My Home Country -By Megan Chew-

My Home town

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Page 1: My Home town

My Home Country-By Megan Chew-

Page 2: My Home town

Environmental Factors The Month of the Seasons:

Winter: November through March

Spring: April through May

Summer: June- August

Fall: September through October

In Calgary right know the temperate is 27 f /-3 c

Wind: SSE at 3 mph/ 5 km

Humidity: 76%

Pressure: 29.35 inches/ 994 m

Sunrise: at 8: 28 am

Sunset: at 5:06 pm

Page 3: My Home town

Historical Factors

Oil in Alberta was found in 1902, but it was not becoming a significant industry in Calgary until 1947 when huge amount of oil was discovered.

Calgary quickly found itself at the centre of the ensuing oil boom. The city's economy grew when oil prices increased with the Arab Oil Embargo in 1973.

The population increased by 272,000 in the eighteen years between 1971 (403,000) and 1989 (675,000) and another 345,000 in the next eighteen years (to 1,020,000 in 2007).

Page 4: My Home town

Historical Factors

Calgary was inhabited by pre-Clovis people for 11,000 years.

The pre-Clovis hunted buffalos for their fur and meat for the Hudson Bay company.

The city was named “Fort Calgary” by James Macleod in 1876

Between the year of 1896 and 1914 settlers from all over the world poured into the area in response to the offer of free’ homestead” land.

The world Famous Calgary Stampede, is still held in July. This event grew from a small agriculture show and rodeo. This event started in 1912 by four wealthy ranchers to make the ‘ greatest outdoor show on earth”.

Page 5: My Home town

Statistical Information

The population of my hometown Calgary Alberta is 1,065,455.

The ages 35-39 are the most populated age there are 106,000.

In 2010 the population would be 1,323,000.

This is the larges city in Alberta, Canada.

Age Group 2009 2010

0-4 77,000 80,000

5-9 78,000 78,000

10-14 80,000 81,000

15-19 85,000 85,000

20-24 93,000 95,000

25-29 94,000 96,000

30-34 100,000 100,000

35-39 104,000 106,000

40-44 101,000 102,000

45-49 110,000 110,000

50-54 103,000 107,000

55-59 81,000 86,000

60-64 60,000 65,000

65-69 41,000 44,000

70-74 31,000 32,000

75-79 25,000 26,000

80-84 18,000 19,000

85-89 10,000 11,000

90+ 5,000 5,000

Total 1,296,000 1,328,000

Page 6: My Home town

Statistical Information

Ethnic Diversity Ethnic Diversity Population Population

Black 21,060

South Asian 57,700

Chinese 66,375

Korean 6,835

Japanese 4,675

Southeast Asian 15,755

Philippine 25,565

Arab/ West Asian 11,395

Latin American 13,410

Visible minority, not including elsewhere


Multiple visible minority 6,860

Total visible minority 237,895

Total Population 1,070,295

Page 7: My Home town

Map Of The City

Page 8: My Home town

Graphic of the environment factor and the Historical Factor

Page 9: My Home town

Website and Picture (MLA)


Gobert, Wilf. "Economics." Website for everyone. 2006. Media Dog, Web. 21 Jan 2010. <http://www.calgaryeconomicdevelopment.com/AboutCED/rfps.

"Calgary Information." Website for Businessman. 2010. no author, Web. 21 Jan 2010. <http://www.calgary.ca/portal/server.pt?>.

"Time Resources." Website for Everyone. 1998. chaos software, Web. 21 Jan 2010. <http://www.worldtimeserver.com/weather_in_CA-AB.aspx?forecastid=CAXX0054>.