No. 144 Week ending De<ember 24, 1960 Every Thursday, price 6d. Cliff Richard wins seventh Silver Disc! --INS IDEl MARTY i WILDE : a great comeback (' .ablt' i1·om Jack Good 1\ 1 l ,) tJTS JIEJ'll ~H'S GOSSIP Mantovani 1n U.S. Top Twenty the record everyone is talking about! MATT MONRO with th is year's great new romantic ballad ~(O)~T JR{AICT OF lMCY LOW'E 4a~R4 71PARLOPHONE ® RECORDS

worldradiohistory.com...2 DISC, Dec,mb•r 14, 1960 Now is the time to help PRIZE LETTER newcomers 'ftLE rtcord bu

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  • No. 144 Week ending De

  • 2 DISC, Dec,mb•r 14, 1960

    Now is the time to help PRIZE LETTER newcomers 'ftLE rtcord bu.\.VE read TC1nv H;ill's Ct>lumn in DISC for 3lm~t I\\O )(':.IS M'ill'. and I (eel I mu:SI 11.:i.y bow wcU wrill



    4S/RCA-12U 45 l'J)!l1

    DISC, Decembe, 24. 1960 3


    These 'I.ere (he ten numbers 1hat wr1:i.:J 1h~ ...al('$ in t ut Th~ An)..:fl~ ia~, v.'hnll}' Horll)t'l Snilor • - - - - - - Lolita He"II Break Your Heart • Jerry Buller !\·1t111, Tt,:rn, A,:u • • .. Connie Fr;,nci~ l'ottry In Motion • - • Johnny T i!h)1-..on F.:rndus • - - - • • F..rr:uHi & rcidlcr

    ONf.S TO \\'ATCII You're Sixletn • Johnny Rurncue Rubber Dall - • - - - lfobby \ 'cc

    ~scJ o n t.h.: n·cnrJcd or 1hr: sl)tm1lnl,! Pet"tr of itenai:crs. Thi,; Christm:u tht)' h:n·e cont 0111 or their \\:.:I )' lo 11111!lt 1 Cbrb lm:ai ~ifl ius1 for .. Mis~ Tcemo:tr.''

    I I ii i bC'i\UI)' bot. laJcn \\'ilh dghl hM-UIY prcp:ua1i1)n\ :md i ,::r:uno• phone rcco1J ctr,l:iininit how 10 use the ensmctie1 for s:rc:itcr bcautv and ch:1rm.

    ~n1c co1t? :?.9t. . 6J ... . nn,I I 1hlnk thi,; ~l!'.S mv award :u the rn(1t1 or1i,:inal. u'i!.'rul :111J inform:t t iH: present fN girts thii Chri11ro;1s

    * * * T l-I E Chris1mas tree i; the centre or most chihlrcn's attcminn- kl's be fn,nk. we 311 lo\'C' H> i:CI 3 gi r1 !rolll the 1rct.

    So juit in case \'OU :ire srnd: for a few ikms I h:1vc bt-\·n window shop• ping for ccon()m1c prc,enls :h.,t \'OU can g:iilv wrJo up for \·our f w,ih• \,, f riends.

    There " a lovel y bc•whh kcn·d slripv 1i1,?cr ho ldin11: :i box of pcrfomc between h~ from paws :al 71. M . .. . and for J,;. 6d. I uw a delightful toilet bliZ Ill.Ide from pfa,; 1ie. ii htt,I a .. 1r:1ilcr"- :in :lll:tc:h

  • 4 DISC, O«•mb•, 24, 196(,

    r tEcf]EfHHia3ffl~':Hfi~~~~~~~~~:fHB:l~~ffi~fffil~~~IJ1a3ffi~E!3ffl~~~~~~ffi~Effiinn~±±±

    ,Como to compere TV I marathon I THIS 1111)nlh, r:1dio st.arions :di tlm "eek :it1:~t:cd m.1n, rc,;,11J nt o ,rr the C'OUnlf)' Jaumht d ~f:t•1 from all •Wt' : the S l.1!e,. Th" their usual }'Ultfime ch:1ril) pro. ~rc:it cecQrcl ~tor( .,..,:ts fi ril o penc-d moliuns "hh a hiiu:er succts.ci in 19)8, a._n,1 hu no"'' 1,ecC'm,; 1h~ B3 rh:rin ner btfore f" , d'sc l3rg~·st or 11~ J.i1J in 1he "'orld ~Hh

    I . . · ·"'IJ I an 1nwn1orr "1 S: 50.000 wor1h o( JOC'k t-y and :n--ail3blt s tar lt.'nt a di¾''\ Par:< or the cercmoni,:s ,0,1;1: hand ro create fund$ for d ('S('ning 1ek\ 1l~d ""l lh srea1 1-uccc,,,;s. thuillts. M11ny stars ''"UI be working non-stop on l'I 48.hour C,11p1:t Rccf'ln.t~ :ire r rcan.. evu before I could rcnUy :..r prccfale music. I listcntd to 1h,.: Dani;worlh sound and cnjo rcd it

    "Bui it .... a ~n·t until I W1! siof ina ...,,j1h him th:u I IC't m)'SC-1( belte,c th:tl this w:u h:1ppcning,

    J11110 ll11rriN

  • I I I I I I I I

    The John B arry Seven BLACK STOC KINGS

    COt.CY:llA 1► 1!11 ... lot

    Mr. Acker Bilk BUONA SERA

    COl,.liWI A LAMS00WNl JA.':l )(IIIIS U-.0 ,...

    Alma Cog an MUST BE SANTA

    H..M.V, , .,,,o,tlt

    Rolf H arris aitd Jill ll'(Jbi!>l~rd

    UNCOM F ORTABLE YOGI C01,Vt,1151A ~ O.&llt

    Vera Lynn ACCORDEON


    (The band rocl,t'd 011) MUtCLHO' f►AVJUU

    Conway Twitty WHOLE LOTTA SHAKI N • GOIN' ON


    Ricky Valance MOY IN ' AWAY

    COI.UM91,t. «Hi••.>ol


    ------, I I I I I I I I I I

    D ISC, Dectmbe, 2>, 1960 5

    Marty has

    ~hny 11.Clf'.\ llm.111ah hK n11rt1btr for ABC 1 \",, t hrlllitma~ f hro ua:h Tbr I.oak.ins: 80,."

    M,\R_!': \\ f t O f; is b;a~k. ,\flt r nt':H1) a ,t'ar ,,i1h0ul u hit ... lif11t Girt hra, rdumNI hun tu faH)Ur. Hr drwn"' it ••• h h lh" bf-st

    r~cord he h.as tu· r made :and s hould ct"rt'1inl) l.ilf.-o11cr :and for :111-lht idra lhat Marty n·11.s Jinid1t d.

    ·1 h~ onlv q 11e,1i\m ot,w. Whc, ru1 !he d i,c in the "dlc-1,'! ·r,)c IC('ll lll,c-h1 M ,HI} ·, adut1 :h!m11c1,;;.' Or hi, ~mn 1111k prl. Kuo?

    1h,l I :1;,;;Lc-J M :arh 1ht o:hC'1 J.1)· I l e J.J11o'c "'-♦•tl .ti 1h; ~ua,:,:-,:~,,.,,. th.if 11 couJJ hi;: l h~ l to"n•llf'i• In (Jtt. \jlllt'- lh,: t•rl"•"III.',

    .. , he H·c,,rd didn'1 rc:iUv ,hu 1 llltl \ 10g:• ~ ,i~I ,\t.ill)', "unlll ·:,fhir I h .-l.1 '>1lllJ,: i i un ' I hr 1)1d ,i( I t t1Hkr· , ,,n S htl·"' • till IV 'J hi,;; r, lui: at,.,,,c .all Nhc-r,;; hdJl('J II ;,nJ lhJ) \1,,1', ltJ .. n aduh 3ud..tn,,.('.. •

    H ..- c,'l(l!J h,l, t Ml'I :i.nn•')t'd •. h"C\ :rnrrnitmibl t, 11dul1 tn, lttb:inrr • l1u ruiclil not 11111lu: lht cM.tu •hh t\ fr.> di1< hu1 •110 l'lill rual..,- btlfh rrronk llllln hf''s nu J,.:,.,... b,c,fon·,

    -L1t1lc G1,r it'!.tlf i, ddk•tn!. ft )fhw, , \l ,,n, mMc a~ awns )t)li'f-:l lircal..1\, ,1\ fu>n· hi\ nw 1r nwl-J)' nmnt-cr~ " "•' i t's lt 11111\'C Ill 1h ♦• I it; h l dir~rtinn.

    Jtc v..1nh h1 ch;ncc ;ind l'ic-comc 3n cn1,1u1nt1, hul tl .;,. "' C'4tUI"-'.'. Ncn

    r~;~r !··::;tJ;-::. :;:·, ~•;::j~/·nu~ \'l llh:., t,.,il\ J,1Ufht.:r.

    An,I h1, m.,na1.-. he no" IIJlN'\, JiJ h:mn h,., e:11i:Z•r. ··11·, w 111cthir,.,:. HI'\' r,r,\,n,,I "h-ch lhc f.ln~ c~n·c '-h.arc I hn 11.'h ,hut 1•1.11.

    ,o;!u~,1~~ ht~; r:i~hr:::1~~, t~~1~ M.1rri:a,:,.- I\ a flU!th- p•w:a1c- rn.t!lr r

    :t b.Jtt\ the' ..,h,"ll.: "•"'r!J ,h,rcs ii.'"

    t\111 tlu t M .irt) for one m .. ,mcnt re-rich l,it marri."ltc. •ir "ha1 he Jc\Cn l;,-ct :1-. "lht· r:iu'-C" in Ill, c3i,:•u.

    "Jf., J,,nc me 1llt ",1,I.I n f r(\{\J." he ll1IJ fflC'. 1·,c- h:ld hn'l.f I" lh,n\: ~nJ " '"" rh,ns.., 001 r\e eh.:anJcJ :i lot .• . I'm m,,·c o?cr:i.nt I J,,n'1 ~ I d~rrt:1.l" N>. 2 t• ol ..... , $hit !flt ltOJJ;.all JI I? S1 Tl'l1 Sc•lftt C1PM1lt t8&

  • 6 DISC, Decemb•r 24, 1960

    If you don't work out, I'll fire you

    That's what Dot Records told the

    mystery man of American music

    BILLY VAUGHN T H E m y.dery man o( Amt rlco.n musk . Th.al's lhe lide the pt'Oplc- ut Doi Rt•rordi hl\'e. glun lop ord 1tstra leadtr and amrngff Hilly \ ':aughn. Few people seem to h1ne s«n him o r read about the h •·t nly~f1>11r carat n re-tt of tht ooe,,..li:me Bowllat Green, Ktnhacky, buhu. Yet Vauu.hn h.as n1adc the Doi Records' c:a~h reg ister tingle merrily w'llh his coundess bit11 of .. golden musi

  • DISC, De.:c--bor 2J 19.5◊

    A surprising statement from the Ball room maestro

    Jive is one of my dances

    11111111111 11111111111111111 11111 111111111111111 111111111 11 1111 11111 1111111111

    HALLMARKS I IIII I II IIIIII I Ill II I llllll ll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111·

    .1960-!Je11r of tl,e .fl 111t?rica11s

    11 'S 2 l111os1 T JIA T 1jmt nf 1hr )'tar ap it11, Thr tlmt Mhf'n t,·rry ,·olum nisl sl :irls 10 !J \l.'f1 s.1 w,11cht-,., ::.i:c-r ro)ini; 1fk•m a ~hh\'ing tr.bu:~· S(·H·rll of t.~~·m h,t\(' been "Vrkm1: fo: hnn for u• ct :!O n •Jrs

    J) runm'lc."r Hi:o f.Jw:i.Ns hc-1pc a1 th,• ,·er. fo·),: tr,:il r-1.·"iun for C.\11 Vl-,1 ni,i. ~.tr (i ~3\.i;_1, .1mJ I' .111\,1 .

    'Victor S ilvester play s for your party ' No. 2 a,..(',80'4 ( Mooo) There a.re always over

    ;,!: 1",;N. r •n,;,l "Slim .. \ l,.'.!, ,v1 :,r-: t,,,1h \i!'kr::in.,. ,,: l,in: :,:,inJ ti.a:. '.\,1 . , m111!1-ith!n1rn.:nl.1l1:,, t ··p,l!!l!'I··· 1•,1,1:, .. nl wt),.>, :,.:-,: .. n.li~ 1,., \',,.'t,,r. ..on r·.1~ .:.:n thin.I!: he ,\In ~c-1 ~nll) h:. m,•11~h ••

    A .,•b.:.m "'l \ 'i.:t,): ~ .. \:i4 n.->~ sm.-icho.-s J ..;,--,~ 1h.:i c.:-un1:-:, . run ,.,n ~-:n.:nu p,r-1.·mi:.es in ..,,,011:n..;t: ,1n v. ,th 'J h: k..ii:"- 0 1l,-.1m~"-· ti-00.

    Tti s tlmt int-, l•tin,: ~,b .. ·ut li,-o ~1:.1:, J)!•'· .>nJ i\ rn,.,·:1n,: w,1h ~n:.1! i,~t ....... ,, ... ·1111,• sluUl~h ru,-1.· :..:-kli,..;-J :wt) ,,.,-.,nJ~ \•nti:!.:J ... Th.:- \\\ _•uJ~t W.H 1 ., 1h1ti.>,.,m o nt.:,n,:." ~h .:h rc31w\· 1t.~1:u~l1.•!'\• b; \ '.,;!••~

    I he P-'p-ul.11i1> d r .1::r,•,.•,11 J,1::..: n; 1,, on th.: ur.;r.1J;, ::&p j)J; l1u1;n,•u , ••

    1\~l~J f~,, hi,;, o..., n f..in•~1:-1lr mcl,•J t o: 1.:~"VrJ1ng, \' io..·l.,r 'il.H b:1!1kJ 1.)1 .a m,,m.:01.

    ·• 1: ·, J11fteul1 l•" r''°'k s.._'IO•,· ct11,g :-.r,.•,,; ,ti fi(lm :di rhc hunJr~h 01 ltm~~i

    ~·:.l~\; \!?";0J1 ~f:l. -~~ 1:'f~~~~~~~ 1unc • 'i '.m"r1: D.i o.;10!( Oo ~t} 11.:,,rl • I hi, "':l~ th .. • fi r,1 numbc'.r "''i!' r .. -c,)rJ,•J h,wl., U1 J()J),"

    :SIG EL ll t,; Sn.R

    'Cha Cha Cha and Charleston' Sr.oao:1,2 {._)

    IOO Victor Silvester Strict Tempo reoordJ to choose Jrom.

    Send loda, lor a Jree lilt

    f:50.&?3 -i:lfflN) to the addrea below I


  • 8 DIS C, Doc,mber 24, 1960

    Essex girl

    • WIDS Leyton contest TH E oubt:andiotl) St1C1.'tS!.ful 0 1.SC c.•ompt ti lion., i n 111·1i1ith lht prlu "'lL1 a lrip lo Lu:. rmbo urc in the t'omp11ny nr t t't'Ordina i t llr J ohn t,., Ion, hat bttn " on II." an 1s-, H r-old r-lrctrk 1.'0m• pulor nprn lor (rnn1 ~lannin&tru, in £..,.,n, \list; Ida Gra ham.

    Conl6 1:ant.s ,oi·n e SlllJ(t'd lo SUltllH I ho--.· lht y • ould Jtfl 10 kno'l'l .. Tht C itl On T lte t1oor Abon·• in tht dt.v or tha t litlt by John IAyton, and Miu C.n h :111,'s r-n t.ry " '"' t'omidfft"d 1hr ,noct :ipt by a p i n tl, one- of 'l'lhon mrrnbtr

    The MCPS is 1hc b.._,dy which ~upcr• Yi\c-s copyright form ulit1cl b~~ the co p run!' , o f I\Ui0 1n " H~mc I n l ,mc " on OUC I V o n [")(o,c-m_t> be n· m cd ,



    4S.f l OCl5 DK U



    AND THE STRANGER ◄ S.,f HX'I o.(r•

    Luxem Paramorto write first film score

    COI.U~IRI A . .\ & R m ~n ,ind \ 10 N oi ric Pa;amor h.is l'lccn ¢(Ill\· rni!>Si,m rd 10 ...., , itl" hi \ Jir\ i m ,1 j,,r film ~'""· h will be fr•: fo hn 1.cmt•nl :and 1.t·ifh V:1nei!·s Z" di:11; Filnu pr.:r d uctton lo: A nglo-. ..\m:1!garu:11cd 0i,. 1r1hu1orj cntilkJ "The F r1t hl( 1\c:d cm:'

    Thi: fil m will )l:H H..-t bcrt l.(1m, J.-~m Gni;soo. Sc:u, Com1::ry. 'i' H,:anc Rcml :iin a nd .·\ lfr ,~ 1 u \''-dav Wd

  • &ourg plans ■ new series

    RA DIO LUXl::;\IROURC h:" e ~rnn(Hm('(d st,crnl rh;tni;:t._ in lh('i r pro. i;!r:unnu.-.. for n t M ~l'ar, indudini: :, $pot hy Chcrr~ Wainer, :i nc,, OJ ton b,r J):H id J:u:ohs and a M>ric-s b~ The Kirby Slone Four. la t w · 1 d lkgin:1 ni 11n hnuar\ ). o,rrrv inar y I e W ;1:ll('1' :,, ill h t> h: :irtl .1n l 15·1Ui1hr.C

    f.C !!-..y •1ml U11, ini: 0 :i.~_ lh· " ill he 1.ittiflg in a , ~udi1, al 1hc HRC 1 V Centre ,ud~ to fi li 111 ,h,•uhl thr,c he ll l_,;e:i.l. in u:rnsm,~tion a l :in)· 1i n'I \1.1 ld om: nulli,,n c1._•j'it\ ,,f " ll'.s Nl''"" Or Nc\c.r" in llri1.1in, If I(• r,·cci,, ~ ;1, G ,,ldrn D1..: for thi~ :idn.•\'Clll("!ll, I h" inc,-ms lh ,H he "'di now have l\\ o (ioldcn D1S\'S for thi\ number.

    In :1tldilii1!l. IJi.i.'Ca h;1\C' s1.t:ed. !h :11 the\' :1:-(' :1h,.., &:i\' lllg C,,k,ncl l 1\in Par.I.er. Prc~ky", m,,n:igt·r, ::I _5 :hn 0 1\c ... ti1m m .:m {1; .1h' 1hr OCC,Hlll!l.

    ·, h 1~ is hd il;'VCd Ill b;; the lirst time Co>l,md P.i1ler h:1s N'en :1.•..,.i.t,k,! .i J1\C,

    '.\"~ upolo,:h" for an ,rror ln 12.\1 "l'c-1.· '" ~•or~ t :arO!>t' "htn f'odrll objt-c-ltd 10 :1 rho101:rnph~r rritnd nf C11nnit Fri11Ki..,; bring pr~ n! 111 lht dub. Ai:cording 10 :'\1iss Francis .• Podcl "'l('rt1un!d" :11 htr lh:tl ht rhdn I "ant phutc1i:r-.iphu~ '",neakint: around! nlJ' d11b ft:a.-.h1na: pk turcs."

    Sht h!ld •• hlm _lht phu10.::npbu \\II\ a fd rnd, sand lbktd him ''nol lo U!lt thal 11>11r of ,•n•.lo\tNf LONDON$ I! 11

    Vernons move l\1A RGI\R~T ~1 'REDnER a nd Jo n lt ~ U N •ll>O . ,• . ,N, foio•

  • 10 DISC, Decomo., 2,. 1~60

    HevieUJ Section Fiv~ag_~s of Pop,_ C and W ,_ Folk, Jazz_!__EPs and LPs

    A long wait Charles is selling

    • • ■ but at last RAY O IARLES

    TtH Me \ 'ou'U Wait For Mt: C,oet Raio Or Cocne Slllnt

    (Lndon HLK92SI)·····

    ANOlliE.R 6nc c«1pl1na from b y Chatk1.. who is tc:lhn, hcto a.i ~ - \out. ""Oc:orria.. burco • ·ill -.u, to &Np up tbt, dsK. hom the skM- drn,l,n,. bluesy r«lln,: oC TdJ Me Yov11 Wall For M t. }OU IUHl to c.hc rcVJr1l of Come Rain Or Come Sblany S 1t1n OA tC"lnisim durtftl chdr ,ilit 10 fhl.t c:oumrr. A.ttrffll,c tiffl with • tDOrC tbt..a \Udul hnc 1n b2irmo11) ads. Pcrson:1Uy. f lh.nk che

    d oo comes icross D'hJrc cff~,·d} l•n r("(.'Ofd.

    HtrN,: • 1th v.h ~ •nd,~. Gimm-id.) :anJ r:a frh commcrc1.;it

    F,1 Pi,,.,:• 1, " v()(lll d•:d. with a quietly hunmrt'IU\ lyr,c Jct Ii.I u )1clicsn mtflk)\phcfie A hullt1i.,11c •-hioh ero• , on tou :t.$ tt cilhcn the ctuxtks ll't i lh-l,umcnbl fwtn(}Ur l\

    .,_ ____ --'by tJ,v ,•11 Brycl!

    Paton is fine-when his wife is with him

    S.\;'iU\ ' .-.'ID CAROLISI? PATON

    ""'~ u,u. .. ~, ,rrrl~ M,rrl, IJiJ.I DOIJ'Nnl: K tt17 C,a,,I: Tht' Q,olt.tr CouruMp: ll1u.h L1/tlr Dab,; Lord 8411man: Tm,,,

    All Tt1"' r.,;o, (fop« fop 57)****

    S ASDY PATON iJ • --·r.· me. •;,W.:~V. ,:rd -:t'i:uab~~ 1lykd a.onl' r, ,tr, mucti bi, for1t. Th.: fncJu,ior. or hi, wire Caroline ndd.s much 10 1.hc , ucccu or the ltCOrd.

    The: artantt,mtnls of the mtlo• di« ll;c- q o,t: .Sm.pie. ~nd lhtt h no diu.cfqou~ u, tbcs,e, day, or O\>"Cf-tWffllClt tnd pSC'Odo-1opl\k• tk:llion.. Lotil a .• 1tau.a it 1r.:1kd in • dcli&hlf\11 WJf. Pttdt Mtnit Oh1 o,.,0 1"1 f, tMIM'r pli:,-Slnt son• of ChthtmJt appc:JJ.

    I tboUJht. 1ft r •• L rlu1 lh(k h•o ,.c:tn .-ould hi,c made' an nttl• lcnl , inJ.)c.

    HOii ROBERTS Stormy Wurhtr 60,·•

    Tlw Collll'r Ud1: Thr Sil11lt" Si,Jlnr :

    V::t'1a:,~~',.T',,,.B1;;..,.0 ~;):..1~ ~h: Fo,r1 o,.,,,,

    (Collo."'1or Rttord1 JEB 6)♦ + •• BOB ROBERTS is; lht apt~m of GI\¢ or 1hc few lruc u.Uins blrJ;ts au U In conumrcial Uk:, The

    ~~f ~:c.:4~~! ~~~ _.bici!u~~hl~; trade. W11h hh upericnce and a n.:aotic.al fimily ttadition Bob has absorbtd .DlUCh of 1e1•brin1 folk• loJT • • i nd or the Ent Coan country •htrC' hd •'Mt utct him.

    Thus th.cu Jl 2 -Suffoll \C'rnon o! Fouy Dt" whkh h tncluJt>J u A reprima.nd ,., tht An1trlc~11

    * RA\' Cll,

  • *****- EXCELLENT ****-VER\' GOOD ***-GOOD **-OROINAR\' • - POOR

    1li:11t•1 Hit sJen lhal indll""atet a Don Nk boll Tip for lbe

    Top Twenty.

    ...... """'"''" .... -"' .... "''""'-'~''''""'''''~ a Sp-.loi~h n:t tlalf. :'Ind "'hicli Clrrtc-$ ., much more routine ,oe31 b~ &nd~.

    TIIE IIARRY SIMEOl'E CllllllALE l ,ilUt l>ru111111r-r Do~•; Ounud

    Cbri1'1i:1n S◄>ldie,~ (Embc, S 118)* * • • *

    BOTH 1hese side\ "ere JC\ i.:"eJ when they fi1 'liot appc-:ued NU h(;c on Top R:ml. i'SSUC****

    E~10E.R has nn,,1her di~· n h,.:h 1.•ris:in:it(d wi th the F('I:\ la ),\•J i"\ ;\mcrin. h C

  • 12 DISC, Docemhe, z;, 1960

    Tbt ~lcGUJRE SISfERS com, up "id1 an 11:lbum of 1btir pa.st biu.

    Pres is good, but not those songs!


    1 011i11t1 Is So Rirht f or L4w; lfh.!3(1 Sli, Rtnll)' Lib; Frankfurt Sptelal:

    ~;:t'!.:~'f,,~ ~~-1;:~:,/d f°a;;,1::ni1 l>idJ;1 Ev,r ;_ iu, Stmft $lion; Do/r(

    ·, It" D,st I Cun, .l'onle (Larrr Willfa,ms); t ' ,1dlus Sltvp (Jody Rc,.noWs): H'r.tf1'rn M m·ln (The Ol)'~ics): 011, h,!it (The Cr«undos); T~q11/fo (1't,e Ch;imps): Jt'l)f/c, Dun'1 R u,1 (1·he Vrnturel); Look f"Qr ..A Sw, (G:.rry Miles): Ri,norou~tl (The Fkct.,,·001.h): D r,ornln' (1ohn.ny Burnette): Nalio11ul City (Joiner, AtboJas. Jnr. J-l ig.h School &nd) ; Alomrtaln OJ L OYI! ObroW

    Dorm:an). (London HA-0 2308)* * *

    NO doubt about the intended a uditncc for lbii plrl icullr a1• b um. It"s for teen ran, all th e wa)·!

    This h :an Am erica n ri lbum and, :u

    &tmioual 91·tdit1!lli mth ht.!it 1uhd1r.s for u mrrry Q1I1ri.sh1Hh•

    it docm' t always (ollow thjc n hit there is a hit here , it ffi3)' $,Ccm

    :~:r;~~d~n1~~ls ':ib~~,o~hseu~~:s~~~re Anolher ,·aria.Lion too is th:u se,eral

    of these items were CO\'ercd bf British 1akn1 ~nd the: home i:.rown r ersions notched up the sllcs on this i idc of thi: /\ tl;rntic, Bui thCliC au: 1he origin:1b!

    1 would think that 1his would be ;i n id \'31 Jift for nny 1ec-nagc rcco1d lo ver ...,ho follow, rock 'n' roll.

    VARIO US ,\Rl'ISTS ),'esprit Or PruiS

    l~mt1mica (fntok r ourcC'I): F,opri,

    ~tl'i'i',, ; ~i tJ:iU: 1i/;r,~ics c~c"s~;1~l~ it~ancr; 0f:1t~~d1)i.M 's/ilaJ!la'n:; Pwils (8cU\'r11); To,n · U2equdl!~ lkwcr) ; M u1.1upl1a (A C:anfor:l) ; Ptfut, .. . ru"11 . . . Ill (Gilbert Bccaud): Q11' il F"lt Bon Vh '" Cl.ts CompJ1no1u De lA Ch:m~n) : Ne Jcx.~ ,.,,, (Gcor~ Jouvin); la Vol}(' A Mllfe T ~ m p ,1 (AM.In: CLlve3u); Valt111inu

    (Gloria La.uo). (Columbio 3lSXl259l****

    •· L 'ESPRIT De Paris" is the: title o f this a lbum 11nd 1h111 sum.s i t

    ii1fui:f~~11f~vo~1r1:! ~~ri~f~~l~n~,;o~f 1ocby o.nd a rea l!>· fine bunch or 1;1!c.n1 has been 1:itb rrc-d 1ogcther for the OCCJ.lion.

    M )' personal f:tvouri le is the stirriot .\tllurd :iis suna by the s rc:a t Edith Pi:if.

    Kut nll 1be rem:tinin: t rtlicts :arc equally cntcr1:l,ining :ind somch()w the 1a,,;:uaae barrier su.ms to m3ttc-r Jiulc a.s 1hcK artist! lltc so expressive it n«ds lildc ima1im11fon to fo llow their mra.nins.

    Another outst:indfn~ ()ffcrini to m y

    ~in~h~n~~,~ bfh~i: ~ :P3t~~=s o~~ 10 be a most cntcrt:iinlng French ,·ution or·• Do wn By The Rivcu idc."


    Mtmoriu Are l\b d c Of Tbrse

    fJ::t 'U,,:o;,i;,, o,;>t,wTl:t~:, ;~!r,:; World II Wlifdnj J.'Qi 1hr Sw1riu: Tr,ts: Bird Songs At £,·tmidt!: Slttpy Losoon ; I Lha·, Thr /.10011; Alway~: ByHi~~~ ff,.~!;': 0/.,/1;•;1er:,1;:' ~}:/i:~·,, (Pye Golden Ouiou OO UI063)


    A WEI.L-CflOSEN IUOC "''""on brimful of nOlitalgia. Mnem o Bric J upp hu ac.lrckd nvch•c tunes rrom down the yr.us which h;avc rcm:aincd ever popular in dem2nd.

    H is ltt.Jtmenu are fresh but not Iott ultra modern h) 1p0il the dfccl on the l istener. So if you cnjo)•cd these

    ~~l1''«;tr~,;hirk: ~t~:i~ o~~c~~ drcst in Lhis neat liule p~t\::i;e of memoric-s. 1

    Aad it's :all for the pdet: nf one guinea so who can compJt11n 7

    Another winne r from the Golden

    ~u:;::: c:~!on~ :~i~~.:r::::!j~~ t is.ht orcbestro.l muJic in aerw:nl

    STANLEY HOLI.OWAY Join la 'fhc Chom,

    ~~; /;L, ~~'!11flr~ru~/;ff!, °daJ:01~/:J,~ ~':r~'tt~ ,~~:u~,~~~hr K ~::r~1"r:1:, l11 TI~ 01'1 Knu RoaJJ; Down At Th" Old Oi,1/ ,A,-.I 811rh,• I f I Should PlaNI

    2•• 11111111111n1111111111111111111111111111111 ■,,; : ---- A TOP-CLASS -: : COUNTRY DISC : --- cot·:'\-nn· & w.:sTF.R:-i REQl'EST S Bill M,)1Hti.: AnJ Iii, 0!11~ Gia~,

    Ho>}S: Fn,, Jrdr::, Ir: 11,r Soun,,: H!ur Gmn Sf'rd::rf; ltfof' \ln.m

    rt,~~~,~~~·~1--~()1.~~~~ii,t~;;i. i*,~ ~:;, .. "If,~~;,~ .. ;~~;:t'':1.,:.~~:tr:,'; Pud(IIH Jr,..~,. c ~ul Smith : // T tr,r.lrdp1 U',r,- 1•.-,mi,·1: I O ,rrl,mk r ,I A.11 UuJ,i,t. Lcstet Fbu. Earl .S,ruigs AnJ The F0;e.gy Mounuin Boy~: Dim

    .. c and w

    J O ll1'-, :'\'Y C A.SH ,'•.'tJW. '/hue If at A s,,11;:; C,mntrr .\lem1,,i.-, Jt,1m J l ,r> P(l )I: Sc•,11011, 0/ ,\I)' l lr,·1n; I Tr('} R,•11a till 0 1·er: I Cm1t,1,i·, Ket'P f 'r(Jm c, ,1111:: 1,,,11· c1t,·111J:r) C•(•·,,N11.i::: .It.Ir Sllf•I!'> Ke~(' Jl'(l{l,./,,i; 8fJl'k Tt.1 >vu ; /',! Ju,, l1< FtwA f.w1,J!l1 : T,,m,J11\m•1 11111,..,r; u ·.tir l>n >'t1:t f'1mitf1 Me: I U ift ,\11\, Y~111 11·1,,.,, r ,111 G,,; rm:,,., l.m,,•,: : (Phili~ BBL 1➔ 10)***** Olt"lll So lh;u o n.: lllOre ur k~\ : Q N E o f the 1'c:st Counlry L.no,... s wh.11 ,,">tt of tune wi ll • and W d1crn records wh.ich be $Uni; h) 1he inlrodui;ti◊n. • hH Mme m)' w:ar f.._,r review. fohnn)' C 1\h hJs a goo.I • : T he ini:otlui.: 1rdudc~ .. omc ,·tr} ''

  • Am..:1ic:i . bu1 thC"\' \\t'h' qjll cniu}C\I by follo"'tl'$ ◊f the uio in Dn 1:1in.

    l11C'lud1:J in the sdeclinn is "h:1l I C'onsiJn 10 be nnc o( their 1.-~•s1 c, u ... ,axini;\- lhcir rou,inft H! .,ion (If thc Jtali:111 hit Vc►lan.

    JACKIE WILSO~ '.\ty Colden Fim >uritts

    Ru 1 Pnirl": J't,1 11' l(" t•,I : /'!I O,· Sam/il'il: V11f ,• >'m,. 011fr Mr : T,11'k That r,,!:..: .-h k : 111.:1(1 ll'lo·: I/\' A l! A Pntl 0/ Lr,, i' ; / ,1.,,.'J l',•111,hn/h; /',u ll ',1111f***

    T H E wbutt (.)Mils oi Jaei:ic \\'i i· '1'vn. r.tg(' ol the n..iclJ: A rrfrrd,•rd H,mm; 1l111um11 i .n1\t'1; A pril It, J',1ri1: Mmt llr1.ut1JJul Gi,I / ,i 'T/lf! U'urld : llll lrmi11r : 1,,r.. , ,.,rl,dc'IJ ;

    IVurww- C"'u:aw . [RCA RO,rn68)****

    ONt o f :i scrie1 o( alhum" com• missi0OC'd by RCA in 8 rillin llnd conducted bv ouu,1a nl.l in11: l31 iion:l feawf'inK lhrir uwn arr.ml(e1nenl\. 11tis one is pcrfonncJ br Hill Bo,-Hn a nd the 1heme i\ rom::mcc.

    Gc,uk i.tring._, l\nd smoolh hrl\~ combine 10 Jtivc :i nicely (Oman1ic bienJ.

    Some wonderful o ld '3\'ouritu :ire [ncludcd. aDd. the :ilbwn should be 11 wclc-ome adJ itiun h> .:ill c,,llcc-l io,,• fiavourins light O(Chc-"\lrt11 mu'-ic . .

    Nice, rch1 .1: in1: l i~tcnin~ 1hi'i, \\h1.:h 1 enio>·cd immc:1ud y.

    If you like your i.trini;? ,;omH.ls tcnllc M d c-arc~,ina lhen thi\ j$ tht LP for \·ou.

    JOHNNY 00\J(:t.AS Tht Lhln,a: SMn:P.s r1Jt11,• The ~1u~c:

    or Thr St:a F.bl, Ti,/(: 'fl1r F/.,,.,-~ "1: Ri t1 C11111.J,, : C11nu 1',, C11pd; /,,'.- OJ C,,p,_1: Cumr IJ,1c-k Tn So~rn1u,; ,,~,!,,, I,, ,. FHIN'rm,y,: ~~!~;~; .. {•~::,,,a~,!'~':~·, r1.(,:!.~;;1!~~J Jomak11,, R 11mb,1: Jnmui,•11 f " "'"'1h Sens

    Oui1c a jou~ne\'. bu,t one which ti(O\'es \'Cr\' cnJO)':lblt md« d.

    1 thin!.. nwu li,.!L·ner\ u ill ;ippre• ci:.fe :1ll :he- P l\J IS .,r .:JU, .... i ,h, no ,h ,ub1. S,\ 11C si1::ci.1! f.1\..:iuritcs a!o n~ lhe r,)utc.

    BOB Sllt\RPI.F...S The U , ini:, Sirin~~ l'l:() '.\tu,it.· ln 1'be

    ~ii::.ht .\lr>tmli\•111 /,; 1·,.,,,.,umt: ,\f,,,m!,'1;/i t S,m,m1; I me· l)r,•,1111,. IJ,·,mt,f,,i l) ,, mnrr; ,\igl111'1.~l11,; 11111 fr,r A Wluf,·: 11.e tm,y Of A S; .. ,•.-r .\'ialit: ,\l,,,mli,:ht n ,-1·01111'\ }';,:,: /.J1·hc••rt,:u•111•: ,\l,;,rmlixfir A11,f R ,ur\: 0•1( V••> 11·11r11 u•,. U1n◄' r:~.:'t:, ,/·.z',~r,, t , ·~~::r",z:-:.~~.i 1':-11 ... :-!; . ~·o llrmai/11}; In T/11: Srt l11; If I i:rr:-i,•· ,,f :h,: l ; ,li\,1i I L.all \,;1h .\Ir. l.ch1cr un ,.:;,):;:- ,lilC\',1 \\ ;11 :1:lr.,:1 manr more .:-u,.t,,:n;:or.. wi:h it. ,ls 1he ,\nh· lh'\\ 1hin!,! 1,, t-.: !lc.,rd .:.1e I .:hr,.:r·s. lin\.:m:: ; ,:,m,o:ks :!r'ld 1nU,'l· -.rn:.ivn.

    H,,~c-,cr. the

    l'h.: ,uti-.:-. J\1 :i fin~ j,,h :inJ

    r.:,~1,~~! ~\ J,:~~~1,,~;1~•~! ,~,.hi~~'.J; h.\ Th,, j\ J.-fini ttlv 0nc for 1hc .-)lJ.-r

    J i~ f .,n. ·


    JOHN GRA \' [S Ql:ll'fft.:T ( 'ha Cha C1Ki..t11ll

    r l'o'/i,lia; Rr,I Uc·, 11; Uoam( ,\f1u:lu,,; S,u.,.f . Im/ (i,•,,rf(-.

    (l's rl,,rhonc GEP881• >****

    ON E of th: finc~1 ch..:i cha di~ I h:wc h1.-J.rd in :, 1..,n~ while. T he Jo hn Gra, en Quinlct ;uc brand new 10 mt: :ind I c:-.1g~·dt :n .. :1i1 .\l\Olc more; of lhC' S.'lnlt -'>IUlf rrurn lrwrn.

    There i, ;i frm:tk \ l'C"aliil, unfortuna1cly n,11 h.: has a fir:..t•cfass voice in !>1.>mcwh:11 ,im,tu !l}k I\) lhc i:,fC:ll Keel)· Smith.

    This is v.·dl v. Mth a ht :tring and )'iW v. t, n'1 ho: J i~f'j)Oin;c-d . r :111icul3rlv if )ou h:arpcn I\) be :in cnt hu5i;11.s1k Lti t in fan.

  • 1-1 DISC, December 24, 1960

    Top jazz critics Owen Bryce and Tony Hall review the current releases

    Good, but it's sure to confuse those collectors

    VOliNG LOUIS ARMSTRONG Kmg Olivcr·s Crrok: Ja.u Bjnd: AIUt!lto,

    ~!Pl~' !~0t:,: B~',.J..i y 1:\;,:i1"f1jd!~ l·lcndc™>n Orthcstr.i : Marni), Muke Up Ym,r M i .. d, fl-b R~inc)· : Jr!I,- Beori 8111t'1; Cou"tl,t' T Iit Bf11es. Red Onion hu 8:ibic-s: T t"rrlbl, BlutJ; Santa Clmn B!un: OJ All 1/ee WronxJ Yo1,·w· Dtml' To ,\I,,; .Vohody Knows T Iie W oy 1 Ful

    r~!',,, j~~::;~"fi,i5:ttni/t0t;'/,'f Ra'ft':.i B!u,1.

    / R;,-,r,id, RLP 1 2- 101)♦♦♦♦

    IT is rnthcr unfortuni:. lc lhll thit 0 1ht-rwisc wonderful record (e:i• lures nine tr:tcks :tlrC3d V rc-iuued ov~r the la.st lwo )'can. Of 1h.: tl1rcc-Oh\'CfJ. only rm Goins: A"·:ay i, welcome. The others arc on :i fa7.Z Collcc1or ~i .M:, a.nd I susi:>«1. a rc bt-u er dubbtngs.

    The Henderson is new. So. I think i, r_ht Trixie Smi1h, bm ill the Red Onion Ja1.~ B3bid we.rc rc -issued under 0ecbet's name :a m:auer of six monlhi ago, And what conruiion this f1; aolna to throw lhe co1Jce1ors into Fh•c rccor~inas in the camlo1ucs ai the s1mc ume under Louis' n.tmc and undtr lkcbers. Wherus in fac1 they should be under Cla ri:-ncc Wtlli3ms . Thi! . FJrt.chu Hc-nderson Jis.: is ,n.tcresting in t~III it shows tbc quite: wide Jul( !hat c:mted bclw«n ,P71. ;1.nd d111nce bJnd,t cvcl\ in 1924. Th~rc arc p:m.agcs of int:redJblc com .. , and pau.:ag.es or irca1 ' " in• . . . and all 1nterspt(.sed • •it.h thoic remark:lblc (for those days) clarinet t rio p:;iuaees

    The WiUiams sides arc all grca1: HAL PAGE AN D TIIE

    WHALERS A /rt'r ll011r, Bl~,: Goinz &ck To M,

    1/omt! To .. -11. . /MelodiJ< 4S/IS53)***

    TRERE it i lw tineu a bout this near rock 1n· ro ll record which I like "'rr m uch. T en years aso we: wou:ld have labelled ic rhythm and blues without any hcsiUHion . which it i.J. but now I'm not 1-0 sure. II be·

    comes incrca,ing'f diffi-cu l~ lo -.on out

    ~!~!:~~ia~~;:J pr~'::.:/he in1ita1ion, The singer. Hal Pai;c, is not un•

    like the: Wynonie H!l!m of the carlr Mtic1. He hat lhc same wide open. rtr word WordJ l1t CAPOAL.S /J a,. a/Ir, inillol wOf'd Sr ,ni•dbpta, £1 fNt tit l>trlt Copy muu orriv, 01 DISC. 16l•l66 ff'ltti $ trf t't ll:wlott £,C A 110 1 kite-, than ~II PoJI Mewtda~ /or [IIJ,frllt>n In 4u,~ o l

    IM tDlflt ttfNlt A di•rrtl,i,mtnll lffU.11 b, p,,pold


    l t"s typic.:il. liveJ~•. and J"m sure they all b.:,d 1bcmsdvcs a b:ill.

    808 WALLIS' ST06V\ 'ILLE J AZ7.M1':N

    Moo.~, Ma~~ .. M~~gRi;f~wr Bl,u•: odd Count 03.Sit s ...,;ngcr • . . why he Loui'Si.in•i-ay. \\hk h 1hc fan, love. Cfrinau,••11 : Flu A i A Bird: Nrw fcn lurc-.such unlike!)' tune-. as Alg.iers 3 nd ie11urc:;, a 1ypical c·uh,1:ninct OrJ,o,,s Su,mp; Ct>n/r-slifo'; lt,iJi(l11.J-.a>; S1omp. Dut h,: ::tlso featur("\ 1he -.olo o n SJX»oky Tnkr-s A Holiday. I All Fo, You: I.011l.s: E,uy OtKt I I; WOf11 aspect~ or British Tr3d. Long. didn't enjoy 1his la~I lilk and know SPook,• Tak.rs A Htl..trd The re arc t w() on 1his LP. aod Lhe belier.

    'Em In Tl,e OIJ K,nr Ruod. fact 1h31 it M-. 14 1itlcs a, ag:tin~t the On the eredit siJc 1\1 include a (Pye NJL 27)*** more normal 12 is no t much compcn• mt1vins: Conft".ii~ln', probabl)' the

    I LIKED this bct1er thnn mucll o f satfon for me-. hest thin• 0-01:t has pfay .. ·d 10 dale: an our rccc-nt fud b:md LPs, but He includes in hi-. repertoire sucli cx.cdknl trombone solo on New mu.st confess th:u th ere a re some \'l'.'r\•, crowd•r:tiM!n as O!d Kent Road with Orle~,n~ S tornp: n br:l\'C attempt a t very b3d lr:icks on it. There arc its gruff. grJ\'Clly \·ocal, 1 enjO}td All For You. Louh: :i s" •inginit Ea..y •,v"




    1, •1:~,n~ JOOardd tl


    0kb~'...·,n8oabn this , ·c-r,ion hc.i.rd live in the :11010,- Do~§ It, a 1l JJa~ie but with un-subilc

    e h ..a phcrc of 3 j37.1, club. bu t slill ft cl h3rinonics : and the aforcmcn1ioned individual band sound, 3CUI~ c!nb::irr:iumcnt for Bob even• Loui~.ian,f.-ay. a recent composilion

    Tha l's wh)' he i.nlroduccs those hc.avy lime I pby the di,c. from New O rie.ins whir h I rind c,c. riffs .. , that's wh v he pops in the He plays Moost M:m:h 3nd ccp1lon.'\!I)' i ood ---------------------


    PAUL DESMON"D QUARTET Paul lh.anoed And FritrKIJ:

    I Gn A Kid Ou1 Of Y1>4, ; For All Wt K1101t1•; Two D,grus Elut. Thrn D .. g,,,,, Wtst : Grttn.rltt,·u : YoJ, Go To My 11,ad; E.a1t 0/ Th~ Sulf ; Tim, A/ta

    Tlmtt. (12in. Worner Bros WM 6020) ••••• PD.SO!if~'IL: Paul l)ff~· (ako) ;

    Ila lbh (,ui11r): p_,. Hnllo (b>ss) : eo .. 1e Kay (dnmu).

    RECENTLY 1 ~ asked to 1ubmh a list of mv (:.vo·uri1e mu.sic.Ian, 10 a Brirish Critics" Po ll. M v tho c.hotC'tt wc:re Jackie McLean . Sonny Siitt and Cannonball Adderley.

    Now that dotsn·t mun 1h.11 J don· t dis Paul Dttmond. h's just 1.M I my personal preference i:s to w.1rds h11rder• drivina. ear1hiu allo aoundJ. Paul is a remubble musician. And he iJ one o( the very (cw post• Parker plt}'t n to

    OF FEELING come up with an oriain.il conccplion :ind so und,

    I think one c.tn judge his capa, !Nlitir s m ueh m ore here (b:.ckcd by Jim Ha ll, lwo MJQ-mc·n :and NO pi:ano) lhan li\1cnin.1t to him in hi, cus1om11tv Rrubcd: ),crrh.

    r a ul h;u ncvc-r !oun

  • RM!top Rl'.'r-lm:ir (\\ ~.\. Ot11•J~ f.()li~. f:drui S::i, att ,·· ('i11,k-, ii., " ).

    BIR\ll~GII:\ \I lkucc l 'rcru t".'"'ieerin:: Be.HJ!) .• .,

    BOLl'O:--.' I hf' \ludlurl,,, C' .\tn:h.-r ( i,"\l'IV' I

    HRACK:--.' f'.1.1. I t rr}' Lig,htfool fl hur:d,

    BRAOFORO lo hn l h n c-'-fidtt. J oe lluulU\()111

    GLO\,(K"i'l ' l-'H

    \lid1atl llollidaJ l " :,01.:,:fee: {;("'CJ~t ') . 11:\~Lf.\'

    Fr:u,L.lt \ ':11 u1ha11 t \\ t"1I.). IIORi"Oll'R(' II

    Ac-i.r.,. nm, (f rit ~•~cs-ro:,.;

    Rmct 1:or,,rh, l:li,:1bc-t h l..arncr, \f(lf1Qn l~r»Lt-r ;incl hi , llsin11(,nic:1 G a111: f'Ro,.. ChC\ft C'ru~C•C "),

    J:anri Wattr"i (" Cindndl.1 "t S or m II n \\' i 'I.do m, \ ' a,u t" I iirn ,\\'hi11111111on "). Adu1 f ahh (" Did, Wtuttingh,>fl " j, Ad,rr BIik !5.21.). \lit-I.} A,lun;i,n (Fri.).

    hr-r-, IJxlufool O·ri.), Ad,r-r Hill,; (S:u.). 1·tie Aedr~·, ~hlu< l"it.,1l>Onl.

    u n o~ Ad.n BIii;. l I h urS..).

    ~IAl.llf.~ \l.lcLy A\l1mlln i r1K"),),

    ~tASCIIES'O.:R llllrry S.,c-omtw, N,,,, C•,.11,, Cat)' .'iliUt"r l'' llumr 1y Ollm j)ly "), M11rfot1 Ryu iWk.). \ 'al.-rir ~fa,lf'r"'I: l W\: , ),

    NllWCA!mini: . •. mi.I t hi1 if a /l"t1i111/ nuu.• tH11•

  • 1 C, DISC, Oe