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Notes From The Making Customers Series By Mike Moore

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Highlights from the first three sessions of The Making Customers Series, by Mike Moore, for New Home Salespeople.

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Page 1: Notes From The Making Customers Series By Mike Moore

By Mike Moore





Most people don’t like, trust or believe salespeople because they are infected with a sales repellent virus. The sales repellent virus is caused by the intention to make a sale…Take the antidote by changing your intention! The intention to make a sale causes people to retract from salespeople... Change your intentions to helping, serving and doing what's best for the homebuyer to become an attractive salesperson. How to be liked and trusted! The first 8 to 40 seconds! Align your intentions with the homebuyer’s to connect with them. How? Have fun, be passionate and make what the homebuyer wants your priority, above making a sale. This will allow you to stop being needy and wanting and start being confident and helpful. Replace old attitudes with new attitudes that will lead to a new engagement, conversation, connection and relationship between you and the homebuyer. Why should I buy from you? Be different; find out first, before making the standard feature, advantage and benefit presentation and sounding like your competitors. Your job isn't to persuade people to buy your home; it's to find people who want your home, help them fall in love with it and help them own it.

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Selling is a connection between people that happens when they align their intentions, connect and communicate to come to agreement. Sometimes the agreement isn’t to buy, but it should be an agreement nonetheless. People feel your intentions and emotional state...Manage them so you’ll become attractive to homebuyers and connect with more of them! The more people you connect with, the more people will buy from you. Shift from the intention to make a sale, to the intention to make a customer. Look further than the transaction. Focus on helping, serving and doing what's best for the buyer after they own your home. Doing what’s best for the homebuyer doesn’t mean just doing what they want; it means doing what you know will work out to be best for them. Be the professional and provide your expert advice and service to help people. PEOPLE RETRACT FROM PERSUASION & ARE ATTRACTED TO HELP SELLING ISN'T A PROCESS... IT'S A JOURNEY...THE BUYERS JOURNEY Selling isn't a process to be done to, or even for people. Selling is a journey...The buyers journey, and you need to be invited to be their guide so you can take the journey with them. The journey must be taken together to be successful. Stop selling to people and start selling with people. Ask them to participate and they’ll be the happiest with the journey, purchase and ownership experience. Make no mistake; the ownership experience is more important than the buying journey or purchase experience. Help them get what they want...Don't let your reasons get in their way. They only need one reason to buy, help them get find it.

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Everyone has a wish list, shopping list or checklist. Let’s talk about what’s on the homebuyers. The steps we've learned as critical path selling, are destinations on the journey and can't be forced or made to happen. They happen when you stay connected by staying aligned with what they want to do next. Stay connected and help them reach each destination. Close to the next destination...Never beyond. You’ll lose your connection and sound like a typical salesperson when you close beyond their next step or destination. SESSION 2

A CLOSING STATE-OF-MIND Finishing what you started! You can’t help the homebuyer if you don’t ask them. You won’t ask them if you don’t believe you’re doing what’s best for the homebuyer. Close to their next step. What do you want to accomplish today? What's your next step and how can I help you? It's their journey; be their guide, keep the trip moving to the best results for the homebuyer. Closing happens when you believe you're doing what's best for the homebuyer...Make sure you aren't just trying to persuade them to buy but helping them get what's best for them. Expect rejection...Be prepared to keep asking questions...Don't be afraid to irritate the buyer if you're truly trying to help them...Apologize and keep asking questions and presenting options to help them. Treat the buy like someone you love. If you love someone you don’t stop trying to help them until they convince you too…and even them you try again. Exercise…Practice Split into small groups to ask questions hear no and keep asking questions.

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First closed-ended questions only…Then, alternate open-ended with closed-ended but keep hearing negative responses. SESSION 3 NEW HABITS (ROUTINES)...NEW RESULTS Selling is a performance art...Attitudes, Skills & Action The key to peak performance in selling...Attitude! Manage between your ears to improve your results. Non-verbal communication is the most important key to connecting, communicating and making sales. It usually does from you attitude and begins with how you prepare to perform. The homebuyers feel what you feel and know your intentions. LETS MAKE SURE YOU CAN CONNECT 1. Connecting Exercise Aligning Intentions...8 to 40 seconds...So you can communicate to help homebuyers. Watch me, listen to me and read me. What's my intention, what am I feeling? Now change your intentions and watch the buyer’s reactions, to you, change. Trust your instinct and intuition...Listen to you gut; it's trying to help you! Split Into Pairs...Practice Common intentions and attitudes when meeting, greeting and talking to homebuyers and their effects on selling. I need to make a sale…Sabotages your ability to connect. Makes you sound like a salesperson. I was on the phone and need to call them back…Damages your

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ability to connect because you’ve been interrupted. I have to get my work done…Causes you to not listen because you are distracted. I have somewhere else to be…Makes you hurry and put people on auto-walk to end the conversation. I'm glad you're here right now. I want to know you, care about you and want to help you…The only attitude for peak performance 2. What questions can we ask to connect with homebuyers? How do we ask them? Start a conversation, not a process! Know the answer, to know your response. How can I help you? What is your intention for today? What do you want to accomplish and how can I help you? Why are you shopping for a your new home? What's most important for you to find today? What things are you looking for in your new home? Most of us shop by comparing to narrow our choices down to 2 or 3 and then choose the one that will be our new home. Have you found any favorites yet? I've found the easiest way to shop for anything important, is to have a few things you're looking for that help narrow your choices. Have you made your wish list of things you want in your new home? Have you found any favorites yet? Do you have a timetable for moving in to your new home that we need to consider when looking at what homes will be available? Have you made your decision on how you'll be paying for your new

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home? Have you been looking at your options? Cash or mortgage? Down payment amount. How many year mortgage? Once connected...present the homes through their feelings, how would they live, what would they do, how would they use them, how will they feel in their new home? HOW TO BE THE H.O.T. SALESPERSON!...BE HONEST, OPEN, TRANSPARENT...BE DIRECT! Be direct…No more sending marketing messages. Don't make the homebuyer have to figure out what you said or asked. Asking for agreement...How do you ask for a decision, a commitment, a check, an appointment or what their next step? Examples __________________________ How can we improve them? Be direct! Don’t try to figure out how to make it sound better, make it sound clear and easily understood. Don’t leave room for misunderstandings. Don’t make the homebuyer have to figure it out. Ask like you’d ask a friend! "The key to making a sale is to know it's a result and to focus on the

cause of the result, not the result." Mike Moore

Mike [email protected] www.makingcustomers.wordpress.com