+ NNN +.... tens of MeV ab initio Intro: effective low-energy theory for medium mass and heavy nuclei mean-field ( or nuclear DFT ) beyond mean-field

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  • + NNN +.... tens of MeV ab initio Intro: effective low-energy theory for medium mass and heavy nuclei mean-field ( or nuclear DFT ) beyond mean-field ( projection ) Summary Symmetry (isospin) violation and restoration: unphysical symmetry violation isospin projection Coulomb rediagonalization (explicit symmetry violation) in collaboration with J. Dobaczewski, W. Nazarewicz, M. Rafalski & M. Borucki structural effects SD bands in 56 Ni superallowed beta decay isospin impurities in ground-states of e-e nuclei symmetry energy new opportunities of studying with the isospin projection
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  • Effective theories for low-energy (low-resolution) nuclear physics (I): Low-resolution separation of scales which is a cornerstone of all effective theories
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  • Fourier local correcting potential hierarchy of scales: 2r o A 1/3 roro ~ 2A 1/3 is based on a simple and very intuitive assumption that low-energy nuclear theory is independent on high-energy dynamics ~ 10 The nuclear effective theory Long-range part of the NN interaction (must be treated exactly!!!) where regularization Coulomb ultraviolet cut-off denotes an arbitrary Dirac-delta model Gogny interaction przykad There exist an infinite number of equivalent realizations of effective theories
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  • lim a a 0 Skyrme interaction - specific (local) realization of the nuclear effective interaction: spin-orbit density dependence 10(11) parameters | v(1,2) | Slater determinant (s.p. HF states are equivalent to the Kohn-Sham states) Skyrme-force-inspired local energy density functional local energy density functional relative momenta spin exchange LO NLO
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  • Elongation (q) Total energy (a.u.) Symmetry-conserving configuration Symmetry-breaking configurations LS
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  • Euler angles gauge angle rotated Slater determinants are equivalent solutions where Beyond mean-field multi-reference density functional theory
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  • Find self-consistent HF solution (including Coulomb) deformed Slater determinant |HF>: BR C = 1 - |b T=|T z | | 2 BR in order to create good isospin basis: Apply the isospin projector: Engelbrecht & Lemmer, PRL24, (1970) 607 See: Caurier, Poves & Zucker, PL 96B, (1980) 11; 15
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  • Diagonalize total Hamiltonian in good isospin basis | ,T,T z > takes physical isospin mixing Isospin invariant Isospin breaking: isoscalar, isovector & isotensor C = 1 - |a T=T z | 2 AR n=1
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  • (I)Isospin impurities in ground states of e-e nuclei Here the HF is solved without Coulomb |HF;e MF =0>. Here the HF is solved with Coulomb |HF;e MF =e>. In both cases rediagonalization is performed for the total Hamiltonian including Coulomb W.Satua, J.Dobaczewski, W.Nazarewicz, M.Rafalski, PRL103 (2009) 012502
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  • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 20283644526068768492 A AR BR SLy4 C [%] E-E HF [MeV] N=Z nuclei 100 This is not a single Slater determinat There are no constraints on mixing coefficients (II) Isospin mixing & energy in the ground states of e-e N=Z nuclei: ~30% C HF tries to reduce the isospin mixing by: in order to minimize the total energy Projection increases the ground state energy ( the Coulomb and symmetry energies are repulsive) Rediagonalization (GCM) lowers the ground state energy but only slightly below the HF
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  • 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 29.530.030.531.031.5 C [%] CC CC (AR) (BR) 80 Zr E T=1 [MeV] (AR) MSk1 SkO SkP SLy5 SLy4 SLy7 SkM* SkXc SkP SLy5 SLy4 SkM* SLy7 SkXc SIII communicated by Franco Camera at the Zakopane10 meeting doorway state energy
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  • D. Rudolph et al. PRL82, 3763 (1999) f 7/2 f 5/2 p 3/2 neutrons protons 4p-4h [303]7/2 [321]1/2 Nilsson 1 space-spin symmetric 2 f 7/2 f 5/2 p 3/2 neutrons protons g 9/2 p-h two isospin asymmetric degenerate solutions Isospin symmetry violation in superdeformed bands in 56 Ni
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  • 4 8 12 16 20 51015 51015 Exp. band 1 Exp. band 2 Th. band 1 Th. band 2 Angular momentum Excitation energy [MeV] Hartree-Fock Isospin-projection C [%] band 1 2 4 6 8 band 2 56 Ni ph ph T=0 T=1 centroid W.Satua, J.Dobaczewski, W.Nazarewicz, M.Rafalski, PRC81 (2010) 054310
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  • s 1/2 p 3/2 p 1/2 p 2 8 np 2 8 n d 5/2 Hartree-Fock f statistical rate function f (Z,Q ) t partial half-life f (t 1/2,BR) G V vector (Fermi) coupling constant Fermi (vector) matrix element | | 2 =2(1- C ) T z =-/+1 J=0 +,T=1 +/- (N-Z=-/+2) (N-Z=0) T z =0
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  • 10 cases measured with accuracy ft ~0.1% 3 cases measured with accuracy ft ~0.3% nucleus-independent ~2.4% Marciano & Sirlin, PRL96 032002 (2006) ~1.5% 0.3% - 1.5% PRC77, 025501 (2008)
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  • From a single transiton we can determine experimentally: G V 2 (1+ R ) G V =const. From many transitions we can: test of the CVC hypothesis (Conserved Vector Current) exotic decays Test for presence of a Scalar Current
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  • one can determine mass eigenstates CKM Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa weak eigenstates With the CVC being verified and knowing G (muon decay) test unitarity of the CKM matrix 0.9491(4) 0.0504(6)
  • ground state in N-Z=+/-2 (e-e) nucleus antialigned state in N=Z (o-o) nucleus Project on good isospin (T=1) and angular momentum (I=0) ( and perform Coulomb rediagonalization) +/- H&T C =0.330% L&G&M C =0.181% ~ ~ Project on good isospin (T=1) and angular momentum (I=0) ( and perform Coulomb rediagonalization)
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  • 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3040506070 C [%] T z =0 T z =1 A 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 10152025303540 C [%] T z =-1 T z =0 A V ud =0,97418(26) V ud =0,97466 Ft=3071.4(8)+0.85(85) Ft=3069.2(8)
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  • 0 2 4 6 1020304050 a sym [MeV] SV SLy4 L SkM L * SLy4 A (N=Z) T=0 T=1 E sym = a sym T(T+1) 1 2 a sym a sym =32.0MeV a sym =32.8MeV SLy4: In infinite nuclear matter we have: SV: a sym =30.0MeV SkM*: a sym = e F + a int m m* SLy4: 14.4MeV SV: 1.4MeV SkM*: 14.4MeV
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  • Elementary excitations in binary systems may differ from simple particle-hole (quasi-particle) exciatations especially when interaction among particles posseses additional symmetry ( like the isospin symmetry in nuclei ) Superallowed beta decay: encomapsses extremely rich physics: CVC, V ud, unitarity of the CKM matrix, scalar currents connecting nuclear and particle physics there is still something to do in c business Projection techniques seem to be necessary to account for those excitations - how to construct non-singular EDFs? Isopin projection, unlike angular-momentum and particle-number projections, is practically non-singular !!!
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  • 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 |OVERLAP| T [rad] only IP IP+AMP = i * O ij j ij inverse of the overlap matrix space & isospin rotated sp state HF sp state
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  • 0 1 2 3 4 0102030405060 Q Q [MeV] th exp Atomic number 0,2% 0,8% 0,9% 1,5% 2,5% 3,7% 4,1% time-even Hartree-Fock isospin projected 0102030405060 Atomic number 0,9% 7,9% 15,1% 10,1% 26,3% 29,9% 21,7% time-odd Q values in super-allowed transitions time-odd T=1,T z =-1 T=1,T z =0 T=1,T z =1 e-e o-o Isospin symmetry violation due to time-odd fields in the intrinsic system Isobaric analogue states: isospin projected Hartree-Fock
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  • 4 5 6 7 1819202122 a sym ( NM /2) [MeV] 4 5 6 7 29303132 a sym ( NM ) [MeV] 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 C [%] 1819202122 a sym ( NM /2) [MeV] 29303132 a sym ( NM ) [MeV] 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 C [%] 40 Ca 100 Sn SkO SkO SkM* MSk1 SkXc SIII SLy SkP SIII SkP MSk1 SkXc SkM* SLy5SLy SkO SkO SkO SkM* SIII SkO SkP SLy SkXc MSk1 SkP MSk1 SkXc SkM* SLy SkO SLy5
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  • 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 681012 Number of shells C [%] Towner & Hardy 2008 Liang et al. (NL3)
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  • aligned configurations anti-aligned configurations Isobaric symmetry breaking in odd-odd N=Z nuclei Lets consider N=Z o-o nucleus disregarding, for a sake of simplicity, time-odd polarization and Coulomb (isospin breaking) effects or or T=0 After applying naive isospin projection we get: T=0 T=1 ground state is beyond mean-field! Mean-field can differentiate between and only through time-odd polarizations! 4-fold degeneracy CORE
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  • Position of the T=1 doorway state in N=Z nuclei 20 25 30 35 20406080100 A SIII SLy4 SkP E(T=1)-E HF [MeV] mean values Sliv & Khartionov PL16 (1965) 176 based on perturbation theory E ~ 2h ~ 82/A 1/3 MeV Bohr, Damgard & Mottelson hydrodynamical estimate E ~ 169/A 1/3 MeV 31.532.032.533.033.534.034.5 y = 24.193 0.54926x R= 0.91273 doorway state energy [MeV] 4 5 6 7 C [%] 100 Sn SkO SIII MSk1 SkP SLy5 SLy4 SkO SLy SkP SkM* SkXc l=0, n r =1 N=2