To Play “The Game” or Not Genevieve Shah

Shah storyboard

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Page 1: Shah   storyboard

To Play “The Game” or Not

Genevieve Shah

Page 2: Shah   storyboard

*Sound: Taylor Swift is playing on the background from her computer

*Camera Angel: Camera is facing her side, she is laying on the couch

*a noise beeps from her computer signaling she has received a message

*Camera Movement: camera zooms onto computer for a screen cast

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*Sound: music is still playing in the background

*Video: screen cast starts, it shows that she received a facebook message and she to type but she stops

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*camera angle: camera zooms out and begins shooting live video again

*camera movement: camera zooms on her face to show her anxiousness then zooms out for a full shot of the scene

*Sound: music slowly turns off

*Transition: slowly fades out

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*transition: fade in a different scene of the guy she is talking to

*sound: noise from sports on the tv in the background

*camera angle: camera shooting from the side and waste up

*camera movement: moves to shoot from the back to show how he him on espn.com

*transition: fade out

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*Transition: fade back to Rachel on her couch

*camera angle: camera is zoomed in on her fingers dialing her friends number

*camera movement: zooms out to a full body shot of her

*Screen cuts in half and shows rachel on the right and the left side of the screen is the person she is talking to

*camera then focuses on Rachel after she hangs up the phone

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*transition: camera transitions from the scene of Rachel to an overview of people walking around on the hill *camera angle: camera shoots in on one person who speaks directly to the camera

*camera movement: the camera shoots in on 2 friends who speak directly to the camera

*camera shoots in on one last person who speaks directly to the camera

*fade out

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*transition: camera fades back to rachel who is sitting on her coach contemplating what to do or say*camera angle: facing her from the side, you can see her computer screen and she notices that the guy can see that she already read his message*camera movement: the camera zooms in on the clock on her computer and time quickly goes by (time lapse the screen)*camera movement: after a long period of time goes by on the clock the video becomes a screen cast of her responding to him

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*Transition: camera zooms away from the clock and back to rachel who is with her friend now too*camera angel: angled from above showing how bored she is waiting for him to answer*camera movement: camera focuses on her friend who is giving her advice*camera zooms out to both girls and shows rachel constantly checking her clock as time goes back

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*Sound: noise signaling that she has a message goes off on her computer*Camera: camera becomes a screen cast shows the conversation and her hesitation*camera movement: camera fades to Rachel showing her friend what she was saying*camera zooms on her friends face telling her that she shouldn’t have said that

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*scene of the guys house fade in *camera angle: overview of the room – guys are pregaming*camera movement: zooms in on him*zooms in on his facebook on his phone*zooms out onto him and shows him shaking his head and camera follows his hand as he puts his phone in his pocket without answering

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*girls sitting on coach fades back in*Sound: glee is on in the background*camera angle: camera facing the front of the two girls*camera zooms on rachel’s face and her computer showing that she is constantly checking her facebook*camera zooms out and shows both girls talking

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*transition: scene transitions to Rachel the next day*camera angle: camera zooms in for a close up of her face*camera movement: camera zooms out and moves to a screencast of her looking at his facebook*sound: facebook message noise goes off*screencast shows a different guy messaged her*camera movement: camera moves to rachels face realizing that she should not play games this time