I have selected these magazine covers to analyse so we can draw inspiration for our own cover. However, I have included two movie posters as this is the actual idea of the split characters that we want to follow.

Magazine cover ideas

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Page 1: Magazine cover ideas

I have selected these magazine covers to analyse so we can draw inspiration for our own cover. However, I have included two movie posters as this is the actual idea of the split characters that we want to follow.

Page 2: Magazine cover ideas

I like the way that they have changed the colour of the images to black and white and increased the contrast of the image, highlighting the definitions of each characters faces.

The way that they have displayed the title of the film works really well as it divides the characters but in a way that there is no definitive cut, as they have almost merged them together; giving more of a professional finish. This follows the end result that we want to end up with.

The two slogans that they have used to give away plots about the character, is similar to the way that we used the slogans in our films trailer :

‘get yours guns ready…’

As they have used a black and white effect for the background images, the boldness added to the lip colour to match the colour of the title portrays a really effective way to add colour.

Introducing the actors/actresses is a good way to entice in the audience. This way, people who especially like them, will be more inclined to go and watch the film.

Page 3: Magazine cover ideas

I liked the simple white background with the black and white figure and the bold, bronze text. It adds elegance to the character which is what Mr Bond is all about.

The actor is well known enough for just him to feature on the front cover and for enough people to buy the magazine and then go on to watch the film.

We wanted to use a similar pose that the actor is using for our poster. Also with a simple design. This was one idea that gave us most of our ideas.

Page 4: Magazine cover ideas

I chose to look at both of these magazine covers for the release of X-MEN. I liked the way that they released more than one cover for the film, making it a collectors tool and drawing in customers to buy more than one magazine of their favourite characters.

I also like the fact that there is a lot going on in each of the covers, however, it doesn’t look too ‘busy’ and ‘overcrowding’ for a cover. The block colour, signified to each character also adds an eye-popping factor which also draws people in.

Page 5: Magazine cover ideas

Although this is actually a movie poster, I decided to analyse this under the magazine covers as it it the main convention that we want to follow when constructing our magazine cover.

This follows a similar theme to our movie as it introduces two characters who both play a massive part in the film. Therefore, we wanted to do something similar to this as a way of introducing the characters to the audience.

I like the way they have used the images in black and white and then the black block which separates them is cover in bright yellow writing which adds a bit of colour to it without it making it look too dull, yet you find yourself looking at the actors more than the writing itself, which works well as many people like these actors and would probably want to go and watch the film.