Social Media Get Past the Hype and Get Down to Business Using Social Media to Listen, Engage & Grow

Harness the power of social media

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To be successful with social media, you need a plan. In this presentation, I review a framework strategy approach that aligns the business strategy and goals with social media activities and keeps those activities accountable via analytics and key performance metrics. This deck was presented at the BMA Chicago breakfast series on May 16, 2012.

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Social Media Get Past the Hype and Get Down to Business

Using Social Media to Listen, Engage & Grow

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Social Software Has Matured


Source: Gartner Hype Cycle 2012

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Social Media Reaction Scenarios


Risk Benefits Trust Response Risk Benefits

High Low Low Control High None

High Low Low Ignore High None

Varies High Varies Explore Low Low

Low High High Engage Low High

While organizations that attempt to ignore or control social media perceive high risk, the actual risk of this reaction is high due to blind spots, missed market opportunities, and more agile competitors who realize the benefits of engaging.

Perceived Actual

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Social Media Business Context

Business Strategy


Company Values

Social Media


Metrics for Accountability

ü  Influence ü  Engagement ü  Sales

Social Media KPI’s ü  Feedback ü  Targets achieved ü  Guidance

Execution Framework Social Solution Suite Results

Mission Vision





Word of Mouth

Company’s actions

Social responsibility


Channels Interesting

Was there a reaction?

Achievement targets




Public Relations

What were the best channels?

Was it the reaction we wanted to achieve?

How do we do better?


Public Policies

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Adjust Message

Social Solution Suite A  set  of  social  media  channels  and  the  means  of  measuring  actionable  outcomes  so  that  you  can  adjust  your  market  messages  to  best  effect  and  maximize  your  Strategic  Objectives  


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Traditional Sales Funnel Now Social


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Identify & Engage with Promoters


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Who Do You Want to Reach?

•  CRM •  Supply Chain

management •  Procurement

•  Reputation management

•  Employer branding

•  Employee relations

•  Collaboration

•  Customer satisfaction

•  Promotion •  Competitive Intel

Marketing Human Resources

Partner Network

Investor Relations

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Influence, Not Control


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One Size Does Not Fit All

Source: “Which Social Media Channels Should Your Business Use?” http://www.phillymarketinglabs.com/2011/05/05/which-social-media-channels-should-your-business-use/ Accessed on June 21, 2011

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One Channel Does Not Fit All

The Conversation Prism

Source: Brian Solis & JESS3, www.TheConversationPrism.com

YouTube isn’t the only game in town

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Social Network Demographics

Statistic Facebook LinkedIn Pinterest Twitter YouTube Monthly Unique Visitors

155M 26M 20M 39M 151M

Gender % 45M/55F 51M/49F 18M/82F 45M/55F 50M/50F

Largest Age Group (% of whole)

<18 (26%) 35-44 (23%) 45+ (35%) 25-34 (23%) 18-24 (20%)

2nd Largest Age Group

18-24 (24%) 25-34 (21%) 45-54 (21%)

35-44 (29%) 18-24 (22%) <18 (26%)

Household Income (site vs. total internet)

150K+ (32%) 150K+ (13%)* 50-100K (46%) 150K+ (30%) 150K+ (29%)

Ethnicity (site vs. total internet)

African American

Asian Not available African American


Sources: compete.com, quantcast.com, onlinemba.com May 2012 * Quantcast data for LinkedIn’s Household Income has been directly measured but does not match reported Internet averages used to derive their index elsewhere.

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Measure to Improve


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Social Media Insight Tools

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Insight Tools

Free Pay


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Key Metrics

•  Unique visitors •  Pages visited •  Time on site •  Bounce rate •  Posts •  Comments •  Post: Comment ratio •  Search engine ranking

•  Sentiment (NPS) •  Reviews •  Recommendations •  Referrals •  Tweets •  Retweets (RT) •  Mentions •  Connections •  Followers

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Connect Metrics to the Bottom Line

Thanks to Nichole Kelly for the image. Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)

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PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE The Social Solution Suite


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Adjust Message

Social Solution Suite A  set  of  social  media  channels  and  the  means  of  measuring  actionable  outcomes  so  that  you  can  adjust  your  market  messages  to  best  effect  and  maximize  your  Strategic  Objectives  


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nAblement is a unique channel of SPR Companies focused on supporting the training, mentoring, networking, placement and professional growth of qualified candidates with disabilities into technology roles.

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Putting it into Practice: nAblement


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nAblement Blog

Audiences: •  Persons with a

disability interested in IT careers

•  Employers interested in a more diverse, inclusive workforce

•  Agencies and organizations who can support, extend reach of message

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LinkedIn Group

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nAblement’s Twitter Feed

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Measure to Improve


Our KPI’s: •  New candidates identified •  New companies identified as partners •  Placements

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Getting Started Today

•  Who do you want to reach? •  What are your goals? •  Who is your audience? •  What is your message? •  What will you monitor & measure? •  How will you assess & adjust your



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About SPR Companies

IT Professional Services Firm Over 35 years in the Midwest

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Maximize Your Impact!

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Todd Nilson, socialsyntax [email protected]


Thank You!

Connect! @socialsyntax