UK Supermarket Shoppers Profiling Survey via Mobile March 2014

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UK Supermarket ShoppersProfiling Survey via Mobile

March 2014

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What we did

• Ran a “take anywhere” mobile survey to understand to understand supermarket preferences and shopping habits.

• Ran a geofenced (geofencing all supermarkets in the UK) to ensure mobile panelists complete surveys inside the supermarkets.

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• Within four to five days, 1010 “take anywhere” surveys were completed and 150 geofenced in-store surveys were completed.

• The stores at which respondents indicated they shop most often roughly parallel the UK grocery store market share numbers.

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Stores shopped

Take Anywhere GeofencedShop Most Often Shopped P30

DaysStore Shopped UK Market


35% 73% 35% 29.8

21% 53% 7% 17.5

16% 52% 10% 17.7

9% 38% 9% 11.5

7% 30% 4% 3.9

4% 39% 14% 6.3

3% 23% 1% 3.0

3% 16% 7% 4.8

* Source: Wikipedia

• The stores in which respondents indicated they shopped most often align fairly closely to market share estimates in the UK. The panel is representative of the marketplace.

• Though the stores at which the geofenced survey was completed vary slightly from the most often shopped stores, it should be noted that 1/3 of the geofenced survey respondents indicated that they were not in the store they shop most often.

For further information on the Supermarket Shopper Profiling Survey, please contact:

Ezekiel TaiwoAccount Director, End Client [email protected] 400 3528