What You Don’t Know About What People are Socially Saying and Posting About You and Your Brand Can Ruin Your Reputation. Socially Managing Your Reputation Jean L. Serio, CPC

Socially managing your reputation 06-4-15-01

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What You Don’t Know About What People are Socially Saying and Posting

About You and Your Brand Can Ruin Your Reputation.

Socially Managing Your ReputationJean L. Serio, CPC

Google says this about your reputation….

"Your online identity is determined not only by what you post, but also by what others post about you -- whether a mention

in a blog post, a photo tag or a reply to a public status update."

In a nutshell, your online reputation is made up of everything about your business that exists on and offline. The range of

materials that could potentially impact your business' online reputation is much broader than you might realize at first.

What is a Good Reputation and Why is Socially Managing it so


Your good reputation is the very foundation upon which your business and your life is built.

It's made up of everything you and your business does. From the way you treat each customer, the care you give to maintaining your business. And yes, even yourself. To the social posts you and/or your employees and others make. And, in fact, the way you treat job applicants and interviewees can also affect your reputation – good or

bad. To how you handle customer complaints and problems and relate to vendors.

In short your good reputation is what sets you apart from competitors. This can be the main reason clients or job

seekers choose your company over another. And generally what helps stimulate business profits and success.

“In the end you make your reputation and you have your success based upon

credibility and being able to provide people who are

really hungry for information what they

want”. ~ Brit Hume

What are Other Reasons Social Reputation Management is So Important?

Your clients are online.Your prospects are online.

Your competitors are online.Potential job seekers and top talent are online.

… That not only includes the satisfied ones, but also includes all the UNHAPPY ones. And every one of those listed above are privy to what

others socially post about you and your brand.

Good or bad.

The Internet Has Changed EVERYTHING

Before the Internet, businesses controlled their messages via one-way communication channels.

Thanks to the Internet, EVERYONE controls the message via Blogs, Social Media, Forums and Customer Reviews, for example

Who and Where Can They Socially Post Information About Your Business?

Former Employe


Your Company’s

Online Reputation


Social Media




Online Reputation is Even Crucial for the BIG BOYS

What are Some of the Effects of Negative Social Posts and How Can They

Affect your Business or Brand?

Bad Customer Experience

Bad Customer Experience

Unresolved Customer


Unresolved Customer


Bad Reputation

Bad Reputation



Here’s Just a Few Negative Effects of a Bad Social Reputation

It's a fact. Every second, every minute - somewhere on the Internet - an individual or brand's reputation is being slandered or harmed.

On the one hand, lost revenue can be calculated. On the other, cost of a business's hard-earned reputation - one which took years to develop - is incalculable. And a bad rep affects far more than you may suspect. Aside from besmirching your brand’s good name, even ruin it, it can:

Cause you to lose existing customers Prove difficult getting new customers Prohibit your brand from engaging with, or hiring, top job

candidates Encourage job seekers to post negative comments on social and

review sites. Your business can also suffer a variety of other unique financial


"A reputation once broken may possibly be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the crack was". ~ Joseph Hall

A Bad Rep May Have Job Seekers Avoiding Applying

With Your Brand According to a recent CareerBuilder survey:

65% of workers who search for jobs via mobile devices will leave a web site not mobile-optimized.

40% walk away with a more negative opinion of the company.

If a company (brand) had exceptionally positive online reviews (67%) - or recently had a lot of ‘good press’ (65%) - they would accept a lower salary to join. On the other hand would avoid those with negative online reviews and comments, for example.

Nearly half (46% ) of workers surveyed said a company’s employment brand plays a very big role in their decision to apply for a job within the organization.

Another 45% say it “plays somewhat of a role”.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll

do things differently.” ~ Warren Buffett

How Can You Maintain Your Reputation


2. Regularly monitor on and offline conversations about your business.

3. Socially respond and interact with consumers and job seekers.

4. Create and distribute POSITIVE content regularly.

Thank you For Viewing “Socially Managing Your Reputation”.

For more information and tips on Socially Managing Your Reputation – go to: http://goo.gl/YkBMny

Jean L. Serio, CPC

Nationally recognized LinkedIn, Social Content and Branding Strategist | Speaker | Trainer | Workshop Presenter

Hire Jean – Email her [email protected]

Website - Get Your Buzz On - http://goo.gl/wBh5sM

Follow Jean: www.linkedin.com/in/jeanlseriosocialmktgstrategist/ https://twitter.com/JeanLSerio
