+ San Carlos City Coffee Table Book Project YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE A PLACE IN HISTORY

+ San Carlos City Coffee Table Book Project YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE A PLACE IN HISTORY

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San Carlos City Coffee Table Book Project



1. Document and raise awareness on San Carlos City’s unique history, people and culture;

2. Complement San Carlos City’s investment and tourism potential; and

3. Raise funds to support the City’s marketing and promotions campaign to tourists and investors

4. Celebrate 50 years of San Carlos as a city!

WHY do we need a coffee table book?


1. San Carloseños – local and overseas

2. Companies with interest in San Carlos

3. Institutional and corporate partners

4. National Government, policy makers

5. Academe

6. NGOs and people’s organizations

7. Media

WHO will read the coffee table book?


• Stock: (cover) Matte 220; (inside) Matte 100

• Size: (option A) 8.5” X 11”

• No. of pages: 200, including covers

• Binding: Smythe-sewn with flyleaf

• Lamination: Matte with spot UV

• Quantity: 1,000 copies

• Release date: on or before December 2010

• Launch dates:on or before January 2011

WHAT are the book’s specifications?

+The Stories That We Tellof the Place Where We Dwell

The book will collate the stories behind the institutions that shaped the contours of San Carlos City’s development as well as of the families that made it happen through inmigration or outmigration. 

What makes San Carlos special to these institutions and families?  What made them come, leave or stay? 

+Tell them your story

What’s the story of your family?

Where did you come from?

Why did you come here?

Why did you stay?

Or why did you leave?

+Tell them your story

Many institutions have supported the development of the city through the years

What are their stories?

How did they make San Carlos more memorable?

+Sample Cover

Your Pages in HistoryAs an ADVERTISER, your pages may contain:

• A brief profile of your family – patriarch/matriarch, ancestral home in San Carlos, etc.

• Your family’s roots and how you ended up in San Carlos

Your Pages in History• Milestones – your family’s involvement in the socio-political affairs of the City, contributions to national scene, if any

• Family tree (flowchart) – if space allows

• Fond memories growing up in San Carlos

Your Pages in History• Family portrait, photos showing the early years and latest family photos (then and now)

Your Pages in History• Family tree (genealogy)

For Company Donors/Advertisers• Brief profile of the company – founders, workforce

• Corporate history – how it ended up in San Carlos

• Milestones – contributions to SC, industries, and national scene

• Brief company timeline

• Photos showing the company’s early years and its old employees

• Brief History of San Carlos and timeline

• Milestones – important industries and role in the national scene (from sugar central to the bio-ethanol plant)

• Important people in San Carlos’ history

• Changes in the City’s social, political and economic landscape over the years

• Photos

50 Pages to Feature the City

• Traveling photo exhibit

INNOVATIVE marketing of the book

• Formal book launch in Manila

• Book launch in San Carlos City (Spanish themed event in an ancestral house)


December 2009-March 2010Marketing and promotions

January-July 2010Photography

February-July 2010Content development

February-September 2010Layout and design

October-November 2010Printing

November-December 2010Release/Launch

+Advertising rates

Presenter, 50 pages, P2.5 M, reserved for LGU

Co-presenter, 20 pages, P1 M

Patron, 5 pages, P250 K

Donor, 1 page, P50 K

Book now and capture your place in the history of San Carlos!

For reservations and bookings, call Melanie N. Peral, +6334-7293466/ +6334-3126717/ +639228167331, [email protected].

All payments should be made to San Carlos Development Board.

S A N C A R L O SE xplore th e poss ib ilities

+Vamos! San Carlos!

Value for all



Open for business


Towards a Vibrant And More Optimistic San Carlos

The logo captures the image of San Carlos as a warm, friendly, relaxed and welcoming place for residents, as well as for tourists and investors. The City is also emerging as the “Green City of the Philippines” for championing environment-friendly policies and practices and this is depicted in the logo by a green pedicab, a fixture in every San Carloseño’s charming city life. Set against the warm glow of the sun, the pedicab also represents the uniqueness of the San Carloseño lifestyle – like a leisurely drive along life’s superhighway. Beside the visual elements of the logo is the City’s battlecry, “Vamos! San Carlos!”, which is Spanish for “Let’s go, San Carlos!”, rallying San Carloseños to move forward. The slogan, “Where green is go!”, underscores the City’s desire to achieve a kind of progress that does not compromise the planet and its people.