* NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

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Page 1: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen
Page 2: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

*NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen Essence has.

*There have been decades of global research, and a world renowned research group is conducting current, cutting edge studies on an ongoing basis.

Page 3: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

MyLife is the the FIRST product to be introduced in the United

States Clinically Proven to be capable of Rejuvenating and more importantly Restoring BALANCE to

the Human immune system.

The Scientific Research behind MyLife is impressive:

Page 4: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

“strong inhibitory effect against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.”

“inhibit(s) growth of human leukemia HL60 cells.”

“has cytotoxic effects against human hepatocellular carcinoma cells.” (Liver Cancer cells) 

“In vitro studies have also demonstrated mangosteen has antiproliferative, antioxidative, and apoptotic effects against SKBR3 human breast cancer cells.”

“exhibit(s) antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties”

Page 5: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

Gifu International Institute of Biotechnology, Japan:

“preventive and therapeutic application for cancer treatment.”

University of Illinois, Chicago:

Chiang Mai University, Thailand: “significantly reduce(s) the effects of…influenza, bird

flu, SARS and H1N1 flu as well as the future possible mutated strains”

“cancer chemoprevention”

Page 6: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

A 2011 study, Osaka Health Science University, Osaka, Japan “complementary alternative medicine in the treatment of breast cancer.”

Department of Medical Research & Education, Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Republic of China: “useful for the treatment of certain types of cancer.”

Page 7: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

MyLife has just concluded 6 month Human Clinical Trials

with Stage 4 Terminal Cancer Patients. The Results are

beyond Amazing, even Revolutionary…

Page 8: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

The clinical study was conducted in the United States, Italy, and Thailand

with Terminal Cancer patients

who were so beyond help that they had been denied Chemotherapy,

and had approximately 3 months of life expectancy.

Page 9: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

After 6 months, taking a protocol of 1 bottle of MyLife Concentrated Essence a day + 9 capsules of MyLife Garcinia a day:

--90% had significant improvement in quality of life, with over 59% showing

strong remission.


these were terminal cancer patients with no hope and only 3 months to live

Page 10: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen


This study is scheduled and in process to be published in a peer reviewed International Medical

journal in March 2012.

Page 11: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

Additional Research & actual User results have indicated that Mylife has potential with:

Page 12: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

The remarkable process developed that has put this all

together is called the BIM Technology


(pending)on this process

Page 13: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen


Standardizes every bottle/capsule of the product. Every bottle/capsule has the same nutritional value. This is very Unique among natural


Page 14: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen
Page 15: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

There are 3 main Differences:

1. BIM Technology eliminates the toxic Tannins and Pesticides that are contained in the hard outer rind of the fruit that are contained in all other Mangosteen products.

2. BIM Technology standardizes the product. Every bottle and capsule has the same nutritional value.

Page 16: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

There are 3 main Differences:

4. Most Importantly, BIM Technology isolates the benificial Biologically active substances (Xanthones & Mangostins) from the Mangosteen fruit, (foremost among these is GM-1) and concentrates them into the MyLife product so that it has up to 1000% more of these critical healing ingredients than any other Mangosteen product.

Page 17: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen
Page 18: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen
Page 19: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen
Page 20: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

*To help understand the science behind WHAT the revolutionary MyLife products do… and HOW they do it, we present the following short presentation

*In essence, you are about to get a quick course in current, cutting edge Immunology.

Page 21: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

*White blood cells are created in the bone marrow, and then travel to the Thymus gland to “mature.” That is why they are also called T-Cells.

*There are different kinds of White Blood or T-Cells. One of those has been designated a helper cell or a T-Cell Helper…(Th-Cell). It is a unique kind of T-cell that is the key or the “Brains” behind the bodies immune system. The Th-cell essentially tells the other T-Cells what to do.

It all starts with the WHITE BLOOD CELL, called a LEUKECYTE cell. It is the human body’s main defense against all disease, pathogens, and parasites. White Blood


Page 22: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

*We start first with the Th-Cell.

*After they mature and leave the Thymus gland, which is located between the heart and the sternum, they travel throughout the body… looking/waiting for the presence of a foreign invader… a virus, bacteria, fungus, deformed cell, pathogen, or parasite.

*When the Th-Cell encounters an “invader” it then activates and goes into action.

Page 23: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

*When T helper cells becomes “activated” they change into one of 4 types of Th-cells… and start producing 2 Main types of hormones or chemicals and 2 minor types of chemicals. These hormones (cytokines) are chemical messengers:

The 2 main activated T helper cells are called:

* Th-1: Intra-cellular (inside the cell)

* Th-2: Extra-cellular (outside the cell)

Page 24: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen


Page 25: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen






White Blood Cells

TOO MUCH Th-1=Chronic inflammation diseases

Pro-Inflammatory response to help kill “invaders” inside cells

IFN-alpha --- IFN-gamma



1. When the Th cell detects cancer, fungus, virus or bacteria…and becomes active…it changes into a TH-1 cell…2. The th-1 cell then releases chemicals called interferons and interleukens… mostly interferon alpha or interferon gamma
















3.These interferons then do three things…first they activate the white blood cells to seek out and kill the invaders, second they activate the bone marrow to start making more white blood cells on an emergency basis, and third they also activate the bodies defense system to help weaken the invaders.

4. The body’s temperature may elevate for example. This is called a Pro-inflammatory response to help kill invaders that are already inside the cells of the body…5. It is important to note that if a person has TOO MUCH TH-1 for too long they will usually start manifesting some Chronic inflammation diseases…such as Chronic Osteo Arthritis

Page 26: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen



White Blood Cells(Allergies, multi-cellular parasites,


IL-4, IL-5, IL10, IL-13

Anti-Inflammatory & allergic response to help neutralize effect of “invaders” outside of cells

in blood and body fluids

TOO MUCH Th-2=Auto-Immune Diseases

















1. If the TH=CELL encounters a Multi cellular organism or a parasite…then it changes into a TH-2 helper cell.



2. It then produces several interleuken chemicals, such as interleuken 4, interluekon 5, interleuken 10 and 13… often referred to as a group as interleuken 2.

3. These then change the white blood cells into “B” type white blood cell…specifically designed to hunt down and kill Multi-cellular organizms and parasites.

4. It also activates the bodies allergy response mechanism which is to help the body get rid of these bad invaders by sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, etc. It also helps reduce inflammation throughout the body. 5. If there is too much TH-2 for too long… then you get major auto-immune diseases.

Page 27: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

Th-1 and Th-2 must be in “Balance”

If they are “out of balance” for a long period of time, we have chronic inflammation and

auto-immune disease problems

Page 28: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

Too much Th-1 for too long and

we have chronic inflammation…

Such as OsteoArthritis

Too much Th-2 for too long and

we have super allergies/

auto-Immune diseases…such as

Leukemia, Asthma, Rheumatoid

Arthritis, and many, many more

Page 29: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen


Page 30: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

There is another type of T helper cells…called the Th-17… that was discovered only 4 years ago, (2007). It produces uniquely the Interleuken 17 (IL-17) cytokine.

Th-17…appears to be for skin related “invaders”…helping the skin reject and fight invaders. Also, it helps clean up anything Th-1 & Th-2 cannot kill.

(The mouth, throat, stomach, joints and intestines…are also part of the “skin” system.)

It Produces a Pro-Inflammatory response of the “skin” to help kill “invaders”

Page 31: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

If Th-17 is out of “balance” then you have skin inflammation problems… like Crohn’s disease (disease of the intestines), Ulcers, Psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Page 32: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

In late 2007 another T helper cell, now called the T-reg cell was discovered. It appears that it’s main function is to help regulate all of the other T helper cells.

Specifically, Turning them OFF when their job is done.

Page 33: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

IL-9, IL10

Helps Balance Th-1…Th-2…Th-17

Turns system Down to “STANDBY” mode

Specifically, this cell stops Auto-Immune diseases

1. When a Th-cell turns into a T-Reg cell it releases interleuken 9 and interleuken 10. these two powerful interleuken chemicals help restore balance to the bodies immune system. In essence the Interleuken chemicals are messengers that carry instructions to the various cells in the immune system. In this case… these messengers tell all of the components of the immune system TO TURN OFF and go back to a normal balanced “STANDBY” mode.



Very recent research has indicated that when this T-Reg cell is doing its job… then All Chronic auto-immune and most Chronic inflammation diseases….go away.

Page 34: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

*We would want to increase Th-1

*Increase Th-17 to help cleanup

*Increase T-Reg… so that after the disease has been killed, proper balance will be restored.

*Keep Th-2 low so that it doesn’t interfere


To kill Cancer, and infectious diseases (virus, bacteria caused), and fungus related diseases (such as Fibromyalgia) etc…

Page 35: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

*With this in mind, let’s look at test results using the MyLife GARCINIA produced by the revolutionary BIM TECHNOLOGY.

*In these tests… subjects were given 3 capsules, twice a day for 15 days.

*The results are striking….

Page 36: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

4 PLACEBO capsules per day for 15 days

Th-1 Th-2 Th-17 T-Reg

First; Notice that during the 15 days, the Placebo given patients had no change in their Interleuken levels.

Page 37: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

4 Garcinia capsules per day for 15 days


Now notice the results of those given the 4 Garcinia capsules for 15 days. Th-1 levels increase almost 50%

Th-1 level increase almost 50%.

(Th-1 helps body to destroy fungus, virus, cancer cells)

Page 38: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

4 Garcinia capsules per day for 15 days


Th-17 level increases almost 500%.

Helps body “cleanup” destroy fungus, virus, cancer cells, etc

Results of those given the 4 Garcinia capsules for 15 days. 2. Th-17 levels increase almost 500%


Page 39: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

4 Garcinia capsules per day for 15 days


T-reg level increase almost 75%.

Helps restore “balance” to T-1, T-2, T-17 after work is done.

Results of those given the 4 Garcinia capsules for 15 days. 3. T-Reg levels increase to almost 75%

Page 40: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen




Almost no change

4 Garcinia capsules per day for 15 days

Results of those given the 4 Garcinia capsules for 15 days. 4. For the Th-2 there was Almost No Change…

Page 41: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

*Leave Th-1 alone

*Decrease Th-2

*Decrease Th-17

*Increase T-reg… so that proper balance will be restored.

To stop/overcome auto-immune diseases, such as Diabetes 1, Alzheimers, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriases… we would want to:

Page 42: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

Th-1 Th-2 Th-17 T-Reg

Liquid Mangosteen Essence per day for 15 days

T-1 level decrease 20%, not big enough for statistical difference.

Results of those given the 4 oz of Essence a day for 15 days. 1. For the Th-1 group there was Almost No Change…

Page 43: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

Th-1 Th-2 Th-17 T-Reg

T-2 level decrease 45%.

Liquid Mangosteen Essence per day for 15 days Results of those given the 4 oz of Essence a day for 15 days. 1. For the Th-2 group there was a 45% decrease:

Page 44: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

Th-1 Th-2 Th-17 T-Reg

T-17 level decrease by 55%+

Liquid Mangosteen Essence per day for 15 days Results of those given the 4 oz of Essence a day for 15 days. 1. For the Th-17 group there was a 55% decrease:

Page 45: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

Th-1 Th-2 Th-17 T-Reg

T-reg level increase by 60%

Liquid Mangosteen Essence per day for 15 days Results of those given the 4 oz of Essence a day for 15 days. 4. For the T-Reg there was a 60% increase:

Page 46: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

*BIM Technology Garcinia Capsules… The Research studies indicate that Garcinia capsules are possibly effective against cancer, viruses, other diseases…also helps regulate/restore balance to immune system.

*BIM Technology Concentrated Mangosteen Essence… would appear to be possibly effective against chronic inflamation & auto-immune diseases… and also helps regulate/restore balance to the immune system.

Page 47: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

ADDITIONALLY… Clinical Studies Indicate That When Used Together In Combination,

the BIM Technology




Page 48: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

Note: Additional Studies and

Research are constantly being


Page 49: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

*The results of all the research are tremendously encouraging. The indications are Extremely positive.

*At this point we are conducting the additional studies to apply for the U.S. FDA permit to allow us to make any health claims.

Page 50: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen

For Additional Information, Research References, Doctor, and User

ExperiencesGo to the MyLife International


Page 51: * NO other nutraceutical (natural) product on the market today has the scientific research and studies backing it that MyLife Concentrated Mangosteen