November 1, 2009 Participant Meeting

CCC Meeting 11.1.2009

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November 1, 2009Participant Meeting

Crunch Status

• 65 Households

• Weston, Wellesley, Wayland all Represented

• 10 Teams

• September Data (n=17)

Sept ’08 min: 263 max: 3272 avg: 1,111

Sept ’09 min: 267 max: 2626 avg: 961

13.5% average kWh reduction

Thanks to Our Sponsors

Kill A Watt

Available for loanInquire at front desk, Weston Public Library

If 5,000 Households...• keep the lights off for one night a month, in a year we'll save $23,424

on our energy bills.

• turn off one 100-watt outdoor light bulb during the 8 hours they sleep every night for a month, we'll save a collective $132,000 in electricity costs.

• optimize their homes to let in daylight, we'll save a collective $990,000 on our annual energy bills.

• replace four traditional bulbs with CFLs, we'll eliminate the weight of 9,000 elephants in CO2 from entering the atmosphere. 

• turn their holiday lights off one hour early each day during December, we'll save enough power to watch Christmas Vacation on DVD nonstop for 55 years.

• air-dry their dishes, in a year it'll have the same CO2-reducing effect as planting 1,672 trees.

• dry their clothes on lines instead of in dryers, each year we'll save up to a combined $675,000.

• air dry their laundry instead of using an electric clothes dryer for 1 month, we'll save enough electricity to light 10,000 homes for the same period.

• switch to cold water (which is usually just as effective as hot) for washing clothes, in a year it'll be as if we've planted 3,203 trees thanks to averted CO2.

• turn down their (electric) water heaters by 20 degrees, we'll avert the CO2 created by 150 Americans in a year.

If 5,000 Households...

• clean their refrigerator coils regularly, in a year we'll save a collective $90,000.

• ditch their electric blankies, we'll avert the weight of almost 2,350 sumo wrestlers in CO2.

• switch from electric drip coffee makers with warming plates to French press/electric kettle combos, we'll save the power used by 105 houses in a year.

• install solar panels to fulfill their home energy needs, we'll avert the CO2 pollution caused by 4,052,632 espresso machines in a year.

• choose high efficiency computers next time, over the computers’ lifetimes, we'll save enough energy to light a house for 20,000 years.

If 5,000 Households...

Interested in the Bigger Picture?

National Energy & Climate Legislation and

Carbon Emissions Treaty Negotiations in Copenhagen

Jean Sideris, Union of Concerned Scientists

Tuesday, November 10, 7pm

Weston Public Library

Free and Open to the Public

Team Discussion Ideas

• What have you tried?

• What has been harder to do than you expected?

• What has been easier to do than you expected?