SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING AND DESIGN Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Foundation of Natural & Built Environments (FNBE) Introduction to Business [BUSF0103] Lecturer: Chang Jau Ho Final Project: Charity Drive Event Group Members Student ID Chong Yee Ching 0316102 Angoline Boo Lee Zhuang 0316144 Eunice Chan Yu Ming 0315729 Tay Jia Jian 0315508

Business report final finale

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Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia

Foundation of Natural & Built Environments (FNBE)

Introduction to Business [BUSF0103] Lecturer: Chang Jau Ho

Final Project: Charity Drive Event

Group Members Student ID

Chong Yee Ching 0316102

Angoline Boo Lee Zhuang 0316144

Eunice Chan Yu Ming 0315729

Tay Jia Jian 0315508

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Table of Contents Title Page

A. Executive Summary……………………………………………………………….3

B. Objectives…………………………………………………………………………..4

C. Target Market………………………………………………………………………5

D. Competition Analysis………………………………………………………………6

E. Product and Packaging……………………………………………………………7

F. Pricing………………………………………………………………………………11

G. Promotion………………………………………………………………………….13

H. Sponsors…………………………………………………………………………..15

I. Distribution………………………………………………………………………...16

J. Green Measures……………………………………………………………........18

K. Human Resources Planning…………………………………………………….19

L. Evaluation of Results…………………………………………………………… 21

M. Appendix…………………………………………………………………………..23

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A. Executive Summary In this charity event, our group had sucessfully raise RM2000.00 for World Vision’s South Sudan Conflict Response Fund. We chose to donate specifically to this fund because they urgently need all this money to provided the kids in South Sudan with clean water, food and vaccination to avoid diseases. All the quality of the products sold are guaranteed because before this event, we did researches and tried out all the products to ensure that what we chose the are best of the best, which are Le Bread Days Bakery’s pastries, The Potong popsicles and Tapping Tapir Sodas. We had made a net profit of RM1618.00 by selling breads, sodas and popsicles within this 5 days of charity drive event at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus, Despite the profit, we also obtained RM382.00 donation. We are really grateful towards all the parties that had lend a hand to make this event a great success, especially our suppliers, Le Bread Days Bakery and The Potong for providing us their products at a comparitive low cost. To sum up, we want to thank our suppliers, customers, lecturer, coursemates, friends and family to make this happen, it was a great success indeed.

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B. Objective The charity organization we had chose to raise fund for is World Vision. World Vision is a christian humanitarian, development and relief organisation serving the world’s poorest children and families across five continents irrespective of nationality, race, politics, sex, age or religion.They focus more on children because they are valued and the best indicator of the social health of a community. The reason we chose to help World Vision’s South Sudan Conflict Response Fund because conflict had raged in Sudan for more than two decades, killing more than a half million people and displacing millions more. South Sudan is separated from the north, and while there is renewed hope for peace in the region, children and families are still suffering from extreme hunger and poverty. Besides, the organization responds to two categories of human needs, poverty and emergency relief, which need a big amount of money, therefore we decided to help out a little by donating all our profit to the organization since they are international and trustable. The target profit that we need to accomplish is RM2000.00, therefore we need to sell out all the products that we had ordered, specifically the breads that we had ordered daily. The objectives for this assignment is to understand the roles of human resources management, marketing, operations and finance in business and also the social and ethical responsibilities of a business.

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C. Target Market !

Buns and popsicles are our main products; they are very convenient and easy to eat on the go. This is to shelter the busy schedules of our targeted customers, allowing them to buy a product from our stall and eat it while walking to their next destination or working. We will also approach them by carrying a box of our main products to staff rooms, classrooms, offices, all around the campus so that students can also eat while doing their assignment and staffs can continue with their work, they do not need to stop their work just to satisfy their belly. Our target customers for our charity drive are primarily staffs that work in the office of Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus and students, especially architecture students that are often doing assignments until late at night suffered from hunger and craving for food. Besides, they tend to understand the hardship of foundation students that we will go through during this assignment, for this reason, they tend to support us by buying our products. Other than that, most of the students and staffs are also relatively busy and have tight schedule, some of them might have to skip their meals just for their work. We also have a variety choice of bun which can matched everyone’s flavor. Guys opt to choose something that provide satiety therefore we have sausage danish that goes in quite a big portion, girls like sweet and special stuff, the popsicles will fulfill their sweet tooth, bamboo cranberry cheese and chocolate black beans satisfy their curiousity because they come in black.

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D. Competitive analysis !Our two main competitors are Fedrick’s group and Herbert’s group. Fedrick’s group is setting up game station and selling Arizonas while Herbert’s group is selling cakes and sodas which are also food and beverages. For Fedrick’s group, their main strengths are that they are really good in persuasion. Besides, customers are somehow more satisfied by purchasing their Arizonas as it is bigger size and filing, it will make customer feel full. Moreover it has a pretty packaging that can attract the customers. People tend to buy drinks from them after they had played in their game station, people who gathered around to watch the game will also purchase from them which is a very good marketing strategy. And for our sodas, we have good packaging and really special flavors that you would not find in common markets. As for Herbert’s group, brownies, chocolate cakes that they are selling are all homemade, therefore they can sell it at a cheaper price compare to us getting the bread from the suppliers. And we actually win over them because of the big portions, even though it provides satiety but it looks too small and a bit overprice for this small portions of cake. Our price is slightly higher but people still tends to opt for bread than cakes because it is not too convenient to walk around and eat the cakes using fork. Their group was also selling sodas, their sodas were selling at a cheaper price compare to ours, they are selling at RM6 and ours are RM10 for the same quantity. Even though they sell at a cheaper price, people tend to opt for our sodas because we have different varieties to choose and they flavors are quite special compare to the normal ones, as for their group, they only have one flavor, which limits the customer.

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E. Products and Packaging During the charity drive, we were selling few products, which were all food and beverage. The main product that we were selling is bread. We ordered few types of bread, including danish, which are easier to sell after we did presell in campus before the charity drive. Besides, we also sell popsicles and sodas with different flavors, which are from the same wholesaler, The Potong. Products: Bread

We decided to sell breads because in our opinion, customers would prefer to spend their money buying foods rather than other products. Students and lecturers can buy our bread as their breakfast or lunch. The bread we were selling were not only one type, so we can sure that customers will not get bored of our bread easily. After presell in the campus before the charity drive, we decided to cut down few type of breads that are more difficult to sell. We only ordered the type of breads which are most likely preferred by teenagers, which are our target customer. The bread we were selling are bamboo cranberry cheese, chocolate black beans, sausage Danish, pesto pizza and Danish(nut, chocolate and peach). Besides, we also considered about the price, packaging and the flavor before we choose the bread so that it can be easier for us to sell. The costs of bread that we chose are not more than RM4, the packaging for the bread is easier for customer to carry, and the flavor of the breads we chose are more likely acceptable by most of the people.

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The bread are from Le Bread days bakery, which is located at nearby SS2 mall. We went to the bakery every morning to take the breads so that our breads are made fresh and taste good. Sodas

Beside breads, we also selling drink product, an all-natural sodas, from The Potong. The sodas, name Tapping Tapir, is the new product from The Potong. We choose to sell Tapping Tapir because it is still new in market, most people will choose to try due to its special mix flavor. We only chose five flavors for the sodas, (from left to right) which are apple + vanilla, hibiscus + lime, grapefruit + chamomile, pear +lemongrass and lengkuas+lemonade. The flavor of the sodas had been written on the sticker of the sodas. We have to be extra careful when arranging and carrying all these sodas during the charity drive because the bottles of the sodas are made of glass. We put few samples of each of the flavor of sodas on the table and also in the refrigerator to leave it cold so that the customers can choose that whether they want cold sodas or not. Besides, we also provided the service helping customers to open the sodas.

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The products that we sell fastest are the popsicles which are also from The Potong. As we know that, teenagers like to eat popsicle, especially during hot day. Rather than choosing those common ice creams that can be buy at seven eleven, we chose to sell natural handmade popsicles. After doing survey and some online searching, we only chose four flavors for popsicles. Two of the flavors are the best seller, cherry root beer and waterlemon fizz, and the other two flavors are seasonal products, which are coco passion and coco banana. The “coco” stands for coconut, both of these seasonal pop are made from coconut and mix with passion fruit and banana. There are also stickers sticking on the popsicles, written the flavor for each of them. Due to the brand “The Potong” is already famous, some of the customers purposely come to our stall just for the popsicles as they have already tried the popsicles and probably they love it very much. Cherry Root Beer, our best seller, successfully sold out on the first day. Packaging

Packaging is very important for a product, as it is an identity for the product. Besides, packaging can protect the products so that It wont be easily damaged. A nice packaging can attracts customers to purchase it. Lastly, a good packaging also makes it convenient for customers when carrying it. As our products are food, we need to make sure that our foods are clean. Because of that, the first thing that we have to consider is to have a good packaging for all the food. For the bread, all the breads were packed in plastic

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and are arranged orderly in the tray. Even when we walk around the campus to sell our products, we make sure that all the packaging are still in good condition (without damaged), so that the breads are still in good quality.

This is a sample of the packaging of Danish. All the packaging were written with the flavor of Danish containing, a sentence wishing customers “HAVE A NICE DAY” and the name of our stall “BREADPOP” using marker pen. Beside making our products more attractive and promoting our stall, the flavors written make us convenient when selling our products so that we don’t have to open the box to see whether which flavors of Danish containing. For popsicles and sodas, it came with original packaging which are clearly stated the brand and the flavor, so we don’t have to make any packaging for them.

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F. Pricing Pricing is the most important topic in running a business. Before we set our prices for the products, we have to understand that setting the prices too high, customers will not buy anything from us; while setting the prices too low, we will not gain much profit. The table below shows the quantity, cost, and the selling price of our products. Le Bread Days

Product Cost Selling Price Quantity (daily)

Bamboo Cranberry Cheese RM2.24 RM5.00 50 Chocolate Blacks Beans RM3.36 RM6.00 20 Pesto Pizza RM3.85 RM6.00 15 Sausage Danish RM2.73 RM6.00 18 Danish ( 3 in 1) RM6.02 RM15.00 10 Danish( 2 in 1) RM3.92 RM10.00 10

The Potong • Popsicles

Product Cost Selling Price Quantity

Cherry Root Beer RM3.30 RM6.00 75 Waterlemon Fizz RM3.30 RM6.00 75 Coco Banana RM3.30 RM6.00 50 Coco Passion RM3.30 RM6.00 50

• Tapping Tapir

Product Cost Selling Price Quantity

Apple & Vanilla RM4.00 RM10.00 20 Grapefruit & Chamomile RM4.00 RM10.00 20 Pear & Lemongrass RM4.00 RM10.00 20 Hibiscus & Lime RM4.00 RM10.00 20 Lengkuas & Lemonade RM4.00 RM10.00 20

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As what you can see in the table above, not every selling price of the product is twice of the cost. We focus on selling breads because the quantity of breads that we ordered every single day is constant, and we have to sell all of them everyday. The prices of the bread that we set are mostly RM6.00 so that it is easier for us to remember the price. The price of the Danish are more expensive because we only ordered 20 every single day and we found that mostly female will preferred it. Our cheapest bread is Bamboo Cranberry Cheese, which is also our best seller, selling at RM5.00. “The Potong” is a well-known brand and because of this, many customers come forward for popsicles. We set the price RM6.00 for the popsicles and although the popsicles are expensive, it is our fastest selling products. Especially Cherry Root Beer, it were being sold out at the first day. We gain popularity around the campus because of the popsicles. For Tapping Tapir, which are still consider as new products, it can be hardly seen in the market. So, we decided to set a higher price, RM10.00 as Publica selling the same products at RM12.00. At the first day, our breads are selling fast. But at the second and third day, it became slower. So, when the time is around evening, we will do a special offer to sell our breads, which is 2 for RM10. We had successfully hit the target on the third day of charity drive, which is RM2000, so we decided to lowered the price of our products and earned the minimum profit. On the third day, we sold all the breads at RM4.00, Danish( 3 in 1) at RM8.00, Danish( 2 in 1) at RM5.00 and Tapping Tapir for RM8.00 because we want to make sure that all our products can be sold out.

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G. Promotion Promotion is also one of the most important factors in selling a product. There are different ways to promote a product in different areas of media, for example hand-produced posters, flyers, emails, Twitter, Facebook, brochures, giving free samples of your products, sponsorship letter, telephone calls and face-to-face conversations. The techniques we used to promote our products are well-designed booth to attract customers, hand-produced menu and posters and also face to face conversations.

These are our poster stated the name of our stall, “BREADPOP” and some hand-made designed drawing the products we were selling. The design of the poster, which is white and yellow stripes indicate The Potong.

These are two posters which are also hand-produced written the Menu of our products and also the products that we strongly recommended. The posters are actually big in size so that the customers could able to see it from further distance and we pasted the poster in front of our stall to attract customers.

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. This is the overview of our stall. Besides, the strategy we used to promote our products is to mention and explain that we selling the products were actually raising fund for charity. We actually told customers that we will not earn any money as all the profit will be going to the organization that we chose, which is World Vision. For some customers who don’t understand much about World Vision, we will explain more to them, emphasizing that the main purpose is to help the children in South Africa. We also made a donation box with the logo of World Vision above it. While we walked around the campus to sell our products, we brought the donation box together with us.

These are four pieces of menu provided by The Potong. We laminated it , 2 of them are placed on the refrigerator so that customers can easily witness it and choose the flavor of popsicles they wanted. Another 2 pieces of menu are placed on a menu board. We hold the menu board and stand in front of our booth to show customers the products that we were selling. At the end, we concluded that the best strategy to promote our products is by face to face communication. Nothing works better than talking face to face to the customer, promoting our products and explaining the purpose for selling it.

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H. Sponsors

For our charity drive, we are required to search for sponsorship to help us to achieve the target. First, we discussed among the group members and searched for a few bakeries nearby to ask for sponsor ship. We was hoping to get sponsored products from the bakeries so that we do not need to restrain ourselves to pay for the products we are selling. We contacted all the bakeries we chose because they might be our suppliers but many of them rejected on the spot and some of them did not respond. We also approach our parents and friends because we know that they are financially generous, they usually sponsor us by cash.

Target Approach Method Response Amount (RM)

Mrs. Tay • Face to face Accepted 253.00

Mr. Bong • Face to face Rejected -

Le Bread Day Bakery

• Face to face • Phone Calls

Rejected -

The Potong • Emails • Phone Calls

Rejected -

Free Mori Bakery • Email • Phone Calls

Rejected -

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I. Distribution

The products that we were selling during the charity drive were from these two suppliers.

1. Le Bread Days (SS2)

• Supply us three types of bread and three types of danish. • Contact number : 03-7932 0868

2. The Potong

• Supply us four flavours of popsicles and 5 different flavours of sodas • Email: [email protected]

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Jerry, our group leader is the one who contacted them for all the details and transations. For the bread, we got them from Le Bread Days in SS2, Petaling Jaya. We went there daily to get the fresh pastries by Sharon or Jack’s car as none of our member has a car. The popsicles and sodas are delivered directly to our campus by the supplier, The Potong on the first day of charity drive, they even rent us a freezer for free to store the popsicles and in the afternoon at day 5, they come over and collect back the freezer so that we would not need to worried about the transport. We delivered our products to customers using face to face service. We divided ourselves into groups, two members each, one group stays at the booth to take charge of every transactions at the booth and the other one will sell our products by walking around the campus with donation box along, we take turns. All the products we sold were ready stocks, in the morning, we will get our breads from the bakery daily and the full amount of popsicles and sodas had been sent on the first day of the charity drive. Our customers just need to stop by our booth to buy for our products.

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J. Green Measures To be involve in saving the mother earth, we reuse the cardboards that are abondoned in the architecture studios to make our menus and decorations for our booth. The maintained the original color of the cardboard, just write out our menus, and for the extras, we use it to stabilize the soft paper, so that it would not get crumpled easily. During the charity drive event, we didn’t delivered our products with any extra plastic bags because our bread already packed with plastic from bakery, so we just sell them with plastic wrapped and did not provide any extra plastic bags for the customer, it might be a bit inconvenient but they can store the products into heir own bag therefore there is no big issue. The popsicles are wrapped by paper, sodas are stored in glass bottles, all these materials are recyclable. We also provide boxes for customers to throw the wrappers in order for us to classify them into selected recycle bins. After the each day of selling, we will make sure that we clean the surroundings of our booth. We tidy up all the products and store them back into our box. We also reuse those box to store our extra stuff or rubbish. We only switch on the electricity for the freezer because we need to store our popsicles. The use of water is reduce to minimal, only for cleaning and drinking purpose.

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K. Human Resourse Planning Human resource management (HRM, or simply HR) is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of their employer's strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with how people are managed within organizations, focusing on policies and systems. Organisation structure of our group

Chong Yee Ching (Project Manager)

Angoline Boo (Accountant)

Eunice Chan (Sales Executive)

Tay Jia Jian (Marketing Executive)

Name Position Main Task

Jerry Chong Project Manager

• Organized • Passionate • Understand and goal-orientated and

leading our group to achieve the common goal

• Work well under pressure and are comfortable with change and complexity in dynamic environments

• Communicate with sponsor and supplier

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Angoline Boo Accountant

• Prepare, examine, and analyze accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards of charity drive.

• Communicate with the charity organization

Eunice Chan Sales Executive

• Selling our products by approching and communicate with the customers by walking around in campus.

Tay Jia Jian Marketing Executive

• To promote and distributing our products to our targeted customer by bringing the donation box and a box of our products such as buns by walking around the campus.

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L. Evaluation of Results In the end of the charity drive, we had achieved our goal, we had earn a net profit of RM1618.00 and RM382.00 as donation, which is RM2000.00 in total, the popsicles were selling unexpectedly good, which helps a lot in our charity drive. One of our loss is we actually broke a few bottles of sodas, since the sodas are in glass bottles, they are really fragile that we need to take good care of. Another loss that we faced are the customers that say that they will return after their meal for our desserts, however the did not.

Income Statement of Group 3 Charity Drive Event

Revenue Sales: The Potong Popsicles RM1500.00 Tapping Tapir Sodas RM450.00 Bread RM2773.30 RM4723.30 Less: Cost of goods sold The Potong Popsicles RM825.00 Tapping Tapir Sodas RM160.00 Bread RM1753.15 RM2738.15 Gross Profit RM1985.15 Add: Donation & Sponsorship RM381.85 Adjusted Gross Profit RM2367.00 Less: Operating Expenses Typhoid Vaccination Injection RM367.00 Total Operating Expenses RM367.00 Net Profit RM2000.00

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For this assignment, our group did right for choosing the popsicles to be our product because it has a high demand in our campus, people opt to choose for something special and something they can never get in the campus. We did it right to try our products out before we start this charity drive because in among our members, we will be able vote out which is the best flavors for every product, then we can describe to our customers, which one is the highly recommended flavors. We also did some studies on the products of their ingredients so that we can let the customers feel that we are trustable because we can sucessfully answer his or her questions. We did wrong for getting breads from the supplier at 10A.M. daily because many students who have early classes, most of them did not get anything for breakfast then straight away go to class, we should grab this chance and sell our breads. But since the supplier could not make it too early, we can only sell the breads from 10:30A.M. onwards, therefore we lost a batch of potential customers. If we can repeat the event one more time, we would like to ask for more donation because this time, we focused a lot on walking around selling out our breads but when the people rejected, we quickly feel dissapointed then walk away without asking for any donation, we only did them starting on the second day, which people are starting to be annoyed because of all the charity donation stuff.

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M. Appendix

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