Google is the company I chose to do my digital strategy for.

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Google is the company I chose to do my digital strategy for.


Google is an American multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related services and products. These include online advertising technologies, search, cloud computing, and software.

Target Audience

Being that google is available virtually anywhere, it is hard to pinpoint exactly who the target audience is, however our target audience will be diverse internet users.

Marketing Campaign

Specific activities designed to promote a product, service or

business. A marketing campaign is a coordinated series of

steps that can include promotion of a product through

different mediums (television, radio, print, online) using a

variety of different types of advertisements. (www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketing-


My Marketing Campaign

You rarely ever see google advertised I plan to change that.

I want to use different social media platforms, such as facebook, twitter, and have ads on pandora.

Key Performance Indicators

Key performance indicators (KPIs) evaluate the success of

an organization or of a particular activity in which it

engages. Often success is simply the repeated, periodic

achievement of some levels of operational goal , and

sometimes success is defined in terms of making progress

toward strategic goals


My KPI for my campaign would be for my advertisements to come out right

after the new year, the second week of January.

My goals would be to have 20 percent more people use google as their number

one search engine. To measure my campaign I will set up different times to

check in and see our progress.

I will have different goals in for each check point and I will see if we can reach

those goals.

For my campaign to be a success I would hopefully have reached all the goals I

have set for the company, and then the final goal of increasing googles use of 20


My budget

For twitter my budget will be $1,500. Facebook will be $2,500 and pandora will be $1,000 per month. I plan to run my ads for 3 months so over all the budget I would need would be$5,000.

According to (

http://www.contentfac.com/how-much-does-social-media-marketing-cost/) twitter ads cost $1,000-$2,500 per month and facebook ads cost $2,500-$5,000 per mont.

I would also utilize the social media aspect of the campaign

by teaming up with companies or sponsors who have a lot

of followers so more people view my advertisements.

For my campaign to work I would need people to see it and

then try it out. More people would have to switch from

their go to search engines like yahoo, or bing to google. My

advertisements would have to hit my target audience and

sell it to them.

Questions, Comments.

Thank you for your time, feel free to ask any questions or give feedback!