Parlamentu Foinsa'e Nian Creating Timor-Leste’s Youth Parliament

Timor Leste - Creating Youth Parliament

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Parlamentu Foinsa'e Nian Creating Timor-Leste’s Youth Parliament

Youth Parliament Consultation: June 2009

The consultation took place before the parliament was set up

Young people were involved in discussing and shaping the ‘decree law’ that resulted in the ‘Council of Ministers Resolution’ endorsing the establishment of the Timor-Leste Youth Parliament

Selection Process: June-July 2010

A rigorous national and community based selection process was designed and undertaken with support from the National Youth Council (CNJTL)

The youth led process was effective and saw the realization of as many girls as boys being


Youth Leadership training: August 2010

Upon selection of the youth parliamentarians, residential training on ‘leadership and positive youth civic engagement’ for

all the 130 youth parliamentarians was conducted, equipping them with knowledge and skills for their effective participation

Inauguration: August 2010

The inauguration of the 130 youth parliamentarians was witnessed by government officials, development partners and stakeholders

Study tour to Melbourne, Australia: September 2010

Selected Youth Parliamentarians participated in a week long study tour to the Victoria Youth Parliament (Melbourne) organized by the governments of Timor-Leste and the Victorian State. They learnt, shared experiences and engaged on possible regional collaborative initiatives.

First Sitting: December 2010

The pioneer youth parliamentarians held their historic first seating to admiration of the nation. They discussed key issues affecting Timorese youth and released their first recommendations to the government and national parliament.

Preparing for the second sitting: August 2011

• Youth Parliamentarians participated in a week long leadership training

• They held briefing sessions with the Ministries of Education, Health and Infrastructure, and the Secretary of State for gender and equality

Second Sitting: August 2011

• We talked about education, health and infrastructure

• Some of us went to the World Youth day in Spain

• We wrote recommendations to share with the government

• Our proposals will be formally presented and discussed with the Prime Minister