iiis l-a|itiiniter,'«hO Al

Ij,' 11;,-li; h fon-ini: the ijieal Uimen hcr«1 and nill’’-'' arrnvi bhrard-.sivpj)! iijj).

o'li b®'"iu! Aklavik. abom,t;:, i.- . - l j .n inlli.,w i ',- ,t r 'IV ClimUDPl ,f>m

I . i'j.OiW Kikini'i wards In 4ii Ic}- lane '01 m “ ImMl «*•iittor. iJ^ jinrifd Irom Kolzrbuf. W rtkn

" cn Chrbilmus day. isi9, Qjiiffil grc) wolve* lore lit thc ilmito'of 'the rein-

, ,i:-.-tr, aud hu men KU ihclr bodlcx M'>V‘ '',dntk >plotc)iM axi'ld 'l the anew ' Himly iccn under the Aurora Borenl- •<l" Is, Great gales howled ncroM Alnska id h''^ .ind me norlhwe.st territory, m thej

- c o y p i E T B __________ _____

y - N E ^u m n t n AOOtT nuntAU

___________ or CtaCW.AT70NH________

-.jSky.Traj Speed 0 Toward

FllKht Lieutenant C Two ASjSoclati'S. C

Ocean Wa)n ie I

.OAKLANn, l 'a l i l . , II,-:.([». U ln i lif lv i t Iiis ( r im Ati.-

" ■nonoruIii^l«H lfty~anTt*Tnu;:3 I’n c if ic w a s t i 's f n in i vvhitli w hcrL ’uboiit.'t.

K v c r v th in i r w as "O .K ." p la n e a l 1U:.UI p. ill.. (lUCl

- w a!s-»itu{e w iiK -tJio .Macka.t

- m i w -

F a m o u s ' G !o b » - F l i e r T e

i? i'in il P u r p o s e to R ise 1 0 .0 0 0

F e c t^ H ig h c r ----------

u i. ■ — •'_____ -nAR 11.F-SV lU j;. Okla.. Ifc-e.

(.V'-Coufldciu’ lie K t a iw-w ft I plan" ultilud'- ri'iiiid ot ,'Oinc 48.1 j Irf l • icdiiy. WUey • l‘c.'l announc I lonlRlit he wuu;d defy llie :lrui i splK-rc'.s howling j;3W nnd 70-i

l i r p Ktres U'loA 7.T0 cold n;:aln willIji. k~'j(i;'tj-or'tfT tw -ffjr*—, |L U 'l o tly lO.OCO tfc thU hrr sllll. . ,

I Wlilivtx-d nbout by lem fic v h1 Post land 'd nl Mu^ko;n-'s "hall

a im e field" al 10.21 n. m.. imwllllni

[| ; gun-’ tn his two hours und elcv I MilniJte.i Alriivvlr.I He Hew buck lo Hartlesvllle, »oi I Irt mUcs nortliweH of .Mu»ko i-<- a 'n lUT looking ovrr hts m 'truinci

mou* mid calculallnii the (tme h? « >s ,i:ofi and climbing appioxhnnti • a l t 1 000 f rrl n mlhule. Jiald hc belltv lotnl^ iw had tcashcd nboul «,000 I m

Th" rrrord o! 47J53i‘ Is l-.cld , anfl ’ i,;,.i|irnnnt Hcnaio Dohatr ef Ilal

; Pusl said he would not wnll uv iiri afflc'laJ cltrrk ol hi,s Uirogra

rn l.u- bi'toii- mukin-i anelher utu-nipl nila ts a It-w dnjs if lhe weatlier I ' Inv islnnd iiblc.

,'llliuul, .Uatllc Above ClouiliChinn '.' Tlie fammis lilobc Ilirr tcld of n ih c 'ijd n if ,|oue above lhe clouds

fldjujl i faulty valvy whlcli irlhcst jcmcd ffic.ve lof> much o:'• 1 te n and causc lils •-.strulc.-phcrc d bLvct.-, 1,1--' Mill lo bi.rM. i l r . t h ' '• 'H r i-fiiiirt ha 'i' ,siirvH-cc?? ?ic sc ns out ,.,.nL jo >-rimds' ll 1dam- tn,ai,.(i and designed, lo ina

t bern ia i„ Vrrviire In iniclli-d nlino.ipht hnd Rlvni wny,

„ 'i 6irui:«lliiK *im the valve, he \ , nimble to keep n cheek tn hLs ul

n.-ir. ' ;»cl<-r ii.'lrr nboul 3i,OOU Jrrl. wh :il nil- f o ’*- *0'kiiown definitely hc hnd gone, liim b- allinirur made n coniplI 'lnnd ' U'voiuiliin cveo' IO.®W f u t and p r -l ot laid that lie was climbing flbi Manila M>00 teel a minute, which W'oi iliooiLS hnvr ner<-!-^ilated freipicnt glatv

eight nt lhe ultimcier to k~irp accuVi scaped ai'fiHiiil ot the h'--i«hl,

Al 20,000 lect, Pi'sl Mid, he •> IhFsr c-(ii-;ing oi-e'r J),'i/t!<;st'(«(>. kccjjl

,e 1rn . oriniU-d by lwo lake:., onr ouM n Ihe Olher west ol UartlesvlIIe. i.

lies nn •j.yi.,;, ,kylinc atxmi 40 mi souih.

Inlo Trrlli of C air '■' Thi n. a,s the. ,sui>i'rcliarm d tno

d dl.s. Ihl-"Wwnic MH«',''sJhiiIi-j)joiii; iKian’l '"" ''"I 'b 'n '- in which he iwlc-

world Ihvtil record', sang Inlo I nio IS l '‘''lh o ' ‘hr liiilr, I 'onI noticrd I

Eac),'(i^akinn .ixynen valvr.HurunJ— Nml ll'- iu)tlrrd that TuLsa "1 Ill-s ofiniiiv 'd wr.sii.( mr." llu n Tul-a ti corre-jnjipi'iiri'.l and lir lound liiniM'lI o

' t r i b u - '’ nothin;; bin inuuntalii'." nvulUj. .-1 liJd the A tU iuus rl'c i ;w ure nilKUiil'-.' ii.- :.aid. and tlrw ha;k board.^«ci-;kck-.v ir/r-r (fnv<-;i(iK

;a.s :,i! a- Fml Siiilth nnd Ihr Ai I- nii',i:. U.'.iik,

M M n'ko/.,.. Iv ,|i,t; - '‘^Ityihi.' l-.r'.mi-. l: if. Kl'].', o:i lho il)l ‘‘■‘•'nv ;-.iii'. lor.ih- i. inui-.tu H;.riU-,-vlllr

mtana • ^I iCiiliUmi#(! on IMue U. Col. Hi

_ -

r i n g i n g R e l i e f

h w e s t - s - ^ s k i m o

riirlsl-jTiir.-'- bill I.'ji-y <lj<of the on wt.-'ic- m.'ii I-„kI m",er b-.-en kno Indeer' lo m b'-lm".ur tlie; ‘In wm:er-U-7.:t-< o‘!r,t 60 dryl.

lood.i belli-* r-!i, fll -itmmer, inO'OiiiKi obs lo ' whined nir.:il ttinu a,s ilie tem;i<

.n liitr I0-- I-l loo ab'A.-, mIrrV OIli-Ii tli'-'i "I'lf l^ 'rii to;! ,hO nt r m l I/;llirn ol .Si'alta-, tlu' -prim:, jvcrn-., klllK' 'aIio lOliIiaiteil Wllh Caiu U hcrd ' loileluei thc l.-.ll'.lrri d'irs lllll l;il 'I IIJI)- exarijy th 'V -nie. bul 1;abonli. •■.somr-A-lt--re7n:i the Mackeiuile d s nnH' In, " Then- ts ilmiv.l' no cogimunu

i-Iand( 'd out «Jili ,3 tw ri-.4l cx- - tlffr. Todiiv-ilierc me some 3300.:

eluding IOOO Inw-as born near Mi> J r tk n .’ rtver this spring. He expecU to ( I grcyj Ilvi-r on(\' JJOi, for many a rr Jc ■ rein* mraying nwav lo bi'cotiic Hr.' pr<|y wdlcji.! Umber woIvr,«, anow-.l When the animals nve loascd, 1

orenl-* Eskimos will breed them nnd hi Mnska ■ them a.s they mullliily. They furn a they m*iil. The ‘klhs ai-.- made into cloi

\ w s m -’ 12 P A G E S — 6 C E N T S

ail Blazers )ver Pacific d Antipodesi t C h a r l e s T . P . U i m , W i t H

s . C o v e r s 1 0 0 0 M i l ( ! , s O v e r

i V a s t e s i n 7 H o u r s

n ic A.^soclalf(l Preasl: i~ l '' l i t ( l ; i L ic iito i ia n l C h a r le s T .

.-\ti.s(ralian.|ia(i(i(l m on tip h irif toK 'ard •a i;'3 ]’p ril1 iif:^n T R h t-nc ro !p --l-h« t-vn j*U fill'll c am e i i i te r i l i i t lu n l f la s lii 'a o f h is

i,K ." n h n a rii th o s i lv e r a n d oranB P 1 H 7 lf ic'- ? t.-iiitlaTt1-tijn f ) w h f ii c iin tuB t (cka.v. n iJ io s t i it io ii .Bl. y fl»„K rn«ci.‘tco-------------- A!UH»ii«h Jll) p 'w ili'^nI I I t'li; lis ten e r.s c .'tlim n lc d th e

pnriie tt'.'i.-i J .tn x m r l c n r t r i l l sea n il itK 2 .408 m ile d a s h to

einfi loats'd over the Mauson hncr t.tirline at 8 ]i. in.. w htn the vc.v.jl uas SDQmllu aiM-u.

le ilS Mld-Sra (W ertnrVIO I I’uwi-rlul M-nrchllghu from tho " W ‘ liner pinyrd acrorj. the plnne la »------- ---- :.imd;M:ii_grwilng hs u im , the iiHoi;

I Oeorge U ltlcjohn. co-pllol; nnd JT I. Skilling, navigator, aped toward

H.[. J JJatt-all. Ilrsi Ir* of their lll j l i l it) ftir. t3>dhcy. .Aiuualln. They arc cliiri-

'r 48 n'o ' h’k lhe course of n new commcrclal nounc.-d ' " 'f " S '” 'o*

:,lruio-lo - d c - [ wraiJier-«i)ed the voyagcra

I wllhln ilonohdu'Camc iciwrLs thc tr io wlU Incc [ lirqiienl showers nenr IhrOTftnd.Vin"

• whid.s 24 hours, wllh Unsettled■-liaibox'v.lnd-s culling acrou lhe plant's

l!.'-* i*j i A cr“»il ot I'oing apeciatorj.

' '■'‘‘' ' " ‘ 'iv.uichert lhe. lakcotl a"^ ouw^thc 1.- some lowafd the acUlhK suni-i-e and vanuh Into a bank of white fog. rum cnu of longcjlh- w«s over.wnter routes In the world bul. iln-ntely •“ 8®'-' M-ll.'Lleiitcnani Uim taid bell'vcd exiiecied lo »cl Ihc pjane down ) l m ai-llouolulu lomorrow morning. l-cld by t-ftclrjohn iriu «£ the-fi/ane's « hi- f IlQlv - '*>>*-'“-‘1 I c ll ih c gruunU..carry- t il uuoi) gallons ot gisohne.iroarjDti! Making n single sweeping circle i-miii in Uttlejolm then headeds Iiivor- >’*' »«'>

o\er Point Lobot on the loiiihwcsi- , t-iJy ilj) pJ j j j f ODidcD Oo;o. • ( 4;0i

'oiidi * " blowing illghlly aniliilcli lie «•* clear a t the tla rtleh oxv- *''* Jo'^rney. icrc tliv- lt»d supply Included six

boxta of tnndwlclic.t and other ?je innJ ’1''^"'® ***'!” tfoin the airport cof- ’'T n iiC' •f«^-•hO|.r-TlM‘H » d - l s ^ o - « a ^ la a l^0 m ain- ^ • ’’•“■I condciii-:r Miiheie drinking water ahould tticy

' ' b-- foretd doK Ji.he was “ol carry a life raft but

iiLs uill- fofI. whiclj •■‘'‘■'ral daj's in a eahn sen If ijccca-,t w-Quid *

Hc said he exiwcled the flight'onipltie enable him lo chart a newmd peat twnjjicrchil jjlajM.' vewfurc to J n a u fJ flboul regular oiwrallona from A u -1 would ‘0 "> >yari>. glanws ■Jl'n ’'"o-'a Hie dangcra- o f thfl

~tContlnir.-d on Pago 3. C ol 5)

l i T i P i i l c E ■z : ™ i i ijjjoiiiji'd —

U'o Ite Ambassadors of Germanyit..d lire p |.g „ |, | , . j i j j ,

------------- Igcocraent________M'll over — ,

nOME. Her. 1 — Oermanr Cl ;« a mill Frame rla 'p rd hand* aern.s haik to j llie nn-m«n^i land of Ihr Iroubir-'

( iintii^Saarteil3Y In an acrorO tnii>~ h r A lk.., lng lo asiurr this part a{ Kunipe

1 al leail a irm purarr lirralhlnr ■' .lii tiid l siH-ll et pear-. .0 ;i)ln t;! Cmnit de Chsmbruii, nmija.sv,i<-;.ir -.■vlllr i “ ' Fian-e, ami Amba,'^,tduf Ulri.h . ,,,1 ,„ > o „ ii.i-.-ril .,[ tlermanv. signed nn______-*i;4H'i:meni sn the name ol.U idr.gov-.

ol. Hi rriinieiils (le:lL;ned to eliminate ll'.tt •ricif Saar bn.sin as a dinger spot hi

---------- K'iio;iPan ualltlri hi ndvance of the, Jaiiii.iry IH jiiebl.st-ite. The ngree-

im'rnl U'coines elleciivr H ,acrm nnr 1 wins llie pli-b-'i-lle, which la held as I a f<j:i"wne i-oiii'liislon.

^ jirraiigod wider

M-oimmli.-.-, ^-.ermnnv agrers to pay .W3,Uixi,W») Irancs ijS't.lOO.OOOi nnd

V ' ' ’ lH.OWW'* ‘o"-' ' “r fVanre's.1 Known c p d iu Hr the Saar' _ 'b a s lh .

<irvi.-<M,; -j?i,nii(.fniorr,'the nttrefmrnt-E'tar- i-onmoi-.^j.intees lhai Germany will accordHm.K'l- I lo

, iamiuu; ull inhabiinnls ot Saar, re- ij,'A;illes,s uf race, religion or language.

.m 'iiniw j M i n i m u m W a s e s F o r

!ii..".ki“ - l i c e t W o r k e r s F i . v e d

— ' 1 WAl^HlifeT n -J, lTy_3.1.1'ir>Illl^

3300. in-1 in .Stbriuka'a Norih Platte valley r Mooao] were fixed today by Secretary of Ag- a to de- rlcultiia* Wallacp. The k*1« govtrna rr {ost. K'ofk iH producUon. nililvatJon or pr<iy 10 har^'Mtlng ot Uk 1B34 crop.

The »«reur>^ said “urfdcr the «cd. thc CUI •clrcumsiancca aurrouiidln* Uio id hum bt«t labor prabtem" of.ttie .district,_ furnish (he wages wpuld bc 10 an acN for

;o clolh- blocking am! thinlng. »liO an acre tn hnii'i lor hrai hQfinfl, t l nnd acre tor sec-

* . ■

T O D A Y .: U n i e t t l e d

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es

.P A Y K O F F ID ITEnrarasii

' ■■ — • iho

_ 'daho Growers Expected lo „ Sign Contracts lo Share “

AAA Distribution ' p

BOISE. DM. s ( .D - ld ih o f« m e ri Sunp o i^ ta j 1 0 ^ cr more ic re j of becti u mvUI be oUtTtii .AAA c o n tm b thla ,ireck..lo entitle lliera lo paym enu andlo r controlled production. E .T .B «n- # c4on o t' the extension dlrlilon « unsiinced here today. • TJ ^

Beet oommlllees on the tame bisU ' W■ u the com-hOK .eoramltiecs will be wlt^

eho»n In e u h counl>- to comuutt tem; Individual acrengc« In touclatlon with the county n e n t tn d the su tu - r r . compinles, Beiuon n ld . iie antlcl- pated no rtruM li to tiin the con> tracts In vlev of lhe fnet ll gu&ran-leea them approximately »7 a ton for

• 1J34 beeu u well aa almllar pricesI for n itura y a r a . . ------ -— .

~ ~ T 8 '» iiu rco T im n iB c n t> - itro o tlin *- Jn« the prosram. & meetlne »1U be

held .December 10 In .Pocatello with J. A. Dickey, actlne chief of thc „

----- mgat-McUon of thft AAA. pru c n U qMpJaln dr**lW uP o; contract

— K hrdulra and o thcrm allera incident to the proeram. ov..

The 1034 acreagt by factory dU- — in c ts 'h u m rcB d r^ f* ’ te n ta t tr tir .nd

aet. Benaon aald. although a blanket Inereaae w u announced late U at ^ monlh affecting all dUtrlela whlcli

computed earlier. Tentaitve aereagea. ch«i yel to be augmented by the Novem* " JJ ber increa*:. are: BurJey-Paul JO.- i " " ’ 399; T«'ln FalLi 12,737; PrankUn .Minn

. county B241: Shelley 7744; Blackfoot OMS; Idaho ra ils H.M4 and Sugar ^ Clly 10,036. V PDiiIi

--------T1i*-am o«nHor-«eh-gros;er_Km.be determined on the bails of prev. J*>‘ , lous planting* but terms of the con- ; tract we subject lo general modlflea- aeiiii lions by the-McrcUry of agriculture. J pjiu A alight variation In price per ton

among thc dlJtrlcta Is pcwlble. Ben- eon explained, due lo relative per- cenUge of sugar In the beeU. | l |


B0 I8 S, Dec. 3 W>-Th« stale prU- fin board m ebln the governor'* of* f lcS to S irto atudy their fln d ln g m r 7^ the tm-estlgatlon o t police chaxges UUV

' th a t A penitentiary trusty robbed a down*town aenrtoe su tlon , then rc- \ cesaed to dr&w up ft lormal reporl.

The rtpo rt wm not mada public lonlght, but waa expected to be re­leased tomorrow a l an aftemoon

' BeuV»)9f thc board called lopo&s on " J^Jn~n£Bl ioriD. i?

• • A lloaey Oeneral Miller expreased the .opinion Warden Ira J. Taylor had been cleared of any blame for ?*“ the alleged actions of Guy Nelson. prlson tnuW i who wm charged by j police with robbing the service sU - *- lion. Ue did not eommlt hlmaelf m . to whether he bclle\-ed Ncbwn guilty.

■’ " " " laidPflESIDENT, AIDES

CHEERED BY READY ' , At.m a r k e t FOR BONDS S d .

____________ ___ ____________ _ f ^(Cnntinued Prom Page One) tcontmueo rro m m

pool, reporting thc "recepUon u ex- day.celteni.'' *‘'l

“D ’crybody U very happj'/' Mor« >0*;;■ genthau told ncw«jMi)crmen. ■ °

Secretary Ickes, who earrled a bundle ot plans showing how bll- lion* could be spent in ncwpubllo ,7 work*. Including public houalng con- " “r jtniellon, retlectcd Uie happiness. "

The three molorcd out to the U ttle \m t e House tor luncheon and twat

— la ter-w ra -Ja loed .by -H try .Ii. Hon- _i-b, kins, relief administrator, and Rex-' (dop /ord O. Tugwell, wfder aeejtjaj7 oi- ujit# OBrlcullure and InUmatc consultant incre lr. Nev IXal dbcuulons. tnlt •

Tlie lour kovernment l e a d e r a reaso probably will remain o\-er and re- "W turn to WMhlngton on Wednexlay everj wllh lhe president but there Is no expei d sn of any announcemenl of the MW relict program before cotisreu opens In Januarj-. j "

Ickei WanU More Secrelary Ickcs. who administered ,

the $3,700,000,000 allowed so far tor .'g, public works, said till* sum had

]uimp In a w :uc, bul It wns not ^on* enough'to do whal we ho|)cd to do." la i^

Ho InaUted lie wanled no |icr- mani manent pubile works expendllure by eral the govemment- bul enough "to do ed w thc trick unlll prlvale Industry can "T take up thv slack." Ha noted there >oon were t w billion dollars In appllca- tloni .p e n d in g and moji arc ‘* '1," ■wortliy."

•'We ought to carry IhU on m'er , ^ a long enough period to do tho Job." ‘y!® . he argued. "As quickly jis private Industo' picks up wc can pull oul.This u a tlop-fia|) and I hope prlvale .1,., , cnpltal win be iiblv to do thc Job „n ir Itself very shorily." ' Hic |'

AS for reiiloclns lhe dole by work mrnt rtllc^. lekej warned tlial ih lj could "Pi noi be aecomflllshcd In one stroke »o;k

----- (ind-that-d lrrtt-rrllrf-lrt-iilt-p rob^ability i\ould have to be eorrli'd on ami a measurable senlc this winter. whlc

)!n0,<^,000 for ItelUf \ labor Of today's borrowing by Uic gov- «'*l<

ernmcnt, *000,000,000'w a* to meel -rrlier needs. ' ' ' '

'T he whole bond markel b icUlns J* above Saturday's close," otwen-ed

. Si<rclary Morgenihnu. "Tliai l«llj the Slory. I l sliow* ihe bond buj'crs haw confidence In lhe financial in- „ tegrliy of the sovernmeni nnd In ,.,1, ' Presldetil noostyeU."

Of the issue, $440,000,000 wns of- biiik lered a t Interesl of one and one- will 1

icatek replacing ^ ltta n ^ n g ~ K e u f- "&Ues paying 251 per cent. pulu

Morgenthau aald preportuon of rtteibe budgot 'w m nearmg compleUon dplt

but hs w uded o f t any Inqulrlea u tinen ' to speclfle flguTM which ir e guarded

ior tJr« t.p re*aU tloa to eongtea*.____ lc k « . ,«npha*l»d. th a t future P*”

public works, projects ahould be. ]n a d e teU^UqutaaUBg to l i r u poa-’ a , •Ible.

Ickes said he would .favor loam Magito municipal power planta as a Hngt


?*Si TwB

”n a n a |J TOMOBBOW: Idaho - UnsetUed II TMaday a&d ITedaMday; local

’ ih o w tr t'e r anew nu rlea Tueaday:' ao duMt* tn U m ptntm . ■

® High and low temperature* ye*- lerday m reported \>1 the govern*

• ment weather-obeerver were 39 and• M degrees: there was a west wind .

knd the tky was elear: barometrle pressure a t t p. m. was 2S.t3 and the

% humidity range, M to i4 per eent o t 1J laluratlon. tae la flunday'a temperatures were 35a a'nd 32 degrees « iih a ve il wind and pal. a clear sky: bsromelrle preuure (<](.. w u 36.08 and the humidity range, nu:

73 lo « per cent of laturaUon. . allIs 'W eather a year ago wns eloudy n,e.e with i trace of preelpluuon ahd a t tk temperttures of 48 and 14 degree*, peon *— — thr

' T e m p e r a t u r e s L o w J5 i

• I n R o c k . v M o u n t a i n s t_____ the

I (By The A.VM>clated rrei»> reci• The great high which cover* thc dor- -WeyMa-tiow -cfealed-owr-norOiom Ob)• UUh. i t conllnueslo m ainuin ao* Th< ” normally low temperature* In the u n I Rockies,., bui. milder temperaturea clal ® prevail In the Westem plateau. ^

‘ gm and Wublngion *nd snow in a v t westem' Moniann. " A' disturbance ta n

over M lnnesou has caused moder* of t■ ately heavy tnow . In that region poli 1 and iMser amounu el«wherc in .IHF W b

middle 8Utes..whlle rain lm occurred n ‘ in Uie E u te rn atate*.‘ k |ii. Mln. rite. Wlhr. tO 1, ClioiDne . - . . j a I t .m c n r » i .

cbiMio _____ « K .» c ouflr IlllKna ......... . M >* • T Coudj Mil1 ^ A nitln . n i t .N Citar tMn.MlBimtioIH . Jt I* .J« TNtw Votk...... 4* )« T Cioudr ,om ilu .......... : i » T citirPwalello ........» 21 T Cloudy UniPDiiitnd ........ i t 4« .1# Kiln and

am n it |9 ----- m u .«* c itir c n rKin rn inclm .M U .M Cloudj mlajatiUif •• j : 4* M eret

’S .tii'rS I! S Zi' 'Z, T—Trat(. ber

- ■ ■ — Met

i U S l i l M i P g BKOW PiOGiiSG o v e r n m e n r s h o u ld B e S e r - ,

v a n t o f F r e e C i tiz e n s , . ^

P l a l t o r m A s s e r t s omClc'

, -------- kill.NEW YORK, Dee. 3 <;p>.^all- and

Ing foe-eoopenllon "foanded on Miu (he reallUe* of exprrtene*. aa- hon dereUndIng and good will," the naUsnal tsaoelallon ol manufac- - j turers today aubmllted io (be country's IndoslrUllitt t plaltorm for economic reeorery. ln»Embodying a comprehensive dls-

curslon ot relnllons between govern- menl nnd Induslry, the platform was .f,- laid betore the national industrial counell by C. L. Bardo, head Of the " , Manufacturers' k:soelaUon, v.a,

Atler a iwo-day discuulon, dur- , Itig which *ome change*, may be ?['" I mnde. the program will be Uken up

for -final railflcailon by the ' con- ,® ; ‘ KteM."or "Am errennnm iitryrw nitiT . will meet Wedneeday and Thurt-

day. IIHighlight* of the plaUorm fot- i j

"Govemmeni should be Uia aer- vanl of Its Iree cltlMns, not their f

. m uier." r"Avoid pollcle.» which tend.lo een- L

' trallw control ovrr industry, labor and Agriculture and to regiment America." U g

“A\-old any threa t ot bureaucratic■ tjTanny,"- -iB alanc*-th»~f*deral-budgeU -by-----

adoption of policies which will stlm- uliU btuineu. restore employment. Increase.national Income nnd per­mit cutting public expenses to t l l ^

"Withdraw all federal aid from every atate which does no t reduce expenditure* (excluding relief and , , , bond obligatlonsi to nt least tho 1936 level." to

"Make progreu toward the ^ lirompl balancing of the budget by ,, . rejecting p a m en t of the soldiers' botuij until due." '

, ••Siibsiltule for exlsllng,stale sales ‘ taxes and prewnl selective federal " nllll 'niitATiee l.iAts uu I'QuHabre• non-ciimulnilve m a n u f a c t u r e r s ' , . f ' talM tnx levied at only one point ol

manufacture, collrcted by the fed- ' eral governmeni nnd equitably ahar-- ed with the stnle.i."

"Tlip Rovernmenl should return a.i soon as practlcnble to a genuine and unrcjtrlcled ROld standard with a drllnlle conlnil of Uie standanl gold dollnr." .

"Tlic Frnilet-U m ke acl frighlew t l « lenders trom agricultural loans and hev shoiiUl be re|)ealed.“

•'Govrrnmenl jlwuld .withdraw repi from a inctlvU les competing wllh had UiMP of lU cltliea’, * Stop gov- ca%i

' ernmenl comj>eiuion which, converts b«M the inxpayer*’ money Inlo an Instru- cnif mrnl for h it deslmctlon. ' ' bur

"Protect men In their right to two »o;k. Prohibit sympnlhellc or gen- a

. and boycolls. Hefrnln from pollclcs disi which'n tlempt to force men Into u - labor oriinnlrntlous. Encourage locnl uivi

, Jtitlenicnt* ol dltpule*." , V "MannRemeiil recognlus tha t the ern

’ prorfi/ctinij' of-fhe-w orker-should Jun be lalrly nii3 even llbemlly rellecleci V{,r In hts eompeiiiailon. ^abor, however. cnnnol ulinre whal L* noi produced,

' Arbitrary determination o t hour* ,(,n ' and wfget. a* proposed In auch ' mPMiitrs as 30-hour bills, ignore.i I this fundnmenial principle."

.•'.Unemployment) relief must not " ' bankrupt the government:'for tha t ,,' will end all relief and impose misery

•'Social mea*urct. such M com- ' 2 ! puliory unemployment Insurance or

[ reserves, mutt be founded on prln- Mr I elple* whleh will not cteato further m „; I unemployment or maks rcemploy*1 m enl'haurdout." ‘ ~


'■ SALT LAKE CfTY, Dec, J f-P) - Mlts Letltia Thomas T uttle.'33, ol

> Magna, Mtter ot Mr*, Annie Ar- rin^on. Twin Rilla. Idaho, died herr

l i D i i n n ^s ^ D I I W C ® J. Nlgtit Classes; Launched by |; P.-T. A., Attended by „; 200 Persons• — • n< Two hundred adult* are btlng con- . U et«d through aduU education class-J M, iho major project of lh t Twin “1 F tlla Parent-Teacher at40cUtl0n, the <<» td u l t educatlpn ch tlrm tn ' told Jfl . •

nu m b ert of'the council. npresenUnc• t l l P .-T , A. group* Jn the elty, a t t «

'f m eeting ot the eouncll.lu t evening1 a t th e home of Mrs, H, A. Ball.-Young '• people may obtain college credIU

through extension courses offered by the adult educ'tllon ichool, it w u pointed out. , • i l l

i T iit council voted endortetnenl of f t the d e t r U kes p trk project, tn d ] I recommended th a t a copy of Uia en-

s dorw raent be *enl lo the Duh!I C b « a b e f - o t- O o n m c c « .M a - J . .a . — r Tharp-%^aTpp8iatW P.-TTA iTPre* — i senUtlve on the board of the Aaao* .I cltt«<i Chirllle*. _______

More Clothing Ready ; ^

I av tU tb le /o r dlJlrlbutlon, the wel- 1 faro-chalrm an-rifpw ted. PreeldeniJ.—

of fhe focal P.-T. A. groups were *p- I pointed u t committee tor tbe dls-r tr tba tttm T jnht»rj«nnenti.----------- --------i M rs. C. J. Malone'* hol lunch plan

w u approved and the Council agreed to underwrite the Insurance. Mrs. A. J -B c * v fij'jr> g a \t.th trrp o rL o (M tr

, E Ilabelh 'B m lth. Khool nurif.cn the ” r a c tlv l tin of the behool nunlng *ya- °°

t« n . , “T he membership chairman reporl-

ed th c folowlng: Washington. 140; <j• U ncon . 143: Junlor-tenlor high, 157, .u ,

tn d Blckel, 113.

Christma* bukeis, will be the ‘‘ad- ' mUalon tlckeU" to the Chrlstm u op*

e re tu , to be preaented t t the meet­ing of the Junior-Senior High Sfihool P urcntiT eacher oMoelntlon Decem-} ber 20 t l lhe high school. Mra. O. O. McRlU tnnounced. The public U In*

I vlted to tltend .I P lnn* tor FOundrrs' dny cbaerv-

ancc will Include llw honoring of ear- l y d n f Pnrent-Teacher workers In T w in Palls,-ll wa.1 announced. Mr*.W. p , Haney presided a l the meet­ing. ■ ________________

- S e a t t l e M a n - X e l b

O f K i l l i n g N e i g h b o r

SEATTLB, Dec. 3 (/Tl-Twenty* one years a f ti r a fatal shooting a t Cleveland. In which he asserted he killed t neighbor during t fight tn d then fled from the clly. Louts M iuulamltna, mlddle*aged Seattle homs owner, seeks to_c:e*r up hJaj name. • ' t

“I w anl to atralghlen up my « c - ord," Detective Ueutenanl Claude Fortner quoted him todty u tay­lng. "1 wanl .10 gel my llnal cll-1

• Uenshlp paper*." IT he 48-year-old Maaslamlnna, ta-

; th e r ot lour ehlldren, suld lhat a f l - , er th e t ln l monlhs of mad tlig h t.

‘ were over and the fear of a rre s l: begtn lo dlmlnUh, he seltled do»-n

, here ond. h u lived an exemplary ; life.

Since -1917, he aald. he has work- j-«d-ln.*-aU*l-TOUUiere------------------ - .

i i i i f f i i i i o i i I: EM SJIXflllTi. Head of Edison Institute Re- j, vealed as Witness In___ I; Conspiracy Case

WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 ( f i - Thomaa N. McCarter, fN tw Jer-

' tey public utliltir* operatgr, w*i I revealed today u the man wlie

expoaed an Income tax conspiracy ' labeled by efficlait u drilgned

to ■'sell eat the governmeni."' T hU «-ord was forthcoming Just u . l l become known ireasury official*

will ask the Dlslrlcl ot.C’oliimbla , grand jury this week to Indict two j federal employes and po.ulbly tlx

; ^*he"Vlie'ged conspiracy cairii' M 'j 'I light a week ago. At. Uiat time Sec- '

rcliiry Morgenthau dr.'wrlbfd the j . trcnsurj-’s 'in fo rm nn t as a "high I

class buslncM man" nijd 'good c it.- ;, Iren," Hc 'tpoke this praise lesa .1 lhan :< hours a fte r McCnrter an - j , nounced n court light nKnlnjl Prcs- [1 lUrnl Roosevelfs power prontain. \

McCnrter. prealdeni ol the Edison .I Electric In.Mllute and licitd ot the 'I New Jersey Publlc'Servlce'corpora-,

Hon. wcnl to Morgentlum.wllh t ,,• reiiort New Y ork .tax coiisullanU,i had (>Itere(l to -Ilx" a MW.OOO tax ;• ca%r on- a 20. pec cem comiiiission j t bnMh. As a result, two .imiwrtanl >• cmployc.s- ot thc imernnl revrnlie '

bureau have been disralMed and ,) two other* nre lo be dropped.

An invr.illgatlon now under .< -wnirchEverT tax-tn:»f-arttlfd-by-the- > dismissed, employes over a piTlo<l of |’ U • years. The ense* were snld to i ' involve several inllllon dollars.

McCnrter, expecled to be the gov- i ] crnmcni's sinr witness in it;e grand I J Jury proccedlnss^ announced flj New ' .York a week ago Sunday itial New*' loi\ u . Bnker. former secretnry ol• war. and James M. Beck. Iormer ' .lolicitor-Kcnernl. Iinrt been reialn- ‘ ed by the Edison Institute to 'flghl ' the Tennewee villoy authority'*. projects in ihe courts., A 'report prepnred by Baker and Beck, tie iftid, held the .Tennessee

• tDi^nUttltlOntl. '

• Mr. and Mr*.- Edgar A. Tultls of '■ Mngna. .

I I CRAFT MATEBNITX nOMB ^.! S3S Bluo U k es Blvd. North [ ■ T«'ln Fall], Idaho '

Complelo ServUe (iU.OO) , : BUSSELL A. CRAFT, U, O,


TwoYounK'Woinen “ Seek Flight. Record *;

h Armed with plenty 'of ^ n k e U Pf' U BgilniC Uie eold, J t t n La Ren*

. and H earletu Sum ner ehecrtly rc- ported "golnf jlr w if - }at« M t j , J

IV In Ihelr a ttem pt to act t.n ew en- | “I* ' durance n igh t record for women. I * 'i

Complellng three daya aloft. lliej have a week to go to break Tw Uie record <if. 240 hour* te t by

' France* M irsall* tn d Helen ♦*>' nitchle.• The.blonde young women etUed for more blankets thla mominc t f - r

in ler a chilly n lghl of *ub(reettng J l , , temperature*. ^ig . Despite failure of Ihc ptane'a SfS^ directional Ilghu, n ight refueling 7 coniacu were made by th s t ld oi v ', , fluhllght*- of I- Thi* plane. In which they took ***2^ offni 4 ;« p. m. W d ty , wa* per- , , l

forming excellenUy. ,

S fiilS 1HEiW eS'• tar----------------------- “ r r r -------------------- «gi.. I Y ield t o T r e a s u r y B e lo w

_ S o m f l .£ s t f m a t e s : .B o o t= ___

le g g in g C o n t in u e s

" WASHINQTOrl, Dec, I UP, —“ Repeal* I ln t birthday UO* week Z , flndt Us yield to tbe tr e u s ry (ar ^ -be!ow -a«m»-«(fleUI-ctU iaaU t.tad- ^

bootlegging lllll Is ths gorem - m enl't blggeil.llqaor Uw enferec- ” l

'• Tlie snnlveriary, on Wednesday.- Idni alro will tee no change In Uie opln-Jare

c. ................... ...........

W i aI T m '■ '

i ' f ■ ' t f l

W ^mB ' Ul

; What You ; Witii EAS'

at ihe Al1 1 T he Exposition h.ns sclccled

from th c Chrifllmns Hlocks o ! ' be tJiyposcd o f n l (he nuclioi

tjenl o f y ou r ChriHlmas <hop tlon w iihou t acluhl coHt Id yi

r- — of-flrUcles-you-will-find-for-R r I’ ' . FOODSTUFFS. I FA N CY »0UIK)1R} - - PILLOW S .



' H l 'N n R E D S A N D H tJ

; I'S K K l'I, GIF


,Y NEWS, j w r n F A IiS . fflApO.

ion of many tha t liquor prlee* tr e f

1 unreasonably high. The demand for I ' a reducUon tn I t s rales i t (troog. I

AdmlnUtraUon offlclaU tr e devol- - in> -* iu d y -to ^ th * -to w tn l-Jo w a r- — f prteet. Ihere have oeen inaietiions “ ]

that recommendaUon* for lower llq- - | uor U « t to conirea* may tollow.

Repeal beetme effective e a r ^ on iIhe ertnlng of December 9, 1033, q . , when UUb, the thlrty-tlxih s ta te to

’ lake 'such tcUon, approved the ’ TwfTSly-tlral amendment,- which : ended the ftmou* Eighteenth,- The , «ale ot w lnu tn d liquors became

legal ImmedltUly in 29 * uu« .

rrodneifen Ban* Ahead I ■''' Olllclal* e*Umated loday th a t by Clk

Wednrsdty erening the American p « j people will have drunk, in the f ln l repeal year, tppioxlm tlely 43,000,000 ^ gallon* of dUtllled tp lrlu-7W 0,M 0 ot which eame from tb r o td - tn d about 35,000,000 barrel* of beer. •

For 11 month*, revenues were U3S.4MJXI0 tn domestic excUe ^txrs plut {35.106,000 In import U xet. t r : tou l of $364,973,000. E itlm tte* for wer. lhe lull ye tr now tre about 1340,- ship 000,000 in exctoc Uxet, or some $130,- rule COOWO leu than offllcaU originally ],a(j predicted. ■ joya

I Due, both prodifcers tn d dlslrlb-

\ tm tT v f ttxes,’production-hM run far a h u d ot. consumption. Detlnlla = ilgUfet are not ye^avalltble but the

, f x ^ a l lo n U 't h a i the full y e tr”wlll ^ ^ reeofd-dUtlllaUon-of-tbout. 100,000,-

OCO gallons o t hard liquor. The » -■ T O irtrentorced-tg lnc-for-60 .00ft- —,

000 or more gallons wllh entulng im- . provemenl ol the liquor sold.

T a x Btte* High The federal u x rales it now $3 t

lalloa In addlUon the states lm- pose laxe* ranging from 40 centa 10

■ ii r m c re 'g r e -B lw rh c a T y - t iT e s r -th. both tu te tn d naUonal. upon the wa dlsUlIer and dUtrlbutor. •

Imported liquors must pay a cus- Idnis duty ot $4 a gallon.and also '

■Jare subjecl to Ute $3 excise'lax'. _

T a k ^ i) Z _ Z .

A n E m | 1

\ WEI I I .

------------- ^--------T li is -' mr >eaclrm held I

^ NO CASH iMoney will do you nc your posses.'ion whic FaUs merchants. Al\ ynn./'fln sViarfi in Tw

) u C a n B u y S Y M O N E Y A U C T IO N !Pcled n w ide v n ri'c ly o f a r t ic le s rks o f local m c rc h n n ts w h ic h will iction . Y ou w ill fiiid t h a t , a roo^ ihoppinR cnn b c d o n e hI th e huc-.Id you, Ffill(uvinK Ib a p a r t i a l l i n t . . fo r-« ile :----------------------------1-----------------


- . ._ T O Y S ____ ____FLOOR LAMPS'TABLE LAM PS '



g i f t 'A R TICLES

O T i F iRE EX]


K ' i i i L f i i f f l f i E t e i i - i

paniC'-------- . onro

Rev.. G. L. Clari< Speai<s on “ Three-Way Lool(” .a l . “ -o„

Ellis' Services— _ Rev.

I ■•■Abtent brothers” of T*in Palii Elks lodie were paid trlbiitc al Im- |,g^. presslve memorial aen'lcej Sunday jiielr aflemoon at Ihe lodge rooms, I.V) Kbeen r*r*on* nttrndlng Ihr ceremony, civic > Rrv. O, L. Cl.irk. pastor ot tlic Flrsl PTe*b>'Urtan, church, gave lhe ad- dreu . hi* subject being 'TTrf' Tliree- „■ Way Look." • . • ,

nitunlLiilc wrvlcea of the order wives were eondncled under th# leader- munlt ship ot Jolm O. lUimuswn, exalted bujine ruler. a.«l.ved by Harry 'A . Ball, true b leadlnK knight; E, \V. McRobert*. "In loyal knlRiif; nicluird C. Hunl, we ctl lecturing knlghl; Ray Matheny. we asl e»«iulre;^-'&-Dle*s,-s>8r*Ury,-and- OULJC

—waler Lsf/rprrTe<]tffS«(|- '— ^

to keep at len*: onr tap running

circulation and to aiold IreeiUm during llte cold period. Water ■ u:ers will not be ehntged over j

water usetl. ’ 1J. M. f)l.\MONO' ! ■

8upl. of Slrceti and Water.

a T i p IAnd Atten

mnpire Exposll The BOOTH

A. M. ■lis-is-the firstoM hc series c lr week during- the Empi Id eaeh Wednesday in the B F ^E .kpubitiun lieadmmrteri

ACCEPTED -no good at thi? great even

hich you may spcui’c with i Always ask for EASY-MO Twin Fails’ greatest moreh

REGI!. Hcnic.m licr th a t upon

f y o u m u s t h a v e il regm a y hc m a d e (in Tuc: fo r th e -h o o k o r rcKi> en ti t le d to ONE Cou


Easy Mo With Ev< Purchase


ECEMBER i . ' i m ■

li M. Holler, chaplain, p l I The names cf dec«*jed members hfl : of the lodge were read by the secre- |iar>'. Concluding the aerrleei, the • IfOBHtgallon—a t o g—"Auld ,L tn g .___

□nmlaw violin number*, accom­panlcd by Mrs. r r tn u * : M n, Nellie jj Onroni plared a piano tolo, and P a l

,'Daly..accompanied by Mr*- Ostrom. pari Mng a aolo. ‘ • toil,

-On nn occasion of this kind wc look backward, w« sun^y ihe pres- eni and we gaae Into the tuture,“Rev. Clark told hU hearers, "We look backward over the p u t t t theie “ departed loved one*, and we note how they related theinielves' to , {Ilflr day and Ihelr eoromunliy. Wc Kbfcrve their ln teri« inlcKsi In ® , civic and publie affairs. * 'q

Ccnllniilng the discussion of h it the subject, he tald. "We look vound Sin, and obwrve eertaln Influences, cus- ol ' tonw and syttenw which lend them- Mlves 10 the iip-bulldlng of lhe com- Hnt munity. or lo the tearing down of pr« bujineis. We not« how they are ^ true builders dr wreckers of good.

•’In looking ahead, wo see wlial and. we ctll the memory'* herliage, tn d the w« ask 'W hal will be the harvest of soor im t,ii)^ ioe? :jicn_°uL o t-B ‘?<»-P»y_*'g!

^ • fllOONLIGHT. __________ W IT H


- - - - - - ^ T O K IA T B A R ( ;A IN p

------------------------ lO N L Y 55<L H E R -'

R - A - D - I - Q - ]

from S2nd The ~

P Million FeaturH BLDG.

r r e ; 5

- - 2 P lies o f -thirteen-auctions t mpire Kxposition. Thej heMcCornick Bldg., 146 P ■tersr----------- ----------- -—

- EASY MONIvent. You must have E.'' th every purchase you n MONEY. By asliih.g for irehandising pvcnt.______

IGISTER COUPON BOupon rc c c ip t o f v o u r cou p o n bonk f { rcg is te re rf i t L’xpc.siliun hc.id/iiii’ 1 T u e s d a y . W cd n c sd n y n r T h u r s d i i j rcK lH lra tio n .-E v e ry tw i n Fitlljt vi:

: C oupon Book.

I B E R -

' f - — 4loneyvery i ise!


E M M IS iT ^==siii:cEssiiiiiis=:

Bt;iIL. Dec, 3 -D r . James Oar- ’ ner. bead ol Uie poUUcal .science de­

partm ent ot Northwest Nnurene collage. Nampa, spoke on "The Nnr­row Margin Between Succerj and I'allure" before a large group of Nasnrene young people o l the Buhl church last evening. .

Desire oft his port to make t ca- • reer' lor himself without relying on the fnnie ot his uncle, John Nnnce O am er. vice pre.iident o t the United . Stales, was given by Or. Oanier as nn lllUiirnilon ot his theine.

Dr- R- E. Ollmore. presldeni of lhe collcge. spoke on ''The W.iges of Sin,'' par; of the Sunday progrnm" ol Uie revival now undcr wny nl Buhl Chureh of Uie Nainrene. The • Ifnrnionlnn qunrtel ftom lhe college presented special mu5lc.

nnd. charity will irnco our deeds In the rands, m thc hope th a t tlvy will soon be covered over. If we are wrong." ^ _______ •

IT H _______________[ KINGS ’ ^

h t e — — ^N PRICE OFu: r -CQUi i l e ____________ __________

) - L - A - N - D

S a n ta

m . :f r e a l ' i

r t l r ->.M.15 lo bc-held______ _'hey M’lll be16 Main Ave.


11 maivo frnm Twin for E A S Y -M O N E Y

BOOKS ^ink from your m erchant ^\dqiniricrn. R rtf i-s lra tion •sdii.v.s. T h tre is no cost [>t visitor o r resident is

w r . i i r F ^ i ' .'

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es

■SEISMIE I= f i i r « i i i |

s t a t e P .-T . A . W ill H o ld A n -;

n u a l M e e tin g in B o ise |

E a rly in M ay ' ;

Amiiiai foniriiiw n Wfll/oCotnfc.is cf i'srcnl-TM chcr fl.voeh- tmo* leniatlvcly lor th f w f-

• onrt WMk In M»y In BaUf. T » ln P.ilta irprf«ntailv.-» at tlie »nnual board sipfUrs In I'ol.';p flaliirrtny nnnoimc- f i inwn ihftr tc iurn to 'IMln PaUv

imfntJants ot Hie Uowd m « l- ins were Mr*. Julin E. llayM, lirtsl- rtviii of tlie lilaho Cnnere?.' of Par- rnt-Tfschpr #:.'o:wtlon,i; Mr* J. n . Nemon. »intc Mcrelsry; Mr.v noy Kv.in». ihlrU vlrp iirrivlricnt. Mr.v O.

• W. Hiirsf.s'. »;.->te fhnirman o{ it;r dtutly ol the cxcniHoniil eUllil. nnd Mri,. g . C. JJtnjpJuil.

A eonl«i fqr a Foiindfr'* .Day HRKffliii, tUe winner lo b« jirewnti-d nl the r.iatf convention, will be cou-

lo'Mr*. W. u“ SnHnirAal«:liSllcftV ‘ chalrmnn. th i \ wm out- nf tlu- [iroj- ceiA ncc-.'|>if<l-)}y.iUc traarU. Aiiutlicr tirokcl the M'rif.i of cdnrjcfrr

----- friucallaii u6ii!;‘llllU '.. |il,iliuni' ljr •Mrii. Mareiirct Cruinliy, Ual.sc.'U U, iWam7ar;o'0jrD/rJ!i*rpn-ATimnTTr'- Clilcaio. national chairman, pivjvnl

T htre nr> alfilTntecl mfmbers ' of the r.-T . A. tn Idaho, the ftate trPMiirfr rcpsrted. rPiirf.^entlnR 53 si.v)cintloa». DiiriiiK lhe year seven

___ naii'-diartera-ainLiy:0-rfmova-i havetw n f:r.inr«'i).

Tlie lollottiiiR new chalrmmMhlp.V were madf; M n. J . D. Andc.\ Uol:c, chairman of khideriiaYien cxteii'loh; .\fr.i. A. Dioshorn, T)’Jifc. Jioih<* <'£?«• rsiloo: Mw. Lucy Ornuby, Eol:.r. jo- cinl hvKlene; Mrs. L. K. Hopja-r, Par-

— rn n T lS E n n ircn a tra iiro rT c tm T n -- ^hl[>. A nrw aML t^ini to thc state li­brary extension clinlrman will bc np- polntcd by ML«'3cMle m - 'f f .

Mrs. Maiitl Coalio. Boise; Mrs. R, T. Macelby. Rlrle. nnd Mr.v J . D. Barn­hart. Twin PaUs, were oppolnli'd on 0 new IfRlalatlw a'vlew eommlltee.

L a s t R i t e s H o l d _______ i

H ' ^ r j n c k S t e w i t t C

Fiincral .'er\'lrf.^ for J;ick Stew.irl, R7. ro.Mdcnt ol Twin Kalh for n num-

_ ..hcr.pf jfftr*. were tield Sinulny nft- frnoon M 'F .rta ' itnd JoTinson fun- ■ ■era) liomf..ncv. E. L. Whlto. Mcth-1 odl*l minbiier. in charKc.

WUio« Pcfk lwo • Jiumbfrs. -O Lotc Thttl W ilt Not Lcv M*: Ua" And "One S'U'elly Solemn Thounlit."

pall bi-arfr.’s wcrc Ray Sliiytcr, Clltforrt E -.ia*. J7. A. OiHB/JeJd, W. Z. Dolllnc, Max Buckeniln .j K, BaUey, Lee Shotwell nnd M. E- Sliul- wrll. • ■ ■

ln:ctm-.'ni wn.'. In Twin F.iils ccm- etery.

Coming Euents ,A.-iC-.wlnii EdWoiial Onlirt will;

meet Tlnlr.^day nllvrnoon al o'cloclc Bt tlic home of Mrs. E. J . | OaJrajirffr. 1«7 -MapJc nvfjiue. Kv-j fryonc rcriuc.^tcd to bring ihim blc' ond »:ls>'-ors. ___ __________ ' - | '

TJie »lirhlnntl VJfK'cli/lj «i!I m-.-el W«lnc!day wuh Mrs. Bdnu Miitli- ; ewson.

' . Klmbtrly Road club will nieei ■ ■ Wcdm-sdiiy wuh Mr.'. iU lph U -txh-i,

The Manlcl-V club will meet i i i ; ‘ the home of Mlvi Abbie AndL•r^on.' ‘ 627 Locujt, Wedne.'day cvenlnR, A " KUfsi spi'sker will lulk on bm ity ' culture, ' j

MornliiRJldt- Vlnl) «U1 m ctl wllh ' Mrs. BlnncJie WWrncr Wednf.^doy . flftcrncon. Roll call responds wUl be Chr»tmius poems or Mor1e-v The i

........usual-glll-MQhiinge will b t con­ducted. ' ' ' ;

Tlie Mentor club will m en with . Mrs, B. C. Huffman Wednesday , afttrnoon.' - , j

Chaptfr D, P, E. O. will mMt Tiie.s- ‘ day cvi'iiliis, Di'cembcr 4, iit 8 o'clock, . lit the home ot Mrs, U. E, Simpsan. ; 228 Nlnlh nvi'nii-- north. Mr. . A. il. .

_ scotl will b t u.v^LManl liostf.ss,

Thc B and T club wUl meet Wrd- | V ncjd.iy aflemoon at 1 o'clockf t promptly n t ih i' hem,- of Mr^. j , c . 1r - Oenuc/iump, IM 'U'liUi .ivrnuc j* • north. I

Primrose Itebckoh lodge will meel ‘ Tiieidiiy evenlnt: ut 6 o'clock nt th e '

' . Odd Wluwtt' hnll. Olttccrs wUl bci. ■' clecifd. A card p u n y ‘ will lollow, '

■ and relfcshiijcnts will bc tctvod. ' |

Otm Stato Study club will meet ' for 0 I o'clock lunchcon Wcdni->day '

■a/ttmoon n l the home of Mrs. H. H. [ ■ Jensen. ' - j '

Coijiiuunlty Clmtch Ladii'x' A id.' .■iocif!}' «HJ emcrtiim n l llJf ujjnunl ' bwaar and kuppcr- WcducMiay eve-,

served al 0 o'clock and ihi- proRrnm will t)c pr^.'enled a t tI;JCi ociocfc. All lire rtqucsicd to bruiB r.alad dislier.

, nnd donatloiu of lood-, MembcrA arc , nskcd to come early for n.ulKnments, '

■■ v.Tlift'puiiim l i lnvucd to nltend. - - ^

Waslilnglon - P « r f ii t ■ Ti-achcr;' ftludy ffToup wjU aifc i Wcdn^•^day niternoon a t 3 o'clock nt the .school: building. All mothers nio invlied to ■.

. n iK nd.. i:


— c i ikiiu "-at n ini-^'it-f nmv niinfnii :---------- ir U w ’C D trasrnospltal-hcnrV rtdap t

Sh« KtS’Oblr to relum to her home Solurdiy morning. ’

H e lp K id n e y s' t ‘ ,

.A rilKk HnlitlfU. Ilurninf, Hmirtlu., ' • lirMT'(r.orAci4Urim^''SuinnU*l

D»tot • l'f»-ffipilBnCitil«iiSl».U»l . I."'''■*>.'*

' m a k i ;. THIS M<j j j ^ : :---------------I ' v i n J g a l l a J D a j

An- ■■

S1.& , .3Ch. ( I \IMlI • ^ > ^ \ \ \oard Vi \imf- ■ / \ . »“alLv \ \ ^necl- . p \ / \m l - i ' \ \ . J ■Par- / \ \ )

1 1 / 1 / s M \ MknUHH -----\ / ItTcJtv

B - E 3 - E -Tii ^

s I I ■ 7/g w ^ I ;<

Moh: - _ ! j

\H0‘ Vv, I ______p

■// / f S n : IR . T . ------- ---------------- — —larn- ^ __

s Q c i m''■•■“ ■I' \

.Mc-;i oif t)iL‘ vt'.sU-y o f A sc i i jc'th- I ti 'n iu n tb c i 's a n d r r io ir t

Id iiii ic r a m i p;iri.sh n io p lin tr ti ibers. y ’cJyck :U l)l0 P iirk H o te l . G R®!! tn a s tm a s lo r iiiui V p rto r I

c f tlio ovutiinK. 'B riv l rv im r ls ' J, w! t-luircli o rg a n iz a t io n s w ill l>c " K. (if vc.str.vm en w ill !).■' f-onduct jhui- iirran iiiM l'lho n r o c r a i n r t o jn - '

diifJe v io lin ^ n 'a i liy Mi.sn N oll K itin c y i’ nnd vocal s(?lccUoiis l)y tw o voic i' imiiU.-i o f M rs , 0 .

------ p, Duvnll.I C iom lltees include; E lm rr IIoI-

S liiiR'iworlh, iirransi'in<'ni'.; Ur. K. F. ■ jMrAtce luul Sliinlcy Uirklii, rnli-r-

------I tainm eui: .Ocorsi' .‘ praKUC, recep-will; tlrm; H. A, Ktail and lU-rnitin

2 Hi,lie. inbk-. Tht- ve.Mrynien will bi- E J-I come garcons for the evcnUiK. i.cr>-

llie dlnnrr- mblei j,jrnibcrM of the vcrtry nre: L.

' - mi-tlu-l. Filer: Elmer llollinRi woiili, —r - aconr?6ptnKtir, R. A. itc id . Stanley

Liirkin, Ur. K F. McAtcv, R „ J. VjiI- ix'h- 1(01), Hriman HInze and O. U,

Thompson. ' ' ' ,

7'0ir.V,'«7.',N7'5./Vwl,V/(}• c i . r i t - .

I The TottnM.-nd Old A'ti- l’i‘n'ic:n . ,,, dJ.--riiw(l jiro ami con at

in dinni-r, mceilni: of the Hiisinr.v „ 1'.. .ind l’roli--v.lon;il Women's Club lu' t

cvcnuiK «l lhe Park Hotel, Mr;. ^ .'Jaticl fjefjcillle .iwki- l«___ the plnirand Mrs. Qcnevluvc Dwli;lil

I 'ilv Mlw Wheeler tevlrwed an nr- ttele from -rnriepfndcnc Woman,"

TT,. federation publiaitton. on "Women ! nnd Social Crlsc.v ' Mis.' UesMi- Carl-

• ‘ Min; ACCompanlNl a l the iiiano by MW Joseptilne ThtHckmorion. s-inK

Ilh "Where My Carovnn l.i Rt-stipn ' iind “ "In the Oarden of Tomorroi^'." ciir-

rrjjl events wefc Riven by the mem­bers. Community slnRHiR wa.-j Ird by

. . MM Flor.i Bower, Mrs. Beulah Os- :,.;u born occoinpanytnR, Miss Merle

NfKlOd fir<-,'J<Jtd nl {}ie hmliic.-.'. .-r.'- ;, »■ Mon. and .Mrs. D»iRta uunuuiKid , ' ' the iiroKriim,' _\TTv< T7i-it» Mcrpv. fimlrmaii <’f

v - j ttic Ciirlttmiix party, announced •luck Monday rw -

p nuiK, Df'cembcr scvenieenth, nt the P a rk -H o ld Members will b.- il- (lue.Med to bimg toys, for dUtritw- lion by the A iw laied C iiarltlci »r

mfci orRanlMtlon. -----I Mr:*J W. U, YouilB, Ml*-' Curl'on

[i be 1 and Mi vs Throckmorton were icui-M.s I,.... of llu- chit). ThP dinner UWc was rs-

peeiallv attrnrtlve with a fi'iiiial otHlcrpjcfe lit lull /rulLi ful nutumn leaves.

5‘‘? n .VA-.9. I'K.WKY SAMKI)' //0 /.////U '-./ '/I.V (;A ' C7//t/A’,I/.l.V ■| The Bovi-rnini; board of the O A O

D.incliiK Cliib, meetlnR la.M cveninK „ „ 'i 111 th f olllcc o ( .J . Phu! Thoimui. cvc-‘ «PPoinied Mn. Arthur J . Peavey, llJicl h*nlor, lui K'-noral chairm an lor t;;e, TJFcennjFrflmctTrTnranTc-nnrtTi'’''*'’ A announced in ^ l|,„ lhe near fulute. Mr;i. U. L. Ali' --

are ‘*ndcT. iire.^idfnt of tin; chib, p i '- em s.,»“l^“ - . ______

c~ou> A \'n n j iB j-s 'n A i.r - u r t :h :s r o n t: S 0M iSArt:i>

J . . . [ Mutual'Improvemeni AssocinSKm , ; J ; J i a . i an rspecwlly M panslsc , , 'a tional pro;;ram oullliied for tlic

• j-moiith '«r December, n i l s cvtnmi; the- Gleaner Oirls will t>|>anioi' u urogram a t U iC 'letter Dny Saint.'. lubcrRaelej followed by a dance m the recreatlonal'liall nt nine oc l« k .

UfillL --n.- ...n frmU t d a p t> -^ ^ V ^ , ' iome , . --------------------------------- --------

_ M o s t C o u g h s

D e m a n d C r e o m u l s i p ne Don't lel them get a slrnnele hold. ® riehc tJiem qulcklr. Crwmul««> I •») eohiblnfa 7 help* fn one. Powerful r tu y but' liarmlr,M, Pleasant to Uke. No

narcotlrs Your own jlruERlM If a'l- iiu^“ thorlrfd to refund your mon.-y o'’

thp spot If votit coush or cold 1' n°lpsaIFai.aH K.. /-»«,^^ii1fllnn _fnriV.l

MODEL AT HOMEJDajly News Pattern

fU T w ir i i .\ BIAS p .w r i . f o r '' H C l lu: Vl.ATTFRV


tu jC ^ a iK C ^ am S ;Wciiifii wl;o k:;o* hn-A- lni;>r!ri.ii/.

to Ih r ni:i,-Ml cliir ol their <n;rrr w,irilro!;(N-.irc- ucll-r.iU «f|.

^ Mronsly OM.' -.1 In fuvor ol bi.i. • \ fUt'iUiv'. Am! vru c.vn t.imIv ir r \ -why ltv.-v,.v;'..,;;ld be If V.i:i ruily 1 t)j(> (.''.'IKJII-J\ ttatcd. Nii:;r;’.;liaM t hiu. lu)

wain.-!—in.Mr.iii ihire b n In.^ m t p.niel tunn.:,,: Irim •■‘•'l 't -> 1. tn

• flfrcl lu-.::piiri-ttiiv b.ir^ ti) mi-.-'- ihi- r..:v... of Itie Iioii'. iir.d l).irk p in 'h

/oro cul o.T :hr ;;ra ;!h i o ’ t!;r ;.u . rlc lo :)r.'vriit ,t»:Min<;. 'n;-- foriLi a Kii. -iiiil-tiiki- to il;i- i :i- menMl;.!' iiiiMii.-Momxr l.le to tt;- Allp. conilori Kir .i;.,!tm aotliit Uiii'v !o' joiir fisiirr!

V Pane;:; :o:o u, nVailiible In .1J, 14, I'J. l i i . J 3 3g, jJ ,

:------------rn .~ r r r \ - CENTS ii:.n in,'\j eoltu or ii.imiis renln. nri'iiT:i':i

,v > plalnly'n:imi- ixldtc:.' afi<J '(*.'<• (■ i':;- • ber n ii .s l 'u i; t o s t a t k s i / i ; .

j\ Send lor thc new t'all nnd \v;;;-.rr L'iur d! ii;i- Aime Adanu Pa'lctii

■ W Book and kno-*- wtiat is new i:ismart clotnrs It tnkea you tlirou;'ti

. J — Utc-whoie,o!-lMhion.lrom-lun:i:‘.L';. .{0 0(lfer;t.lfniPf:U . rioi oicrJ”'/; •

'A tn ; some alliinn; nc-*- .house trocw;.■ , . . and Dearir.s in mind thc r.i-'-o -.V of the youniser scnerstlon PRU'i:

OF HOOK nriK F.V C f.V i” ’ ft(KUv 'V AND P A T T F UN TOGf.TUUR

TWFNTV.FIVE CENTS.Adrirr.vj ordr.''s lo Thc TSTiTTTin

Cj i ™ Dn'ly News, Pattern Dcii.iitmcnt

'Y .n iC t tJ B SPhone-82— ------- / --------

r \sc insi< m K))i^^rtli':ll C iu ii'i ii v.ill lu- o f t h r ^ r i s l i

n ti to tn o rm w evciii'i^; ;it Nix/-'lii;'iy ?1. Goofs'i* S )1l■: ;ut‘ v.ill pi'i-siili-,.;!- t o r E . N t'\viii;in will i)o th o spc;ik;-i' ' r l s on till ' acliv ilitK o f tin ; v;iri<‘i i ’I I'C irivc ii a m i tlu- .'iiim ial i‘li-cl!"ii id u c tc d . Mr.s. !). L. A lc x am K r l'.;i>) In-*---------------------------- -■N o ll liiR».,M^;...S:(;;ia 0;ik‘.; 0;-;;.io „ s ( Mlr.' Jum'-Amlfec nr.d Mi", .‘-'i-hm

’ UlcJiiii>. and it tlui-t. Mi--.Hol)ir.M)n mid Mr.s. ItmU Mm's, cili-n Bales'.Si:::r. Haw»_' wiU I';;-

,V p' nisli muMc fo;- the d.m-.i-. nier- j VctlnK Io: tlie Qi:"rn ol the Ok .-ii ecep- ond Gold hall to be iil 'in in J.mu- niitin iiry «111 b^r.in at tliir, dr.tire. Kvi-ry-II be- one iittendim; Mi;iii;il >ull ii-*-iu<- i,cr>-' votf^ lo be east lor thi-ii- I;ivt>ritr

! r;indldn,'*. Nmni-.fl-. frr'(;ii,en a-.r, L. Mli-'.o.s Dorothy C-d.ir:ii!;M, Avia

■ o i l l i , , 'anky •:------------------------------------------------VjiI ' ~ '

I. u , ........

-f o ' V J.

‘j § . ' vii:lii I

— iCarl- ,0 by

nnd j C y iC>ir*

rd b ' , ' _ - ^ S H

iiK'id j j a j ^ I M



■ l,ind, ttn lly Daly, June Sleveni. Ann I I ' and M#0‘ J “ne BrtBgs.

. A threc-aci comedy, -'The Four i i^i'lii-r.'' will be given Tliur»d»y and l-ruhy evenings, December thlr-

— -•-l- 'rrn flr-a m f-fm ir tw m t.-Tiiii-plfly., — — Is bi^ng ■ (llfi'iH'U'yy 'M ra;"Oak»r| FOR" lii.itii.uic.i exiKrt.'

Ml.-. V lryntn DnHdson will be '(il 'i-n n nilMlonary fatewcH (larty

\h ccmb'-r twcnty-lirst. Tlic progrom I will m dude (I one-act. Chrblmoa

w C vp:.iv. At thi.1 time contribution* win ^ **ii t.r.:.'ll foi llll.v'lL'iiaiy-OhfUtmo*- !rl.11/. ;;![(,oi;n-r -[-I,,, regular weekly mrellnes be- . yiji jl! »fien-tlilr;y o’clock each bl.'-* -I'ni.-.ii.ij' evening. Everyone In the

'5 - " f eiift.iiiiinlty intrrcsifd is invlled to 'I'- '-y attvnd. Tvko nlghls a monlh spcctol

n, dra.^i.i »ml .wJ.iJ conduct nn- nuK ht by Mrs. niello Onks nnd Mr.'. Ormls BnU's.

•' l i i v o r k i iK s i . r i r I>AS{ i: SCHHDl'l-KI)

• nn :;n Club, Twin Fnlla high• • wiKMii ntillftlf «.'-0<-M!jSll !•>' 1 :i-- .•oriiii; ft dnnci'-Friday|,evontnii nl (. tti- 111'.’ Elks' Hall for the tjt^icllt ot-lhe , .i;„! Cnvi.iv lunc!, It w.i:. iinftounccd lasl

i-M-n.n;;. <j

r i : .u - i iH ! :s n i n n i . o r . v

'T il'- ' tlicii^i.y f?rnaft!m|-m of ihe....... s RchtI .SiKii-iv' will meet

Tii'-ua;^v nflernoon n i j j oclock In (j, till' t..ai~n.iclt-. Mrsi Cr'imle' Ward'

'uL''.',’. t')"‘i;/'i.i;u',';e o: the l ^ l .n work oil ■p—J — Jl..' iMi'v; -o (-P fi4 -V ^O U U 'iU .

" t .uiii-i;, ate'ii-iiui-sted III b<' pre-.- " I ut -.! ..i»-t!ilr.y 'n order

a',;e; :i j,. „ iubjects, ^ | / in v i i ; ‘d U>

tw :r^ :^ i,A X 4.i.\t;.i:iA It - i J — — - - -[ro'i;: tV /.I.V^/AW /M /.'/')- [a.I /V ;r,i-rc> n e it d;inee of the Y O T’in t T I’antini: Club will be|iitat:ed Tliun.,-t(KUv Dcctmbj-r ihirtienlh,riii-»i iii-'>-ii(l of Uecembi-r vKth, ;>a pre-

\;i i;!ly pli.nni-d. .Ml-'. \V. E.'I'uylor,■ u chll*’’! ilnnci'.s'iiitf

itndfliijirfrt l.rrt ci-enmB. i*-- '•l.n'' -i.,ii Mrmorlal Hall hsil bten chor.en

ti^. iix-atuin for l!;i'.dniice. Mr, .i!,(l Mr?. Arthur Eldied. nnd n

— -i-iit-nu'.ii'e of as'iMan(.% will diicct dann-.

§vor-,V f; ifo,i//-.',v o r

TO________ *V_;i;vai;c. nrrliminary to org.Tn-____ ol a ‘odalTiirSl >oun« wo-

■ ;,:.11 ..! j^ii-nrTnv.a. d- IMrtStJ,* Xl-rw — !i. Ill t-.<'iiiiu;'in Ull' winter cti;ip-

rl (I. tilt- chun-li. iii-.uiiil-d by yoUiiR II 1 1' v'.iiiiiiii i-liKlbl': lo tlio (itKiintwilon.

E. I ln ;mn;i prrsiiled.■ ii->v A :..c;,il prci;,,.m will p.ii^TiM ilie I , , plin.'u Ol llic organi/.atlon. The

u r I arl)Ul>- of tliu- Rrnu)) will bc ;ik;'!' ]i:i-,i.innid.iy d.ince, M’l? ' Hernice r itii l’ Diit'i-, Ml;. AniinbPlli; C5i-e und .■[inll .Ml-.. M.iyin" Klans wcrf upiminicd

(ill- to.iiiiinicc on dftjjcc .-ifr.niKf

I 'l l l IH.K I 'K IiK S lo W I s u i : s / i i f j t'rJfV'/.A'.'s' '' M;;.'. lK’in--Srno:iKTs and Harry i!...iiilii):;. Twin Falls, and Ml-r,

• ‘ .StiiWlii-r auo tleorse Koiv.; Uii;vii, \.vu- Uiili;d In uuirralgj

Gn ..|i . . . . il ll- iii>;i; Ki-renKin.'J baiurday nil?j.iiui- einniii in Voeolell'i, Hev. Hliwly..••.I'fv- l 'l ;• I <■: t.’iii BafiU.-.t fc-liivrcli iJicrt-,i (-rU(- !-, .iiiii'i; ti'i' rm : scrvicc. 'n ie bridesvtiriti- I i . ; , the datinluer;. ot Mr. andla ie . M;- Wtlli;u;i .Siiiollier!'. Decio,Avta M, . lI.i;iiilton is a fcl';noEraplii'r

® lonilanB H 8 ’’ ’j B l iortcd rtp iitt, rc

. Roicne Turner, \

r^,. ■ J d -Hfl Tu/Off, uhl) B H m S full reservoir

.mdn i n R i B l K ^ v i ‘re,‘ii r nn cncr);v.

ilul after snn>l >3’. of wcll'KioR Jlid

H i 2 M S F - ' ’‘'T i rb<yac<zcmci

■' "“ ak

■H I J ? B i


■— I-----------------------------------^1


r B R e v m e sand — .

thlr. AUrnfl Tifilet Meet—M rjOtid Mr*.piny t-;nii ^I'-u.-i;; jv'.-p; ihe_w«k rnd in >nh<.r iw r l rniuxaUi

1 be pAtfiii. ut Sen—Mr. and Mr.', wrty F f ii i\ (t.v:, KidiixTty, nre tlie J :rom |«-ni;. o! .i t ui born Sunday a t t “c lma5.M oir.,j;;i uiati-tntiy home. i■ w im . _^"***-^»lr, r ' r nim-<\-rTt-A’tTt<nU-— Mf u i

M.uv J. o lP rln e c lc n , W en,' Vi:;ii;„., 1. lure on a visit nl

,.J I-.,.- ,:.u,'li!r.- Mrs, EIJh m a n a . d to , i

idilct Rfl'irn\ I'toni llolie—M n. Jnm rs. M. w.i;i I. tiiiiu-d .Sunday Irom Boise whrn- si'.e the Ttiank!>K'vhiRlii'hiliiv. ,it llir home ot her daugh-

. 'l e i . M l., I.. V,'. WvKiiid. I

. , , On Wav to Kfcinery—Kirs. James i niu-Mi K i,r,;,,:y. w-lio ha^ Ixvn ]......... ;v lU lur 'Olni.- lime ot h e r,

“ l-O;;.-, ri;>. rli'il la-t rvcnUlR to U ti; .--- ...y io rnou -ry . ;

. ; \iril» I'rlrnXTHnT*— M1.-.1 JUIlf j, . . Al;..rr A, l,;-n; Ueavli, u U'*ltlng Ml ■-il

Nc.iM K;r:nn.s and other Twin ran;! i ' Jrj>';;/.v, ,-/;iairjJor> K> Ji'AVlng f»ri

lh e :meet l r . . ; . ;

Vard - - r.iiirni'i -R rrelw l - F. T -ALlll-C:. .:;. : I ', I- Mrs. W. E.k on Kirikt.'ii Hii;!l. anil Mr.s, llirih

;ire-.- at -I-.- K.ill- ro;iii!y ud i^ ra l''fder h i jTinij:— -— ---------- = r v - = < -------------------;d 10 cn> Vi-ll IIrrr-M Djj').;t-C ir Reml

S iv -..-.-t l.i;<lv ii-.ia'ferrrd In Ilui>- ,<r: „;'..i -tm ii; r iu-:itlv IS jears

.........a^.;-uU>r-o;..t;ut;dwjri1'.\ fluirrhJii-.I'M 1(1 f.iliv v.t\s hrre jv.^;entay visit-

O TlUt^- ' • fnlli, Slurtents Vjeallon—F'rancLs Jone’. j,rv- and Jack Powvll. siinlents lylor. , , ■ - ____ I

, U - H rv irruv rT 'W rT um T nim -rnsr lor.en rnmp.,ny, nnd Mr. Hamilton t. un .

Mr, empii'vr ot iho Idaho Power’ Com-; id n p.iiiy. Iiii-y nre ut_hon»e to_ thrlr liicct fii.iiii.. a t 'n x himriri'd th'lrij-.'ix .

•I'lMiili Avenuo Wi-.st. Mr. nnd Mrs, I ' Uii.Mt.t will reside hi Uiiperi. ;

g.^n- riini:!:AM i;i \ l-:\ i;V .111A. ___MuL’.u l Iniurn-.ement A.-.-oclnilon, .siini.uTril n proKrnin Sunday t-\r-

nm-.; at 1U<- i- D S tahermicle, un- , <ler.lhe diieLtlcn'of Mr.s. Juanltu

{!rf-;,r;i:« JJU'Judrd »|- ;r ■ I'* >'i-ek Iierotno.iiilpd uy

Ni-llie 0;.;roni: u tnlk nn •,, , ;.li);i.in, "Uy My Ae-.ions I Will Srnire ^'5' 1" ^rimrch-" Jiiir-

bara llllter; principal uddrcss,"'l'er- “ Miiahty ol Ji'siis ChrUt," Clr

iiiKf- Mr-'.,-no.'«lc Klrkr

' ocTKTri:. i- :sn :iirA is t:D AI- i ‘i . \o c iii.t:< rA u ry

A'liniiK the cani panien-ot lurry rnd wa.i tlmt ncruiiRcd uy Ml-' Vcri;-i:i E. Prrroiiiitc- :ii Ihc lioiiie

Koiv. j.js ,),,r,.;ii.s a i Monn^- SI •ralK^ M,-.s Mnrjoric Rtiyl mid I.a;■' I'll*' W aiirn weie lillili rc.-li- pil/.e ' h'J<ly. 'n 'ri.. 'llio:c present werr;[}i(T(-, AK1M--S Uoiiit(« ,M(irl;( ff;ij jrldes Kvelyn C,i;i-st, .Marjorie Itirvl :. and Nonna (iiirsi nnd Mev i... l.n

Warren. Bob Lake und M.irx aplier, lyn.

= s - '" '" — ■— r

i <i4£|iMnp^-------

- O pm w ^ m k

mdan tb Au}tnlja->II,}2} m ilH ~ io M111 7 minutes! Bcij moiot jmuhle, to- | Kitt. rcd<j(cJ oil prcMurc could not smp B fl•ner, world.fimoui fiycr. i li t tour.'st, Walilc cncruy kept him on am] nn. 0>l<>- M, uhl) uijJcniJiKli uell ihc t jluc nl i ^lir of nalural, healthy cntt;:y, t j u : H g-flm-UKUiP-Cncrgy iutl a t liit'tnniiir__M-ind smcikinK » Camcl.pxcs .mt a ' f f l ictf;v. 'Ilic way I mnice, tliii tspi-iullytnii>l.in): a Camel I Rti a new fulmi; ^

iR jin lvIm .ltm okcQ ffld ialH w iD i. ' Uuinci (uj-Bcnci." I K



V f l " l6:eop.M. r.JJ.T. ■


S nt ll;r L'nUir.slty of Jdnho. S o m h .) r «rn llr.iii,-h, Pocatfllo. np;nt ll-.e L Th.ink.-,-i\in- holU!a>» n l thu M il-rl lon Po-A,:i lu ..,: h rre . [

■■lleic i'cuni Ihilif—n . tLJCj/iZ2d^.._.

I'la iii';.. ;;.ir,'.ii-.-tl mt.h'irj-s U'.'lr'......,.->Vi........ 11). ^.,r\ ni-i'i)ni|).iiilril-ly »

lj-.;*;.’y iMt.'i I

>••• , U( :i;..;i. j« ;n i. ii |l> tl-.'ldi-tlt.. u l,'.'

1 IJ).- 'j;<;i::l. . '

m rs. ( i,iif{r It, Jll V l'tts 'D r. Cll.illi , '

.ing liu- r.'-;;-.r''v.'.,s iini- you-'i.l:u 'a.

m e 't .....’' ' " I M.ilr tiH i.rr 'J ra lr ls—M:.:. K 0. • ‘’y- 'R ;.;i -.. r-.,;r .srenl.i:v o: v u ;r :i . . „ 5 ‘0 m --; K.r IiMiu> Clu,. ;;.i'i,.;

il)i;l.-:. C.im .m I!, J*,i\elti- nml Wrl ,r !

El':;.;;.;-:':” "';;?-::...............'' a lW '" ......................................

fur I *■iccfl- l.c j- .s r.trm it. 1.. 1 . '

l.,..-.l !:,i:u li.-A. Jrjit:r;- *,'I ,i;i;i v;.j CiU.-lwl!-m:;e:rT:i-:“ '

r , :»l)i jir.ilh 111 1.;,!. '

;,i-i Vl ,i ,rn ;-. Iiuilt i' i.-.'il ».;i rr/nrii !■ __. t a f ' ------

I P.1-.SC1 Itjdi'i H \am -M r- M.u- :

fm i s" ,i ;■m>- a m. i - u , - I i . - i l a- :!-.c- t ' . n ..-- i

iJll-^Li:-il-Ul_lLiui_m;l. nt 1^ l,i I''.,t i l t ' nuiln f{i- h.r.s T litr'n : i.r ;.r ,'

':h ::j; 1;.; 11 wr.,h.s' lialii;;__ . ,1

• ('im triillniirr Jlrlurn.i — Mi.s. H:'ir- ‘ IV p m H k m

— I sum AuMlini V. lias reluiiinl fn.iu In - , * ; illaiUiliiilL., ulir;.- Alu- al'.itKlfil o. , iiirclcr: di .''.f.'/fniit’n r’pnTTffrnrrrwff—' ;.rrrrt,»:,i.''. S:ir ,. ll •tl -M;. and M:;.,.

Oh'*; W..rilll;is;cil. !<)r:n<-tl\ rl'I'-,, in l-ViLs, • h f 'f I at- l.ii.iiiui-. VVy^iiuig g-i li-i

sirs, ____

lle.-ehr^ l’..stlliiii-SI..'.s ,l.:utir'ul M r .ujrJ..'Ir. . |

<11. li. (;r,...mr. T.vin V . Ki.;dii.>'.- . |(-: tla- lli;;ll..-^ i.-',- ,

■ . I ;r.a; ■. l' i ji~ - nniii* ;-'.' >'1 ,)

ll'i.;'.;::; tV .I'liliimiitrllit-:;'-.'l; :iil tl:.'':‘

O'lin, M m taudi; M:^. C. L.TTSHtili, ' l;icr. Ml-.. MiU) !:• Wltt, Ccmta:t,"

“n- Ntv;.i;... Ci. L. Uu •<•;! ntid Mr.v

I liy ' Mine li.dsdrii-M !-. aii:I Ml . Julu','

wiiiv ina'.i-d ;;ii”,iV’ii.:iii'>.i;i'. Mi. AiNlnv.’

sniff, hm-, JJIJI .s;'<-iii l l : . - m .‘-r.m- and tn Moui;.i, ralif'ni'.l.i. v.nrl;::;;; for

r IN ON THE ALL-STAR Ttdll-jiliii

RAVAN :'~2^


DEC|3MBF.n -1, 1931


G. 0 . p . C H a in iia n S i ig js s l s

j ■ C o n c r e te P r o n r a m lo r I

R e - O r e a n lz e r s ;

iv .ism xr.T O N . n .f , i m - • ' llrn rr F. tW rh r r Wl liark M bh I ' ' rrltirs irn ltl lt «Ull an istrtllan

he liji] **iw> Inlenllon". of rn ltn ln i i i l l ' ;iH eiialrmai) of lhe Ilr|iii1)llr*n pi>-1

(liutJl comml»fT beraorr "In dn «fl Iat llilt time woiddiilum r llie party ■rrjanlM llun Into rfllifusl'in." ■

, At Uic .-Jime limt', l-*;f;rli(T .ru e d ; ,. ' M'.'.re on Senalor Ilar.Hi i'f fCil-.of

,:;d others wivi drimi:ul;.l n "i-.ini-| [ii;.* reonraiil^ttoi." n! Hi" i.>:ly|

C. rii.it they cim ld 'u flilrxe 'llin r •!,• iiv pie^entlni! n conrrrli- livl'U ine

;-:.nr;ini in nin'.;u-.-.s nu't by ■ '■ ,iii; 'I'niafili-.'s ot ll. li,\tlinnl ejin-• Iriim u.i many lor|

,1 meeiinK of th f nattcnni eiaiimit-

•' H:-r,lh ha-' .suvtr;/.rvl u leW,; rl^ 1, r.ia::< «II(t ;ilj<-r;lJ .'MlWj.-.lIU lo ' . .. ’ .1,;;;^ nlxnil a :ri.ri:anL-.ji;uti i! Uic.-.i;

rail .l l .r '11.uonal c;m :;i;tiif Iur i:u-' p'lf-i

'" n k ;ii 'irm :;i; ;,ip ;ra 'A raiuii cl :iilr.iimr:y dri.-alr 1 “l.l).

• .; — lUiil.uL-.SL-.V-.Yu;i;...'.aiil.,ili.' iuU-> "lllll.-,t .'iW-.M.'.-ii- ,-i;;d|

M.u- :r.:.i!.iiu;?.- U'. i'»IUli'.s an.l pru-.fiiili-i.':

i i',. ;; ! Ik' eMIrd li;x;n t:i i r l in. "I'ni-' M.li.l he 1-.-.u;;;n>T iDV-onl.m. In la-i

1\„S -,i.'l I.: l;b.-;.il i-'U.-li.s." ii.,. Alin» a l >h»rah !

-i.'.'r7' Mnrk 1.. itl'iuii.; -im,Mi tr.>m Lalilornut, all1 i<’. Han'

, l-'iai'u-Lsro Borali ' has i-.<-. lirsli.ii-.-d' ;o xolce vIoU'iii irittcbm. bi ii has

elotiuvntly «^e(i wkfd,111. !>': helpful nirK<'-'li“i " '■

,il Thy bn>iiithl lhe fullu»liu{ retdrt ilir-liiahQaii:- _

\,,, "I lalkeil '?ith -Mr, r lold'■ hun III plain t-.-nii.'' »iul in Krf it de-

,ji. ' -t.>tl wlmi I f t l t f d tll the prp..t ln_'lS.-i:i;r/l.-i.v. N.-jthir Mr, i:'-<iua. nur iirn'jhe ebe, Wllll whom I hii'e talk- c-.l. h,i.s birii It-Il in ili.;ibl,

•"i:;i-,-y ,-uiv 1 m:«!e no s\i«eAtloa*, 'Ir. . { cK-r <,Vr.'.J>.'ull) Dial

then- -.voulit havr to Ix- n'complfli- irjr-;.»n-ratloii, nlom: more liberal

■*' ‘ ' 1':i''p ud-lr<im ini' wjtj.au;ciccuHuit.Ullll with m<ii;: emiihn:.Ls.",

‘h .': i.-),.t,-i,.T rli Ills Uatemriii 1mm . h ' had no

■ .i-or,. I.. »!.nlfiri---ifI?I;onId ,1... ..,,1 I. ..... tit- cnuiiiii iii-e n;i-.l support

I . lectnl tne [ the iiarly.''

I.iler on........... ,. in>.,.ihiL- Ilf .'■,1- cxcenllve

nal commll-I ., i.ff! i/.s /i.ij ivoiiJd Jx-'lo'dUfu.'.-i

' ' . «i'.iruaiii.-alian and

! 11, . ;.lle.l Itnriih'i. nio|Nvsal tor rr-

:i;;e ol piirly or' u rltansc of tl-.f pany

.' 1. 1-. il .................. liiiih-- lie Mid.rim.-lii!rs ihnl

'1.-IV '\ | I , •n il II I Hum' aiivocatlnu 'Ul'I-S'111. .1 ii, ,Ti"i< hiHiniit M Die party rani' fjir :i!iit ' l ’l- rnnen lP nru;iU'.aU lJUkUU

w ti ' - I ' tlm .. K It t«u)u:jir demand foi • i r ; of jirin-

— ” , ■ - — I ■

ST----- ------: ■ -

ARCIIITEC1.Williini It. Ill

J m laril r e p o ru • liillllMlffflffll'l " '‘Vhiin I Ict

IiMlcM d Omi re'torci

— ernr'-Aixi-f-fMi -(nyniiiiil ilt Icai

^ ^ D ! ^ B B I E R 9 6 h I er...mote alctl,

j W i i ' i' MRS; LANO*

. • ■' • ■ DON PO ST,.. ^

) iS.W.yilLEIiC8 :M P M .l iE

1 llCXSmNO. Dec. 3 Nln. W ll-fte}e ' luni H, Ooodnilllcr. .W. died n t her

, home here a t noon loday foIo'Alnft a llnci-iinc lllHfM>, She wa.i o pioneer 01 (leMxthiR, coming lo this com-

[mtmiiy in l!Xn.

I brr, 1875, nl West Plnlnv Ml.ssourl.> — Sh" wns-married In Oklnhomn.J>H I jijjr l> nurvjved by four children,

lion Mu, Nolt Mabe, .Bobie: Roy Oood- llnr itfilllfr. BoL'f; M n. Merle Jord*y, pa -lo iio d in s; and Allee Ooodmlller, " •fl lO cc d m c Otficr. .''irvlvfrs JncJurio >rly ;m o .stMcrs, Mrs. Ham Rn.’.enbloom,

■ni-idiiig, nnd Mrt. Roy Berinjton, •nedlNamp.l.Ciiiof Kiie WM o memher of the TcnH- ■.I-.ini-|c'i'i.il eliurch.:-':iy | Tl:c b:dy hr.' " t ih» T linm pvin ' (•".iI, mi'tiiinry iwndlng funeral u rransc-


I r i i to bv the llriuiblifan party nnd' ••' I 't 'd ip /utinUMon cf party nroRmm '.mil- 111-,-tl ii;)on thaw pruiclpte^. a gc id

I'^^ce lo prerent'SUfh a pro'jram In e f n,;,rrrtl' form Viould !>e hi conni’''^'''.

' lo ' m lJ;r lorm c t lfSJ. :.»'‘'’n dr.ift-d thc.-.c,a;id.iiIfLrcd:l)y H'-e members of theI-'!•'« iteiniijlicnJfminorliy. — ----------------- -l’''f - i 'N rither the Republiean national

e^mmitt'-e nor »-< u/firlaiA >!avr> l.’if ;il tu h l or ll;.- authority to ftTlte *

• vi‘-;v inaiiDllll. '.Yu;kl..j.!'.iL.:4-a_cli,'«lST-_h' ___

jfcT.-,;iifiej o ' Ih r naticiwl ccm'tniflc*.ill '. ' : llu t 1.S de.Mred by thn-.e a.-l;lnn for a i'.>uUtLjii:Q.-;At!ltni',r>ri .iiM lie p a r ty their "I'lD-; !ii-»i!r,m 01 actlcn 1' unimpc-iiru.II la-1 F;-.-'.clier iffllntcd oul ft rul-.- th a t

I a ini-etliiR of the nailonal commll- ! l-e musl be caUed upcrf a pelHian

Han * miiu-cn-.'-nibers. H; Invited hla crtl-tal-.-d] n-.s to RO aheiul <111 ihts Uir-'.. ' ,

has 1 Dorah made It plain today he w anl- wkfd'ecl both nev prr.tsJineJ nnd new jiol-'

I U'li's in 0 r.;vlvllied Republican party, e tortitiut Hint tlw ntw >.-adcrs m usl be

I njini'it f l n l . . ' - •'iriirt '•~~irgfnttff •w « -*~Jofcc'^he-e«ltl.-/w— t de-l whal h- cnilcd the •‘rcaeilonary I la i l ' ca,^tfrn wliig or lho.-« no* in con tro l.. n u r .t ) come out tor u rf«l Ubcrol pro- talk- Kiani. becAiL"-* thc voters would no t— -

iltm;; ttiem slnrcre. 'tioiv. He said tic did noi rare »o m u ;h ., Dial "alnnit lhe mi-lhwV of reorg.mlia- iplpli- Uun Just M It cnmo aboul "prom pl- ,beral ly." U would ® ^ - ' n *

uHuit, ll'a). ,Commenting C T m clcrnim ~1roni ~

liom W. KlnKslanU Macy. former New>III nn York- .itaie chulrmivn. wlio eald h« l.ould would be Kind M eoojwrale wlUi Her- ppori 1 fth ftl hla convenience, the Jd.iho»n d tne I.said hs would be "vtrj- glad" lo tea irly." 1 Macy nl nny llmc. , .

•utlve i - nmll-1

^ S c h il l in gP o u l t r ypiirty

. S c a i s o n i n g

slhn'.- A .JvU eioui toa ton 'm g for : .-ui'Il lu u p t. ilrw *. all m o it and

» d t e " ■ o y c » r i « « ’’jirin- .

. P H Y S I C A L I - iN srnucT O R .

CJu/lrt Aibmi

I vim."

let Dj ” J |ooK"I

K a ^ t i t l e JO Rooil. K1 __oodjjnn^t d_i»- .B

y T 'l^ * ' - M t'l.Km]. H

OST. :

^ m c P I i-iift."

m iS n S H R S B H «.j.ii>it>'i'>irietaa

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es


“ *“ ^ i n FbIIj N ew ini Co] Ijic T Tftin ^ “Falls. T«'ln Palli County. Idaho :

EitablL<i]iKl 1004 • I

Dally tdlllon entered ft* tecond class r.mll n a tte r , AprU S. 1010. a t Uie ixutAtrice a t TaUl !

-I— p g t . p m f l g i u u m ____4------------------ ^ ^ ------------- I


PayabI# in Ativnnco lOe per «« ic . jiayablo lo W rlc r or n t ofllce

Dy MaTT•On# y ear '-------- ------------------------------------ |4 i0

OuUlde Siato ot Idaho Ono Y e a r ----------------------------- 1________ 40,00 .

ME.MDER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Auoclated TrtM Is excltulvely entitled lo

the uto. lor publication or all news disiiatclics crcdltcd to It. or not otherwlM credited In ihU paper nnd to tlie local news published lierciti.

. All rights ol rcpubllcfltlon of apcclal dUpaldics herein nlso retcrvcd.

means Aisoclated Press.

i ••'Member Audit'Bureau of ClrcuIaUon*. ' ' !


~ ~Vork. CliicaBQ.'SSirVninrog: | .|jcw5 'tt.ssuYfr'5“n<rilnaii'cl;iI’ ic6poiUlDlUl7"~ "

Ior errors In i\dvi:rlL*,crficms but m ciijcs \vli«c i _______ Ute t^nix-r Is nt t-‘»lt a corrcctlon of thut p.irt |

will bo putillaligl Mtliout churge_____________ |

' All roliccs rrfjulrfd by luw or by ordfr of i_______ nf f-nmpftpnt Hirisillctlon tu bo [uibimud [

xreckly. will be piibiwhrd in tlic \Vc<lncMl»y t luue of thU pupcf (itirsiwnt Jo .“teilon W>Joa J C A. 1032, as added llictelo by Ciiapter 15-1. lti:u Scjjion Law* o ' Idaho.

n iciiiiKiu; ON coiiitfioN

. ” • T h 9 A n ie ric ju i \vaj,'«‘ n u 'U iod i.s frui.' iun - | on b o lh sidus, im -liuiiuK frc ed d iii i-. i

S o tfr s ii lc S lo orK anI?.o"fi)r inT rSatT rtnprp ''‘ ■ ■pose.s. E m p lo y in g f:ii>il;i! b u s kH 'ti. lU'cUy ivcll. oi-KUilirod fo r som i; liim -. K v ery in c y r-

' 'P o f a te d c o m p a n y ro in 'i '^ t 'ti ls D rjw ni/.i'd dol- 7 - l n r s , n n d -m o d f i-n in th irtlry -Icn d A n io i'ii u n d .

mtiVe to lai'KC nK fta'ifalioii.-^'of o w in iz e d com - •pan ics . T .abo r l.'i s ti ll m u c h lo ss fu lly n rK aii- iu 'd . b i i t lia s m a d f ri»pi<l prnj,'i-p;-s i in d c r llu;

'N H A , n ltho iiK h ' its t-iilos, w ilh a ll th(^cl.^ l'i- ■ficntion.H o ^ S ’c c tw n T -A ra rc '-M ill f a r fro m '

c le a r . ■ . ' . . • ■

••• T h e o n e 'r e a l ly c le a r t l i in jf .a l io iil i t i s th a t ;

la iio rJiH H u Id a iik fl r;>.>liL:^». iHJ;‘ Iin d e e d Is cncoun iK iid to , d u so. T lie idea is j t lm t w ilh b o th a ides fu lly .ir iM iiiw d . tlici'u . m a y b e in d u s t r ia l ju s l i c - . o n le r a n d lu a i 'f , ,

. w i th e o n se ( iiic n t p n is p e r i ly f(ir a ll. i

' ' B u t la b o r r u n s u i to iliCriiuUic.-<,- p a r t l y f ro m th e o h s lru c tio ii o f > ;nu ln inn eni-

. '. .p lo y e rs ,-n n d p j ir t ly f ro m fm d ls im i n ow n ■sido w h ic h p la y in to lh o h a m ls o f rn iiiloy 'frd

, ficek inff u n c.scu.se to dc'ii> '»fair [iliiy.

' H e r e i.s n c lc ii r a n d s t r n n j : f 'ta le n ie n t on th i s p o in t , tlire c te ii a t h o th j^ides hy N U A

— -B irfx lo t^ » ichh ( 'i ;K .-a iuL d i;-< :T v iii> r lh e su)>-, . p o r t o f a ll f r i e n d s o f iiu h is l- 'ia l jii .'- lic ri

■‘V ary iiiK di'Kri'Os o f o rjra iiiz iiin p re s - '• su re h a v e been i 'x e r tv d a n a in s l w a«o ' : e a r n e r s , f ro m th e m o re i>r less iri'tille ' I ip e rsu as io n b y or>r:ini?.inK e o m m itle i's o f '• ,rc .sp e o ta IjlR -u n io n s d o w n lo th e o u l- ’ ! .raK eouH KUii p la y Jind -■^luf'j'ini' o f rae k e - i

? : ^teor tr ro u p s th a t p r e y iipiiti th e w o rk e r. !. ..a -4 .rcm Q racic is!iL iis.m iy ..M W eat::hop-ein-._ ; J

■ ])loyer. _ •

, ■•TIui.s a n o th e r seri(U is iiueslio ii i.s pr>!- ,j itie n lc d : I lo w f a r .sluiuhl lh e fre e d o m o f , ' la b o r o rg a n iz a l io n lie p ro le c te d fro mI ; eo c re io n n o l on ly liy e m p lo y ers , Im t liy ,

Jiny o lh e r o rtra iiize d eu i're in n w liieh m a y .d e iir iv e a w o rk e r o f ))a rt o f ili^ <ariiili> :s ,a n d i ir a c tic a lly a ll lii-< lil ic r tv o f cnoici; , us lo lh e l.'rm .s a n d lo iid ilm ii-. «( hU ' , em pluy inen lV

■•Tl.is p .'oM em is e l.;u 'ly i.e .;j;iH /,cdby o ld e r r .- la til i-h ed la b u r u )u ..u> ; i,iiL <

I'iiie m e m b e rs is f re e ly aekni)W ledi:"d t>y e m p lo y ers , they a re b u m p e re d in anv

• ■ e f f o r t lu de.Hlroy Uic la b u r. r;iL.-:.*'i.'.:r- -•wliose m o st lu 'lj 'fu l a ilev is i l i f f in i ' l" \ i t *■

• w ho r e f u .e s lo d e a l w ith an Huih- . I 'uiiVoii o f h is em ployee’s.",

O F N T S IN T i n : / K I ’IIV U

S w if t ly a s I b a l s tiv a m l iiie d . 'sU iu K "s ' .steel t r a i n , th e Z eiiliy i-^r^»v<-ls ii ^Iill tines

. n o t KO f a s t o n oun li lo (inilj.;o .-jyw cr \ i h i f l e s a t Ki'ude er«i^.-iii^'.. '[ 'h e In sm tifu i new tr a in ijow b e a r s lw o .-cars on ils >l.iny sn ru u 'e ,

-------UniM 'i:a.:i,.iaLi.-xd-Ly 'a ,..- ,.l : i4 y J ..u -u u l> -rr3 H ^ ^tru c k d iir in K a tr ia l , ru n in iVimf/i?!. T )u ' oc- j c i ip a n ls o f lh e t r u c k hud I'l.'vl. so (h e re w ere | no h n m n n c u s ilu llie s , b u t tin ' n'c.-e o f llu- ■Z e p h y r w a s d en ted .——'---------- A ,:-------

. ■' n » SKOII.I a n rM m l t n r r r n ^ in !o n N o v e m l'o r K!, w lien a t r u c k •'] .|(iw eil in(o-V !'

, th e s ii ic o f tlK '.-Z epbyr. T h e -.I'ciiiia iits <.J'-Uie- • . l.rucl^ m ira cu lo u s ly . iu iu r y , ln'ii llie !

s id e o f lh e .tra in , j u s i b r liin d lie ' e iijriue ; fcc t/o 'n , tv.'ils ..«carce(}. T iie iu i i n r e a d ie d ■

• T h e id e a l h rrfin K o m o n t js f .,r t r . i ln s a iu l | o th c r. 'v eh lc le B to k e e p nw.^y_ fro m eueli (.tlie r. ;

. . b u t t h a t seejTiS'^hanl to neh ieve . I n th e m c an r 1 ' t im e , , o n e i re m c m b c ra ^ vflKuely tlm t t h e j

h e a v ie r . t r a i n s th e j J c p h y r aiftl i ts k in d n re ! t o s i ip p lf ln l w w e n o l .soV as ily den te il them - I

■ :w Jvefl, ih o u f fb th e y don)iili.-<)!e(l iro.-l » f tin- •c a rs a n d . t r u c k s t h a t 'c r o s s e d th e i r r a i l s a t t h e WTonff .'m o racn L • J


] “

~ “ j ■ . T Y R A N N Y IN B E K M U D A ‘ j

S I ■ T h e S p i r i t o f ’7G I.s r if e a fr iiin ,|u n d a n o th e r ;- , K in if’tieorKO lia s « o l h im s e lf i n to tro u b le , . I

•^ I ' liiy . 11 oub l c ^ y ^ n - ^ ^ r m t t d ^ t h d f l ' e *b a i m y ^ ! i l i j 'it is li islcH t h a t f o rm Jhe f i r s t lo g o f a h o p , '

_ ‘ i >l;'ip a n d ju m p f ro m Ihe U n ite d S tu tc» to’ ill ] K lll't'pe. . I j | i If

I P ro m in e n t w o m e n 'o f H erm ltT i ' m a in la in [ I ~ I 111,’it " lu x a t io n ^ v itliou l rep rjH u n U itio n i s i■ . [ ty ru iu iy ." N o w w h o w ill sny h ijr to ry d o e sn 't

r.'peiil il> e lf? W o m en liie rc j [ill lack th e | fiaiiclii.-e . T h e y Im ve or^ 'iinizoii/ h c B e rm u d a !, W citiian . ''u ffn iR e S oc ie ty , a n d i Us p re s i ile n l i

10 h a s n fu .'O d to p n y h o r tu .sc s t| d e s s w o m en i a re f’i'.Tii ro p ro s e i i ta t id i i iti Ihii' is ln n d rov- 1 r r i i tn i 't i r s a s se m b ly . O th r r^ y o m e n o f w en lth j l ia \e a n n o u n c e d t h a t ra llic f’j t h i / i p « y (axf.'-'

0 w itii'-iut ro iir e sc n tji tio n , tliu y w jll le t t h o i r i ■» |ir<i)i»'rty be se iz e d n n d sfihlinl |)U b lic n u c tlo n .'II J^uii'ly o u r n . A . U . slioiiiil si^nd c o n g n itu - ■* k ili 'u i.i jtiiii le n d i l s lo y n l. I iip l 'io r t to th o se

lle rn i 'n ia ii s i s te r s . | j

“' - ' I • -OPI’O H IT IO N f^ liu ii^ . = .(Balumoiv iitfitr'* '. • ■ ■

Jf :• .’iDy Bround lor aH<iiU.'I;icilon wllh’ tlic X i ,r ...r ,.; '7 l '; '; io ;r rc iu lls ll U 'if t'tli.: fact l l i a f n o

"I-ir.n 111. . . . ; .llili tll(iii.;lil.'ul ujijiOallluii Ii;i-V (iiitrR iJ. ~r y _ ovttt,lti"'ill.'cii)p«arancc.pf_. __e j ii;<'! n: (!;'• ')i)|io.-itluii d w t 'i f i j l ‘oOHtcr.i{«i h f l f V1 ! l'>:i . It «'un n'nylliliii bill liitolIlKtni, TIk

I li.iM- t / .- l ; iM \c d into th" iwlilK'til ,ii!h cwi tniniLi 'f I i;t/:;;i;: bci'.ui. .' tlic oppo.'imoiiIjll'y po-aentcil to thc 1 - -U 4u^:.i:.i:iaa.v .u-. nliM eihcr piiHL^iiLnudjteJmllccd.. _ f ; r ..',. In opi'o llli'.Cmxi lUniRS.lltftcad —J I.; r!;v ii.id, iiiul lliclr louin Is W!|;. r thnn thclr com- -

i - r K',r-11 n ’-vcl Ilf Pciiiw5lvunia t‘l6.’]o:tcii swung bUndly }.e th - .uimiiii: tratlon, falling |t>.iiiukc'nny dUcrlm- | li::r.;oii jj-.l-.i'Tii Ha iibvloii-ly [lyic uccomplWiin^nis ]

~ — — ------- V'ubw'uii-. w:nkiij>f;?‘'n ir r n u;~opp&':f-~j -• I [lull ih:ii .niiaui r<'ally ni>'.iii Miin'"llung to Iho counlry I

! i.\ U’H !(;,;• ; lit of oiji;r«ctlon/!•*n r - I ,\i>;. ;uiy Kftlly worth-Wllili' cncclc on llirW"-’ — I ty 1 iiiiiii'ii.uioii iliirliii! till''W M yours will liavc toyj., Ix- bull'. !j[) lUJhlii tJic U-.'ii^orr-dlj- (i.irty. Today 4>cri- ,,i,

. lltl);- (ihl.-.-, iil’.liouKh a naiiocrni, w doiiiif more to ini'!i- I; :i:id *'* WjillliiK'.on lliun all (lie ?■'

Ifll- I III.. !>;«.• Hi.ii wc -•li;ill hnvo l'o,;uok: for the Repub*Iiiiiiij;, M Jiiii i-'ailcy lias pomitd uul, liavc practical- .J. ly iii’tlilii:; ■ •. ,t. . ,.ji

ll'_« ,---------- _C. K,‘I'i- ' w n v r r im 'i ; r> jin c .\i ts7n m ' •U'XL.tuu Tilljjiio) _________

C-vj;i;'allj' :j»-ai:Ui>r. uM il ;ii)ioii;obi:,- cJcalcfi dc- y , 'iliiii: Ui<y h.ivc. foiiiiil iiuiili cncouraR''iiicnt In the llu

la t .m;,\ .tn;, 11,1 li! iiu ;r bvliult ud Tlii. ^.i', ■•-ix'LVully i:i:»' «ill>. thc prcvl- '

..lon l-if riiiurul oi iiiie.iiiiiiiii piicf-i j)uiti lo r ii.'vd ciirj, i^j’J liiiv; i-.-jiitiL'lliitf li>r iKUvy lo;.H't)lo dciiU-rs. Tli« code 1;,^ fixi-tl (!;<• pUfvii 111 Ir- ;illn\.«l fur ••tmiio-llW" »Ub)ecl mi

I't'i to iuljii .•.iii'-'iil iliiriri; til" 'Automobile dealers In ll'llll.i| .'I'lliril u ;tli ii'lii'l tli.e, i!ii‘ir ii'cd-car bu'lmv^ ir,l'.;lil Ix'.l v .i 'ln - . ll lipo;i ivpio'iiable. or at leaat —II buiik-vVIl l).l:'l:..

nil- This prir"-:i\lm : j)rinl>liili o/ tlir code naw luu io’,Wll iK'.'ii /l i‘:ltrcdviuii'omliMi:it^i;,d by tvdcra l JutUc .uii

S. Viiiuilii, .-ii'iiu: in o'iliihiiru.i, Ifo dl iiii-.-.rd J'f; lm!!-i:i;dil„ ii);'.ii;v; ;iiiiiui;olji:f'(li..i:,.r;; iii.u<i'd uUliliilji:!;; tiiul .'.-Iliil,; .lUlcilllulUlt* Itl p :ln , III VlliliUll'O 1 1

f,,) iviia tsc.%c Spcclllid by tlic ccdc, Ijitmif li» di-clsloil co; oil Ull' piliKliik' t i l l ; tin.. Kd;'ral K0Vi.r:ini:!it dots ‘ iii>: li.uv jun tlir’iiiii i.v.r i!;i' iiriv.itc iiMiiMi'tima-of

‘I 'V ii;a.-..iiii,iL; MUi'.iii » ; ______________^' II IMII li:iiilly I;.- luniiiulcdSttith iniy df,'icv o P S i

KM. oii.-'.'.iiif Jiiiii;.' V.iiu'ht, '’i/iaB tin- uilo or piircliaic 0/ u v.fond-'li.ii'iil auloincbilc l^ t 'i tc n m o jicrsons, {’

, l.ii.:ii Di ttliuiii lni- in lln' .wme lociihty iir.d m ihlnUll' :.iiii"‘ .M.ii'c, roii''tiIui<» liiliint.iif cpniunTCi', or ha ;i:;i m- iJilUliIl;; llllrr.'.latr ruiuuivtif." liy altciil'pt- dft; ll;-. Mu ii ri-,uilJll"ii -lit' lioldv tlm t coii,:rvis iisurju

tirii-ciiUtl by :t.j ci'ii'V.ttjtion tu the tiatca.•_ U ii^lu' ulliiT.li.iiiil, In Snn kVincjr.ca .iboiu a \ic«k

Jiut'.:’’ tit, in Icilrral t ourt upheld ll,v con« '■ .':iiiii;i,n,iiily ul ti-TiiVi'ar piici-'Voiilrol Ijy llii' NRA'

ii; ;;)j:ril ;i I.n-- .luiou;. l));r,(li;ilir vJoJn-; i;i>n >■; ll;.. iin:-.. :ii:;il;i:itr..<, cvi.n m liitfiv-sintc ns

■ T hb i.\ on? of .tliv iiiiiiy coiitronT.vlal fiuciUons ciuiiliu; i . Inrc Utc I'nurt.i iis Uif roMilt ot the new dcuI ‘J,'j

Jininr.iiiu.. T lx f:ij>rr.:ii<. cbiitl of, Uu- Uiille<l Siatvj,' ili.,iiii.> 111 llu' <llii'iiiii iti,iiiiR.r 111 Whlcli ll noiv func- 1 = . til’ll'., iti.iy br rM«|.,.tal tu jviv. luilnnu-iU wUli rc;^^ou-’ ubll- iiriiiii|)Uii';.i Ull any ut tin.;!; ijucsUonj cnilUcd lo [’!'

review, Tho rKh'i of Utc fnl-ral Rovernmciii to Ux |,‘,j1 I’lK'i.' In inUuH.iti' ::'.i;;'.irlU.iu nij;x.,ir.' to U- one ol rnL 'ni, . . • •. lolI----- 1— -------------- --------- -— i - y — IJu:

TIIK VOI r:i,i: o r m ;i .u ;f m o n k y .^■I'l'i'.iMU. ;i'rlb;iiii-) . ly

•■A)iji.-oxiiiuu:.: u,.;: .. miiiinn «i..Hiii,-i. W]i|! d^^-•• - 'i i i .u ; . , ! n v ry „i.ii;.„ L r y .u K y u:\Wl '^1 I ,11111111; .lUiiiit-li.’.*, .1 I,..-A i;ii (.Ii;- ri.ll’.r icH.1, ' E. p . tfl

I 'o r 'ta ll, liond n: illViMolt'of Ul-' Inkru l wo, ;.U il 111 WalK>. liui .1 i,,K)itvr 111 Iiv.rili Iil.ilio'Uic vci

uiinT d.iy.’Tlii- iii'.i i’i’iri!:tiii’ir Kivrh i>v tu? rnuuti' lit tiqu lus l;n m,;,;;, tfii.t otii' of rviry five

_ b:iiu iujjyuruii by Udoral imc s 'M'lli lliu-:, U.- i_ i-.ii; all ct IviIcmI fiii?i, bu t :

It iiloiic llu:. ;'i;r.i.';,; ii... in,..,|,\ tiillll.ili' jwr year.'. T.. 1•,v uny l.'.ta u: lolal ,u;i. |m iit .ulil tlifrclo

thv ^nlllloiu-! I'.;;..; ; ,, ;4 o .ir tor i l v .u r.-iliuuon. „)■ ;"U m.-ii.jiy;. mli,ri:(.ii. l.r.;:, ,iiuKiuT|> purvha.^.s, hi’nic mi ice, InipnmiiHiil .ni.t ;iU llic oihvr irlii-f pl.iiii byM.r — I’.liU'll fcdcriil . I: Iw.in.; il|.| n)i.ii..,l i„-OC- ' ‘ '" ‘' ‘' ' ’'’liV-i'i'Ui.i'.: ;r.. 'i„:,;i l||„^ ,u...:nlju;,d can noi

I ol public I‘‘ I lui!d.s uiul li;i i>:i;i;;iMi ol a ni>: iiKou.Milvr.iblc

th e , i.ii-|K.r!.(ni ot -r;. n:,,;iui for v... v..nlj i*.itr\e ■ that in rr^i; h:;-r.-rri-:r,r':c.\rrir.itf.-:hriirin:bO,sri;['

1 uny plaL'o ',t|.:|... i;,i,tvil Kiai,-;, iiiul lli.it the mi• “ I ixoj.l,- o tjilal;.! m.-uM i:i Uu' loiti; run li.ue profited mi

. ' nii'io It !< ■:. titan li.il^ namui;; di.Mr'llj\ii>'<| had |‘‘‘ xlt,-- !«.<'U ,i;...nt, Tbv . ;l■M■ ini.tiiri.. i'; irn^L-itablyllu . I »iui.:;t;:, l..; i:! .'.I..;;. T v , > t.' .T l;- Man.WllO 'iu e ' '•'■■’''■'■1” ' '“ i ’' ' '- ' - '''■ •'.•‘•'■■■y IK U urM .ili 'j today ”

• l;i*;v iir.-cr aca,:; o,; '.li.ui 'l«lc:al job».i mieiv. 111? ii-i:;;.0 iij ;.ii,jr is.ilo.v and thv «.'« -s or _

Illld I . , ■ . --------------- ■

a n r I . BREAKFAST FOODth e i - • • _________ jn re ' ■ Ciuonicr m lUriicr SliOiv-"What made j-ou drop- ,.m •• ■•’"Vsieftmlnc hot.tnnel on hiv fftccT"

! U;iri.'<-r-"Ii tou lmi to hold,"Die • • - :-----------

> ttt ;;...rr !• anv clumce of my r t -•.1I;K m>' IJO.tii piiljn'la,! Ill }our l;a;:or?"

, E duw — l'licreU iay bc. 1 »liau't Uv« Iortv*r> '


VAN BORINGer ;le,. r T '^ 1 I [ “ ] ;

lie ' •

ui I ■


^” 1 ICopyrlsht; McClure N•y I _________________

W.XSIIINT.TON I 1---------- Hy {liJiuTD urno- • - ' itri

»ri.I...i)iir!iU5 IlH- pn-M ueelc Pre.'- ■' ulMi! Hoiin'vi'll luLs iKrii'Keltlni; hL '. .0 iii.s: (1,1 |. „■ 1 Ililt W,i:.!inKton'iu-w..- 11- ii.ii'i r lui-n iiijwlil (.Mil the "iioouTil_ ’ _________ ;_______

t ; ; - lr:;is.M ii:ti.i; row over lo«-.s;« rii I in 'ii'ii;; iii'-.i'lopoil In >.uch n way ,u;i

'■ th,i'. KDlt'caiiK. m for h lU lrs l piJr- . • rtuitu.in 01 nir/ cotiicqncn.-.’ . j,.., Ki';mi;ci,s. i.il:;:inal writiT.i and col- C^,', uniM'W Kt'i''.i;illy loolc exception.l-i .•[ ' a Wliitr Iloii'.c-if.splrcd italcm cn; ■ j,.,

— «U.-iiii4tiH-Ui-»iUiu--<»i-ce-tUU. -NcK-i lA.il M?i!!Jy .'jjijjibw/' by ' fharslii;;.;,,,

1C till' i;i-'A>. sa:hi.'rc.'.% wltn mlarcpre-j'

1 l-uriTa'ier.? I'rcdlct It Mill w on be

Imii..- forrr of iidmiiihtraUon prc-;.^./.,' :irrr;t.^ has-tjcrii workiit|{ ovrrthiK'

:t iiiluiittiiiy otf the record—a mbtak"Jl w.u. lu.iilc, "W r pn'iuiw nol lo do C, ', .i;;alll." h Uic ti-r.or ot tliclr pica. j_ *

fac^rctnaii-.^ Uiat tor Un.'".w l;inr J’n..^!llfJ;I HiW'i'vcJt jw - j,j;

i-'s soiially KOI drarcfd into an liitrii- „; ■ c ,ii!:iiim.'lrallvc (ichl. Hcretotorc'Uiv t J hcro;^ nt the itn-.ir col .'ockcd p iib -i-f , . lirly ultlioiii M much a.\ a mrnti-ini ‘

Uta: llicy tmd b .n i appointed by th c l, ] IL l»r<..li*pm mnl ^r.-tf-iigraQiiiiHv iiC-II coiinlabl': lo liini tor llielr ui':!ii:i.s.:■J Abl). tor U;;-.ll;--rUin?, F n ii ,-t ;i-, pcd In foo vloli-nUv In an c;f<ir; t n : ‘ -'i‘ Miuxjtli tluiu> ou r. The Irl:-,-.-Mi>t-' I';*'' t’.'it ''harniony" •.Mutcmcnt .iiil.'ttli-1 irM iiHTuccli'Td ■jll orfiTufi^S'rT^Irfi:-! 1<; lan nroriiT '- o f uoi jiiKlfi'MiJ.'iiii;:; .'m, pliiln KiikUsI i uud iryiiiK lo Mir Ui>|luK■ trouble by iiiKiuotatloii. f

I* L.irsv'biiti-licA ol .M)()t!ihis .Mlvt',try. T have bivii iijiplietl lit thc foWjOl'i . dayj, One iniuht ulmaM mi-.;h.l; Kvn-icun

cnil. or.U-i-.’. Imd com' out t,i i i 'c r r u ); the fliiiii.r i’;f hcoru irom ItiC-Q IViin- of sylvanla Av'uiiup. ' ije(

k —— proM ’Mnj:US. Korii-.or J*:•l■ ; ! nl .

llcovrr .<iwcpt-!ntt)-pl !;rc—sT-ttrr r r r - f j ^ onls iiDW'.'liow—on tlU' -‘Ort ot.'.'.sve' . of luluiaiiiiii from Uiv wiima; totvr.i' . .

e ns'dld Pre.sideni Rcj-cw ;:. y.:. H<>o-,..,,i, vcr'a ovnr.''i'iL\ rcoiul. plib r.ircluli

I, pivM nKi'iiirv. lu'in « m;i)i>.'iiy ot,, the Wii.ihlniclon iif.«';.pa|>cr m ri« " ''J '

“ ^nld on till- Idea lie « ,.i ;n tr tith .n ■ Cf'.' "nilrarle man" fur over a v<'ui-. i

Utll Sir, lIi;o-.vr, a \M-althv m ;in]"h ' . iw d to till- p inacy .and <i>!r,l";;-i of.bi-! „ hh own llte. fulled to i.-ui.-va; m ic ••'Cb

ci'.vAfully n iv.v-iiinii'tu out uii- |.ry- me* lints and cou 'tnn l obvrMiiloii iri the n'-i' >1 pri-.w. When his publuiiy ail.:«or.v V

iold Illm ll wus the price li- i;'id’<l ncr pay.lQr..ci:cuuilmU liC-\^U i;.lljiii:_iilll lie re.scDtcd lli.it. ' Coi

Very tlo-j|>, but very (k-va.-.latiiiR- Uo' . ly for -Mr, Hoover, u li-u;l ilvi.-lupi.d i;u;

ucittccii hh it-a iid tl'.” imii lit lhe ,j While lioiiM- pr,-.^i ii;,>tn. Niniiy jrvr I

rent of Uie iri iiallpn iiuiili'n:.'' were •,oii ’• tr iv la l-n s b.illl Mdv. uiiilouDledl}' of >1 would admit lu retro.s|)>:s;. M: . Uoo- He ic ver kivrned tha t u neii-.-rally auiflK- i

onwttc KHiup ot •• n?«','i>;ii'Tr mvn Th loiilil bv mor.c iirllculitli. riiaii he,vi'r

® Uil'. Wltcn lie trrded Uu-;r ;.;i;';;ori |‘ i

ll Mr. Ilo.w.'V.-l'. iLll!',i'Aa;i' oI.VYt f • thi-s.MluaUyii. Ill' copi>eu-d tlii. wliolehjic■ JKMVi-r luiblu-itv .sy:,U-iu aiu: li.i* f " lived vriy h,i|',nly ':o tar. Kitowll'.K, wi >. wlDl hi-do,'... i!;i'oilil', are th.ii a .v n ,v mure ploiiM'il- ;:t:;i'io:i ot llu- l-'lic'.- rr.s

Miill.'tl iai".iv-.. lUll Mfii r a i ; - Utc , rn uliiii: p'uulic i-j lo r .x L ll,i.ii.i'-U£a ?

)l ■ ■ -------- ;|,iktc H i'H Vr. ]Vr.-;.:i;;l l-ool-..,.}

Idiio had one i",|n lu i; -' i I'.tlii!, yrt Iiho lu- to till- «l;o;.’ I'll M JiiU-.s,ii,.;

* iJll'. < 'ia ii;l_ ^^H em -;i .MiiD. .Mlor | ,„ii 'u l llie-timi' unit m iTT. >ii|)lo-, fll,

le miiUe eoi|vs id l>;;i'.. M .l*, .'..r.’tul m-i J mndciB !>precli-bi’torx a uohumi or- I Kftnljallon in the fi-ur.-v of v.hlcli <

lir mndi- M'me hiUu-r M.irtliii.; dec- \vi ln:allur-%. of tiiti-riiitlMiiii ;n.;:i.-y,

>P | m | | J h A | | | B | h


By Tish Tash ' “

— w c r K C '“■ L ig j-p ^

. " ' . ' - . th<


IND THE NEWS)___________

... bciI llclorv u prej.1 eonfen.|;i'c of about

--:trj-iTicn-.MrrCoolUiKe liUtly-vuUjii-■ i-.-il tlu- l»!ormalI(;:i t iu l M. Ju.-,- " ‘■i

“ ...rand would do betler lo lav liLs f ' ‘ •' iH-liire lhe Slate DepanmL'iil■ ii.n-i-i. Suppli-mental rontiiieuLx ttvrcV l^ciiitKl. Hi-liind Uie Ihln veil of llial _ .ifi.-tr'if. rhu>t •'till- _u;itl_lc__Hoiijc• S;«,f;e: n;iin.'' llte.'C obJirviition.-i w.-rc y <li;:y i-i-;iiilSed.'

I i; li----'tlnii fill liDiir lliedliiilmiUic y ’- l-T.-iii'li Amb.wttdor wa.i nt the State■ IVii.irtmeiil llteruUy icarinR hl.<ihnlr.

Jl ...ucll a i-.-buKe wn.s permitted l. ,''i.'taiid hu lotitt dlplomuilc carccr wiui'‘■-Ut iin -rnd.-H .'-w *t-*orfy-----p!c;iw ,’” ''^■'.''ralsliteii K otic. j

I C. n, .-.cam SIcinp. a i.lh a t time Mr.'' CiH)llilKe'.'i.'.ecreatry, cuiicociert aone-~ - |..i!;i',;iitpir j n t r a ir n t " Trhieti- ."Ullin ii'••Munil'. ;u-i'u mpderit-day by-play on ai,;

Mvnr.-.T. one gathered ihiit Uw Prca-", iiinii'liud been badly niW|uo:ed. ],* ' j Hy c^niiitPn a.v-.<-iil the reiwrtorliil boi

|:-.i(t.';.-.k’;i loik excei)U<in aud Muik 1 'iiy i:.\ iiuii.s. Uill thMC wvre day.-s ot . er

'■'.".lllll pre.'.;>(’:iiy. Mr. CiMhdKd rc- he• jJiKt))!’ »iijr)i-:0ijied nmnllc cai• ot .-.ilciire and the liiclilent wa% ioon o f '

t liirxiit'.i-ii by nenrly cveryoi;e bul Ur Uic'■RntUrTitnn trom Ma.'.MChuM:tis. Btit ’ I He It.id k'liriied a Ic.i.' on he rcvcr

flio 11'i.liv,-.'to hhn knew ihui * .; itic-rxprrieitfr-flfH W '^tellnllely-io -'hi:

’."M r. Cooiui.ii''--. lemlency lo think ^.f.viLC bi-!iiTi- he npukw- oncc on any

• ! u>:\VAitt)S,— iii.\vuAiu»fttca-Htf!.p.‘; ;-..vwiM bi; ;:.<ih m .ilt chaiure.i hL iilluKvi-r wiUi ii;i- adinliit-^iraiion.

Americ.m M;l|ipliiK Interest* nre c e.tryniK to i«'r-iiin;o lIvJ Posl O tlic: uj,. ‘'i Dt-ii,i;luii-nl tlial i-xLillm! occan,m:ill •Iccntr.e.i.s ;.|;n;ild be neither mndllied t:« -)r eiiiK-elcil. nview lth nre ii lew■ ol Ur-. a'.ti'.-iH-v.N who have appeared -g.■ beturi- the w'.enin iwialry .new in j.„

pro;;re.nj; ;y'■ I'or tiie l>j;;.ir l-;ne — J . Driirc : r K n ^ « n ” ;~r'Di'rno.'t,-iUc Nation- —

. al Coiitmir.n'iii.in tor Monlnno. ntul C ^ c li le t lliior line.-..:;iiiit for Mr. R co«- Uel ]i veil a t Uif t'iiU .iti. convi-ullon; lii-t

Kor Uie Cirace LUK-—Sw»Rur Sher- ‘■''K . ! ’(•}, outAiiii'.diii',- Democrntic Con- i,;t:r..-.--j;oiial leader from Kcjitiicky <|“5

idtu'iii;; the Wlbon ■ admlnl.Mra;ii.'ii, ji wlto was ealVd III by Mr. Ui):,‘iveU i j'-'' [•'bi-tore imuiiuratlon to worn utu a >:• J.ic ltrine for coordlnniltiK llic t.cverii-l '• .1 ment departmcnus iiud balancmi; Uiel f l normal liiulKCi:s\ Vor lt;i. U. S. L tnrr.-O . Max Oari'.- I ncr. funiier Uuvcriwr of .N'orch C'.ir- _ .In iiijii, \vlf i iv.Mniied Deniocra'l.- ^

CommlUtTniiin lo beat Uie w nnr^ ,^• lloiii'e i;iin on iKihlieiaii.'. i>racitchm .j.,I law belore Uie iioverninent. i;, ;,

r Le/.! voii tlitilll thw rcprc.^l■aU!Ion!'^'• e .•,ouii-Uiiii-' shutlilnR. Itvte nro a le-i'i j 5'jof the iliijiiniiK law jeri duriiiR-the •hlcover ii(iiiiinl.MraUun;- For till- IXillar Line — Uie lale. — iijThoii'it-. tl.«;le^.•ry. one of .Mr.llOJ-i- Civi-r'fi nll■ l Itittmnte friends; . I — i;"' Kor the I. M. M. Uiow embracln; -■ <iip- V. S. I.;i.i*-‘ — Ihc late J a u i» l I I,i.YaiicL> liiir^e, tseneral Conii.vel tor, | e lu ic lleimbllrau Nallonnl Commllloe; i ■ A For Uie IiUek Diamond Unc - iKl William J. IXwoviiii. one ot Mr. I lo a -; i‘ |Vrr'.v cIikT-:.: IX’H 1'nmpalKH mlvl^-

i NOTES.'Iniiuiiy inlo nu-'ivctcd hi .

; l,iki- n ion i nme, Iiuldera sny a debl [ •^"i'liJrmeni with aovlct R'WU.i Li na t, lly i-t i,ii;i!il)le. MutK'liunuo Is tfjuce:--

in>; out Ani''rie.ni traders. Hlijh prlrej;. ■riliiii » .-ll"!' 10 'vlii-.it «.‘xi>oru. Tlie, ■•■niiie'F.i'-U' ro •fllsapprar m -lltci ■I m-w NKA. .

II CUflilnUi Cardi. T tf* . SraU and• U 'rapplnn ;it Ihc Clo* Uook Store.

-A dv . ' 1


A N e w Y o r k e r

a t L a r g e

- r ------------ ^“ T 5 -------------- -------TTIKUAR& nAIUWM Ilam

' ______ j a ho

NEW YORK-81ll(n* In a ^-litau- ran t In the Koriic.v 3icK Dcmp-1 »cy^wM^ w n*c llt^ ijt well known |;.n ,.

mopey In a bu.ilncM «nUire. j •Let'* not laU about my ba n k -.[f„ ,

ruplcy.'- Jack, ihc ninhor succ.-Mi'd. j„„, "L efj talk about you, Do you think you'll-txcLtry-a-L-onitiiaclL in ..tix ..,,..., t,"«

''No, I doubt It," Dempjiey (lald-lp-.rt "I'm in great condition, but I'm whi afreld my lex--. miKlii jtivc o u t ' on l.,„ ,

Thc other lliouslit this over for a ! u n l mlnuic, ‘ Do you know.', ll's » com-[M or ton to talk to you. Jack." hc Raid, ju n "If.i such II r.-lipf to know that tome- j

. itilng 111-thb a-oriaRivet oui^Kaldra.irnll• money:-- ----------- -----------* '• • ' • i c . i

Droodlnij In n corner nt |i ten piir-1 iiilli tj’. Isuddcne planccrl up and the rr .M stood Nry.Nii'McMeln, the artist. ' .Mr.'

■•Why are you KOwllnB a t me?" wv'l .-.he a^ked.■ "I didn't know I wnv" I arvsavrcd.; ».,i*

"but, at tlial, 1 .should bc. Do >ou j,.,. n-niembrr Die I;i.-.i l im rl w.i.^jn your -••Wdtn? A Ma'.ue fell over nndl jjj

•'I .vn- you liavi.n'l recovered," toned Ur- t>'atiteo;i.s V ,-i McMclii.l. ' and I returned :n my b. jjdlng. j '

Uio. ' t’.vo ti'ilo.vs who struck un oil M l KU'her 111 the backj-ard ot the I>ocr ' l | | l .

. houM u t Marletift, Ofilo, and Uicn

their monry -Mtiklntt nnoUicr well on . Jhe jnmc lr;ic(. • ^

•'That'.'.' lltl? 'new dear tor you." Linda Witkln.'v commenced. "No: -laUsflcd ttlUi two clilckciM In cveo'[Wt. now they want two oil wells in ' every backyard." ’—Oii«-«f-Utu-iawi;'^.morc'saphUU- ll;')'- culcd'iiulhor.'. a taii.iUc fellow, hu.-; been i.Iv1i;k K-cluie.i aroiintl nl var- fo--

, loiLi clubs 111 11 campaun tn 'bohter . .i.ile.>i ot Ills newe:.l boots. With all tuan .■ hU-cftor!i-io-lnrri';LSf hli roj-altles, Aditi , he lia.Mi'l le.iriKil, to control hi;. Li::c . (lonRUc wfieu AjK-aklnR to projpec- Jii I llw customer.'. c r ;i:

Aller Jiiie of liLi lecturc.i, a hero- '.Si: ; war.-'hlpiilU'.: ila-i;;.el aiiprn,iched htm Pir,: ! -with I'ltii" of l'. J brnk,’.—'-W ouid-yst-y::!-

auiOKiaiili iiu '. ple.i.sc," .she rc- ki (luv.sled. "and wrlle ‘Very CordluUy

; Yours?- “ . • V. ll.• "It I did. niail.iiii.'' he r.-!orlcd, "ll ; would be thl- i.inki'.n w rt ot torn-■ rry." And. liit-ri'by lavi autitlii-r-fol-, lower.___________________________ t». rv

Durmif Uy; iiiike ot elevator op- ^’g',, crator.s, one lad, aniiojed by hav- . '

• inR to «iilk u;> N'^ural fllijht.'; .ot ; ' .Mnlr.-. to hw ol.'ue. Va.« .severely b e - ' ' l i ru illlj l l li' ll,.Ml,.!-lil-.i;i |iil3?8-’l o r : j ; I abandoning thi-ir ps.sl:. |' -I'hc .siiike doeMi't no any Rood."

he moaned, Mnd ti caii.svs cvvry-I body iiuomi'nr..iici."s *'; Hfl ei)ii;papit)ii ciiiiic.'ied lli.it ob- 1‘- -'•r .scrvaiioii. ' l l doo some Rood,"• he nmued. "Tiic ui;rmployinent:• cau-'e,-; mnrj-cmjilnym.--;ii. Ju;.'. thlnl:; S'I of the hundreds o! ^pccll»l iiollccmcn Bcri:I the buildhK o.viK-r(i liad to lilic lo OIim

Rtmrd Ihetr clevatota,"- o- -• and

With more Hum 3b M;0'a;, current, c a r t i -UiC-tlf.'uHT bii-Miu-.'.s u bi'iur than ju^-_ ; It hius bt-en in year.-,, Initjro.'.ario:.

u lth new aUructloi;. cr.iiil;r,: In arc Undini: much dl!ticul;y in bookint;Ihl' li'.'ller iiI,iyho;i,.e., lirol.er,". urc p ii.

I rejiiirllnR unii.stially liiith price;, o t- “ I" ^ r o a fcr u ju '.'u 'iu -jix i..----------------p-~ji

TAX NOTICES .MAH,IID■ OOODINt., r>'e, 3-Cout;ly Tri-a.'- Fl : uriT H. M, Coo/.-dKC hn.s t)cen biL\v andi matiln't ta.-i nonce.s. The real oiiili- UieiiI in.v rolls tor ID3I .nrr $i8.W)li.'.i t;:an .‘■.itii■' the rolUfor 103:!, Ilestnti-stltai lO.M- hnni• L'O-IIO-JI luxe,s musl b<- paid iM-torc E.irl ' Janu'ar>' M. 103j. to iivuid lax di-.-d c«.'lv<

;y Citodini! counly. DeK- lew • I.ICHNSEH-AT’ CrOOUINf;........ ccir1 CiOODlNG, Dec. J - lla rry », Lit-• Uelield. t3. ffuriw r., Orrcuri acid

liiiilah Annelliic UiirKes-s. IB, Good- [,j, lUK. secured a man-laRc he.-i-..!- a t, the eounly ch-rk'a offlcc hiTc Tliur;;- ^

(lay nnd we.-xr murrled by Kev, Wil- llani C. Dowman ul the MctUiKlL.l

■' i:ar,-onuKC, They aero ai'coniii;i:if-'d . 'I l!V ll',e brldc'.< iiioUicr, Mr;,, W alUr . ,, I Iiiiiir.'M. They lell the same i;,iy lor■ iHar;>i'r. Ore,5i>ii, where they will “ ' ^n;ike'iliclr home.

VISITS AT ( io o n ix c i ; OOODINO. Dcc, a-N51,M liojij

"^I'lii. ial Land b.ink In Spoluine. a r- eonl ’ ' :r.--d home lhl,s lUternoon lor ;i »i.-it mat:

' Mllli her pareiU.-., Oudxe and Mr.s,W. K. Cocluau. ,

' 103S [)Urle<i and Calendnri are nn . i ,, dhpUy Bt Ihc Cloi ISook Slore.—Adv

E N D S T O iU Y ! i' • i ' l J R T A T I O N W A I.Iv"

nick I’owell • Ituby Keeler


t.. | B R , V blew up the U,

C a n a l .! ', . i|( ,

i M a r i e G a l a n t e M

n n d th c ||i

I P a n a m a P l o t ) >

wilb 1' fiPENCEH TRACYI And Ihe IleaulltuI


Ctimlni Ftlduy BIO STAOE r

.»pd .SCnEE.V SHOW

)ECEMBER I 1034 .


.IWIOMF- Dec. 3 — Funeral w r- IvkVi honoring WllllnM JOlUl M o n - ' "• 'land (TJ, ifcromc rMldent sincc 1018, > jaho dletl Tuesday evenhiR, were |_

■ h«ld trcni U'« Jerome funerul chnp-• I jx-l ^•rldny afternoon with R:v,•! Joycc 8. Kcndiill offlcUtlnR. Durlai ‘ IftntMn lhe Jerome cernelcty. _ ly T .Willlanl JUim .M uiflartlTns~bom -««!ln OuUirlc Cenlv. I” Bep- »oUember of iac7. He m auled Matllc Ix

- Jniic J.-vck4oii ot OutlSrlo Center, »' : Iowa, oh July, «, 180:, Four chlldrrn

i liiijon. Jerome; James W. MoreUr.d,- Pcrlland, OrcROn; Mrs, Nellie I . W lii'iiff. Pnlasadc, Colorado; nnd u I | on Cnrrol. who died three jrn rs anoilir Callfornln, OUier rclollve.i ^ur- co

‘ Ivivnii: ure. h is ' >i'itc, M n, Maitle In -|Mon-l.>nd,. Jerom'*; two . brothers..IJlin and Walter of Outhrlc Center, ,j,■ 1 Iowa; a coualn, Eiirl Morclnnd, T ain g , ’• n ill .ir_ 5 h 1 -. Ihrre -BrnndchlldK-n.ic;.i:idiiic 'i'oiiiiimon uiuTPirylliJ und h , | liu;ic Mon-I.iii.l, Ui

'I .Mk'» Joy U.X.I11, nciiainpajili'd by m I .Mr,', E. E. Connor, .miu- "Someimii.- jji

’ jWv'll Understand," and "Rosk ot ',\KV-'," Jolln, Arthur und Ralph

-rlUUc.'i, Lumar Dudley,.Hiitry Fritz- I Ivr nnd Dr. Summers were casket j tji'.ir'f.'.

■j Mr, .Morcliii-*! was wen known by ,|_,

■ I ninlil-w.itchiiiiiii of the Cl’.y of Je- •!:iii.;.- for n^.r;. .vulI^.

MUKTAUCII, Dcc. 3 -A nnounc- iiu tJic cIom; ot the tccond mx week;.' *“ inriud in llle .Munauijli *chools lo- dav. ,suidcni honors were Ibted by Sui-Tinrciidcnt L. T . PallcrJOh u» fo:io'A:,; ‘

iJ-niot.s—DIancliv I'eek, June Tol- tii;iii,' Virginia .McF.irland, .Mton Adiim,son, Dorothy Mnlnn und ^Liiicjlii U-e, -- -----------------

JiififOK—Pcrt/in IJoy.'c, Lcis f i; .'h- c r ;ii;d Miliirttl WlllliUc.-

'.Siiplioinores—Ivan .Moycs. Ikliy rir.iiiv., U iv,; •lolniaii, M.irk Mi.ur- •ms-srTTt-i>Mrhim:''l-!ifi»rr:-------- -‘U-

Ku'.sl;imn-I}ertliine Sl-.'wurl.KiRhUi crude—MurK.'iri-l LVniliu.

V. li,i Moonuaii. Ada Ifeb '- 'J : , Laurel True and Jojejiiilnc iwyle. *' -

iivvcnUi Kradc~Je.ui Uayle, Zona “J' ; Mae Cuinnilm, B.wll U-Mi, Dorolhy ^

I Sixth Rrndc—none,I 1 itih irradc — Ik-rnlcc KorinMi. (Mary Day and Olcndoii IJtrrj.

jiiaii, J.iy Ooxlmun, Marv.i Moyc;;. Cil Ciainet Slurry and Anselyn Adam- ai

. I ■•Itiird RM de-Phlhp Hall. Norma

Ik-^Lit'k, lUjWard Juiie,s, LiiNeiic|;\r Tiu;>c;ivr. Dona Es'.>'-il and Buddy | (Jariell, | —

• Sic.'iid Kradc — Kennelh Peck ,}* Ucriiu 2 1)<.-rl, John Okelbcrry, I 01»vr Johnton. B erilu Oldndj-.- ! and Jiici|Uvliiie • > .

Hr.-it Brndc — Hicctiiar}' Uc.c.v, ' , Caroline Kurmiin. Kenneth HriRS.s,' , Joy_J{QiJvUi,JJi".li_iriri_tincUllio _ t*-bert.


- H O L D F I L E i m E T r a G i ■

Pre. 3~.\,r=. J. F. G\!l,rk j ' mtd Mr;.. O. c, Joliii,'.lon cnier;uli',.<.'d Uieir pinoriilv rlub a n d - luLsbarid, ' .‘■:,ituiday viinlii;; a l 'tjie Cliillrk . hnme with ;.ix tables ul pl,iy. Mi.s.' E.irl Murray and C, H, Shatf re- c^'lved hl';li icur<j, .Mrs, G ilbert; DeKlolz and Cl;ircnco L ancaster' kw f:o rc . ;ir,d Churli.s Hvlcherl u’- i c riw i''th c travclirn: pnn-,-Rcirw h--| - menti wi-rc, :vrsed Jollo'*ln« i h c j g Kernes.

Mr, iinil Mrs, T, D. Connor l.-tt - .Monday for Uoii.c where .Mr. C onnor,Hi senator will n-,sume his work . i t , the cuuiUlR lenMutii.*'-. I

•MKt l.;vu i‘-j(fh is homc r.-om Ui? eounty ha.piial -,Uiere she n-cenlly 'underwent \ major opernlion,

Mri, D. 11, Sliu'W-ra will i-nlertaln'' her brid'K' club Thursday. Decem­ber C, a t her liimie, I

.Vo!l<'.--O(i <rr ix-c,' I.-.:. Jwill n n ly h;.;.'!riiii.. for«any f!.-bi.-. roninicted uy my ulle, KlsU? U ill-' man, Alni.i n iU m aitA dv,

oi...A T i:;: s im w sk a s o .v !

1 0 c T O iM V : 2Sc

A n n .T S i ro .M oriR ow ::

i 1 5 ® V n'u '^T l'rsrd l', SoM uih ,\b ,iu t-M \V K t),T U V n.; ------- niH 'K S!

.ML'SIC.IL jll co.sttnv I t-AUTOIfS I

T Guiding Y our Child


EYESai Sam w u undoubtedly nn umuunl-

ly'clurruy child, lie seemed unable

:). tomethinc o r knocklns It over, and lc he ■Iniost invariably fell wlwn so- ■T tiiK up or downstaln. HU parcnu

fell, and rljhUy. Uiat by six yenr* ^ vl^W iMhotild-haTT'otHitrowmilch— (] carele.uness, an<t wticn cautions nnd 1; warnliiK.i failed lo work, tried pun- „ lahments, bul to no purpose.

<0 Obvinuily. Snm w.is trylnir to over* r- com*- his tiiult, bul he left the same le havoc in I1I.1 wake.

When UN child su r te d to Khool., ' Ihc trouble was tinally dURnoscd.

Sam's vMon was faulty. . Jlc could Jiorroi;iii'n :uny."G ^jasc;(iiiU h:£a...: He wn.s fitted wllh glawc.i and saw Uip world uboul him clearly anri ac-

>y eurately for lhe. tlrst time. Al oiice '■i his cl^msll^•.'Jl ccased.I’l, M.tny pre-scliool ehlldren ftnd

•wme schoiil children are In Sam's . predieament. So lonR as no atraln 1*

liut ut«n their i*ye.i by readlni: or ivrlKn?. It Is prwumed th a t tfieir vLslon Is a l lewt adcf|unle. Ott-.-n it

Dm when n child Ls [>cr,sl;.l;nily .iv.k-*ant, and siuinbJesor runs Into tinnaf. there li uhv.iy.i Rround-for .s'.L*.pielon. He may be simply Inat- leiiUve. bu; bctoi..- ua.iumlng thnl this ;% .so, he j..‘iould bc glien the benefit ot Uic doubl and tukcn lo a

f ] ' U-Tt-er iih-ii to h a v m ir m io i r tm c t r - III aomiiimcA worn for a fi-v

ljca.-.j carJy hi Jiff I'lIl corrccl tJic impcrfccUoa iind make them uiincc-

.. esfuf^' lulvr. Neur-slKlilednfis and ' . far-4iRhi'.-dne.s4 arc not only hnndl- ] CHi« 'o r ri’iHllnit'and school work, jj, bul interfere with evcrydny ncilvl-

pa-vcnl a child from focusliii! coi>>, rectly. and. If nrRlccled tuo lon», may *■ ca iw i...riuus Irouble.“1 Eyei nftecl the nerves of thc whole

body, and many a dlRCiilvc dlfflcnliy “ 1-.IU bc t r a n d to cyc-stratn:-------------

Ti;ST Jf^VO>re CATTLEj;-TlOMC, Dcc, 3 -C a ttlc lesilnR

_ jii-Ji:rQmi:.counlj'. for..ab?rlloii_wiii _ lA-iiin liiiiiiedialely. County Accr.l D.

,1 F. Smith aiuvjuncetl today, ‘n ic Itsl.i I;' v.lll be iiiu-n IriT lo the cntlle rais­

ers uf the eoumy. All stockmen who •a »i\- inttrciled' urc urged to coll nt !y|Uie cbuniy ncenl's oftiCf- or 10 get^ -.l.l, .s- W T _tl,n r,1 -T .. ,.

rome vclcrinurian, ininicdlntely.


1-' Hr -n-,i 11 'I-. If.-Iiiril it-rrnlly in .A cilrL i, •^{CSuiiriabs'itia und Pilsr Ullboa of I* lai;a.hoi::-.

I A Ik'cn'c W.IS nl*o l.-.siictl to'Ruton 1 ,D, May ot Sail tak e Clly nnd Miss ic I Arlvllu Ciirdncr ot 'I'wlh F.Uls.ly I •

r; S P E C I A L .1

?! ....:......$ t .5 0

s . ' ““2 ,„$5.00

G i i E ^ Z 7 $ 6 . o oI ( ie i y o u r p e rn ia n o n t now ,' n n d avo id la s t m in u te

:i, ; ru sh e s .

; H e l e n O ’C o n n o r

; ; i B e a u t y S h o p■■r‘. Phoiii- <l-W Kimberly

: Locnied behind the 4 .sluc:o ------------------- llOUSJi.---- -----------------

'° i —


’■ JOIl-K SAVS:- T1i't.)ri- murri.iue; •'Honey, blow

' 'F or Ull-. loin Mike, you blR “* I elie..M-' rli-.in Uii voer own filthy

H.sh irrvi:," Kli wli;it! Hrforc nnd- ' iiliei- marrUKc i;ei your alinrc

' lit th r Uiiccl Times nC . . . .

=: IT T « » iC a■ l .A S T T lM liS T O D A Y

^ P L i's • f i , . \ t i ' r i ; t t i ; s Y . - Spnrtllte.- Comrrty - S>»»

, SIAIITINO SI NDAV:J________ ^ Thf Homey Cl.iMle

^ - f o r i h i

— f e Mbo lovsd a - UTTLE ^

B ' Annt S h h -^

■ O r Migj.*, M«i4n WtiiUr eaiio •eo'i ■ . If. Dost b» I. M. MoisiflOTtfT. p.bi.»-;»a e»I I. C. Pog. & Cd., IM 0:..<i.a »* O#0fs»■ . fl.cseiij. lr UO lAOlO P.C 'i.

R -And aRKln tolk.i. UErMCMDEni 1 ,tfip-K .■nyi>; t'.'s n'l in fun m d

w r >*E\TR ^ M S E OUR 1 PRICESl ’ • • ■_________


Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es

c g ic m iB i i s

Elrad-Battles Against Accl-

. , Wants Stop Signs'

— rfl’or t t *nd• bulfdinit p*fmlM ;n.U nlsfit, T«fH

FnUi Clly cctincil pMSPjl »ii ORlt'“ hiiicc prolilSll'nn tlie IhfowlnR of

ailvfrtLMnj I'o.ttcra oh lawi«. 8ldf- wtillu, ivorchM or in nulomobtlM a o l T«'ln Falls. Tlivordlnnn« wss |i».wcd under luprr- vislou ot the rules whlcli rentilrc

. three rcaillnw.The ordlimucc wxt »n outcome of

- fonsHlfrable- complBlnt rrom re*!- rteni* aboul the delivery 6t iumitlrrf

• and advcriislng m aiter. whlcli In lhe past ha* been thrown alwui Indls- crlmmBlely> The ordliii>uce provldfj. lh a l advertuinc miittfv miiM bc pineed wllhln MTCriu or uiiiJcr (iworu.

Chief of Pollct Snm B. Krod, iiai- lUns lor more .•>lo|> ntcn.s «l Five Polnl corner, drel.ired thftt • It a Mop ^lEn Is noi placed on th.ti iruclc lane

■ w hrrr It tiiffM .Mflin flifJJiJi" more SfH'.lciTIiriiiv‘’W tm {t'Jcrom in--nred' iirj.-il i h ' i Hie eoiincll work in nn i‘:lon l'l iMir .vlO(> jO.ireil nl evrry » irrrt cnlrriUK the lUshwny .■mil Jiikril lh.il thc truck laiir nu longer bc (IfAlBiuiied iis U.S. lilRhwuy 30,

Kreeilheiin llrports

elertriciil liwpector. rriiorird Ihnt nc- Itailun for.'.rwernce in the aurchoii.'e dhirtc l .south of the r.illroad Iraeiw ii>'ar Iiock crcek u eoiUlnuIni; nnd lhat wurk would bcRin lu the near future. He alw rriwried 21 plumblnk Itusiiecllow nnif C< clectrlcal Imitcc-

______tlftn.s_diir[n^ the monlh_of Noyenibrrftnd anriouuci^'cfairrcon'ilcHiiltttlDh^ in cach division as well as thc col- kclton of M3.70.

'Itie police (lepartment rr jw lrd eoUectloiu frcm Ilue.s at S26'J wiiii Arre»t*-Bnd-2lC-consplaUiU mvL-itlT. K.\:ed, L. li.B cnlon. wclshin»sicr,Ve- porieil thc eollcciion ol Jj4,00, Jack Be:), .'ire cJilff, leporlcd live «:nri>i.s three cotnpl,vlnt.i invesllKatfd nnd

- -300. l;ui)tcU cn3-nittcl:_Uurln8jh^ monlh.

Mum J •. l? Kni-scr. librarian, rc­porled 2M new rentiers a l thc cUy librarv, i j j n<-,\ biiulu. anfl the e o llc f ' lion d: JlOi.30 (luiinit the month, AI total 01 l-:.033 bookx wii.t Iwied dut^.

----------f l i r N w c E H IHutldlnR ivrm lis were approved for j

tt ruol al the home of I-cr Suydei.j SSS Main avenue wrv., at a cnM nf] n i l : erection ol a Kamseby Williami

. Ci. Jacklln. 120- .Srvrnih avenue ea.M.

B roof by .M«. C!utrk-A L lla.'! at a ( 0.M of $J0.

t i m m mMjRSfSIEM

--------Civic-Heads-Gather-foi^PepMeeting; Plan Use of

______p iin fih RnprflQ .

liiauKiirathiR the ii'e of lnud j

qiiniterx ol T'aIii Kalli Empire rx-1 pti:iilon I.iM niRht, Harold It. I l.ir- | \ey, M'cutary ol Twin F.ilU C linm -1 brr cf Coiniiicicc an<l '•xp'^sillon iiiuiuiKrr. announced n iiCrlcA of pro- firani.s lo be Klvcn over tin- an­nouncement )■Men . ^MtiMe. m irr- tiitnmenl nnd .speakniR util contliiue <litrinK the expositioii and .s|>?akcr.’.

Iloor, in lhe Uas^mciil anti on Ihi- ouistde ol th r bulldlnK. Harvey said. . ’nirNc ^l)rak^l.^ will bc it*eil n,s n

meiiii'. of iiil'i-rlisinR thc cxpo.viilon ns well Ior th r rnlrri.ilnm ent nl Rurjil:. ai (he tiispliiy iira(fqiiiircrra. The eriulpnirnt t\ lurnishrd by Bob Mllncr nnd l.i hpon^otrd by Muon',s I’aint and I'lirniiiirf moic.

lUrrcloM ConveneLwklllR 10 0/ jHler-

e.M in lhe a lfalr. dirrclors ol ihc I rxpofltloii, members'ol the expn-'l-

lion icu'nii* coinniiilce, members ol • I'w in Fall.s mrreiianiy bureau, <11-

_______ t££iajj_vL3iMLJ^ii!L£llE2llJCL.'llCouiinfrcc, dirt^l^rs ^ 'I'win h'alls ’ Junior Chnmber ii{ Commerce, and

^ Ihc l■.'.po lllnn tpi\;mltice.s ol IVln Mt— I'*'"'' Kiwanis nnd SlaRl-r ’ eiaiw.' I'iubk, wilt Ralher nl lht ' IMrk hotel this noun Ior ii i>cp

me-'tuig.Plans Ior, a wider .sprrad nf ad-

vcrlt.stnR have been made and yc.v terday sttlewn!l«< tn Hie bunlncNi illMrlct of T.vlii Fall.' wcis .stenciled wllh expaslilon lulverllMnR mailer, '

— In iin .ollort lo pul Into tlreuln- , Hnn'"Ea.symoiiry" tokens, cipusl- |

tton script ol smnll denomination. JMrvey (ijinoijnccd iilRhl ' puneh boards and 'various '(tamr.s would be provided nl crijKulllon , headquarters. '

JMEEPORISCampaign Majors at Lunchco;

Sci "Clcan-Up" Plans ! lor Fund Drive •

________ Community C h rjt officials' and----------famiJawn-major»,-»t.i-4-A:Wneh««W

inf-niitR ycslerday noon a l th t Park h :tr l. oulllned a vlsorouii cican-up

/ )';o':ram. tioplnji I'b brln? tlw drive to a conclusion till* week. Attempt V il| be made to visit oil peraons not f.s yet jollelted nnd lo IlnWt the'• reiiirft cal'j" w llhln ihc n * « f<w

'V tjy s .1 Conlrlbulloni.yestcrdsy aflemoon

toulcd K67.3D, more Ih jn *2000 la s ■ .Hiaii tjir *12,000 ro.i I. Campaliin

worker* a rr ilrtermined lo rcnch thai loal by tl'.iv n rrk ond.

— 7--T<ie-lo/io*iitt-firn«-*trM iiini>uiie-

[8 I F iU ie r i l l i i I


I f y j f K t r

t and ^ K iT B I q

P% 1b ■ordi- — ® m 3 -

nR of l i 7 ^ Iside-

s. "niv , . ^ luper-1, etiulrc •m . „ t name'* M arjarr, bul »he>

w"**! ■O’ >i'f r w I'ts ,

Indl-s- •ovlde.s .


hoii.'c __:raek.s ------------------------:-----------------------


vik'i-. Allotment- Committee Enten "jack on New Ptiase.ol Work, "npd Cftecks ComplianceS J h ^ _________- ■

EntrrlnR a plw;.e. th r corn I'»i{ ftiloiment commineo in ' r » i i

„ rom ny Ji.i.i rinr>unl-.w) j^ j i l c a r t h of roforilji anil definite In


jtracllnR formers arc [aid lo^ cur ' ‘• •‘’'j '.a ilm ent nf corn nnd Iiok producUon lyaei.iTium.Ts Ptirk.s of Uuhl. commlUci

I chairman, .^aid line I.im evenlnK., I f-l\|>-‘n«e of Hir comiiliant-e work li .... ',.1 .“ l.urli llic commltlrr i.s nov. enKa^et

* mrnt*, Mr. P.i:k.i k.ud. A-s a mean: o; rcduelni; tht's r\]x'nM- and ol la ftlllntinR th r Miltorin 'iii piivmcnt.s I'.r advised lanncrs lu ,sr:ure thc In'

' t'.rmiiilon ilini Ls ri'fjuurd. eovrrlii! lirnifuctloii {.'iiriuu.thr t.i.'ciiilar j'C-''i rndiiiR Decrnib.'r 1.

•Bfl ApproMmalely »flO.(!wi firM pay. • lu l diMributril amoni. I I I Twill FiilU counly Iaiiii''r;,'who>'lifr,

n l th r cornWioi; coiifr,id. fit acWllloi lonKjre lhan MO loiitracts |Ui'vloii.%lj

Dpn.^:au:OV:;d,— 34-UU;i-—Ixrn approved Iravmu aboul 1’:

( ;i.'iidiiiR n l Hi^ lime Ihv eominlllii ' diairman a.i KJ.

;i:tancc work is Harry Or.ult ul Buhl . Ichicf .Mi|)civL'.or. with Ihrr.' a.V't.M'

|(n;(l jant-s; M, L. Sjirncrr and llowari jfnd-|0 ;n ;Jl, boil) ol Biihl; Hfrwi.i) V;u > rx -i;5an lr cl I 'tlrr; J. M. Plrrcc ant Har-|Ji'i.-,e H ainlinr, b jiii ol Tivii; Kail;, uam- [Austin Muorc of Han.'.tn, .vu! Stuavi Ullon l’Si;ve:ii\ of Kimtvriy. pro-1 ' ' _______

Him; TRACY SINGS ODE TO ^ _____-BR IGHT-EYED BOISE-I Ihi- _____sanr 5Joi,«'s liRhi-s nuiy be brlnht. hut

llt’ n! h X ^ r h ’wiI stu*drni< who hn.i rmclU'd llu' conclu- Mon th a t , lhe e a i'lla n clly i-, a

con's■ Like several oilirr M udrnf. Traey

n rn t to Bubr for Hv lootb.ill caini ijlPj., liir.l week end. h'ridny cVruiiiK ht

51,P lodk ft paper bill of .■(inalt dunomtn;;- pn,.,]. tlon Irom lils jmekrl and iiiirw ii ,fs ot '''C -slri'rt in Hir liu lv bu-'lnr;.'

,11. >rcllnn, mlMakltiR it lor a ^cral; tr of of J’-'Pcr.FalTT Tnelve hours later, irali/uii: h,^

alld ml.'.tiikr,' itiid alicmpllnK to avoid I'win flnanelal cmbarraf.Mucnt. h f iriiirn - laRl- rd (11 Ihc i.pnt in a srrnilnrlv lu.

Ihi; tile riideavor (u IcK-ale it. T u hi' jxp amnXNnent, th n e lay th r pu ilo',;-.

' lull, witinii rcnch of n hundirdad- iias*ei.s-by..'------

•'f ''' Now Trnev wniuirr* nboul the in m AlcrlncH o rid ah o 's biRciiy. — ciieuliter, - ^

m il l axlTddIllonr.1 •'tM p rr rr;i!"COn- trlbutors:" 5pccr'.i Colle? Shop und

II,ai c‘ni>loye.s, independent' M\-ai com- nanj'; Pcavey-Tnber and employr.'.,

iMon t^fn«f‘ck Electric Servicc eair.panv and empnye.s. Idaho ’I'yiir'A-riivr rs,- chanqe, WrMeni Aulo Supply ami rmiiioye.s. Or. J. U. CouKlihn aii'l

____ rriu)loves, Wrttufr PlanliiK Mill and7!iCi>ntycii, Tx m 'TTnr-nDr.iTr. -"Mr’ Comb’.: market nnd miployej, Idaho ilicntre ahd employes.

1 8 - = = =

hco C o r r e c t h

T h p 'iiK h e r r o r llic and Groco;-v v.a< iic^t ii

^ — i^is}nT;hi.s' Ki^' iii)> n-up • c liascs ,

I WALL’S CA4 G i v e s E A S

; £

n w i s c i i4 ^ i i i s i i K

■ Scholastic, and Music Rolli of Merit Students

Tiadc Public ,

--------- 51. Fa/.u 'd.s'C all'o lIc nu. - iln:i:uv.' :1," :u"j-,\lm: hoii'jrjUKlciil

* for Ihr .••(•nul XK wre;:s' iirrioil:. t Kisht;: vMclr- Ix 'irlla l.osu-; UtliW. Mar aalm iii Juan Kolil-;. Ani;;

Sirrilu«, 11.KV McComb an;! Doro thv Hui;u:.-,:,'u.

a-u-iitli ;;:.nlr: Ma:'-.ir<: (i; tnr H.irry llifi.iit, Merberl U ii.''n »;ni Holme.' nod Jolm Mih-v

'f '* * S :\!ii firade. Alberl Benu;:. Hull P I'^r. Hilb.'a. Mildred L’umyl-JW ii,,; Jt-' 1 hw

I Flllh era(K-’ Joan Demlit. M.i;; ..r — I . r t b r ’ Ai'ilcr. Andrew Kloreiur' Hull

ert Huv.s aud Allen'McI>ju.\:.V — I Fouriii trade; Celcsllnr

TliwiiI.ijr Fiwenee nnd Jo- itn;.i TT Tlunl ^vadr- Katherine'I'ii .ui.

l/irri;7() Krtjyn, Charlei Oneiic'i::( ^ Joi'.ii Hrnu::.l r frroud c ra d - niiiy H.:;:

**— M;iili.'u-.. Mary Ann Meyers ai;d J,ai

~i T\rv, ',;ra(‘.r; Charlou; 1/>]xt. l"m J n» MrC,illhv. Pliylhs Hrtllu c ' .f.m;nir i;ii.-M'If, rr,inJ: .<;n

H.'irv Wlil'u-.nrr.M us' cruHicimr Huk.v Jj.iu i:-;'

7 T t .\lau ;irr l |)et«ei;cr,'"*•* liiiiKU.v.ou. Fraiicr.i Bclau.",t :iii

, -M.'U’ Ann Mr\.T> Bftl> JuiitU-iU', I r 1 b;rl aiKl Jolui Brnoil,


I 'U .r^rlv'iiltendcd by frlend.i of Hn

m u M'iorehrad. Ihflr Hirer-jrar-oli i<lau’,;hlrr. Sunday aflernuoii ii’. 'nVIock at Filer cem r!-rj. QitalKI.

iters,. I*' ^or.U•(lfIerl^lR^ b»rc uir.s.,.ixf;ri-rouUoIriK'ri---------------

k . T;if lather rcturnrd hoiue Ut' .S.itur;i,iv twilinR '■^he.e J;c li;i(l b'v:

• f.tI.W 0/ llw ul h::

-I-------O', tillcorn- l-'.liT Iii.i'lL't I’liurcli. cndnvicd tin T r tin 'r if .v , int'.-imiau wai in cliar.;,'u! ila

'rrtl f l .P ;a k r itio:;uary. lc in -; ------------------------

; r .H F f :K -W ii |T E R .P lE f tD ?G U IL T Y , TO FORGERV

m iucci , --------. . . . . . .I Ar;U'rd of Ioi;vry o. a SB r!,er,.

ncnns J-^erdav . l h k ( o 'f ta i ic i- iif . 'u . ol la - moriiini:.ncnls,! narnali »:us necawd ol alteui;.!- !,(.• in- in? to pa-S' ul a local <i<iiarliii'r.i viTliis Mofe InM HovcnfiT IS, (hr »:i ch'-'^ r year cn n-dlcfi he U;‘

jnam c ol NcU Jncol)>on ns p;iyor aiul pa y -'• ’‘•■''n Nolnii 'ui i>a\ie,

imonR' “ ------------------ -FUNERAL PLANS MADE

,t i', ': ; ' FOR HARTLEY INFANT

I-’iuieral .-lervici's lor Vate H;.rHey ' I IT-monihs-old nui oI Mr. ami Mrs

iBa'.coiU Ilarlliy , «lll br lirld ihi^

B uhl.'C hurch i){ llir Bielhren. Thr child 111 lor ^rvrral .wrekv died Suiitlaj

“" ‘“■‘'iiH lcnioon at the HaWldiliomc ui ' Blue takes K ouIrvafSiS^Ji.

Hev, Bertlia O l'i 'rr will b" ti fh a r ic ot ih r M•nlcr^. Immuciii

3 iua ,; „.,ii ij,. i„ •fwi:i Fail;, ermetrrv •cin iKKly ir.Ht at tlir TiMii Falir.‘’mo:-

• 0 t w i n ' f a l l s 'h o s t t o ■


, • W ith luv;lulHUi. .-rni o;:: tr> Hi V v . 'i "'ayoia of Id.Oij c;iu.^. (omu- amI .' n* villaqcs, lhe oprnhi^ ^r.•il^n of lh<

( lV<f(iie.>dai- n-.onili^K a l !»>'■ Nrw r.vr- ' ’ - rr.'oii Hotel, i.u'(,rihiiK lo Mayor Duii-

raii McU. .lohn.loii.■Pr^ey , ^.,,vc^ Jo!i;i J. McCur ot IViLsc wil Kame jiu'.'.n'.' and uiunifi|)al ;uolilrms wll n: he ue lis t -rd nml l<'i;i.'-la'.lyn juo. intn;;- ,„,s..;|. ..(• s-;.s;o:i w,:i cume lo > '’w :l riicwr T hur li.i:., '

Ma>ur K. i:. Ilatlow, Iiiulry, b •HTap .jhcuulrd tu .|..aV oil tl,; .scciirinf

' of public «c:l;.. .■•.in;L' Ior muntclii.ili-,;■ ii,v 11' . ---------


iidicd A. CulliMiu, lu-i'.hrr olMi>. Ilarry D ieiri.h, "a,, paid Iliial

t the tribu ir at srr\lcr;i Si;i'.d,'iy iilirr- “ ■ "nonn a t-th e iV in Kaib uioituaiy____ rhapcl, Hev. Charil^ 1' mln---------- Islcr ol Ihc .Srirulli Dav AdvcnUst-con--'church, preslduiK. Mt>.. Uoiis Tetz „ und »i'd J. B, Slcvi II-, a:rru;panlcd by 'f„i,i.'.M r;., Slevrns, tour drnl',- ilovrs f ' ’ 'PalI bc.irrr;. inciiid-'rt J ck- IJrri’.oii, p.panvl Vern Cullfs'ui. J - .-r Culli.vcn, Chr-n- ,. r s ,'- |tc r CInrk. Cha^lr^ DKiiich and 11.

n m lU ’' Dlclrifh, muis aiul .sous-hi-law n iid lnf Mri. Ciilluon, Honorary pali

II .iud ' 'wnrcrs »cn‘‘ -Mi . JJiJjrrt.s. Mr.». —51r^K’i 'f 'o tv M ' *—I’<'m-)'>hn. .Mrs, Vance. ItlaholM rs. R lnaids and Mis I.riirr. Jn-

lerm cnt wa • in l ^iu Falls rri|ietery.

t i o n

l lu ‘ iK imc Ilf W ftlF'; C'n-ii ic^t iiicliKji-d ill thi^ '.'■[lllll- '

]ASH GROCERY \ S Y M O N E Yih F o r It



In n P h in r ra l for Mr> Wren II

^ 1 * ^ T.lio d ied 'n t'U ir Twin fniU eouui;t^'iieral hospii.il fa.si S iiurday evC'

„ ,, m ill, will lie i'.rid tomorrow after R olls v.o-.:, nt 3;30 Oclock al llw Presby.

tirum churcti. Ijrv, O, U Clark ii ■ts rliarHe, Iiitcrm rni wlil be In Twh

o; the While moriuary,•* Mrs. W hitaker wn.s-born Oclobr:

3. 1883, a l n p ton , Ml/.sourl. 8hc I «>; nil- :iirMu-d by h rj im.vbiiid; oue bro iiidciils jjfv_ J, •j-iirnrr Ilood. Cairo

liUiiyii, and U o SLSicrs, Mr*, j . 9 ' It'.'" Mcl,ain, Perry, Oklahoma, aurt Mrs

Anna l . OeorRe, Ti|<Oii, Mli.-'Ourl.

'" S P fiE sS S E IS g : TO IR ! m

Norman BicdcscI Passes Ex- amination; Ordination

' Sunday al Wcnileil

A-. a c .tlk 'i mcvliii'^ o! I'A'lli F.l.i: i-,,'si,virry K.'lrrday nflernoon a'

.Id oVIock. .t jwl-hir)] luii-hroij nl Ihr church, Norman RlC'

■i!i I'---1 ili ,.rf..staled-•.upiiiy at Wallt.'rl.’. flaw- ).it,.;ii\'Vll cxamlnatlaas inrlimlnary to or'

Idiiiallon lo Ihr inlnLstry, Tlie Prc-S' ; U-iui- hy;crv th en adjoi^inicd_ IQ mcel lr

'Wi-ndell Prrsliylcrian cliifrlli SUn' <(,r,-. uccrmticr !>. I» o;da);} .Mr. Jlcl'

'* Oriiuiation i.rrvlcc.s will bc direct''ICES ‘'i ' C-'orhran, (loodini::

. llcv, William .M. Ilairetl. V.Vndcll I t 'v . Louis Bultena, Jeiyuic, nni

of Hir caik , Twin

; M;.V It. E. DaVLv HcRrr.nw: Itrv, am "• •’ iM!.'.. t i . Crorrton (iiildihwaiie. Buhl

iiciii!!- f iiul-.cna. Jeromr;''■‘' ’■‘'''• 'l H-v, nnd Mis, W'lllinm M, Harrell

, . !\Vv.idell:-Hcv, an.i-M i*.X. A. HaW''" i - .rid I h n r dm;: liter. Mrx, Sandcr.s

!^7" i H;,,-.. Il0fi; Hev. ail:l Mr.s, W. N. Wan- '■'“(n tr .'r-.v in Krv- Rfid .Mr.'. O

I. I 'b r!: T.viu Fall.', nnd Rev. Vlr.

o?myicrsiniHiE[of M F g l P IE M

.Io!,’;ua C. Cooper. 7:..,rr.sldeni ol i-'iicr i.ncc 1901 died Sunday at

i S ttadirv. with whom hr had mode 1 li;i iionic for ih r ji.isi <2 years. Tlir 1 b"dv Tc-jl.s al ih r Tftht Falls mor-

I'.iaiy.’ I Funrriii »rrvtn-.^ ndi bc held Ihl;

I ;iftrino<ui at o’clock a l Iht«' M iiliiid;'i Kinsfopai church In IH-

' r i . It'-v. A. B. Hubbar.1, a^Mslt(l ;tiv Hr'.. C. K, Hrlinan, in cliatRf

i r o; Ih r scivle.^, Intermenl will bt • :h !f!r>-OdrJ Fdlow^- p lo t.in Hlui

'ANT ‘■''Ui"t' iv. M'lsir for Ihc Imieral Is

, , i Mr. Cooper war. born in Ja \ 'i couMv, lowa. July 3, laSD. Hr i.-ul

d Mis. ],p ,i;(,vi'(i n(i:i'.iwiKid. Nrbrasl;n. In lOOJ hr

■ l.'u,.‘;i;ul ^ a i r '^ ! ^ l a l c T ^ w f ! h >uiitlay liul Kiradlry lo I'llrr, lh-

was iin:ii;urtril.K rl.ilivr' ;.u:MVinK him. In addl-

I tll ll in Ml' ii'.ratllcy, arc Mi:, l.ury Karp, M r. W, F. Stradlry and Ml.'. It M. Kaip, nnrchcMrr, N '-

'■ br;isl:a: Mt;. Sm a Pyle, nad r'.rlk . r.-rl.:a:tca. .S C. .'Hmlley. .S.i!4-

Mr W. F. NlehoUun. Fi:illk0 • .'^iradlry and Allon Siradlcy, Filei.

TION: ........ .............. -----


A 'n tr- Clini-xrs ha'..- 1* ' ur Duu- pH 'Irm d Andii'M ,).

:il, ol F i l l a u d hi.'' wi'.', M ;' He! ii .SL-will! IllaiK'lK' 33, aud Iwlli re:.-us will lodsul vr.'tcrd.iv lu thc eoiuity jail u luo- i-.no,I.- 10 a ArratniMl tn Ju-tlo.- ol thr Prn'<'

II. M. ir'lli r^ riv.nt on u rliavr.r ol *> '. >■' u r. i v i ^ Molni ;iroi«'ily. llakrr wa'' ■Cilrlnn I;,.1,1 to al;",^iT 111 clpah- , 1.^ cou:(.

i;a riT ri;l‘ M8r«- ht.'l 8ultmJ~v,>«n.s IV'lil on a ;|ir>;);if:ins: cli.i'r.-'-. nl-

ISON - .................... ........

h rro t ■


S” -' $ 7 7 ° Q " 'v r r "■ tiali In.I.ll.flax P<«t cnJ J H i A i A

'r. In-lelery*. b M m M .

• • r .fio ry tf« Jn » d men L . .

!;:;r.:n.'::rN:/;::u^n” Yi■ l..„ l.„ . Tl.. c.n: ' T n'»d» M. «implr'»nd l 4 ^ J

kl7ih.lym .cinh.R in iB i.S:i- vi:i[;n;i i i r r l t i n d v . i n - ,

, V-l lV «n. Atr HMfmrf.' : A ■|{i)ll»i.d M«n will Cill

_____ l^ o t _ttdi.;«lion_»_nr'_ i .

; i i t i iw i AI..U.W.II raw u

•Ir .tnJ ClMXt

h o l l a V d T u r n a c e CO.K. A. UKOfK.MAN,

■ U riinch M sr . l;jt» 2nd Avo. West., I’lianc filO

1 ^ ^ , Hoiniio tw iiscu mac Wim uuw in

ill.Y KEWS, T O W FA L L S. m a i l

31S iiFe^ w i r i m r,■ eve- _____ •

rMby- First Open Contest Dcvel- ft . •rwin ops in Reservoir Board

“ ‘ ' “ r ---------- Election--------------Clt5ber . '3hc LS --------J bro- O;-'' ! c,i;»,.<iUon in an Amcrlcau Cairo, ■ ili.Mrlcl elecUon Ol dl-J, uav i;v»t!o;)Cd this yenr lor

I Mrs, ;***?>•!.ll tlulr.^^Mce the <iu.inci'a for-I .irs nRO. nud 1\ t . Sa) re,

l ’ l I).l.'.V iiiniitKr of liie bonrd since Ml' Ii;ii;iua; orEsnlzullon. wlil be op- 11' I !\K :r.r,’fctlon '«{th e <ll.strle( '/

T Q li;rc;,un v.’ V. iJecembrr 11, by W. H j y nominated

Y . > ^ I ai.i «co W, r . Alworth ol ; Jj;rij;brr o/ Hr.vb.')«ijj33 lK»3rd,

' 'A.i.s i;< ieati-(i lor re-eieciion by A. A. l).i'.;' .it. Flier. Bliase nnme was wril-

• •; ; trn i« g(i the tjiliot by llu* voter*.H y. Klirpix-m of Jrrom e. pre.«i*

; t x - *■ : 'h r buard ilncc 1U< orRunlm...■' "ji:i.J«.’'',.>l.'o LS n catultdale for

n ‘ '- I •.ii"ii al Hie cominR elecllon, I i ; n aMiiouiicrd-fiiiiKJSlllon.' ViU'T, ni .snen couniirs will en,st ; !U ir ii.illiit,. Ior d ir.'c lorsflt ihc D»'- ' rt iuUn 11 rlrctlon, PoillilK pincc.s Will

T .T ::n it' .u aiiiii.i.riii[i. Jnu iin ,on a ti'f.'.in FalL\ Fdcr and Buili,1-hirkl JIsla-iniT inriiibrr,s nf (he b.-:ardII Rle- ;i:.- W, 11. Ssi-. iice of Kimberly, J . II. flaw- 1 lu^rkri- ' ol m i l . II. K. WJIrj' ol

to or-t.S;i;;ii:f|rld. A, A- Davis Of Kile" and Prc.'- C. J. Ciiapuiau of Wendel,

% i T s f i l E r l r . i i i o D c i i mre.'cnll ivifT M.-Clatu. cliampion wood 1‘. (llW* rTTT'Fr-'rTiiTn'wlfl'R-rhnmnton-as- v. ami man, utl tn v a .'iKCinl drmoivstrn- Buhl; ti.m ;,ir Boy ScouUii nt 1:30 o'clock romr: s.nimMy nfirnioon a t Jlic Mouniain irreil. Sta:-'.-, iin;’lrmrni eompany.Haw- Ai.ii'.'.'Ut.s.arr rrquested to allend ndcM. Ilf uiulnrm. If pn'Mble, niul b r pre- W an-' i'a:r<l tn a.sk qiir.M!nn.s rcRp.rdlng Ihc n . O.Jir-.' cl n ic i .Uld knives.. V lr- ' McCl.iin will Rive aTscheduled tfem- _____ . ;ri-r:,iiiiin al 2 o’clock for the pub-


e ; C 11, ChrLs'cnsen. occupant of one .0.' iJjr ArrliiRIon cflbliw. wa.s held uy Hll Ulc '«3tnrr ot Tlilrd nvcnuc and S<-CDmi'MP.'rl north near the EpUco-

,v n t h ’^l ehurch by an uiildcntHicd biin- w P Idlt last ijundny nlnhi nnd forccil al

T lir Imnr. dollar.'.

’riiabandilw M rriw rted by ClirU- ,. trr.'cii to iiavr b(vn between « nnd ; n <■' 'e ars ol ai;e, nbuul 5 Icrl 8 inclK.i

. I , Ir, .................. was satd lo be wcnrliiRl,,,,„ i n liKlit o-.rrcoai, a tlark imt nnd high

top finr.s., Tir- b.iiidtl, nccnrdliiR lo the vlc-

w i^ llm, ran arrof.s the .siren, headed ... (iurf'1: nnd tll.uppenrecl c linn Hie J»l-

; ' ley tiel-.md lhe BaplL'l chunh . ChrLs- I ‘7-M m 'rn -1mmitlin(*’ly-ivpo!U:dJili-lo;8

.« l (iiciK'ilrr slnllcn.

VETERANS WARNED •‘is ; ---------nrAvotD-eAttfSRNiA:r. III- --------

I A wariihiR l« unemplnved World adtfi- j war vrtrrai;< Ininiiiii a ml-I.ury.;i;rallon lo Caiilornia lias Dtrii Is- and : Mini bv T n iy I'ratrr r l »oi.«r, vel-

, N' - |rr :in s - plairment rrini'sriilatlvc lor '.r lk .jl Idaho. A.copy ol H ljj-W n h '^ ■I'- . llvrm i ii> Ifiilp)) na-I’raiik lioniil rr-rniplnymt'nl s c ru ir dls- Filei. t^lr1.manaKer,^ald: ' '■

I -•Vctcr;in.s nlio m r nilKialuiR lo iCnllfonila a rr findlui: Ihemsrlvcs In

---------!-i-VCii'.dmiCl]il_smUiUni-i ■'■■■Ihr rcs-I I idrniial trijuirrment.s a t r vrry itrict .Q C Ir.laltve lo oblnlnliu: ciiiplnynienl iir ^ '^ t^ lre h cf, 'n i r r r is no work avaliatiie

■ Wor non-re; iilcnts. and you aV-- uik- 1 . 'i i j i 'd not (0 KO to Calllnriiia if you

!;,k.t eKhtct lo find eniployinriil ihere,- HciTi •

y J.-iil ^ ----------------

Pri.-.'ol I • '

IWk C E Onr .. ..... ... F ;rd \ - f l ’.-. for 193'.rifMcr ha:, b in i aimouMfint tiv ;ii" Fm.t

Motor Ctl, Vou v.lll find lh .'. Oii« werk’;. ti-rd c ar .si'. r u l ', loin-d

br'ott- lfi3r. pricr.*,, jo s can : . i 'r by biiviiiK now -w e a rr rlr;*rui.! Ihc Hour;,, uiu rar.'v air

\ anteed, our u.'i;ai lthr:al trniiv

3 I3:« a irv i'q lrt Cniipe . , JJ'« -:;r.‘9-KnrTft»onc:

* . 1927 Butck'C0M>e......... .iHO1032 Ford V-B. n in -i.i.'s-;on

Wllh a nrw motor J3'iO1032 Ford V-S Tud-.;', rr;x.-'-

■ ■'■jcisioiirilrVmii’.O^"'— — 1 '^ 1931 Ford Coupe1927 Bulck 8ld, n Hrdan . »1- Il)3< f'ord V-B l) f l ,u \r Tiulur

.3 run 6000 mllfv n rrim-.'r.-,-, . MDII, Ior H r b a la ir r ilur . .S'.J'i

} JI 1031 Kord Tudtfr Kn.aii • $3r'’.' 1934 Chcvrylct Pickup': '%<oo

fo ' ' IWI ynrcl m trk ,P f I . - 1020 Ford Truck . Mir.

B ] [ ” 1930 FortJ Tudci Sedan " " '“ sW r

a i V : I t Always Pnys lo S>'e Ymir' Fonl Dealei Firs-, for Eco-i nomlcal Trimi>orlallonl


VOlift FORD DrA!.KR■ “ ' Tnln Falli. Idsh#lUNBS —


vel- l iJ j y

'B y SPECIAL SERV ;JS ¥• . Fece Xirlc(<

n «Xmait i , o . ; W “ I T l ' . Voard.; Sr* » % •

‘"‘I Kr«. ■n l : a - i k k -

" “ ■ 'K

>.-:ard M

ol » HiflJ «•and F . . T \

4 ’ f t. • , f I

wood , v'- ■ 1 * 1 1r n s - ■ - ----------------- — ^ - M --strn- J • ' • ' ' I 5clock W , - : l i :I lain f» A - J

,.™d i f

idem-pub- W ' \ 1 / /

)U P W

Id UJ) V ) \w \ ■ I-A

ban- |k * . I : ' / J.n l a l t t H / ^ A <1 ■

ial of r l - ^ \ \

hrU- * j \I mid % ^ /IC1K.S . • ■ \ /arlPR k a ' If / / high \ % \ v l / I

vie- jr \—■ ■ J T I wmmma

e n )- . | / \ ^hrLs- ♦

.’orid O A

£ . 1 - 'W m


n 2S JUST 300 Al

„ ^ pftlCErt-il f T bow . , . or sore throal. rai

t m adiiii.'c lierrejf for your Ul.! B *

A ^ ^

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m S k.iM 7 . —

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M C V ^ C1 ^ 1 I

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a v r r p u i:RVICES FENNErS G ; Xmas IVrapplhg and Money” W «|i E very ,

las Club” E as^ PajimciI ’ .W S T O S H O I’ A T P KK

- ................ - MV


| v - - ' - 1 €

P ^ o ib t * 3 fj f l . .V IN E . HRO^

1 “ J ’ljw il colTiii’ 111' Ci'inrnsti \ : tn ilo re iU W n'vv seen jiist-

; I f o r ?/5.0y rt/K? c'Vcri hljfficr! KM th u t yo u , l o r , w ill rc.ilizc1 -------UiC3e.robc.'5.!.So-Cunic..aci’ .

ro w a t 8 ni I’l !



t\ m i f i h . l f a s

. SE K V I * X £ i ^ an

V n riv tv ! V alue! Rii

What A A FACTORY Cm 3 8 2 v n s . ,


r 9 8 i.72 /N . \V IJ)K — VAJ.

nrnuHlul wootein H'at make iip hrowii, Rri-en. blue iini

T H IS IS A R E A h -C i


C * R F —

29cAT THIS :

ICE!1 over . . ilrd i1f latrafhlonrd . . . your miarc choice!


V 7 2 0 HAIi|'

' Poa.-lir;' and en.elopcX In nc dPt,iils ol in.n!! ttlled to:

■ ■ ■ M i purve> nnd minors. Every OIV


s a

1 « I O N E r ! l | -! G I V E S r O U ! 'A

U l d M a i l i n g R ■

ry Purchase! ^m e n t . P l a n . ' * 4

’ K N N E Y ’S ” j a

E L O U S C I F T . ' ! ^

J N P A C K E D ! ■ ^

1 0 0 6

J « O O L ________


im O W N - B I .C E W '

im tTTur-BfroTipjrl— B cnuH fulIy- -J — jiisit- niich ro h c it nfl th c n e noil w ficrM V e k n o w i f you .sec th e m , T >lizc th e o u U ln n d in f f vn lu e o f *A - a c c .a i i l3 n y g ! O n unlc to m o r- m _ _

t v i . i . H A V E A B O U m :■ ,

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— 1 8 . O 0 _ c , u u _ . , ?• I I | M i

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: k v k ; e ’ s S w w a j v t e d . . i |S H A D E S ! H U R R Y ! ^

! R ich r i a i d n ! C h eck n l « M

rA value: « -r C L O S E - O U T ! a


3 L E N S «

V A J.U E S U P TO S J .M Ake ii|i to wellt ^redom lnatiui cAton w J le find yellow.h -C H A N C E T O S A V E ! . ^


m m m m m m m m n

' A R R I V E D ! (

I N D B A G S Ii 9 c ■

In new g raln lnR i. . ,*«l(h unuiuat iC rd (OO wllh Upper*, poektls, colo ^ . ry one a Blyc-nvsy a t Uiis prlcei . »

S mIEP»T S fO R i^ ^ ^ ' W

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Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es

P»([« SI*

' W g * H ' @ K @ f c W ^ l 5 l

I THE DIAI: ' t Outstani

r , " ; : M e

- j # ? : I : ■^ A Complrlr. nncl Ilc.iutlfmW AsSORTSIKST OK KLECTiUC f i . rKItCOl-ATOKS

• j j i N'.cp G-Ciifi piTcoIutor.1 .P?) Universal tU c:r;c Pcrtolnlon, fo^ - o i i i y ........... ........... s i .h:W Kxlr.1 LnrKc H-ciip UnlvtrM

PcrcoliloM ................. - •••S7.-K^ ncval noflirMir KIpcHI: Coffc W , Eclriilaior.i .........• ...........S8.(»

I ;

I------------ ^ — It » r u n IP r n r t amt- l ta tr -

V» IF VOU h a v i; r ij i ; m ix.. MASTKR

Ceiuiliio MU M ulcr. Eli'ctrii» M ixer...............................t i i Dornivyer Elccirlc Mix ■ Mnstcr

I S H O P !


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" W V'Ji' it.in y<iiif --------- r .------------1,,. -tf

I '■ “l i A S i z e F o r E i

AMOND HARDa n d j n g Y a i u c s JElectrical Applia

I ' '■.■.‘'A J U L iw - ':

' . ,n»n(iAiN"

• Cirni'lii"'- Fliireka

; i;;rc V.I I-UUIH

1 c :r.; ,-r .t .SJ«.1>8r . ■ I K \ l i n ' ’ AUacli.

S .C ' 7 ...... . .__ ■ ■ “ 5 c “* ■■Tg'Kiinii^'ifp

8 I . kt> A « iK J |iilvcrMlS7 .-I8 - • 'COffCP J i & iSH.fJK •

r — ~ ___ —

Sflfcl Your WiUlp Iron I ron* Tl.li Kli.p A»»orJme..t ,

H ike— •A-Bcxtnful'Bmietl-W afllf-Iroft;'UX o n ly ...................................

Olliff Wnfdc U oti' . S ; j . l 8Elfclrlc . ' .JfM)~ Coitibinutluii Wiifflr Ircm andMnstcr S.'wl'Alch T o o iif r ----------JiJ I.UH;jq ComliUifttlon ' ‘•Ig ^•‘‘5"*^'^

. Aml.How, niiQtlicr Nice a ab d ilc u ^ ToA*Wf for on ly ..............

»t n •

tiiiLSi -£ull_5lii* Ounrantccd Elpclrlc Irms. 6 IUI. wcli-lii— r;rr.-s iT l3

tw l. A lic.iiliy , • S - .ir> A'ltonii'lK' Hot I’om; Iro ii' for

,(l(» , 0!ily . ................. . S l .« »

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J O U R S l

| M T h i s ,

H . ' t f f l II iT iilly iirni'lii'ii

S / H y»nr:i> 'lf il ififl

gi; I f ' / i i t on ly lie p n m d to (

E iS S " '( tv cr fiKii'H • • • .;

Give Y o u r s e l f A n

O N F I R E l

Kivc y .n ir u l f c . a ^

' Ilef n j’ ifl t l i u l s lio ••,

ll;' ..

r g t r n i n i : ^ - i i ’^ n ‘ .111 1110 fii'M t'ii'y t l i a t , . -

Vdiif lin iro , ; . G ive

•Every Home

) e i w e i l e r (

' Fihbne II

IDWARE CO. I1 In Quality <liances <

^ ^

irekn Toutm nM cr ^_ c o ^ le t^

!l,1f8 ' _ . ■ .................... f.'

Pcan- M I .SiijKfior Eleelrle ^

■ W ■ ■ Curlliiff Iro iu k^ _ ■ ___ ■ _ m c _ » A d _ a i . o o _ ^i.r>() ' And A complrt« 4

\ | 4 _ n’OJrtmciil o! “^ III otficr, BJcctricnl V

-p -p I l l Aiiplln'nccs, *t;ch ffI H ! . ;i.i InrRe 3-hent. X;'

, ■‘T 111 K!cclrlc'Heatlnic ji••■ ^ m Pnil» ^

E ltc lr /c C fo c b f l ;s i . ;w .5 I .IW .'■ S ij.n o "lltl S7.-IH . I

__ Rltctrle Kitchcn Clocka !iHl.r»(> 7

Klrctrlc Corn fl Pupper.5

Iron- -------------------------------------- !--------- 1

If Tttn-biiri;fr Hot FtntM ... «|r ■ I'-Usli LlRhts ........................5« C ■<1 . Thf CHINA SHOP a l lUc . Jj

' , .Diamond llatdirare . ffL W rcaily lo atrvp vmi wllli manv tj

j)f»-jijjij bMUiiJiil..«rlJ of CJJWJi'jj

LarRc- .'liiiimriili o ' nice O b '^ 'p;Wnrc, have- been uiipnckrd' nnd jrih now on dUplay ns well a* "

IT13 in;!liy other lovely ihlngi. lo •r- i&uu mtiltri yniir..c:tirii't;ni tliniiQ luw -J-Vir> nn e»'y iiislt, and a iilca.Mni one. V; for ChlJiii Woie priced lo miu every fl .« » i)ti;!e-from Si.lJ.". to SH5.<>() M

' I

< XM AS ■. 1' ^

. ch ;i))j:r. li’l''.-injikc tli is • S

i ' t i i '» r r i i r is * m a s , C ivo ' /

j-'ifl t l i i t t .y c n w ill im l T

(1 to .M il bu t w liic li w ill I

■iiai,-;ii-:i< w ell. A '« i f t , J

■ IA n '<

C o a l C o . j809 ' I

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| £ @ « ! - : y - ' —

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p WeslmghiIB S ' AlITO.MATIt:___S . DUAI. AUTOMATIC- A\’'TSllEHS AND IROW. g . WORLd '.WIDK R \!)

_____TADLE Al>RLL\XCi;tf Koo'l) MlXf-KS>«• g ' '•Make Onr Sinn-lhe Kir>IJI - ; ----------- Khwppinfr-Trjjj.J'.

a Soden Electricn \ -V O U I! W IiSTINI

j v | | ■ B / f t s £

i l l ■ — ■

8 W T B S I■ i l"I il IR'

- I j B ' W -

lie. K I l l l l i m m MODB :

>« J f (;.f:. Af.f, WAVE , MODKL NO. -.1 HADIO

' . C . E . : G .E . W a s h i

g Hotpoint E l e c t ! " H o t p o i n t E l e c

4 i ^ ---------------C . E . E I a t jp . E . ^ T a b l e a n

^ i)(> Ynur Sluijijiiiit; Karlv ii Svlcrliim li» (■

IK M U S I C ' <

(AiiilKiriicil ^ Ncxl 111 TcU'lilmni'


I G O II , F U L L Y Jl

, g D E E P A N I» W E t L

- i ___ D X i. i C R E A M S !

A N D k

Q ‘TIIK w o n i . i

J :■■ - m■ ' 'V - WA3

’ I Moufila I Implen


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houseT it: H i :r K l( J E U A T O R .

iTIC K !,K (:T R IC r a n c e s


R \ ! ) iO

X C liS . ____________________________


First Slop On Vour i iiristma.^

ric Appliance Co.T IN (.H O U S K D K A L K R ”

s Baiiding

H MakeI

I J X m a s G ifts

g E l e c t r i c a ly „ t . ^,,j|| f j,„ l

f l n n t itr lic ic '- ti) i-lioosc l ( ' a f i'w o f w h ic h ar<'

E. Radios shifig Machines ictric R efrigerators lectric AppliancesatplateJroner_______and Stand Lamps '

Rv in n r ilc r in IU- Assttri-tl il liiwil” li» Ch(K'sc I’ri'in . . . .

G A H' C O M P A N Y

rizcil Dciili'r)fijN. . Phnnf 7f>







lain States (meni Co.

C h o o s e I

: : z ■ R A D IO S ^ ^- I F I.K C TR If:A L RA N G ES


m O N E H S ! E L E C T R IC IRO N S



1 |. - ... ..

I As An Ideal C

l E S d a^ I * 1 ^ 0 m a ile r w l S K T j o

ij(F , |r JL N whothcryouwanlAr . ^ ¥ \f iii wanl to enjoy pnlicr, n

■ | * - g with n Croslryl" T ! ^ '* - l ) r a i i t y , nm n^m p vnlui*— ll

I T hrills!~ i T U N E IN

'g . F O R E IG N ® ■ S.TATIO NS

j S ’ T h o C ro s lcy ; | . S IX T Y -O N E A. F .

\meticnn nml Fomnei ifiri>ii< _ ill a l>eatilirul and niiirvrlwn

tirtfofniinK .-.ii-luLo rndiu—nml ^ n price »ithin llii rnnRi- of on h( imi’j five-tube frU. U le«t fi'

lufi'*. Rnro flKiii'e wiwhh n a i-oinliityd 10^ i lC 0 . £ ^ ih i^ di»tinclive , * T a

Cnl)itiel........... CampWlawNklol

A I mmi

■: F r o m T h e s e I

F O O D m X E R S

G E S . , J E R C O L A T Q P S E T S

S .W A T E R H E A T E S S


, ■ U H N S E T S

5 R O O M H E A T E R S

; S T U D E N T b A M P S



i ■ S U N L A M P S

J J T O M j V T i e C 0 A L J 5 U R

I Christmas Gift You’

er yoLrwanriiiUHieV <^rifinarSporL‘','co‘ nl American or Fordfin rccrption—o r ' icr, nvialion, ainalmir liroiitlLHsI.s. . . ' " I'dr oiilslamiint; perrormanrc, ills j(*—tiic nPw iT'Hley Uadio.t arc uiie

I A d v en tiu


.. F .

'''Iw i'ly n S g | 8 H | r

oT uidi*' '.H | y | M n B H

>xb ntfl D B S H H M H H B

2 ' ^ S H h•HkI.bV.

------T h » C ro e )« v D u a l— p —- ~ ~ = :F iv e rD o L u x e A « ; » .

Low btsit ^ ■IJiIrn lo joiif fmnrilp jfro«rain< nml iiijoj

• " iw llcerrm iin if. nvlii--------I nfiT iliot) Wirlivi.j.,. Jrwj i?iv>ry ti Ilraiitiful new corv'ole

r r s i S c ; : ? . - ' , " j™ '-',fnitiifm -— _ _ (-onsdif l ' r i c r i l $ C ! 0 . 0 0 • foriliani•“"'c.sSs.f.i u in ^

^ - ^ V l W I J A . S » i ,

, - -T V


J p

S u g g e s t io n s

S VACUUM C LE A N E R Sa s _______ C.UBL1NG IRO N .'i____RS E L E C T R IC W R E A T H S




o u ^ i e ^ ^ T O i ^ l

S S E S i. «, ' coTne<ly^=— — w, —urv rh c llic r ^

(llslinetivo 0

i T h e C ^ o s io y


Jlctr i« Ix^uiy'nm l per. ^ • fotinanc'*' n l u (ififc l>e)Oin! ^ eomr»f«t Di»1iacllve, nil- ■coil raliinet. rivMiil>c

.iiipulicterodjnc willi j>“ - f f fuminnre of of(liimr> ni»- tul>e>cu. GctAall^lan(lrlr<l

policccBllH. 2 1 ^

W o r ld 's G r e a t e s t ^ R a d io V a lu e s ^

W I D E S E L E C T I O N 7 ^ O F M O D E L S S

ifrp is a n n r -C rn s lp y -H m J in -fo r --’'r y liisln nml {HwlctinKik. Vmiu r j jJ lo n iiiac t A. C .- l) . C . porliililo 0 \ hIoI to th e r ip iit-tiilm Aii-Wnvonsdie, ovpry opc pxi‘c ls in p<*r- jji^m ancc. b eau ty nnd vnlun, W

— — I

E S 5 I 5 2 3 I

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es


■ ' B i B ^ — ^

njr «0 L «

% f f l |L -3 9 ^ iSS

n n y i r

;; s of endiM o d e r n elci

ment Hint enters into (he sclcctiot IioiU’t y . . . usefulness. . . convehier •nblcormoi'c-apprcciatcd.—Long-{ ten elccti-ica! appliances >vill conti filiiiit lemlnllci'.s o f the thoughtful

■p'TsnciiT i’r a c t ic a lp f t -------------

Make litis Christmas a happj .o!u:uuiL.KifLlisL.by_coiLY.ej:inK.)ou •clccti'lcal.

Klcctrical dealers and stores I (lii i)!:!vin^^ larRC and (Uvcrslfied sc .stores and scc the latest models ii i l a point t(»_.sliop fus t foV elect tvicul fa r everyone.

^ E l e c t r i c a l

W ■ S a i

i ' J K E«:fSKS«.i»3SSSSS^SS£>3a3?

Give Her-a New

- t t f l o v e r - |

S w e e p e tiiN i) v o u w iL i.G iv i': }i i-;r t h e :»

•C II-T T H A T S lli-: W IL L • ‘( . 'lIE U l.su FU K Y K .\U .S

. J -

- # —Ci;u' MODLI.S AT LOW P R IC C s H

■ KA'SV PA'v.MfNTS | k

- • ; ; I

IT fiKAT<S A S \IT s w e e p s ! A SIT C L E A N S ” ■ / 1

g o l d e n R u l e WC. C. Andtraon Co. '

I. 1034 - ■

7 ‘3 u

i W i n g M i

V electrical appliances meet ever; jction o f an appropriate Christn ehicncc...scrvice. No g if t is mp ong-aftei'-ordinavy-gifts-have-bci continue lo .server for many ycai :htfulness and goocl judjfnicnl of

lappy day fi)r those whose nnm ^your-ChusLniassrecLipgs-iutlu

)res that sell electrical appliancc cd selections of electrical g ifts. } leis m .>iodcrn b iecirical Appiian electrical gifts. There is somet

\ L E q u i p m e n t

Ia l e s A s s o c i a


2 ^ m B H! 7 > J @ l

a l l

wvice 1:1every lec ju irc '^ '

I'istntas s i f t— liberal aI more accept- ■ • •e-been-forgol*--------r ---------- —years, as con*( of those who .

- —

nnm es appear ith .so m c U u n g .... .

-anccs arc now Is. V isit tllesoiliimOtS. 'M m ----- ^)m ething elcc- ■


T - ■I ATI ON —

! S i ) S © j a ^ 5 S S 3 S t e i ■

^ . I Gi 1 - ^ ” ™

a — I — :

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f nI Fully o

T ~ ^ 2 0 0 i (

' ComploiB j j ^ _ ' 'and 5-{

^ cennacti

r f TVTEVEni X ^ i l (lyftirm

______________ , ' f 5 nnd (iiinliiy iL ^ tliil. I'n irlian

U production It J ^ m p lc u j.w a i

_________ ' ^ j / m home; m ake

4 lC > • " y / 5 punip**ijd<a ^ Rcmcmlxa

J; :b o o d ' Hi


•ro! flffer goodfor'qJimilcd time only enjoying We*tinglwiixi> I

d e n E le c t r ic A p p lii"YOUU AVESTtN(UlDUSE DE.'


J n u s i i a l

U f t 1 V



)® v V • •■

I P X Faitil’banki% H O M lW A T E R

w |)ji only '-' - ■■ ’P I

1 8 f Jy a u t o m a t i c I t ii^ H

' g a l l o n s ' p e r h o u r d i s f

mploto with molob pump/outomoiie pi d 5>gal. galvanized lank, r» d y to ii inactioni to mak*. Seir-otlins. 'Qylot.

E R Ijcfore n tiom oW alrr' piaranlycov< tlrm o f ci^iiuI cuiiacily i>iiiii|Mn'itor »Iiiy n t a nrii u ns luw as ^nit-O from lirliankn.Mnr'iO qu.-iiititj . cyvr ilfrdci). ion makes i t iN>-tMblr. A . {dcninnMratet! «.w aler syRtcin for jftiir tm l types ofl nake two D»nier(ion!k-r to ihrctnnyn ro ^ -ilt« .~ ta n w (;-4 u td ^ u U iu a iw U f; n d < a n y drudseryl • M.orw Wolci imber, one rcapoasjblo ' Iiily anypiira


- ■ L ' : - l.. ■ . I |___________________

H m i **D H E A L T H I S ' ' 1

^FO tTOHC .. '. ' S — — ^


tinghouse | | J i

l - ■

:1GER*TI.0R I- ■ »■ .H

■ ______oniy .' C e t deUiiU 0 o t

I.'l* Rrjrigernllon © T Bi


) liance Co. | t :

==— “ I

■ 1 /S M B E R O F - '- % .. .-E N J O Y ---------

ks-Mo'rs.e | h:r S Y S P I ^

t i E -

- H c a t l1 - ■ m e e t

^ Room■' 5'

^ (;ntii

I . i ' ziM a c e m e n t! 5: ’ 'w«(n

Ivlecliiie p r t t iu r e (W itch iS f t- i,.- .,

Iy c o v m th e e n tir c o i i t f i l , j JjA H cn il ■ lo to f,tank ,cv rry lliiiiR . ^ H o l l frora nne eoiirce— if i t s ,.^7 <Jn). C om e itl nm l see U ! A ratefL AlAo O ilier oizca.:s o f i ’-M w alP r PVKlrms /A in y re im ircm rn l. W care C crlile J ^ f l c i iU J o r - i ^ i r iU k L lU -------V olcr S ys lem s. J ) o n 't K R^nO' p iim p u n til y o u seo u t .

E L ’ S ® * 'E "' ' , • I


E A S YD A S H E Ri r the Fta<st Time Ut His• Here's’ & ch io c c you've n ev e r’ h>_ncvec.lje .!ib le jp j3_ffe .r_ jp jiagaijt:

o ti thc m irk c t a t B price even low e Buy th is new EASY now w h ile t l

—h av e -ilw iya jvaa ted i t a p ficc-you

^ 1 # C. a Anders

T e l l O l d S a r

E le c t r i t

-------------— a

— H e r e A r e

E l e c t r i c a l G i

f o r E v e r y o n e

Icating-PadarvT.—llectricIronH------------------;_..$2.9r»loom Heatcra— — :________ _ J4 .‘jj_l4■oaalcrB__________________ .$2.9r> to’erco iatorfl_____________ t('offee Makers _ _ 1 _ l_ _ . | 2.75 toIritis ......... ... Pc rc o lH tin d -U rn s toM uuR^tom tPL-^i'affTe I r o n s _______ :________ $i.9.’i tolectrlc Ironera___________ $59.!50andIcctric Rannefi------- ______ $7<1.5b to Iie^ctrie Washerj; i ,.jir.9.59 to

E. Refrifccralors________ $88.50 to iIcftilh U m p « _________ — _ S 9 .9 r> tolol P laten________ __________ JS.g.'itoood M ixers___I____________J20.95 toleelric Water Hesters____163.50 andertlfied Study LaM|M_ _ crtificd Floor ljim p ii.>“-i im it» » n -u « p n, .. V- i .f nn-a-Utc T jm |«

i D A H p l


T ^

n i l

a lI

T J mH isto ry•r’ h a d b c fo rc ^ tT o p p o r iu n i ty 't \ >ain—to o w n thc BEST m ake o f ' lo w e r th a n is asked fo r o rd in a ry I ile th is o ffer lasts—ow n th c wasfi LyQ aiCN Q ilrliqusLbcJughcuouQ i

e n f l ^ lle raon ^ Coihj)

'antaYou Wai

ica l G i^ T h e - e t f t s^

'—‘’ ^—K e e t r O r r Q> 'L Elcclricii] Gilta-^'Yil

\ on RlvinB”— n re th c ot ^ celvc th e w a rm e s t w cie

, ;r. ■. * re so, p rac tiiw l, s o u-s j ; ^ a tt r a c t iv e t h n t th e y ur A \ ' 5 plen.<ie th c re c ip ie n t.

\* W hen y o u c iv e clcci W ^ V — nncos-you-K ivc K crv ia -1

ien cc , thlnRH th u t u d d U — o f th f lin m p .:m d -a t Hie

m nke life m o re plejun Bimplify th c liiak n f hc

V • , . > II is Jl s im p le m n ltc i ' com plete K ift l is t f iu ii and c o m p re l^ n s lv c stm tr ic a l s i f la ,

i if tsl e

.r .( |- to -$ 7 .5 0 ------|>r ----------------------

.9:. to tl.r, I ---------- -‘J j - l o . S 7 . 'J j - - l U x r ,9r> to 515.00 » j l X< to ?7.9ri ' I '5 to $17.7r. . . . ..SiVfo J9 .9 3 '.95to$i9.9r> m m m t

,9.’i t o $ i i . : ; o "• . f .0 and?G l.r.0b t o s i g a .o o 3 “ ^,5 9 to M 9 .5 .0 -.0 to $31vS.OO , l ? l,9:> to 8.19.95 ,9 .-? to « 1 .5 rf,9 5 to S 2 2 .7 r, '• ■v-i-W , 5 a n d871 ..iO

—I Z i 2 . 4 S ,

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ty'Tvc may ^: of washer . w. ary brands. - ^[vasher youOUQi_____________ 'M ___________

i i e | - l —mpany w

- ^ ” 1 ---------0 J ? V i 3 . ^ ' S 0 » 0 •

-------- ■ ■ i .m t - . - - ^

i f t s I ;f e t e — 1 " " ^ ^

-Q iO T ig " ^ - | ------- r

•“pift.s ihnl keep " ^1C ones that re* ^ wcleomc. They. ^0 u.')Cful and so y ure cerlnln to*■ Ielectrical itppli- 2. i a - and-conven--------m .:---------- :.—dd to the beauty, ^L Hie .same , llmft f f ________»le!UHurnI»Ie nnd ^Ilf homemakintj. ”iltci' to lill your m fiijin our lar e ; stocks of elee- * '



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Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es


'(Contlimtd from U J t iMue) /

SYNOPSIS! N lrho lu T r* n fh U Qboul u l •ecnltU d ot Uie morder at mKRJohn o” .n .e when h . t e . m i l h .1 » mOilwrne h .d .lolrr. » T._^u*ble wllhlormuU tot * new meUi, Bnd ln*t 6li

■ . 1 m«ny people bellere IrMii■ s ic lio tu Iim *he formuU. Twp mira; S “ Ita.... 1.; «S"

U fkvtd by the riihlfnl owner ot only lh , lo tm .U . M .llr 0 -11,1, 11. .IJU S»lnnir 'Mollr h»» JfJned <Ofce» «Hh Klllec hi— '<>1 Irv lo find Ihe rilu ilite peop

— brt»kfM lJB Trench> .partm ent. Miipl


'‘Bob’s frtcliliiR 111'' brea^rnM." 1w .n o u n c e d ." Ic x i« ll.fU i« k c a tm t Jten-m lnulM . .-.o ll j w woulii like « "

' w call a waMi nWl briiAli Upno«-s j« u r chiiiifv. J l i a f i b ilh -rom, nexl .door," I

"How ftboui you? ili-' " -m iI; „,p -WoulOn'l you r,iilicr lm^t• Iin l?

I shook my UnKl. ■ I'll wjit iim lel him m. U would be bell'-r Jo r limi j

BU ic jy easily ^lio:kr<l. »nd b-- #liJr.«, he miRht tnlk nbout ii nt Ihc l’ul)“ ■ , , Sill

"Mny 1 IwilOA a to«'-17 -'fi'- »i- ^ , , 5,, Qutrrd. -lha'e

-Uv 1.11 mruiiJ." I replied. • Then: cu?iu 10 be one In llir Iwtloni m;-

"■ rtrawcT ■ inik'M' in f i- ^ i ic c — have- - ^ 3 piiichcd 1:'■ imiy

She Mullcd lniluli!<miy, ■ lll.dm l „r nj ll," nlie aald. Ittiid' l> ri to iny o*>' dcvlcfJ. I »et back nbcuc tJifl 40b o! *Im1kJi1c;i1)1j! u)x J ier. '

— -nreled-the-jofa Irtek 10 itiJoriuci j. , , i IMltlon. rrdUtrlbuled llu.- cii.shluna. came

11 wm iiQt llkriv lo be re- _ s iu<iulretl In ihi: inimcdmie luluic. dla- then mantled my lilghly eJleciive booby blurir*i>. 'Ul

•rhu dour. 1 urorcfded 10 lay thc Spin,■ tible. The kitchen, which wa.i.a very liai” 1

^mall one, opened oul of the Muillo. ilmca. .and Irom .the minlaiurr clr(-;!?r. kiiuw •.•'w htre my charlixdy had lajl lldlcd ; -01

Ihem away. 1 fliiinierred mk-1i tv jm - ' lhe I far\- obXcl.s as knives,'loiic.s cii|v., brill! jnSlcTCnWn'iiraacratcij-clfnn cloth. Wilii;

t had about fumheO iny Usk when ft ifl the ilam of lhe oublde k-nlc an- some nounced llie fact lhal Unb had n - want lurntd from hla ^hol I)lnK i-xcurMon. I ' Vi

. Tiw ;>f*£ ;iio«ii'jjrJ}K-j<'iia.t jiJiwlJiir "I raj) a l lhe knWker. and 011 my ei'en- drr n init (he door 1 fuiind him stnndlng ed. '

• • ihete loaded up like Fatlier Clitui- »hc 1 miu. and

-d o i th r 'ole blliillln' loi for yer." .lhe he iald iriiimplianily. -Scvcnlrcn l"'*'ir

l....Lnanrn n.rniii.-iln lAllirrK-^ nnr nml ' Jonypenny cliaiiKr. ' , ' j Jff

- - “.You can.kecp llial and buy aomclheiirbrentla-M with it, ' I repllril. "Aller nil this rxercl\c you’ll bc rjiiUc;! hungry by the lime they o|)cn - , ,clicn • 1 iriiivcd him of h n bunlciis, uml r.i;-.-yiiiK tllcui KlllKcrly m to llicl'i'e MUdio, lound luy fellow eouiplralor IU tlie ael of ile.scrnding the btalrs. ’*! Krr.sh. AmllliiB. and with her copiwr-

, -ciiio te il hulc nuw w ider control, she Ifioked niofe beaulllul thnn ever.

:— — lip re s oilt- btcakfiisl.' I ^Bla.••You’ll llml lh# lea nnil sugar In uiMil Ihc klichrn.’' uDi-n

She perrcd Inside Ilic bait nf havii -i-^g«,--LHtL,l,«lj,..yw_fil')-*Miifli'V-lUjluL

jou'II iruM me. I ’m kupiwscd to be rnlher Bootl nl them.'" lu (I

-Co iihciul,” I r rlu rn td , "And II h-'l Jerry fhould slum- up Ui the m nin- ‘•’oint time, JUM Iel him lu and tntraducc voiir.H-lf." ’■■Ulll

’A quarter of an hour b (er, waNh- I ' r • ed.‘ sliavcil niul nri'.iycil m u tleanl'ifi'd

^hlll and collnr, I waN M-iiicd oujn'i'^ thc oiipoill.- ,-'klc ol Ihc Iilble «alcli- l ' J'

....... Itlf- iny cur.si apiirovinsly nm :t 'Cor)lip iKHircd nul (he tea.

- D,j you like mill: nnd susitr, Mr. — T rn ifh? ’' Aiv inquired.

TIoih.” 1 iiiforiiicii' lipr. 'lu il ' don I >ou Hunk now lhal wr’ie p j r t - ! BUI ners we iv.Kik as well begin calhngj

_eacU Olher by o-,ir (.’lirMian naxM.' i . It-a [riKiniiilh c>:h;imtt:;g te r..w'

Ml^ o iJ r irn r-,rry mr,,- : ,r.i-;U lil to yuu,’' - . ‘» :i|

ni'- 1 l'--*'r If! t,-/.'r.

All I n.-i-i'i

’ h;. JI :;'.iii< 1 mimu do lln- \,ui

»i:r,f iiiiiiiled bi- my uiii.,.Mi.

iir- l>lOia

a v 'i i ta-ini: i>i-(;rr iii>-L'k'l ’n u :

I--rl .\M,w;

! .h GIF

I'ui:-, ,.n-J ji'.n U.e l-„i,-un u , »'Sl-,:-.- . . - l;

. -We;; I;;; I,..; ,u ii’itl'i-d. WlHii 1 •■i"' lhl.;k :ia HuiVr I,,,.,,’ iluiiil;:U»ml II..,; hciiiiiik' Iiiml , . , 1 '">

•'Oh. r. wiiM-.i buini ii i .d , ' I .('--irui^itd l.l luudvjiui lu H',.i

».-.•*« um e i 'Wmy coiwlii S.vii;our,. I d w t k:iuwtl>-- ■ M irihcr you’ll.- cm, Ik-jui dI him.' ili'l 31c'.\ ko; roiiir minor jub ii; Liu .'H'

. . . Ofivcrimicii: — minf mi uiiyLTi.iiii •’ IX-i.'.on-ln lu* (,.v.i btuliy w.r.,-

8 I10 nodded, -fvc .-ir;! im ii:,in,. ]);i: nieiiUonrd lu thc ii.ipi;- • i<-ii jiir Pbinil I t .’

BfLween mouihl',i;i c,; (umiit i | Jirocecded lo <(o .so, I ^.nc licr wli.ii]1 think was i« tiuiio i^ fa ir mid i;ii.| . pnrilul rcrJon , lor by ihl- Uiir' any j JliiKcriiis irau 'i of rM entim-jinhRi! t 1 had_ cherfahcd a p im t my db-

, lo a kind of halt ftmutcd liidiifer- enee. '; - I WM *n aas Ui lo«e uiy temper m it l Tilm," 1 rinmhed. "but i »up- PPM When one's Juil escuped thc S a llo n one's nenes are ap i to be a b it Bcniiuve. I t w u his own iilly

. . . XBuItr-KOdlng for..nic In m h a hurry," . H.

••He m usl bc a scllish pl»l" khe • exclaimed .Ihdlgnnntlyi. "If i cvi'rt'O meet l)lni I ahnlLtell him mi io his Jace.". . I I

Page Eight

ICTOR BRIDGES-. ^♦ — 1 . — — —

: plied. "He’s Irlk-hlfullv akepiu-al 9boul tlw l non 0! ihliii! Unle.v< tt mltatle happen\ iv'll k<j ilo«u Wt his gmtB thlnkins (h.it h e i b.-hnved wl(h cxtrnortimary t/n'-io"ii>.'• 61ie pusbed biict; lu r and IrsneU forward m or ■■ Jln- -

. mlrnflc w-lll happen.'' -■ti'- ’ *"1 flhiolutcly hure ut It- 'Vi-jc noi only goliiff to iii-t fctick Illl- Im.muU, bul we're BOln« .10 llml imt who killed Osborne n> wril. Tijcn all (hev people llki} ynur eoiiilii, »i>d Lord •

- IWaisjid. ttlll. l»i\<'-.lo inliiu! how .itupld and wronij (hi-l’'c- b'-'-ii,'

“Ifs-B food-prodmiii-■’ I .iKii'Cd: , •'(he only irouble iv ilw i ll may be a httic dirtlciilt (0 cany i>iil." , —

I produced my pHk- nud.,b''Riin ; to fill 11. -niliiKs arr 11 bit'clf'ntrr , no s we-ve sol yulir cud ul (Mr ,Mory

well n^ mme.” 1 wi-nt. uu. "but even so wc diint .'ri-iii' lo h r.'- uwdc the lensi projrc.v Ioa;ik1.-> 'pntiiiij:

: the a.iiunl murilrK-i. It cdiildn't have been either Slrllm.in nr Uiiiir

’ nn . Thcy’ muM have b<-li.;vrd llial I I was tho man llirv uantrd. or

comUig here and ui'U;,: •llii.iiv-cl'.ci iiu.uy,"

She, fnmncil thuuiihUully, ’ Uc iw ainl u fo o l-0 bll lll-, M<- -*'.uldiri

- haie told nuybuiiy-iunli-?.' » ".is -xomeoiie he wi\ . tri'iiig u. -m'U 11

■ “ ‘E x ac tiy rA m n rin iin rrx iiO T rh r-----mny have bem ni'Kot'ialim: wiiti t'.io

' or three diiltn-iK jut'iilcv’' 1 ijdi. up jaiid golnic over I'l my t,iii;p - back with dir William Aioii’.'. Ici- cer. -Wlmi do <wi ninkc vl iliw?"1-Bsked. 'M ound II h rre when.4 -----

< came in tan nuh l.” i s. _Slie-rcBd.u_UuoiiKti_'i'JlK-^-‘i i .5 M n n

then u ith an e u iiid light 111 her L|U blur eyes jjluiiccd up into my faVe. J i l

' Uui I've Iteuril ol Avon'nnd SDns.- .slie f xclauin-d : ' .My father-___

■ ha's’ iiicntioned their namev^cvi-ral, time*. They nre uue ol the bi-jl '

kuuwn lir:ii.s 111 thr wuild.1 ’On, yes," 'I K-miirkeil, ’They rc 13lhe blit n(il»e nil riKhi mi fnr ns llmi

, bn ihh eiiRintenni: Kor,-., mul if s ir ' hen, Wlliiam-tnkrs thp-tm-.iblr io -»riic Incl, ft letter llljc Umt lu- mu^l .have suo'. some very iiariu-ular ith' uu (or wat. Iwfllitlm; to M-c mr, .swo. I '-you doirt think , . , ' pli-i ' ] "I doH’i iiu n irn r’d-nimminMjp*Ider ami Imrslc n salp.’’ 1 mUTiupi- llsuetl, "but I <lo believe he was 011 mu<the track 0! (his iiivi'jition u n ti- nldand ihiit.’' 1 iiddcd, n.s Hip dour in bed

• tlie outer li-iu-e b’nuKrd ngnin, upp , T'sounds ‘ to me uncommoitty like hns

_________ _________________l'»l’;i Jcriy ll w a,.viie enuiiKii. I co.iid ^

;ihe«r h:» tamillai; whi.MIc w hile’ l ticii. ‘nurrieii'nctavs the liail, and when loca• I Itim* ojH'U Uu- d o o r 'n u d hLs thc

[cherry Rriii mul mx l{x.l two ol imttjbuur nndjim srle ('uiilrunird me un dny ;.|i:ie lhtc:.h(ilcl. 1 IrK -mi rrUevrd I ix-l r loiiM'nlnimi Imm; rmbniecd hun. m(-i i. ’Hello, Nick,' hi- beuan with a . |cliaractrM,Mic chuckle; "how ure ii> t you, old Illd. iinil wliat’» ’nil thm

ri(lici;lou,s iiDiiM-iiw aboul?" • ) r ’L oiticln , Jeny.” 1 saul, 'cume (;i iiiMile und tiy to irMniin your v \.

uDi-rance. rve Kut a yomig bdv r f Ihavmn l)^eak^a^l niui me. nml Jhe’a hcH uJiuLUiCtl.lo-cuUjUiUiaLliiaiarQiiLi^fc:: J.yi0 ”A yuuiiK lndy! V/hnt. u l 1I113 Umt- hu:

m 11 ' mornlus’.’' He de|)o>itrd his Uoi1 hltt on lhe ii.blc, "Where has »lie tloi . coiiif Ii-(iiu;’ '• hr ilemnnded. . . iiiicc -yioiii Si'w U:!e.iii.y I I \

-•.Ulll lii-r iiiiiAe h .Molly O'Uricii. lio.. Iv r lold hi-r all aboul you, yuu coniilnci'du’l be iieivouv ' I im.vfied him at,1 jmiu Ihe ,stu(llii, - Molly,-’ I miUI, ' Uih iUm. ||N Jrtry Moid.uml, ’ jor'ti'CopyrlVht. 11U4, I’euii I’ublLshiiiR iid-

e<imii,inyi mo

'.‘ 1 BURLEY GRANGERS I” v!-------NftME-NEW-OFFieEflS-.J^

K I liUltI,KV, Drc, .3--AI n meetliiK ihi‘»; H r Uur;.-}- t.!r.iiii;e hete Tllur.^day mo|lii;IU oUlri-l'. tte:e oU-rted in tol- ll't

'-ll'-'-*'. Mii,st.'., J,im.-,s ........ over- wi(,MlJ/.iid k r iitn r . Mr.y j<d

;iV! NeWm; .Mv«ard, flovia l-'crriu; .'1111 iv.'i'lmii' Ml iviini, Ia-uh Addv. chnp- luuo|l.ilii. Mr-, t ’luvh l--,iriii; li. ;I.--urer. th.

|K. j . l-iiliu.-r; .'-'cii-’iiry, Mis. II, .s, utle \.uillook; K;tirk)'-|»r. Kd Andt-rjoii, .'.1 l'-,Mi-. Mlllo!! »•:» abo .■Icoinl n-.i- ,in a.'..|s:iii;: .-.K-uiird. . P " ’• I’lan.-! .nrr i>-m,: mndo -by the

OiaiiKe ll. .1 U ii.'lii danco «[ | ■r .111'- Ilurl-i (;i.iii.;,- h;,!!, ijntunl.i-.- Wl ■I ru iim s, ivniiibc;- 11. .MUMii Will U' »;l

liuiiiilu-tl bv th'- liitn Kock |ilnvci>. ;it: :i A Miu-.mae,- .j;,,. wi’i alro iK held m v .

Il-.e i;c\i Iiiluie. j t j


,. n i’lil,, 1V-, -J-I 'ln i^s for Iluhl •:.l; ll I}.' ii;<- b»-liu loi'inulalvd bv |

I .-i. ,i,i: loimmiiei- .ii.iKimird by d.i- j J •iii.iiuijT IV- i-ommrrec, ic in rxm i i>;

jcn;-iii.iii Kiisieii, Knoi-h Wall n i» il“I l'!-..iilrN’.Ni-rrirk. cluirm nn. jja tu r-j

l)'-irmb<-l 1 tt:l^ the oix-iui-,.; 1

-./)d ;.'Vrr«> /Jwe.i Ji)e |i> |;‘'’ «tl>- iilv.ii-;i'Ajy. Th.-.vc mfla i.n- o;i ! •* l.l ili-pliiy ,1; till-'Idalio Toner eoiu- . ' ‘- It .'iii'v iidiiv, I I111 jX'u-mU'i wi;i jirobnbU U; llie i^'

.■rcni;d ^lU d.iy lu Uuhl whciruUi'-; 1'° 111. im.-is will be Klvcn uw.iy.

.,!] R e a l E s ia ti! T p ih s l c r s .II ...

>Ufnbhed bj the iDlertnoun . - . loIb- • Tllle GBantnl» >■•,

tlerember 1 |. Pau-nt; United Stnle's lo L' a . -j llupler, K'j NE.13 11 Ifl. '5

Detd: I. S. lluplcr tu It. llupfer I , a II. E'.; NB 13 It to. !ily Deed; Twin Falli county to VH-

^ U<e of Kimberly lots 14. 1}. 10. n . 18. block 21. Kimberly, ' ,

,),« Deed. Twin Falls county to V. M. 11 ver V.’jirncr, n o ,’ lota 1, 2, block 0. ’ I his'Uirl.el aildlllou- ' I

i •mill Kall.s countv lo A. ’I'. L


I F w e u v' T*-*': D’-.£ . VOURPU

--L,5sit) r ^ . : ; ’ s o nou tD£V. J. V..IAT V. h i ftMHOUSf tC‘.S TVJEBCC.‘i O . i L .C - 1 I WHAT H

‘ i.M i; w o v , : r : v . ; 7 -

;;-:a IP a.-iifc: ' ■ /S > ^ M /.PSlllt'cCC't’TlI'; •C i;-'. i/.c.'-v cc^.D-- _ / ’sA \N -S i D -: t'.r /.E c ,v .o f S i i l A / iv:iPM -k '-O '.- .

1 • o;.Lto ’r'.-in. WJea

~ S C O ^ Y ^ SMITH--

- ,---------1 ■ •»-, w .** ^ *

;l l - '^ ^ _________ ___________ V

s T H I i i F ^— IlfBUllltUflllSSi-

_____ --

I3U nu:Y . Dec, 5 --'l-'nr lhe (ir't . ume in two year.s Uw Snub' r l v r ! ,.1, '■ here , Ll troreii over, Wllh I ’ U]-I-,,;,.. inclM'«-of.ralnIalLtmtih££-a'lUi-lli'd-i,v‘-■ snowfall Ol the jiiu-.t-three diij.s', ;^,- water from the ’ moimlalns . hn.'.

.swolU'ii (he river nnd there wa. plenty of water in It to ^^■ea'. . | I'l,

■ -wK>iri'«-i«-m-ihU-ltx:alll;'llsiil o-.i-r liealher conifitlons liia''T iW l

. much n.N the moL-Iute so far will nld In m a^ns thc .sod a uocd .mi;

I bed (or the ronlln^ riirmK.'ln the .Spi; , upiR-r Snake river valley tirlw lall ciil : hns been reiwrted as Ix-mc above |,i,,ih

nonnal lor ihU m-;l-,o!1 ul ilu’. y.-m, | (:r;i

1 tlciilly d'-Mroyed nil lii-eci.! hi llibUiu>I locality nnd prosix-rU are brU'iil .'tfr Ix-iiI thc flimln.ilion 01 such |).ais inf.c;- J.mI mil the cvci'N ol IKM ,v:a.-.on, .Satui- ;[•1 dny iilKht' »a j (lie eoUliM nlirlu e.x-I ix-ilrne<il I'len- .io fur, the (h'ni;i>- ,

llK-iei KjL-l',-i!lii; H entv iibive /'-r. . j';]';,,


1- nUIU-KV.'UeC, a -A mie',11;.: ''.I-! ';;’' ' 1 hcUl iH'io n id a y msh: m ll-..- .ourt" l.tiu:e t'l <liK-iL*.s (lie - I l f ^ i Uiiu-- .1,L- hll!’’ i>rt>Knim, K.''"v7rT.W I H a i i , ' rTui s Uol.c Kave Ui.'t li.md iiil*>im,i-,;.i;:i e tioa reKiiidim; Uic ''lA 'tH 'i'iloj^iui " .nul

Iliu-Kram, '• , ,,l.l VM, ,rc.v,t:y r < - ! M ' JI. liom W’.i'hln;;lon, n . C. v.lioie In'.1 coiileired nilil higher ollkl.ii.-i i iU d |', |,I a t lue me.UHK’ heir I’ri.In} .,iii«lil j^vit iliMU^ccd ireely lhe i-uiiilin.in.-. --el

lorth lu the Iioumik act. nliich pi'i- !,i; _■ R \ides f o r ’the curing ol d:,'tIl,'^^(l L.n',

nioriKnues, . | \- ijiiK-e the e-'tabli:hui« cf ISi'.'| p..;-

bcttvr hoiulng burenii In llu:l- y .ip- { Hm- lilicationjr-rot-loarer-nnimxtinir-tn-'—S'

$1J 1)00 have U'cu mini- nud Kraliled . niiiis u. cam i.i coim;y. ieMd'.-u:< lor (heIm n

hou-,e.s'- Vhe.-e Iu.in.\ «erc m adelttl', K ihiwiKh blinks ni;d a;e |..i\aiile m,t N y monihly insinllmeuts at llie nm iilejSm- ii.te i>! H |»-r cent mi.i.,M i>,i\able ]-Mu• widiiii a p,'riod 0: Iri'iii mu: t.. ;iVi' I1, p ’'-*'; ,The Hurlev Clumber ot C.imiiieic*;• hiU. b.-eii iiiMrumrni.l m Im.J^iih: I)'-' r. the bilK-aii hei.--\\lurli is in .lin ’. K e ^ ' i. (It lhe lullonms oKii-er-: Ch.iltm;'ll.) ‘ I, .'.C ,c:,i;kill;.'-cr.'i .irv;K . K 1' ' , 'II ei-,iini' !.ilor, .Mak f.iri^ei,__________

;e A tT tN iis ’n i;n i)iN ii •>t UUU1,KV, t y c . J . . M;.-. r:..liK y W lm i-Iiot IJI.iekr,KiI,l,':M i;il;,; ln -re l,;. H' » ;i|i i.'litive.'. Iiavsm; f-'UH- hire li>' ,-,u >. at:.'iid Hie wetliliiix 1,: hei niece. I".,.

Vl ' Ullth .Sloiy, who iii.iiiied 1;;.' I t j Or, Chiiile,s Teihuiu- o: /Ilr ;d ;i5- eienill-;. Her moHir;, Mr.s. l.i'i, :h . Sli)i>, leeeiiliV .,11,'.. r.iim-'iir;

C'n;/, Calilorii;;i. tu iiiiehd iliii R i;.'- ■.'tdi,Min. ', , iK-1- ; ,\f;,.ii..rM:.- A T j , 'A T r r : ^ r . ' , ^ “,,l ..-, 0: Hiihl ,«l»-Jlt TIUUk k-i'.il:; da.v, [}| , ' 'iiii 'M iv , .Miie.s’ sL-iei, Ml• , ll,in> ! ' .jN ..u . . ;! e a n ^ |« m il> . J ^

i t \ i ; i - .m i i i),VM ( tiNiKAl r i ;" ‘ r . j AU'AllDEtl ’10 hiiim ; rilt,M

W.\.SH[N(.1T0N. :i i|'. - i^ c .- l '’“

,„].i-.'a:-.i;i:,: of a conirai: (or .Mii'inic- Ilioii ;h,' ]{>e iMteli c!,iiii on l)n; , ‘ !.iimi>u;ut reclniii.iiii.), pioj.-.'t In

.Ida IP A. A, ’rert-lui,; n n r Sou |ol Uoi-e. The Idaho coiii;>,i;iv .lui.rd

,.. jia-tioTiir-wnrK io r’j:5:.T.*;-.............r. -

i NtDX iv M 'in t' n iK M iinN ’r 1 = _ • SAYS KAIlNt.MiS l)i;( l.lNi:

Nl’.W YOllK, IVe. 'i .l-.-CiiTl II, '"i p;. -li'em i,r ii;,. Union I'.icifle

raili-i}.id, .ald lcHi,iv ilin', with e a r l ’''’ llnadln^,•^ m Nmemlx-r b'luw 't h o - . 'l '' ' ! ol n jear iiko. he eM.ctu-il the road s tMinuifrs diirlntt (lie moiiHi would l-e

! s D o tM d F o le y ’t j' Loosens Cough -

]’,■ |Proofl|‘'5 S ^ - ‘S *

|a a S .f . i i S 'S 'S S : '-

TWIN PALLS DAILY N'IY N K W S , T W IN I A I .l . ': . i n A lI O , '_ ------- - •*--■?» ■! ■

A / N 0T H IN (3,^U IR PUM,K. V.A-WEO UP, .7 I'M AFRAJD....V NOU A'i-WELL 1,'iOU SCellW TlwBO TE; MINNOW 5A1D i Ar.D *.EE ^ WHEN IT HAT H,\ppi;S‘i INTO ,TH' w h a le * — ^ ( ’ ITtiON'T MAKE KO

w 'rK K ow W n,SlW e.^ ^ • - SO R E-IT , i'n COtoNEt-PATTERSoH’s / J -HAD NO IDE :m k Toid w e HC RIKS ^ *THB FAR - iOUlM-nW W A V -O F rE N -^

-e O N JO tN T * P R O G R A M ------------ ^

G IV E N 'A T M U RT A U G H v i1 , --- 1»J3 ; T:uin'AtHin, iv.-, n -T h e .M u tu a i' {

fi1t;ii'neiiieti', eonjiunt iirf^rnm. lieUl ■ 111 Ujr K U, S, cli.ipcl Sunday eveniuK |wii.'. iii.rii)cd tr /'a larKP etowd. Com-

' li'.iilmty.'iiMiiUK'wa.slcilby.Ml.saJune ” > " iT.i;iii.i:i 'ai'iil nraycr’ivns given bv drr.l

^ W ih ;n n f - t t^ l- ‘!.s‘».-. f a w a l — Ou O -U m ; •' 1- W’iiit.-r," ua.*. .^uIll: by June-Tolman

i-aiid Vii;;iiu,t I/-e, Thc. M. I, A. i b - ■' ;e,iii WIU iie,itcil,by Norris Goodman,

I 'Tin- r o ; , ’ a ieto;d slory was told Ut T.itll.Mi- Ffbcri. A vucnl 40!o, man' I iWl;.'i'i .Siim; Is S'v'ecl.’l was supg bj’ iiairI Nftv. - t;r.a Moves, ■aecbmiinnlciV by k>."'• .Mi.'s Jun -Tillman. An nddrc.vs. "The .'lup, c .S|ii;;t or-Chru.;mas,".wns kIvcii by jti.-ii H (;ii[[iirii -I'lilmaii. durlni! which lie' Iran e .‘..lh,’ A I’oor Wayfiirlns .Man .o l!o l 1 . IcriL-:. ' anil told n Mor'y.--Tiie Blue; mak

' o SAy Wha”j s Truth," The| nieii r uiij (tfonoiincM. J.iiiu.sCln'*-^on. . . . : •Mid• ■n-i- ml,m't ilnuiliivr o! Mr, niid^^''!,'• Ml. Ilriiry 'rolm.in wu,i ehrl.slened- .’• 1,1', Uu- .Sundny alirinuoii .vrvrces ot ''• lilir l„ I), a,church, ami received (Ik . '

•i.ir.ir (it JoaiV L.-.iiJiine, She-vijv'■'. iTi'ivned b)_”lier crnuiltaiher, A. A '

> .(.llm OMridiie n-rriK l/ left /win ArviiiiM, KaiW'.i.s. I!" lias;

„1: 'rli: (he .‘■Iimiui-r h:'/e'«Hll h i ',miuVi ne I .i la n - uut: Lomiie o;dndji'-. ' inr• j ..lulll, 01m-vle.nl .-uid niece. .Mi,-i 1, 'r ti illi mirAii, lelm iird VVedr,r.,(f;iy, -,;.i;;eun tv.o.monihs vi.Mt ;n K,i:-,.'.n " |.iiur»Okl.ihunp, _ . 1,1,.,. . Henry Iti'e.s nml .-'Uii.. W ni':- r.iu!■' ll.-'rtieirmotiireil lo Ht>i>-- S.i’,:i',>(.'v,

lie'.iinun-^ .Sunday.! 'l -Itu-liard ll..r..lo;i uf n.-ll.iljih ‘ IWlmtle-n! iMeiteltu and I .;iv | U;‘ i ' l ’il of Unklf.V. '»eie iliiii„-r i-ursl- j j.i: .the David Mi!.'e.s Imnii--'Hiaiik,'-'ed,

[ ' Mr.'llllll Mr.- ,’ K:>:iu-W!;ei-::.,i; nlV IMi'nteilo i.ie uueM.'tlu.s veek al Uic " llli 'iiry Ti'::i-.;<u homi-,.

STrT-ChT:nnl-3!nrrs-^o„-.M„iMnr d .iiiu l iv.H>lii-’' . l!ai'il:l K.'die-.-.v re-|O f< e Imrned WiMii'-.stlay a l l i r 1. iiu'iuir.s rdiu d . i : i | , to llr.ciU'M, No;Ui Ui.kola,* e!v.here ihtiv’vi.'iteil lelnf.sr.i, 1 f„inn,t Mr. -an.! Mi.s. A, H, l«n-ri:m of. me e jSnmp.l-Ni"’Il! pa'! <>l I-"'- “ 'e< 111Uvoi,e |M iiriaiuh on bii'Uii'.'.N,, ’,, . A llin-e-..cl,.;r.-li;a, -|’l'.e Ol(l-|i^

;l--aMjlc;ied Moihcr," M'<>n«Trn |» the.' iMmrial linprHVi-mVnt n.-.'iici-,J:ion,-,11, -

J Ittill be pre.'eiiled In the lii-;h .-..-jiool l*-ivmber la. - 1

L T. P,i;er:-on recent!) inir,l-.,.'Cil / \ | ^1 new mana fur (he ^cno.,’ ;n:lMCj

'• Ivoom, U wn,s delivcml Wc<me.M„.y. ' I •V j,,-t..i;u*.iULaa-ba;iU c_L;L a 1

' ;-,jv\-, balcony in the KvmnaMiim i;rre. 1. .1. Ar:iuii-'.4«en-an»f Twin r,.;i.s tc- ■<

Ihe ei.niia.-l. .The .Mri..-:ure -■'■l-,vi;Uu5L »7«> and w n ll

'iieople- Tlic,''uik \> «ell umler' ' • I aiiV, and l.v e\iK'iled to U- luii'hcd ma<■d irl'o're ba-k-.'i Im!! fcn.'-ui, ne>II .\^.lri;e ckowd .ilU-mletl the -.ved- K. : •'-Kl'.in- diilu-i a:-. AitKMan Hn'.iildav ss'< m 'lii'-lit i;lVfli b-.- M r.-aiid-M fr »>>b • 1 id illiL i' Vlr> in.urird ;a.s'; WeiUijK*

,K-u,av in K.ilh. •' :l. -----------“T— •— — _• -- J ■ A

D I V O R C E ..J I C T I O N F I L E D j w ,

! KHOSIIOr.'K, nVeC.’3-.A .'m; a n s l.j if• ; '|U^1 heir re.-.-iUh . tk 'o r s c r .M ab-h„ , , , bull.-for dnuife irom Kl'ir Mnb- L-n

bu ii.ou I'.iomidMif crucUy. M;.i>bull i ’*. n.-klUK [ill ilir I'li'l^ody n! uie two | ,y<ii

Mrji, nolx'il . .Sr!ii(iJi*-i;tei _8itd|c ,i,''• daiiKlller Cii-ne o! lUirl.-v ..... vu.U- jaie

llip ill Uie hoiu': ol .Mi.s.. lU iiy ■ 1 !il IStoiu-r. ', 1 :=

. 1. ,V . c.-'rhomii.s-'ii ol wa.''l;n aho^hC'ne_•6 atun!yy ;oak:i;i altes; luu

under thu-^- of la ';,\ea;-. lie added. Mf j!0»'-veri M'-'*' •'

,-iiiH-lin,: nniiini! biijiiier'-.’meu m the _ terrltoiy w v ed by ih'- vv.m. ui and lUnl. m a il Miles weiv !:;iid;m; up J

te ’ !j — = M S = = ; ^ s a g s = . y

J-J M O T H E R S Ik ll _ • H E A R • . I

The-!5parliHn*, Enlerts ln . ■r Inr. EriueaHonafrrorranA , ! ■

Each Momthg Orel*.KSI., { ■Z s u r t ln g 9:J0 Mon.. Dee. 3„ I B



^ r/JE Pr.S ’OOTH------PQN't '1TAKE Thir, TOO WARD - NOV'

I, BUT IT LOOW LI'kE. WHfMD V book VVA$ what ' D' K’

>1 PUBLISHER'S jyx\E* A*FR E M ^ pug

H- IT «U £T Be h i m - i ’ve never

0 IDEA HE R ope DoWN COIONEI Pfln flR - M flyse He's beem wos


1 ' ' ' H ' ' I

^xV'' -Item

4 fniversity—M a p s -! -g M arriage Course p

“ F o r 'M e irS tiid e n ts - i- . V .. - ^

SEAflTK. Dee. a (,r--A-'couiMj* - - .I 111 ii;iitria:ii-_ lo lii'.iruu’. m en-.*111- .

di'i’.i.s ho’.v ii> nvold unhappy union.s , A:.s iKiiu: eiiii-iiletea by jh e UiiUerr______shy ol Waihimiion, Ur, Nilnnan S! ~Hiyiirr, a^.'oc!3t;• proIeMor of .'uci- ■_olcny, (li.'<lu,'ed today. “ “

Ur. Il.:yner faid Hvo-ilnuU of tlicmairiatcj of the uinveiM!,\ !. Krad- ,iiairs arc .Micc.-,ssfiil, and the ,'IIB- j Ki-.'ieil cour>e-ln piobleir.' of cour,.,'hip. i-n;Mgement, lhe wediliii«, ad- Jjti.-liiu-nt' 111 pel>oiialille.', cll;ld 1

llrahiim,-. duoree nnd the problems: ol llie iiniiiiirUed-should lend to ’ ■make mine uf them !.urCl■ 'Iul.

I men, ttinil'i comprise -rrank dis.;' ruv>ji)j:s 6r wsTriitKr pr»3lvm\." h f . J ■ .Mid It would be iii.-n;ic;'.l v.uii ,iu- / i.IIii.d at (lie CniverMiy ol Surih

' (Jaieluia. Simlla: cou(^l'^, he ii\- ' p;.iliii-d. are ullered nl (he Unlver- ■ £ •Mlii-s 0: Wucoii-in and MicinKan. - ■

' I'iie univi-rMi-. s iiiciiliy c u in c u - ' K 8 lllllll ri>iiiniiri:e. iieiid(-il by Denii ' p H , nriii.v i.,.iini s (11 lhe eo.leKe o( ^C|- ,

T Ihl' prop.i'.ed Lie1 C(iii!,-Mt and .T', >nn.i: I ..ellliiK tl'.e imij- Ilniii:

at i: lr, Kood for nrtl '( h r mill. h i l r

uicr. head of llie U’nli i-iit, lermed i ; ,e '- imich-reeded in l

n-al ?v'oild.” h-iii.l ' line i;r, ii.i-.ur; iijul other mrmber,. ■

, he Mild lie lec. ' us^pre.-sMires^ai-.d

I Ul. K.ivan, »-h(i propn.ed thei-.l that ' If n 'liipi. SK I

• eu, II-.;- li ir 'f will be nlfered 11. ; WjC]less. Haphuruid.iBTO TS of uiariiaRe is B f )

. oin-uaii'ii. We need Nciellllllc guld- 1 are known.

1 — .Ynn-inr-rnsmrmfreennomic-ilff I 01 <iur ci\u;,,ni(i:i, more and mnre jm |ediicnliim 0:1 sueli vital topics ns

mnrrlni.'e'aie iiirded. Id lime, it will | H 'eome, Normal marnaces should see '^ H '.lhe danki'i aloiiK Critaln paths, and ■ nvold Ihem

1 '-Aller nil. ft .-Ulce,•. [ul m a iin iK e ,*® ils ,1 happy one. nnd ihlr.-eoutM- i,s III• Jnr )m ;w mjirrlnse.s-rn-r.v- lujvl'- In 1 'discii-r.pd nil ft rational bnMii ’ ’ Illr

------ --------------------

Atiorney General i Details P lan to £ '

: T a j c S i o n i l a c h i n e ~

llQl.Sir IX'C. Z ..l-.-l>.-tnileil nto.•' ^ViKirj. i‘I tl!' Mu-Ki-Me.r la \ nn iii.;I maelmaTVeie liiuil Uxlav.l

ney (iruernl Miller In a in te r 1.1 N 'H-• K. »evno;.L- of «cralelli.>. '^tio h,.i >' ■-• as'^e.l mrn,;:,.llion of (lie pliit« - ) • T!-,-.-at!<,niev K-neial <•ijKiO.C'jn n \e.ir would be ra

I l;>-i'iiMiu .sy.Mem siu-h n.s'hc i>iii;'j..eii , ,I All n!i»i"v Vi'lidH),; maeliliie*

jjb c l:r"ii''-(i •■^iili ;lie e.s.-l peckeilbv 1. lax.-olli-rlor. On iiiie-Shir.l et lhe reienur v\u

'lilifottiu-;- or lhe Qi.iclilue..• |loUie.si.iip nnd on--lhird (■|ernlor, i';"I Knr maili';,--’ iiui-hlnes-'comljiii^tu-: J|.s’mll n.iii ehalice. it lc-'<'l .Jlni-.;' -l.would- bc-auyllcd.-ai .UflUki-liC-ll;:: l|c .i,'p i!t m.-id;ii!e,i inidlm; ,-j<. —• ;aiei.s ftiiu Kum, _ _ t He propo'ed n ix-nnliy h'f miivn,s ■ «J ... '-tt;______ ____i 1uij:iic^» lii!eii-s!s, i . . - _ —

Mrs, Ch.irle,' V, tvilitr',; and .--lu- r,ie MMlini: ;n Moinitalii Hr.ni" vmci 1, Mrs. Pi'ihick’,'. MMer, M:s, Illcliar.:

Orov.-s, • 'c ............... . — - — _d . - ' ■ . i>

n .........■ .K N y i‘ Vl.-Mf-■nd rlerllon (it o lflerrt nf ll

■ IDAHO um’<;u6\vk»I k II be hrld In .the DIsirlil rnu

I *; 81>. .M. nnn.w. i:I All grower* ftt th f Twin Failt. I *re rentiesled to allei-.d.

I r . C. THOMAS. SccreUi


ESS ■ .

^ WASN’T A 0AO BOOK “ .FOR A F lK T NOVEL-BUT IT WV^N'T TOO GOOD EiT WH/tr MADE IT AN OVERMGHT < Ef;OAT;C D’ KNOW....rAyBE TH£ PUBLlClTV ASOl 1>i5c;e. . . . .0 u t n o b o o k -c a m r i o e o n - PUBLlGTy ALONE, AN’ NOW TIJAT w GA*; ha<5 g w em o u t - w e l l , ^TW flOOK'$ tfOMIN' TO A ;____5T 0P AM- NUTHIN’ CAN r^'MAXE^rr GO MUCH ■ _ i y ■ r

. F u r t h e r — J

V |

;vcR WET V v . 'E a , WE M iftircf^ ':: iPflrmijoM I ocR seives n m v i f 8«MOSfBC/^ «JEV£AVC/lKy-n?/i;K'; Rli

UOW- w , NEftR'niERE - wc'll i. r r i - J ' t ■niE ho b sc s pof

■ M I L l ^ i v ^ n v r p npnc 111 Tlir , p,

f w o o p j x / iK e j a , I ( ^ f \ j ^

| \ \ i i

A I T h c I t l a l i o T o m o r r o i v . I O':

'LIciiel Atnell. .ii.nu-^rln: ' <> lih '.»nn.i .sjrin Jh ".V.-j.m," ulll! IViflK'r*. ‘'- 'h" Hnlmrj, Mn;- Clark, iHi-hanl f.rn- '.‘,®dlc i;rtl and Muelrl Klrl.!and, T h i' l-ir: hit rrturn-. I.. I'le Idihi. theatre a t . ■'* U’cilnr'ila.v-ThlTMtav priei-v i

S t a r In M u sic a l H it 'M e

IIU riiHr» »iu^ K relrr sta r '^” ~ In Ihr l)i- mlllUr* mii'Iral h it ; ’•Illrlall.m Wall..’’ ..h lrli e! in ;acrniriit nt llir Ori.lieum iiui.iy. ..... . Irn.<irrn« tlie tlrjilirum ..tier-. U ie ',..,.,. iir» U.ir Kelli flalll.in wllh >.|.riirrr ,T n e. hi ".Marir C.nUiitr and llie , ’ I'anam,. I'lol." '


1li■ - I-:;!' ...on:.! - i '. In i: lli.iI '■• I '-n -i 'd ,

nud op-rai n,-. leti.i.ii ti.im^

i:V .\N S «; ,IO iJN S ()\ ^ j .n c ___ ; _

' I..11IV ,^llrllll,1lll

Otir Srrvlres Are fomidete

1 sM i:nTiX(i • - i

nf the Twill Tails DKl'rlrt j J

VKIIS’ A SS O ( l.V TIO N ’ j. rou rl room, Twin Pall*, nl j

V. DKC’CM IH M l 7 I'aits. Harrllnii ami i:ilm districts '

cretary and Treasurer.

CEMBER -t. m \

Bv J. V- M cE vn v : in ( l

^ r ^ t p ' l e t «5 b e ’g l a o r r w eD EITHER- HERE - TO OATE;‘iAT;OtJ I ^ CLO^E T /-$ 9 , 0 0 0 / MASOUT I I i d ? . COMrtWSlON AN'

2M - bad tor M'fSELF, ElTHJ EVEN IF W R E A FLO

■ A ^ A S U rrO R .tO U 'R E" \ ' ^ A A ^UCC£^6 A5 A N '-

1- ' ^ ^ ALn'M QR/ ^ ^

T»ti5 WHDlE PiSTACT B^cN S fioro'iLV CN Ttig » jr f / i<-e7 ?C £1BIDCcf oveR tHE/JE I v h o u id n 't i’ A GOOD \m to IlCfn- F o R jA y " P055iElE UHOimoOHOr ^ .

\ 0 ? COURSE. IT'5 ^ >(oHi-Y n {i / [

___ ': ll'-il

»• . ' '■ Coming to'Roxy Theatre ; J;

lv;nillv , alUir.v I-.:1im’i>ic v,.-!;r T - Amir pad; h rr >01111 wctldly ceud. ^ fnr her r \i ;v t rd ilepwtlirp In •'Anne nf Crren (lal'lr^" n!tf>- tladloS iiieluilzaliim e> the famous liinel, eominc nrj( Smidav lu Jnr- ! ~ K'l Iliivv th .a lre. (). V. lle,Tslr and Anne H!iirl-v ,>,i-;i-... Iliese Nlu.ird " e h a i lf ln s hi (he fliiii. i ^

‘M tM T y 'S Ic iyc r O f ' S on itc jn o v o fl F n n n

S hadow () ) (J a llo w sLONDON', Dnv 3 -,\ i-ep'i-.'vc

tor till- .i:i.^v;;.i.n'<l ii.oiii..| i.i-i- ; k (l; i;ii;cd 1» .Ir.'illi lm 11; • -iiu r.-'- 1 ^!..ylnl;" 0: lierimirciiciiv,-.va-i Min-d Kiday 111 r. i-imiiiiinu.'Uoii Ii’oui lhe I liiie o' lU,- lu.in- :-e ie- , l.iry, wheic liuinhii;; or n;i;i-a!-, Jor | j

'llie l;m l, ti;^ i,il-cld luntli'-r.Mr:. Mny Uio-.',-:i'i;ll, wa.-. i-t:io'.rii : lioiil (he .•tiadim lii" i;ai;-.-,', iii !

Ior s|ieed. Ill l-,-cii;l a]iiienl tai-.-. 111


P u t it on toilay 's a lio p p in s lis t . I t ’s a larfic pi\ckaf^e Jnll o£ d c l ic io U s i l n v o r n n d hcuU iifu l n o u n 's iu n c n t . . . .

, D17 It fvic^iirf e‘ (Mnerursv^ “ | ^MlMer |r,<in je. > en'-cerlr>.l,.Yr -

J -i PHO]l l 1 1 1

I T A U Y A R D I$ 9 . 5 0 ...... .......................... t . l MI

- j a j i o -------- ;-------------------- S X U il~ 5 s :5 c r7 rr:r ;:7 t^ r*~ T > T T

5 5 . 7 5 ......................... :> ; i .A ( 'K5 5 .5 0 '..................... SLACK. I

( ’ilv D clivci

U t a h C h i f e fJ. J. tVI.VTKI

_n d M. S T R IK R E L


A I i r N C H

•cN 5ErtRC«cbA ic£ TKo^C H ta ()

J f c p o u f ^ b ; y fsfly,?foFcHy-j ,

- ^ 1 V TIIAT ig. a / _________ ^

lEhlilaiid.T— T nr-h n m m fh n —rrm trr t- th i-a r .----------; ii' ii in a timiimiiiicniioir'io ticome Uin-b:iry, labor lendrr, who had

! beiiii <...e cl l ie [irlme iiioveir.—I‘•>ll1n . ,r-ji(.lije'-.-H‘iHenc«-mirt-..----------'ju iy -i toinu-iioii w’lich w,i,\‘ i„ ;tv ,.e '- .e ii( ,\['.x (5i(i-,-rthilI ((. her' dealh 'lo r Uie .s>,iiiiij c f W '.T ,n ----------

. I rte of

i-r nc-I ii'e 111': 'UIP' I'I tier hi'li, lUi'^m :iie had

< (i wun an in r,.';t 11 ivmeii miRhi.

M-ve;iii jiM -m uers 01 p.ir-II b u r y II d olh- e ivli-dne a came r etl'lcn I Ird.

. .s~n-I lecuiiek ' opi r-nii:’!! r.r-.vTv m e en:i ne rerimrd In-

, i_________________________ 5 >

; H U R K Y ... ’- i ; -'IU «.,i;! c.ift i':i',:'),T:.riis

I r;.;i-,'iii;.'. I.'nlv ihri'f more

. ^ '.;n''.lumeii'.'. 'rM-ii.iii;' nnd

! F L O W E R . i F O T O S H O P

; M -'t ValliiMal Ilaiik BUIs.(Ill SlKisliimr W.

Ilrmrm hrr The -’•.<> IKvrounl

R!____ .. ............................I I

b -U e-"”-."Jdi-.': -I I '.r . .1-l.iy ^ - . '11;.. Mil, vnll Inr -. .n'V i-iiI t.i \ill-fein friniru.---irrtu.v

Ser li-. n ; I c .iui^e can'.-ir.e 'v.i.i itinliev. ' '

■ <*T A R R A U T O "

W R E C K IN G CO.. :n i 2 ml Avt; I-;.

C u 'ilnn i T o n in c " r iK in c s l):iv N i^ Iit D2(>

- ____ Jliv iiiJu i lI-^ -J t la l iD ____^ ____ L

ONE ', a '111 wIM) nuc i-: . wvo..I 'M P ............ .................... 5 9 . 1 0m X i : _______________ 5 B .6 Q _N i - r : ...... :.......... 5 8 .io ->C K I - in ....; ........................ 5 5 . 7 5• K .l ? .i-in ............................ 5 5 .5 0

c liv c ry 7 5 c ^


Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es

>■ ; ; ;

QonfidtW estenM o u r n f u l C

N o t r e D a i

O v e r A i i h

T r o j a n S R a E ^ p ‘

W o r r i e s M e n t o r

A t S o u t h B f e n d

Irish Eleven, Cocksure ol (

Downing U. S. C., to Hold ;----------^Fwo-Bay-Foo!ball-Wstk^ f^ out In Ariiona Citif ‘

By FAUL MICKCLSON .lAMOCiaUd P rc a 8poru Wilier) SOUTH BEND, Ind., Dcc.

____ r^C-onch Elmer LayJcn sftng _the blues, ljut t)ie )ial]c)iph chorus of his confident play* > ers drowned his wails lo .a i mere whisper na N o tre Dame’s sqund entrained to- *

____ .); y fn r fhe anfiual intcrsec- gtional football duel wilh tHo-ii Trojnjw of Souihcrn Call- b fomla; . Ip

— -wcni-tt^jwckj-‘0'««n, ■ the i)»n game.” em ned lhe mourn-

t.il fnmmnnrtf f ot thC FlghUnj IfMh J

____w hnn «-tre -all-

* "

k / vil)} eonlldtnw •'■ '. ' iW M A&d kdmliuKi' ^

iUre o '” addlnB i snolher

horse thaU iatn 'i

• lioni thU w M cn. 5L-iydcn. II trlflo worried over llw ig

conicbBck alens of th t Trojata eint* c V CPflch Hownrd Jonca began liucrl- j ■ lUK more lophom oru nnd Juniors j| “ • nuo hl» lineup, will try Uic law

Knuie Rockne'f t#mou» acliemc by hnvlns t h e . lenm hold a lwo-<lny •BWfcottt ln Tiic9onr Arisw«;>W«l- <; ncfdsy nnd Thurwlay, .aiflvUis In i^ Los AiiRC)e.i Friilay nlRiiC. Rocluie in did lh a i in 1930. rcoigaiililitg h U I^

•cIIeiMlvc almost • complclely m h I 'l roiuing ilie nsconlsficcl irojaiuf iu

n na l game hc coached Ior Noire ram e .

Re«ch Olleniho rt»k -Olven Uielr ftrsf week end layoff r

£&lur(lity since tlielr »o-io cam- jiai«n ojjcned Oelober 7 with a one. Iwlnl detent by Tcxoa, the IrUh iitiliJfO the b« ak v llli Icvcrlsh Korjtoau Jor the Trojan Invasion. ixjllihlng up on otlense which has ■> plckcd up |[0b8 ot j-ardage. bul not P so- m any louchdowai. As a resuU. f'' o lxscncn •iod»y T.uld Noire Dame Iiad rcached Us otfenslve peak Odds * around Chlcaso favored ihem to

__wm_Sntu«Iay's Rame and wind upth u r ■f[rst“ tciison~>inacr"l.artJcn- 1 u lth a rccord ot six victories nnd ] three dc'fcnls. Of the three defeat.^ handed them by Texas. Naiy and

. P liisburgh. Coach U yden and h li followers are satisfied tha t only one - b y P l l t - w .u jusilllcd. _

The four ailing members of thc team, ail o( irhoni arc cxpected lo _

'tecover by same llmc>arc Halfback r l^an Hanley, hero of the A my gune, r.Jio iA au/ferlns frwii n heavy chest cold. Ilnlfb.'iek Oeorce McllnkoTlch, Tackle Johnny Mlchiiin jirtd Center ■jacX nobljuon, nil'•lliree of whom

jhfl winning u •. battle nualnst the Cadets. '• yf ------------------ -------- Tlt p

Rose Bow l Ticket “

O ffice Swaraped|"‘_____ w

Early Indications Point; .to « Capacity Crowd -ol ■'

48,000 Rans

STANFORD UNIVEIWJTY. Cni,. B Dee. 3 i,Vi - Belief tlie New Ycnr'i c<

bama nnd Stanford will be -‘n sell'{ , mil o r nm r .enpncUy nllendnnce." „

\ *ns exprrwed today by Al/ted M aj. ti ' ler.'i, Stanford,grailiinie manager. ' *i

"Tlckei orders are coming In so. [( fasi th a t lhe tle rk ot thc Pasndonaj- offlcc telephoned here ssklng for - r.iorr help to lake care of fliB'ru-th," :• M asters said, "Alaljania 'uiilverMly lelcRraphed for ^000 tlckeis which I au u ru s us of fuU roQtlns secilonn. I Early indications polnl lo a capacity ero»d ol 34.000." -

• ARraduate scale of prices, rang . ‘ InR Irom 11,M to H,40..w«s pu t inio ■' r ff re t tor th r football clsMlc-.Ma«. I

------ ^er»-Mvil»«iTeiiiri»-40-»a**4«n«-«)IIamorrow night. , , , . .y


Joe Demyanovieii:'Alabtm4'A full.

r 'b ack , ha.1 an umisuat hobby. He spends his apare time plojlnn 'Chnj

• and believes It help.^ him in (iiBRnw-1 ing plays on the Rrldtron. J a nerer/ played footbnll unlll he came to Ala-)

Jeni Rairn Confe

C o a c h O f

a m e L o o k s

l i n g P l a y e r s

‘n f z z y ’ T ) e a r i “ " A n d ■

, B r e a d o n A p p r o a c h

' S a l a r y A g r e e m e n t

DRADENTON. Pla,, Dec. 3 (.I’j — Jerome "Dlzxy Dean, sta r pitcher

- f for the world cliamplon 81. Loula W' CardlnaU. said today he and Sam

«i J Breadon, presldenl of the club, were approaching an asrecm ent on his silnO' for next seaaon.

i|ty_ today_for 81, Louis.

Second Round o f ;

i - B o w l in g - B e g ln if»y* > — r' 'I a BOWLING LEAGUE STANDINGS f e Won Lott Pet. It o . K w Hl» Kida ........ II 9 •“ ! '

Idaho Mutual ........ « O .6C7 ,CC- SIKkIn ..... ............. 17LHO- UrtHwa y ................ 18— 11— ^»3-l l i - Broniirlck ---------- W • '•U ' ' JM

iKirmelkoRi 13 17 j_ lu.' Bnhler'i ........ tO • M • .UT |irn- Al Smith, Ine..._„^. 11----- 18— i t « !rlsh Tln»f» ____11 1® ’IJe::. C o « « u a I l , - G M _ ^ _ 1 2 _ '. I W .'3 8 — ■■

ol Opening the second round of a ll. bowling last nlithl ’ Karmelkom

arilaUi hnnded the Coaimuiilly O u live handicaps of 32 for each, game

i(. snd still emerged on lop by a 2-1 - d count. Tlie K%nmcn took the Ilrst

fracas by two plna and U)c second 'ted by.’one. In lhe last game the Oas ijk . aces came bnck to lash oul a de­link clslvc vlclory. The total count wns v i ; i n t to 3173 for the losers.

^ Pugllano. with a pnlr of.n7'.^ and a total count of S03. led 'the

iinff column lor the XorAneii., . i CommtinllT C at

f***' iRIederaan •............138...ia8....14I 407, Sa'Jjher .......J44* 141 CO

McDonald ...... l a 123 143'391Campbell » 0 143 147 -« 0D. r o r d ' ................174 146 J57 477Handicap ............ 32 33 32 M

741 71C 704 2321 . Karmelkorn

;Conrow ............... 162 M3 1(12 «7‘^ 'A . PuKilnno . 138- I4« 143 Aia

ul! tPf®-*'!' .................>35 121 IIJ 371” “ rR bberli- ............:...13<l 130 140 <12

Pugllano ..........177 177 140 503};* _________________

743 717 ^713 2173

Oft Maxie Rosenbloom T. Outpoints Gainerrlfh --------rbh NEW HAVKN, Conn., Dee, 3 (-T, - lon. Mnxlc Rosenbloom, (Srmer li«ht. has hcavyu-elKhl champion, easily out-

polnl«d Al Gainer, New l]a;vn Nc- mil, Rro. In a t2-round bout tonlHht, Ros^

cnW oom-trelshedJSHi a n J Gainer 173';. A crowd of more thnn 40M

“ jo saw the balllc. up '

I Y ^ e R ^ p p o ii i t^ ^

- Coaching Staff!the _____ ■ ■ I

Raymond ‘ Ducky’ Pond and

iest Aides Retained at*• New Haven

lom _____il2 t _N X V \lJIA V K N „C «m _J5c:.Jlj.lw

Yale oknjed the year old conclilnR rorlHie p ; •Rnyjjjond w ; "Durky*

t Pond io<lay by rriiniwlntlnR tl,v en-1 lire football staff for 103S.

Jn coiilraxt.lo the stoim tlnd p r r - . ceded the driijilc slinke-up nfler iliej

- poor 1333 season, the decision lo re-l . J I tain Pond and his a-vviclatea wn.' nn-1 I ' l l ' nouiKed lit a brfv'f statement. {

*•[ ncjiulM Pcnrt.-the.\-ar* itv staffjwhich piloted lhe B\l<i to ilie "Big; Tftree" champlonshlfj and to vJc»

•,tO tortea-over-Brown, Durlmouth andi Penii4)lvan1a cOnsUted nl Earlel •'Oremy'’ Neale, Denny Myer* and, Ivan D, Williamson, I

RcKRle Root. Pond'# predi-cc.^^ot n*| hend conch, wUl remain la cha-'KCj ot the Jrr.'hinan sqund, 6le»ntl(

«al.. Bcolt wa.1 reapixilnted Junior va :;iiy nra coitch. I

**>l trom Yale ofllclaLs n* •.« the icrmi umler which tlie coiicUUik slalf had

■as- Lvfvj reliilned. n'UB.i Bfiw.iJy a>• ' aumed thn l the reapixjlntmenu were

M. tor one ^e.ir. onal-, o r | = ------- --------------------- ..

>nv - — \ y ■:---------- 1 1city IT W S « e « e Y l v t s 6 0 r

• 'A C T F o t i r t / < CaUupNT"»• . <»AM£A.& /s i 'rT M lw y eH,"°1 A C T lo n e ! I '.‘ - m A T ,

ull. ‘ A f A« e — \ r C K ^ ^ — ‘>nj " / i j A L

amblers'erenee E

Gehrig Is _

'S : .

■h , ,2ntr , - . . 'tcherLoulaSam

M ils JW* ffi'C""leiinnii ojifiifif, l.oii Gtkrig of ifn-

.BUOf.-Z/c ii i'iirrt( (o /enrf tfie /Imrr.' I iriiii Irrrffirc in hiitliue, phy in

, n -rry jnm r o/rAe niirl rfrn r! 1)1 juoir /loiiif rifill fAiiii

| t |C ! ff*.- in ll:r Ifuaiit- llif uwrk t>f ..U1^

; {/Hiiir, niiiiniiB hi$ rantreutiie ! j(im t (i.di/ la Iio i, ntul hr »;xint.vd

.$67 l i J nnm (o iritif ffie Icnyiir,^i««iiri(iii3 t'l n/7iciiif rrfni’rfi <'ll-

*630'■ Iiaiii-frj il/oni/du. llif lolal Lui*

' JW l „ / iQ3 alto led ihf lenff"*, ■433 S , ' “.417 I ilrovf m iCS ninn, more

.407; , -: . i w , ._ . . . .

I ofkoni /Oaa ________ _ _ ,

;anic2-> / A .



CO .3S1

- « o - - _______________-477 - - - - ------------

s M i c k e y W i

i K n o c k o i i<12 ■ , 503 ---------

— Pironne Wins Over ‘Toy Bulldog’ In Eleventh Round

ier —FIHLADELI*HIA. Dee. 3 UP, -

r, - Paul I’icrenr. Cleveland, knoeked IKht- our Mickey Walker, Shrewsbury out- Manor. N'ew Jeraey, In the eleventh Nc- round of Ihrlr aehednled IZ.roond

RoS' boot tonlcht.liner It R 'u the first ttme In ]ii« Jong 40M career lh a t Walker Vi-a.i coiinled out.

Tile two blows lha l toppled Walker B-ere atruck ftlth Ushtnlng llkc'.rap-

___ id lty jf ic r two nilnmcs nnd 19 aec- ‘A ' oridi o f 'th e elcvciitli rounUrEevcn ' 5 thousand spectutort sat in surprised i

.^lienee u l{c!crc« spud Murphy , f P , counled 10 over the pojiunr battler. .

IF F I Walker ww' knocked <l3wn lor a ' 111 'coiinl of nine by a Imrtf r^Rtit hook '

. rn the |» im of his Jaw III llrj second ' round nnd lie never si'cmcii to rc- :

a n d ■ OulboiM "Toj Buldo*".* Plrrcne outboxed llic .Slirmbury

Manor New Jersey. “Ttiy Jlolldoj- ' In nearly all Ihr rhs'ilern and U woulil have laken a knorVout by ' the veteran to make him Ihe win­ner. *

— Walfcrrsmtshl-io avenfl^JiU defeat J ,‘ ii5 nl thc hnnds of Pirroiii' Sovtmber 12

' wlr.'n lie wa.v floored for a count of I nine und tr ;i lerrJIlc blu'A on ihe Jaw ' hn Uic elxhlh round, nml 'a\! a ID [ roimd <l«Uloii dM(«Ie a Jme rally.

Wullter welahed In at 1«2, three |< . I iwuiids more than the C/.'vebiid b a l- , '""■•H er, ll , .,1 Bdore the flnl.^hlnR punches,

••H ff! Walker had been duliig w>ine' fancy ,,,.® jsluKKlnR lumieU in llie eishlli, nlnlh

JI nml len th rounds and II seemvd po»- slble he mliihl wear doan llic young ,

■7 *, I liBllan boxer.wiih ft body attack. <I Pirrone, hort by a Mild tmaek on j

Ihe rll)* 111 lhe elpvtnlh. eharged , j ^ , ! a l Ihe veleran and drove him j „ - , , i iJie rope*, Thrre he iMhed L

! . . 1 . 111, . , Uhl ...... ........ .... ;■■ I er on the Jaw, IIU knee* bockled

I and hU Brm« d ropM lo bit ilde. I , — pin-uinnw n-irnrw -B -fcu-*hicii!

I...I landed on the c l!u r Mil'' of Walker’s ' , »• Jiiw n nd 'he wvni ilown In d l»enp,|

hti head oiiLsldc lhe ropei, WnlkerJ manaRC(i'lo.4Mill hinutlf back ln lo j | tha rinR snd Into a n u m ! po,'UlBn.'bul he could noc musier ilie.^lJffiSih' 10 Ret on h ll r m , A cut ovrr hta b i t '

S eye and hli no.sc besnn w oleed as « : tie lell tlie r i : i t . :,—1 I Denny Da«, 133, PliiladelpliU, ‘ ) - 'punched his way 10 a clean cuj. d.--| lY tciiion over Frnnkie Wai;ace. 133,1 -u Cleveland. In the lO-round main iire-|I

lllmnary to lhe Wa'kerrPitrone bgut. ■ 1 , Wallace's lefl eye was <ut by aW

U .ip '.. anri It■" ■ hMk'-cQl■h^ltl^hr^7r^n-tll^*«v*aUl..i< Although he irled all tha w»y. he;»

' shawcd to beat acfvnmage Jn Ihc J two rounds carrying lhe fight to B au ■ t

I in bolh heau. [ I

JUNIOR C I» « n E P MEETS ‘ Membera ot Twin FalU Jim lsrl

M Chamber ol Commttcc will gather In ' < n the dining room of the P.vrk hotel at I

«r.j& fy... ft,* t^ciit'kr *


s EfitrairDictatorIs ‘4fficiaV Chi

r If!,-


nt.'<-d '{ 1|- . /v « i i■ n w • ■ >1B h ; ' , ■

t l


• | B

^ . . J B ' ■'/ , j | r : ■

V a l k e r S u f f e ]

m t O f L o n g R

;“ C o u r t M e n t (

D i s t r i c tory Iu!iiiKur.*ltinK lh e lO!W-:{r> bii!*

t r a l Idaiio . c oac lics , p r in c ip a l. ' a “ * e v e r y sciioo l in l h e ( lin tr ic l u i Jons .'’CliDol .S a tu rd ay a fle i 'n o o n a t L’ out. ijiii, '

' C liic f am onK th e itf-m s o f Ijus now h iiskftliaJI rui(.'!< a n d tin- d,

:vcn -iitli>-tlii‘-v a i 'i iu js u » u b .d ia tric ts .. 1: •ised iilsfi Ik- a i'ra iiK '’<l a iu ! tlu.' daU 's [Phy ,i,„ i ,)!acc.‘i o f t l i e _ d is lr ic t I) i ' , lu iiriicy a n d s id i -d is tr ic t Mici’ls n look ii'jll l»‘ d c lc rn iiH i'd H a n d d ;ond Robe:i', Jerome prliirlpM anrt sec-

rc- relnry o! Uir du trlc i iivioeiiitma Mild ln •. iilnlit. Oilier dlrectros nn- p A F.. llischler. P.iul, prcsldenl, and J

ury M. M, Villl Piitlcn. Uuhl, vicc-prest* - o»- dent. • ' • • • . -; It Cnr.nbn iwsslbillii'-s of viriaaf.'v I ,, evi-iy Miiotil Ul Ull- rt.,«trlel an- In> iwrl'il 10 be brlKh' y"ir i r.d n

(crf-i]! (iwiiy hrcilc tail)! 5 urc jiOinl- J l i ' '1 *0 111- played.

,y j2 Twm' I'liiirD tiiliiJ.T U W lrnnffnr't^ , lhe ItlHiio Mate liiurii:imeni U'l', “

f,..r.cii. wUl en..T i.ny umui.'J J 10 iirolniis III llir .-tiiii-.wiil! ciir-'iiu-]''' ajjy ler, ComIi 11. V. JoIle^ u ld yi^ur-ij-'l>ree|‘‘“>’- ________________Dal-1 . — — — — 1, !U. s. RELIEF ROLLS I"

STILL in c r eas in g !Inlh • _____ . 't ,P*” ' (Conilnued trom Paje Onci <lung • __ _ .. - _______ ____ ):• coiilrlbutcd 8.0 per cent ot the io>a!. on Local Rot erjimenM jjul wf> 1C i , led j^ r rent. With niimy sluti- ItKl''!'''* •«' llm lurc^ MK'i.iinK m Jitiiuiit}', Iwl'-rtil Ix ’ '•'1 ;»-• coij))lli'.« on lncrc.i.-*<l

slale sll Jll>; in 163i. ' ,1,;Th'.- r a i / i IS ixtliiVlng Us pl.n'.'

, 10 take cure of thore who ur*-)I'.TTOTW -Titilnr-t^-wwk-lHit-raii

‘" * , l i i i d no p iiialc (iiip'.oyriiem,. ,,i t^ 'i a ' Minvy reeenily shom d thni 1.3 ,, “ '■ 'prr « n l 0; the Inml)l<s oif ivli'C'

„,1„„ „ . .1.T. l,.a .1 fc:,.l‘ < i‘.n:embi;r.ubli;.l3_w'.-rk, Tliox; (Icllti'-t 1

,a.i einpIo)nb!c pecaoiu n’e iil/ ir-'J /■ “ iwccn 16 und 6i J'enrs old. I

,t* o i>'r cent ol them iik UiiU'Ij , ; il.ln lijve held joa*. ,, I

One-Thlril L'nsklllrd Workers 133,1 a :'' .1 comimrnuvt 1e» -2

lire-'lPff «•:»—{'-offajJonaJ men l;i Jhi lOUt.'*elii'l jiopulallon. Th<;re, al^o 1j> a ly aA '‘''all iiunilHr of ihtm^iis who I’o:- n VftihierJ}- owned t>usjiiep>cs ur nmiiased li

, he rlmllar .octup.UiiflW iniTkT^up l l i i J u i ' per Cent 0.' tlx- employables; skilled ' H Bass'craftsmen and foremen‘coniposc, IB j 2

I IKT ceirl; M iier « e n l ate teml- P j skilled workmen and 37 [wr ccnl aie j H I unskilled .laborer.t, I

nlsrl Wor)c on public prcpeitx makes up "e i r ln 'tb e vast mnjorlty o f work relltl IA “1 at pn>Jeet.t now In. progress: lllithwa} ( Iil-ir !5rnl»ri^ pnmr.««;'3tl nrr eent of lhe 'h

, 1

[-Y n ew s ' t w in f a l l s , IDAHO,

in For Gr Criticizt^ h a m p N o w . ^

- G £ H R . lG l |P . . f t

^ e r s F i r s t ‘

R i n g C a r e e r \-- ----- ----------------------------------------------- (

i t o r s P l a n ;

: t G a t h e r i n g ;

> biijikollm ll tioasoii in S o u lh C cn- 111,' a n d sc h o o l su ii(:riutend<.':it,< 'of i : l n il! niL'ct .a l-T w ill Fallft hiK h \ a t L’ o 'c lp ck to s l a r t th e Iml.l ro ll-

r Ijiisint'SH to l)u d i-:c itsx 'd a r c tlio In- d iv is io n , o f "JJ” aclw iiU ' U ..^ d icd u ii;a_ fo L iii;,sc ju j?> ls \ u \\_ _

ict l)-,o production nnd dWrltnulon of ^ j-oods nred-.xl by lli.- iim-itu'liA.'il

j{ i;o-v cnBascn only :il»ul 10 j>, r c. nt fj] cf the wink lellef tmi>!oji-.s,

: i ; SK Y T R A IL BL A Z E RS

...... S P E E D O V ER P A C IF IC t

,'s T O W A R D A N .T IP O D E S J

!il'I (Continued irum Pssc One) H' —" ------------- ----- ll.

roi;!”f fclivicliiiu- mon- th:in 1,|! m i;r'.”'froni DivKliinlP 10 Au.>-‘

fr.illd. io !i" c-i-inU''. iiKJi Hit c Kinv;fiird-KtiiUli In l!,'lr );■

,j.jm '-morabii'' flight <if «i\ r m " a 'ok;))!,'hi<<l IOj' Ihe

I lii'.nwrUiK flit:lit, lecmitly jl ' W.-ilie b jif lu m trip,- w

| - j , O ier form er Routej Ll«'ulrjiiiiii v:ni win foi!i5-A-murji n U',r samo route, c;

, Ullil !-•; n3 j\iir-, old nnij lui-'< n 13.,ji, ,j<-iir-old w n. ",c s : Co.j'ilol UUleJohn. ;il. l i f t 'n 'aiIk i.vliiiid small foii In Hydney.-niid Ji;n rtll txvn n pJliil since I£i27. d

, , .yklWl)))' 33, );i>;d> n ri'jtl.-.h rv'.rj-^ fj .niasle'r 'i llit-n*.r anil liw luul wi'Jr •.(

lj' ^ l>^:rlen^v a•.^ca, a'» ! f»rrie.t n y-r.ihi.-,-: im I

44Bt"m<-lefs BIUl 06l\ kii;):.i l-J i« “^ U ;lll r ,jv ,r i;,i 1, . . ,,, .„ ;r,r:.m )P

• louch^-wllh land sluiKHtf nr.d f.liiji.' ;J‘' [III »ci«. ri'iKjrtiiiK hi.-, iK)-i:i()ii I::--

. T * * " « '• g■>' — ---------- ;— • 11

'* i i * i le lie s ijrn , '; A.s ’> ^

L .D .S ., P re s id e n thi -------- Il» BOl.'jE, Dec. 3 (,r.-H<b'.-r Q Il iIe

resigned a l n iimitnTly t-ouMiiice e: :ed here ye>Krtlay as ii;r.Mili iii nl lhe b

■ »0l>*...aU'lt^ -» t . 4 t-- T1,y _iri^m iT ciriIrclC T T eliirJT ^C ltrperr!----e ied' llcc- since thc slake was urganlred IB 21 year* ago nnd prior 10 thn l wt>i

ll- presiding elder of a lerrliory extcmJ- uc lng trom Tw'ln Falls to Weiser.

BUhop' sqo ti Brown ol Welser was . up •'elected to succeed Ilnle, who.^c tea* V Itl fgnailpn'W lll be elfecllve January j. * ®5 ,HftJc plimned (fl enier tiiislncs'sh t h r rf Ilr. ...................... tn b


9ame Ai' • • •

ses Pok-SCondle Expects

- Retain CallaiOf Conferem

S u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f i ’ u b

l i c v e s I d a h o U n l v c

W i l l R c - e n i p l

BOISK n«'. 3 M l-Jc liii »'■ cI o f pulilie iin t r i ic t ln n dec'.arod to iI rc jfe tiis o f j l io U n iv e ri- ity n f Id a l iI w ou ld vo io lo r e ta in I.cn, T alla iidI Ic tic d irec to r.I - T h o Ifonrd rcco^rnizo.'J Mip wor.I in tr a ver.v b ro ad a ll'.le tic \jri'K riiI s lu t le n t a l th e iih1vcr.« ily ." sa id SL u 'h n t l 'P r li„ <vill <»<»t iin iith tT —r c o n tra c t , th ll t is a q u e s tio n a s wei

iv c r . j n ’J y i 'iV c t’o n f i- a c l- 'i to in - B lruclorH a l ll i c iinivtTH ity. J‘“

I Tliey nre given conlracla when l im . . enipJo.Vfd nml ihrreatier Jnsl c 'n - Unut'i>n"w-itlinm forfirac t.'nm l may ,

I m e ciusr with Callnnd,"•T h e -roii<h> conlract . expfrca ' .

I about nest Augiwl. lhe nupermleji- . _ dcnl srtld,

auperlnlciidnit Condle snicl he ,I kiifiw of nil anpllcaiits fur Ciillniid's ■ ‘

place and ndrteil lliat It. nnv had J ‘I been presenled lliey likely would be I In the hsnd-1 of tlte pre.ildeJJl of Die ' r - -titilreT!>»y:-Dfr-Mr-0> Neale,. _ _I Board lUrka CoaehI He saJil Uie board members "aro *

very much Ui snppon of Ciilliind"- and CiprctiCtL.U"' brUef Uir siu- “

dcnl b-wly nt f1ie “lnstitulion"nl#o- the nppro\ril. him,

"Thrre luny hnve been some eom- co(' plnlnl Iroiil alutrtnl lha l he has nor tiinird OUl winning teams," Condle



b a ll hooks fo r lOIM w ere ba lam o f Wn.shiiiKlon'rt- M -lo-7 v ic to ry

. S a tu r d a y ccnuiIctinK t!ic (‘c iicd u l - - A.s a r o im lt .jf t h c d e fe a t S o iilli

rno .it di.H/istrous c o n ii 'r e n c e s e a s e ig h th in Ihc rac v . •

. F in a l c on fc rcnce aU uidiiiK s: ^Vc'ii L<isl

1 S U in f o n i ........ ..f) 0W ash in K l'in S U i l e ..........-I 0 . ,

_ W o.shiiiK tou .................■' 1O rcK on ■.................................' -

- C n i i f o r n m ...................U . C. L . A .................i :5 .Id a h o ...................................1. ‘1S o u ih c r n C a lifo rn ia . - I I

T M on liina ..............................^ ‘15 lircx i?n S ta le ..................... 0 0

n- « ,

|h C. of I. Opposes 1 ;« Post-SeasonTilt ,iil -------- ' ' ' Ne

W llla m o it? a n d 'C o y o i r G n dI '

•d T e a m s R e m a in T ie d

a s C h a m p io n s ["■"

3ALK^^. Ore.. Dec. 3 <,T.-Wlllnjn. f f \!lr iinlversliy aort ColkHe oj Idnho | will remahi Ued as nuuliwest con- 1

Q frreiicc ch.inipl'ins slnee College of ^ Idalia hnd ilcrllin'rt lo play a , post- f t

•■■eft on cnrnr. couch Roy -X. "Sprc" 11 Kerne of Willnmvile anounccd lo- V

-■ day,li*. No olher twi(-f.emon anmc.sarc be-

hu; ronsuleied seruiiiMy, lUinfltum' 'p j ■'r Crrirli Krriie aired \Vr.'lrrn M»ry- ' lr l;ind unlu-k'ity siiutTslinx n po,it- 0 ,\eiisnn game there. i)e BU] Bhi-;i)irrrt. We.iK rii Miirylaiid . le back. Is llie k-,irtiiiK nniiomil acorer

wUh 133 i«1iil.% whili: Johnny Oravcc ■* nf Willnmrlte 1/, M-rund wllh 120

IwlnU nnd il;c : lulini; (i)ucliilown •|i maker ol Ihr iuili'’h wiUi 20 10 hts

i-re.dll. r,,|3. Shephenl U ded t«w W ci ROfllJ.

nnd converted 10 ixiliiu nfler touch- , doxn, ' __'" O rsiec li'f! /iK^r djiiiM on -th e

W:lUmi-ll-; le.mi 10 iju-k Wel'ntcrber. lullbjck, who.,inii<:r'::<-converaioua

rj'*fro.-n pliiccmeia in JO atiem pu aUer lr touchdowa-, * .

Kacully Oiij>o*m Came - ;il Conch l.-Jfcn lla.*lrr's Idler refua- ;n -.- l» H ^fiirs iiy:t.-:','.lua_uLlU>laiig.fl

ilo r the norihwi-M ronfi-ience clmm- ™ in 1 pldiishlp staled Collei;e ol Idalio Inc- * '

Uilly ni'-mbers did I'oi favor n p^st- ” . 1.. ;.i-;u'on Kam-.'. 11.1‘ler nhosaiii h r waa

i.orry Wlllamrln- had not been will- mg to p.‘arCo!leEir ol durlHg' lU: the rcKUlarseason, bri

Coseh Krtne sairt he atempled to blj ' .'•fJu'dn/..- » K'lnH' wllh lhe Idulio! foi ,< : school III Uie norlhwe;.l confcrenie 1 Wl “ ■ mr<-ilt!X Iwl wiiiicr, bul ColluRC o t evi

Idaho reltw.-d thc uller. nt Ir CollcK?«t4'Jtlali(l.ti,tlf1 ^ cc each droiii>ed n iion.confercnec game lie bul won all thclr oUicrs.- iiL ------------------------------------- onf r o s r M M s = N E W 5 = = = = i

A L T IT U D E R E tiO R D m^ gri

(Continued Prom Paas One) l -as ___________________________ _— cis8* Wasblnglon for checking, .which tot 1. will require about twu dayi.

*5 Mcanllmc, thc oxygen ralve w u (jj,In belns renivhcd and Uic .shin out lit >m

E C E M B ftn , ls'8( ___________

li Los A• • •,

■Season Iits Board To { land; Change Jiice DiscussijdP u b l i c I n s t r u c t i o n B c -

i l v c r s i t y R e g e n t s ,

i i i p l o y C o a c h

IV. C o n d ic , S t a te . .‘(U.Derintendent d to d a y h is b e lie f th p b o a rd of Id a h o , o f w h ic h h c ix a inemlHir, lluiiii n s f o o tlia ll coach a n d a ih -

w o rk h e b a a d ono !n o rw n i? .- (, •I'K ram lo in c lu d e n e a rly every ^ a id S u p e r in te n d e n t Con(iio. " A s ^

. L’.'s w rnl On. "but ilint may iioi Dr hls- *J I. tnull. Ho Is In a conference com- •* . pciliiB w llli achools wfiidi finte << [ dollnra to spend for Mhlcilcs where' li

Idaho hns only ccnlJ,"K<* *ald the ^ .ird ol eduetlion -

^ had nol considered. tormnlly the t ])Osslbllity o t advising a change of a fo n frrriire for-the-«n)versily, al- c< though he comnienled lhat "in the vl

- llocky mountain cnnference the a , rchool would be more nearly In i t s ' U . class.".Parllcipallon In lhe Uocky I- nioulnln conferrnce would be more | fr■ expraslve, he said, because of travel; w

to U U h nnd Colorado, home state fci- •nrm oxronhB -m tm ben;----------------J-M

Ho anld he wna expreulng only! g ° hta own views. «ddJng tha t IJj c Ir

board had not «rlottily ednsidered!0- tlie -in '* H o c .J3i(ubM rd_wl)l_ni«i I

ifl Boise I?ece/nber 17. Jje sajd, bul '. commented th a t U was .unlikely, r ilii're would bc mucli dlscusalon of 1" J tjic coschlng'iliuatloii.- 1"

------------------------------ ” 1°


I u. ~ [ lr

— P a c if ic coa.sl co afcreiictj fo o l- 1 a h m c e d lo d n y w ith U iiiv c r f li ty |k : to r y o v e r S o u th e rn C a lifo rn ia ^ icduK*. ’ [{io i i lh e rn C a lifo rn ia \v:)und up i l s ii s e a s o n ' in m a n y y e a r s , placint? ti

L <isl T ie d I’oinl.s I'o int.'i n jfa iiw l ‘0 0 *i:i ' 7 0 . 1 !I5 0 ' t1 1 70 r»{ i2 0 07 61 e

. 2 - 0 .fiS) . :v7 >:5 0 • M ' * ' ■ c :i■I 0 U2 . f)8 II I JS «2 1,

.1 1 , I.'l . 76 c0 2- 109 . f

- r. - ----------- ‘ -------------------- a

N e w S e n s a t i o n O f

R i n g M e e l s H a m a g e

I n ' l O - R o u n d F i g h t |

CHICAGO. Dec, 1 (.Pi-Joe Louis,■ NcKro hcnvywelghl 01 Detroit, win*

d knockouts, loday wa.s malched-for “ ft ten round flghl with Le« Ramage f>; fi.m DleKO, Callfonila, nt the Chl- • ciiKU stiidlum on Deecinber H, L

' " T i l d e n F o r e c a s t s>f

:: O p e n T o u r n a m e n t s ;t.

?] l- a m o iis ' H iayer P o iri lT ^ O u l ’«

•* 'O n ly S a lv a tio n o( J5

• Ih e G am e’ “ {;:c ------- II•o WSDON, Dcf. 3 (,]’. - l n Dill Til- ■' ” drn'.s niiliiioii. iimalriir tcjijils b "a ' “ xrry.*,i:l:maij’- ;rn j|rU W lsllke iy lo ( '

rcnch a erbw wiiliin iwb or three: „ “ mon-ycnrs. • ' L ,

"If I’f-rry ;ind Auum ahould turn e: , pro. what would tlie nm.aiour game, 0 . have Irtt?" the old mar.Mro a 'keit n■ 11c -Aii.s .siUiiiK In the Inbljy of onej it

pf London's hti; lioivls, looking allck) a iitifl iJk’orou.< M ever. ■ o

"Ml lell you. In that evcnl, thej b am ninir cnm<- »niild have two renl-1 c

[f Jy Rf.-iii fnnn'i> '''V rri leli—C rifv -ih- -}oTTf-snrt-A’'«-r-Cr»m)i»-^ml-aiiolher!>« .[ who lit Ulll'•. !■. n KhM p lf tjv r -^ ld -1_

ney Wood. All (lie othrfs would b e ' ” Jual tvjd ii!s>er», [

I. -Tiu' (rnnti public wouldn’t, c o n .;Ig- llnut- !vT l3;ij tl}. J>ay 10 *'<e that

brniid cf tciiiiW. Wimb;ei!on proba- ■,0 bly wDMldJiii iil'>iig about as twuftl loU or.n fouple of yrars, beeaii^,- lhe :c 1 Wimbledon (oiirnsmmt W a serial,)t even’, but U would be felt quickly 1

n t VVrvn lliIU. i

i"0 )>cn louintimrnLs will be the '

_ only tan-aiion ol ilic game th.i).-- — li-lt-obvious-mat mg ju ii iiiflPE f. hc ciefinltcly h.is th# amateur crowd f J on Hr: run now, Ite could only get t '

grin out of llte fact tha t the Brlltah L. T. A. forbade IU umpires to olil-1

. ciate In .(he rec?nC profculonjil, h tournatnenl at Wembley Pool here. 1

"I Haven't a thliig-lo a y agaUul!“ the Roveriilng body either hen* w « t ;It tmmx" h,< 1.1IH "b.>cnuse 1 rcAllzc!

\ingelesFootballM ajor G riffith

J ExplainsStand

i On Late Games

‘T h s M o s i I m p o r t a n t T h in g

In U n iv e r s i t ie s I s E d u c a -

t io n ,’ D e c la r e s 'J u d g e

°r, L a n d is ’ o f B ig T e n G roup

C I N C I N N A T I , 0 . , D ec. 3 17.- i,V)— F o o tb a ll / i i ;w m ay r o a r I'J' w ilh e n th u a ia a m f o r c o lo rfu l

p o s t-se a so n fo o tb a l l ga m es ,. i iu t in lh e o n in io n o f th o B fg

j i i y i l e n s c o m rn is s lo n c r o f a th - i l \ i a .9ffrJou.9 jjv u .i tii 'c

:re lo p layer.s in v o lv e d . ..M a jo r J o h n L . G r i f f i th o f

fie C h ica g o , jto m etin tea dc.si:ribcd of aa tlie "Judge UindU" of Wealertv

nl. conference »s>ona .-.e ip ln liw l_h l!___he views as he arrived here today to he addrcM a foolball m eellni a t Uie • u.s' Unlverxuy of Cincinnati, ky I "Prom lhe standpoint of conacrv- •)re {lng llte besl Intereata o( the atudenta' velMvlio Olay footbalf, . l - w o u ld - n a t - it« f chango the ruj« th a t i n n Big Ttn----l-l*«in*—irom— ««nnIly I games either for charity or th« hc Ikoji? B*aJ," Alajwr OrUmh <al(t.^ I Great for SpecUlon

, “Aa a fnn. 1 w ouldr-of-couta* ,_•ly 1 enjoy aceliig our champion Mlnne- • o flso ta leam play In the Rom Bowl

■ New Vcar's day. T h a t would bt I great for ,Uio ipcctaM ra and (porC<-

= men. bul ll wouldn'C'be ao good for, ■!niUw atudtnl pla>-c'r».

••nwjHiMt imfwrtarit tWng'ln unl*, vcraUlea la education. Im porunt u footbaU may be to the player-

I siudrnt, yet IJjat 1* not tho prtma ; objective of Uielr going Uirough the

1 ! iinlverelty: The moltj purpow U to 3 Jpel an education and jro must look

I upon .footbaU actlvlUea la thli I larger and broader aense.

) l - | "If wc pemiUKd one team to go ty i to tho Wesl a fte r the close o t.ihe liu I regular seaaon. other Warn* i f t u l r

be Invited to play In the Soutb and . I the East. Soon w-o *ould have JOO IW Iludenu giving an extra monlh ofn g I Utelr Khool year lo fooUwll.-----------------

E lgbl-Oame Season ‘ We have lound th a t It ij i« ii

to agreo In Uw Qlg Ten on limit­ing the rooibaa aenson wllliln dcf- InlU) dates, so we' agreed to open tho training eeaaon no t earlier lhan September, IS an d cloae tho aeason on the baturday before Thaukifilv.

- r look a vote among S i r Ten pla)-era, and found B»>:;fvr oent : . favotvd n acason of eight eatnea or Icu. 6a ve have a seaaon of efghc oonfcrenoo gamea. At lU eloM tbe pla)-era arc pretty M il Ured out. It HoaM be an JnJiUtlee lo them from

— an ediicnllonRl- standpoint to pro- long tlie niuon another month or. jwore,”

Vandals Abandon.

rilrr^PrfcSeason-Tour -it? _____ 1

L a c k o f G a m e s A v a ila b le lo r

S c l ic d u lin g G iven

' a s R e a s o n

MOSCOW. Idnho. Dec, 3 — Ac- , corfding lo Rich Fox. Idaho hoop t o coach, Ihc Vandal basketball iquad lO will not make n pre-scafon tour

througii Southern Idaho this year.

, - R ea*on-for-noui«ak lns-U «.ttlo .____Ul was stilled by fo x as alack of gamea

avatldblr for .s.-hedtillnv. Last jta r . diirnii! the ClirL’tmas Ijollday.v Uie

] Idaho Ijwkrircr-n looi>ed Ihelr way Ihfoiigh Pocatcllo. Twin Palls and Boise, beslrtes ninkliig n Juunl Into .MnnUina to p’ay the University of .Mrnl.iju b.ii'l;c!b.ilJ qt;i«;ct.

to! ’Coirh Pox.-howTVcr, Is not p lan -.......nlng on le'.Ung hla players became

. slsiinani befote the conlcrence open-im er In ScitlUe, wllh iha Unlversliy____mc of Wa:UiiiKinn, Jaiiunry 8. Jle hna Pit alr.’ftdy (iclieduled pames with WWt- 'ne man at Wail:\, Walla, December'11 Ick anrt i : . The llrs l home giuneal Mos-

■ co* M wiiJi Cheney Nomifll, J5cffm- hf I ber 15. OIIht g am tt a rt now under 1 dI.I conslilcratlun for scheduling, and wUl i)'. j bv Aiinfuiiced w llhln lhe next week,« r!>ald Fofii______________________ ' - .;d- 1 ________________________________-b e '— - ------------


| C o v ^ ^^ ' Gas and Oil Co.

S h o s h o n e a n d 4 th So.Izci OPEN OAV AND N io n t " •

T O a N h tf

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es

' ^ '* " l N « i E 8 1

: Id I E T IIN ^^•».— To

' D w in d lin g S h a r e D e m a n d j J

. A c c o u n ts f o r D e c lin e 3 '

. . . in S lo c k M a rk e t };i• . ' - Hll

M A R K E T S A T f t G LAN C E(By The Aisoclfttcd Prfis)

NEW YORK. Dec, 3 SloeZs ensy; trading <lull tn

WW rcaeilon. •■ Bonda Irrejulsr: U. S. fcnem - ;

menla (trm. ISCurb ) o « r : ipeclalltv* *n(f. cci

—ytJTciifn -exchsnires—tn H r t i l j - -an iKrlliiB heavy. To

Collon lo w r: ^Vall S lrte t and m Boulhem tclllne. \ \ i

S u m QukJt; Cuban (lupporl. Ye CotrM loTcr; {orelgn Mlllng. ' 103 CHICAOO:W heal lo w r; vlilblo .lupply >93

jenrlsh.Com lo w e r : p rom -tak ing

KtlW. ' 1®!CaiUe (Iteady: tor> IIOJJ.J lo jj 10 to 25c hlsher; top J6J0.

Ojr r it£D £R lC K U.tUDNKR thelAJWCffltcd J’rcM flnnnclftl «Vl(cri

SEW YORK. Dk . 3-L:ickW g en.( rty to rMume tlic-November od> n , \anee. the »lock mnrkei slipped ln(o cop K slow decline in late dealings to. ^

- dny. _ 4. . .-Cnutlon contliiurt to niic tmdinR _ In m ost.m arkeu. While a lurtlier — m a ll Bain In s le d operations point, dei,

. ed to crndual Induitrlal lm|irovc> ment. buIM were in no linale lo rc- u new OKrcsslvc buying. j,jn

Dwindling ’ demnntr (or ^harcl stei rtUitfr accounted Jflrgolj- Ior the rc- ,e,u

— trcatr—Traiitffr>-droppwl-K> 7U.- S5S stinres: compared with 801.780 ,|o„ last Friday and the November av- fu,, crago of nearly a million dally. j,i„

._A,.mo^mlC-r^^C-ln-Unllcd sta tes . government bonds held lhe spotllrJil im,. {ollowlng tl)T week-end treuu ry li> (.|„j nanclng announcement. Action o! treasury bonds wm accepted as nn .],oU IndlcAllon ol a tavoratjle reci'ptloii

' for the M venimenfa latest olTcr------- Inji-OMpomtr-bonds.howerer/wcrtr

apathetic a ltc r ih e ir reccnt sustain- cd improvement. r,.

Speculative Indifference embrnccd * most commodities as well ss Mocks, ,

• Wheal and corn loM somp of thc i^ ,'* week-end gains, closing with los-w « ranging up lo n cent a bushel, ftyc expanded Its receni gains S to 1 JL* cent a bushel, Dut coiton futures

. In New Yoil: los; 45 to 00 ccnls u bale. '

A vtraje Drops One ro ln t Tlie Stondnrd Statistics compaiiy ’ Vl

'average (or 90 stocks, n iter niovliiR _ ln_an estremcly narrow rnngc lor pi

nearly a week, dropped 1 polnl lo u. 74,7. . 35 ,

Utilities generally held their a.ju ground. In fnco of the heavlnc.ss <it five indusirials and rails. Gold sharra u' went ngalnsl Uie m^ln (ainrnts, with j*r\ Alaska Juneau and Donia Mines showing smalJ golns o l the close,

.The trcAsurya call, on tho cap. ..• 4EKl mnrkei for 1000,000,000 in cnsli ,

focused a ltcntlon on govcrniiicni ‘ spending. - - , ‘ '

The dollar moro Ihmi held Itj ' own In foreign exchange dealUtc^ against lhe British.pound nnd the French franc, l l i e frnnc dliipcd allghtly below the gold import jxilnt again. U was reported 110,000,000 p : more Jn gold had been eiiKngcd nbroad Tor siilpmeni to New Votk. wnkmg the totnl for the currcut niovemenl JISO.000,000. ''I

Columbia Carbon Joined thc llJt of companies declaring extra dlvi-

■ ■■■ ---------- ~ CllOli


W rX ir l^ H I t r 'd l i tn e r o ih i l r«-UrOkj m u Coiiowii ■

U«w«KkMSllt bulclitr. ! T ................. IJM .llr«'y bulclifrx, 210 10 UO puiiml/. ISW »r»cllllis MKI. Jio pouilrtl______Uiwt>-i»tl(lit ljulclirit. lU-lH) IK> tl iuU t" ..............“ {a S sb


rouurr I'.I 4Itfjivy h tiu----------------- ...... Or. jMslil Wlofra >'»■''« - ’ Co'iofcd ‘JJ'*'®''"''____•____________L^ihorn nmii«.r« . _ ~~

ColoifO, roMltfi.________________W t stuxixcn - - ...............................

___________ - ........... — V J

Tuthfj* j ' . s(Drrwrd ptlcc) .ii ,

a & a s ± = s ? *Yo>:nj- turn*, iiirdhim, . . . jlc ■’lifii*. nmlluni ...................... - Url-urncji. No, a ------------------------ Uc a: 43

___________OtHftfO T»la fu ll 3

S u fu-lle lill D*»l - UX

-L- s a r , » . v o , . i ^ v o I. r - m v-L ? i i V r f ’;,’ . »‘l “J s’fl iMinm lifil.. Nu. 11 -h-t m I

HuMfti, fio, U ....... 'v l j ' j j s

Yellowi Nf, 1

nrirN l tl J

KtUu « trw dlllll■ " ------------?■■ .«» i

Oruigw, Uoitn.A— _______— ‘p«r atafe' ,,... ----------------IKUI

c t m u N --Tumipi, Bunch >b,., . . . i t c >

■ *« « , - ......

S.V.'.ff* ™ ™ ~ --------------- . i ? ' otJie

2 I S to c k M a rk e t A v e r a j c s |

i n NIW ronic. D« 3 t r —suKk »T»f- IM ((op}>i|hi,'i»4. UUiidud uu*

Inrl’la IlAll'<l* tJlir* TotalTM»r . .... M70 jrifl UW 74.70

, lT<>r. <]()>....r»M 3li:o iltO IS.IO

s s i s s i sVrar nto. . Bl o «ii^ V,oo ».M

j t l l" '« «

« .w

I ” Low.’ : j i o u :o j i w 3i.wt in« icffijD r l »«i» iw,


NE\V VOHK. I)ff. 3 {/V—Tndci of 15 staple commodily ptirt-i. (De­cember 31, J93J. rquaU IMIj 1920

J~ - a r r m r m i u a l r l S O i ) : --------------- —Today ........... ............. HW

I rrtv fou . day...............................Week a | 0 ..................................... IU.®Year i f o .............:..................... 123.0

■ 1011 h l lh ................................ ■■ I3SJ I1931 low...................................... 12U.0

» IMS hlfh ............................... n « 31BJ3 low .................................... ■:ii-7

. 1932 high..................................... l«3.91932 lo w ..................................... :S J .

iCopyrlcht. 1931. Iiy MmhI}'*i(Ueeenibrr 31, l» l . » Uken as 100

In eomputlnt the «bo«e nrlCB levtl _— and tbo foUowInx commoUUiM. wltli

Ihe kpproilmate pcrcentace valueri u( the holo Index aiilined to eaeb. .

aro used: IVheat 13, eoSCon {}. hop.13. kteci scrap 10. lucar lo. wool 1, ai

>0 copper 3, hldei 4, corn 4. rubber 4. J' vUli 4, coffee 4. lead 3. lUter 3, cocost - E a i l o r i . Al

IR ------------------ ----- , M: r ------------------------------------------------ Al

dendf with a siiccwl Cliri.'tiii.u jiuj- aiinciit-ol ;:9 qp iu a .share. 'Jj

Uiisincvi oSscucr.N nittc'd m ill w t- aihfnctlon nn uri(liiloii:il ..... ill rb r In )>•

•* steel operations a«;iln.M tlio usual Miisonnf trend. 'IJii.' /tmmc.iH Irop

tlons tills week ut 28.B per ceui ot V*'* cupiiclty, the hlKhc:.l ilncc lasl |;;;

June .conijiarcd with ;:ti.l last week, crAs cxpocied tho Jir*t riUlrcod-load- t-'i

"■ Uiks fttiito;ncnu. for lii.si db-closcd sharp ili'clinr.', |u rily ac- li.

’• countcd fur by ilic Tluiilj,i;inpB i->. *' holldny. . rII 1

K O lttlON KXt'll,\SC.K L.'i ^ ' KEW VOKK, Dcc, J (-??-r.iVclKii'( [-J;.

cxch.inBi- IrtcKUlar, iCin-ai Uriiain mIn dollars, others in cuiK.si: Clri'at lUi

“ 1 Brltalh demand J4J5: cnbliM t4 .0 3 \: 'OO-day bills H.PO, t'Taricc drmnnd

U IO '.: cnbles (J,i9’.. uc] Dcmniuls: Montreal In N'ai York ‘j ': Jlo:.00; Nrw Votk . in .Montti-al f! i9B.C5\. o .* ------- -----------------------t;.“ sioN i:v

m v YORK, Dcc. 3 (-n - Mojiry “ t . C.’adj’.M fKrrccfiC aJI day. ;

y Time loaiM sti-ady: CO (l.iys lo iilX|],"|it months -i lo .lj je r ccnl. , . . . . n"r rrlinc cojniiicttlal iv»pcr - - J"!

U.iukerTi' iiccc.piancfs unchanRtd: n '30 days 3 IG lo CO to 00 dny« mI

I- XJ8 to lour mouilw 5 10 to M< If five, and ;.ix montli.'. t o " , , .'a llcdlscoiinl raic. New York xc-b i«r\L‘ bnnk. I 'j per cent. Mt

COTTONI; NEW YOHK. P j'C. 3 ’/}■/ - Thc .'j '. , Kcncral coiton inarlici closcd bnrcly ' i ; '

Mniily a l n rl dccllnfs of ll to 18.^ iiolnts, Nn

^ k \^ J ’o u , \ t j ;d n iL iTH NEW YOKK. Dcc'3. l-l'^K vapor- ■= I mcd appli's -striidy; choice lO'jC lo y ,0 Uc; f;mcy ll';C to l l ' i c ; extra H fancy i:c to n 'iC ,; i-runcs Mi'iid>; California 4 '.c lu1 flc; OrcKOii ' ' . f to Iflc,

AprlCHf.t i'iMdy; djolcf 17'-.c In ( Ifle; M tra choice 18'^c; fancy lO’jc.

Pcache.s barely steady; atandard , O'.c; cholcc 8 '.c lo O 'le.' cxlra ‘

: cliolce O'.c to U';C.IIiil.slii.i steady: Ioom: init-icaleb '

Cc 10 B';c; choicc lo fancy .seededi : i U t .O : .c ; j . f r ^ A L ;c jo A :* C : _

HAII SH.VKU j',‘J, NEW YOUK. D<'C.'3 ( ;r~ D n r Ml- J \ tr ttc n d y . lower a t 5 4 '.e. j,,,

‘ OOVKHNT'lt.VT HONDS $i1 SEW YOUK. D<'C. 3 i-Vj - Uond Or ■* (luointlon:.; I5 MUerlv trh

3^.^ 3-J-47 ................................ 103.1R (InI'.I 4’iS 32-47 .......................... lO a .w j'" ''

J- i:n 4’.s 33-3B c,.lk 'tl......... .r..., 102.1 |Treasury. j'V*’*

c 4'in 47-5J.................................ri2.tO | ‘" 3 '.s 43-45............................... 102.4 I,, ‘

c 4V44-.34"'■ .i ,.s 4(i-6(i ................ 106.4 'I 3 \ s 40-43 June ...................... I03.'JG

.I '.s 41-43 .Maicli ................... 103 1H3'..s 41 . .................... 103:i ,

, 3’.-s 44-4>l .................... ............ lO j./’ lc 3'..s 4i:-41 .,^ 1 0 1 , [ <•: .is 4(i-4'l .. 10(1.4■ J.. .M-.'.. . l'X)Jr • IV ilr i^ IT rm Morlnngc----------VC3-. 43 9 9 '. '7 .; 'i

3'..s 'Ul ............. lOj.-.T-.......... Itniiif Oan Lojij. — . i . i ’■ 4.r,'.i .... 101.:.

- ........

I m i;t a i.s■ NF.W YOitK, D'.T. 3 l.1*,-Co|i;v i ! !

) iroljilr .'jio; nnd fuiu:v,F-r,;!,., $11, Tin easy; s,>oi aM

J iitjv J jl ; ful llio J.'jl.or>, Iron q iil ':: i a r i . t i i i‘vnn>ylv;u.;.i'

iMOMi; Hiiiralo S18.W. U-ad >t:-aciv; ' New Yurk 53.S9; Ea-'t St Ui’.i;.

• '! J Ziiic >:.;ut St. LoijLVi.j-k: p r t i Iiitiin' SJ70; ulunilnum J19 !.i U:S; (iiilim.'liy j ut J13."5: q n k k - - ' . f ;.'i;\.r J73r.O Kl J7j50,

I I,OS .vN(ii:t,i:s I 'l i o o rc K I 1.0^ ANOKLtS. Dcc. i i,]-j -

\ Cllrt.'c; itcccliil.s 43.100 iluuild;.- ; llulier 181,'JWI pmmds; d:> rcaie 3:i',c; 111 Murc 3'Jc; flO scorc 2 9 '.c, '

= 8'J :K;;;;:.; Nu tCC(-lpl.«; cnntllcd cic.in

5 eMia;; 3!c: caudled clenn |aiv:e ',ilfe.iaiitiaffl,^ '.rjj-r! fMiiiiwi ikitiSiii'.'*in>i

dlum er.lnis 37c; candlcd clcati in c -! ccn dlum standards 2Cc: cmidlcd’ clean <r*

I »mall cxtrnx aSc. ■ \u': c I’ouliry; LcKliorn hi*hs, under 3 '. , i.rt t iwunds I4c; 3 ', to 4 pound:. I4c; | aio ' over 4 iwunds Uc: colorcd hens. | i e 3 'i to 4 pounds ir>c; over 4 pounds i cci c IBc: bmllcrs. 1 to 1'. pounds ICc: 1 tii« 1 over l ' , to 2’i pounds inc: .Ira- iiri

hom fryers, l!^ .to 3 puimds lo:: avi barred rocks, S ', to 3'.. i>oand% :0i'; i I

-otfter cofiVi'd iriv 'liarrc.il n„.v ....... ’ .„■<

T w iN tX ix s T}Anr*

i I - T- , ---------

» , H ELLO ,C U A R E lO C e , I • / S '

H O W S T Pt I'J I B U S IN E S S ? J W M/

I Ci(i s


3.0SJ ___________:

“ N E W V

: afWCtlXUB , lUr Tlie Ptr,-,.} j\

r A m Jiir« rr .u i!i^' l u ! , i!

Am ‘v , ’i ' t ' ‘ I ri

_ -\n_i:aii:*;_iUlcI___- Ain tJiiK.i'r l'l Ti; • fl

Am Wjlamo-^' u ' i r ' i •-

in uiillmui’r'A iT ,,! . i“'! u ' T,1 ■ i '. ne{V‘lfVrm'm.''r!

'P llllllulinlui Alltl , l i-I I., J r. J !.!V-* r a i n .Txm:----------— i t ' ; — rr~, - y r

CMUill«ii*B*lllc U '. l j * U 'l TfCwe TIirMlilni! . x.-. i . ' . : . u 'I'l

k. Crrio UP . JV, .i;! , ;,'j . lr1- ..O ', Li

tv" « ' h S ' ' i i cn (It. Nl t[| 'Ji J Vu'l ' V1|..; IIt l -u* * U l . J ' . J'.-W .

Ucn^r'l Jw-l."‘' ' i i i ' ' SVj ; n . iv . .1: tlnirnil .yoltrj .. „ i .,il . I'! '

Uulibir jil iiii ii.; , ,,

< l" .':’i‘cii;ii<-iii ll> |1( I(.’I l.s i I . 'l v',■y wr.irtn hus.r.-Jii .. :.l M i

• lliu j l i c l r ' " t , ’'.

*: ll; '.; i.v;*M.iaiifjii AI1.4II i j . , JB',

n ! ' - i T l il'{ ,\1,

IW. 1"'. i" .If ' ,sj. i j j j ty I . ', 1. J . I •-iy.N ai I ' . ' ' - =';■18 ;i'v s ' h t(‘iiii ’li ' ‘h • ii-

rjtki[a'Mo°Wls' . ' i ' l - . '< 4 Mil

r- " ------------------------■'> Ducts; YouiiK. under 4 '. pDund;.'lii ^ Uk'; oUl tte. Cfi-nv it;.-. till, YoiUlK toili>. 14 Ul IB PPII1U1.S ;jc : l». ■•J OMT l« iKiUluls :;c ; U puiintK and U|), Sa

r jc , old lonw rJc; old heiu Uc. | (

.SA.V VHANt'Ht'O J'KOIll'CK , bH .! SAN I'-llANClSCO; Dec. 3 ,1'/ - ’ “ D u u tri.t i;c .I, I'ouliry: Ik as lie lo Ifir; b io tlcri',1 19c to :0(.'; IryiTJ I7c lo lk-; in.i.st-11’" “ er','18c to lOc: rou:.lei.s 7e to Uc; |

MiU.ibs 2.1c to ~ c : lUT lian-.s ac to 111-; dicjcd tiirkcy.s J,lc to :Jc,

• Oiiionr,; Sacked, per c* t ; Call- lornia dcUa diMrlci ycllu».. Jl('.> _ to SI.Hj ; '. 'ili.iiuiuiil b;>K. ttd itr . a ! ' Sl.l’j U. $1.3;'; boiler:. il.7J lo $MiJ-

(I Ori-tion yillort.s, IJJ.) (0 i2 3 i. | <Tolaloi's: backcd, cv,I, dilla dl:.- I’ol

tricl lunt! whites ji ,U K. $l,2i; ov -, lot K dinary 51 lu Sl.liJ; .Ni>.'2s, bi;c U. «jc: ■ hui „ |n e fle il Kcm.s, U. S. No, 1, O t.c o n ,'d ti

j Kliimalli di.MilL-t Sl.31) lo S1.43; per '>Wir.liiiii:lon, Vaklma d l 'l i ir . $1.10 V.>

o h : r ti;;u; conil;miiiimi $1.10. . lU 'l I Uiiiter; 9.! htorirtrtt; III KOie 30i-; Ku

- 1 -----------J - i . . . ---------.— i t - JK I,"' U. y. Mira.v, Jartv’t' JS '.e ; 51.:

,. nieiiiams mii,iUs :;: '.e . j l;.^[J Clie..-,-.c; Flat-s 10' . c, , .1- j

i | IHICAC.O I'llODt'Ci: ]• 1! C!I1C.\U0 . IXC. 3 l.v, - I’culiry .A i.

. m e, I car, i : tru c k ';; ,.riii«s bm o.ilanee iieiidy; lii-r,.s I . lbs. St.'

- iiiidor4‘, llto. Uc, U ,;lx ;u B^c- ; . i ' c . c ; Kock f im n p 14 to lii':C. S.

:..:.i;v<l 1 3 to 1C.-. l/-^li>'tii lie ; cm- W.',-li.ii tiitUv- i:.'. \oiinv: ]*e«

i7C. CM Hc; Nu. i.':, iouiii;,*"*

'■'[l.k. -lie: e;l]wr.-‘-<I.U) 7 im r .; . t-> Ife. • - V »

i:;e:.-al turkeys: Ab-uit •», >o:,ii; 1,llili 'i x . old : 0c ; y.)„n,; ln r .i \f o r j :i>-, IMI :fh-; No, M 7 . ‘. I ri;i::ei iveeli;t«, lii;!! ..i.-.uly; ,

'■ :■> ;;aiu!anM >90 teiuralirc:! **.,. .L x ;!:.- aic. . . I,

' k .-s- rea ip ts 7C.1 c:;.'r>; M^ady; !?V, r JM ni i.s -JUl-: t;i,iil.'.l. li:.''-s

iiirnn l iiPelii;.s 'Jl ( o ’'.'j '.e ;. i.;ii..i,i:o i- lirNts Manil.in::,

SfCAK “ ■, ; :;KV, YUHK. Dit, 3 I-Vj - ' l l a w - 11 ir v.as unyluiiKcd to:)av and no

■ ■' ‘7 ' " , I- . cciiibiT^proceMmg. ullhouKh »ui;nrs, S 11 11* nrd by opeiator^ Iri store lieri': £

' \u'K' bflleved lo bc nv.iilnblc a l S 1 . .nround 2.80. the last price ut wnlch um ; laU'ieiuKars.sold, , mes. I Kcfincru shoncd no intcrc.st cx- poi SI ccpt in January Min;ir3 lur w hich ' lo .; I they appeared itllliuii to |>ny. lu i t - l o• ■ prlcci of 2.55, bill (iR-ic was nothUiB i C : avallablt' below ;.60. ! RW ■; I I'atly ii:lvr,mi-i o l p o l n u on all Me. ,.,'fl.,. r.M<l««r ..a .... '1«(,


_____ GASOim

C A N O V . ■, VOL S W E L L , V PR G TTV CLEVER T R l ^ i e . I O G L lV e R V SERS

W M AT W OU I ' F « O M T H E KID G O T ? y V O U . ■ ^

r y T u K .■

r..rii,l I'lii,IK ., I'V '3 '„ 3’J c , ; L"' n -u ! ''f i‘u

.v .„ . H-„lruk ««'. 4U • 40 ,i!<

t ii-u 'i'.V ^^n.uiu • ll'* •'t’ -l' u ' l ' “,‘i

I ‘ •‘tnit‘l‘1 r’‘ n .‘iiir ' r‘ ‘' ’ IC'* i^.'il> \ ^,:,.nl^.l(| till I'nl 311 3P. j> . "II N J • 42% 42' , 4 3 '.- f;’.'. I ir iw U lu lr/co rp 2 * ' i ' . plj

;|;r..u. 0,11.

!•; I'il-nn l ia 'r i 'i 16 !l i.i.ni I’,„II1L I'rt'. 1«0>. IU 1 ’f-

. I- il ;.!r-i -'.T'. j r . , 3J., I "I :— --------------- M — t7*>— 13-/ y.v.

K , i »' “ ‘ 1“

' j < ( nn M.MiKr.T ^

' ‘\lu.lV'',o.''Hiii»-i'iC'rr ............ ' IJ;:

f, . ?.i" Jll- II.niil «n'l Hl'i'n’if pl .JU'I I ' '

[ *; S ' '* ' i s ) ! i ‘.'i‘'!.'iiii 1.1111116. lit’” !

• , siT .l'u t. Hint: •

■{ I 'J '^ .•.•I'j

Mnrch I'liiiluwi umlt ■ In'!

l ; , 'm the taicr Ir.ullns uiidcr lliiulda- SC;non «l;ii the market cidsiuk t nni

.•; point ii'-t lowtr to 1 |i;111 Sahv. «erii .’lOiO tons. u)

j Clwe: Di-cember 1,79, bid. J.inu- 'f.: [a tj - 1.71; ,\f;trcli 1,77, bid; Ma.v 1.8J, M;

bid: Julv t.SO, bid; iicptei_ ; Keflned wns «nchani;co ui 4 sy mo

I fo r Hue Krannluteil wiihoiI c ra t ; hand-to-mouth donu'iui ••.

f| mmmim{ iiic A r .o r ( i r .v n i^ :s , lny^

■j ( in t'A iiO . m e . 2 .'<!’• iVSDAl — r e ta il . rccelpt»9liear»iuntr,iek:i;U: Fra tota l V. .S. ^:^lpmcn(J.^■,;lurdsy 59J,

: Sunday 49; dull, suppllfs modcrale. i.'d cn ia n d and traOln; ■Inu^'iMhcd

' per e» t IMIrhliaii lluut'tl Wliltrn bcM0 r ,S , Xo. 1. :7 'iC ; Wl^rnii'ln Itoimd but'

j U 'liltc V,S. No, 1. HJ' ■ tn Hie, lilaho l>""l'.;s. No, l . 's i4 o to $IJ5: I 'o

!i:,.s, Xii,,'*, M,i,'u.Lutul)Jiulluintailc '; 5I.J0 lo j i ;;;'...- i oiowdo .Mrriutf*

j U.S. No 1. Sl.90 to SI.95. . _

j I,OS A N (;i:i,tS I'OT.MdKS f’’"I.OS A StiE l-t!;. l)ce. 3 1,11 (i; S D f.'‘V

y ■ A l - l ’nlatoe»; lioud Sforkton Ilor-s bmiks M.IU lo SI.'J5: siirrl.ll Hiwhs i'i !;I. Sl.’ii i fair tlOc lo'Sf.Ui; or.liiury ' ' 'U BJc-to uic nW;.Urcson'llus>i;t.‘..L .• S. No. I, M.IU to M.I5 f,Hl,; new ' crop K n n eUuiity llrltlsh iiui-.'tis.K l«e«t J ' je ; I’errl* niPilltini.s lUe III iOc ;

. nu,

.I) |.U 1 «: n iA iib KA1.1.S, i)cc. 3 1,1', lU stjufr! I> A W siilpiuni point Infunii.itlun'i Out;

A f o ^ ' ‘Urda>: / i stp p r r Vftlr.s: Carloads.f. o. li. raih I tfei

track, itUMcts, I', .s. No. j. ino lr>v, .i. ■' rciio rtrd 'lo <iU'»lc; fro i ; ' .y ; |r ; . i■ .i.ec.iskili4l c.ir 4»e; bulk >.ul... ii;lil I i ,u '' ca: ll to groM m; llj|ssfl»,-r. S. No, 1. * nvi

fc«» 50t to 53c:‘ I', .N, No. -J jur lo 1 \ -'i'.iC. ■ I'' . 'i 'u ln Falls-llutlrr; ('uclu«d« t. n.! L

b. rash-lrqck: HussfK t', m .So. 1 i) i■ 7 ie ; I'. S, No. 2. \'rr> lr« KU’ tu'v.ix; ' 4 ': 'jc ; bulk .luturlclit lasli lo Kro»- .• rr>. Itussets. I'. S. No. I, te«. 5«c ,

lo 51c: l \ &. No. :ue lu : j ' , r . • - V , -------- . . , • , Cun— ■.— — T - ■

r( tiSiflHIiiiiitiS'. B5 , SAN KIIAVC1.SC0 LJVES'TOCK . t ~ S I ': bAtf FRANCISCO. Dec. 3 -I'j. lU 'A i-1 S U A i-H osa; Rccclpta lOij. top ■ Inm h under 211 pound CaliluriUiis SD,7.>:,wni

. nu'dlunis and .drslrnblc 2J5 (o ;'^3|id.t: . pounds tO.25; 'packuiii sows .strong r h ' l o 25c higher ll: n l*riday; g05d • ' i t . lo l4 .7 J . - QBl Cattle: Rcaclptx9C0: two cars top sh.-

Ifiood 1047 *j)omid led CallMriuu ' ;ind 1] Meers Jfl.50: top: coiiiparable iiiiiil- chi>.. 'i«(, 0'.i*l I'H'tfiftt nifrtfT#!'..'* i/uif..

A H 0.T U E 5D A Y .M 0R N IN G . DEC. J—

i n e ALLEYr-SHi CLARi

v o u W E R S ^ TWAT / 6 R TO O E T TH IS ., W A S EASV. JE R V lC e AWAW t CAM D O

Iih.;s JC.25 :fcw c;ifs 073 to lOOo! poiiMl .S'evftdas *C; var {.liort fed i liiiler:; $5.^5; b iller i:ritde co?vs M-iircr, Calvcs, 1(»; liidicatioiu ful­ly Mrndy.

Sliri'p: Rrcclpl.l 2890; double deck , mrcllum.to choice Hi iwuiid wcolcd'

- h .' ev/id.-. i.w n.v?i;i'o,' >otted. n iK'^i 1, 'c -iii: t'vn dr.cks medium to choice!

)o-M 8 poiwO ivcolrd N c ijd a .U , I; lev .., $3.«'j MraiKl-.t, 1 **

• ! CHICAGO I.lVi:STOCKClllC.^tlO, Dec. 3' -I', .U S D A'

I lii.iv . Itecelpt* :-9,UC3; a:!i-.i-; hold- “ U _u'.mJaiDQ:_i:i:.to ::.e iui.-iier (i..m _ .* I'nday im medium and heavy I*, ui-inlit.s; lighter uelKlili inicvcii, 2jc *•

iind more hlRhcr; licaiU'.-, larccly ‘ .■ '$o.;o,anrt sy.'js; e.MM'ine lop JSJO: ‘ lehoicc 'JW pound.s t;;i to iu.W iind

* ira ]ioiin<ls sc o.'>: ico to 1B3 pound'; ’ '•;$:> (1. s.-..(iO: iikJu jm u i:. $4 to S 5 ; ;“ ';'

plain li;:ht v,i-Ik1iU ,Jl-.7.i: packlru ^ . Vi7.'ic !o t,..90, li'w .' i!. .cat

.[ fe d Mcer.- in'.l yearliiiK:,. lo«er'->>‘»

; lil-jffr. y e a H n t T t u T J ^

■ I . ' i U ' i r r . ' i ' . i p x ' . r d ' " o

S h .iil 'lo r r.ilti .■)!• a;i>aii(r»7,.:0;

I y,Mrlii;;;s $',.7i, lUpped' lambs i , y . i -*

• .'rniuiic’aiid r;"'ar,t'tT^ia'i;0,"i'Vrud‘ . lo Su: ton Jli.Jj. .

I’OHTLANI) l,iV j:siO ('t{

‘ .j.; A 2JIHU •i.vi'i..,iii;.l.. $j.7i-'to . i l i ih : l.:!i;..-la:-.'.-!.-. S.-..-,il ;o 45,7.);

^ ‘'’c ' i y ' ’‘i(:-’S : r i - caves v y " ^ ' '

fewea;:v ili'-arv lr . ;,;.,';r-. J j7 j 1(1• SC; ;i>':r,r--l',i;d load Uni

tl)'$3; li l r .t ly 'S3 ;.> s'iVa’; t ';

, jo ; JeVi-iv’.;\oliij'': rku'.'jV -'i ir>'j4; jl".' . lo’,vnif.iT.s:u;iic:i:ti-r.. J l to V . Imilr., i.

• onvcal"i. .lx--.t i'eidii;r.-.,ird'(oS(V50, J!;',' . sure;.: 3700; iinive; ■ i.

jU E iy ;.f :ou i;i^ :U ;^oB !i!m ^

1 oouf:N . I.'-".' :i ■ r. 'i i .s 1) . \ i - ' ,lllo.|.^: l:cci-;i,:.-;. a w . ' l i i r ’uded ;'4V

■toirccl; Lc'. A:r,-I.;rs market 3f.l; iian - Fraiici'vo .:i"k?r.s 047, Se..-,n-u:n

rk :l 194:

! bCM i.>.‘Vbut'rn.'r!-,’{,vH.i (-! $'i'; lH>t y,.; : but'-luT, 111 l.v.d Idaii'j.t jii.lo on :in>I DOiilKl : D.ii’, r>i f.nilie I'-ail

170 pauir:.. j:..90 llltll iindcr\vr!i:l;i.s » l.iO; lua;l

‘ 'c iil tle :' I'ei-i'iiV,. H'li; C.illtorilla 'eeiliT^ W, Ali:i-;v.'. p.ulivr. 2:,; Neisila Iieiler.s 17., .San l''ram'l-':':> •/; market M'l; l.'.s Ai'.;:e!e.s m.irlie; III. '' '

■■nu'oiiim ..:i;l KOo:l.'k;c.;I ,slerr.. Sl I >

lo ’ be v..’i,-.ie:l S 1.:>i)ivltli$3>>, iii' .i.um a ; ; ; Wkidl).<i(.>ij. $j.7j. io-St;:c . loainil.;,II,(I .l.vf.i air.l fn-i/cr.s J.’ ,W !■>$3,7,'.:ij«.s-:.._le:.-miVilyeonineilliitii -l.ioil.' Ti; $2 ot i>„.i ,hear Ko.'.l up to S3.lo; I.:w iii.-a.aiii cUuI: K -‘V . . ■ ' 'l.

Sl'.C'iv li.-.-eii.i.s :n71; N aail.i . bl'l:cd. r. O'l. no e;>rly,Milc.s, S,..

.iAb>',e fi:.;:!-.i'.:JlV. »ll r,>:' .'hll'.- . nl:iii^ Ic rv ;; I'-i^ •

'{ I .d s AX(.i;i.Ks sm :K r I LOS ANC*i-:t,ta. Dcc. 3 i.j’, lU-K'u A'-.-^hWp- i^^er.p^.^ 11..... . K...'d•v.i)cledj,iint)s i|iu,;rd aruuiul S'jiij.

DKNvi.n s i i i;ki‘ f '- UF-NVtH, IV.'. J'-.v; lU S I) A l - IcuiiimciLlal llcceli.l. jJCU;

.'i;nM.riiin»i;.'i lli^: native i;,i Iniiits „ '.sU.ad>; l>i-:.tr S'lJJ to S-7:i; asrd ' “ .tti-lhris i2:,0, Io ’$3,6'J: lHdlc.Uu;lu, j’: ' ’ slraili.

l‘"~STW OtiKi*ii: D.c. ;i ,1‘- *u s u lA i-S h c ep ; llcfclp(.%30CB; s!ai:;ii;ei'■ Inmbs sl'.'ndy; be.sl iiatl'c.s do'.'.u- !■>“ ' wnid iro iir 57; two load:, ill ]wuni) icu ld.llio» »'J,7i, lisht'y ^orlrd. .of l

------- - ' .'uld. 0,MAHA .SHKK1' 1 K

•. OMAHA. Uc?. 3 MV ,'U S D A t - .I'.oo Sh.-cp: Kccrlpls CCUO; la.i.b.s nciuu lon

'a n d lully steady^. ot:i:r.ela>i-.. un- m? chuniicd; bnlk .soitcd natlie inul fed oan

DECEXmER 4. 19S4

XRENCe I s g o in g t o i

I f V O U 'D e e - ' )1 H A T £ Rl< I f fP R lS e O .V /H A T CLA RG M (

3 I'VE L E A R W E O M OST PE BU T I'M b l a b i t

J M O T T E L U M ' ' A R O U M '

p i i p i E j ;'j W / i c a f S e lls l o w e r T f ia n j S

C o rn ; P r o f i t - T a k in g I

T r im s P r ic e s I

'■ Ily j o i i x 'r . iJOLrsiiAX I(.V'.'ocia-ud I'le ci Miirket Ldllor) I Liiici.Ko, U.-r. 3 — Kor tnu ilr-st B

; tlmo in five >eais. ttiieat iold h^re EI tcuay loi\er tt.an lorn, und uur,i!B I ; .t l ic Illle (lealuiij:, dia^gcd the co.n I

. in.irkcl duviii.! Tae dbcuunt for wlie.it was rcnclr- ■ ' Ctl wi;cii fio. 2 haid wjicai tn i;n l. “ ? .caco bruiiL'iit Sl.i'ii a liiu.icl. wiior;'* I ..3 i.w. 1 « ih it coiii ccminandfd »i.vu’;. *oe u.|i.me,; price Here Miice

iR-of-the-TTBUhr — ulKiiiliJ.i, iot;a.i<.r 1 int Ihnl iiiL- Unit-

^ iip i) |v „ tm i, -leuiiy .siameii ,i :,iii,nler icductljii uum »,..s lo'ueij 'or did much ni.'O- HJ ii,i.i.i!i..in i.iliuh lower ut m e - -

, «.11 ai iK.M'o iin.stable, i.c to ,0 lillN l. May 99 ' . . ^

' . ; com :i:ai,-,, , t lo k down;! -10 lc lil;:hi.r. and 1: f;om ;c s . t m a ' •

Ncil tieiiird tor Season i |M .'ic:, ot to rn rca ch -1 i

i'.i a ne'A iiixn pi.cc luenra .fo i'tfie | J .'.liiron, u;,v iiKii piu lir^ ik ln t; th a ii n >\as i.i.i;iiy lor cJisUTn inicrc.sts' uiH ,. ;;..iii Ui,.) 10 );jd;iC4-';i a - ) W - u *

iineni ta i l i t r wa;,' TSlated wilt. i

.'.pii-.ul uiiluvoiao.i; ucuiiier llkciy to....... .. of corn tlicic

Ur und tend u..so' k<; demand. Another 5. to piicc iipi,ir;i., rU Hcllvcilcj on all J

vi.iv.ii;., wei.viiiurr Krulll C1UU1\U... Wa t out littlo more 'C

,\ niJtauie leamrc lo<l;iy was re-, lM,iien M»\u,iiK liwiii 01 .iieruand tor 1 ,

•T,-ii corn in toaic ,sn.iion.s oAini; fo krd, A Ic.idliii 111- i» a buyer oi lo in ! t r s

111 wiiK.,i.7, .-)iiaip curta ilm ent'o f • ^ ■uppiy Kavo lela-

........ "I’-ll '(l*!l l.<iw ll,/-.. C«l.

2 ' : S ' ; p i

. I..., _ W,. BP. B ,...:. ' PCJ:,.. - .......... i j l tf;* ClO'C

■ *-.i(.- . ' • 1 Ca

_ j_ ii----------------- w; ^— hard• ... . . . ;''C!t,

I J j ,'1M ./ To ',11 ;o | . t . Oil- .V . tu-. 7 f , Co

“ j MlfJ u . w , «u'! Ca

“ i'itu—l'l ' i: ’i-:o :j :3 n ij n jo I

I ' " . M W I Dl____ . tiafj

WlNNll'KG (illAIN- ■W lSMrLCi. l)<c. 3 l.r, - c .iih '

•■'iii.i-. .So. 1 nnr!|iern.','.'i-.e;_No..2 ( j i i r i f . in 73*..; No. 3 iiortlierii n lj)

■d.'.:.. No, 2 ttluic'4lc; No, 3,WllUe ’. . _ - . I

1'011M.ANJ» H.U- '1'011TI.A.;D, Dec. :i — Hav.

11 ptotiuicr.s. Ali- n ip siii.,o io.>i,-,^0; II,,,;.. i:c.il|;- H'l'. o, o.af;I ton; WiUiiniclle

iimoiiiv Jl3.jO ton; closer Si: ii,n. I-ortland, . ...........

I'biirln' .( IIU A(iO C ASH WHKAT ;

' I'lllCACiO, l>--c, 3 .-V; - iVhrat: jlinll ||. J ied Jt.03'..; N<l/2 hurd flO d '.; ttlHi

> ;ii o;u No. 2 .v.'lhiv 9C'i to 07c; ' idokt Nr. 1 '*hi:c SIC3'..; No, ;; iclloiv iionn ;i. .-. No. 3 «iittc S i.yv ,. 0 .,'. S j.. ah

li:i,-t-i i ii jL - Mr.v.■ . fornl ,. . ------------ . . -------- —

:;;..ll Icl B7'unuhd fed cllp;:c.(l l.-mb.) Iliir^ I'iM: bulk ftolinK Sj.:0 ta t« S j?n ii, latlcr pricc ii.p, paid ::>r t«;i , fu i:ii., WjomiiiK lanius, imiaKC iH camr pdunds; oilier saic.s uui-U'. ;■ ,1 .sori.s •a. raiio 70 lo Vl iieiiiiih {,. ;o to

' B i tWOOL

• DOSTCN, D.-C. 3 i f .'U .-illAi-Tl.s’, li:o.'.(ier de^iar.il lliat -.ui.s recently *- i.->,.ivcd on dcme,\tie in:iu(icd Ut n:at;vi’ly Uttle of tl;-.' , blood dH 1

'. b ! ^ »Ts quoj-o iuc*ily a l A ^:Hc in thc grease for Ohio lines TherI'lid a t 60 lo C:c scoiirrjl o,i/ls for lilticlleiiiiory wool.*. Moderate q:inntlllc» Ml

.of'tlic icrtltory lll;e^ mac ivcently U x i' .'uId Xi tl-.e lirlccJ quokd. with1 IMimnted rei-.-ip:.s oi domestic lng tI'.ool nt Brv'toii, repoir-tl fo ip.c Ho.s- a t Ctton Orniii nnil KIcur K.\riianfe dur- Mrm? week enduis Dv-jembor I. spen<

o:i'.n;i'Ued to (!,7fll,?iOO Itj-, compnred Mr... I. .V,._/__ . _ __

0 TALK....................... ....

s r ig h t ; V O U DOtsJT. 1 T ^ G M c e s ' p o s e . i m ig h tT PEO PLE . S P I L L S O W E J IT x a T H IW O S T D S O O 3UMD. 'P T H O U G H T J

V V O O D ID M T .

Y ■

y i ^ sj A L L “ D R E S S I i : D U

r l I

' E l l

liir lieauttiul Uilltt hu>.1 rxlcailrd tn batliini; lulls' trrll—Jntl c I and .Mls.| Lucille Lund, a t 4'alm ijpring

'S oy b-'ans: No, 2 }xllow-$l,IO; n c t ln i ' tiac)( cuiiiKry iU lloii. Darl-.-y ^ic to ' , ■$l,:fl. Timothy .ved JIO.V) to 117.75 .U l c»t. Clo-,cr Jccd Jir).2i 10 »2.'25 cwl, ,

I Lard: SI0.65; bclllvj S14.17. | |

■ I’OIITLAND OltAlN ( IrO R ’ILAND. Die; 3 i.f; - Wheat

clo'c; .May 83';C; Dcc. 80' c. 1 nn , Ca.sh: IJIK ik n d aiwMcm ej'^c; nio Id.irk hard winiiT 12 |<r tvni B4c; Cl; inmc 11 IKT cent 87'jc; f.ofi while,

-hard-w Jnur.-iiortliorn-iH irlng-and—; v.encrn red 80' , c; wc.Mcrn while 7 i‘,;e, t^r

O au No, 2 white J3JJ9,Corn No. 2 F. yeljow $431’3,MDhiJi) .'t)iwj,ird 5: j.50. t;-’Car rc;el;>w: Wbeat 22; b.iil'y 2;

flcur 35; corn I; osts 4. • '''I >ch,i

-------- t U.-S

ri..\N ; fI DULUTH,. Dec. 3 - Flax on . tia f* :..»au to S U -. Dfcembcr at ,,,,

Sl.tii’ .-: .Mi'y tl.87 ';,

!n u r ia iT . 3 - wor.-i fiom mid

li<,i;.'.iov.x.r,-<:iL:i;.,i,ii,v siind.-.y t- iu - s , 01 the d.iilli of .Mr.'. Mllllv M k cl n.r I’lcne.-;- d!:;r.ri « iiu d i;i_ u l.a - liu -^ ,,if pltal th]T i.l<i^;Klay tn(iiil..Th\b:riy, ;..i

;HiiJ ic &r3;,';l:t :s Rtivtn tor ij;u I'tiirlnl. . . ,,y.; .Mr.«. ri..k. wldoi- of till late Mar- ., jhnll n -k , «as (JfiVmi, 0; nije ,n;d . ' with her inv bind. |ii,.iicered in Mln- "• idoka to;i:iiy, coming from 0 !:ln- .liomii in 1901. ■

ahe Ls .s.!i cr,ed Ijv on'' daiifhtcr,. Mr.v. C. I), L.-.' Of U<;i:!;oiu-r. Call-

fornia. im'd tliroc 'r..'.s, Mlb-U.n.^kr- r a le h -k and IVnn M;k. Oil ol ‘■■'J Iliircrt. K:;ven KrantJrlilldtcn and tivs cr<-.itsr,n:<l.-h(.'<lien i'.ca «t/ri,n<'. * .Funeral iiirniv^finfiilJ a:c not.

‘ • llH-


*:• ' . --------- -i>rUUllL. Dcc.-3-'-^ T iicininiu cl;;b P .'

e.'i:i m .c t a t the liolnj uf .Mrr, T. A. for

'A T ir"H ff!cr v i l l a 'iis rM r's :’I la 'i f ! ' 'TThere will be n 1:30 o'clock dosacrt liin:h:oii and bridge *111 folloiu .

MlMi EUlrRWih Scotf and MLs-, L«xcne Hcf ;lr.g sjienl the scrk end I with lh(!lr parenu . They ni'v attend, for mg Khool a t the College of Idaho tee a t Caldwell. tpi

Mrj. if. A.'Cower left Saturday to “ B spend thc winter In Callfomla.

Mr». •Elizabeth Schoolcr nnd Mrs.f . , t t l l l nf r /»,* /-•l»- Til

T C A N 'T ’ 0 0 WUCHe l s e ; c L A R S w c e , '

>U B U T t C A N - K E E P 1 7 M O U T H S H U T ./


C'** A " ■

" 'S H

^ ^ * 1 1

i - z ------------- -------------- J--------------

hiiV 'di <Tul<f{rallon« and irlirr] fl If Jum c a ir uiinn Miss CInrin She,i (Icfll ipHnr». California.— i'i Thflto.

S s i w I i i E'1 [[[CIS Ni OFFins

I DURLKY, IV." 3 -n v rt lo n of of- 'I ficrrs f,*aiured thc regular quarterly.

.mK'iliiH o: th-' Ca.-.';ia county Po- ; nionn Cirniit:.’ held Snturdny In thc i .. Claremciit hall, wllh Miiiicr Cnrl I .' L Aildy prt'ld liis. Aithur D m erce ,(■ M alta, Ca'-in county c:minlssloner. y r.ai clccted lo .-^uccrcd Addy ns ma.-.*

trr for lh.‘ i:i5ulnK year. Olhcr of- :,ccr.. clcctcd «erc; 0-.'cr;ccr, Frnnk Kcr.sht-siilk, Clarvmont; s,t:wnid,Dc.-.n Wll;ox, Dc;lo: Ueturcr. Mr.s.

. Frank Kcr.shL'ii;k, Cla;imon!; y.-c-• 'I '-taiv , Ml.''. It. N. Vaiillook. Durley;

tcha;Main.-Mrs. F. C. McOraw. .Mnlta; tu .'siil3nl .<ie-.'M:d’. .Mlllnrd Dcl'>li ; rnd Mrs. Ed' Ncl.-on,' Burley; sn'.ekccpiT. W'alt-.-r Auunrte. Alblsn:

' Kracr.s: Eva Pclant. ClurrmOnt, Knt- •• lie MiOrai", .Malta, nr.d Lfcta Crnn-

. r, A'bloii,' ln :‘-.-lIation cercm:nlc.i look plnco ,

. .aL .i;i!;.c.ui;;.o : I.;: mc.':iiij;._Dcr:o . _.s| .i : j) iJ)r jiiundaiir'.- bami-r. .

'l.iu.-:alimi<-nt pru;r;'.m. M i:<rT:-?d'-r?»|| il)} .Mrs..•jiui Claik, Oakley, iiiclud.d T l

t'ri.id iniis by M.'lba I'arkcr. lii;rl?y: \ Mr.s, Walt.’r ' Anriidc. Albion and . Lurao Craniicv.-Oukicy. |

' A rciolutlcn «rs a.loaU'd tJ be 1 Miijuilll d to (!v iu.i^ie:»sifr>;^C'*lv-

sncon 1:1 Vvnrni:ii:io:\-ir>t:t1^-l.>i>l - / - I ii,nherc:V lC riH l,.j.o r^ 'l-.cn io tl',« ^pioiK-M il-i«’-d iT ririiv :li.’ iiirpliN

v.at:ii.Q :.-l'cl:j'.vii;ni:..ia:tc,io..ilie .■ Sii:u:c. r.vcr va/fcy nn.c.-.Vic-d tiir it-

i iu : ia : i piiri:c.;.-j,; •lho IKM q'.iaii.rly ,me;iins '.mU

Ix; h 'M III 1,1:.' Uurley gianje hail at tl-,e • ia ‘r srounds, '.'Ith Uuii.'y • r.ca'iic ai'lid-.'. on lhe flrn Samr-

, Cay in .\Ia;ch.

day after a two vm'-ks at the .1 1-. !•;. Jiriioal.T iiutu,'.; -llic Ciixsr^ad cl'.;b'mct J'rlday nt

tl." home of Mi*. W, a. Samuel for n c.1.1 :<d dL*n IiinchJomn noiwr ol the N.ivcmbcr b;rihd3y., 'Hircc nc*'

,mei:il>-ii uere fu .;ii 111: . Mra. W. d, \ ‘-:iiu;ruin, Mr.;. J, A. .Maynard and .Ml.s. Arl Cillttfil'le. There were 21.

p ie s iit for the sccuil nfternoon. The > Chri.stniRs sift c,xch»nRe will bc held

- I> 7e«itfr 14. nt the home of Mrs. t) P. C. U:m w;iii Clirtiinns quotailoii.s ,. for rell e.';i. ■' . ' ^ '

New Tom fort for Those ' .Who W ear Kolue ‘I'ecth

1 No longer need you feel uncom*. fortnbic wearlnt false teeth. Fas- 0 teeth, a ereatly Improved powder ,

iprlnkled on your plate* holil» then/0 tiBhi and'comfortablf- No mimmy. »

pasty tnye or fcellnt Dc'^dorlrrs., Oet Pa<ir!>ih at your drussl^L

n iree sl« j.-'A d» . . t

Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es


SI* i t j t , p«r line p«r d*y............6efhrfT d«r*. p tr line p«r d«y ....... 9tItae d*r. p t r llne...Z....................K» '

Discount . . I 'o r Cash

Cun <!u«um If l a y r iu f' rnrnt U P»l(l » f FllMn •evrn <!»ri ot

lint lii'dilon.plwnc 32 for nn Adlnkcr

'INDEX TO WANT ADSAnnoiincfmtnu ”-----------------------------------------Aulo» tor Utif. *— *Hf(iniT Bhnp*.......—— —II ■■■

.nii»inf*« Onporiimii'irt—------- JJCtW.ltliM. ---------------------------ronl. woort,Don other re u : . ._ --------------- Mlt»cli«njei«—" U w ip * ------------ i-J®rfm»*i*Hel" -------— .10noeuu -- ---------:-------------------Fpr n»nt, MlicM}«nw>u < ...------- 30.

. rru lu >nd VMFltbIt*—— ——1 ruwlliifi* Jer ... ' .T —

Oood T hiap w E»t —— -.-.U-AJlelp. Utle or reroalr....----------- «1llouM* for I ttn t--------^ituiruetlon ...... .......... .... ....... ..,11

■ l,OdllM. • ............- 1I------- la n Ilia FBiiim.:------------- = — *• -

lICp U tlt Wmttd— .....»1 ^ Money 10 Lo«n---------------------- IH •W Uorinr e ierttf----------------------54r ; Pfr*on«U -----------------------<

t PoulCrr •»<! Sucollt* M .....37rudlM knd BfrrlK"_____ i— —U-A

I n » l bl4(« ror 6> l r _________ 33ne»l a i a u tnr Tr.<lp_________33R»il Biuie W.ntpd----------------- «

"■T TJoonw for Rfnt^-.-T ' ,BllUitlOM WunlWlIir__SnteUl* kt BtofM_____________ M

'Wknitd to Ihiy______________ UWtnlKl to •» WMhln* U .rh ln f IR. ror B*lk cr Tr»d«...__________ Jl

Personali ~’~ 4 ' ~WELLS D R IL L m A N I ) " c L ^ i ^

--------pm apa_repalr«l,_I« H. H<wWi«, _2S9 3rd Avc. So. Ph. 1713. ?ronipl

' neiTlce. .

J__ _ LosJ and Found _5LOST—BROWN SH EPAno ■ PUP.

Lost W«d. ddcrnoon. lU tum to J . D. Noland, 1 ml. so.. »i emt. Kimberly. Reward.

LOST — MERCHANT P O L I C E bndKc wIlh F. M. Sinter Jnicrlbcd on It.' m hotwhold cIL'trtct. Re­ward. Notify F. M. eiaw r, Phone H 34.J. •

LO BT-TEN DAYS ACO. 30 HEAD = medium line l&mtu niark;ed upper r lsb t ear.-Inquire H u ry WUmii. Box -2S, Twin Fall*.

, TAKEN OP 1 MI. N.. ’i WEST O P ^ V Five Polnu, team -ot gray mulcj. j f t Owner niujt idenllly. pay for

’■ adv. atifl Jced. J, ^,^arrL^t)^. .

STRAYED-4 HORSES, BRANDED triangle b a r’ on left rhouMer.. - Biaek, a buckikln. ii i>nd n bay. Rea.v)nablc reward. Ed Welli, Ph. 1M6R. Twin FnlU. ’ • ;

CALL AT NEWS OFflCE, RfRS. ^ Lillian Davidson. 502 Mnln Avc,South, ror yoiir free llckrt to ihi; -noxy theatre. . "

. Beauty Shops 6SPECIAiT~OIL WAVE JS.'^NAt '-

nral J2J5: exra line; lialr $250. ' 238 .CUi. Avc. E. I'll. 15&0, Mrs, Beamer.

DEC. SPECIAL - N A T U R A'L ” wavch $2, Sin Avr. Beauty Shop.<ffl Sth E, rh . 6;31V.

TIIOSE'WHOnWVE'EXPEnTENCr - cd OUP work kno'*' lh a l our melh- 0(ts and (he skill of oar opemtors an; superior. You m.iy non' have .. one of our.oll waves lor aa low 04: O I 1.S0. Crawfoul'A Beauty S.ilnn, 1131 Main Atn,.South. Phone ICT<. j

•■ T iiE ^ tt ro u UEsuLTS"-nioNi:j: n e g ------------------- --------------- —

--------- - — y ^ V J E U - '.V iE U i_________ifr:-- • , / lM A 6r lN t TWIS - •


- ( C 3 0 V tR M fA 5 ,N T - 1 \ M M -M ' U<M WOMOER

. (cl'V T H E V VJANT T O 61VE H M A T ITL E - ' -

J U S T K I D S -

I '


.' f f + ^ r K w J w S ^ l i i n

' f r e e T H E A l

3S. ■ Autos for Sale' 7t -------------— :------------- — —

! ! ! ! N O T f C E ! 1 •' Ke • U S K b C A R B U Y E R S ]

It's your I0.1S AS well u mine If - •- you don't vlnlt our USED CAR

i„ . STORE before you make a pur- ot cJi.ije.' or .vll your csr,

. . I n o . B . W h i t e C o .We Buy for Cash and Sell

*'» Terms 1« 2nd Av?. No. Twin Falls

■; B u y y o i i i - I '. '- .o d C a r

i! H e r e a n d G e t L o a d s

!• o f “ E a s . y M o n e y ”

■-:b pentlic Sp[. Rdsl.. .... ilM3« 'IT Bulck a id . S(d*ii..I l i” •2a DOdRC A f.c(laii .. IMso "27 Dodge 4 c o u i« ... SSn- lO'W liipprt sedan....IU‘5 ■ 'Sl Hupp. C coupe...42523 •3t) Oakland coupc__400'A -ca Fonl truck ........................................................................ 110I i . -29 Ch-'v. coach 110i l " a ^V^klnl• sedan A-1_140

»7 Smdcbakcr coupe—----- 100■ft irU acv. cuacii. nctirUHS...- DO" ■'H . •23 Chev,-roach..65“ Ford sfd.iJi - 35j 7 • '26 Ford foups. --------------------------- 35 ;'A D odce‘j ton truck....-..35 ]” Several SlO to $25 Caeli j


- J O H N O ’C O N N O R

= U S E D C A R C O .4 Co«h Paid (or Used Cars

^ TOFJ; TICKET TO •HIE JIOXY 1 I ■ tlifnicr for R. A, Bacon, Buchanan

- s trc e t,-c a » ----------

^ STNDEBAKER ;f. Certified t'led Cart^ Najh deluxe « d a n _______1D30

t r ' tViy moderA'-M.'dau.— .v:." 1020' 1Ford model A cosch______ 1D20

V Ford V-B aedan__________ 1D3J“ '• Oldunobllo sedan________ 1M7 ,__ Butek sedan............................1032' : ,- g Graham tedan_________.1£I30

etudctJikcr Dictator tedan..lK7

S a l e s a n d S e r v i c e ,123 2nd Ave. WesL Phons lU

AD ' .

S I A u to S e rv ic c , P a r t s 8 | '

OT T l i o m e t z T o p & B o d y0 AUto TotM

. « Wlnd^hlelda. Door OJau , .— ' A 'Canvas; Canvas nepalrUic 'ED rtlONE 723 5J2 ViD ST. IS.Iler.. — . i . ■ '

MI4. Situations Wanted- U— EXPtoI e NCeV T Y P I S T -AND •

caslilcr wants work. Write Box 22, riire NfVk-.v

lht; ■ ■— r r - '

^ Money to Loan . 16 <g NKlTM ONE'TFORCim isHiAS^^ ',

Wo jc;in money on dlMiioinl . w,llch'.■ . Jewelry, Runs. rmiMMl

.g •iwlnimcni.'', raUlw uml ovcry. thlnc of vuhie. See Bob at ih<' UJnJio I,o,ii> outre. 123 Sbo^ljoiir

_ No. Phone 1542, . '

ALBERTO. BENOIT, M ttirni AVE. Nwih, hfl.s a fire Ucket lo the

__; Itoxy ihi'ftter. Cnll'at Ne*s office. '}Cr — — --------- ~ ' ------------------- r-—

m F o r S a lc ,M is c e l la n e o u s 1 7 ,ftve ------------------------------------------------I•ftfliOOOD STREET A N D HOUSE: 113; drc:^r.s Ik- lo 16, Harmor.'s. 610 J

[ Srd ;»«<•,

k7 : " im : c,\ll i on iiKsu’LTS"-riioNri;|


----------- . ^ V JE .L t..F .Q .W K S ^- • ' RATHER^JNTURE

M -FR O M I \ ^ S N I >06M \ ' T H E AUiTRAUAK

/ ' .V^AKTJ T O HQl JNOERFUL* / / F O R S£>ME-'T«H 6 1 WE • / ■^ER'vlCE

J ____/ ^ t i t a b Y 'C l T i i t N

r / f T \ .

I'a-** • '

? 1 c m r SHOOT-> p r p E V K S i

i i

I T R E T I C K E T !fs EVERY DA7 F o r S a le . M isc e llan e o u s 1 7

(Con«i»tiftf fiom Catumtu

h a r r y ' m usgraveI ' OFFERS TODAY .

1 liiivp all klnd.1 ol buyer' for (arm eqjiimiriil anil I would Autgi'Sl thnt .yuu te t '111 touch

, wllh me ns soon as paulbU: It you have nnyihlnf t° sell. I'll •

Is v-ltli'T buy 11 outrtRht or wll it ■” on a comnil.-J.ion basLi. I .. ' purclms'ed a part of one lanner a |I rOHllwiient aJii! he conslgiird l l 'r | g otlier part to me. I l's Just a t i

easy to Mil fu>in equipment In ; the wintfr m ilie'summer il ' priced rich:. Harry. M liscrne

*3 6 ale.\ Agency and Mcrchandlie15 Mart. iOts __

[i W, P. 1L\NEY. 238 8lh Ave. Norlh,Ja hu.i n Ircc tickei to ihe Roxy Q jh fsjf .' Call »i .Vea-.» offlcr,

I® JELLISON nnOS, ORANITE ANDmatkk- munutnints. Ph. 066W. 435

» I M alnF,

** A numb-.-r of used heaters and | 55 /3«7f.s vrry rraw nibly priced.5 ; M T X . S T A T E S IM P . C O . j '

HAY IX)ll SALE, F. H BLACK, i t. 4th Avo N'orlh. ;

BPEO A lTPniCF.TSjn 'N EW -J^IN — j’ DEERE maiiur.' spreaders.

• C. W. &. M. Co. j

FOR SALE - CAMPBELL ELF/:- ]’ . trie .M•rvl ln|!: machine. i»rlablc i :

- floor nnxlrl. cxcellenl for retlue- lne, priictlcnlly new. Very reason-

----------m r . n i . 251'j,— "•-------------- —

PUREBREo'ToW S — 4 OUERN- ian w>' ' I Hob’clii, stile delivery rake. --------- hny_iUrncK._wagon^ 2 jn l]e .\^_ ^— and wesi ol Hozelton. 1 . A.

W clhcrbr. ' ]

r _____________'S ' BATH,. TUBS, Sl.VKS.' WATTJt ; :9 clo^i.', lavatories, and all klnd.%IJ of plumbtuK Mipiilles. Lowtst prlc- 17 I c.1. Krciiscls lliirdware.3 ■ : ------------ -----------------------------------10 SHEEP PASTURE. BE.\N STRAW 17 and alfalfa liay. 2 ml. so of Soulh '

Park. AUS. Devrlea. |

A-NO. I JERSHiY COW. GRAY ' i cnanxl «erl coal range; davcn-j. __ . ette. i63 2nd Ave. E. June Atidr<'w.!

ONE NEW 3- -TO O-ROOM CIRCU- 10 Ifttiiis lic;iter, CloK out pricc. One , •

u-'rt Mever, detp well jwwer h e ad .'.

3 y - C . W . & U r C O .—

WELL CASING AND WELL PIPE, j \ . AH «J» i; aJMi-iIffp well cyllndvr.i I If .i^renijcl's Hardw)iri‘.. .

^ j:\750-20 BALLOON TRUCK T inE— and tube, 7.00x20 balloon truck w tire and tube. 35B N, Elm S t * ' ' ^ Elmer Wagner, • • '

ND ^

^ W a n te d M isc e llan e o u s 1 7 - A !

1 6 OLD AND DEAD ANf.\JALS. I, O __ Prescott, Ph, 0102-RH,

'?,• WE ARE IN TIIE MARKET FOR If,,' raw flir of alf kinits. I'v.m .fy. Junk Hou&, 3J0 Main So.


— ■ ed $1 tills week only. Ph. 500W. ] VE. Burns fiecoinl Hand Store,the — — ------------------ IIcc. WANTED TO BUY’ ‘'BUNCH- O F '= r — (uuakraU-tMffu Edw m _D anin)pnJ.

■ Mary Allcc Pnrk. - j

, C l£ L 's P th 3 s I l . 'G ,'7 R E B C O fr. '< f ig i Ph, 0102-R14,__________________ j

THE NEWS OFFICE HAS A I’REt': j___I ticket lo the Roxy theatre ibr \

Frank Cook, n<-cd Aiit.-:. j-

T H E G V M P S - S P A

■s \ . \ M A b SOME ^ t u a t :i ' l

.U A N 6 C»JERNWENT\ f f HQM OR M E ) M ^ X E

/ ‘/ • \ IMFO R T ’ViEJR / S I R

'■ \ ^

_ z r i

S s e I mS k e S IPUTHEC2 y / AVG,

OUTU J — I s 'Q i

M fri-


M f iF17 C O S IIN d N E X T SU


I» ! TH E S ( ’R E E N 'S f i l

I T H R O U S IN C E “ L'* ' Mvfl lovely Anne, the orphan gl

i . . . pnilcnt old Miitthew. Jilted I ‘‘ ; .Ktnilsht-laced Manila. M«-rn olo miI'f ■■ ■■ ~ ~I t ----------------------------------------------------

Fruits and Vegetables 18 ' i


. QUALITY BY„ : a u . r K L O . A P n i j C A R i ^ ',a i im M iisT iS irn 'itros : id. ! B L A d K T W lG S ;) . O K K ir l iM . 'i I lK S . I 12.I

5!:.i H, B. LONG.11)1 SltO SlIO .N ’ K ST . W E S T

llt^ ' ------- ■ "— -' lU ilN IPa 1st: PE31SACK. ' i MI. E ; 1 1 '} ml. S. of sugar factory. H, F. j

~ iablc!l--REE TitfKCT TO THE ROXY [Inc. the.iier for F. D.-Brown. 121 7lhiOn- Ave. North, Call a t News office. ;

__ 0E M SP U M 7'1 \ b l, E.OaKimberly -[IN- Road. D, B. VosburR,like. ------------------------------------------------ IS ? i.■ * APPLES. *___ V- S illllw veafew carso /appJes *PII K Kv-binhel or iruck load. I t ♦

V mile So. oil Mi'l» til ', llllll’ " ’' ■— « berly. Idaho, John Ii;il«h . * . T J tind.\ '■ __ _________ ',r lc ------------ — ------------------------------ I

~ Washing Machines 1 9 1AW _______ ___ ________________mill USEO WASlltRS,.OVERHAULED.

suanintced. Eo.iy. MajiuK. A4J.C.. — ,! Auiopiatte and otliers. A^-o EASY J ^•"’ 1 tcrm^, C, C. Andcrion Co.. ■,’cn- _____ ' — —

* * * * * * * * CU-I * * Or.c .-t U S E D W A S IIE U S * e a d .> AT MOON'S- ----- --i-Siwfiftl for .Monday Easy vacu ♦ ,— I J^um cup, ver)- f to d c o n d itio n '^ . * : IPE, Out Minute, m tlal tub, »7.50. * j' Jvr.i IV Aijiomatlrs. metal lubi. 15, $10. * ‘

■ 1* 111. . . . *■;— * PJ10SE5F0R RFSERV A • *IBE :f. . .j- io sa , . *ruck ^ #

V ’ - N E W * ■ ___ '^■•’D I^X T K H W A S H E R S *

r.i: 'S39.95 .. :' ' V- C.-v;i or wrile for demonstration *

— CALL A-r N t:W S~O FnCE~FO R ’frx'e lKk<t It. lhe Roxy th e a tre ..' L, n. nsMcn. 745 2nd A rt, N,

ST- For Sale or Trade 21<3W. ] _ .................. --------------------------- I

;TWO LOTS IN OQLDEN RULE • ■— 1 Add, 18x32 bajemeni with roof. '

1 Will trade lor ear or fell for cash. 1AJ>J— liK iiilrc-al-Jno J -.W tillC _ U « < L _ '

I Car Co- *

TT. sn tlC T L Y MODERN 5 - R(50M___I on an acrc an<l , jast out-

*!de lhe city llmit^ lo trade for a ' 40. WrJIr Bo.t C4. care Ncw.v

j ••Tlie CAU. vou iti:st’i,T»''-i'iiosi; ji •'

P A R E M Y T l U S H E S

^ L F O P IT, M IL U E - ) fHEY Vj AMT To \ ,>AXE HIM. A kN l6 H T- )^ I M A G I N E - /

S I R b e n j a m i n /

- ^ 4 ^ ■

J W ' V i '

^ I / c jE - > /e « s e \ P U T ^ c ? \ “

I '15^^


FOR YOUR Nl‘ SU N D A Y TO . . . .


m n t s ^ t YOH/ n w e s t h v “ *■ —

; G IIE A T K S T H K .M IT “ U T T J J ': WO.MF.N" '

itn Blrl tlie.Mliolr world has adopted *" ted In youth niul ion<-iv tn ace , , . llg maid tt'iU Ihl' lir.trt <il n mother! -

18 Fuilnitiirc lor Sale 23 "NF.W Asi) USED F U ltN IT U R B ^ -

all kiiitlvOi:il ItanKe.i u low u tlQ I' each. Wr trade aiul buy or icll, WIU Tiii\ ca.'ii lor stoves and refrlRcra- - tor. and fiinillute. Moon's Paint aii.1 fnicmiure Storv. Phone 3.


! r>'imi.*liini; anil ujiliolr.terlns. Oet * ; yojr "EASY MONEV"; here. .*

2 '( : Cll".' A Brtiiev Furniture Co. 130 if 2nd St. Easi, Piione 555, *

- - * If

_ — R adios a n d .S e r v ic e .2 3 i A j *

1 W A N T E iJ^ u S iT ^ ^ lO S rO U i^ ^ ' I*• amecd radio repairing, all makfs. j,

__ 1 reasotublc, We Hll and trade new ^}jYl •'•’d ured radios, Glen Falrbank-i, -Jill 234 Main So. Pll. 541-W. ,

S WafflH To~Buy------25'»— ^ L T O ^ f r y u V i i s r p H i f o w ^ 'i?

— -W A N ’l-El>rUSEl>-OAHa.-WB-PAY « J eash, Jno. a 'W h ite Co.

* WB Aiti: IN AIIE MARKFTT FOR t t * |mr ;i;ni,>t).'it.f, a r i . a ’ iud 'Uailey w* 1 Old!.- fierd i i I\-ed, Pli, 49], 221 I

- • e . |_ i : h .A ^ c - e ? ._ ......................^ ____J

1 9 1 Apartments '.28 )!' FULLY . FUHNlSIlED~Al'’ra .~ A T 4

I.e.. I Ju.Mamere Inn and O.v'd* Home. >i fiY I 4>5 .•Illd K'J / .^I>ffllVl-Jy.

__ Lir.IlT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 'Avaiil Hfiiel.

i * __________________________ ___ .' * ............. ....................... •;— , '* R oom s fo r R e n t ' 2 9

1 ♦ ! mON'T- SLEBpi.VO ROO.m'’ CAR- . •. * : axe, ’Jnd t.ii li.' .......................... C

J 1 ROOM CLOSE IN, WARM. STEAM ‘ If, 1 heal, rnnirolli'd l>y .stoker 33ff 2nd .• * AVi'.'‘.‘io.._________ _______ . . ■

* HOOM. Cl.OSE IN. FURNACE* licai. Pll. S3C after 6.30 p. m. j

* i r o U S E K E E P n T o R<X»M - u aenllemnn preferred. P h o n e

. Jf. 1494-J. _________________n * --------------------------------------:

• F o rR e n t ,M is c c l ! a n c o u s .3 0

_ loT liA O E .'^L SO piA ^V uC oirA H JOR North.________________________ =tre. — — -------------

_ W a n te d to R e n t 31 f

' 4'.!, M O R T o '^ C R E s'a O o b K^IM 21 land. Have full equipmenV-Wrilc -

I Box A. cnre News. j

joJ' WANTED—I ROOM I'OR HOUSE- kreiilnj. Wrlle Box 10, carc News.

“ 'l-»-b |:B A R 0N '3-R H N -T-A bS-t-l~__ Office with J. Ei. RoborW. Pli 5C3)M Modern lioaw oh ani St. No., J30, ^ ul- i»ciS!<'slon at onee. If you wnnt iicxxl it r a renters, list .your-prcju-rty with

tne. Resident photic JC3.

i; JI I "Iin :'C U I. For nrM 'i.TV -riiiiM ij? -n

E S ■


!_j35Eii5ZZZ'■ _________________ T H I

3 \ 7 avE . \ |I G 0 S U ! \S £ E V W Z ;

s g ) SWIPE . - • V & V F I N N E

/■ BQ W l . ■

' ' *


lAME AMONGR e a l E s t a t e f o r S a le 3 2

GOOD ’ nVRTROOM ' h o u o t " o n da: foucili avenue e u t . tUOO. This U T a nice home and a good buy. »L S

I tnu price; better look IhU up, t . n ie acres with good (our-room ^

hou.M; nnti small oul buildln*}.. ,?ii; ; njco. 40 aciea near Twin FalU, v

flve-rooHj modWH liome, »J000- _ £ ; Nicely imiuoved 14 acrei near — I Tain -FalU to trade for forty.

Sfven-room hou»* for rent, 130. .I . Seicii-isom hotise for renf. #30,


WANn.D TO REN T-FO U R- OR five • room - m o d e r n fum U hed' f

- hoiiw.'Ftmilly o f t h f « . Reliable' e piriy. Phone 433-J. i »

_' IOO ACRF3 OF LAND IN OOOD-1 J 3 Itij County for aale or rent. Inquire :... I t 235 ShoOione No.IP -----~ , ........... ..........10 15 ACRES. CAN DB DIVIDED,IU Box 442, Tain PalU.

nl ^

_ ' l * * ? l B 'i* FOR SALE-40 ACRES F IN E *!i l ; , » , land w itli_attT tw m _hQ W ^_!__ct * barn, Karajc. op« mile from ♦ ;«. .* Twin I'alLs. Price $ l» per » I" ’ I JO V actr, JfjOO caah. Balance * ! da;

* terma. rf* »1 Ru If. _ * I old

~ * ; eraa * J-OR SA'l.E-40 ACRM WITH * »oi ^ ' | | ‘— 4*r«m -house. ba»n-for-,-J5-* 1 l>fi p co-,v.<. Good chicken Iioil'^’, I *1'

'* all Icncfd, locaUd l'« mile * cel* trom Ihsprm nn. price MOOO, ♦ , »J’t

" * *1000 ca.'h. ♦ ! ■* M 'll'n

■ * * I prt= 4 'F O ft T f lA D E - 7-f?00M

* house and bath and 2-room *;5‘ ♦"TiotUTwrTCTrroMot.'flll-iilee*-*- Wi _ T ly fumWied, RenUd now a t * - ,y. 'if 150 per month. Will exelianse * «■«— * lor a Kood 40 clear. * Wl lY i t ---------------------------------------------

■* -----* ? O n SALE-A BARGAIN IN ♦ CM

« rooming houv whh 4 6*1 1* room\ well furnlahcd;'prea- * '

■* » eu i income *700 j>er month: * °tl

~ ’ ¥ ur,Q * J,F-R OB ERTS - ., ¥ _iO l* .nealW ‘ * “— * Phone 553 ’I'win Falla, Idaho *\ r * . *1C.

“ ■ ~ " R e a l E s t a t e W a n te d 3 4

- w ^ -B : tr - -L is ’n N o s " o n '^ o o d I)Q larm l.inrt. Have buyers wllh caah

from S2000 to SBOOO, J, & Roberu, 1 Realtor. Ph. 503. I


— farm and clly property. We have | the bus'er. C, W. Park* 4; Co.

Ild Ph- 750,223 Shoshone So.

J D o g s, O ttie r P e t s ‘ 3 5

_ m R D s r^ m tn ^ ~ B iR D s ^ 1 iL 5 tM _ collection of interertmR birds

froin tlie smollesl Finch ^s.Jarst ulkJnj: parro la .'ll dllfetcili kInSI

r now on display. Canaries, ?)nchei, Parakreis, Dwarf Parrot* antTRlc*

10 birds, a l modest prlcea a t Lltlle _ W ot^r Oarderu. 3M DJiw Lakes if3 No. Phone I(I23,________ ■

~ For Sale Livestock 36II m D E E T ^ ' r o i T s A L B l ' ^- eiist. No. Hansen, Ida. Loulae M Kennedy.lc - pi

H o r s e s , M u l e s , C a t t l e '

Farmer*. If j^ou aro particular __ and want good j^ounj draft -

“ •horse.i. Belgians or Percherona. “• n n ir i3 > e ir s rH w - n Q n r T a n n - i -------- jn lle wtsi Peavey. Ph, Filer 85J3.

*i itEGISTEHED BHORT HORN bull. 2 >T8. Old. Lloyd Davla, Mur­taugh.

n 'rT|ir: (.-.tu, ru n nr.auLTa''-riiuN c» •- 1 .....—..........— -------------- ig-'. — J I

------------------------------------------------ ,'ill

- II

^ v i N V — liH M O T H E R " Ij

i 'A H O W D I D i B M B »= S \ Y O I)K IH W .» ! ^ ^ jj

[ H H E E i S A C R O W D ______

w z; T v e C im a m e m H a v £ V I

I P E D P A T p s ^ . -



> Poultry and Supt)lies 37( DARREO R O O K OOCICERCLB, a T hom p« in*P «k ilra ln . K. T.L Blake, I ' l .m l . So. South park.». Ph. WW-RS.______________

[* PUREBRED, ROSE COMB, WHITE 1‘ “ Wyandott* cockereU t l eaeh. W. i O, Sampson. Hanaen'. ' ■ •


rOUNDET «- THE DEST PLACE’TO DUY ALL * ^ kinds of itove, lum ace and boiler ’ =l, repaln. c u t ln n of *11 klnda, ma- i e ' china work, wood beaters, because a

j Wl make and Kuartnice them a l .- short nollce. VUlt our plant. Knipe '* Foundry. 334 2nd Ave. So,


). Office U4 Srd Ave. East i Phone }44

r PENSION SUPPORTERS ■ 51 ■ CONVENE AT BUPERX •f j --------------------- = = ---------------------j-* I"•RUPERT^Dec, 3-M eetln» Salur- ,* ] day afternoon a t the auditorium of 1 ' f ; Ruperl hl«h achoot, the Ttownsencf f-j » 'o ld age revolving i>enslon auppori-if. : era effected a permanent organlu- tl > tlon w’lth a paid up membership of 11* : 1..8 t;< l_ a iip ro x lmalely 100 more / 1 1 Who allhougti noi ellgibie 10 re- ' » cclve i>ension participation arc in i* i sympathy ,wllh the plan.* I TXimporary offleen. C, H, Burgher, { If. ; lUTsldcnt; Oeorge B. Flelihtr, vlee- /* I president; Mr*, A. L. Montgomerj'. l 411 ue re lary and Mrs. Charles Burjber. | VI tuaaurer were elected olllccrts ot lhe

W An advLaory boanl of ten membera ■ 4t raa named; J . J. Connor, Jl. B. Moy,* Witilam Bouch, E. O. Itenberg. I. , *ailiulk.a,OIf._Lult«_.WIlll«Ti*.‘lu th e r . j i«^lSmlth.>Andy Sm ith. William lieoa-* [ cfitltf. Br., a n ^ A, K. Cuiley. j* I P lao i were dUcusaed to hold one y^Tiiwilim sn lri~ u ;n tli a> iU|lii aud ' -* other mwtlnga poulbly once a 1 » A¥«k ,.lh e .n m me»llny tn H it.'I* urday afternoon a t two o'clock. j

* ^ = = ^ = = = —

; Early Snowfall 1 * ■

I B p w H i jr ff lB

w 5 ’ . V5* « ■

es M F " f ) * ^

I -

i IL__ ^- DOZENS of m o to ruu v t r t snowbou: a 'w inter slorm which promised a ^len

This photograph w u U ktn near C

. T)aiI^CF6ss^'lN ____________ •

ACMos* •eluKanli 1. r»uc»i •

«i(tbiiii A N C T H Q U II t i a y i A E l a d ili. lBt«rar<ii I H m AID P I 1

ttehal« P I P ^ A r f t | l » l II, Ccnpi*!* sb- U r p | l P |U

IL nradi GIRlOIWl I R E~ E U g Q p I A I

•t; retT^txiit ^ ]

l i k ’iitkiih A lD io H O lH I ?

' i t a . , . . ' T l o l N i a k L [i r n rr'» i-.»n>1. Inrilnnion H DwtrtJ?’ «• J-*<‘*'‘ir t 1-I l . l ' f . ’M’n* U,Hlblle*l priMi f_

nicnu - il. Unlll «t work<t. r itc t fit II. <jtrua «r th*_ 41. w h ip j ' . . , II. ■ikJ.U'of” 1:

P P ' teH K7i ^ 7 T

’ i i i i Z i :- _ 3 o - a , _ 22 . .. ■- ..utz^.23

2 5 . 5 2 ^_ ^ g

- p - * - ^ 3 5 ^iw / •

4( 42 “ ^_

5o “

■ S3


I l E C L iSSIFIEO AOSr a i l i l w B W H T O T O l r i j B

l-r a cUar to readen of tba clMal- fled (tag* th a t tbcr* U ii itrle t

t ' rute acalAst i l r la i ady kddltloB- a] in/ormatlOB eone«mlnf -hllad

_ adi." th a t 1*. idTfitJaeannU . J . signed Wllh a box oumber In ear* yf of lhe Newa.


S3] agafni: JOtl In October and i3t7 __ In the u m e monlh ‘ fait > tar, ac­

cording'to reports to Dun and Brad*,tx * lr« t. In the first II monttu thera Iltr ««re H.JJ2 failures In the VaUtd' na. Slates compared wllh J9,175 In th* use &ame pertod lu t j t i r . * a l

_ T i m e T a b l e sarbfdulri ot PsM»|>r T riU sv n a

SUKir Outitt rsulB i Ihtoum TwU) ,

OKrOON IHORT USK = ' Itf/fetlrt Jut'r'li JM«|

. T tils sn

BT Trsln sil-lf»»««--------------- H :» s.m . -— ^<.Tf«ln SH lr«t>« ........ ... ....... 1 JO p.m.

“gJ Tisin J}» l»»\**.__„_-------.4i»p,m . " '

'" ‘f TisIn' tJO tr r l t i - — _____L'., 130 p.m.irt- j USION M r^K jiTA O M

|A rn « » -------------------- ,..:,...io;iTs.ro.0‘ lLfSVc* . --- ------la-M .w .

ore Arrim . - . , . ________ S'Jflp.m."IZZ—.-'-.Zyt.'T.Z i J i ^ n u

It' U s te * ......... ......... ........ — IdOi-m.WnlbouBd

, , , Artltt* -_____________ L -~ IJT*. W. -U iV f«__________.

loe- AicitM -------------------------- 831p.m.>n. t.f>m -- • - - I ~~ p *"a a t athe NUKTH aiDC ST.tUU .

Jttsm t. wtadiu S ll uootflni >ers U tm !. l'.'.'..TI.^!,'^^«” ” r*7;l>p!^m!(oy, OTMZA STAUX LINKS■J- u s m^ R .xur« --------

U s m ________ .U_:____ ...1090 a.m.’ •ArrltH ............... .____ ____7:lSp.m.

one K O R T iiw m rns sTAott>.

t ^ m ----------------------------1:41 p.B .

ill Traps Motorists

w bpuni In rth i htgfi'Sferra by-an early I ^ lenlllul wftWr supply for nM l’-kUDjMfcO,'•_•, ear Donner Lake, C al,-on Pholo.

r^Worfl PuzzleY n U rti/ i P unl* l.

B >. W«nt back ta ^

‘ ' maliiur*

ui CrUform” * '

]<. Wliilul I

f"rc/*...DDVtH, It. tniiivf*

„ t SroV oM**** «*i.niml)in»‘pl»Bi" i . Oamii of Ibi «t. W.^urlBf •

I. n»i»< w , ""I*• m us.-' • (». Esc*.i l l

" 6 [7 | - .15 If - UC W , 0. ^ —

' J T T S r T rT

“ ^ ? T ^ ^ 2 7 ’ 2 r 2 f "

W L ^______ ____ ________________

_______ H i t P < m

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · VOL. 17. NO. 206. K i® , 118 im rBr. im w i Warm Springs Conlerces B:es

1 ' ■■ ( 0M i — J 2

T u e s d a y Mi D i K e r e n t i n !

0 '— :-------co tia rn tta t

f iT c n c c — T Hi’iiscn coll rli’illi colinr

x j f r f , tlio sh irt. 1■ V • ' sb ir ts soilf o M sam e clolh,I i f J pamo const

mA ls o 216 F

• « ! y ___ S a m p l e s am

th a t .'<i!ll rc( i

Fnncy iMiltcriis and Biirton'.s Iriiil! popli

9 ' p rin ted lirondcloiliH. Jones label. Your <

| | j S p e e i t l

I I C O IIf \ j A M a d e o f p ln id bcci

Y S ® i r o p o r l c d f r o m I I

I 3 9 1

i r '! • W A - ' 7

ft , T lic lovcHcsi co!

.... ' - g l^cst'p latdB 'snd emartljf siylcd an fo r o!l*ycar*roun( o r fn s l a n d wasli,

P u a T m M



108 G E N U lk

aiiiili. 11

' M o m in g — S o m e t h in g i n S l i i r t S p e c i a ls

of I’hilli|w-JonM Vi'I h -n tta th cd -K h lr tA v lth “r h i .T i ! t r - ~ ~ ~ :c—They dn n o t iinvl: tho Van •:n collar. They have a roj;iilar coiiarof lla- .same m atorial a^ iirt. Tlio \ ’an iioiiscn collai'i'd

soil fnr $l.!)r>. You Kct thc clolh, Iho .same iiattonis. Uic constnictlon fo r 98c. Thi^; is

.6 F in e P h i l l i p s - J o n e s a n d C ln s p -O u tc Ih Fi><;

Q u a l i ty S h i r t s.1 rcR iilnrly fo r S1.C5 a n il .

98c.s and iilaiii color.i. All .sizc.>i 1-1 to .,

poplin. Woven. ma(lraso.t. Wtiven ;i cloths. Ivvrry Khirt hns tho Philli] our choico of any of nbovi'—


i u l ! C o lo r f u l

^ T T O NrO€KI$1 B c c m ic k c r

n H o lland I

8t colors you ever saw in theIrrn idT hcckB l-D rc .w criira tT iT c--------

cd ao(] fll in to y ou r w an lrobc. TOundV car! G uaran teed coU waabable. S izes U t o jO . '

[ j ^ Q



U N E P H M .L IP 8 -J 0 N E S


■ 'Ywip MoisJ. o n A n y o£ T h e

iimi M o n o g ra m Yo'I'iiiii"- ■ A ll W o rk D or

O p e r a to r S e n

Grand lit

. make a bi

^ these ado

■ ■----- ------------ . _ 4 0 — --------- --------

. . . ’*I ; ^

/ . ■

/ # ! ' J


---------------------------- ^ V I S I

u s t ;T O D j


IES______________ _

S "

iomograiM IFr©®r h e s e S h i r t s o r A n y Y o u W a n t P u t O n .

D o n e b y a T r a i n e d i e n t O u t F r o m t h e

E a s t .

T i n t e d W o o lie s.) FOR a i t t ,n n E N ,^s d w o mJ Hrro U soniplliliix nrw—.-iolt, 11

»7 wool lliiiMK—Ilir roUsr Colora t■ urti'ii, ro;c. Sofi ii;i<i(!iMl solci.

1 ^ 79c„9ScI 'l'O nn sitOK n m

little ladies will

big impression in,

dorable FROCksi^i

I J %n y ^ ' 4 , i

• Y our.clo thes-cqn 'jciou ^ d a u g h te r will ap p ro v e c

I-'j.nX, .*heso, drcfKt 1 ThSYfO i\^ ,jV e ry ~now o n d ’i i ^ r e n l -

j I M f ^ i u s t g ran d for oil Ihose hol ^ ^ ^ ^ j g j d o y p a r t ie j o h ead I Run

ling ta ffe fo jc n d jo f tc re p e i


I ~ ~ -

M AS►AYa n d t o m o r r o w , a n m a s . Y o u w i l l { in d e v e r y d a y a n d ne^ o u r C h r i s tm a s s to i t o g iv e y o u v a l u e s lo w a s y o u p a y to


F in e L am p S h a d e s 1

Parchmrm Lamp euacl.rs For ta m p '-

4 9 c

r*rfhm nit Lamp StinriM For --------- — E 3m F5='~

6 9 c

I*_____ i n t i ( u u u '^ ' j i f f i " "

---------- '.^ ( J n n t i - \ ^ lu c - F o r - ( - o m in r

P u r e S i lk CrepjC

.S lep-ir? a n d pantie<i in I Irim m i'tl o r p la in tn il-iri'd a tj

You wil! h e p leasod w ith 'l iia iity for .so low a y J f lprico ns .............................

V nur M ouDRram P u t On KU

W • >,

lie s (IVOMKNf t l " ! : - F in e A ll ■>


n ............... ' —su o K s K i n r n u

i v j ^ ' - HOYS’ M .IN C H I.1-: U O OTS .AT

_____________$ 3 . 4 9j'..j • liuy thrm nov,-—Kr-;) iiir (1

V ; . ' dry, ■riii''p Imvp ftiiriU Ir.iil ' • will Kivc luis Of_,tti:ir.

r t i iL i ) n r ,v s r n . i .os- i

$ 2 . 4 9 ' . „ . , $ 3V JiL'l IlK‘ kll;d-'or ttiiitc r «r;iA . . . \ ttbu mal:e ;i xcrv ,r,.J ’‘«on biiicit ril: U'liili.;, ':,:;cy

V Klvablc lcnllier«.'olr,N.

--------------F A N C Y w o o l

T1" '« "fC I'-r-vi.Mll*nil oihcr j 's ; i c : in nnU iiiiy

" • - ..................__ _______

A R R O W F IN E !

■ AriMW fhtrl.'a ri* f.ol(l i\r;-,iMV( ' Ihi' L'nitcd S l.ilrj kiin-.v< Him

in u r <0 HM-on:iblc. iCioUJ rtnlii ^hadr^ anil I'anriro '

t^e o f 1ro _ J [ ___ A .Nc»- .s i^

e n i -

> hoii- fcw

Ruih 'V,Mo.'^ of thnsf fine Ifalhrf'.']

'OP#*' low prlcr. Tliry linvr sport ba th f Jork brown'color.........*....


) S T Ca n d w h e n e v e r y o u ca n n d n e w a n d a t t r a c t i v e l e w a n d a l m o s t u n lfe li i t o c k s b e e n s o l a r g e — n e s i n m e r c h a n d i s e o f li t o r a d m i t t e d l y c h e a p

D r y G o o d s Dl


-----------------------Z _ _ ^ 6Ic s E sp e c ia lly ,B o u R h l F o r C h ris lm n :

For Bridse Parchmcnt Lamp Sh.nti -. Juniors— •

. . 9 8 c .

I For Table Roiw Trimmed Parchmenl ForTJrldBC Lamps—

9 8 c

------S^CBTBl[»iiF tr is o n - - - ----------- G IlR iS T M rN S -

sne ChocolateThi.-? c a n d y is p u t

- J - ' b y th o S w ort Cai Siu C o.. a n d coii.<i.>l.s

c a r a m e ls . nmiKat.s, p o r te d c re a m ccn l c o v e rc d w i'.h a th:

_ r i t h c liocolnlo.

5 l b . Box - ^ - $ 4 ^ 0 -

G ro c c ry Dt*partm]

RF.\HY-T0-\\KAn■ FU I-.L F A S IU O N fi l) II

in lace F iN lS H K D1 sty les^ . S H O U L D E IlK T T i::

9 8 c $ 1 . 9I M C t Tlir.^c nllr.-ictlve plcce^ arc ■ ^ Inclii'.s loiiR. tl»cy linvc Jncnna

r U F F ' — t " ” '. alccvcs nnd rlblx

— Z - 9 8 c $ 1 . 9

a : ( i o o i ) s d k p A h t .m e n tFO U C inU S T .M .A S

il W o o l S in g le B la n k e t

' 1 .■ $ 4 9 S .

R ich , f lu f fy l> Iankrfs wi j S n b o u n d oikIh a n d in c o lo r J r h l'ic , {told, K rcon n i» l or

siz e is 70 x 8 0 . Y o u r M o n o g ram F r e e

n HV x-ii.w \

Ilr f ill \vnnii and IQir.illirr JOles. nnd _ ' ', I q


$2.89I:<;icy slllchrd top.


2 5 cl.Mlly nil u-ool. Tliry Iiavr i!ie »mahcH k; lliiyat'- prlitd wny uaoir ilic



$T.95 'inow Trump — ,\rrin»- .MlioiaI'.i'lvrly :.ir iWln r.ilb ';i; Uir 1. U. Sl.'-tc i liial Arrow 'lilrt-i n:r;m ininlity in »liiri.\

MKN'S STOlli:Shl|ilmiil Uark lUuuii U alh rr

^ P O R T - X O A T S — —

$6 .9 0W nirT u irz ipp fr" I'riir iu

ir-k.iiior'. co.i:i that c rrn 'id so mucli cPtni ■rt^back:!. full Upitcr front* and come In (


O R E ,c a n b e t w e e n n o w a m v e C h r i s tm a s i t e m s 0 1

’e l i e v a b l e v a l u e s . N e^ — n e v e r s u c h c a r e f u l ; I f k n o w n q u a l i t y ' a t ] a p g o o d s .

I D e p t .


slmM Givinu W ill Be Sold As FcSh.ndej For Rope Trimmed Parch

For Table Lumps—

$ 1 . 2 '

hmcnt Shades.___RQ M jrrlm m edJPucJjFor JunWr Lnmps— ••

■ $1.4'

— - — n R T ^ o o D S’n EnAnother nic Shlpmenl

I'S — --------- R IN G L E S Sites 9 8 c

n u t up Tested by thel-nilfd S late . ^

. > ‘‘‘7 . T r,tln cC o . ^M.-I.S 01. E.iCh pnlr cerllfl- 'a t-s, a s - rd —thnl's w h a i \ K c e n te r / vou Kn wUh ih<-.« ^

ft th ic k imc<5EiiaEcriHK- \' lc.« hose. Mndo

with a .i|iccial ni;i*I f l Y tha t film*

male* nil Mindo'*'.-! k /A awl rlnjiv This Is ^

: ± r n F ^ 9 T c ' #

DUY OOOOS 1)KI’.f w i v T C n A N O T H K R H K J-J 1) H A M )- OK T H O S E (T .K V

ILpc1 * * '^ In all of the MftariI O f i ’ lr:,lhr-r.H. Nr-*- Mvle.v iv• • 7 O Mio-AUiitLsvcryoNCcUcnt1 are lull 50 nirnd iinv b^iK-ln <IH' 1<acnnard pnt- Mvr c irb lm ia Kills thfribbon tics. ,1 ;„i nioie

1 . 9 8 . ■ j = i _ ---------------


H IC K O K ’I k e f s ■ S E I

►S. ^s w ith ? a le e n /c o lors o f ro so ,' / id orcliiil. T h e / ^

S4.98 / ^

ISTM A S N ew S,us] B Y H H

cft kirnl or c:o;V.i 9 8

2 S c _i:i Rlli'-. of iii;% Ul llllll r.vlrn n'w.icli; vrnU-. lliff vlliM f:-:

R ISTM A S___-.4 -________ .iii:oll,icr..rL-uiurc .

f-ir tv r:y man In’ MKN'.>; S'

'■’■ " v r r ; :■■ H A N i)K i: i i

s g. Somcililne finer

« Chrl.Mina. liar.dki ____________________ urc-ftlUliicn-aiul-rmmml .1 tw , «»■ l«ni«l u f-tlu.'

, $ 6 . 9 0 l . Z

a n d C h r i s t - i o n d i s p l a y f I N ( ie v e r h a v e ' u l p l a n n i n g .it p r i c e s a s

,s Follo«'»: .

Parchment S hader . .

g trd p c D t-S h a d ta _______ ____________

' . 4 9

imenl ot T h a i t in c L . L

S S H O S E ~


l)KI’.\1cr.MENT ( ■ m l ^;k ; - s H ip m k n t ’ * ! f a “ f -I .K V F R H A N D ' f l • •\(is T tU n n f f almiilaIrT! • h''lef, iicr,- Rrnins, ihl.' tclient and u-(* recom- . .<■ '% Hilii^ lot ,'nr liirxpcn- , ^ ^ 4 6IS Hint Mill look like . m f \ X ft

9 8 c - f c I



9 8 C ^

n;!!!*^ ^bnc|*Llf.';' in B

" 9 8 c Is^^-s ruuK-........ ^ ^ \

u s p e n d e r s « S , \ HICSCOK '

9 » c , R » j

h;i l;iiiil T lio .hnvr J ■

r ! ! ^ 9 8 c .

N”.-; sT o iii ; ■ - S

'.V S 'IN riT .Y I .K i:U ( H I E F S H | \

5 0 c . ' W . * «

’incr lli ’ the v.ay ol m .ar.dkrrchlets. Tlie;- - • -•lut-lhw-deilRn-Io:^ -_______________

5 0 c j s n" % ''