
Answer 1 When is Environment day 05Jun 2 Who was Last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar, 3 Quit India Revolution On 8 August 1942 4 Thialand currny Thai baht 5 Where is Unesco headquarter

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13 largest countries in respect of landarea?

14 U.N climate change meeting held inwhich place?


15 Ajanta and ellora cave are located inwhich state?


16 Smallest planet? Mercury

17 Group of dolphin is called School or Pod

18 Is polio vaccine developed by? Jonas Edward SalK

19 Name of dog who first goes tospace?


20 Father of space research? Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai

21 DMK party is founded by whom? M. G. Ramachandran

22 First Lok sabha speaker? Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar

23 Instrument to detect object underwater?


24 Study of birds is called? Ornithology

25 First governor general of free India? Lord Mountbatten

26 Buddha attained enlightenment at? Bodh Gaya

27 Another name of computer chip? Microchip

SL RRB Questions 28 March 2016(2nd Shift) Railway Answers

1 Where is ONGCHeadquarter?


2 Which bird fly in reverse? Humming Bird

3 Thomas Cup Related to? Badminton

4 Dadasaheb phalke award2014?

Sashi Kapur

5 Colour Of octopus blood? Blue

6 National vigyan sansthan? Kolkata

7 Other name of chanakya? Kautilya, vishnu guptha

8 2014 miss universe? Palunana vega (Colombiya)

9 which metal is noble? Gold

10 Who has given Droncharyaaward 2015?

Naval Singh, Anup singh, Harbans singh,Swatantar raj,Singh nihar Ameen

11 Elephanta Caves Situatedin ?

Raigad (Dist) Maharastra

12 Biggest Mammal? Blue whale

13 Who invented bramhsamaj?

Raj Ram Mohan Rai

14 Rial is currency of whichcountry?

Soudi Arabia

15 Which river originates fromwestern ghat?


16 which city of Australiadensely populated Sydney

17 which game is noweliminated from olympic?

18 Earths water cyclepowered by?


19 Energy of sun by whichprocess?

Nuclear fusion

20 20 equinox means? 20 Faces

21 Father of rabindra nathTagore ?

Debendranath tagore

22 Titanic belongs to whichcountry?

UK And Ireland

23 Indian Institute of sciencesituated at?








24 Current Chief JusticeIndia?

T. S. Thakur

25 Oscar for best animatedfeature film 2015?

Big Hero 6

26 New name of BharatpurNational Park?

Keoladeo Ghana National Park

RRB GK questions 29 March 2016 1st Shift

Q.No. Railway Online Questions 29March 2016 Exam (1st Shift) Answer

When1 is Environment 05day ­Jun

2 Who was Last Mughalemperor

Bahadur Shah Zafar,

Quit3 India OnRevolution 8 August 1942

Thialand4 Thaicurrny baht

5 Where is Unescoheadquarter


6 smallest bone in humanbody


7 subhash chandra bhosefather’s name

Janakinath Bose

Who8 is chief justice of T.S.India Thakur

Who9 called semant KhanGandhi Abdul Gaffar khan

10 National song was writtenby (not national anthem)

Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay,

Interpol11 Lyon,headquarter France

Where12 paper Chinainvented?

13 Tee associated with whichsports


14 Where is Kunchilal waterfalls situated?


15 Gases behind greenhouseeffect?


16 Which game was recentlyremoved from Olympic?

croquet, cricket, Jeu de Paume,pelota, polo, roque, rackets, tug­of­war, lacrosse, baseball, softball, andmotor boating

17 Jimmy wales founded whichsite


18 Organ that can grow andregenerate


19 A Deep crack in a glacier iscalled


Largest20 fresh water Baikallake?

Is21 Granite an example Igneousof

Din22 ­i­illahi Akbarfounder?

23 Queen berry rules in whichgame?

Modern Boxing

24 RBI Nationalised in whichyear?


Mangalyan25 launched Sriharikotafrom


A Passage to Infinity:Medieval IndianMathematics from Keralaand Its Impact written by

George Gheverghese Joseph

Brightest27 star in our Siriussky? A

28 Pollination by the wind iscalled

Anemophily or wind pollination

Land29 locked Liechtensteincountry?

30 where is the island ofSychelles located?








31 National song was writtenby –

Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay,

RRB GK questions 29 March 2016 2nd Shift

RRBQ.No. 29 March AnswerQuestions

Who1 is Father of Euclidgeometry

Chemical2 Name of Baking Sodiumsoda hydrogen carbonate

Berlin3 wall demolished 1989year

4 Which language useideographs?

Chinese and Japanese

Bhimbetka5 caves 30,000age? years

Swej6 nahar is in which country? Egypt(The Mediterranean Sea tothe Red Sea).

What7 is Allotropegraphene? of carbon.

Radar8 full Radioform? Detection And Ranging.

What9 is 5thumami? basic taste of tongue

10 Oscar winner director fromIndia?

Satyajit Ray

DPT11 FULL Diphtheria,FORM? Pertussis, Tetanus

12 Which river flows throughKarnataka and TN?


201513 TIME person of the Angelayear? Merkel

Zika14 virus spread Aedesby? mosquito

SPM15 full form? Suspended Particulate Matter

Tallest16 building in the Burjworld? Khalifa

17 Who gives the oath to thePresident?

Chief Justice of India.

18 No. of medals for India in 2012Olympics?

6 medals.

19 Kamarup kingdom is in whichstate?


20 Chief justice of India retirementage

65 years

Are21 lemur found Madagascarin?

22 Chandrashekhar Limit is appliedto


23 Maximum gold in olympics bywhich person?

Michael Phelps

What24 is the fruittomato

RRB GK questions 30 March 2016 1st Shift to 3rdShift (Morning to Evening)

RRBSL Questions 30 March 2016 (1st RailwayShift) Answers

1 Which PM’s name could b seen on Indiancurrency notes?

Manmohan Singh

Capital2 of j&k in summer? Srinagar

What3 is full form of IFSC? Indian financial systemcode

Quit4 India was held in which 1942year?

Thar5 desert is in? Rajasthan

Coins6 are made from? Hyderabad

What7 is the Venue of cricket world cup England2019? and wales

Which8 team won Hockey league Punjab2015? Warriors

The9 members of Rajya sabha are elected by? Legislative Assemblyof States

Study10 of cancer? oncology







When11 is good governance 25day? ­Dec

When12 is Constitution day? 26­Nov

Pressure13 depends upon? Force and Area

Normal14 eye vision distance? 6 meters

15 Which freedom fighter introduced Westerneducation?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

National16 Space Society Washingtonheadquarters? DC

Full17 form of BIOS? Basic Input OutputSystem

From18 where we get most of Vitamin­ CodD? Liver Oil

Today19 Indian coins are made Ferriticfrom? Stainless Steel

Venue20 of cricket world cup England2019? and Wales

Hockey21 league 2016 is won Punjabby? Warriors

22 The exercise “meghdoot” was conducted byIndian Army at which place?

Siachen Glacier, Leh

Headquarter23 of UNO? New york

ISL24 Champion 2015? Chennaiyan FC

Shimla25 agreement 1972 between? Indira Gandhi andZulfikar Ali Bhutto

26 CK Naidu Lifetime Achievement awardwinner?

Syed Kirmani

Yogini27 cult has its origin from which Odishastate?

Young28 India Weekly Journal started Gandhijiby?

Money29 Transfer through mobile is called? IMPS (ImmediatePayment Service)

30Which compound in LPG gives it smell onleakage?


Railway GK Questions 30 March 2nd Shift

RRBSL 30 March Questions 2nd Shift Answers

How1 many languages written in Indian note 17behind?

Arunachal2 Pradesh capital Name? Itanagar

Who3 is 15th Prime Minister of NarendraIndia? Modi

Which4 one is not search engine? Flipkart

Who5 sign on 1 rupee note? FinanceSecretary

6 First women President of Indian National Congresspost independence?

Indira Gandhi

Chemotherapy7 is used for treatment Cancerof?

Book,8 Wings of Fire is written by? Dr APJ AbdulKalam

What9 is the name of Chicken pox virus? Varicella zostervirus

Jalikattu10 game is famous in which Tamilstate? Nadu

11 India signed a contract to increase solar energy withwhich country?


Which12 states achieved 100% inclusion in MeghalayaPMJDY?

RBI13 currency note is made of which material? Cotton andCotton rags

14 What date was extended by RBI to change its pre­dated notes of 2005?

30th June, 2016

Who15 invented Audiophones in 1910? NathanielBaldwin

National16 flag of India was designed by? PingaliVenkaiyya

17 LOC between India and Pakistan was constructed inwhich year?








Which18 river is called Ganga of South GodavariIndia? River

Bhagat19 Singh was executed in which 1931year?

20 Commonwealth game was held first time in India inwhich year?


21 At which decibel the human ear causes pain andloss of hearing?

80 DB

First22 woman to win Gold medal in Olympics NicolaBoxing? Adams

What23 is MS Office? Applicationsoftware

Which24 Computer key is used to get help F1menu? button

RRB Questions Evening Shift Questions and Answer

RRBSL 30 March Questions Evening AnswersShift

Gandhi–Irwin1 Pact year? 1931

Saching2 first Test played at which ground? National stadium inKarachi

3 Monitor/ Keyboard/ Mouse/ Webcame; Choosedifference?


Shimla4 Agreement at which place? Shimla (HimachalPradesh)

Jammu5 & Kashmir east Boundry are? POK/ Jammu/Ladakh/ LOC

What6 is the percentage of Nitrogen in 78%Air?

Paracitomol7 is analgesic/ acryptic/ Bothboth?

Who8 was the first deputy prime Vallabhbhaiminister? Patel

After9 9/11 tradegy, What is the new name of 911it? memorial

Railway GK questions 31 March

RRBSL GK Questions: 31 March 2016 (1st RailwaySlot) Answers

Who1 was the Guru of Mahatma Gandhi Gopal– Krishna Gokhale

20192 Cricket World Cup Hosting Country England–

When3 was the first Asian Games 1951Started –

What4 is called Bankers of Bank Reserve– Bank of India

5 New Scheme for Farmers announced byPM Modi –

Crop Insurance Scheme

Oama6 Bin Laden killed at Tora– Bora, Afganistan

Where7 is NASA HeadQuarter Washinton– DC

Computer8 Security Day Observed on May– ­44

What9 is National Highway Greenery Plan – Plantations of trees along6000 Km of highways?

Coins10 made up which metal Ferritic– Steel

Kundankulam11 Situated at Tamil– Nadu

Who12 was the first Women CM in India Sucheta– Kriplani

Chandrayan13 1 Launched on which year 2008–

14 Who hit six sixes in 6 balls in World CupT20 –

Yuvraj Singh

15 Which State produce the highest Tea inIndia –


16 Who won Gold Medal in Tennis in 2012Olympic Game –

Andy Murray

What17 does IMO Stand for – International MaritimeOrganisation.

National18 Unity Day is on 31– ­Oct

World19 Heritage Site by Unesco in 1985 Kaziranga– National Park

20 Who contributed more in setting up ofNalanda University –

George Yeo







21 Water Droplets cause Rainbow because of–

Reflection, Refraction andDispersion

NFC22 is Based on – RFID (Radio FrequencyIdentification)

23 Chose odd one (Buland Darwaza, Gatewayof India, Agra Fort, Jodhabai palace)

Gateway of India

Who24 did Partition of Bengal in 1905 Lord– Curzon

Nustar25 – x­ray is used to detect High– energy Xrays.

Webpages26 are written off HTML–

Captcha27 is used for – Human detection

Larynx28 is also called – Voice Box

201829 Fifa world cup venue Russia–

Who30 was the first Home Minister of India Sardar– Patel

Most31 spread forest in India – Tropical DeciduousForests

Dialysis32 is treatment for – Kidneys

Who33 appoints Governor of state President–

34 Evaporation of liquid to absorb heat is aprinciple used in –


35 2014 Common Wealth Games badmintonwinner at Glassgow

Parupalli Kashyap

31 March Railway Questions

SL RRB GK Questions: 31 March 2016(2nd Shift) Railway Answers

1 In which year Virat Kohli gotArjuna Award –


Who2 introduced Slave Dynasty Kutub– ­up­din Aybak

3 Book not written by Abdul KalamAjad –


4 How many members in VolleyBall –


What5 is Exobiology Study– of Extraterrestrial life

6 Hirakund Dam is on which River–


What7 is Pituitary Smallest– Gland

8 Present Location of Kurukshetra–


9 What is the Study of the earthcalled –

Geology, Earth Science

10 Triratna is associated with whichreligion –


Number11 of columns in ms excel 256–

12 A disease where Person can seeonly nearby objects –


13 In which year Bangladesh got itsconstitution –


14 Legislative powers vested inwhom –


AC15 TO DC is converted by Rectifier–

Grand16 slam is combination of – Australia OPEN, French OPEN, USOPEN and Wimbledon

17 Kalpana Chawla Space shuttlename –


Who18 is trio of LAL ­BAL ­PAL – Lala Lajpat Rai, BalgangadharTilak, and Bipin Chandra Pal

19 Blue light turns black in redcolour because of –

Dispersion of light

20 Bleaching powder is mostlyfound in –

Calcium Oxychloride







21 Target year of Swach BharatAbhiyan Mission –


22 Zika virus is caused by – Aedes Mosquito

Railway GK Questions of 2 April 2016

SL RRB Question on 2 April Exam (1st Shift) Answers of questions

1 Jallianwala Bagh tragedy Year – 13­Apr­19

2 Where will be next Rugby WorldCup –


3 Minimum Age to become PM inIndia –

25 Years

4 Who designed the IndianParliament Building –

Sir Edwin Lutyens

5 What is NACL – Salt

6 Ashoka was from which Dynasty – Mourya Dynasty

7 What is currency of Korea – Won

8 In which state Saffron is produced–

Jammu & Kashmir

9 When is Indian Project TigerInstitute –


10 Which Country got Independencein 2011 –

South Sudan

11 Who won Nobel Peace Prize awardin 2011 –

Tawakkol Karman, Ellen JohnsonSirleaf, Leymah Gbowee

12 Shah Jahan Build what – Jama Masjid in Delhi

13 Who invented X­Rays – W.C Roentgen

14 Women participated all events inwhich Olympics –

2012, London

15 Emergency is borrowed from whichcountry –


16 What term related to Badminton – Wood shot, Hairpin shot

17 Which year Srilanka gotIndependence –


18 Homo sapiens is scientific name of–


19 What is capital of Gujarat – Gandhinagar

20 Who was the first man to reachouter space –

Yuri Gagarin

21 River Brahmaputra doesn’t flow inwhich country –


22 In which cells Mitochondria doesn’texist –


23 Who Invented Periodic Table – Dmitri Mendeleev

24 Which country developed fastestacting anti­rabies vaccine –


25 Recent creature which lives withoutwater for ten years –

Kangaroo Rat

SL RRB GK Questions 2 April exam (2nd Shift) Railway Answer Key

1 Which was first Geostationary Satelliteon 1981?


2 Who is the Father of Indian SpacePrograms?

Vikram Sarabhai

3 What is called White Desert of India? Rann of Kuch desert

4 First woman President of Pakistan? Benazir Bhutto

5 National Song of India was composedby –

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

6 On which planet frozen water is found–








7 How many bones an Infant babyhave?


8 How many tastes buds are present intongue?


9 What is the Ratio of Indian Fleming? 03:02

10 Who established Mughal Dynasty? Babar

11 What did Alexander Fleming discover – Penicillin

12 Which colour has the lowestfrequency?


13 What is there in Article 21 A? Free and compulsoryeducation of all children

14 What is the molecular formula ofSugar?


15 Which is light metal in RoomTemperature?


16 Which monument is related to plagueeradication in India?


17 Is tennis played on Which Surface? Hard, Grass and Clay courts.

18 Oldest oil reserves in India? Digboi

19 White desert in India? Rann of Kuch desert

20 First President of Indian NationalCongress?


21 Noble prize recipient of India in 2014for peace?

Kailash Satyarthi

22 Kidney stone is caused by – Calcium Oxalate

23 Who introduced Orthodox Christianityin Russia?


24 The height of badminton net aboveground level?

1.524 meter

25 World’s first space tourist? Dennis Tito

26 Air conditioner was invented by – Willis Carrier

3 April 2016 All shift (1st/2nd/3rd –Morning/Evening shift) Questions with answer ofRailway NTPC CBT exam

SL RRB 3/04/206 Questions – 1st Shift Answers

1 Where is Orang National Park? Assam

2 What is the Operation Name of 1998 PokhranTest?


3 Chipko Movement firstly started in – Rajasthan

4 Which is the cleanest city in India? Mysore

5 What is the newest member of WTO? Afghanistan

6 Anjolie Ela Menon is from which field? Artist

7 Which is not an Operating System? C++

8 Is Male the Capital of Which Country? Maldives

9 Where is the Capital of Uganda? Kampala

10 What is Siberian ibex? Species

11 Which does Vitamin help in Vitamin clotting? Vitamin K

12 What is Makarsankranti? Hindu Festival

13 Longest River in India which doesn’t fall inSea?


14 Which is most peaceful country as per the2015 peace index?


15 Mica is found in which state of India? Jharkhand

16 If H2o is water than what is KOH? Potassium Hydroxide

17 What do Madhubani paintings indicate? Forest of Honey







18 Which crop is produced in highest quantity inIndia?


19 What do archipelagos mean? A group of small island

20 What is Planet X? Nibiru cataclysm

21 What is the Longest Rail Route in India? Dibrugarh­KanyakumariRailway

22 Gandhi Portrait? Prashant Goldsmith

SL RRB 3/04/206 Questions – 2nd Shift Answers

1 Is Holi celebrated with – Gulal

2 What is LIGO?Laser InterferometerGravitational­WaveObservatory

3 Which is most abundant naturalcombustible gas?


4 1896 Olympics held first time at – Athens

5 India got freedom on 15 August on whichtime?


6 Make in India Logo is? A Moving Lion

7 What does BESK Stand? Binary Electronic SequenceCalculator

8 What is Simo? Festival

9 Sikkim became the state in which year? 1975

10 Where is Adhai din ka jhopda? Ajmer

11 Who is the author of Malgudi Days? R.K. Narayan

12 Which is Largest Fresh Water Lake inIndia?

Wular Lake

13 Foundation Year of Arunachal Pradesh is–


14 “In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemyis the best teacher” is the quote by?

Dalai Lama

15 Is Limerick? A five­line poetry

16 What is Oneirology? Study of Dreams

17 Who was Prime Minister of Pakistan in1999?

Nawaz Sharif

18 Where is Headquarter of UNO? New York

19 What was the duration of PM Modi’sAmerica visit in 2015?

5 Days

20 Who is Karl Mars? Philospher

21 Change in position with distance is? Magnitude

22 Gravitational force on two subjectsdepends on –

Combined mass and thedistance

4 April Questions of Railway examination

you can also find the all exam date questions here, just click on the page

section at bottom.

SL 4 April 2016 (1st Shift) Railway Qustions Its Answers

1 When was economic liberalisation inIndia started?


2 Which is Laccadive Sea? Lakshadweep Sea

3 Name of the parent company ofGoogle?


4 Who wrote unknown Indian? Nirad C. Chaudhuri

5 Name of India’s first satellite? Aryabhata

6 Where is shore temple located? Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu

7 Who is Father of White Revolution? Verghese Kurien







8 Who was the brand ambassador ofSeychelles?

AR Rahman

9 What is Victoria Memorial? Museum

10 Who was the Governor­General afterMountbatten?


11 When is Earth Day? 22­Apr

12 On which planet NASA found water? Mars

13 Who wrote Calvin and Hobbes comicstrip?

Bill Watterson

14 What is the full form of GSM? Global System for MobileCommunication

15 What is the full form of DNA? Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

4 April Question 2nd Shift Answers

What is the full form of IPTL? International Premier TennisLeague

Where is Valley National Park? Ohio, United States

What is right about Zika Virus? It’s transmitted by Aedesmosquitoes

Servant of India Society was founded by – Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Why does Government of India act 1935was important?

It is the primary source ofIndian Constitution

In the rebellion of 1857, a maximum numberof soldiers were in –


Yellow color in Papaya is because of – Carotene

Richest Source of Vitamin A is? Carrots

What is the full form of UPS? Uninterruptible Power Supply

Did Einstein get the Nobel Prize for histheory of –

Law of Photoelectric effect

Indian Institute of Vegetable Research islocated at –


4 April – 3rd Shift Questions Answers

First woman doctor in world? Elizabeth Blackwell

Which Acid in grapes? Tartaric

Who build jantarmater in delhi? Sawai Jai Singh II

What is the national game of China? Table Tennis

South Africa currency? Rand

What are the No of players in polo? 4

Who commisioned tajmahal? Shah Jahan

Nearest galaxy to milkway? Andromeda galaxy

How many Muscles uses for eyeball? 6 Muscles

Raiway Online examination questions of 05 April2016

5 April Railway Questions (1st Shift) Answers of RRB Questions

Law of Inertia was given by – Newton

How many medals India gets in 12th South AsianGame?


Bio Diesel Locomotive Coming in which RailwayZone?

Hubli Division

Which of the following is not a programminglanguage?

Assembly Language

Rank of India in Human Development Index? 130

What is the full form of ISI? Inter­ServicesIntelligence







Astros Satellite launched in which year? 2015

Avalanche Survivor’s name? Hanamanthappa

Toxicology is study of – Adverse effects ofchemicals

Panipat Refinery belongs to – Haryana (IOCL)

Dadabhai Naoroji worked as a professor in whichUniversity?

Elphinstone College

Indo­Pak war in which year? 1971

Which is most populous state according to 2011census?

Uttar Pradesh

Forest cover of India according to 2015 survey? 7,01,673 sq km

How many world heritage site in India by UNESCO? 32

In Computer, Which changes to source code intoobject code?


Which is not related to genetic engineering? DNA

The Odd one out? (Yahoo.com, Facebook.com,Whatsapp)


What is the National Game of USA? Base Ball

Who is the founder of White Revolution? Verghese Kurien

Ctrl + Z is the shortcut for What? Udno

Which of the following in not recipient of PadmaVibhushan?

The device is used to transfer/ Communicate inshort distance –


5 April Railway Questions (2nd Shift) Answers of RRB Questions

Which element is responsible for Airpollution?

Sulphur Dioxide

Pith bland is related to – Uranium

Epidemiology is the study of – Distribution & Determinants ofhealth­related states.

What is the Capital of Dada & NagarHaveli?


1024 Gigabyte is equal to – 1 Terabyte

Which Device is used to connectComputer wirelessly?

Wi­fi Router

Who is the Author of song “AmorBangla”?

Rabindranath Tagore

What is the language of MughalDynasty?

Persian Language

What is the Atomic number of Metal? Sum of Potrol and Neutron

What is the Flag code of India? 2002

What is the full form of PDF? Portable Document Format

Railway Exam papers 2016 of 6 April exam

SL RRB Questions for 06 April (1st Shit / Morning) Answers

1 Which is the Largest Stadium of America? Michigan Stadium

2 Calcium hydroxide is found is? Lime Water

3 Another name of Badshah Khan? Khan Abdul GhaffarKhan

4 Syed Modi Grand Prix is? Badminton

5 Who are first women DG of Paramilitary? ArchanaRamasundram

6 When Microsoft Started? 04­Apr­75

7 Which is not a gland? Gall Bladder

8 Does nephron belong to – Kidney

9 Smiling Buddha Mission is for First Nuclear Bomb







10 Startup India Launch Year? 2016

11 When construction of Parliament was done? 1927

12 Mars is also known as – Red Planet

13 Yellow Fever caused by – Female Mosquitoes

14 Who won a maximum number of Grand Slam in2015?

Novak Djokovic

15 Female Wrestler got Arjuna Award for 2015? Babita Kumari

16 Full Form of RBC? Red Blood Cells

17 What is the Parliament name of Afghanistan? Shora

18 British Rule was ended up in which year? 1947

RRB Questions for 06 April (2nd Shit / evening) Answers

Name of Laughing Gas? Nitrous oxide

When did the British give independence to India? 1947

A dwarf planet is? Pluto

longtoo festival belongs to which state? –

What is Shortcut key of pasting in MS Word? Ctrl + V

What is the currency of Mayanmar? kyat

Who built the Jantar Mantar of Delhi’s? Maharaja JaiSingh

The Popular dance of Tamilnadu? Bharatnatyam

Which of the following does not come under homeministry?

Another name of leprosy? Hansen’s disease

Ligo a mission related to? Black Holes

Railway Questions of exam date – 7 April 2016

RRB Exam papers 2016 – 7 April (1st Shift)Morning Answers (RRB)

Yogeshwar Dutt is from which field? Wrestler

Mountain Railways of India? Kashmir Railway

To the brink and back book were writtenby –

Jairam Ramesh

Winner of Man Booker Prize 2015? Marlon James

Author of the Novel “A Brief History ofSeven Killings”

Marlon James

Zn is present in – Zinc

Which one is the fastest memory? Cache

East India company is also known as –

Year of NASA Act?

Who written Natya Shastra? Bharat Muni

SAADMEX 2015 held at –

Fruit bats are host to which virus?

Smap satellite launched by Nasa

Full Form of GSLV? Geosynchronous SatelliteLaunch Vehicle

Father of White Revolution in India? V. Kurien

Land of the Morning Clam is known as – Korea

Evergreen forest found in – Equatorial Regions

Ozone hole clearly visible in – October

Female anopheles mosquito causeswhich disease?


Who is President of BCCI? Shashank Manohar







RRB Exam papers 2016 – 7 April (2nd Shift) Answers (RRB)

Netware belongs to which country? India

Who was second time Chief in 2011 of UN? Ban­ki­moon

Asia Cup 2015 Winner? No Asia Cup in2015

Who is National Chairperson of Human Right? HL Dattu

The Security Colour Of URL? Green Color

Who is the chairman of Bank Board Bureau? Vinod Rai

What is the full form of PCB? Printed Circuit Board

Who was Prime Minister of Bangladesh in 1971? Tajuddin Ahmad

Who is the Brand Ambassador of Tata Motors? Lionel Messi

When East India Company Came to India? 1600

When was formed Azad Hind Fauz? 1943

Name Of The Astranut Who Spend 368 Days InSpace?

Scott Kelly

What is National Motto of India? Satyamev Jayate

ITF Davis CUP 2015 Champion? Britain

Fundamental Rights comes under which articles? Article 14 to 32

Dhameka Stupa Located At? Varanasi, UP

What is the full form of IPC? Indian Penal Code

RRB Exam papers 2016 – 7 April (3rd Shift) Evening Answers (RRB)

Hirakud dam located on which river? Mahandi

U­17 football World Cup Venue? India

Where was Golf invented? Scotland

Chicken pox vaccine name? Varicella

The 95th Constitution Amendment was for – To extend the period ofreservation to 2020

The polio vaccine was developed by – Dr. Jonas Salk

Shape of orbits of Plant – Elliptical

Mount Kilimanjaro situated in which country? Tanzania

Ellora caves constructed in which century? between 6th and 10thcentury

Hridayanth Mangeshkar award 2015 winner? AR Rehman

My stamp services launched in Mumbai postoffice for what purpose?

for personalized sheets of thepostage stamp

Railway 9 April Questions – 3rd Shift (Evening) Answers of RRB questions

Olympics 2016 is to be held in – Brazil

Which of the following in not a fundamental Right?

Which Country won maximum Oscars in thecategory of Foreign Film?


Who is Current captain of women’s hockey team? Ritu Rani

What is the minimum age to be Prime Minister ofIndia?

25 Years

What is the % of Nitrogen in the atmosphere – 78%

Who is the first Indian to go in Space? Rakesh Sharma

What is the Source of Narmada River? Amarkantak

When is World AIDS day? 01­Dec

Which is not an inert Gas?

Amalgam is in –

Questions about CERN? Computer

Question on Make in India emoji?

Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for literature? Svetlana Alexievich

Which is first unmanned satellite launched by ISRO–

Chandrayaan 1

Sound Navigation And







What is the full form of SONAR? Ranging

10 April GK Questions of Railway Exam

Railway 10 April question (3rd Shift) Answers

Who has right to issue financial Emergency? President

2015 BCCI Women Cricketer of the Year? Mithali Raj

Where is Mahabodhi Temple? Bihar

What is called Study of Mankind? Anthropology

Gov was liberated from Purtagal by whichmovement?


Study of Serology is called? Antibodies in the serum

Name of largest cell in human body? ovum

Dirty blood is carried by? Artery

Who is the man behind first human hearttransplant?

Dr Christiaan Barnard

Which acid helps in human body for digestion? Gastric Acid (HCL)

Who built Red Fort of Delhi? Shahjaha

What is the full form of DVD? Digital Versatile Disc

What is the full form of ISRO? Indian Space ResearchOrganisation

Maximum age to retire from judge of Supremecourt in India?

65 Years

Who is Maharashtra Tiger’s Ambassador? Amitabh Bachchan

11 April 2016 Questions and answer of 1st shift,2nd Shift and 3rd Shift

Railway 11 April 2016 – Morning Shift Questions Answers

How many constellations has been named? 88

First female Prime Minister of Sri Lanka? Sirimavo Bandaranaike

The first woman Muslim in High JudiciarySystem?

Leela Seth

Why do Stars shine? nuclear fusion

Who was the first Muslim President in theWorld?

Benazir Bhutto

Which is the lightest Gas? Helium

Who was first Lady Judge of High Court? Leela Seth

G­20 Summit held in which Country? Turkey

Gasoline Engine introduced by –

Name to Gandhi by British which hedenied?

Symmetry of Rectangle is ? 2

Which country will host 2017 FIFA under17?


Who among the following invented X­Rays? Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

2015 Commonwealth Games were held at – Apia, Samoa

Keshar e Hind is awarded to which of thefollowing?

Mahatma Gandhi

What is Ecotone? Transition area between twobiomes

RRB CBT NTPC – 11 April 2nd Shift Questions Answers

Physical Research Laboratory was founded by? Vikram Sarabhai

Kalindi is the other name of which river? Yamuna

Humayun tomb situated at? Delhi







What is the Rank of India in Corruption Index 2015? 76

Uniform civil code article? Article 44

Which one is smallest state of India? Goa

First Female President of Nepal? Bidhya Devi Bhandari

Social Justice come under which article?

Operation Smile related to what? Find Missing Children

Who is the Prime Minister of Nepal? KP OIL

Who gave Kaiser­e­hind to Mahatma Gandhi? British Government

Vertebral Column has how many bones? 33

State with Maximum boundaries with other states – Uttar Pradesh

Where is Tidal Port Situated? Kutch, Gujrat

Mahabharata was fought for how many days? 18 Days

FIFA Ballon d’Or award 2015? Lionel Messi

Pashupatinath Temple Located at? Kathmandu, Nepal

RRB CBT NTPC – 11 April 3rd April (Evening) Answers

Jama Majid is located at – Delhi

Golkonda fort is located at – Hyderabad

Who is viceroy when India got Independence? Lord Mountbatten

In which year srilanka got Independence/ 1948

Which became the first district with NOFN high­speed connectivity?


Which is largest tiger reserve in India? Nagarjuna sreesilam

When was PSLV Launched for the first time? 1994

The election commission is not responsible forwhose election?

president and vicepresident

latest engine in India for emission Bharat 4

Which airport is working based on solar energy – Kochi airport

Where is Virupaksha temple is located? Hampi

What is amount given under pradhan manthrisuraksha bima yojana?

Rs.2 lakhs

Tungabhadra river from tributary with – Krishna

AAU is for credit for emission ofgreenhouse gas.

Who is the founder of world wide web? Tim Berners­lee

Who is the father of Indian surgery?

Ryder Cup is related to – Golf

12 April Questions of RRB NTPC

Here you can find the examination questions of Railway NTPC of 12th April


Railway NPTC Questions 12 April 2016 (2nd Shift) Answers

Diamond Contain Which Element? Carbon

Australian Open women’s double winner­2016 Martina Hingis & SaniaMirza

Who is Baba atomic research director Sekhar Basu

Who was the first and last female ruler of DelhiSultanate?

Razia Sultana

Apgar Score is Test For – To Summarize Health ofNew Born Babies

Who is the 8th CM Of Arunachal Pradesh? Kalikho Pul

Who wrote Book To kill a mockingbird? Harper Lee

What is the Chemical name of Vinegar? Acetic Acid







What is TBasic? Programming Language

World Heritage Day? 18th April

Dipa Karmakar is Related to – Gymnastics (Sports)

Which is called black gold? Coal

Who came after Mauryas? Sunga Dynasty

Dholavora comes under which? Gujrat, Indus Civilization

Borobudur Temple located in – Indonesia

Which Prime Minister hoisted the flag at RedFort for the maximum times?

Jawahar Lal Nehru

Which did Planet named after Roman God? Venus

World’s Poisonous Fish? Stone Fish

Who is Nargis Dutt? Indian film actress

Hydro power plants convert the mechanicalenergy into –

Electrical energy

Who was the Captain who won First World CupFor Australia

Allen Border

Who Is Present President of Pakistan? Mamnoon Hussain

16 April RRB questions (1st Shift, 2nd Shift and3rd Shift

Now you get here, all questions of RRB for April 16 Examinations.

RRB NTPC Questions – 16 April – Morning Shift Answers Key

Who is CEO of Flipkart? Binny Bansal

Which state produce maximum silk in India? Karnataka

Highest Bridge is on which River? Bhagirathi

First, Chocolate made by Harnan Cortes

Which is the Digital State of India? Kerala

Who is Chief Election Commissioner of India? Nasim Zaidi

Who is Commander chief of all Military? President

Who is the winner of Dinanath Mangeshkar Award2015?

Anil Kapoor

Violet Planet? Plueto

What is called brain of Computer? CPU

What does UHT Stand for – Ultra­hightemperature

Who come to India in Gupta Dynasty? Fa­Hien

Saina Nehwal is from which Game? Badminton

Who is Rail Minister of India? Suresh Prabhu

What Changes Milk into Curd? Lactobaccilus

Which Gas we leave in breathe? CO2

Railway NTPC Questions – 16 April – 2nd Shift Answer Key

Who is Longest Serving Chief Minister in India? Pawan Chamling

Which river flows from Tibet? Sutlej

Atomic Number is equal to Number of Protons

Who is the ICC number 1 test player? Steve Smith

Who is the ICC President? Zaheer Abbas

Who is Frontier Gandhi? Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Notre Dam Cathedral is Situated At ? Paris

Who Invented Fountain pen ? Petrache Poenaru

Who Invented Revolver ? Samuel Colt

Who Is Largest Serving Chief Minister In India ? Jyoti Basu







What is the Full Form of MRP? Maximum Retail Price

What is the Full Form of MMU? Memory ManagementUnit

Swadeshi movement in Which Year ? Aug­05

Constitution Day Observed On ? Nov­26

Largest statue of Jesus Christ In the world ? Swiebodzin, Poland

Study Of Environment? Ecology

What is replanting in Forrest called ? Reforestation

Study Of Heat ? Thermodynamics

Fethiye Island is Located At – Turkey

Who is the Richest Person As per Forbes globallist?

Carlos Slim

P.A Sangma served as a loksabha speaker inwhich year?

1996 to 1998

Cache Memory ? RAM(Random AccessMemory)

Which River Originates Near Tibet ? Brahmaputra

Who Is Governer Of Reserve Bank Of India ? Raghuram Rajan

What is the Unit of Force? Newton

Who is the First king of vijayanagara dynasty? Harihara

Who is the King of Pallava Dynasty who wrotestories?

Narasimhavarman I

RRB CBT Questions – 16 April 2016 – 3rdShift Answer Key

Who is the founder of Twitter? Evan Williams, Noah Glass, JackDorsey, Biz Stone

Which is the largest moon in thesolar system?


Bharat Ratna awarded primeministers?

Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Madan mohanmalaviya

What is bank name of BRICS? NDB( New development bank)

When was AAP Party established? 26­Nov­12

Name the largest moon of pluto? charon

What is full form of TCP regardingnetwork?

Transfer control protocol

Who is the founder of ABO Bloodgroup?

Karl landsteiner

Who is Badminton winner of 1980? Prakash Padukone

What is old name of Singapore?

Odd one out Rupaya ruban dinar coin

Madurai is situated beside whichriver?

Who is famous king of choladynasty?

karikala Chola

what the money called after payingcash?


What is Japan parliament called as–


Who invented Radioactivity? Henri Becquerel

Which state has Largest forestarea?

Madhya Pradesh

Which state has Largestmangroove forest?

west bengal

Get all questions of 18 April 2016 Examinationhere




















Railway NTPC CBT questions 18 April 2016 (1st) Answer Key

Supreme Court established in Which year? 1950

First Solar Powered Airport In India? Kochi

Which is known as Nerve Centre of Computer? Arithmetic Logic Unit

Which is Egypt’s largest pyramid? The Great Pyramid of Giza

Ronaldo belongs to which sports? Football

Gyroscope used in Which device – Smartphone

Which City is called Pink City? Jaipur

Who Invented Dynamite? Alfred Nobel

Sound Measured in – Decibel

First Chinese Women went to Space? Liu Yang

Chera Dynasty ruled in which state of India? Kerala

Who succeed Balmer as a CEO of Microsoft? Satya Nadella

What is Dry Ice? Solid form of Carbon Dioxide

Railway NTPC CBT questions 18 April 2016 (1st) Answer Key

Supreme Court established in Which year? 1950

First Solar Powered Airport In India? Kochi

Which is known as Nerve Centre of Computer? Arithmetic Logic Unit

Which is Egypt’s largest pyramid? The Great Pyramid of Giza

Ronaldo belongs to which sports? Football

Gyroscope used in Which device – Smartphone

Which City is called Pink City? Jaipur

Who Invented Dynamite? Alfred Nobel

Sound Measured in – Decibel

First Chinese Women went to Space? Liu Yang

Chera Dynasty ruled in which state of India? Kerala

Who succeed Balmer as a CEO of Microsoft? Satya Nadella

What is Dry Ice? Solid form of Carbon Dioxide

RRB Questions 19 April 2016 (1st Shift)­ Examination Answer Key

Who won the man of series in Asia cup t20? Virat kohli

When next Halley comet occur? 9th feb 2062

Which Party has won second large MP seats inLoksabha?


What is the state with maximum boundaries?

Jahangir is which number of Mughal ruler? 4th

Among the following which is not used as fruit? Tomato

What is theme of the Wetland day? sustainabledevelopment

What is the freezing point of water? 0 degree centigrade

Who is the head of State bank of India ( SBI) ArundhatiBhattacharya)

Pluto discovered in which year? 1930

Make in India week?

Methane gas is a?

What is the population of Tigers in 2014? 2,226

What is the Theme of Wetlands day? SustainableLivelihoods

Which gas is found in refrigerators? CFC ( Chloro flouroCarbons)

Process of absorption of moisture from air is called_______







Hawa mahal is made up of ___?

What does a backup in a computer do?

The car stops when applied brakes due to ______force?


Who is the head of the state in India? Arundathibhattacharya

.docx is an extension of _____? MS­word

Who is UNDP ambassador?

Game in which we touch the opponent andopponent’s player got out)


Golconda port constructed during which dynastyrule?

Kakatiya dynasty

The reason by which running car is stopped afterapplying Break)


Year of kakori kand 09­Aug­25

Who got Dadasaheb Phalke award 2015? shashi Kapoor

Who is the Central Defence Minister? Manohar parikkar

What is the old name of State Bank of India? Imperial Bank of India

What is the status of Dominion?

RRB Questions 19 April 2016 (2nd Shift)­ Examination Answer Key

Who is 3rd king in Mughal empire? Akbar

How much amount was penalised on Ravi Shankar?

Stabiliser is used for __________. Freezing icecream

Davis Cup is played in which country in 2016?

World Wetland day is observed on ______. 2nd February

Historical “Manusmriti” is written in Which language? sansrit

The speed of the vehicle depends on _______.

Dadasaheb phalke award 2015 shashi Kapoor

In which year gita is converted into English? 1785

What is scientist name who declared Pluto as the dwarfplanet?

What is the process of purification of sea water called as–


What is the process of purification of sea water called as–

Women’s day is observed on _____ Mar­08

RRB Questions 19 April 2016 (3rd Shift)­Examination Answer Key

What is present capital ofvijayanagaram ?

Full name CT in CT scan computerized tomography

Plastics are made up of ______. organic polymers( chain of carbonatoms)

Main material in glass ? silica

Full form of MRI?a Magnetic resource imaging

What is currency of Bangladesh? Taka

Best picture in 88th oscar awards is_____.


Where is Mecca located? Saudi Arabia

Bardoli Satyagraha Sardar Patel

What is capital of Pakistan? Islamabad

22 April 2016 – NTPC CBT Questions

Downloaded From : www.kvclasses.com



















RRB NTPC GK Questions – Railway Exam (22 April) 1stShift Answer

Which sport does Lalita Babar Play? Athletics

Which of the following is not a Board Game? Bridge

Blue Ray Disk Refer to which of the following? Storage Disk

where is International Renewable EnergyAgency?

Abu Dhabi

Malleably refers to – Ability of metal to behammered into thin sheets

Who won Arjuna Award 2015 in kabaddi? Manjeet Chillar

Who is first Indian to go Space? Rakesh Sharma

Which organisation held Cricket World Cup? International Cricket Council(ICC)

First Indian Women Boxer to won Gold inAsian Games?


Gold is soluble in – Aqua Regia

An Important movement by Mahatma Gandhi? Satyagrah Movement

What is normal temperature of Human body? 310C (Or) 98.60F

Retinol Vitamin A

Somanath temple located At? Gujarat

Oldest bank in India Bank Of Hindustan

Victoria fall Located At – Zambia

What is the rank of Mukesh Ambani in ForbesGlobal richest person list 2016?


Who won Best Actor award in 88th AcademyAwards?

Leonardo Di Caprio

RRB GK Questions 2nd Shift – 22 April 2016 Answer

What is the official language of Afghanistan? Pashto

Which metal is Used for Galvanisation? Zinc

Typical salt formula NaCl

Satish Dhawan Space Centre is located at – Sri Hari Kota, AndhraPradesh

Commerce and industry minister of India? Nirmala Sitharaman

Hubble Space Telescope belong to whichcountry?


Bhimbetka rock shelters are located at – Madhya Pradesh

Which gas is used for flushing potato chipspackets?


Roger Federer belong to Which Country? Switzerland

Railway Exam Question 22 April 2016 – 3rd Shift Answers

Ginger is one of the following types – Underground stem

Where Modi & Nawaz Sharif meet on his birthday? Lahore

Marykom belongs to which state? Manipur

In IPL Raina and Dhoni played to Rajkot and Pune

First satellite of India sent towards Lunars is Chandrayaan 1

cartosat which takes photos of Uttarakhand floods is a Remote sensingsatellite

Gagan Narang and Abhinav Bindra belong to – Shooting

The process of coating on the surface of metal withzinc is called


The scientist who got Nobel prize on malaria is Sir Ronald Ross


Tooth is made up of Calcium Phosphate











