Hamadan, streets life

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In the modern Hamadan that is built on the plans prepared by the German architect Karl Fritsch, nothing is left to be seen of ancient Ecbatana of the Medes' capital before they formed a union with the Persians.YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/michaelasanda-1132594-hamadan-streets-life/

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Hamadan has a green mountainous area in the foothills of the 3574-meter Alvand Mountain, and the city is 1850 meters above sea level. The special nature of this old city and its historic sites attract tourists during the summer to this city, located approximately 360 km southwest of Tehran.

Aflat la o distanţă de 360 km de Teheran, oraşul situat la poalele Muntelui Alavand (3574m) se află la o altitudine de 1850m. Clima blândă şi deosebit de plăcută a acestui oraş istoric atrage vizitatorii mai ales în timpul verii.

Hamadan (estimated population of 500.000) is the capital city of Hamadan Province. It is believed to be among the oldest Iranian cities and one of the oldest in the world.

Hamadan (500.000 de locuitori) este capitala provinciei cu acelaşi nume şi este una dintre cele mai vechi aşezări urbane locuite continuu din Iran şi chiar din lume.

16th century map of Hamadan

According to an inscription from the first Assyrian king, Hamadan's construction is dated at 1100 BC, but some historians believe it dates back to 3000 BC.Hamadan was established by the Medes and was the capital of the Median empire.It then became one of several capital cities of the Achaemenid Dynasty.

Conform unei inscripţii din timpul primului rege Asirian, întemeierea Hamadanului ar fi avut loc în anul 1100 î.Hr. dar unii istorici o consideră pe la 3000 î.Hr.Hamadan a fost construit de mezi şi a fost capitala Imperiului lor (Ecbatana). Oraşul a devenit apoi una dintre capitalele dinastiei Ahemenide.

In the modern Hamadan that is built on the plans prepared by the German architect Karl Fritsch, nothing is left to be seen of ancient Ecbatana of the Medes' capital before they formed a union with the Persians. It was the residence of Achaemenian Kings, and the summer resort of the Parthian and Sassanian dynasties due to its strategic vicinity to Ctesiphon.

În Hamadanul modern, construit după planurile arhitectului german Karl Fritsch, nimic nu mai aminteşte de antica Ecbatana, capitala mezilor înainte de a se uni cu perşii. Ecbatana a fost oraşul de scaun al regilor Ahemenizi şi reşedinţă de vară în timpul dinastiilor partă şi sasanidă, datorită poziţiei strategice în apropierea oraşului Ctesifon (Ctesiphon).

In public buses women have their own area in the back, where men are not welcome, and there are dedicated women taxis with women drivers

Persimmon "the fruit of the gods" (Diospyros kaki) khormaloo

Buali Hotel

Buali Hotel

Sound: Zohreh Jooya - Bon Voyage


Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanuwww.slideshare.net/michaelasanda
