Close more deals with email

B2B Inbound Sales Emails Webinar With Customer.io & Close.io

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Slides of a webinar given by Colin Nederkoorn, CEO of Customer.io and Steli Efti, CEO of Close.io. Details & audio recording: http://blog.close.io/webinar-drive-sales-engagement-with-triggered-emails

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You’re  not  sending  enough  email!  

Close.io  &  Customer.io  -­‐  Email  Sales  Webinar  

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Why you need to use email for sales !* One-to-many, Asynchronous & Global in reach !* Lead Generation (Outbound) + Activation (Inbound) !* Scheduling !* Follow Up !* Negotiation / Closing

Close.io  &  Customer.io  -­‐  Email  Sales  Webinar  

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What kind of emails? !

* Personal !* Triggered / Drip (automated & event driven) !* Autoresponders ( email courses, ebooks, whitepapers, etc) !* Newsletters

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Sales  Email  Basics  

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Step 1: Open your email (Subject) !* Subject lines are key ; focus 80% on them, 20% on content !!* Write like a human ( no caps, no marketing speak) !* Be personal & brief ( use names, test questions? ) !* Raise curiosity !* Deliver what you promise

Close.io  &  Customer.io  -­‐  Email  Sales  Webinar  

Page 8: B2B Inbound Sales Emails Webinar With Customer.io & Close.io

Step 2: Read your email (Content) !* Be Personal & Brief (no longer than 2 paragraphs) !* Structure: ! 1) Who is this? 2) Why should I keep reading? 3) What is the value for me? 4) Is this credible? 5) What are the next steps?

Close.io  &  Customer.io  -­‐  Email  Sales  Webinar  

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Step 3: Respond to your email (Call To Action) !* Every email needs a strong call to action !* Make it clear that you’re talking to me !* Eliminate decisions / complexity / choice !* Click this link or/and hit reply and answer my request/question

Close.io  &  Customer.io  -­‐  Email  Sales  Webinar  

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Step 4: Follow up !* What’s your follow up strategy? (before sending the 1st email) !* Personal: Binary - Yes/No. I follow up till I get a result !* Automated: 4-6 follow ups !* Tool: Followup.cc

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Outbound  Sales  Emails  

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How to get almost anyone’s email address !* LinkedIn (for in depth profile info) !* Data.com (for contact info) !* Rapportive (test email syntax variations)

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Warning! Do not try to use Customer.io for “cold” emails !Against our ToS

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Cold Email 2.0 (Predictable Revenue, Aaron Ross) !* 1-2 levels above your decision maker !* Very brief !* Ask for referral down in the org !* 10-30% success rate

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Close.io  &  Customer.io  -­‐  Email  Sales  Webinar  

Hi John + Colin, !This is Matt from AdRoll -- are you familiar with us? !We are the leading retargeting platform, and I think a lot of what we offer would be of great benefit to growing the Customer.io customer base. Do you handle online marketing/customer acquisition for Customer.io? !If so, would you be amenable for a 10-15 exploratory call where I could learn a little bit more about your business and discuss how AdRoll's highly-targeted ad suite might help grow your customer base? !If there is someone better to get in touch with over there, please let me know. Thanks! !Best, Matt

Subject: Hello From Adroll!

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CAN-SPAM Compliance !* Don’t need to have permission to contact people !* Provide a mechanism for people to opt out.

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Inbound  Sales  Emails  Example:  HubSpot  (B2B)  

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Subject: Close.io & HubSpot I time to chat? !Steli, !Thanks for reaching out to us here at HubSpot. Here's a 2min video overview about how our product works to help you drive leads online: http://www.hubspot.com/products/video-tour/ !I've been reviewing your site and have a few suggestions about how you can drive more traffic and leads. When might be a good time to catch you at your desk for 5 mins after Noon today or before 11:30am ET tomorrow? !All the best, !!P.S. I've also attached the new 2013 ROI report about the average results our customers see.

Email  #1    (no  response  from  me)

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Subject: Close.io & HubSpot | Follow Up Resources !Hi Steli, !Thank you again for the discussion today, it was a pleasure speaking with you! I am including a 2 minute video during which our co-founders describe how inbound marketing works – you can check also out our Cambridge office space, see here. As we discussed, HubSpot offers an all-in-one marketing software platform that helps businesses of all sizes generate leads and convert them into customers. HubSpot has everything a modern marketer needs to do marketing right—all in one, easy-to-use product. HubSpot software includes SEO, blogging, social media, email, automated workflows, landing pages, lead intelligence and analytics tools to help marketers get the job done. You can see the full list of our products here. HubSpot is an annual membership, which includes access to all of our software tools, 7 one-hour sessions with a dedicated consultant and continuing education and support all throughout the year. You can take a look at our pricing page here. HubSpot customers experience an average 2.7x increase in traffic after 12 months of active use and lead database growth of 30.4x after 12 months of active use, see our ROI report here. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We look forward to helping your business grow as part of the HubSpot team! All the best,

Email  #2    (no  response  from  me)

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Subject: HubSpot & Close.io !Hi Steli, !Per my message today, I called to see how your internal decision making process is going. !More importantly, since we are going through a price change on 10/1, my manager, John Dukes ([email protected]) has authorized each rep on my team (2) 15% discounts on the cost of the software for customers who are able to sign up by 9/30. Not only would this lower the price of the software, but you will be grandfathered into the legacy pricing in the future. Today, Pro is slated to increase 2400/year. !One of my coupons is spoken for, but I'd like to offer the other one to you. !If this is of interest, please let me know as soon as possible. !Thank you,

Email  #3  (no  response  from  me)

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Subject Should I Stay or Should I Go? !Hi Steli, per my message today - !I've tried to reach you a few times to go over suggestions on improving your website, but haven't heard back from you and that tells me one of three things: !1) You're all set with inbound marketing and online lead generation, and if that's the case please let me know so can I stop bothering you. !2) You're still interested but haven't had the time to get back to me yet. !3) You've fallen and can't get up and in that case please let me know and I'll call 911 for you... !Please let me know which one it is because I'm starting to worry... !Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing back from you!

Email  #4    (no  response  from  me)

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Subject: Thank You From Hubspot !Steli, !In reviewing some outstanding business today, I’ll be taking Close.io out of my current follow ups at this time. !Where we’d initially agreed in the value of our service to strengthen your online engagement, I’ve reached out to you on several occasions following our initial discussions. Having not received any replies to date, I assume that we’ve either fallen off your radar or perhaps the interest has diminished to the degree that my follow up is no longer warranted. !I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and wish you the best with your ongoing marketing efforts. I'd be happy to speak with you when you are ready to invest resources into generating leads from your site. !Best,

Email  #5    I  responded  :)  

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Inbound  Sales  Emails  Example:  TrunkClub  (B2C)  

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Subject: Important info on your first shipment !Hi Steli, !I’m Lizzie Walker, your Trunk Club stylist. I can’t wait to put together your first trunk of great clothes. Before I do that, we need to have a quick chat on the phone, so that I can get an idea of what clothes to send. !Please respond to this email and let me know the following: !- What's a good day / time to chat? - How did you hear about Trunk Club? !Also, feel free to call me any time at the number below. !Hope to hear from you soon!

Email  #1    (no  response  from  me)

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Subject: Steli — It's your stylist at Trunk Club !Hey Steli, !I recently reached out to you about the Trunk Club clothing service that you signed up for. As you can tell, I’m really excited to help you get started with a trunk of great new clothes. Let me know when you have 5 to 10 minutes to chat in the next few days, and I’ll get a trunk to you right away. !I’m happy to work around your schedule (mornings and evenings are completely fine times to talk), and if you’d prefer to call me, you’ll find my number below. !Thanks!

Email  #2    (no  response  from  me)

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Subject: Trunk Club — Still interested? !Hi Steli, !Just checking to see if you still want to move forward with the Trunk Club service that you signed up for. If you’re ready for your first trunk, awesome! Let me know a good time for us to wrap everything up with a really quick phone call. !Trunk Club is all about convenience, and I’m happy to work around your busy schedule. !Looking forward to hearing from you!

Email  #3  (no  response  from  me)

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Subject: Goodbye from Trunk Club !Hi Steli, !I was really looking forward to putting together a trunk of great clothes for you, but I haven’t heard a response to my calls and emails. That means this will be my last email to you. If you change your mind and would like to give Trunk Club a try, please let me know and I’ll have you looking great in no time. !Best,

Email  #4    I  responded  :)  

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Sales Email Checklist ! Are we sending at least 5 emails to inbound leads? ! Are the subject lines super strong? Are we tracking open rates? ! Are we keeping the content brief? Less than 3 paragraphs? ! Do we have strong call to actions at the end of our emails? ! Do we have at least 2 follow up emails ready? ! Are we using all email tools? Drips, Newsletters, Autoresponders?

Close.io  &  Customer.io  -­‐  Email  Sales  Webinar  

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Close.io Email Integration !* All email communication automatically tracked (SMTP + IMAP) !* Email Templates !* Open Rates + Stats !* Context organization wide

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How Close.io uses Customer.io !* Using Close.io’s email servers !* Everything sent from Customer.io tracked in Close.io.

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Q  &  A  [email protected]  

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C l o s e m o r e d e a l s w i t h e m a i l

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