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Weeping Fig Show

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Page 1: Weeping Fig Show

Weeping Fig Ficus benjamina

Group: Foliage PlantsType of Plant: DicotLeaf Arrangement: AlternateIdentification: Large, often tree-like with grey bark and thin branchesLeaf is ovate with an exaggerated tip, glossy greenMilky sapTerminal and lateral buds look like green needlesBranches tend to be arched or weeping

Page 2: Weeping Fig Show

Weeping Fig Ficus benjamina Water: Keep the soil moist, but not soggy

Light: Medium to High, Adjusts to most kinds of light, doesn’t like to be moved, must be carefully acclimatedPropagation: Air Layering or very small stem cuttings

Culture: Prefers to be rootbound, reacts to change by dropping leaves, 2-60 feet tall, great large houseplantor mall plant, sometimes grown braided trunk or bonsaiProblems: Scale insects, mealy bugs and spider mites