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One day profits 20160417

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Sharon Xiao LiuBusiness plans. Analyse parts of small/large businesses that you need for your business plans. Have a goal for your business. Find a system where you can duplicate methods to earn more money, look at whether this system is time-efficient. Look at where and how to find people for your business.

---Memory Cubes. 17/04/2016.

Design.Each cube can be the placeholder for 6 items memorised.10 cubes in total.Origami part makes a room.3 origami sheets with the cubes. Colosseum (one layer). Hexagonal chamber. Chandelier (one layer). Can be used with any other kind of origami sculpture. Origami seats for the cubes, so there is a connection between the cubes and the origami.Tube of glue.3D model drawing on the packaging.

Costing.RRP margin should be 70% of the price required to manufacture.£20.99 for 1000 cubes.

---Snowflake soap. 24/04/2016.

Design.How to make transparent soap:14oz vegetable oil, 5.5oz coconut oil, 8oz castor oil, .75oz safflower or sunflower oil, 4oz lye, 5oz filtered or distilled water.Measure water into a heat proof container, add lye to water, cool it.Mix all of the oils together and heat. Add lye water to oils.Blend the mixture until it looks like pudding.Heat for a few hours.If a sample of the soap dissolves in a cup of hot water, add alcohol and glycerin, use an electrical cooker.Remove impurities floating on top.Boil and dissolve sugar in water, pour into the soap base. Cool.Pour the soap into a mould.The soap base can then be heated and colouring and perfume added. The soap can be made in layers, on a tilted mould to form a snowflake shape in the soap.

Costing.Very labour intensive.Lye 2lbs $8.99.

---Remote control for the computer. 01/05/2016.

Design.App to cast to the computer using mobile phone.Connection over wi-fi.Browser tool to receive message from app on mobile, via the internet.It is possible to cast to a television currently, but not to the computer.Allcast does this.

---New kind of Copywriter. 08/05/2016.

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Mixture of technical writing and copywriting, designed to persuade and educate. Do the company's marketing as well. Script drama which would promote the business. Write articles about products which are not overtly selling anything. Copywriting telling the customer about the future. Add designs for graphics.

Price: $10 per article of 400 words.


Business plan:Business name: NuCopy.Executive Business Summary: NuCopy is a fast, effective copywriting service.

---Club to share experiences of jobs. 11/05/2016.

Promotion. Respect company's confidentiality.

---Finding investors and venture capitalists. 2017/06/02.

Google search.Local meetup. Cost: £2 per meeting.Online penpal service.Find a business partner.

-Find a mentor. Google: free mentors. Free career mentors.Make sure your profile for mentor searching is filled out completely.Send superlong emails if they are only available for infrequent periods of time.Join groups.Tell your potential mentor what you can do for them.https://www.micromentor.org/http://www.horsesmouth.co.uk/https://www.mentspot.com/Place an advert on Gumtree.Use your family as mentors, send them emails. Break up your email into time intervals. Explain everything workwise you have done that day, set goals.Use your cover letter readers as mentors.Peer mentors. Forum, LinkedIn.Self-mentoring.Google: business forum. entrepreneur forum.https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/community/Start an online mentoring website if the old one is discontinued.Thoroughly research before you post an answer.

-Track successful people online.

---Dropshipping business. 2017/06/04.

Write a new presentation on Slideshare for something that you want to sell.Use copywriting skills and graphic design.Use valuable knowledge, first and foremost, to sell the product.Use comedy.Look at news sites for attractive titles.

Link to the product with a clickable link at the beginning and end of the presentation, and in the description of the presentation.Charge for the advertisement of the product, or for every product sold. It may

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be an idea to obtain the product for free, so you can review it properly.Take payments using texts. Mobile payment types: carrier billing.https://fortumo.com/pricing/Use dropshipping to deliver the product.With the revenue gained, make the product yourself.


How many views does it take to make a sale.Scientific paper in plain English and re-written to sell products.Affiliate marketing schemes. Make a direct enquiry first, then if recommended an affiliate marketing scheme, go down this route.Find a popular website, see if the owners want to place ads on it.

---Simple business ideas.

Involves approaching people to produce sales.Payment by cash, cheque (they need your name), or CHAPS (they need your bank account number and sort code).Use YouTube to market your products, then post a link to a Patreon account.Use Slideshare to market your book.

Book ideas.Applied JavaScript examples.

---Businesslist.Collaborate with the PHP manual for PHP memorisation software.Approach the biggest companies and richest individuals to do business with.Jokes about how politics is done, political issues.Tell the person responsible about your ideas, but say you have no time to do them.

Problem: What help do other people or organisations want, that they would pay for?Go visit a website, and think up a redesign. Mail the plan for the redesign to them, and ask for a contract.Buying and selling always occurs in marketplaces.Think up a new role in a business, so you can fit into somebody else's business. Write targets for the role, which you need to meet.

Problems encountered in business marketplace.Problem: How would you mark a problem solving website? Get other people to rate it.

---Improve on some simple invention.

---Get rich topics

The study of getting rich.

Starting your own business.Become a senior executive.Be at the top of your profession.Learn sales.


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2017/07/22.Set up a donation text number for Stonebridge City Farm. Contact the network directly, so you get a dedicated number. Ask local businesses to donate prizes. VIP dinner at the farm, ask Sharon any 10 questions the winner likes. Put a free advert in the radio or television. Think about what you would say to persuade people. Ask Capital FM how many people usually participate. Maybe use their text number. Give Capital FM a philanthropic air, whilst earning them some money. Longevity: update people on where the money's gone.Propose a new role for somebody else's business.Provide a mentoring service to university students.Ring up past volunteers, ask whether they have a job, and ask for donations.Set up a course in the Education room. Stonebridge City Farm magazine.Charity single: song with profits donated to charity.Stand up comedy show, with a comedian, part of the money to charity, partly to the comedian, and partly to yourself.Jokes about politicians you like.Link up with any other kind of business.Poetry, interview in a television advert.Summer school.Do marketing for other companies.Coding for children. Self-directed learning, public speaking.Stonebridge City Farm branded website, can be on any topic you like, e.g. window lose focus JavaScript for memorising code.

---Affiliate marketing.The content of the presentation should appeal to the target market.Publish a scientific paper.Mention your website to as many people as possible.As a startup, negotiate and trade work for items of monetary value.Peer mentors: a group of people with common aims, rather like a self-help group.Draw something by hand and shrink it, to make a beautiful Compact Disc cover sleeve.Use a Slideshare document to sell advertising. See how to attract more views.The title of the presentation should be magnetic.3-dimensional animations on your Slideshare account, for technical how-tos.The views on your presentations need to increase a hundredfold.Started running own website 2017/12/23.There is a science to getting more views.If you generate passive income, you'll never have to leave your source of income.Devote a little time to your future businesses. Link your current business to your future business.Book title: Python as applied to rocket science.Check your book thoroughly to make sure there are no errors.