Raising the Visibility of Your Brand Integrating Search Marketing and Social Media

Integrating search marketing and social media

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  1. 1. Raising the Visibility of Your BrandIntegrating SearchMarketing and Social Media
  2. 2. Is your digital marketing working hard enough?
  3. 3. Dont bury your head in the sand Things have moved on Social Media and SearchMarketing should no longerbe treated as separateactivities.
  4. 4. Digital channels work harder when they work together
  5. 5. The website is dead: Long live the multi-channel digital eco-system
  6. 6. Content is the key tosuccess
  7. 7. Together theymake your brand more visible insearch
  8. 8. Paid media have a role too
  9. 9. Paid media have a role tooPay Per Click advertisingshould play a part Search PPC enhancesvisibility, especially incompetitive search markets Target key product terms Defend your brand terms Social PPC drivesinteractions with your contentTarget key behaviouralsegmentsTarget friends of fans
  10. 10. Encourage positive socialfeedback and drive sales
  11. 11. Its important to respond helpfully tonegative feedback too
  12. 12. Positive Enhancedperceptions findability Customer Better advocacy conversion
  13. 13. The evolution ofsocial search
  14. 14. Search engines have comea long way since 1998
  15. 15. It used to be about spiders
  16. 16. And clever SEO Ninjas
  17. 17. But the internet filled up with junk
  18. 18. Socialmedia changedeverything
  19. 19. Google Panda was born....
  20. 20. Then there was Penguin!
  21. 21. Search got social
  22. 22. Or is thatso.cl
  23. 23. It got local too.
  24. 24. People matter more than ever
  25. 25. mobile search is increasinglyimportant for brands...
  26. 26. How social fits intosearchIn simple terms...
  27. 27. The key factors that influence rank? Hat tip to Search Engine Land!
  28. 28. The key factors that influence rank?Things that undermine your ranking Poor quality content Over optimised content Duplicate content / URLs Spam and paid for links
  29. 29. The key factors that influence rank? Things on your site that support your ranking Good quality content Fresh content Titles, URLs Schemas Technical Setup Performance
  30. 30. The key factors that influence rank?Things off your site thatsupport your ranking Authoritative links Local relevance Social mentions Shares, +1s andcirclingThis is where socialcomes in.
  31. 31. Dont get overexcited! Social is not a magicbullet for your SEO It drives new links andsocial mentions It keeps your brandfront of mind And increases yourvisibility in searchrankings
  32. 32. An example...
  33. 33. London Business School Reading Room helped LBS set up a framework for developing rich targeted content and using it to engagestudents, alumni, prospects and the wider business community using an integrated set of social media channels.
  34. 34. London Business SchoolLets take LondonBusiness School No.1 for their brandterm But thats not all...
  35. 35. London Business School Places listing links toGmaps If logged in then thisgoes to Google+ Local Reviews attached tousers G+ account
  36. 36. London Business SchoolSocial Profiles Twitter, Facebook andYoutube channelsprominently displayedin search results
  37. 37. London Business School Google + posts alsodisplayed in RHC BlogPosts, videos, imagesand slide presentationsalso rank well
  38. 38. So how can all thiswork for your brand?
  39. 39. Listenfirst, speaklater!
  40. 40. Develop your marketing infrastructurehttp://mashable.com/2011/08/31/social-media-crisis/
  41. 41. Start thinkinglike a publisher!
  42. 42. Image credit:http://sailingscuttlebutt.blogspot.co.ukAnticipate your audiences needs
  43. 43. Make your content spreadableBe relevant and create valueIf I like your content its not because I like your brand its because I like my friends.Henry Jenkins Spreadable Media
  44. 44. Talk about the subjects you wantto be found for.
  45. 45. Where to start when creating content Start with objectives! Who are you trying to reach? What are you trying to achieve? Where does it fit in the journey? What format is best? What do you want them to do? How will your content support this?http://blog.eloqua.com/the-content-grid-v2/
  46. 46. Keep it fresh
  47. 47. And dont forget it is a two wayconversation
  48. 48. The social cycle
  49. 49. Create Getcontent Apply somemainstream worth traditional PR media exposuresharingObtain WOMShare inGet morereviews, socialsocial media adding tonetworks followersSEO and reputationSocial Get inbound rankingslinks Success!increase SEO
  50. 50. So whos done it?Meet Dollar Shave Club
  51. 51. Razor blades sent to yourhome for $1 a month
  52. 52. Create contentworth sharing
  53. 53. Share in socialnetworks
  54. 54. Social rankingsincrease SEO
  55. 55. Get inbound links
  56. 56. Get more socialmedia followers
  57. 57. Apply sometraditional PR
  58. 58. Get mainstreammedia exposure
  59. 59. Obtain WOMreviews adding to SEO andreputation
  60. 60. Success!
  61. 61. ToolsMaking the most of social & search
  62. 62. The challengesHow do I assess What are people Social search saying about mypublishing is performance?brand? hard work!How do I keepWhich content track of works and why? everything?
  63. 63. The tools of the tradeSEOSocial media Engagement analysis monitoringsupportSocial media Content analytics aggregation
  64. 64. SEOanalysis
  65. 65. http://opensiteexplorer.org
  66. 66. http://seomoz.org
  67. 67. Social media monitoring
  68. 68. http://visibletechnologies.com
  69. 69. http://socialmention.com
  70. 70. http://google.com/alerts
  71. 71. http://twentyfeet.com
  72. 72. Engagementsupport
  73. 73. http://namechk.com
  74. 74. http://knowem.com
  75. 75. http://friendorfollow.com
  76. 76. http://tweriod.com
  77. 77. http://bufferapp.com
  78. 78. http://disqus.com
  79. 79. http://blogdash.com
  80. 80. http://sproutsocial.com
  81. 81. http://vitrue.com
  82. 82. Social media analytics
  83. 83. http://tweetreach.com
  84. 84. http://crowdbooster.com
  85. 85. http://socialbakers.com
  86. 86. http://klout.com
  87. 87. http://kred.com
  88. 88. Contentaggregation
  89. 89. http://hootsuite.com
  90. 90. http://google.com/reader
  91. 91. ThanksAny questions?