Advertising ethics

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What is Advertising?

Advertising is the non-personal

communication of information usually

paid for and usually persuasive in

nature about products, services or ideas

by identified sponsors through the

various media

Advertising is…

According to a marketing guru, Philip Kotler,

ADVERTISING is any paid from of non-personal presentation

and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.

• It is usually:

• Persuading people to purchase a brand/product

• Paid for

• Using mass media

Primary Purpose:

• To inform potential buyers of the availability of a certain

product by providing relevant information on its uses,

benefits and how it might serve the needs and wants of an


Advertising Ethics

• A set of moral

principles that

guide actions and

create a sense of




• Deceptive Advertising

• Ads directed on children

• Controversial products

Advertising Ethics

Ads Directed on Children

• One of the most controversial

topics in the industry

• Children are unable to

evaluate advertising messages

and make purchasing


Ads directed to Children

• Most of the advertisers have recognized that advertising

to children is effective.

• Kids are the most pure consumers in that they tend to

interpret ads literally.

• The aim of the advertisers is for the children to pester

their parents to buy things for them.

Deceptive Advertising

• Commercials that omit important information, or

make misleading statements about a product; ads

that are "likely to mislead consumers" acting

reasonably under the circumstances (U.S. Federal

Trade Commission)

• An advertising that makes false claims or

misleading statements.

• In form of sentences, pictures or individual words

According to the Federal Trade Commission:

“Any advertising that leads the consumer to make

purchase decisions based on false assumptions about

the price and quality of competitive products is

considered deceptive practice and is PUNISHABLE BY


Advertising Ethics

• Misleading Claims

Advertising claims are

unethical if they are false

or deceptive.

Advertising Ethics

Controversial Products

• Though it is acceptable to

advertise these products, it

is still offensive to some.

Persuasive Advertising

• Is a component in an overall advertising strategy that

seeks to entice consumers into purchasing specific goods

or services.

• It is often by appealing to the consumers’ emotions and

general sensibilities.

Impact of Advertising to Society

• Persuades consumer

• Provide information about the product

• Inform public about social events (concerts, performances)

• Increase in product demand

• Generate awareness to the public

• Educate people ( AIDS, TB, viral diseases, etc.)