Corporate PA Summit 2011 7 December 2011 Pan Pacific Hotel, Perth HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN YOU’VE BECOME SUCCESSFUL? PRESENTED BY Rebecca Wall Executive Assistant to Chief Executive SunWater Limited

Corporate PA Summit Key Speaker Presentation

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  1. 1. HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN YOUVE BECOME SUCCESSFUL? PRESENTED BYRebecca Wall Executive Assistant to Chief Executive SunWater Limited Corporate PA Summit 2011 7 December 2011 Pan Pacific Hotel, Perth
  2. 2. The View from the Top Me and my favourite View from the Top2
  3. 3. The View from the Top More mountains!3
  4. 4. The View from the TopWhat goes up, must come down!4
  5. 5. The View from the Top The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. Michelangelo Look for more mountains. Learn from a perceived failure. Congratulate ourselves for trying in the first instance.5
  6. 6. How Do You Know When Youve Become Successful?A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do. Bob Dylan6
  7. 7. How Do You Know When Youve Become Successful? Making a positive impact on someones day. Title/who you work for: Mary Jones, PA to Johnny Depp. Salary and the lifestyle it affords. Success is a personal thing - only you can define if youre successful.7
  8. 8. Making The Most Of Opportunities Never say never (well almost never!) Work for other managers or departments. Look for internal transfers or secondments. Taking a side step is sometimes the way up in the end. Join committees, focus groups just participate! Increases visibility. Shows you have an interest in improving the company.8
  9. 9. Recognising Milestones Obvious milestones include: Promotion, pay rises. But dont miss the day to day milestones Being asked for feedback or your opinion. Being sought out for your expertise on a subject or process. Being thanked.9
  10. 10. Becoming An Integral Part Of Your Managers Team Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford Join the right team. Ensure you and your manager have complimentary work styles. Provide a unified front. Never undermine your manager in front of others. Work together literally! Shadow your manager where you can. Visit work sites, attend workshops / forums as an observer. 10
  11. 11. How To Develop, Maintain And Promote Key RelationshipsNo matter your education, your experience, or your title, if you can't play well with others, you will never accomplish your work mission. Susan M Heathfield, About.com11
  12. 12. How To Develop, Maintain And Promote Key Relationships Key to successful relationships: Be professional and mature. Be respectful of all, not matter their position. Smile and be friendly. Communicate with fairness, honesty and respect Keep tone neutral and on topic Dont Dob Raise an issue face to face. Dont go over heads.12
  13. 13. How To Develop, Maintain And Promote Key Relationships Be visible Dont be Waldo!13
  14. 14. How To Develop, Maintain And Promote Key Relationships Pick up the PhoneTry the Personal Touch14
  15. 15. Empowering YourselfHow To Gain The Foundation Of Trust You Need To Make Autonomous Decisions On Your Bosss Behalf Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information on it. Samuel Johnson Empower yourself with knowledge and make it your mission to know whats going on. Read correspondence. Ask questions. Draft responses to emails and letters. Read your managers sent items. Above all, maintain confidentiality and discretion. 15
  16. 16. Building Confidence In Your Ability Projecting Confidence In The Right WayIt's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. Anonymous Remember who you work for, however: Do not mistake confidence for arrogance. Do not throw your weight around. Be firm but fair in requests. Lacking confidence one day? Fake it till you make it!16
  17. 17. Being PreparedDoing The Groundwork, Projecting A Powerful, Persuasive Argument Research! Check your facts. Research the impact of your idea. Ascertain costs of proposed initiatives. Listen to your audience Be factual Keep emotions out of the argument. Talk about improvements and efficiencies. Do not make requests about you personally but focus on the benefit to the company.17
  18. 18. Work That Attitude! The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. Charles Swindoll18
  19. 19. Celebrate Along The Way Doesnt have to big but if its important to you, its worth celebrating. Laugh with your boss and work mates. Importantly, enjoy your job!19
  20. 20. Questions20