Southeast Asia Global PRO

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From 900 to 1200 A.D., Southeast Asian countries built their culture, ideas, and society based on those of China and India. Because of Southeast Asia’s geography, the unity of certain areas was arduous for local lords. Even with rise and fall of these nations, the influence of these two superpowers’ would remain strong and durable.

Kingdoms of Southeast AsiaKingdoms of Southeast Asia


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The island of Indonesia is most known today for the horrific tsunami that ravaged the island in recent years. However ancient Indonesia and the islands surrounding it were most known to be places thriving under the influence of ancient India. India brought their language, religion, and culture to Indonesia, which continues to be apparent in present times. Around 800 A.D., during the rule of the Saliendra kings, one of the world’s greatest architectural monuments was built. It was the Buddhist Temple at Borobudur, which had obvious Indian influence. The temple had nine terraced levels, built in the style of Indian step pyramids.



Indonesia (continued)

The religion of Buddhism thrived in Indonesia as a result of the strong Indian influence. When the Saliendra Dynasty eventually fell to the powerful Srivijaya Empire, Buddhism continued to thrive. Srivijaya became a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists and scholars alike, as a stronghold of Vajrayana Buddhism. One Chinese monk, Yijing, reported that Srivijaya was home to more than a thousand Buddhist scholars. Hinduism was also spread by Indian missonaries throughout Indonesia and it is still considered one Indoensia’s major religions today.



• As was the case with many Southeastern Asian countries under Indian influence, Indonesian poets wrote flowing, elegant poems in Sanskrit, India’s ancient language. Evidence of India’s influence on Indonesia can even be found in the name of the ancient empire that once ruled over it. In Sanskrit, sri means “shining” and viajaya means “vicotory.”

• Srivijaya was not only soley influenced by India. Through trade with China it was also able to amass great wealth, as well as gaining some Chinese culture


Myanmar (Burma)• this country is bordered by China on the North and Thailand on the South• this country's diverse population has played a huge role in defining its

politics, government, and history during its modern times• Burma was originally called Myanmar• Burma is the largest country geographically in Southeast Asia• The country's culture was heavily influenced by neighbors who studies the

religion of Buddhism• A diverse range of indigenous cultures exist in Burma, the majority culture is

primarily Buddhist and Bamar. Bamar culture has been influenced by the cultures of neighboring countries. This is manifested in its language, cuisine, music, dance and theatre. The arts, particularly literature, have historically been influenced by the local form of Theravada Buddhism.


Khmer Empire (Cambodia)• The area that is present-day Cambodia came under Khmer rule

about 600, when the region was at the center of a vast empire that stretched over most of Southeast Asia.

• Under the Khmers, who were Hindus, a magnificent temple complex was constructed at Angkor. Buddhism was introduced in the 12th century during the rule of Jayavaram VII.

• the kingdom, then known as Kambuja, fell into decline after Jayavaram's reign and was nearly annihilated by Thai and Vietnamese invaders.

• Its power steadily diminished until 1863, when France colonized the region, joining Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam into a single protectorate known as French Indochina.

• Multiparty liberal democracy under a constitutional monarchy.



• Korea was under Chinese rule from 108 B.C. during the Han Dynasty up until the mid- 600’s. This period of about 700 years lead to a great influence of China on Korea like with other southeast Asian countries.

• Through much contact with Chinese culture, Korea embraced new ideas such as centralized government, Confucianism, Buddhism, and writing.

• Korea retained Chinese culture even after they gained their independence. They produced Buddhist monasteries, stone and bronze sculptures, and developed a writing system using Chinese characters

• Like the Japanese, the Koreans adapted Chinese culture to fit their own needs.



• Thailand was influenced by the different countries of southeast Asia, such as Cambodia , while Chinese and Indian ideas spread through the area. This is unlike Korea which was directly influenced by china.

• Thailand was mostly influenced by Buddhism. Art was based on images of Buddha which was also reflected in Thai poetry and other literature.

• Buddhism was also connected with government. Thailand inherited the tradition of Buddhist kingship from southeast Asia. In this way, the government was protective of Buddhism and supported Buddhist institutions.



Unlike most of Southeastern Asia, there was very little Indian influence on Vietnam. The northern part of the small island was easily dominated by large China in 100 B.C. and remained under Chinese control for 1,000 years. After breaking away from China in 900 A.D. Vietnam worked to develop its own distinctive culture. However, Chinese influence is still clear today, especially in the area of religion. The rise of Buddhism in Vietnam was a direct result of Chinese rule and impact. In Vietnam’s later history, rulers would use Confucian philosophy to rule during unruly periods and would introduce Chinese administrative reforms and traditions. Chinese language also came to be introduced as the official language of Vietnam.


Vietnam (continued)

Chinese art, architecture, and music also greatly influenced that of the Vietnamese. Although the Vietnamese fought fiercely to be independent, much of their culture is still very similar to China’s. Vietnam even came to be an expanding empire, just as China had always been. The Vietnamese expanded from their capitol in Hanoi, conquering neighboring people. Meanwhile they also battled the Mongols, who tried to conquer there capitol city three times, all of which ended in victory for the Vietnam. Even today, Chinese culture is apparent in the sculptures, buildings, and religion of Vietnam, although the country has developed its own unique culture.


Whether it is the culture of Korea, Vietnam, or Cambodia, most Southeast Asian ways of life can be traced back to the ideas of China and India. Countries would prosper and collapse, but if foreign opinions in politics, religion, and civilization never reached Southeast Asia, their society as a whole would be very far behind



Group Members: Ryan Kieran, Margaret Saunders, Geena Quintos, and Mariama Gueye

Citations: - 34k - 24k.com (picture of ancient Indonesian art) (ancient Vietnamese architecture)

Kingdoms of Southeast AsiaKingdoms of Southeast Asia


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