The Federal Republic Nigeria Presented by: Georgia Haygood, Phuong Long , Michael Hauser, Wendy Dusek Ms. Sonandre, Communication Course 101 May 29 th , 2012 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos /ni.html

Group 3 Project

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The Federal Republic Nigeria

Presented by: Georgia Haygood, Phuong Long , Michael Hauser, Wendy Dusek

Ms. Sonandre, Communication Course 101 May 29th, 2012


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Location (By Michael Hauser)

Demographics (By Michael Hauser)

Brief Political Overview (By Michael Hauser)

Male and Female Gender Roles (by Wendy Dusek)

Nonverbal Communication (By Wendy Dusek)

Formal and Informal Clothing (By Georgia Haygood)

The Festival of Durbar (By Phuong Long)


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This brief presentation will give fellow students the opportunity to establish a better understanding of the people who reside in The Federal Republic of Nigeria. The general concepts that will be discussed are location, demographics, gender roles, verbal and nonverbal communication, clothing styles and rituals.

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By Michael Hauser

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The Federal Republic of Nigeria is located in Western Africa between the counties of Benin and Cameroon. (CIA, 2012)

The Southern most tip of the country boards the Gulf of Guinea. (CIA, 2012)

The Federal Republic of Nigeria is roughly twice the size of California, but is the most populated country in Africa . (CIA, 2012)

Nigeria is composed of more than 250 ethnic groups: Hausa, Fulani, Yoruba, Igbo, Ijaw, Kanuri, Ibibio and Tiv. (CIA, 2012)

According to the CIA Book of World Facts, the major religious practiced in Nigeria consists of Muslim 50%, Christian 40%, indigenous beliefs 10% (CIA, 2012)

CIA, 2012

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By: Michael Hauser

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As of July 2012, the population of the Federal Republic of Nigeria consisted of roughly 170,123,740 people. (CIA, 2012)

Nigeria is composed of more than 250 ethnic groups to include: Hausa, Fulani, Yoruba, Igbo, Ijaw, Kanuri, Ibibio and Tiv. (CIA, 2012)

The major religious practiced in Nigeria consists of Muslim 50%, Christian 40%, indigenous beliefs 10% (CIA, 2012)

The predominate language spoken in the Federal Republic of Nigeria is English. (CIA, 2012)

Nigerian’s also speak, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo (Ibo), Fulani and 500 other native languages. (CIA, 2012)



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Why do you think that The Federal Republic of Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa?

Why do you think the English language is the predominate spoken language in Nigeria, when Nigeria has over 500 different indigenous languages?


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Basic Political Overview

President Jonathan Goodluck


By: Michael Hauser

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Basic Political


The British first colonized Nigeria in the 1900’s. (National Encyclopedia 2003)

The Federal Republic of Nigeria became an independent country in 1960. (National Encyclopedia 2003)

Nigeria's official independence day is October 1, 1960. (National Encyclopedia 2003)

Nigeria is divided into 36 states and 1 territory . (National Encyclopedia 2003)

The Capital city of Nigeria is Abuja. (National Encyclopedia 2003)

Nigeria’s Constitution was officially adopted on May 5, 1999. (National Encyclopedia 2003)

Nigeria is a democratic republic country. (National Encyclopedia 2003)

Nigeria’s current president is Jonathan Goodluck, who was sworn into office on May 6, 2010. (National Encyclopedia 2003)




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BY: Wendy Dusek

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Gender Roles In the Nigerian culture, men have little obligation to provide for their wives or children.

Women are often expected to earn significant portions of the family income.

Women have traditionally had to farm or sell homemade products in the local markets to ensure that they could feed and clothe their children.



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Gender role


The division of labor along gender lines can even be seen within the farming industry.

For example, the kinds of crops that women cultivate differ from those types of crops grown by men.

In the Igbo society, yams are seen as crop grown only by men. Where beans and cassava are crops grown by women.

Modern Nigeria is still considered to be a patriarchal society. Men are still considered to be the dominant gender.



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Gender Roles

Even in today’s society, in Nigeria, women have very little legal rights and very little influence in society. Women are viewed more as objects instead of individuals.

If Nigerian women wished to exercise any influences on society, they would have to do so through their husband, brother or sons’.

According to Nigeria's Penal Code, men have the right to physically reprimand their wives, as long as they do not cause any permanent physical injury.


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Gender Role Question

Why do you think Women still have very little rights and influences in society ?

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By: Wendy Dusek

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Nonverbal communication

Nigerian’s typically have great appreciation and respect for their elders.

In Nigeria, eating, shaking hands, or passing an item is always done with your right hand. Doing any of those tasks with your left hand is considered unacceptable.

In Nigeria the left hand is considered “dirty” and is only used for personal toiletries.


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Nonverbal communication

When meeting with individuals, Nigerian’s expect a friendly handshake accompanied with a long list of “well wishes” for family members.

Direct or constant eye contact can be seen as intrusive to Nigerian’s.

The people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria are very animated individuals while conversing. Nigerian’s commonly touch, or make gestures while talking with one and another.


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Nonverbal Communication

While shaking hands, Nigerian men will often rest their opposite hand on the shoulder of the person who they are shaking hands with.

Unless initiated by a women, you should not shake hands with them.

It is not acceptable to extend your thumb upwards towards anyone, because this is considered to be a very rude sign.



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Nonverbal communication

Why do you think the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria decided to use their left hands as the “unclean” hand instead of their right hand?

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By: Georgia Haywood

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The people in Akan use colors like red, black,

and brown for funerals.

Yellow represents fertility. Green signifies the

renewal and growth seen in plants and signifies the cycle of birth and decay.

Blue can represent the presence of God or refer to the pure spirit.

Red relates to passion- political determination, struggle, and defense.

Black denotes seriousness and union with ancestors.

The meaning of colors worn differ from people to people. In certain occasions it is common to wear a particular color depending on the event.

The people of Ashanti will use colors such as

white for joyous ceremonies.

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Woman attending a funeral. Her green attire represents the cycle of birth and decay.


A performance of the “Abang” (meaning “pot”) symbolizing fertility in Nigeria.


Suits and national dress are expected when attending a business meeting. • If you are visiting or new to

Nigeria, it is recommended to stay in dress code.


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BY: Georgia Haywood

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What is casual in Nigeria?

Everyday attire in Nigeria is simple, still remains conservative.

If regular t-shirts and shorts are frowned upon, then, what is acceptable?

For some women it may include knee length skirts and tops that cover their shoulders.

Shawls which cover their head when at certain places such as a church.

Some Nigerian men wear trousers with a long or short sleeved shirt.



Farmer being interviewed

School children

Head Shawl


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Traditional clothingFor women

Buba- a loose neck blouse; usually long sleeved Iro- bottom part of outfit. Unfolded it looks like

rectangular sheet. Gele- a headpiece. Unfolded it loos like a

rectangular sheet which can be folded a variety of ways.

Iborun- an extra ‘scarf piece’ which can be tied around the neck or worn across the body.

Kaba- a one piece dress for men Buba- similar to what women wear, but is long

enough to go halfway down the thighs. Sokoto- trousers Fila- round cap worn on head

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Why do you think that the people of Nigeria chose to wear a large assortment of bright colors for specific occasions ?

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The Durbar Festival


By: Phuong Long

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Durbar FestivalA tourist attraction called “The Durbar” is a festival that occurs in the Northern portion of The Federal Republic of Nigeria in cities to include, Kano, Katsina and Bida. The word “Durbar” means military parade. (onlinenigeria.com, 2012)

Dating back to colonial times, household members brought their horses to regional Durbars to showcase their horsemanship and prove they are ready for war. The celebration consist of a parade on horseback which are flamboyantly decorated or dressed. King, Chiefs and other selected officials will wear ceremonial attire and ride their horses accompanied by cultural music. (onlinenigeria.com, 2012)

Modern Durbar festivals have incorporated religious prayers at the beginning of each day either in the local city square or in front of the Emir’s (leader) palace. (onlinenigeria.com, 2012)



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After reviewing this power point presentation, students should feel more knowledgeable about Nigerians and how they communicate, location, demographics, politics, gender roles, attire and some rituals. The people of Nigeria are a diverse group of individuals who wear bright colorful clothing, maintain extraordinary rituals, and have different beliefs on male and female roles than your conventional gender roles of the United States.

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Abuja City. (n.d.). Dress and Social Etiquette. Retrieved May 10th 2012 from http://www.abujacity.com/abuja_and_beyond/dress-and-social-etiquette.html

Central Intelligence Agency, (2012, May 10) The World Factbook. Retrieved May 8th 2012 from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ni.html

Maobong Oku (2011) Retrieved May 15th 2012 from http://www.maobongoku.com/maobong_mypeople_tradition_abang.htm

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Google Search Durbar Festival? (n.d.) Retrieved May 17 th 2012 from http://www.google.com/imgres?q=durbar+festival+in+nigeria

Onlinenigeria.com. (2012) The Durbar Festival. Retrieved from http://www.onlinenigeria.com/festivals

Motherland Nigeria. (2002). Attire. Retrieved from http://www.motherlandnigeria.com/attire.html

What to Wear on Holiday. (2012). Nigeria. Retrieved May 7th 2012 from http://www.whattowearonholiday.com/holiday-wardrobe/africa/nigeria/109-what-to-wear-in-nigeria.php

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