Taman Negara

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The tropical rainforests in Malaysia were blessed with a location far from the ravages of the earth’s ice ages that they developed much earlier than the other equatorial rainforests in Africa and South America

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Taman Negara

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National Parks

• The tropical rainforests in Malaysia were blessed with a location far from the ravages of the earth’s ice ages that they developed much earlier than the other equatorial rainforests in Africa and South America

• When the earth became drier, the rainforests of Southeast Asia, sheltered by the Himalayan Massif, remained moist

National Parks

• This was followed by the ice ages when sea levels fell dramatically, forming lad bridges between mainland and island Southeast Asia, allowing plant and animal migration

• As the climate began to warm, this vast genetic storehouse burst forth with the profusion of species that exists today

National Parks

• Malaysia is highly fortunate to be endowed with rainforests that are indisputably the oldest in the world and its nature heritage

• Come witness its awesome beauty found amidst its dramatic landscape and experience nature at its best here, wild and pristine

Taman Negara

• Malaysia’s premier park sits astride three states in the peninsula, namely Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu

• Largest national park in Malaysia at 4,343 sq km

• It was declared a conservation area in 1939 for the sole purpose of protecting and preserving the unique indigenous flora and fauna

Taman Negara

• Initially called King George V National Park to commemorate the silver jubilee of the British monarch, it was renamed Taman Negara on Malaya’s independence in 1957

• Taman Negara, in the Malays language, literally translates as national park

Objectives of Jabatan Perhilitan• To protect and conserve the flora and fauna• To maintain the tropical rainforest ecosystem• To propagate species of flora and fauna• To manage Taman Negara as a sustainable

recreational area• To conserve all objects and places of historical,

aesthetic or scientific interest• To provide a natural lab for research on species

and habitat found in the tropical rainforest for management purposes

The Four Access Points

• There are four easily accessible entryways, roughly one for each direction of the compass:

• South – Kuala Tahan in Pahang• West - Merapoh, Sugai Relau in Pahang• North – Kuala Koh in Kelantan• East – Tanjung Mentong, Tasik Kenyir in



• Plant life in Taman Negara proliferated over the past 20,000 years

• It is not a carbon copy of previous epochs, but a stage in the evolution of a tropical rainforest

• The park itself spans a variety of environmental zones


• These lowland forests are also rich in epiphytes, liana and composed of evergreens

• A single tree family predominated in these forests – the family of Dipterocarpaceae, with Malaysia being home to almost 400 of the world’s 550 species


• A single hectare plot in these forests may hold over 100 species of tree including buttressed tualang (Koompassia excelsa) among the tallest species in the world

• The height of the forest canopy reduces as you reach higher elevations where oaks (Fagaceae spp), laurels and conifers (Dacrydium spp and Agahis spp) predominate


• The upper mountain is mainly shrub cover and the cloud forest begins at about 1600 meter

• Plants take their moisture directly from the moist air

• At this level, the epiphytic orchids and ferns give way to lichens and mosses, which cover live trees, fallen logs and even the ground


• Large mammal species are found at elevations up to 500 meter above sea level

• The largest are the elephants• The rare Malayan gaur or seladang, a native

wild cattle• Three species of deer, the sambar, barking

and mouse deer are also found


• The tapir, Malayan sun bear (the only bear species in the Southeast Asia) and wild boar also exist within the park

• The tigers and Sumatran rhinoceros • Other wild cats such as the Black Panther,

Clouded Leopard and the Flat Headed Cat are also found within the park


• The white headed gibbon• Long-tailed macaques tend to inhabit the

riverbanks while leaf monkeys and siamang prefer the upper canopy from where their loud calls can be heard


• The insect life is also spectacular • Stag beetles, rhinoceros beetles and many

species of butterfly and moth• Beautiful and colorful centipedes and

millipedes are found manly on the forest floor

Attractions and Activities

• Rivers and Waterfalls• Fishing and Angling• Bird Watching• Spelunking or Caving• Jungles Trekking• Canopy Walkway• Observation Hides• Mountain Climbing

Rivers and Waterfalls

• Shooting the rapids is a must for all thrill seekers

• White water rafting sites include upstream Sungai Tembeling from Kuala Tahan

• Alternatively go for traditional bamboo rafting from Kuala Pertang to Kuala Koh

Rivers and Waterfalls

• Kayaking can also be done• Swimming at all entryways is safe at

designated spots • Picnic trips to gushing waterfalls such as Lata

Berkoh upstream from Kuala Tahan

Fishing and Angling

• A true angler’s paradise, the park’s rivers sport popular species such as kelisa (arowana), toman (snakehead), sebarau and prized kelab (Malayan mahseer)

• Many of the local species are large and aggressive, providing a great challenge for fishing enthusiasts

• Note that some areas have forbidden zones where fish sanctuaries are located

Bird Watching

• With about 350 species of birds in the whole park

• The most commonly seen are the hornbills, eagles and kingfishers

• The fairly commonly seen are masked fin foot, drangos, broadbills and blue throated bee-eaters

Spelunking or Caving

• Gua is the word for cave in Malay, and most have spectacular rock formations and a great variety of flora and fauna to be discovered

• Some caves even have valuable prehistoric finds, and many caves are still subject to archaeological study

• Take part in this speleological discovery

Jungles Trekking

• Nothing beats a closer look at all the different species of flora that can be found in this jungle paradise, and perhaps some big fauna here and there

Canopy Walkway

• One destination for your trekking would be the park’s canopy walkways to get a bird’s eye view of the world’s oldest rainforest

• These have been built at Kuala Tahan and also Kuala Koh

• Kuala Tahan’s canopy walkway is at almost 05 kilometer in length and should not be missed

Observation Hides

• Tropical fauna, even large predators, are by nature fairly shy and prefer to be hidden

• This is why various bum bun or jungle hides have been built near wildlife frequented salt licks

• These are simple high sheds with basic amenities such as a toilet and a place to sleep, from where you can wait overnight for animals

Mountain Climbing

• The park hosts Gunung Tahan, which at 2,187 meter

• The challenging summit can be reached by trekking, river fording and climbing over 3 to 8 days

• Another popular park’s for climbs is Gunung Gagau at 1,376 meter

Park Rules and Regulations

• Do not destroy or remove any plant or animal• Take only pictures leave only footprints• Do not litter • Dispose of rubbish properly or take it with you • Minimize the amount of disposable material

you take• Do not bring pets

Park Rules and Regulations

• Respect the silence of nature • Do not bring radios or music playing devices

that may disturb others or the wildlife• Be careful with inflammable materials • Make sure all fires are extinguished • Do not smoke if you can avoid it


• If you are going for those close to the resort you do not need a guide

• Trekking alone is not advisable • Having a guide is best to help you uncover the

secrets of the forest, especially for night trekking to see nocturnal jungles life


• (n.d.). Retrieved Octobr 10, 2009, from http://www.tamannegara.org/

• (n.d.). Retrieved Octobr 10, 2009, from http://www.taman-negara-nks.com/
