Cyprus Oil & Gas Association Under the auspices of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry Energy Drivers for Emissions Presenter: Andy Varoshiotis, BSc, MBA, IAFP, MSDT COGA President Nicosia, May 2829, CYPNAVAL 2013 www.cyoilgas.org Member Benefits East Med Industry Developments Prospects and Investment Potentials Maritime Security & Offshore Asset Protection


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Cyprus Oil & Gas AssociationUnder the auspices of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Energy Drivers for Emissions

Presenter: Andy Varoshiotis, BSc, MBA, IAFP, MSDT

COGA President

Nicosia, May 28(29, CYPNAVAL 2013


Member BenefitsEast Med Industry DevelopmentsProspects and Investment Potentials

Maritime Security & Offshore Asset Protection

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Energy Drivers for Emissions


Cyprus Oil & Gas Membership

The Cyprus Oil and Gas Association (COGA) was founded by a group of professionals under the auspicesof the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the aim of serving the interests of the companiesand professionals in the oil and gas industry within the Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone.


1. To protect and promote the interests of its members.

2. To provide a forum for discussion on issues of common interests.

3. To promote co(operation among members and create investment opportunities.

4. To promote the use and development of local resources in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries.

5. To collaborate with local and international research centres and institutions to stimulate skills development and training in Cyprus.

6. To promote the development of businesses and professionals in the oil, gas and Petrochemical industries.

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The Association has been incorporated as a non profit organization and registered as a limited liabilityCompany .

In order to further enhance its objectives the Association may affiliate with any relevantCyprus and international institution pursuing similar objectives.


Since its inception, COGA has been active in organizing technical talks, an annual member conference,extraordinary general meetings, presentations, parliamentary works participation in the relevanthouse of representative committees.

The Board meets ordinarily and is elected every three years by full members only,Associate Members do not have voting powers.


It is an effective platform to promote the advancement of the oil and gas industry.

and to have a voice in the industry developments in Cyprus.


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Ordinary Membership:

Any multi(discipline Oil & Gas operator, drilling company, seismic data provider, petrochemical laboratory,importer or exporter of petrochemical products, land storage carriers, field licensee, equipmentmanufacturer, by(product engineering company, oil and gas consulting firm, marine engineering, oil andgas shipping, LNG bulk carriers, oil tanker operators, company that provides services to clients in the Oil,Gas and Petrochemical industry and satisfies the following conditions is eligible for Each applicant, asdescribed above, shall be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.

Associate Members

Associate Membership will be opened to all service providers, engineering companies providing servicesto the Oil, Gas and Chemical Industry but not eligible to join as Ordinary Members.

Example: Environmental companies, corporations and individuals involved in activities such as specialist

studies in plant safety / loss prevention, design subcontract, manpower supply, sales and/or services ofequipment/materials, fabrication of equipment packages, and construction of facilities. Associate memberscan be legal, secretarial, auditing, management consultancy, financial services, facility architects and civilengineering designers, oil and gas asset finance companies, engineering professors and students in the

related field. The Board has the right to expand the list on its discretion to cover other related fields.

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Source: Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry

About The CCCIThe Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a private corporate bodyfunctioning under special law and is financially independent, free of anyinfluence by the state. The Chamber is funded by its members' subscription feesand through income generated from a number of services it provides.

The CCCI is the union of Cypriot businessmen, the interests of whom it promotesby submitting to the government and the Parliament the members' positions onmatters in which they are involved, while, through its participation in tripartitebodies and committees, it conveys and promotes the views of the businesscommunity.

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry was founded in 1927 and in 1963,a new structure was adopted, which remains in operation to date, under thename of: "Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry". The CCCI is thefederation of the local Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCIs) which operatein Nicosia, Limassol, Famagusta, Larnaca and Paphos.

The Chamber is governed by a 36(member Council chaired by the President.A 13(member Executive Committee acts as coordinator and handles matters ofurgency. For information concerning the members of the Executive Committeeand of the Board of Directors of the CCCI.

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Source: National Gas Public Company (DEFA)


Cyprus Oil & Gas Association, tends to cooperate closely by representing its members intereststowards all Government agencies and companies such as DEFA, KRETYK and the Ministry of Energy,Tourism and Industry.


Concerning the development of the internal gas market and network, a Natural Gas Company,known by its Greek Acronyms as DEFA, has been established and is responsible for the import,storage, distribution, transmission, supply and trading of natural gas, and the management of thedistribution and supply system of Natural Gas in Cyprus. The council of Ministers of the Republic ofCyprus has issued a decree dated 18/06/2008, which appoints DEFA as the sole importer and Distributorof Natural Gas in Cyprus and directs DEFA to proceed with securing the necessary Natural Gasquantities at the best commercial terms.


DEFA is a public utility tasked with distributing natural gas to the local market, while KRETYK is astate(controlled oil and gas company responsible for developing, managing, exporting and operatinggas.

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Source: Ministry of Energy, Industry and Tourism.

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Source: Ministry of Energy, Industry and Tourism.

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Source: Ministry of Energy, Industry and Tourism.

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Source Nobel Energy: Field Appraisal

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Source Nobel Energy: Field Exploration

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Source Nobel Energy: Field Development

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Source Nobel Energy: Field Development

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Source Nobel Energy: Field Development

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Source Delek Energy: Israel Cooperation

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Source: Clal Finance Brokerage. Israel Licences - Developments & Cooperation

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Source Delek Energy: The Israeli View

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Source Nobel Energy: LNG Plant Development

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Source: Wallace P.

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Source Nobel Energy: Industry Development

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Source: Ministry of Energy, Industry and Tourism.

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Source: Hyperion Systems Engineering. Man Power Training and Job Opportunities

COGA aims in promoting educational and training programs in association with

training institutions and educators in the following fields:

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Maritime, Underwater, Shore & Offshore Security in the East Mediterranean Sea

Cyprus, despite its small size, has always had a vital position and

crucial role in international affairs. Its geostrategic and

geopolitical position in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle

East, at the crossroads of three continents, provide the island with

a significant advantage that can be used constructively to

promote peace, security and stability in the region.

Subjects to Consider:

Maritime Patrol Vessels, Aircrafts & Helicopters

Short range Air Defence Systems

Port & Marinas security – Border control

Search & Rescue equipment’s & technologies

Network Based Maritime Security

Regional Maritime Security Information – Sharing

Integrated Maritime Situational Awareness Solution

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Maritime Patrol

Protect the county's interests and maritime boarders

Counter any threat posed by terrorism or acts of sabotage;

Provide support in civil defense and other emergencies;

Protect national Economic interests (economical exclusion zone)

Fishing control

Marine traffic supervision and safety at sea

Homeland Protection

Protection of strategic assets

Monitoring of mass events

Disaster relief

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Maritime Security and Offshore Asset Protection




Work posts




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Multiple High Tech Systems for the protection of the EEZ

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Please visit www.cyoilgas.org for information and updates


Cyprus Oil & Gas AssociationMember Services & Inquiries COGA Head officeDeligiorgi 8, & Griva DigeniNicosia, CyprusE(Mail Address: [email protected](Mail Address: [email protected]

Dept. of Services and Trade

Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Direct Line: +357 22 889706E(Mail Address: [email protected]