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Editing log

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Page 1: Editing log

By Abdul

Page 2: Editing log

I first started by choosing all my clips that I recorded and copying them to a new folder.

Once I have organised my work I selected all my favourite clips and upload it to the editing software.

Once i have my clips I will view all of them and shorten which ones I need to and delete the rest in order to edit quicker.

24th march I transferred all my work from the schools camera to my hard drive.

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Here on the timeline is where the clips of the film trailer goes. First I added the institutional logo. It did so the audience understands who we are.

By doing this I had to chosen the colour red because it represents death and at the end of this film I will convey this . as well as more appealing to the audience and more thrilling.

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Next I have chosen to add the scene where Naim and kimo’s character are introduced next to Denton. Which was a long shot. I added to the clip high brightness, sharpen and low contrast. I speeded up this shot so we can see it more quicker as well as making it look good for the next shot.

Next I have chosen to add the clip where Naim and kimo’s character leave Denton to go home. This is a long shot of the two walking and shaking hands. I added to the clip low brightness, sharpen and slow contrast. I did shorten this clip into three parts to make the shot quicker.

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This shot will be Naim and kimo’s character talking about the dead boy. This is was a mid shot so the audience. I added to the clip low brightness, sharpen and high contrast. I did shorten this clip into one part so that we can only hear the most important bit of the conversation.

The next shot added was kimo’s character be followed by my character. This is was a two shots so the first one was a close up of my hand and the next shot was the long shot of kimo and niams’ character leaving. I added to the clip high brightness, sharpen, colour effects and contrast. I used those effects because I need to make my character more darkish and dangerous. I

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The next few shots was the fast montage shots. Which was a combination of mid shots, long shots and extreme long shots. I used a combination of effects such as blur, brightness control, contrast control ,colour change, speed change, shot shorten and bevel edges.

These shots will be of kimo’s character captured as he escapes I have a perfect shot which shows the criminal has actually left him but is where her cant see him. This shot Is a mid shot of kimo as I'm posted on the wall waiting.

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The next few shots are in naim’s house to show naim is okay for now. This will show shots of kimo at the door, and in naim’s house. These shots are mid shots, long shots and close ups. I used low contrast and low brightness because we was inside and the lighting was good enough. I did shortened this clips in order to stay in the timeline.

After these shots will be of my character who followers kimo’s character and waits outside to the door for them with a knife. This was a simple shot which was a mid shot of boths of my body ( top half first knocking the door and bottom half second with a knife) the effects I applied was the shadow creater, sharpen, low brightness and low contrast.

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• Once I have organised my clips together I need a soundtrack to suit this thriller trailer which is not calm but more heart pumping. As I found it from YouTube I simply imported it and dragged it along my timeline.

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• At the end I put up the film trailer name, when I will come out and details. I faded it out as well as the sound.

• As you can see In most of movie I have put in a lot of text which is put between the clips to help people understand more and to read between the lines. This Is known as inter titles, I had to adjust it my movie so I pick red in big bold size. this was found in the entire film (from beginning to the end)