Making Data Actionable

"Making Data Actionable" by Budiman Rusly (KMK Online)

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Making Data Actionable

Page 2: "Making Data Actionable" by Budiman Rusly (KMK Online)

Hello!I am Budiman RuslyHead of Data Analytics at KMK OnlinePublishing, Video and Messaging Platform

13 Years of Business Intelligence Experiences▷E-commerce Bizzy.co.id▷CRM & Loyalty program HP, Microsoft, Cisco, Eu Yan Sang – APAC Countries▷Healthcare – Hospitals across Indonesia

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Our agenda

Key Ingredient

of Actionable


Benefit of

Actionable Data

Making Data


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1.Key Ingredient

Actionable Data

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“Finding trusted data that matters to the business and translate it into insight

that available whenever decisions need to be made

Actionable Data

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Data Business Problem

Actionable data

DataDo you have the right data to answer questions?

ResourceDo you have resources transforming the data into insight?


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2.Key Benefit of Actionable


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Actionable Data Key Benefits

SpeedAnalyze with greater speed

Better Decision-makingBetter understand and improve operation, financial model, customer relationship, supply chain, workforce and business opportunity

Holistic ApproachUnderstanding and interpreting information from various data sources into single Enterprise Data Warehouse

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3.Making Data Actionable

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“Does developing data analytic strategy enough

to drive actionable insight?

Data Analytic – From Strategy to Execution

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“Executives say there is a direct correlation between well-designed

analytics programs and success in the marketplace. However, the infrastructures and processes they require to support and

sustain such efforts still lag.

- Forbes Insight

Data Analytic – From Strategy to Execution

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Data Analytic - From strategy to execution

What value exist in your data?

Can you trust your data ?

What happened and why ?

What might happen next?

What is the right answer?

Is insight being delivered to the right people at the right time?

How to embed data analytics into our organization?









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Blueprint process of making data actionable

SketchFind your inspiration. Conceptually design about desired outcome

Visualize By bring data to life, it helps display unexpected finding in a clear manner by focusing on trend, time comparison and variable correlation

Effective and Better CommunicationMaintaining collaboration between analyst, business users and other stakeholders

Understanding DataDig into the data by filtering, sorting, grouping and segmentation

Understanding which Chart or Graph is right for youEach chart and graph cater different analytic purpose. Therefore, choosing right chart is the first step towards effective communication and story

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Blueprint process of making data actionable

When a road narrows, due to dividers or other obstructions, drivers need to be made aware of the change in the path of the roadway.


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1. Blueprint – Sketch & Visualize

SketchFind your inspiration. Conceptually design about desired outcome

Visualize By bring data to life, it helps display unexpected finding in a clear manner by focusing on trend, time comparison and variable correlation

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1. Blueprint – Sketch & Visualize


Structure Information Dimensions – 4WsFacts- Measurements

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1. Blueprint – Sketch & Visualize

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1. Blueprint – Sketch & Visualize

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1. Blueprint – Sketch & Visualize

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2. Blueprint – Effective and Better Communication

Effective and Better CommunicationMaintaining collaboration between analyst, business users and other stakeholders

Regular MeetingWeekly, biweekly, or Monthly

Build Relationship, trust and respectLearn business language, performance, kpi

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3. Blueprint – Understanding Data & Chart

Understanding DataDig into the data by filtering, sorting, grouping and segmentation.

Understanding Which Chart or Graph is right for youEach chart and graph cater different analytic purpose. Therefore, choosing right chart is the first step towards effective communication and story

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3. Blueprint – Understanding Data & Chart

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Value the whole process, celebrate the results

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Resources• Edward Tufte – Beautiful Evidence• Stephen Few – Now You See It

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Thanks!Any questions?You can reach me at:[email protected]