Time management by Ajay U Pai

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Better three hours too soon, than one minute

too late

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You’veYou’ve got the got the timetime!!

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• Monitor your time.

• Adopt tools for time management.

• Develop “focused attention.”

• Use planning to set you free.

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The key is to find out as much about the exam beforehand. Obviously knowing the questions would be nice but in the absence of these you can help yourself by checking:

1. How long is the exam? 2. How many questions do you have to


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3. Are some questions compulsory? 4. What types of questions are there –

short answer/ essays /problems etc? 5. What makes a good essay?

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1. Over prepare. That might seem like a poor way to study. But over many years of studying, I’ve found it to be sound advice. It’s much wiser to take an exam too seriously and find it easier than you expected than to wish–when it’s too late–that you’d studied more.

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Failure to set goals, priorities, or deadlines

Too much socializing

Failure to say no Interruptions Disorganization

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Some students find it useful to keep to an exam plan. For example:

1. Read the whole exam paper through from start to finish. During the reading time, mark the questions you know very lightly with a pencil.

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2.Decide which questions you are going to answer and in what order. For problem papers like Math and Accounts its best that you start from the beginning.

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3. You might feel better about starting with the question you feel most confident about.

4. Brainstorm what you know and plan how you will answer the question. Take care to sequence your ideas logically.

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5. Write your answer but remember not to write everything you know - always keep in

mind what the question is asking. 6. If you like to write your answers ‘in

rough’ first(like in English) make a small thought box to have flow of ideas.

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7. Allow yourself time to read through each of your answers as you write them and again at the end of the exam.

8. If you don’t know an answer, don’t get frustrated move on to the next one you can come back to it later.

9. Wear a watch .

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. Elaborate. If you have a choice between making a point briefly and elaborating, choose to elaborate. A teacher reading a final exam is reading to “get to done”–to assign a mark and move on to the next exam in the stack. So you should show your knowledge and understanding in all appropriate ways.

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Don't let other people's panic affect you. Try and calm them if you can but do not take risks with your own well-being.

Have a good opening paragraph Write legibly, if u don’t have a good

handwriting at least draw lines.

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If you have used mnemonics to remember useful lists, scribble them down before you start and before you forget them.Eg-PODSC is Planning,Organising,Directing,Staffing,Controlling.(ANUJ USES THIS!!!!!!)

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Distinguish between different parts of the question ('outline', 'briefly discuss', 'describe') and allocate time accordingly

Even U don’t know a question write something random or at least something pertaining to the topic you might get 1 or 2 out of 5.It’s better than nothing.

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Read through the examReading through the whole exam you can› know what is expected of you› prioritize items on the test› pace yourself.

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Carefully read the instructionsMake sure you are answering the question that is being asked!Often students know how to solve a problem, but they misread or misinterpret the question itself

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Check that you have correctly rewritten the problemIf you use a scratch piece of paper make sure that you correctly rewrite the problem.Don't skip steps. Start from the beginning;

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Clearly write each step of the solutionBe neat and don't rush writing numbers down.Keep checking your solution as you are working.Neatness makes it easier to recheck your work;

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Double check your math, especially your calculator entriesDouble check your calculator work immediately.The chances of hitting a wrong number are high, but the chances of hitting the same wrong number are not

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Don't Dilly DallyIf you get stuck on a problem move on and come back to it later.When you are finished, recheck all your work.

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Avoid depressing post-mortems with fellow students. The exam is over, and there is nothing you can do about it now! There is no point in punishing yourself, especially if you have exams still to come.

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If you have made mistakes in the exam, try to learn from them and apply what you have learnt to the next exam. Think about how to avoid making similar mistakes in the future. For example, if you found that you ran out of time, analyse which area you spent too long on - did you spend too long writing out your essay plan, or deciding which question to do?

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Procrastination Poor

communication Failure to

delegate Fatigue Trying to do too


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“If you think you can do it, begin it!

Begin and the mind grows heated.

Begin, and the task is completed.”

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Your Future is What You Make It TODAY!

“The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time.” --Abraham Lincoln

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Have advance preparation time

Have more focus and less stress.

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Work smarter not harder

Open up free time for family, friends, and fun

Enjoy peace of mind

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“What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it…let it be something good.”

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