The Right Camera 2010

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Discusses the Pros and Cons of the four major camera types

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    the right camera for you
    your instructor
    Mike Clendenen
  • Introduction
    Welcome to The Right Camera for You. In this course we will discuss the types of cameras available today, and the differences between each type. When you complete this course, you should have a better idea of what type of camera best fits your picture taking style.
    Now lets look at the four basic types of cameras
  • DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex)
  • DSLR
    The name comes from having what you see in the viewfinder being reflected by a mirror directly through the lens.
    Lenses can be detached from the camera body and be replaced with dozens of specialized lenses and imaging adapters.
  • DSLR-Advantages
    Highest quality cameras available
    Great in low light
    Non-compressed photos
    Interchangeable lenses
    Lots of features/controls
    A DSLR allows a photographer to select a lens based on the shooting environment. You can use a wide angle lens for a landscape shot outdoors, then switch to a fast (lets in LOTS of light) lens for a low-light shot indoors.
  • DSLR-Disadvantages
    Bulky and heavy
    Steep learning curve
    Requires additional lenses to cover all situations
    A DSLR user will typically carry quite a few accessories, such as flashes, tripods, lens filters, and light meters. All together, the camera and accessories can become quite a load.
  • DSLR-Why Own One?
    For QUALITY over everything else

    Yes, you may have a lot of extra equipment associated with a DSLR, but for the ultimate ability to get the shot you want, nothing can beat a DSLR.
  • Point and Shoot
  • Point and Shoot
    The name alone for this category indicates ease of use - you simply "point and shoot"

    Very easy to use and small enough to carry with you all the time.
  • Point and Shoot-Advantages
    Easy to use
    Made to be carried
    Does not require a lot of photography knowledge
    Automatic picture taking modes
    Good quality
    There are more camera models in this category than any other. Being able to carry one of these around with you all the time is worth the lack of some of the more sophisticated features of other camera types.
  • Point and Shoot-Disadvantages
    Typically do not have a viewfinder
    LCD screen drains batteries
    Limited features and modes
    No manual adjust for better pictures
    Limited zoom

    When you buy one of these, you are stuck with the lens and features that come with it. You cannot change the lenses or all any zoom capabilities. In addition, not having a viewfinder forces you to hold the camera further away from your eye, thereby increasing the chance of a blurry end result.
  • Point and Shoot-Why Own One?
    For the simple fact of CONVENIENCE

    Old Photography Adage:
    "The best camera is the one you have with you"

    You can have the greatest camera in the world, but if you don't carry it with you, it's no good. Point and Shoots are small enough to carry all the time. Sure, everyone has a camera on their cell phone, but the pictures they take are not nearly as good as most Point and Shoots.
  • Prosumer
  • Prosumer
    A "Prosumer" camera is one that fits in-between a professional DSLR and consumer model. These cameras are also in-between in size and weight as well - not quite as large as most DSLRs, but certainly not as small as the typical "point and shoot".

    A camera for almost any photo taking situation, with a single lens that can go from a macro shot all the way to a very high level of zoom.
  • Prosumer-Advantages
    High quality photos sometimes rivaling DSLR
    Smaller and lighter than DSLR
    Can be used in automatic mode like a "Point and Shoot", but can be used in manual mode as well
    Lots of features/controls
    Built-in lens can shoot macro (close-up) to telephoto (zoom) with no need to switch lenses
    Zoom can go up to 30x and beyond

    Having the entire range of close-up to zoom in one lens greatly reduces the amount of equipment that has to be carried. Although you may want to use a tripod with any camera type, that may be the only extra thing you need with one of these cameras.
  • Prosumer-Disadvantages
    Too large for your pocket
    Somewhat heavy
    Not as good with low light as a DSLR
    Still expensive compared to smaller cameras
    Requires learning manual controls for the full benefit of features

    Although available, some features, such as manual focus, are much more difficult to use on these types of cameras versus a DSLR.
  • Prosumer-Why Own One?
    For the best FEATURES and CONVENIENCE

    If you want more than a Point and Shoot, but don't want to spend the extra money for a DSLR, this is the camera to have. You have a lot more features for manual control if needed, and most cameras in this category contain very large zooms with no need to switch lenses.
  • Cell Phone
  • Cell Phone
    Finally, there are the cell phones. One of the more popular ones is of course the iPhone, but just about every cell phone made today has some sort of camera built-in.

    You have it with you all the time. It's better to take the shot with a cell phone than not take it at all.
  • Cell Phone-Advantages
    You have it with you all the time
    Convenient and easy to use
    Easy to send photos to others
    Easy to upload to social web sites

    Cell phone photos (and videos) have become almost the norm for the way we take pictures.
  • Cell Phone-Disadvantages
    Low resolution compared to dedicated cameras
    Very few features
    Typically no optical zoom
    No viewfinder
    Inconsistent picture quality

    Everyone loves using their cell phones for taking pictures because they don't have to carry around another electronic device. Sure the quality is good enough for something like FaceBook, but it really cannot replace dedicated cameras for any serious work.
  • Cell Phone-Why Own One?
    The fact is, you probably already do. Why buy a camera when you have one built-in to your cell phone. Just remember that even a phone with a 5 Megapixel camera will not take as good of a picture as a 5 megapixel dedicated camera.

    Ever compared the size of the lens on a cell phone to other cameras?
  • Which One Would You Choose?