MODERN VIDYA NIKETAN PRE-ANNUAL EXAMINATION– 2020-21 Subject - Social Studies Class-IX Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. – 80 Instructions:- 1. This question paper is divided into four sections. 2. All questions are compulsory. 3. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them. Section-A (1 mark each) 1. France on 21 September 1792 was declared a (a) Socialist state (b) Democracy (c) Communist state (d) Republic 2. Budeonovka was the name given to the Soviet (a) Boots (b) Army (c) Soviet hat (d) Coat 3. The Soviet-Red Army inflicted a crushing and a humiliating defeat on Germany at _____________. 4. During the winter season, ________________ decreases from South to North. OR South west monsoon arrives on Indian mainland in early ______________________. 5. Choose the odd one out: (a) Cinchona (b) Rubber (c) Rosewood (d) Keora 6. What is the local name of Western Coastal plain in Karnataka? 7. Black soil region of Peninsular plateau is also known as: (a) Malwa plateau (b) Deccan trap (c) Chhota Nagpur plateau (d) Karbi Anglong plateau 8. It is 600 Hrs IST, what will be the time at a station located at 90°E? (a) 7:00 A.M. (b) 6:00 A.M. (c) 5:30 A.M. (d) 6:30 A.M. 9. Define the term Republic. 10. Chaudhary Devilal led a movement called ____________________. 11. What is a Public Interest litigation? (a) Filing a case in the court in the interest of the public (b) Procedure of a removal of a judge (c) Reviewing Supreme Court judgement (d) None of the above 12. Identify the scheme with the help of the following information: Time bound initiative of the central government. In partnership with the states and the local government. Aims at universalisation of elementary education. 13. Which of the following is a non-farm activity? (a) Ploughing (b) Sowing (c) Diary farming (d) Harvesting 14. REGP was launched in the year: (a) 1993 (b) 1995 (c) 1999 (d) 2000 thelearners.online

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Subject - Social Studies Class-IX

Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. – 80 Instructions:- 1. This question paper is divided into four sections. 2. All questions are compulsory. 3. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read

these instructions very carefully and follow them.

Section-A (1 mark each) 1. France on 21 September 1792 was declared a (a) Socialist state (b) Democracy (c) Communist state (d) Republic 2. Budeonovka was the name given to the Soviet (a) Boots (b) Army (c) Soviet hat (d) Coat 3. The Soviet-Red Army inflicted a crushing and a humiliating defeat on Germany at _____________. 4. During the winter season, ________________ decreases from South to North.

OR South west monsoon arrives on Indian mainland in early ______________________. 5. Choose the odd one out: (a) Cinchona (b) Rubber (c) Rosewood (d) Keora 6. What is the local name of Western Coastal plain in Karnataka? 7. Black soil region of Peninsular plateau is also known as: (a) Malwa plateau (b) Deccan trap (c) Chhota Nagpur plateau (d) Karbi Anglong plateau 8. It is 600 Hrs IST, what will be the time at a station located at 90°E? (a) 7:00 A.M. (b) 6:00 A.M. (c) 5:30 A.M. (d) 6:30 A.M. 9. Define the term Republic. 10. Chaudhary Devilal led a movement called ____________________. 11. What is a Public Interest litigation? (a) Filing a case in the court in the interest of the public (b) Procedure of a removal of a judge (c) Reviewing Supreme Court judgement (d) None of the above 12. Identify the scheme with the help of the following information: Time bound initiative of the central government.

In partnership with the states and the local government. Aims at universalisation of elementary education.

13. Which of the following is a non-farm activity? (a) Ploughing (b) Sowing (c) Diary farming (d) Harvesting 14. REGP was launched in the year: (a) 1993 (b) 1995 (c) 1999 (d) 2000


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OR Which of the following groups is most vulnerable to poverty? (a) SCs (b) STs

(c) Agricultural laboures (d) Casual labourers 15. To start with modern farming, farmers need HYV seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, pump

sets, tractor, thresher etc. Which of the following pairs is/are correctly matched? 1. HYV seeds – Working capital 2. Pesticides – Fixed capital 3. Pumpset – Human capital (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) All of the above 16. Read the following statements marked as (A) and (R), and choose the correct option: Assertion (A): Women are employed in low paid jobs. Reason (R): They are physically weaker in comparison to men. (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). (c) (A) is true, (R) is false (d) (A) is false, (R) is true

Section-B (3 marks each) 17. Discuss the impact of abolition of censorship in France. 18. Describe the main causes of the Russian Revolution of 1905.

OR List any three consequences of February Revolution of 1917. 19. The central location of India at the head of the Indian ocean is of great significance. Why? 20. "Democracy improves the quality of decision making." Elaborate the statement. 21. Suggest some measures to promote more non farm production activities in villages. 22. A large population can be turned into a productive asset. Explain how.

Section-C (4 marks each) 23. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow: "Women's struggle for equal political rights, however continued. During the Reign of Terror,

the new government issued laws ordering the closure of women's club and banning their political activities. One such politically active woman protested against the constitution and the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen as they excluded women from basic rights. So, in 1791 she wrote a Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Citizen, which she addressed to the Queen and to the members of the National Assembly. She also criticised the Jacobin government for forcibly closing down women's clubs. She was tried for treason and she was executed."

23.1. Identify the revolutionary woman who was executed. (a) Marie Antoinnet

(b) Olympe de Gouges (c) Jean Paul Marat

(d) Abbe Sieyes

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23.2. Why she criticised Jacobin Government? (a) Against high revenue (b) Excluding women from Basic Rights and closing their clubs (c) They were not allowed to take education (d) Were not allowed to marry according to their will. 23.3. What was her contribution in 1791? (a) She wrote the book 'Social Contract' (b) She helped in framing National Assembly (c) She wrote a Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizens (d) She criticised Marseilles 23.4. Why she was executed? (a) She demanded Right to vote to women (b) She criticised Reign of Terror (c) She demanded abolition of censorship (d) For Treason 24. Read the source given below and answer the following questions: Besides the longitudinal divisions, the Himalayas have been divided on the basis of regions

from west to east. These divisions have been demarcated by river valleys. For example, the part of Himalayas lying between Indus and Satluj has been traditionally known as Punjab Himalaya but it is also known regionally as Kashmir and Himachal Himalaya from west to each respectively. The part of the Himalayas lying between Satluj and Kali rivers is known as Kumaon Himalayas. The Kali and Tista rivers demarcate the Nepal Himalayas and the part lying between Tista and Dihang rivers is known as Assam Himalayas. There are regional names also in these broad categories. Find out some regional names of the Himalayas.

24.1. In their longitudinal extent, Himalayas have: (a) 3 parallel ranges (b) 4 parts (c) 2 broad divisions (d) rounded hills 24.2. Himalayas extend between the rivers: (a) Ganga-Brahmaputra (b) Satluj – Brahmaputra (c) Indus-Brahmaputra (d) Indus-Satluj 24.3. Part of Himalayas lying between river Tista and river Brahmaputra is known as: (a) Kumaon Himalayas (b) Assam Himalayas (c) Dihang Himalayas (d) Purvachal 24.4. Himalayas are demarcated by __________________ from east to west. (a) hills (b) river valleys (c) longitudinal valleys (d) duns 25. "On the 26th of January 1950 we are going to enter a life of contradictions. In politics we have

equality and in social and economic life we will have inequality. In politics we will be recognising the principle of one man one vote and one vote one value. In our social and economic life, we shall by reason of our social and economic structure continue to deny the principle of one man one value. How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions? If we continue to deny it for long we will do so only by putting our political democracy in peril."

25.1. Who said these words? (a) Mahatma Gandhi

(b) Jawahar Lal Nehru (c) B.R. Ambedkar

(d) Dr. Rajender Prasad

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25.2. Where he delivered this speech? (a) On the occasion of independence (b) In the constituent assembly (c) At the stroke of midnight on 15th August 1947 (d) In the elections of constituent assembly 25.3. What happened on 26th January 1950? (a) India became independent (b) Constitution came into effect (c) Elections to the constituent assembly were held (d) India was partitioned 25.4. Which principle he is taking about? (a) Principle of one man one vote and one vote one value (b) Social and Economic structure (c) Life of contradictions (d) Inequality in our social life. 26. Read the source given below and answer the following questions: While determining the poverty line in India, a minimum level of food requirement, clothing,

footwear, fuel and light, educational and medical requirement etc. are determined for subsistence. These physical quantities are multiplied by their prices in rupees. The present formula for food requirement while estimating the poverty line is based on the desired calorie requirement. Food items such as cereals, pulses, vegetable, milk, oil, sugar etc. together provide these needed calories. The calorie needs vary depending on age, sex and the type of work that a person does. The accepted average calorie requirement in India is 2100 calories per person per day in rural areas and 2100 calories per person per day in urban areas. Since people living in rural areas engage themselves in more physical work, calorie requirements in rural areas are considered to be higher than urban areas. The monetary expenditure per capita needed for buying these calorie requirements in terms of food grains etc. is revised periodically taking into consideration the rise in prices.

26.1. The official definition of poverty is related to: (a) calorie requirements

(b) reasonable level of living (c) social indicators

(d) subsistence level of living 26.2. The physical quantities of basic needs are multiplied with their _______________, to

estimate poverty line. (a) prices (b) needs (c) value (d) numbers 26.3. The formula to estimate food requirement is based on: (a) food items

(b) protein requirements (c) calorie requirements

(d) health of a person 26.4. The monetary expenditure per capita is revised periodically because of: (a) change in needs (b) change in income (c) change in prices (d) change in poverty line

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Section-D (5 marks each) 27. "Hitler set out to dismantle the structure of democratic rule." Explain. (5)

OR Explain Hitler's foreign policy in detail. 28. Describe the unifying influence of the monsoon on the Indian subcontinent. (5)

OR Conservation of flora and fauna is essential. Explain why? 29. Explain main powers of the President? (5)

OR What is Parliament? Explain its functions? 30. Explain the minimum conditions of a democratic election. (5) 31. "A virtuous cycle is created if parents are educated and a vicious cycle is created if parents

are uneducated." Explain. (3+2) OR

What are the social indicators of poverty? Describe the concept of social exclusion as a cause of poverty.

Section-E (Map Skill)

32.1. Two places are marked as A and B on the given political outline map of the world. Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them. (2)

32.2. Locate and label the following features in an outline political map of India: (Any three) (3) (i) Capital of Chhattisgarh (ii) K2 mountain peak (iii) Sambhar lake (iv) Kanha National Park (v) Rangauthitto Bird Sanctuary