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Careers in New Media and Social Media Marketing

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Careers in New Media & SocialMedia Marketing

featuringExpert: Jelle Drijver, owner of MegaExposure

Hosted by:LeeAnn MutchlerEvisors Director of European Business Development

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Careers in New Media & Social Media Marketing

• About Jelle Drijver• Why b®other?• How to benefit from LinkedIn

(both entrepreneurial and career wise)• Simplify the use and minimize the time.• Tools (monitoring and measuring) Twitter & Hoot

Suite• Q&A

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About Jelle Drijver

• EMBA Grad of Nyenrode Business School – In Breukelen (Between Amsterdam & Utrecht)

Netherlands– A private business school established in 1946– Ranked the 35th best business school in Europe by the

Financial Times.

• Owns own company called MegaExposure– Works on freelance consulting projects to help

companies improve their online presence – Advises Dutch companies on how to get the most out of

Social Media Marketing presence by:• Online branding• Lead generation through inbound marketing• Intro to new online tracking mechanisms

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If a computer is not connected to

the internet... i consider it broken.

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• And still lots of entrepreneurs• Head in the sand PESSIMISTS

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1996 year summary on Dutch television

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“If you do what you’ve always did,You’ll get what you always got”

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If business comes your way without any effort, don’t bother.


Antelope Hits TreeYou Tube

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“If you do what you’ve always did,You’ll get what you always got”

“when a company does what it always did,it will steadily get less then what they’ve always got”


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If you wait to long, competition might catch up with you and win.


Man helps a deer from a

CheetahYou Tube

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No matter what age

My Grandma

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Boost your online presense

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Source: MindFlash.com

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LinkedIn is:

• A business network

•An online map business cards

•Always up to date

•Full of advanced search options

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Just creating a profile doesn’t do the trick

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•Stay in contact•Get in contact •Find peers (groups)•Stay up 2 date (updates)•Bring up 2 date (updates)•Word of Mouse (Recommendations)•Share Presentations•Traffic to website

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Don’t annoy people

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Source: Mashable.com

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Source: Mashable.com

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Source: MindFlash.com

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Source: MindFlash.com

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•Who know’s who... You can see each others network

•Easy way to send messages to your contacts

•Participate in discussions, be active in groups

•Ask questions

•Gain information from your network and group members

•Answer questions (credibility).

•See who viewed your profile (Settings).

•Recommendations (Trust).

•If someone is looking for you, you can be found!

On LinkedIn:

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Chef or Owner of a restaurant?Your brother/friend/colleague?

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1. Make sure your profile is complete (100%)

2. Expand your network

3. Make sure people can find you (and don’t be shy)

Let’s Go!:

>!<Don’t add contacts before your profile is complete!

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Step 1: Make complete profile (100%)

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Step 1: Make complete profile (100%)

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Choose a professional photo

Step 1: Make complete profile (100%)

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Step 1: Make complete profile (100%)

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Step 1: Make complete profile (100%)

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Page 34: Careers in New Media and Social Media Marketing

Step 1: Make complete profile (100%)

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Step 1: Make complete profile (100%)

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Who can see what?

- Relations- Relations of relations- People outside your network

What do you have to hide?

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Step 1: Make complete profile (100%)

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Pick a user friendly url to put in your email footer of on your business card

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Skills en Expertise has a less value then recommendations but is still interesting.

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Who has viewed my profile?

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Step 2: expand your network


Marloes Menger

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Expand your network

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Expand your network:

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Expand your network

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Please take the effort to make it personal

Dear Marloes,I would like to add you to my contacts on Linkedin. If I can help you with anything now or in the future (e.g. by introducing you to someone in my network) let me know, I am most willing to help. Best regards, Jelle

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Step 3: Make sure you are visible!

e.g.:1/100 people in your network has an answer to your problem30 connections is 0.3 persons (that’s nobody!)300 connections is 3 pers.

- introducing- recommending- answering - buying your services- etc., etc.

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• Be conscious of time

• Don’t become overwhelming

• Use your common sense

• Think before your post

• Everything is “P&P” - Public & Permanent

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• What tool there there to minimize the investment of time?

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Post to Linked/facebook in stream including preview

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Twitter is just a network event or a crowded bar





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Clicks on your links are tracked

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Clicks on your links are tracked

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Clicks on your links are tracked

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Meassure the reach of your tweet with Tweetreach

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Meassure the reach of your tweet with Tweetreach

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Questions & Answers

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Questions & Answers

Question 1:

What should listeners focus on if they want to pursue a career in new media?

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Questions & Answers

Question 2:

How important is previous experience when looking for a career in this sector?

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Questions & Answers

Question 3:

What is the salary range for a new media marketing expert?

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