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Everything you need to know about holiday injury claims

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Title: Everything You Need to Know about Holiday Injury Claims

A holiday should be the most enjoyable and relaxing occasion of the year. A chance to unwind from all of the worries and stresses of daily life and spend the time doing the things that you enjoy doing. Unfortunately, the change of habit and environment can lead to potential accidents. Even if you are in a foreign country, any injuries that are suffered whilst on holiday do not need to be suffered in silence. Holiday injury claims can be made so you can receive the compensation that you deserve if the injury was not your fault.

If you feel like you have suffered an injury or illness that was due to the negligence or carelessness of another party then you can rightfully pursue an Accident Injury Claim. Health and safety standards in some holiday destinations are not as high as they are in the UK. However, the Package Holiday and Packages Tour Regulations Act 1992 and other similar acts may mean that you are still protected by UK law.

If you do suffer an injury whilst abroad and believe that you want to pursue an Accident Injury Claim then you must immediately record all the applicable information. Take photographs of any hazards or evidence of negligence and keep a diary of all of the events If there were any witnesses, ask them for statements.

All of this evidence can serve to strengthen the case when consulting with your Personal Injury Solicitor. All of these facts, statements, photos and pieces of evidence will be compiled into a fact file when the Injury Claims Specialist puts forward the injury claim proposal to the opposition. The more overwhelming the evidence, the higher the chances of success.

Knowing that the law and basic human right protects you wherever you are in the world can serve to help you relax and enjoy your holiday even more. This is especially important if you are holidaying with you children.